Commencement 2015 | pg 04 Our largest graduating class filled the ACWC this spring as we honored the class of 2015! Flip to page four for a visual overview of the day!
The Good Life | pg 12 This year’s study of The Good Life certainly took the voyage to new places at the College and attracted a wider community audience too.
Bertschi Center & Tech Commons | pg 22 Students have flooded the Bertschi Center since we opened the doors in January. Check out this spread for a look into the Student Research Symposium and other events hosted in the new building!
Service at Mount Aloysius | pg 28 One of our four core values, service is held to a high standard at Mount Aloysius. Enjoy an overview of our service numbers and a look at some of our Mounties in action!
Summer 2015 Message from the President | 01 Editorial Board | 03 Mercy Spirit Award | 08 Conference for Mercy Higher Ed | 08 Middle States Accreditation | 09 AMCC Dean’s Cup | 10 Northern Ireland Basketball | 11 ASL Program Accreditation | 11 Photo Centerfold | 16 Dr. Whitlock & Sauropods | 18
Nature Trail and Outdoor Recreation | 19 New Endowments | 20 Arts for Healing | 24 Mountie Hero | 24 Baby Ben | 25 Nickel and Dimed | 25 In Memoriam | 26 New Faces | 27 MAC Class Notes | 30 Homecoming Alumni Weekend | 32
»»Dear Friend of Mount Aloysius College: At the Fall 2014 Mount Aloysius Convocation, I began my remarks by parsing the Greek word Eudemonia— which is most commonly interpreted as “happiness.” I noted that its root words are significant—“eu” for “good” and “daimon” for “spirit.” I also mentioned that 2,000 years ago when Aristotle, Epictetus and the Stoics began pursuing this notion of eudemonia they aligned it with Greek words for character (“ethike arete”) and argued that eudemonia signified not just “happiness” but the “highest human good.”
Having started with the Greeks at Convocation, we finished with some Latin at Commencement from Senior Federal Judge (and my former Yale Law School Dean) Guido Calabresi. Guido, an immigrant from Italy to this country at the age of seven (and an example of the good life himself), delivered a very personal address to our students, focusing on second chances to lead the good life—for which he received an immediate and prolonged standing ovation from the over 3,000 in attendance.
That brief lesson in Greek grammar is how we began what is now an annual Mount Aloysius exploration of a specific year-long theme. We spent last year focused on what is The Good Life and campus attempts at parsing that question involved curricular contributions, numerous extracurricular efforts (e.g., orientation skits and a musical interpretation of The Good Life by the decades) and a Speaker Series.
There are two other highlights that I hope will have meaning for you in this edition. First, there is some coverage of last year’s Mount Aloysius “trifecta.” The college received its full ten year accreditation on all fourteen Standards of Excellence from the Middle States Commission on Higher Education (MSCHE); the college was also accredited for another decade by the Conference for Mercy Higher Education (like the MSCHE, the CMHE team publicly commented on the remarkable commitment to mission that drives every initiative at the college); and the college received an A rating from Standard and Poor’s for its outstanding financial health, fiscal practices and stewardship. Any one of those achievements would have been enough for any single year. It is a credit to all of our team here at Mount Aloysius that we managed to climb all three of these mountains in one academic session.
For the past five years, the college’s annual themes have included: Civil Discourse, Citizenship, The Common Good, Hospitality (“Finding Home in a Changing World”) and most recently The Good Life. We studied each topic from multiple vantage points— in the classroom through required Connections courses, through extracurricular offerings (including theatrical productions, faculty roundtables and even dorm hall competitions—all focused on the theme), through our speaker series and other major public events at the college. We began our exploration of The Good Life with readings from Pope Francis, Thomas Jefferson and Colin Powell on their definitions of The Good Life. First year orientation included some hilarious skits that satirized the notion of The Good Life on a college campus. Father Bill Byron was in full stride at Convocation 2014 when he defined the good life as “one lived generously in the service of others” and offered biblical and other support for his argument. NYU Professor Dr. Larry Jackson gave us a philosopher’s overview of the good life in his Fall Honors Lecture entitled “Pursuits of Happiness: From Aristotle to America.” Sr. Sheila Carney gave us a Mercy perspective on the topic, using poetry and prose to describe the good lives of Catherine McAuley and Frances Warde. Trustee Ann Benzel offered a contemporary definition of the good life in her remarks at December Graduation and KPMG Leader Jerry Maginnis talked to our students about leading the good life even in the course of their everyday occupations. In our Spring Annual Moral Choices Lecture, Special Olympics CEO and author Dr. Timothy Shriver exhorted all of us to include “the other” in our society in our daily pursuit of the good life.
This edition of the alumni magazine gives you a glimpse of our annual pursuit of a single values-laced theme—in this case focusing on our year about The Good Life. I hope you enjoy the reflections herein.
One final reference to the contents of this magazine—at graduation we marked the passing of Professor of English Margaret “Maggy” Steinbeiser who gave 44 years of her life to teaching at Mount Aloysius. As I said in my note to our colleagues at the time of her passing: “Those of us who had the pleasure of her company over the years knew Maggy as an able wit, a good mentor and a fine teacher. She will be long remembered by the several thousand students who had the luxury of her lectures and by her many colleagues on the faculty/staff who had the pleasure of her ripostes.” It is not lost on any of us who celebrated Maggy’s tenure with an Honorary Degree at Graduation that we lost Maggy in the year that we began by parsing Eudemonia—the “highest human good.” All the best. And stay in touch,
Tom Foley
When the College closed early on a particularly snowy January afternoon, a few dozen Mounties bundled up and took to the McAuley Hall hill to test the weight limits of a few newly acquired sleds. 2  Mount Aloysius Magazine Summer 2015
Mount Aloysius Magazine Summer 2015 | Mount Aloysius College |
Board of Trustees Mark Barnhart Ann M. Benzel (Secretary) Paul Calandra Philip Devorris (Chair) Thomas P. Foley, J.D. (President) Sr. Mary Ellen Fuhrman, RSM R. Adele Kupchella T. Scott Lawhead Sr. Cynthia March Sr. Lisa Mary McCartney, RSM, Ph.D. Michael McLanahan (Vice Chair) William C. Polacek Daniel W. Rullo Edward J. Sheehan, Jr. Joseph S. Sheetz Sr. Sara Sweeney, RSM Derek A. Walker Anne Wilms Christine Wiseman, Ph.D. Vice President for Institutional Advancement Jennifer A. Dubuque Director of Communications/ Editor in Chief John A. Coyle
Assistant Director of Communications/ Creative Director Samuel Wagner Publications Coordinator Chelsea Wilson Contributing Writers John A. Coyle Jara Dorsey-Lash Jennifer A. Dubuque Thomas Fleming Thomas P. Foley, J.D. Anna Jacobeen Samuel Wagner Photography MAC Communications Department Sean Steffy Printer NPC For Inquiries: Mount Aloysius Magazine Director of Communications Mount Aloysius College 7373 Admiral Peary Highway Cresson, PA 16630-1999 Phone: (814) 886-6453 Email:
Non-Discrimination Statement: Mount Aloysius College strictly prohibits and does not tolerate unlawful discrimination against any person on the basis of age, ancestry, color, disability or handicap, national origin, race, religious creed, gender, sexual orientation, genetic information or veteran status in the administration of its admissions and employment practices, educational policies, financial aid, scholarship and loan programs, athletics or any other College administered program. Any person with limited language skills will be eligible for assistance in language skills from the College upon request. The College will provide such assistance to assure that any person with limited English language skills will not have language act as a barrier either to admission or to participation in programs of the College. Inquiries or requests for information regarding civil rights or grievance procedures, should be directed to the Vice President for Student Affairs, the College’s designated Title IX and Section 504 Coordinator, at the Office of Student Affairs, Cosgrave Center, 7373 Admiral Peary Highway, Cresson, PA 16630. Tel: (814) 886-6472. If you have questions or need information regarding specific accommodation(s), including physical access to campus facilities, please contact the Office of Student Affairs, Cosgrave Center, at the telephone number or address listed above. Any request(s) for accommodation should be made with as much advance notice as possible in order to provide sufficient time for the College to review and respond to your request in a timely manner. Philosophy of Mount Aloysius: As a Catholic College founded and sponsored by the Religious Sisters of Mercy, Mount Aloysius College provides a setting in which students are encouraged to synthesize faith with learning, to develop competence with compassion, to put talents and gifts at the service of others, and to begin to assume leadership in the world community. With emphasis on values of justice, hospitality, mercy, and service, the College’s liberal arts core curriculum provides the necessary basis for leadership and the knowledge and skills for success in a wide range of professions. Mount Aloysius is a Mercy College.
