June 2014 Newsletter

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Mountain View Market Co-op & Kitchen 1300 El Paseo Road – Las Cruces, NM 88001 Open everyday from 8 AM – 9 PM Phone: (575) 523-0436 Fax: (575) 541-0814 Email: mountainviewmarketcoop@gmail.com Mountain View Market Kitchen Downtown 120 S. Water Street – Las Cruces, NM 88005 Monday – Friday: 8 AM – 5 PM Saturday: 8 AM – 2 PM Phone: (575) 556-9856 Email: mountainviewkitchen@gmail.com MVM Farm 2653 Snow Road - Mesilla, NM Volunteer Days Wednesdays & Saturdays: 8:30 - 11:30 AM Email: ocleyf@yahoo.com Mission Statement “The Organ Mountain Cooperative promotes good food, good company, and good health for all.” Staff Mission Statement “We are diverse in our backgrounds, but united in our goal to serve and empower local and global communities and increase the quality of life for all.” The Co-operative Principles 1. Voluntary and Open Membership 2. Democratic Member Control 3. Members’ Economic Participation 4. Autonomy and Independence 5. Education, Training, and Information 6. Cooperation among Cooperatives 7. Concern for Community Board of Directors Shahid Mustafa, General Manager Theresa Westbrock Paul Heiberger, President Mark Uchanski Claudia Piper, Vice President Caitlin Karrenberg Carolyn Gressitt, Secretary Randy Harris Stella Field, Treasurer Karen George Our monthly Board meetings are held in the MVM Administrative Offices (just south of the main store), starting at 6 pm on the fourth Wednesday of the month. The first portion of each meeting is reserved for a Member Forum, and we welcome visits from our fellow Members to hear your concerns! [MVMBoard@mountainviewmarket.coop]

News near the Kitchen! In May, our Eat Smart Live Well Wellness and Cooking classes focused on the topic of energy. Just in case you missed out, we wanted to include an easy recipe to help you boost and maintain your energy during these hot summer months. Energy Nuggets Recipe Ingredients: 1-1/2 cups Dates, pitted 1/2 cup Apricots, dried 1/2 cup Cocoa powder 1/2 cup Shredded coconut 1/4 cup Flax meal 1/2 cup Almonds, raw or toasted 2-3 T Coconut oil Pinch of salt Directions: Blend dates, apricots and almonds in a food processor until broken into tiny pieces. Add 2T coconut oil and the rest of the ingredients. Blend again until the mix is a tacky but smooth consistency. You want to be able to roll the mixture into small balls between your hands. It shouldn’t leave a puddle of oil, but it needs to be moist enough to not fall apart. If it is too dry, add more coconut oil a teaspoon at a time. If it is too moist, add more flax meal. Roll the dough into small balls, about 1 inch in diameter, and cover and chill for 4 or more hours. June’s Eat Smart Live Well classes will focus on the easy and delicious ways to stay cool and hydrated this summer. Our informative Wellness class is on Thursday, June 19th, and our applied Cooking class is on Thursday, June 26th. Classes are free for members and $3 for non-members. We hope to see you there!


Down on the Farm

By Nicole Fuchs, Farm Administrator

On May 10, 2014, MVM Farm held the first annual Turnip Trot 5k! We were pleased by the turnout and support of our community members. All the runners who turned out for the race arrived motivated and excited to run. Congrats to those who were top finishers! The success of our first Turnip Trot 5k brings a smile to our face, but our smile becomes bigger when we think about all the businesses and volunteers that made the event a hit! MVM Farm would like to express our gratitude to the following: Run Culture, R2 Contractors Specialty, Michael W. Lilley, Las Cruces Running Club, Main Street Bistro, Outdoor Adventures, Town of Old Mesilla (Irene Parra), Mesilla Elementary, MVM Farm Board of Directors, Karim Martinez, NMSU Extension, Marissa Coronado, Abigail Rotholz, Benny Schmitt, Sasha Richardson, and Mo Valko. And again, a special thank you to all the runners!

MountainViewMarketFarm MVMFarm

6th Annual Solar Cook-Off and Summer Solstice Celebration!

