Stage 6 Portions 2018-19

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Stage 6 Curriculum Handbook 2018-19

English June 2018 Unit 1 - Backwards and forwards. q Summarise a passage, chapter or text in a given number of words. q Punctuate speech and use apostrophes accurately. q Learn word endings with different spellings but the same pronunciation, e.g. -tion, -cian, -sion, -ssion; -ance, -ence. q Develop knowledge of word roots, prefixes and suffixes, including recognising variations, e.g. im, in, ir, il; ad, ap, af, al.

q Plan plot,characters and structure effectively

in writing an extended story. q Use connectives to structure an argument or discussion. q Use a wide range of connectives to clarify relationships between ideas, e.g. however, therefore,although. q Distinguish the main clause and other clauses in a complex sentence. q Use correct choices when representing consonants, e.g.‘ck’/‘k’/‘ke’/‘que’/‘ch’

July 2018 Unit 2 - Family Matters q Explore proverbs, sayings and figurative expressions. q Read and interpret poems in which meanings are implied or multilayered. q Identify uses of brackets. Unit 3 - From pencils to pixels q Help to move group discussion forward, e.g. by clarifying, summarising. q Punctuate speech and use apostrophes accurately.

August 2018 Unit 4 - It’s about time q Explore proverbs, sayings and figurative expressions. q Understand aspects of narrative structure, e.g. the handling of time. q Identify uses of the semi-colon.

September 2018 q Unit 5 - Facts, foibles and fables q Learning of Adverb connectivity word or

phrase that modifies the meaning of an adjective, verb, or other adverb, expressing manner, place, time, or degree (e.g. gently, here, now, very ).

Stage 6

October 2018 Revision for Progression Test 2.

November 2018 Unit 6 - Holey-moley q Articulate personal responses to reading, with

close reference to the text. q Use a wider range of connectives to clarify relationships between ideas, e.g.however, therefore, although. q Use correct choices when representing q consonants, e.g.‘ck’/‘k’/‘ke’/‘que’/‘ch’;‘ch’/‘tch’; ‘j’/‘dj’/‘dje’.

December 2018 Unit 7 - Stop! Identify uses of the colon, semi-colon,parenthetic commas,dashes and brackets. Unit 8 - I Spy Explore use of active and passive verbs within a sentence.

February 2019 Revision for Preparatory & Achievement Test



Stage 6

q Recognise equivalence between fractions, e.g.

June 2018 Unit 1 & 2 - WHOLE NUMBERS q Count on and back in fractions and decimals, e.g. ⁄ s, 0.1s, and repeated steps of whole numbers (and through zero). q Know what each digit represents in whole numbers up to a million. q Know what each digit represents in one- and two-place decimal numbers. q Multiply and divide any whole number from 1 to 10000 by 10, 100 or 1000 and explain the effect. q Multiply and divide decimals by 10 or 100 q Find factors of two-digit numbers. q Find some common multiples, e.g. for 4 and 5. q Round whole numbers to the nearest 10, 100 or 1000. q Round a number with two decimal places to the nearest tenth or to the nearest whole number. q Make and justify estimates and approximations of large numbers. q Order and compare positive numbers to one million, and negative integers to an appropriate level. q Use the >, < and = signs correctly. q Estimate where four-digit numbers lie on an empty 0 –10 000 line.

q q q q

between ⁄ s, ⁄ s and ⁄ s. Recognise and use the equivalence between decimal and fraction forms. Order mixed numbers and place between whole numbers on a number line. Change an improper fraction to a mixed number, e.g. ⁄ to ⁄ . Reduce fractions to their simplest form, where this is ⁄ , ⁄ , ⁄ or a number of fifths or tenths.