Summer 2015 Mount Aloysius Magazine 3
Commencement 2015
aturday, May 9th, was a ‘made-to-order’ gorgeous day for the 75th Commencement of Mount Aloysius College. The sun sparkled, but not too hot; low humidity, wall-to-wall smiles. The Athletic Convocation and Wellness Center was shining, looking its Commencement-best as was the rest of the 193-acre campus. If the 2014-2015 winter was tough, early spring 2015 was just the tonic the learning community at Mount Aloysius College needed. Cresson could well be known for some of the bluest skies in the world. And so began the great day. Flags and gonfalons snapped in the cool, gusty breezes and the mid-morning sun made it all very special. The beauty of the morning will not be forgotten. If there was a frown to be found it was deep in hiding. There were none evident at Mount Aloysius College on Saturday, May 9th.
4 Mount Aloysius Magazine Summer 2015
As the Mount Aloysius College Administration, Commencement principals and dignitaries processed up the western edge of the ACWC and rounded the corner of the building towards the Wellness Center entrance, they moved through a gauntlet of faculty—all dressed in academic regalia—who spontaneously erupted into applause. The sound momentarily drowned out the bagpiper. Within the building, inside the auxiliary gym, 486 graduates— the largest number in the history of the College—were poised for their entrance into the main arena. And inside that arena over 3,000 well-wishers—family and friends—were abuzz, anticipating the great moment when one journey ends for a loved one and another begins. Commencement speaker Judge Guido Calabresi’s remarks on The Good Life received statewide coverage on PCN. His remarks and other Commencement videos can be found at
Summer 2015 Mount Aloysius Magazine  5
Class of 2015 applaud their parents and supporters during Commencement exercises.
2015 NCAA Woman of the Year finalist Mackenzie Horne smiles wide while receiving her Bachelors Degree.
Dameon Turner receives his Bachelors Degree from President Tom Foley.
Class of 2015 makes its way into the ACWC.
Adam Pernelli and Lindsay Danella welcomed attendees to the 2015 Commencement with a mixture of mirth, music and magic.
Sr. Sarah Sweeney, RSM prepares to hood The Honorable Judge Guido Calabresi. Looking on is Edward Sheehan Jr.
»» Commencement 2015
Board members welcome The Honorable Judge Guido Calabresi. From left are: Chairman, Philip Devorris; Judge Calabresi; R. Adele Kupchella; Secretary, Ann M. Benzel; and Sr. Cynthia March, RSM. 6 Mount Aloysius Magazine Summer 2015
A happy Mountie grad greets his proud family outside the ACWC.
Board members welcome The Honorable Judge Guido Calabresi. From left are: Richard Rose; Sr. Sarah Sweeney, RSM; Judge Calabresi and Edward Sheehan, Jr.
Judge Calabresi and Sister BJ compare notes on 128 years in Higher education.
Judge Guido Calabresi offers time-tested recipe for The Good Life.
Infield graduation for Chris Nolan, Derrick Capiak, and Corey Dick —in mortar boards at center. The team was in a playoff game at the time of the Commencement ceremony.
Two Mounties stand proudly with their diplomas and “Commencement teddy bears.”
Laura Stahli delivers the Student Commencement Address to the Class of 2015.
Mardia Gibson offers a heartfelt Invocation to attendees of the 75th Annual Commencement.
The family of the late Professor Maggy Steinbeiser receive her Doctor of Humane Letters, honoris causa.
Mount Aloysius faculty applaud as mace bearer Sharon Kisel, Assistant Professor of Nursing processes into the 75th Commencement Exercises of Mount Aloysius College. The event marked the graduation of 486 students, the largest graduating class in the College’s history. Summer 2015 Mount Aloysius Magazine 7
»»Mount Aloysius Mercy Spirit Awardees Come from Different Paths Any college in the nation would be proud to mark these students among their number — Keith Lenhard, a 12-year U.S. Navy Veteran and father of two who just completed nursing school; Angelica Carrero, the law school-bound daughter of a 911 first-responder whose main interest is homeland security; Heather Mock, a working nurse who juggles raising two small children while her husband is on active deployment; and Morgan Brosnihan, a two-sport scholar-athlete with a near-perfect GPA who spent her last two Easter breaks helping orphans in Guyana. These four recipients of 2014-2015 Mount Aloysius College Mercy Spirit Awards best exemplify the College’s inclusive traditions and core values of mercy, service, hospitality and justice. The
four were selected by a cross section of Mount Aloysius faculty and staff for the annual Mercy Spirit Award recognition. The Mount Aloysius College Mercy Spirit awardees come to the College from very different backgrounds. Morgan Brosnihan, is a business administration grad from McHenry, MD; Angelica Ann Marie Carrero, is a pre-law grad from Bangor, PA; Keith Lenhard, is a nursing grad from Colver, PA; and Heather Mock, a mature student from Roaring Springs, PA, graduated from the College’s rigorous RN nursing program and is now studying for her Bachelor of Science in nursing online.
Standing, from left, are Mount Aloysius College Mercy Spirit Award winners for 2015: Angelica Carrero; Morgan Brosnihan; Heather Mock; and Keith Lenhard. At right, Mount Aloysius College President Tom Foley announced the four as recipients of the prestigious recognition.
»»Mount Aloysius “Wholeheartedly Applauded” by Conference for Mercy Higher Ed At the very heart of Mount Aloysius College lives the charism of the Religions Sisters of Mercy. One of only 16 US Mercy-affiliated colleges – the ratification of our adherence to the tenets of that pedigree are central to our raison d’être. We are gratified to have received ratification of our place as one of those 16 affiliated colleges for another 10 years. The Mission Peer Review Report concluded —“The institution was well
prepared, welcoming, transparent and enthusiastic about the process for the mission peer review. Throughout our visit and over the course of our conversations we observed a number of recurring themes: care and attention to a studentcentered and robust student development culture embedded in all aspects of the college operations; thoughtful academic programs and an engaging intellectual culture; well designed and intentional ‘wrap-around’ student services including
a tightly coupled relationship between a philosophy of holistic student success and campus ministry service; and a pervasively mission-centered institution of higher education that is built on a strong foundation of core values informed by a Catholic, Mercy mission. The campus is thriving with excitement and with a future-focused sense of success including a sustainable Mercy mission as the heart that pumps life into its purpose.”
Mount Aloysius Nursing Marks Golden Anniversary! Did you know that the Mount Aloysius College Nursing Division will celebrate 50 years of nursing education in 2015? By our count approximately 3,200 nurses have graduated from our program since 1965— the year Mount Aloysius began educating generations of nurses. Are you a Mount Aloysius nurse? If so we would very much like to hear from you. Drop us a line or send us your contact information and let us know about your career. If you are practicing, let us know what has changed clinically and what hasn’t. Are you part of a family of nurses—second, third or fourth generation? Is nursing in your DNA? Let us know that too.