It just gets better every year! The earth has completed its 365 day journey around the sun since our last summer solstice. Mountain View Market Co-op proudly continues the tradition and sponsors the original, the biggest, and the best: The Annual Southwest Solar Cook-Off. This is our 6th year of fun, food, solar cooking contests, prizes, music, vendors, and more. Bring your homemade or store bought solar oven and cook up your favorite recipe - then enter the cook-off contest for a chance to win prizes! Anyone not entering the cook-off can sign up to be a judge. There will be solar powered smoothies sponsored by Positive Energy Solar, solar telescopes, kid’s crafts, and more fun in the sun! It’s a great time for all ages. This day is way too much fun to miss! Put it on your calendar: Sunday, June 22nd, 2014 10:00 am to 2:00 pm Mountain View Market Co-op parking lot The categories for judged entries are: Meat Entrees, Vegetarian Entrees, Breads, Desserts (All eligible entries must be entirely solar cooked on site) Past winners have included Peach Pie and Chicken Teriyaki with Dumplings and Veggies. The most innovative homemade solar device made funnel cakes! For more information about this event, please email or call Jennifer: outreach@mountainviewmarket.coop or 575.523.0436

BODy + Soul

By Paul Heiberger, Board President During the Annual Member Meeting in April and for the month afterwards, Members had the opportunity to vote on the three Board of Directors seats open this year. A quick reminder that the Board of Directors serves as the democratically selected leadership of the Co-op and is composed of 9 members who are voted into staggered three-year terms. As was the case last year, the Co-op was again fortunate to have more interest in serving on the Board than available positions. After tallying all of the votes, Theresa Westbrock, Mark Uchanski, and Claudia Piper had the most votes and were elected to new terms on the Board, which officially begins at the June meeting. For Theresa and Mark this will be their first terms on the Board. Claudia will begin her second of two possible three-year terms. Congratulations to Theresa, Mark and Claudia! Thank you as well to Doug DesGeorges, Danielle Lapiano, and Siddeeq Shabazz who ran for Board positions but were not selected by the members to serve. I, along with the rest of the Board, appreciate their interest in and their time spent running for the Board. As a Co-op, we are very lucky to have many committed and qualified members that want to serve on the Board. This is not the case at many other co-ops, nor has it been even the case at Mountain View Market until recent years. Having several qualified candidates in the wings is a great resource both for future elections as well as being available to fill gaps on the Board if someone leaves before their term is complete. To make room for the new board members, others are departing after serving their terms. We on the Board all have a very deep appreciation to Hollis Train and Lori Kae Schwab-Uchanski for their

service. A very special thanks to Lori Kae who hasserved on the Board for nearly seven years – initially as the staff Board member and later serving as the chair of Board. Lori’s knowledge, experience, and strong commitment to the Co-op will be missed on the Board. The new members have some very large shoes to fill, but we have every confidence that they’re up to the task. You’ll find the complete listing of the 2014-2015 Board members posted on the bulletin board near the sliding doors shortly (if it hasn’t already been posted by the time you read this). The best way to reach the Board is through our shared email address at MVMBoard@ mountainviewmarket.coop. On the bulletin board you’ll also find the date of the Board’s next meeting (normally the fourth Wednesday of each month). Do not hesitate to contact the Board or to join us at any of our upcoming meetings. One final note: While only a small set of the membership participated in the elections by running for a Board seat or voting, these are not the only chances that Members have to participate in the Co-op. This is most especially true now that there is the on-going member loan campaign. I hope that you’ll take advantage of the many ways that you can participate in your Co-op whether that is spending time at the farm, taking (or teaching!) a class, attending Board meetings, or, quite literally, investing with the Co-op in the member loan campaign. My thanks again to all of the members who voted in this past election - I, along with the rest of the Board, look forward to a particularly exciting year as the remodel of the store comes together! Raw Milk Coming Soon! We’re excited to announce that we’ll begin carrying DeSmet Dairy raw milk in June! Located in Bosque Farms, New Mexico, their cows are free grazing and grass fed all year. They are free of hormones, antibiotics, and GMOs. DeSmet Dairy raw milk is not pasteurized or homogenized and is left in its most natural form. Fresh, local, awesome! Find someone in our Fresh Department for more details!