August 2018

Unit 8 - Addition & subtraction q Recall addition and subtraction facts for numbers to 20 and pairs of one-place decimals with a total of 1, e.g. 0.4 + 0.6. q Derive quickly pairs of one-place decimals totaling 10, e.g. 7.8 and 2.2, and two-place decimals totaling 1, e.g. 0.78 + 0.22. q Know and apply tests of divisibility by 2, 4, 5, 10, 25 and 100. q Use place value and number facts to add or subtract two-digit whole numbers and to add or subtract three-digit multiples of 10 and pairs of decimals, e.g. 560 + 270; 2.6 + 2.7; 0.78 + 0.23. q Add/subtract near multiples of one when adding numbers with one decimal place, e.g. 5.6 + 2.9; 13.5 – 2.1. July 2018 q Add/subtract a near multiple of 10, 100 or 1000, or a near whole unit of money, and Unit 3 & 4- DECIMALS, Unit 5 - Fractions adjust, e.g. 3127 + 4998; 5678 – 1996. q Order numbers with up to two decimal places q Add two- and three-digit numbers with the (including different numbers of places). same or different numbers of digits/decimal q Recognise and extend number sequences. places. q Recognise and use decimals with up to three q Add or subtract numbers with the same and places in the context of measurement. different numbers of decimal places, including q Recognise odd and even numbers and amounts of money. multiples of 5, 10, 25, 50 and 100 up to 1000. q Find the difference between a positive and q Make general statements about sums, negative integer, and between two negative differences and multiples of odd and even integers in a context such as temperature or on numbers. a number line. q Recognise prime numbers up to 20 and find all prime numbers less than 100. q Compare fractions with the same denominator and related denominators, e.g. ⁄ with ⁄ .


Stage 6 September 2018 Unit 11 & 12 : Multiplication and division q Multiply pairs of multiples of 10, e.g. 30 × 40, or multiples of 10 and 100, e.g. 600 × 40. q Divide two-digit numbers by single-digit numbers, including leaving a remainder. q Multiply pairs of multiples of 10, e.g. 30 × 40, or multiples of 10 and 100, e.g. 600 × 40. q Multiply near multiples of 10 by multiplying by the multiple of 10 and adjusting. q Multiply by halving one number and doubling the other, e.g. calculate 35 × 16 with 70 × 8 q Multiply near multiples of 10 by multiplying by the multiple of 10 and adjusting. q Multiply by halving one number and doubling the other, e.g. calculate 35 x 16 with 70 x 8. q Use number facts to generate new multiplication facts, e.g. the 17x table from 10x + 7x tables. q Multiply two-, three- or four-digit numbers (including sums of money) by a single-digit number and two- or three-digit numbers by two-digit numbers. q Divide three-digit numbers by single-digit numbers, including those leaving a remainder and divide three-digit numbers by two-digit numbers (no remainder) including sums of money. q Give an answer to division as a mixed number, and a decimal (with divisors of 2, 4, 5, 10 or 100). q Relate finding fractions to division and use them as operators to find fractions including several tenths and hundredths of quantities. Know and apply tests of divisibility by 2, 4, 5, 10, 25 and 100. q Multiply pairs of multiples of 10, e.g. 30 × 40, or multiples of 10 and 100, e.g. 600 × 40. q Double quickly any two-digit number, e.g. 78, 7·8, 0·78 and derive the corresponding halves. q Divide two-digit numbers by single-digit numbers, including leaving a remainder. q Multiply pairs of multiples of 10, e.g. 30 × 40, or multiples of 10 and 100, e.g. 600 × 40.

q Multiply near multiples of 10 by multiplying by q q




the multiple of 10 and adjusting. Multiply by halving one number and doubling the other, e.g. calculate 35 × 16 with 70 × 8. Use number facts to generate new multiplication facts, e.g. the 17× table from 10× + 7× tables. Multiply two-, three- or four-digit numbers (including sums of money) by a single-digit number [and two- or three-digit numbers by two-digit numbers]. Divide three-digit numbers by single-digit numbers, including those leaving a remainder [and divide three-digit numbers by two-digit numbers (no remainder)] including sums of money.

October 2018 Revision for Progression Test 2.