In 1965 nursing and health care in America were very different. On July 30, 1965, President Johnson, with the help of former President Harry S Truman, signed the Social Security Amendments that established Medicare and Medicaid. The signing took place at the Truman Presidential Library in Independence, MO, and President Truman was presented with the first Medicare card. They promised the nation that they would “improve a wide range of health and medical services for Americans of all ages.” Indeed they did. Since that day, enormous changes have shaped and reshaped the social, economic, technological and ethical platforms upon which the United States cares for its people—young, old, rich and poor. To
reform the system, the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) was signed March 23, 2010. And so change in health care continues. Current Mount Aloysius nursing students are continuing the trend of excellence with over a 92 percent NCLEX pass rate for eight straight marking periods. We invite you to send us your stories and your thoughts and keep in touch with Nursing at Mount Aloysius College. Send your memories stories and photos to Jennifer Dubuque at:
»»Middle States Grants 10-Year Accreditation After a deep-diving, three-day visit to Mount Aloysius College in April, the Middle States Accreditation Visiting Team issued an extremely positive formal written report about their findings. The College’s Administrative Team received the draft report from the eight-person Middle States Site Review Team. During their visit they reviewed our Self Study, our 724-document Digital Library, and a trove of materials requested during their visit.
This initial Report confirmed their recommendation for full 10-year accreditation approval for Mount Aloysius College on all 14 Standards of Excellence to the Middle States Commission. Congratulations to one and all. Mount Aloysius College will continue on for our 17th decade! One Site Team visitor, who had no previous experience with the College,
described Mount Aloysius College as a “real diamond.” The College held a “Thank You Reception” for all 57 faculty and staff members involved in the accreditation process. President Foley presented formal Certificates of Appreciation to all 57 and special mementos to the six chapter authors, two digital-library directors, and three assessment gurus who spearheaded the College’s preparatory efforts for the Middle States Accreditation review.
Summer 2015 Mount Aloysius Magazine 9
Pope Francis’ 10 Tips for Finding Happiness in “The Good Life” 1.
Let everyone be themselves.
Give yourself tirelessly to others.
Walk softly.
Be available to your family.
Spend Sundays (or a day of rest) with family.
Work toward empowering young people.
Care for the environment.
Move past negative experiences.
Respect others’ opinions.
10. Actively strive for peace.
»» Mount Aloysius Student-Athletes Win AMCC Dean’s Cup Mount Aloysius College student-athletes have earned the highest academic honor awarded by the Allegheny Mountain Collegiate Conference (AMCC) for the 2014-2015 academic year, winning the Dean’s Cup, signifying first place in academics in its 10-team athletic conference. This is the second time (in the four years it has been given) that Mount coaches and student-athletes have brought home this signal honor. More than half of Mountie studentathletes—54.9 percent (most in the AMCC)—earned a place on the AMCC’s Academic AllConference Team. A total of 94 Mount Aloysius student-athletes were named to the Academic All-Conference team by achieving a GPA of 3.2 or higher during the 2014-2015 academic year. Of special significance— 57 of those 94 student-athletes earned Individual Peak Athletic Performance Awards given by the Conference. This achievement means that they earned a GPA of 3.5 or higher. The 31-member men’s baseball team brought home the highest single team GPA, a 3.4 for the
2014-2015 school year. The single largest grouping of Mountie student-athletes were also selected for induction to Chi Alpha Sigma, the National Collegiate Student-Athlete Honor Society. Mount Aloysius College President Tom Foley expressed the campus-wide pride that greeted the AMCC announcement. “Everyone enjoys winning on the field and on the court,” he said. “But we make clear to our players and to our coaches that we are— first and foremost— a learning community. Therefore, success in the classroom must underscore everything we do.” Above: Proudly displaying some of the year’s athletic achievements, including the vaunted AMCC 2014-2015 Dean’s Cup for Academic Excellence, from left are: Mount Aloysius College Director of Facilities and Head Baseball Coach Kevin Kime, Mount Aloysius President Tom Foley, Vice President for Student Affairs Dr. Jane Grassadonia, and Mountie Athletic Director Ryan Smith.
Class of 2015 Graduate? 10 Mount Aloysius Magazine Summer 2015
If you did not collect your graduation t-shirt, please contact the Office of Institutional Advancement at (814) 886-6396 or email: and we will make arrangements with you.
»» ASL Interpreter Program One of 12 Nationally Accredited The Mount Aloysius College American Sign Language/Interpreter program has been notified that it has earned accreditation by the Commission of Collegiate Interpreter Education (CCIE). CCIE is recognized nationally as the preeminent accrediting body created to assess professional sign language/interpreter programs at colleges and universities across the country. Mount Aloysius College’s American Sign Language/Interpreter bachelor’s program is one of only 12 nationally to have achieved this status, and is the only CCIE-accredited program in Pennsylvania and throughout the Mid-Atlantic Region.
reflected in the CCIE Accreditation. “Our sign language students really benefit from an attentive faculty who offer students one-on-one support throughout their education,” he said. “The students excel due to small classes, a high-tech interactive ASL lab, an active student-run club, and faculty-driven innovations that closely connect our students to members of the deaf communities throughout our portion of Pennsylvania. Everyone associated with Mount Aloysius College can be proud of this important recognition by The Commission of Collegiate Interpreter Education.”
Mount Aloysius College President Tom Foley congratulated the ASL/English Interpreter faculty whose excellence is
Kierstin Muroski, Assistant Professor of the American Sign Language/English Interpreting program at Mount Aloysius
College, remarked that the accreditation process was both rigorous and exacting. “Everyone associated with the Mount Aloysius College ASL/English Interpreter program is affirmed by our CCIE Accreditation. Our students are career-oriented and they understand the joy of mediating communication between two cultures— the hearing culture and the unique culture of the deaf,” she said. “Our program has a long history, and has built sturdy bridges between the College and the deaf communities of central and western Pennsylvania. We believe that those relationships and the learning infrastructure created by the College mark our program as an outstanding place for students to prepare for a great career as an American Sign Language interpreter.”
»» Mount Aloysius Hosts Belfast, Northern Ireland Basketball Team They came back! A small group of lady basketball players, mostly from Belfast, Northern Ireland, participated in the Mount Aloysius College Basketball Camp. The girls, ages 13 to 16, play for the Ulster Rockets—a composite team made up of players from five different Ulster basketball clubs. Their coach, Breda Dick, accompanied a larger group that visited Mount Aloysius College two years ago. At that time her Phoenix Basketball Club was marking its 10th anniversary with their trip to Mount Aloysius College. The Mount Aloysius College-Belfast connection began with President Tom Foley, who spent two years in Belfast during The Troubles, working for the Nobel Prize-winning Peace People. Foley was a law student on leave from his studies at Yale Law School at the time. “This is a great opportunity for these Ulster youngsters to come together outside of their neighborhoods back home,” said
President Tom Foley. “These eight young ladies come from different areas of Belfast and one comes from County Tyrone. This adventure will broaden their experience immensely, marking them as ambassadors of team-play and tolerance back home. While the week is all about basketball on the surface, we recognize that this is a lifechanging time for them and we are proud to host such an experience.” Coincidently, Coach Breda Dick played against Mount Aloysius College’s Jennifer Dubuque, a Dublin, Ireland native and a former NCAA Division I basketball player. Mrs. Dubuque serves as Vice President for Institutional Advancement at Mount Aloysius. Ms. Dubuque remembers Coach Breda as a fierce competitor. “The person we see today is nothing like the player on the court,” she
said. “Breda was aggressive, strategic and tough.” Bottom: Michele Foley, wife of Mount Aloysius College President Tom Foley, (standing third from left), treated the visitors from Belfast to homemade blueberry pancakes. Standing from left are Nicole McKeown, Eimhear Morris, Mrs. Foley, Coach Breda Dick, Chaperone Kathy McGrath, Louisa Donnelly, Chantelle Hutchinson, and Eireann Palmer. Front row, from left, are: Charley McGrath, Maeve Deery and Georgie McGrath.