June Events @ MVM CO+OP All events are free, open to the public, and located in the MVM Co-op Community Room unless noted otherwise.Want to host an event in the Co-op Community Room? Just contact Jennifer at outreach@mountainviewmarket.coop or call (575)523-0436.

Member Investment Informational Meetings in May Tuesday, June 3 at 6-7pm Saturday, June 14 at 10-11am Tuesday, June 17 at 12-1pm Wednesday, June 25 at 5-6pm Our Member Loan Informational Meetings will take place in the Co-op Community Room. Investment Packets are available for pick up at the Courtesy Desk or for download from our website. Members of the Board of Directors will be available at this meeting to answer questions about this investment opportunity for current Co-op members, accept investment payments, and sign Promissory Notes. Additional Informational Meetings are scheduled in June. Download an Investment Packet here: http://mountainviewmarket.coop/content/member-investment-initiative [INFO: mo.valko@mountainviewmarket.coop] Wednesdays, Thursdays, & Fridays in June – 8 am to 1 pm The Sidewalk Nursery: Robledo Vista Nursery specializes in low water use native and adapted plants, as well as select fruit trees, herbs, and vegetables. Visit RobledoVista.com for current availability and call ahead if you would like to purchase a specific plant. Please note that days and hours are subject to weather conditions. The Sidewalk Nursery is located in front of Mountain View Market. Call Jimmy for more info. [INFO: 915.203.4385] Wednesdays & Saturdays in June – 8:30 to 11:30 am MVM Farm Volunteer Days: Interested in organic farming and local food production? Want to find out more about composting, vermiculture, aquaponics, laying hens, and crop planning for our region? Come and volunteer at the MVM Farm located at 2653 Snow Road in Mesilla. Contact the Co-op for details and directions. [INFO: 575.523.0436, www.mountainviewmarket.coop, or ocleyf@ yahoo.com] Wednesdays & Fridays in June – 12 to 1 pm Lunchtime Yoga: Calling everyone, beginners or experienced alike, who would like to make the most of their lunch hour with a tailored and exclusive 45 minute yoga class, followed by a lunch from the MVM Downtown Kitchen. $12 cash or check for yoga and express lunch from Mountain View Market Kitchen. No pre-registration necessary: Just show up to Downtown Desert Yoga (303 S. Alameda Blvd), fill out your lunch order, and your lunch will be ready for pickup at the Downtown Kitchen after your yoga class. [YOGA INFO: 575.647.9642 or www.downtowndesertyoga.com] [MVM KITCHEN INFO: 575.556.9856 or www.mountainviewmarket.coop]

Tuesday, June 3rd – 6 to 7:30 pm Trap, Neuter & Return: Feral Cat Care: Join nationally recognized expert on feral cat care, Joe Miele, who will explain some simple things we can do to make the feral cat population more comfortable, and learn how to humanely reduce the population by preventing new litters. The class typically occurs every first Tuesday of the month. [INFO: 575.523.0436] Saturday, June 7th - 9 to 11 am Organic and Homemade Pest Control Workshop: Pests are constantly bugging the grower. Learn how to deter pests and disease in your garden or farm naturally. This workshop will cover pest identification, preventative measures, and what to do when you’ve got a real problem. You’ll learn the surprisingly easy and cheap ways to combat pests, all without harmful synthetic pesticides that can pose more threats to your family and the environment. The workshop will be held at the MVM Farm in Mesilla (2653 Snow Road). Cost is $15 for members/ $20 for nonmembers and space is limited. You must register online, over the phone, or in-store before attending the workshop at the farm. [INFO: 575.523.0436, www.mountainviewmarket.coop, or outreach@mountainviewmarket.coop]