November 2018 Unit 14 - 2D shape, Unit 15 - 3D shape q Classify different polygons and understand whether a 2D shape is a polygon or not. q Visualise and describe the properties of 3D shapes, e.g. faces, edges and vertices. q Identify and describe properties of quadrilaterals (including the parallelogram, rhombus and trapezium), and classify using parallel sides, equal sides, equal angles. Unit 16 - Angles q Recognise and make 2D representations of 3D shapes including nets. q Estimate, recognise and draw acute and obtuse angles and use a protractor to measure to the nearest degree.


Stage 6 q Convert between units of measurement ([kg

December 2018 Unit 17: Position and movement q Read and plot co-ordinates in all four quadrants. q Predict where a polygon will be after one refl ection, where the sides of the shape are not parallel or perpendicular to the q mirror line, after one translation or after a rotation through 90° about one of its vertices. Unit 18 - Length q Recognise and use decimals with up to three places in the context of measurement. q Select and use standard units of measure. Read and write to two or three decimal places. q Convert between units of measurement ([kg and g, l and ml,] km, m, cm and mm), using decimals to three places, e.g. q recognising that 1·245 m is 1 m 24·5 cm. q Draw and measure lines to the nearest centimetre and millimetre. q Know imperial units still in common use, e.g. the mile, and approximate metric equivalents.

and g,] ℓ and ml [, km, m, cm and mm]), using decimals to three places [ e.g. recognising that 1·245 m is 1 m 24·5 cm]. q Interpret readings on different scales, using a range of measuring instruments. q Know imperial units still in common use [, e.g. the mile,] and approximate metric equivalents. Unit 20: Capacity q Recognise and use decimals with up to three places in the context of measurement. q Select and use standard units of measure. Read and write to two or three decimal places. q Convert between units of measurement ([kg and g,] ℓ and ml [, km, m, cm and mm]), using decimals to three places [, e.g. recognising that 1·245 m is 1 m 24·5 cm]. q Interpret readings on different scales, using a range of measuring instruments. q Know imperial units still in common use [e.g. the mile] and approximate metric equivalents.

January 2018 Unit 19: Mass q Recognise and use decimals with up to three places in the context of measurement. q Select and use standard units of measure. Read and write to two or three decimal places. q Convert between units of measurement (kg and g [, l and ml, km, m, cm and mm]), using decimals to three places [, e.g. q Recognising that 1·245 m is 1 m 24·5 cm]. q Interpret readings on different scales, using a range of measuring instruments. q Know imperial units still in common use [, e.g. the mile,] and approximate metric equivalents. Unit 20 : Capacity q Recognise and use decimals with up to three places in the context of measurement. q Select and use standard units of measure. Read and write to two or three decimal places.

February 2018 Unit 21: Time q Recognise and understand the units for

q q q q q q q


measuring time (seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years, decades and centuries); convert one unit of time into another. Tell the time using digital and analogue clocks using the 24-hour clock. Compare times on digital and analogue clocks, e.g. realise quarter to four is later than 3:40. Read and use timetables using the 24-hour clock. Calculate time intervals using digital and analogue times. Use a calendar to calculate time intervals in days, weeks or months. Calculate time intervals in days, months or years. Appreciate how the time is different in different time zones around the world.

Stage 6 Unit 22 : Area & perimeter q Measure and calculate the perimeter and area of rectilinear shapes. q Estimate the area of an irregular shape by counting squares. q Calculate perimeter and area of simple compound shapes that can be split into rectangles. Unit 23 : Handling data q Organising, categorising and representing data q Solve a problem by representing, extracting and interpreting data in tables, graphs, charts and diagrams, e.g. line graphs for distance and

q q q q

time; a price ‘ready-reckoner’ for currency conversion; frequency tables and bar charts with grouped discrete data. Find the mode and range of a set of data from relevant situations, e.g. scientific experiments. Begin to find the median and mean of a set of data. Explore how statistics are used in everyday life.

March 2019 Revision for Achievement Test

Science August 2018

June 2018 Topic 1 - Humans and animals q Use scientific names for some major organs of body systems. q Identify the position of major organs in the body. q Describe the main functions of the major organs of the body. q Explain how the functions of the major organs are essential.