Summer 2015 Mount Aloysius Magazine 11
2014/15 SPEAKER SERIES At center, The Honorable Guido Calabresi, Senior Judge of the Second US Circuit Court and former Dean of Yale Law School; clockwise from lower left, Reverend William J. Byron, SJ; President Tom Foley; Dr. Jane Grassadonia with student participants in The Good Life by the Decades; Dr. Tim Shriver, CEO of International Special Olympics; Sister Sheila Carney, RSM; NYU’s Dr. Larry Jackson; and Mount Aloysius Board of Trustees Secretary Ann Benzel.
12 Mount Aloysius Magazine Summer 2015
»»Since 2011 Mount Aloysius College has, as a community of learners, explored a campus-wide theme. These explorations have included: The University’s Role in Civil Discourse, Citizenship in the 21st Century – The Common Good, Hospitality — Finding Home in a Changing World, and The Good Life. Each yearlong treatment of these themes has become deeper— delving into sometimes esoteric and subtle parsings— and more comprehensive, moving further into the life of the College. This year’s study of The Good Life certainly took the voyage to new places at the College and attracted a wider community audience too. Mount Aloysius is fairly unique in the ranks of higher education institutions in that we choose a theme each
wrestled with all manner of lists related to the good life, top 10 lists of secrets to the good life compiled by everyone from Thomas Jefferson to Pope Francis, from The Wall Street Journal to Mahatma Gandhi. In her Mercy Week lecture, Sister Sheila Carney used poetry and prose to describe two lives well-lived—in Ireland, Catherine McAuley and in America, Frances Warde—two women who were prime examples of how to lead the good life. In his All College Liturgy remarks, Altoona-Johnstown Bishop, The Most Rev. Mark Bartchak, told us what the good life is not when he reminded us that we did not choose as our theme The Easy Life or The Fun Life. There’s nothing wrong with both of those things in moderation, but we chose The Good Life with all its inherent challenges. Introducing Fall Honors Lecturer Dr. Larry Jackson of NYU, Mount Aloysius President Tom Foley said, “At this time in our approach to the theme, it may be far easier to identify those things that aren’t the good life. In Gandhi’s Pathways to Peace, he cites what he calls seven social sins: wealth without work, pleasure without conscious, science without
psychology, finance, and health. The panel and their respective areas of discussion included: Sister Helen Marie Burns, Ph.D., RSM, former Vice President of Mission Integration–Spirituality; Donald Talbot, Ed.D., Associate Professor of English and Fine Arts–Arts and Culture; Mary Shuttlesworth, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Psychology–Psychology; Kimberly Asonevich, MBA, Chairperson of Business and Information Technology–Finance; and John Whitlock, Ph.D., Assistant Professor in the Science and Math Department–Health. The Panel discussion was moderated by Ryan Costanzo, Ph.D., Associate Professor in the Educational Enrichment Program and Campus Coordinator of Phi Theta Kappa. Earlier this spring, Dr. Timothy Shriver, CEO of the International Special Olympics, delivered the Moral Choices Lecture to a packed Bertschi Center and Technology Commons. During his visit, President Tom Foley taped an hour-long interview with Dr. Shriver. Their engaging “Digital Conversation” was later aired by the Pennsylvania Cable Network (PCN). And finally, The Honorable Guido Calabresi, Senior Judge of the Second U.S. Court of Appeals and former Dean of Yale Law School, had the final word on our
year, and we try to build our Orientation, our Connections classes, our Speakers Series, and as many other events as we can, into exploring the ideas behind that theme.
humanity, knowledge without character, politics without principle, commerce without morality, and worship without sacrifice.
At Convocation, Father Byron told us, in no uncertain terms, that the good life for him was “a life lived generously in the service of others.” And he cited nine needed principles from Paul’s Letter to the Galatians: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.
“But today is our fifth investigation,” he said. “Our Fall Honors Lecture is aimed at a short course on the long history of intellectual and moral thought on the idea of The Good Life, Pursuits of Happiness: From Aristotle to America, by Dr. Larry Jackson.”
At Orientation and in many of our Connections classes, students have
In November, a group of faculty members, discussed The Good Life from five points of view—spirituality, art & culture,
yearlong journey in search of The Good Life. A former professor and longtime friend of President Tom Foley, Judge Calabresi kept the packed ACWC hanging on his own eloquent words as he extolled the virtues of finding work you love, a person to love, and sharing what you cherish most with others.
»»What follow are photos and excerpts from a great year of discourse and discovery focused on The Good Life.
Summer 2015 Mount Aloysius Magazine 13
“The good life is, as I see it, a ‘life lived generously in the service of others’... Permit me to open up for you a few verses of St. Paul’s Letter to the Galatians. Let yourselves be ‘guided by the spirit,’ said St. Paul; and I say the same to you today: Be guided by the Spirit.” - Father William J. Byron, SJ Past President of The University of Scranton, The Catholic University of America, and Loyola University-New Orleans
“The Good Life is flourishing, doing well in a community. It is having opportunities for tranquility and serenity and peace, and also opportunities to serve others. But on top of that, it’s also having the power and the right to change the course of your society, to actually engage in the public business of your nation. “ - Dr. Larry Jackson Director for Global Academic Planning, NYU; scholar; philosopher
“The Good Life as it applies to Catherine McAuley was evident also in those who joined her in her endeavors. Each woman who donned the garb of the Sisters of Mercy robed herself also in those requisites that Catherine named for her followers – an ardent desire to be united to God and to serve the poor.” - Sister Sheila Carney, RSM Past President, Pittsburgh Sisters of Mercy; author; Sister of Mercy of the Americas “The Good Life is living a life that fascinates even you. You don’t want to have to alter what you see when you look in the mirror. Learn to love what you see and be who and what you love. Come to fully understand the things that matter like friendship, support, and loyalty. Be generous in sharing. Visit your inner self. Seek out your strengths, your weaknesses and your desires. Come to know them intimately and act upon each accordingly.” - Ann Benzel President and CEO, Benzel’s Pretzel Bakery; Recipient, Commonwealth of Pennsylvania’s Distinguished Service in the Humanities Award; Trustee, Mount Aloysius College
“To me, that’s the secret of the moral life. Arrupe said fall in love with God. Fall in love in an unconditional way. Not just fall in love with someone or something, but actually, as crazy at it sounds, fall in love with all things, all people, unconditionally. Recognize the spirit in each of us and let that animate your every choice. Let that animate your every decision from a place of depth, from a place of silence, from a place of humility, from a place of simplicity. “ - Dr. Tim Shriver Chairman, International Special Olympics “It’s hard to live a good life if you are not happy. And the story of being happy, of a happy life, is actually quite easily described. It involves two things. One, find something to do — work — which is fun and useful. Fun and useful. The second part is to find somebody to spend your life with. That is essential, also. Look to do both, and then you will lead a happy life.” - Hon. Guido Calabresi Senior Judge, U.S. Court of Appeals; former Dean, Yale Law School “There is an American history to the idea of The Good Life. The Declaration of Independence gave us a signature definition of the good life as ‘life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.’ Whatever the intent in 1776, public policy discussions of the good life today tend to focus far more on metrics like ‘economic growth’ and ‘average annual consumption’ than on any values like happiness or the common good or even liberty.” - Tom Foley President, Mount Aloysius College
Want to see more of our 2014-15 speaker series on The Good Life? Browse our video collection at:
Summer 2015 Mount Aloysius Magazine 15
“The History Wall is the artistic centerpiece of the Athletic Convocation and Wellness Center.” Daniel W. Rullo, Esq. Former Board of Trustees Chairman
Sitting on the west end of the Main Lobby—the wall meets visitors at the top of the stairs leading from the Wellness Center. These 13 panels outline 162 years of history. In order, they include: Catherine McAuley, (1831); The Academy Years, (1853-1961); Alumni Hall, (1902); Our Lady of Mercy Chapel, (1922); The Junior College, (1939); Co-Education, (1969); Four Year College, (1992); The Library, (1995); Pierce Hall, 16 Mount Aloysius Magazine Summer 2015 (1997); The Campus Master Plan, (2000); The Athletic Convocation & Wellness Center, (2013), Mount Aloysius Presidents; and Board Chairs.