June Events Continued... Saturday, June 7th – 12 to 1 pm DIY Smoothies: In this do-it-yourself class, we’ll teach you how to go beyond your typical smoothie creation – incorporating vegetables (“green smoothies”), protein powders, and healthy additives (chia seeds, flax seeds, bee pollen, etc.). This class is free for members/$3 for non-members. Sign up in store, over the phone, or online. [INFO: 575.523.0436, www.mountainviewmarket.coop, or outreach@mountainviewmarket.coop] Thursday, June 19th – 5 to 6 pm Eat Smart Live Well – Hydration Wellness Class: Our Wellness department will lead a class detailing the ways you can stay cool and hydrated this summer. As the temperatures stay well into the 90’s, it is very important to stay hydrated, and it’s easier to do than you think. Classes are free for members and $3 for non-members. Sign up in-store, over the phone, or online. Don’t forget about the corresponding Cooking Class the following Thursday. [INFO: 575.523.0436, www.mountainviewmarket.coop, or outreach@mountainviewmarket.coop] Saturday, June 21st – 10 am to 12 pm Desert Baby-wearers: Learn about safe and comfortable baby-wearing, practice new methods, try different carriers and meet other baby-wearers at this monthly meeting. This monthly event meets every third Saturday. [INFO: 575.312.1974 or leslieh1206@yahoo.com] Sunday, June 22nd – 10 am to 2 pm 6th Annual Solar Cook-Off and Solstice Celebration: It just gets better every year! The earth has completed its 365 day journey around the sun since our last summer solstice. Mountain View Market Co-op proudly continues the tradition and sponsors the original, the biggest, and the best: The Annual Southwest Solar CookOff! This is our 6th year of fun, food, solar cooking contests, prizes, music, vendors, and more. Bring your homemade or store bought solar oven and cook up your favorite recipe – then enter the cook-off contest for a chance to win prizes! Anyone not entering the cook-off can sign up to be a judge. There will be solar powered smoothies sponsored by Positive Energy Solar, solar telescopes, kid’s crafts, and more fun in the sun! It’s a great time for all ages. Past winners have included Peach Pie and Chicken Teriyaki with Dumplings and Veggies. The most innovative homemade solar device made funnel cakes! [INFO: 575.523.0436, outreach@mountainviewmarket.coop, or www.mountainviewmarket.coop]

Thoughts, questions, comments? We want to hear from you, so please let us know how we're doing! Fill out a Customer Comment Card at the Courtesy Desk and drop it off in the Customer Comment box by the front door of the Co-op. If you leave your email or phone number, we’ll be able to respond to you!

Wednesday, June 25th – 6 to 9 pm MVM Board of Directors Meeting: The MVM Board of Directors Meetings are held in the MVM Administrative Offices (just south of the main store), usually from 5:30 to 8:30pm on the fourth Wednesday of the month. The first portion of the meeting is reserved for a Member Forum, and we welcome visits from our fellow Member/ Owners to hear your concerns! [INFO: 575-523-0436 or MVMBoard@mountainviewmarket.coop] Tuesday, June 24th – 5 to 6:30 pm Gluten-Free Desserts with Summer Fruits: Looking for new gluten-free dessert recipes? Abby and Valarie will be sharing their favorite recipes, sampling desserts, and discussing their experiences experimenting with gluten-free baking. They’ll touch on a few gluten-free vegan options as well. Recipes will include strawberry shortcake, cheesecake, tarts, cobbler, and more! This class is free and open to the public, and will take place in the Co-op Community Room. Sign up for this class over the phone, on our website, or at the Courtesy Desk. [INFO: 575.523.0436, www.mountainviewmarket.coop, or outreach@mountainviewmarket.coop] Thursday, June 26th – 5 to 6 pm Eat Smart Live Well – Hydration Cooking Class: Jennifer and Mo from our Outreach department will lead a cooking class featuring easy and delicious ways to keep cool and hydrated this summer. As the temperatures stay well into the 90’s, it is very important to stay hydrated, and it’s easier to do than you think. Don’t forget to attend the corresponding Wellness Class the Thursday prior. Classes are free for members and $3 for non-members, and will take place in the Co-op Community Room. Sign up in-store at the Courtesy Desk, over the phone, or online. [INFO: 575-523-0436, www.mountainviewmarket.coop, or outreach@mountainviewmarket.coop] Saturday, June 28th – 12 to 4 pm Wine and Cheese Pairings: Join us for another complimentary wine and cheese sampling event! We’ll pair our traditional and specialty cheeses with local wine from Amaro Winery. Our specialty cheese department features authentic parmigiano reggiano, aged gruyere and gouda, brie and triple-creams, fresh local goat cheese, a variety of olives, cured sausages, and more! Bottles of Amaro Wine will be available for purchase at this event. [INFO: 575.523.0436, www. mountainviewmarket.coop, or outreach@mountainviewmarket.coop] Saturday, July 5th – 9 to 11 am Homemade and Organic Fertilizer Workshop: Looking to fertilize your crops without the use of harmful synthetic chemicals? Come to this workshop to learn the many ways an organic grower can help their plants thrive. The workshop will be held at the MVM Farm in Mesilla (2653 Snow Road). Cost is $15 for members/ $20 for non-members and space is limited. You must register online, over the phone, or in-store before attending the workshop at the farm. [INFO: 575.523.0436, www.mountainviewmarket.coop, or outreach@mountainviewmarket.coop]