July 2018 TOPIC 2 - Living things in their environment q Explore how humans have positive and negative effects on the environment, e.g. loss of species, protection of habitats. q Explore a number of ways of caring for the environment, e.g. recycling, reducing waste, reducing energy consumption, not littering, encouraging others to care for the environment. q Know how food chains can be used to represent feeding relationships in a habitat and present these in text and diagrams. q Know that food chains begin with a plant (the producer), which uses energy from the sun.

TOPIC 3 - Material changes Distinguish between reversible and irreversible changes. q Explore how solids can be mixed and how it is often possible to separate them again. q Observe, describe, record and begin to explain changes that occur when some solids are added to water. q Explore how, when solids do not dissolve or react with water, they can be separated by filtering, which is similar to sieving. q Explore how some solids dissolve in water to form solutions and, although the solid cannot be seen, the substance is still present. q

September 2018 TOPIC 4 - Forces and motion Distinguish between mass measured in kilograms (kg) and weight measured in Newtons, noting that kilograms are used in everyday life. q Recognise and use units of force, mass and weight and identify the direction in which forces act. q Understand the notion of energy in movement. q Recognise friction (including air resistance) as a force which can affect the speed at which objects move and which sometimes stops things moving. q


Stage 6 JUNE 2018 October 2018

December 2018

Revision for Progression Test 2.

Revision for Preparatory & Achievement Test

November 2018 TOPIC 5 - Electricity and magnetism. Investigate how some materials are better conductors of electricity than others. q Investigate how some metals are good conductors of electricity while most other materials are not. q Know why metals are used for cables and wires and why plastics are used to cover wires and as covers for plugs and switches. q Predict and test the effects of making changes to circuits, including length or thickness of wire and the number and type of components. q Represent series circuits with drawings and conventional symbols. q

Computers June 2018 July 2018

Unit 5 - Introducing Publisher 2013 Unit 6 - Enhancing a Power Point Presentation

Unit 2 - Advanced Features of MSWord

December 2018


Unit 1 - Computer Essentials

November 2018 q q


August 2018 q


Unit 3 - Introduction to MS_Excel

September 2018

Unit 7 - Programming Concepts

January 2019 Revision for Preparatory test & Progression test.

Unit 4 - Editing and Formatting in MS Excel 2013 q

October 2018 Revision for Progression test 2.


Kannada June 2018 ೕರವ GRAMMAR q ವಣ

October 2018 Revision for Progression test 2.






q ವಚನಗ

ರಶ GRAMMAR q ಂಗಗ , ವಚನಗ


August 2018 GRAMMAR q ಶಬ ಗ ಮ ಸವ q ಜ

(ಪದ )


ರ ಶವ

November 2018

, ಒತ ರಗ

July 2018 q ಗ

Stage 6



December 2018 ೕತ GRAMMAR q ಖನ q ಪ ಧ q

ಕಗ ಮಗ


September 2018

ಗ ಖನ

January 2019 Revision for Preparatory test & Achivement test.

GRAMMAR q ನಮ q ಅ ಮಕ ದಳ

Hindi June 2018 q मेरी अिभलाषा

October 2018 Revision for Progression test 2.

q लालची बुरी बाला है

q ई रचं

November 2018

July 2018

q परी ा

िव ासागर

q पयावरण सुर ा

q अरमान

August 2018

December 2018 q संतुिलत आहार

q अनमोल र

q अनोखा उपहार

q राजा च

q चेतक

गु q अनूठे सखा

September 2018

January 2019 Revision for Preparatory test & Progression test.

q तैराकी q दि ण भारत की या ा


Arabic June 2018

October 2018

q Madinah Arabic Reader (2) Lesson No.1-2 q Vocabulary: Page No. 14 q Vocabulary: Food (Refer Appendix A)

July 2018 q Madinah Arabic Reader (2) Lesson No.3 q Vocabulary: Page No. 24,30 q Vocabulary: Groceries (Refer Appendix A)

August 2018 q Madinah Arabic Reader (2) Lesson No.4-5 q Vocabulary: Page No. 42,48 q Vocabulary: Transport (Refer Appendix A)

September 2018 q q q q

Stage 6

Madinah Arabic Reader (2) Lesson No.6-7 Vocabulary: Page No. 54,58 Vocabulary: in the bathroom (Refer Appendix A)

Revision for Progression Test 2.