Summer 2015 Mount Aloysius Magazine  17
Dr. Whitlock Weighs In On Sauropods
enerations of schoolchildren have learned that a massive, long-necked dinosaur called Brontosaurus once roamed Earth. Wrong! Scientists dumped Brontosaurus over 100 years ago. The new name is Apatosaurus. And anyone remotely interested in the varying handles ascribed to “The Noble Thunder Lizard” vs. “The Deceptive Lizard” may have run across our very own Dr. John Whitlock, Assistant Professor in our Mathematics and Science department.
»»The Bone Wars—A Back Story. After the Civil War, rival paleontologists scoured the American West, competing to find new dinosaurs in what became known as the “Bone Wars.” One team found two incomplete skeletons of massive, longnecked sauropods. Based on one of the skeletons, in 1877, it was announced that a new dinosaur called Apatosaurus ajax, the “deceptive lizard” was discovered. Then, two years later, a second skeleton belonging to another new species called Brontosaurus excelsus, the “noble thunder lizard,” was found.
in The Washington Post. ”It’s going to be a long time before we get there, (Brontosaurus vs. Apatosaurus probably), but this paper (referring to a study published in online journal PeerJ Computer Science) is a big start in terms of getting the debate going.” Dr. Whitlock wasn’t directly involved in the current research, but he clarified his position here. “Actually the Brontosaurus vs. Apatosaurus question is a debate to which I don’t necessarily subscribe. In 1903,” he explained, “Elmer Riggs wrote that Brontosaurus was synonymous with Apatosaurus. This new study says Brontosaurus is different. In my opinion, the evidence for that being valid is subjective at best. At the end, though, we’re going to be in a much better place in terms of truly understanding the evolution of the lineages we study, and that’s exciting. ” A quick Google search of the story reveals references to Dr. Whitlock from around the world as paleontologists hammer out the questions surrounding the naming of these prehistoric dino-giants. In the photo above, Dr. Whitlock lectures to a group of students, faculty and staff.
»»What’s in a name? Though some experts are excited at the prospect of bringing Brontosaurus back, others say further research should be conducted before the name gets reinstated.
»»The Mountie Connection To date, Dr. Whitlock has been mentioned as a commenting source on these dinosaurs on an international scale. The Huffington Post and The Washington Post, nationally, have cited his expertise in describing the significance of a huge sauropod femur found in South America. Dr. Whitlock weighed in on the dino-naming debate
2015 Senior Week! Sponsored by Student Affairs, Residence Life and Institutional Advancement, this year’s Senior Week was one of the best! 18 Mount Aloysius Magazine Summer 2015
Events included Faculty/Staff vs Student softball (left), MAC Trivia Night, Bonfire and a BBQ.
»»College Completes Nature Trail and Outdoor Recreation Project Mount Aloysius College received a Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development, Greenways, Trails and Recreation Program grant. The funds, nearly a quarter million dollars, have been used for the design and installation of outdoor tennis courts, basketball courts and an interpretive nature trail on the forested southwestern edge of campus. The project gives the campus even more usable outdoor space to enjoy in these gorgeous southern Allegheny Mountains.
This latest project created outdoor tennis courts and a two-mile long multi-use trail that meanders through partially cleared wooded areas. The new amenities will benefit the entire region—the Mount Aloysius community and our local neighbors including schools and clubs looking for outdoor space. The facilities will also allow the College to enhance summer camp experiences for the region.
Summer 2015 Mount Aloysius Magazine 19
»»Six New Scholarship Endowments Total over $325,000 to Support Mount Students During the 2014-15 academic year, the College established six endowed scholarships, valued at over $325,000, for undergraduate students. Jennifer Dubuque, Vice President for Institutional Advancement, said, “Mount Aloysius has been around for over 160 years. Scholarship endowments such as these ensure that students with financial need will be able to reach their goal of receiving a quality education for another 160 years or more. We are grateful to our donors for their generosity and support of our College.” The Helen Mahanic and Peter J. Skoufis Scholarship Before Helen Mahanic Skoufis passed away in May 2014, she wanted to memorialize the lasting impression that the Sisters of Mercy made on her and her family. Helen wasn’t a Mount Aloysius alumna but had come to appreciate the school through stories told by her nephew, former faculty member Dr. Michael Kress. Upon her passing, she left the funds to the College, permanently endowing the Helen Mahanic and Peter J. Skoufis Scholarship Fund. The Jack and Joyce Murtha Endowed Scholarship in Nursing The late Jack Murtha, U.S. Congressman from Pennsylvania’s 12th District, was a generous supporter of Mount Aloysius College. He and his wife Joyce visited the campus on numerous occasions and he was instrumental in helping to establish our state-of-the-art nursing simulation labs. In June 2015, Mrs. Murtha and the John P. Murtha
20 Mount Aloysius Magazine Summer 2015
Foundation generously presented the College with a gift to establish the Jack & Joyce Murtha Endowed Scholarship in Nursing. Erna P. Roberts Endowed Scholarship in Accounting The Erna P. Roberts Endowed Scholarship in Accounting is the second endowed scholarship established by trustee Mike McLahanan and his wife, Astride. The gift, made in June 2015, honors Astride’s mother, Erna P. Roberts, who returned to college as a mature student to finish her degree. Erna Roberts and the McLanahans visited the College on her 97th birthday, bringing with them copies of Erna’s Life, written by Janice Whelan. The book describes Erna’s experiences growing up in Latvia and escaping Russian occupation during WWII. Accounting majors over the age of 25 are eligible to receive this scholarship. The Leroy Corbin Memorial Scholarship Trustee Mark Barnhart and wife Karen established the Leroy Corbin Memorial Scholarship in November 2015. Named in memory of a close friend and colleague, the scholarship supports students from Huntingdon County. This is the third endowed scholarship created by the Barnhart family, who are passionate about the value of an education. Margaret A. Steinbeiser Endowed Scholarship The late Professor Maggy Steinbeiser will be deeply missed by students, faculty, and staff. Her loyalty and dedication to the College and its students
will now be permanently recognized through the Margaret A. Steinbeiser Scholarship. Maggy’s husband, Raymond, and son, John Benjamin Gillion, generously established the endowment, with additional donations from faculty and staff going toward an immediate scholarship distribution for the Fall 2015 semester. Charlotte W. Newcombe Scholarship for Mature Students Lastly, Mount Aloysius is honored to renew its relationship with the Charlotte W. Newcombe Foundation to award scholarships to bachelor’s degree-seeking mature students—ages 25 and older. Based in Princeton, NJ, the Charlotte W. Newcombe Foundation funds scholarships at select colleges and universities in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, New York City, and Washington, DC. The gift, made in May 2015, establishes both a permanent endowment and immediate distributions. The average length of funding from the Charlotte W. Newcombe Foundation is 30 years, so the College is delighted to substantially grow our scholarship support for nontraditional students for years to come.
dditional contributions from members of the Mount Aloysius community to any of these scholarships are greatly appreciated. When making your gift by mail or online, simply specify which endowment you wish to direct your contribution. If you would like information on establishing a new endowed scholarship, please contact the Office of Institutional Advancement, (814) 886-6396.
ABOVE: Erna P. Roberts Endowed Scholarship in Accounting - Seated are: Erna P. Roberts, and her daughter Astride McLanahan. Standing, from left, are: Vice President Jennifer Dubuque, Board of Trustees Vice Chairman Michael McLanahan, and President Foley. RIGHT: The Jack and Joyce Murtha Endowed Scholarship in Nursing - From left are: President Tom Foley, Mrs. Joyce Murtha, Vice President Jennifer Dubuque, and Board of Trustees member Edward J. Sheehan, Jr. BOTTOM: The Helen Mahanic and Peter J. Skoufis Scholarship - From left are: Michael Kress, George Predaris, John Rozos, and President Tom Foley.