We Co-operate! These Local Businesses Offer Special Discounts to CO+OP Members! Just show your current Mountain View Market Co-op Membership card at the time of purchase. +Acupuncture Crossroads Community Acupuncture 312-6569 +American Sign Language Sandi Zielinski MA, LPC 202-4076 +Animal Care & Services Anthony Animal Clinic (915)886-4558 The Agile Animal 649-3193 +Art Galleries The Potteries 524-0538 +Auto Repair German Auto Repair 382-9705 +Bakery Let them Eat Cake 649-8965 +Chiropractor Chiwawa Chiropractic LLC 520-2318 Hawkins Chiropractic Care 520-6002 +Clothing & Textiles A Perfect Fit Clothing Alterations 523-2565 +Computer Services Advanced Computer Repair 523-2565 +DJ’s & Entertainment Hubbard Family DJs (617)733-3466 +Fitness Services Gold Medal Taekwondo 526-4429 Pi Pilates 526-0977 Tai Chi 382-8978 Tranquility Fitness Studio 571-8446 +Gardening & Landscaping Natura LLC 805-6559 Picacho Peak Trees 571-0195 +Health Products/Services Alpha Center for R&R 621-3195 A Next Step 382-8771 Be Nourished 650-6264 Beyond Envisioning LLC 571-1345 Delia Z. Gaskins 233-2534 From the Ground Up 523-2652 Full Circle Health Center 525-3700 Kari Hinojosa, Weight Management 525-1384, Radiant Lights Polarity Therapy 522-1199, Ruth Romo, Family Nurse Practitioner 525-3700 Tesoro Integrative Health Center 541-5660 Sound Healing Therapy 520-4477 Transformational Light Designs 233-1108 +Counseling/ Hypnotherapy Integrity Counseling 373-1163 Jane Grider 526-5620 Phoenix Transformational Services 382-2078 +Homeopathy Katherine Hannan 647-3744 Wendy Robin Weir 650-7543 +Jewelry Elkin Studio Jewelers 568-6828 Healing Crystal Jewelry 520-4477 Riffraff Jewelry (850)559-3476 +Massage Therapists Let It Go Massage Therapy 640-1591 Marie Mathewson, PhD 915-2155 Patricia Gray, Body Synergy 636-3456 Pecan Valley Massage, Sue Styer 647-4468 Vincent J. Ortega 642-3157 +Midwives All Natural Birth 636-4627 Heather Rische 743-0439 +Solar Power Consolidated Solar Technologies (505)792-6359 Positive Energy Solar 524-2030 Sunspot Solar Energy Systems 541-3533 +Tarot Reading Linda Marlena Carr 312-3040 +Self Defense Innovative Defense Strategies 405-4917 Las Cruces Self Defense 621-0230 +Yoga Downtown Desert Yoga 647-9642 Yin Yoga (805)559-3476 Please visit our website to view the co-op member discounts offered by these participating local businesses: http://mountainviewmarket.coop/content/we-co-operate

co·op·er·a·tion - noun

1.the process of working together to the same end.

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