November 2018 q Madinah Arabic Reader (2) Lesson No.8-9 q Vocabulary: Page No. 64, 70 q Vocabulary: In the home

December 2018 q Madinah Arabic Reader (2) Lesson No.10-11 q Vocabulary: Page No.75 q Vocabulary: People

January 2019 q Madinah Arabic Reader (2) Lesson No.12-13 q Vocabulary: Page No. 83,87 q Vocabulary: Geography

Islamic Studies

June 2018 q The beginning of the call to Islam q Public Preaching

September 2018 July 2018 q Makkah & the Makkans q Conditions in Arabic before the Prophet’s

Advent q Our Prophet’s family q The Prophet’s Blesses Birth q The death of Prophet’s Mother and of his Grandfather

August 2018 q The journey to Syria q Marriage q Signs of Prophethood

q q q q

Wudhu & Bath The complete way to say one’s prayers Congregational prayer Friday Prayer

October 2018 q Revision for Progression Test 2.

November 2018 q q q q


Prayer Friday prayer Morals and manners: Taking food after saying bismillah

Deeniyaat June 2018

October 2018

Hadees q Bad verbal conversa ons (Hadeeth # 21) q Pleasurable behaviour (Hadeeth # 22) q The result of not being merciful (Hadeeth # 23) Dua q Dua when star ng & finishing wadhu q Hifz q Surah Ad-Duhaa (THE MORNING HOURS)

Revision for Progression Test 2.

November 2018 Hadeeth q Result of backbi ng (Hadeeth # 32) q Benefits of Pa ence (Hadeeth # 33) q Being trustworthy (Hadeeth # 34) Dua q Imaan-e-mujmal q Dua in case of every difficulty Hifz q Surah Al-Bayyinah (THE CLEAR PROOF) q Farz of Bath

July 2018 q Months in Islam (First six months)

Hadeeth q The benefit of forgiving (Hadeeth # 24) q The result of pride (Hadeeth # 25)

December 2018

Dua q 4 Kalima q Dua while handshake q By looking at someone in difficulty.

Hadeeth q Promise (Hadeeth # 35) q Returns from Generosity (Hadeeth # 36) q Miserliness (Hadeeth # 37) Dua q Dua when bidding farewell q Words of azaan and iqamah q Imaan-e-mufassal q Farz of tayammum

August 2018 q Months in Islam (All 12 months)

Hadeeth q Blessings of humility (Hadeeth # 26 ) q Excessive laughing (Hadeeth # 27 ) q Benefits of being Truthful (Hadeeth # 28 ) Dua q 5 Kalima q Dua when you are sick Hifz q Surah Al-'Alaq (THE CLOT)

January 2019 Hadeeth q Neglec ng dinner (Hadeeth # 38) q Returns of inten ons (Hadeeth # 39) q Ruling regarding sleep at night (Hadeeth # 40)

September 2018

Dua q Dua namaz-e-janaza(for Adult) q Dua namaz-e-janaza(for Boy child) q Dua namaz-e-janaza(for Girl child) q Farz of Namaz & Sharayet e Namaz

Vocabulary q In the Bathroom(Refer Appendix A) Hadeeth q Result of lying (Hadeeth # 29) q Anger (Hadeeth # 30) q Evils of backbi ng (Hadeeth # 31) Dua q q q

Stage 6

February 2019 Revision for Preparatory & Achievement test.

Dua for Stepping from any stage Hamd-o-darood Hifz Surah InSharh (THE RELIEF)



In the Bathroom




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