Summer 2015 Mount Aloysius Magazine  21
Student Research Symposium Students—both individual researchers and collaborative teams—gathered in the Bertschi Center and Technology Commons on April 14, 2015, to present their work during the 10th Annual Student Research Symposium. The 72 topics were arranged by five general academic areas including: Business/Information Technology; Education and ASL/English Interpretation; Health Studies; Psychology; and Sciences. The student -research projects ranged from new business research to autism studies to enhancing current MAC programs. Students stood next to their projects and discussed their findings with Mount Aloysius faculty and staff. The symposium included both undergraduate and graduate research. Special thanks to Committee members: Ms. Brittany Anderson, Dr. Matthew Arsenault, Dr. Crystal Goldyn, Helen Ritchey, Dr. Mary Shuttlesworth, Mr. Robert Stere, and Dr. J. Michael Engle, who served as Chair of this year’s Student Research Symposium.
22 Mount Aloysius Magazine Summer 2015
The New Bertschi Center & Technology Commons is Open for Business!
There’s been a lot of activity in the new Bertschi Center and Technology Commons since it opened in January. Here are some visuals of the action! 1) A student studies while enjoying the view from the tech commons; 2) Two Mounties pose before entering the Valentine’s Day dance; 3) The Bertschi Center main room turns into a dining area for the Academic Fieldwork Seminar; 4) Mountie basketball players assist with the Youth Basketball Camp; 5) Construction of the Peace Garden outside the Bertschi Center; 6) The 2015 Mercy Presidential Scholars; 7) Mounties check out the prizes for Bingo; 8) Mounties deliver canned goods to enter the Mardis Gras social; 9) President Foley stands with Kathy Manderino, Pennsylvania Secretary of the Department of Labor & Industry, at the JARI meeting hosted at Mount Aloysius; and 10) Dr. Tim Shriver is introduced at the Moral Choices lecture by Cambria County’s Steven Boysza, International Special Olympics Global Messenger.
Summer 2015 Mount Aloysius Magazine 23
Arts for Healing Mount Aloysius College, as part of its Arts for Healing program, offered a free art workshop called SoulCollage® on Saturday, March 21st, in the new Athletic Convocation and Wellness Center. Visiting artist Diana S. Boehnert, a trained SoulCollage facilitator, conducted the event. Donald Talbot, Ed.D., Professor of English, fine arts and visual arts program coordinator at Mount Aloysius College, described the workshop. “SoulCollage assumes that everyone is an artist who can enjoy and benefit from the creative process,” he said. “This event was a small introductory workshop where participants can be leisurely, relaxed and creative. The real benefit of SoulCollage is self-discovery and personal enlightenment.”
»»“Everyone is an artist who can enjoy and benefit from the creative process...” Facilitator Diana S. Boehnert, BFA, MFA, is a trained expressive arts facilitator. She serves as the Coordinator of the Art for Healing Program in the Integrative Medicine Department of Hartford Hospital, Hartford, CT, and on the faculty of The Graduate Institute of Experiential Learning. She has taught at Southern Connecticut State University, Manchester Community College, Burlington College and the Omega Institute for Holistic Studies. She has 35 years of experience teaching, curating exhibits, lecturing and conducting workshops and seminars on fine arts and expressive arts/ healing related topics at various colleges, institutions and conferences.
24 Mount Aloysius Magazine Summer 2015
A Mountie Hero
ike many Mount Aloysius College students, Nursing Student Ashley Nickol works to pay her bills. Last January 31st, while working a Saturday early morning shift at Sheetz in Cresson, she heard a panicked yell. A motorist had broken down at the top of Cresson Mountain near US 22 and walked down the hill to call for help. Before an employee could hand him the phone, he collapsed on the floor with an apparent heart attack. Fortunately, Ashley Nickol’s CPR training—required of all Mount Aloysius nursing students—kicked right in. The shift supervisor was already on the phone with 911. “He was still breathing when I got over there, but then he stopped, so I started chest compressions,” Nickol said. “When people jump in like she did and perform good quality CPR, our
job is a lot easier,” Cambria Alliance EMS paramedic Ralph Lee said. “We have a better chance of reversing the outcome and having a return of spontaneous circulation when effective CPR like she did is done prior to us getting there.” The paramedic explained that because of adverse weather conditions, six minutes elapsed between the call and the ambulance’s arrival. Shown above, Nickol is surprised by her classmates, nursing faculty, the Academic Dean, and College President Tom Foley with a special citation for her heroic action and quick thinking. From left are: Dr. Stephen Pugliese, Academic Dean; Regina Barr, Assistant Nursing Professor; Dr. Bonnie Noll-Nelson, RN-BSN Chair; President Tom Foley; Nickol; Dr. Rebeccca Zukoski, former Nursing Chair; Kim Garmen, Assistant Nursing Professor; and Sue Clark, Nursing Instructor.
Last semester, students took a break from finals to meet a national celeb. Named for Pittsburgh Steeler QB Ben Roethlisberger, “Baby Ben” sports a prominent numeral “7” on her bovine head (see left). Owned by Vale Wood Farms in Loretto, the celebrity calf has been making the rounds throughout Pennsylvania. Baby Ben is seen here with Mount Aloysius graduate student Evan Hughes.
MAC Theatre: “Nickel and Dimed” The Mount Aloysius College Theatre Department offered another strong season with its production of “Nickel and Dimed,” by Joan Holden. The production, which took place in historic Alumni Hall, reflected the flip side of the College’s yearlong exploration of The Good Life to regional audiences. The play is based on the book, Nickel and Dimed, authored by Barbara Ehrenreich. Her non-
fiction work documents a year spent struggling to make ends meet working minimum -wage jobs, and jugging basic financial choices about buying gas for the car or putting food on the table. “Nickel and Dimed” was directed by Nathan Magee, who marked the start of his third season as Theater Director at Mount Aloysius College.
Summer 2015 Mount Aloysius Magazine 25
At far left, Raymond Steinbeiser accepts the posthumous Honorary Doctor of Humane Letters degree conferred upon his late wife, Margaret Steinbeiser during Commencement. With them are her grandsons, Nate and Sawyer, supported by their father, Benjamin. At center is Senior Vice President Suzanne Campbell. At right is Dr. Thomas Coakley, Professor of English. At left, Margaret proudly carried the College’s ceremonial mace during Convocation last fall.
Mount Aloysius loses one of its own: Margaret Steinbeiser
»» Plato wrote, “Do not train students to learn by force or harshness; but direct them to it by what amuses their minds, so that you may be better able to discover with accuracy the peculiar bent of the genius of each.” Professor of English Dr. Thomas Coakley wrote these remarks about this longtime colleague and friend, Margaret Steinbeiser, for her posthumous Honorary Degree.
Today, we continue our celebration of a woman whose own particular genius was to discover that of others. Professor Margaret A. Steinbeiser, teacher and scholar, devoted 44 years of her professional life to Mount Aloysius College and the many thousands of students and colleagues who were touched by her learning, her wisdom, and her compassion.
Arriving on the Mount Aloysius campus in 1971, she connected immediately with the people of western Pennsylvania and dedicated her efforts to enriching the minds and lives of students and, by extension, the entire College community. There was no area—teaching, service, or professional development—in which she did not excel, and Maggy quickly became the face of the faculty, amazing everyone with the energy and creativity she displayed every day—in the classroom, in committee meetings, in one-on-one encounters, and in her interactive jaunts across the campus.
26 Mount Aloysius Magazine Summer 2015
To students, peers, staff, and administrators, Maggy was—and remains—an emblem of quality, dependability, and breadth of accomplishment; a walking encyclopedia, conversant with any significant book published in the past five hundred years or so; able to cite phylum, class, order, family, genus, and species of any animal, plant, or fungus encountered or mentioned. And she could provide the Latin terminology as well without missing a beat.” President Foley commented on Maggy’s legacy in a note to the entire campus, stating, “Maggy was our Mace Bearer at Convocation this fall, an honor she earned as the longest serving member of our Mount Aloysius College team. Th ose of uswho had the pleasure of her company over the yearsknew Maggy as an able wit, a good mentor and a fine teacher. I guest lectured for Maggy once and understood that she was a character in the best sense of the term and that
she enjoyed her many years at Mount Aloysius College. “She will be long remembered by the several thousand students who had the luxury of her lecturesand by her many colleagues on the faculty/staff who had the pleasure of her ripostes. She will be missed most especially by her colleagues in the English Department who shared laughs and learnings and lectures (andan occasional meal) over these many years. As a salute to our professor of English, I am sure that many of you will write epitaphsthat suit Maggy and her style. For now, let me suggest an amended couplet courtesy of William Butler Yeats: Count where woman’s glory most begins and ends And say her glory was she had such friends.”
»» Dr. Stephen J. Pugliese Named Mount Aloysius Academic Vice President
ount Aloysius College President Tom Foley announced that Stephen J. Pugliese, Ph.D., will serve as Senior Vice President of Academic Affairs. Dr. Pugliese comes to Mount Aloysius from Immaculata University in southeastern Pennsylvania, where he served for 12 years in several academic, administrative and teaching roles. President Foley cited Dr. Pugliese’s experiences across many areas of higher education, his understanding of the Mount Aloysius mission, his work ethic and leadership. “Dr. Steve Pugliese fully appreciates the opportunities we offer to students who come to us for their education. He brings an overview which will help us continue advancing the College. His experience includes teaching, several administrative roles including student-life, athletics, fundraising, academic planning, curriculum design and more. We are very excited to have Steve be part of the life of Mount Aloysius College.”
In addition to his service at Immaculata, Dr. Pugliese served as faculty and in administrative roles at Villanova University, Villanova, PA; King’s College, Wilkes-Barre, PA, and Marywood University, Scranton, PA. Dr. Pugliese earned his doctorate in Human Development/Higher Education Administration from Marywood University. His Master of Science in Human Resource Development was earned at Villanova University, and his Bachelor of Arts in Speech and Theater Communication from Kutztown University, Kutztown, PA. Pugliese is a member of several professional associations that support higher education, including the Association of Fundraising Professionals, the Association of Student Affairs at Catholic Colleges and Universities, and the Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE). An active service volunteer, he has served in Sicuani, Peru; the St. Francis of Assisi Soup Kitchen in Philadelphia; Merida, Mexico, and Wacuco, Panama.
»» Ms. Christina Koren named Executive Director for Mission Integration and Community Engagement Christina Koren of Ebensburg, PA, has been named Executive Director of Mission Integration and Community Engagement. For the past four years, Ms. Koren served as Director of Residence Life. In that position, she consistently improved the quality of life for residence students in our five on-campus dorms and one offcampus housing unit. Ms. Koren directed all facets of residence life including co-curricular programs, community
service projects, student conduct, and judicial/ administrative proceedings. She provided academic support, spiritual formation, cultural diversity, physical/emotional wellness, and life-planning programs to meet the needs of the growing resident student population. Last summer, Ms. Koren led a four-day leadership journey to Dublin, Ireland, hosted by the Mercy International Center. She led a service
trip to Guyana during semester break. Prior to her work at Mount Aloysius College, Ms. Koren received the Frank J. Harrar Award for Outstanding Service at West Liberty University. She earned her Bachelor of Science in Business Management from Saint Vincent College, Latrobe, PA, and a Master of Business Administration (MBA) from Waynesburg University, Waynesburg, PA.
Summer 2015 Mount Aloysius Magazine 27
ommunity Service
The College’s tradition of community service continues to expand as students, faculty and staff find innovative ways to help and serve. Globally, we have delivered approximately 40,000 hours of service in the last three years. Just this past year Mount Aloysius College marked 15,500 hours of service. Student services account for nearly 7,000 hours. Through our 14-NCAA Division III teams, our student-athletes gave the community 2,400 hours. Campus Ministry found projects that totaled over 3,000 hours. Students
taking Connections classes managed to serve nearly 2,000 hours in many projects—some large, some not so large but all filling real community need. Reaching out from our campus, the College found 226 partnering opportunities and completed well over 300 projects at home and abroad. Every team at the College performs at least one community service project a year and several of them do much more.
Our 14 intercollegiate Division III teams completed 20 different projects this year. Each required preparation time by coaches and student-athletes, time to complete the actual service and in many cases follow-up time as the student-athletes developed relationships with the people for whom they were volunteering. Most of these projects were within a 50-mile radius of our campus and some were as far away as Guyana and Ireland.
Summer 2015 Mount Aloysius Magazine  29
1949 Sister Charlene Kelly, RSM, has officially retired to Dallas, PA, to reside at the Mercy Center. If you would like to send any correspondence to her, you can send it to the Office of Institutional Advancement at Mount Aloysius and we will be sure that she receives it.
They have a son, Todd, who is a credentialing specialist in Pittsburgh, and a daughter, Noelle, who is an OB-GYN in Philadelphia.
Judy (Jandora) Burke and her husband, James, celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary on June 19, 2015. An extra-special present came on June 1st in the form of their 13th grandchild, Andrew Michael.
Please keep Anne (Miller) Schwee in your prayers. Her beloved husband, Tony DeSousa, passed away in May.
1958A Alice (Steele) Mattix is happy to announce the marriage of her oldest daughter, April. April was married on May 19th in Annapolis, MD. Her youngest daughter, Amber, graduated from LaRoche College in Pittsburgh, PA, in May 2014 with a bachelor’s degree in professional studies. On June 24, 2014, Amber gave birth to baby Liam. Liam shares his birthday with his grandpa, Stan. They became grandparents a second time with the birth of their granddaughter, Charlotte, on April 14, 2015. Alice has been reading and preserving the Mattix family history by transferring old photos into digital format for family members. Please keep Judy McCandless in your thoughts and prayers. According to her sister Barb (’50), Judy was in a car accident in June and is recovering from serious injuries. Bonnie Lou (Ragley) Ludwig and her husband, Barry, celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary on July 24, 2015. Bonnie is a retired elementary school teacher and Barry is an Air Force veteran who worked in the appliance business for 50 years.
30 Mount Aloysius Magazine Summer 2015
Monica (Bizjak) Petak was honored by the YWCA of Greater Johnstown for her community service as part of their annual Tribute to Women awards ceremony. She received her Bachelor of Science in Nursing from Indiana University of Pennsylvania in 1988 and is currently the Director of Emergency Services for Windber Medical Center, with the expanded title of Director of Hospital Supervisors.
1984 Alumna and former faculty member Barbara Savino received the Volunteerism Award from the Southern Alleghenies Museum of Art as part of its annual Night of Distinction. Since 1993, Barbara has been an integral part of the gala committee and an annual fashion show fundraiser. When not volunteering, she is a staff nurse at UPMC Altoona, and is a nursing instructor at Penn State.
1990 Election Day in May was quite the scene as two Mount Aloysius College alumni campaigned for Magisterial
NOTES District Judge presiding over a newly redrawn district in Cambria County, PA. Incumbent Galen Decort, ’75, held the post for 30 years before being unseated by opponent John Prebish, Jr., ’90, who is currently the Warden for the Cambria County Prison. Both hold criminology degrees.
1994 Matthew Glass is the new Chief Operating Officer of BlueStream Professional Services for KGP Companies. KGP Companies, including BlueStream Professional Services, is one of the country’s largest suppliers of supply chain services, communications equipment, and integrated solutions to the telecommunications industry.
2000 Shanda (Tyger) Buterbaugh served Mount Aloysius from 2003-2007, teaching Rhetoric I & II, Professional Communications, and Women Writers. She has a Master’s in English, a Master’s in English Education, and is in the process of completing a Ph.D. in English Literature and Criticism. She is a substitute teacher in the Purchase Line School District, where she also tutors for the Evergreen Boys & Girls Club. Her husband, Chuck, passed away on April 2, 2015. A Veteran of WWI, Chuck was 92 years old.
Marriages industry standard reflecting proficiency and expertise in conducting digital investigations and managing incident responses. Jeff is on the Information Technology faculty at Mount Aloysius.
2008 2003 Jennifer (Imgrund) Akers is now the School Nurse for Tussey Mountain High School in Bedford, PA. Prior to that, she worked in general surgery at UPMC Bedford Memorial Hospital. Luke Golden was inducted into the Bishop Carroll High School Athletic Hall of Fame in March 2015. Luke helped lead the Bishop Carroll football team to its first-ever district title win in 1998, breaking the school’s record for most tackles. In 1999, he was named first-team All State as a linebacker in Class A and AA by the Associated Press. He is a registered nurse, working for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania at the Ebensburg Center. Luke, his wife, Mandi, and their daughter, Mia reside on their 70-acre farm. Their second daughter was due in May.
2005 Jeff Sunseri is now a Certified Forensic Examiner. This credential is given by Global Information Assurance Certification and is an
We want to know what’s new with you! Submit your notes at:
Beth (Clark) Knittle earned her Bachelor of Science in Nursing from Penn State. She is a registered nurse home visitor for Home Nursing Agency’s Nurse-Family Partnership in Clearfield and Jefferson counties. She has been with Home Nursing Agency since 2012.
2009 Jessica (Taylor) Gallo has joined the staff of Hindman Funeral Homes and Crematory in Johnstown, PA, as an intern. After completing her Biology degree and Forensic Investigation certificate at Mount Aloysius, she graduated from the Pittsburgh Institute of Mortuary Science in 2014.
2010 Meg Clouser was recently appointed Director of Health Services for Foxdale Village, a Quaker-directed retirement community. In this position, she will oversee the 55-bed personal care home, a 46-bed skilled nursing care, therapy services, the wellness program, and health office. Tara (Kennedy) Allison had an article published titled, “The Group I Pilin Glycan Affects Type IVa Pilus Hydrophobicity and Twitching Motility in Pseudomonas Aeruginosa 1244.” She is a Biology major with a minor in English.
Erica Goss, ’05, and Kyle Crotty, Lewistown, PA – 9/6/14 Jennifer Kerr, ’13, and Ian Armstrong, Athens, OH – 10/4/14 Chad Mattis, ’09, and Kylie Smith, Johnstown, PA – 6/28/14 Shelby Mauk, ’12, and Adam Swope, Altoona, PA – 9/6/14 Reyne Mentzer, ’11, and Raymond Mackey, Gallitzin, PA – 9/20/14 Justine Morrison, ’09, and Kyle Cusick, Greenwood, PA – 7/19/14 Andrea O’Neal, ’09 and ’11, and Benjamin Gutmann, Alum Bank, PA – 8/3/14 Danielle Pierce ’10, and Alex Haines, ’10, Lewistown, PA – 6/21/14 Beth Schrock, ’92, and Michael Zeth, East Freedom, PA – 5/31/14 Kathy Stevens, ’87, and Adam Hatch, Altoona, PA – 7/12/14 Chantel Ventura, ’00 and ’04, and Dr. James Garofalo, Altoona, PA – 5/31/14 Lennae Zimmerman, ’09, and Kylee Trotter, Bedford, PA – 9/6/14
Engagements Kasey Benton, ’12, to Skyler Sheeder, ’11 Neil Benton, ’12, to Ashley McClain Valarie Corbin, ’10, to David Lester, Jr. Kali Gilpatrick, ’13, to Matthew Gleto Cristen Henry, ’12, to Mark Price, Jr. Dylan Link, ’15, to Maria Pompa Sarah Mihalko, ’14, to Matthew Penatzer Summer 2015 Mount Aloysius Magazine 31
SATURDAY, OCTOBER 3, 2015 MAC Softball Tournament & Cookout 9 AM - 6:30 PM vs. University of Pittsburgh-Johnstown, Penn State University-Altoona, Lycoming College Registration
Golden Grad Reception Celebrating the 50th reunion of the Class of 1965. All grad years prior to 1965 are welcome.
10 AM - 6:30 PM
MAC Baseball vs. University of Pittsburgh-Johnstown 4 - 6:30 PM
4:30 - 6:30 PM
Silent Auction
5 - 8 PM
Alumni Welcome Meal
6:30 - 8 PM
Magical Entertainment
8 PM
PJ’s Tavern Gathering
9 PM
10 AM - 12 PM
Nursing Program 50th Anniversary Open House 10 AM - 2 PM Alumni Association Meeting
10:30 - 11:30 AM
11 AM - 1 PM
Spirit Activities
11 AM - 2 PM
Academy Alumni Luncheon Invitation Only MAC Baseball vs. University of Pittsburgh-Johnstown
12 - 1:30 PM 12:30 - 2:30 PM
Silent Auction
SUNDAY, OCTOBER 4, 2015 Car Show Cresson Heritage Days
10 AM - 4 PM
11 AM - 1 PM
MAC Women’s Tennis vs. La Roche College
3 - 5 PM
12 - 9 PM
MAC Volleyball vs.University of Valley Forge
1 - 3 PM
Nursing Seminar
1 - 2 PM
Family Fun Trail Walk
2 - 4 PM
Comfortable Cup of Tea
3 - 4 PM
Mass Recognizing deceased members of the class of 1965.
4 - 5 PM
Alumni Reception & Awards Dinner Celebrate the 2015 alumni award recipients. Dance
5:30 - 8 PM 8 - 10 PM
*Schedule is subject to change
In Memoriam Justine Allen, ’06 - May 14, 2015
Marilyn (Duman) McDonough, ’46 - May 7, 2015
Linda (Vermillion) Ardini, ’86 – November 24, 2014
Jeanne (Bernard) McNelis, ’49 – January 4, 2015
Jeannine (James) Ashcom, ’87 – February 20, 2015
Sandra (Pieczynski) Mohall, ’74 – October 20, 2014
Tracy (Steel) Ashman, ’04 – December 13, 2014
Sr. Helen Mary Nagle, RSM, ’32A – November 29, 2014
Leo Carey, ’89 – October 11, 2013
Patricia (Malloy) Rabine, ’49A – February 2, 2015
Lisa (Beigle) DeAngelis, ’84 – February 18, 2015
Nancy A. Ross, ’49 – May 1, 2015
Marilyn (Rinaldi) Fitzgerald, ’48 – April 3, 2015
Nancy J. Sutton, ’01 – April 9, 2015
Theresa “Terry” Fleck, ’79, ’86 – October 12, 2014
Mary Grace (Roberts) Taylor, ’56A – January 26, 2015
Mary Ann Kachmar, ’70 – December 25, 2014
Catherine “Cathe” Tracey, ’68 – April 5, 2015
Raisa (Fernandez) Leorza, ’35A – January 13, 2014
Elizabeth “Bettie” (Erculiani) Wasilewski – ’45A – October 9, 2014
Julia (Nageotte) McBride, ’44 – January 6, 2015 32 Mount Aloysius Magazine Summer 2015
Homecoming Alumni Weekend Campus flourishes in the fall and especially on Alumni Homecoming Weekend when alumni, current students and their families enjoy a variety of activities. There will be plenty for all to do and specific alumni events to celebrate memories of your time at Mount Aloysius. Events will include the Golden Grad Reception-celebrating the 50th reunion of the class of 1965 and previous golden grads, an all-alumni dinner and dance, the academy graduate luncheon, sporting events, the Nursing Program 50th Anniversary event, other family-friendly activities, and of course, Mass.
Plan to join us on October 2-4 for this jampacked weekend!
lanned giving allows you to make a gift during your lifetime or at death as part of your overall financial and/or estate plan. Planned gifts are as unique as the people whose passion and creativity inspires them. Anyone
from any economic level can make a planned gift. Including Mount Aloysius in your estate plan is an important decision. Through a planned gift, your passion and appreciation for the
impact that the Mount has had on your life will be recognized beyond your lifetime. If you would like more information about making a planned gift to Mount Aloysius, please call 814-886-6331 or email: