�imagine� MAGAZINE FALL 2022

About the Cover: Our Bulldog mascots get the crowd excited during a school pep Editorrally.&Director of Public Relations Kayley White Editors and Contributors Diana Bay Cindy Brown Dr. Lori Hadley Dave Hogan Dr. Tony Kinkel Jennifer Marcussen Dr. Brian Mast Printing Ford Press Photography George MDCAMalcolmHorsfordYawnYearbook Imagine Magazine is produced by the Office of Public Relations for the parents, friends, supporters, and alumni of Mount Dora Christian Academy & Children's Home. Mount Dora Christian Academy and Children's Home 301 W. 13th Avenue Mount Dora, FL 32757 113Contents 9 2 Letter from the President 3 Development 4 Social Services 7 Academics 10 Athletics 11 Student Life 13 World Changers 15 Alumni 17 Memorials and Honors 1513 /MountDoraChildrensHome/MDCABulldogs /MDCAAthletics @MDCAcademy @AthleticsMdca @mount_dora_childrens_home@MDCAcademy @mdca_athletics 12

MDCA was just named “Best of the Best Private Schools” in Lake and Sumter County by Style Magazine! God is continuing to bless our campus, and we are committed to working hard to be the best we can be and to serve like we have never served before. Colossians 3:17 states, “And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.” At MDCA&CH, we give God the glory for all that we have and for the many rich blessings bestowed upon us.
Let’s enjoy this journey together! In Him, Dr. Brian A. Mast President
What an honor and a privilege it is to serve alongside an amazingly talented faculty, staff, and administrative team. Likewise, there is no greater joy than serving our children and families at Mount Dora Christian Academy and Children’s Home (MDCA&CH). What an amazing first day of school we have had this year. Of all of my years in education, this opening day may have been the best ever. We welcomed a record number of 207 NEW students to our campus! We are thrilled that families are choosing MDCA for their children’s education. Recently, I was asked why we are seeing growth at MDCA. The answer was very easy: MDCA&CH is a special place that is fostering a Christ-centered atmosphere that people are hungry for. We live out our core values on this campus daily, and the community recognizes our efforts. Our core values at MDCA&CH are the following: 1. Above all else, love like Jesus 2. Grace and space without excuses 3. Live in the future; build on the past 4. Enjoy the journey together. We are making every effort to provide an academic experience like no other. Our fine and performing arts programs are continuing to grow, and our athletics programs continue to be topnotch, with a large percentage of our student athletes earning opportunities to compete in college on athletic scholarships.
From the President Imagine · Fall 2022 | 2
I would like to encourage you to jump in and learn how you can best serve with us. We would love to have your help by mentoring in our Children’s Home, tutoring, financially supporting Christian education and the Children’s Home programs, and engaging in events that take place on campus almost nightly. MDCA&CH is working diligently to be the hands and feet of Jesus each day as we walk with students and families. I hope you enjoy reading through this edition of Imagine magazine. There are so many great things happening on our campus, and we can’t possibly share every story or event that takes place throughout the year within the pages of this magazine. Consider coming by and allowing me to give you a tour of our beautiful campus, which will provide you with a better understanding of MDCA&CH. I know that children are growing closer to God and they are being educated, equipped, and empowered to do great things for the Kingdom after their time here at MDCA&CH. I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Consider also the hardships families are facing with the necessities:
• Rent - The cost of rent is up 25% since last year. Never before in the history of Mount Dora Christian Academy & Children's Home has your gift been more crucial to the success of our children. Without the support of our donors, the hopes and dreams of a safe and secure home for disadvantaged children and an affordable Christian education would simply not be possible.
DEVELOPMENT The Joy of Giving
• Food - Food prices in April 2022 were 9% higher than they were in April 2021. Breakfast cereal prices have increased twice in one year. Even mac and cheese has gone up 20%.
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• Gasoline - In 2019, the price of gasoline was $2.21. Today it is $3.72. This means the cost of getting to and from work, transporting kids, driving to church, and picking up groceries has almost doubled.
There are people and organizations in our lives that we will never be able to repay. One of the greatest joys of my job is to hear from those who have been forever impacted by the work of Mount Dora Christian Academy & Children’s Home and want to give back. I received such a letter this week. Many decades ago, MDCA&CH assisted a gentleman from Alabama (now a retired NASA engineer) with the adoption of his precious son. He is now asking to create a scholarship for students going to college. “I am eternally indebted and most grateful for all the assistance,” he exclaimed. “This scholarship is my opportunity to personally express my deep appreciation to your staff and the Home.”
Residents Baptized
Good news for annuity customers I have good news to share with those who are considering a charitable gift annuity (CGA). Because interest rates are rising, the American Council on Gift Annuities increased the payout rate on new charitable gift annuities as of July 2, 2022. It's the first increase in two years. With a CGA, a donor gifts a lump sum of money to a charity like MDCA&CH and in return receives a guaranteed fixed annual income for life. The payout rate varies with the age of the donor. Thanks to the new rates, a 75-year-old donor gifting $10,000 will now receive a $600 payout each year compared with $540 under the old rates. In addition, the one-time charitable deduction on that gift increases from $4,663 under the old rates to $4,818 under the new rates. CGAs are popular with senior adults who want a guaranteed lifetime annual income not subject to the chaos of the stock market. Contact me in the Development Office for a personal illustration based on your age and situation.
This scene gets repeated nearly every week. Many of the people whose lives we have touched feel a burning desire to help someone else. There is no better time to give back than right now. With inflation at record highs, the expense of providing a safe, Christian Home has increased dramatically. Even before this latest inflation surge, the average American family spent $848 on back-to-school notebooks, utensils, uniforms, shoes, backpacks, daily lunches, extracurricular activities, transportation, and extra educational materials at home!
We always rejoice when one of our residents at Mount Dora Children's Home chooses to accept Jesus as their savior and be baptized. Single parent, Wesleyana Presy, was baptized recently at Orange Avenue Church of Christ in Eustis by Chuck Shepherd, director of Social Services. At Central Florida Bible Camp this summer, Thompson House resident, Maleah Hughes, was baptized. Maleah is a junior at Mount Dora Christian Academy. She was baptized by Scott Simpson, youth minister at Orange Avenue Church of Christ. Please pray for the spiritual growth of all our residents at the Home and students at the Academy.
The legal and tax information contained herein is merely a summary of our understanding and interpretation of current tax law. Please consult with your accountant, financial planner, or attorney for additional information.

Like many other teens, Cox got married immediately after high school, which she now says she regrets. It wasn’t long until she gave birth to her first two children, Micah and Malachi. “I was sheltered and didn’t know he had been on drugs,” she said of her husband, adding that the marriage went downhill from there, and she eventually had to escape. In the years since, Cox, now 35, experienced two more marriages that ended badly. She now has a total of five children, ranging in age from five to 14. Four of them are with her in the home she lives in on campus.
For Rebecca Cox and her children, the Single-Parent Program at Mount Dora Children’s Home is providing stability, love, and hope for a better future. “It [the Single-Parent Program] has helped us out tremendously,” Cox said. “When every other door was being shut, they (MDCH) are the ones who had their arms open for us.” Life started out rough for Cox. She says her birth mother was a drug addict and prostitute. Cox was removed from her mother’s home at age two and placed in foster care. Her birth mother was killed when Cox was only 11. Between ages two and five, Cox said she spent time in 50 foster homes, often separated from her sister. “They moved me all over the place,” Cox said. “I was pretty traumatized from going through all of that at a very young age.” Life took a positive turn for Cox when, at age five, a Christian couple, Randy and Carolyn Cox, from Tavares, adopted her and her sister. She grew up going to church and graduated from Liberty Christian Preparatory School.
“One of my biggest challenges has been learning to be alone, learning not to be co-dependent on anybody but Jesus,” said Cox, noting that she had been married nearly all of her life since age 18. In hindsight, Cox said she realizes she rushed too quickly into her marriages, failing to take time to get to know the men well enough.
“If I ever decide to date again, I’m going to know them for at least two years. I want to know their good, bad, and ugly, and whether they are really a Christian or not. I’m learning to see what I couldn’t see before.”
In the year that Cox has been in the Single-Parent Program, she’s kept busy working and studying, making remarkable progress. While working full time at Lake County Schools as a teachers’ assistant, Cox has also taken a full-time load of online college courses through Liberty University. She expects to complete her bachelor’s degree in December, with a major in criminal justice and a minor in Christian counseling. She is also considering more schooling, either a master's in Christian counseling or a law degree. “Families have been my heart,” Cox said in explaining her interest in law school. “I want to fight for people who need their kids or want to get their kids back if they’ve done everything they are supposed to do.” The Single-Parent Program is also helping Cox improve her money management skills and save money for her future. “I’m praying that when I leave here, my credit score will be what it needs to be so I can buy a house. That would be the most amazing thing for me.
Thanks to the Single-Parent Program, Cox is optimistic about the future for her and her children. “I want to take care of my kids and raise them the way Jesus would want me to. That’s my heart’s desire.”
Imagine · Fall 2022 | 4
At a low moment after her last marriage, an attorney suggested she contact Mount Dora Children’s Home. She initially thought she was calling to get help with paying utility bills; however, after meeting with social workers here, she learned about all the benefits of the Single-Parent Program. “The same day he [her ex-husband] shut the lights off on us, Johnnie [social worker Johnnie Coley] called and said, 'We have a place for you.'" I packed up our kids and moved in.” Since coming to MDCH in August 2021, Cox said that she and her children have enjoyed peace and stability. It’s also been a time of reflection and maturity for her. She said she’s grateful for all of the encouragement, training, and help MDCH provides to her and her family. Among other things, Cox said the Social Services staff at MDCH has shown her how capable she is with God’s help, and that she doesn’t need to rely “on anyone other than Jesus.”

“Part of the goal of training classes like the home and car maintenance classes is to empower women to realize they can do these things themselves and to become more self-sufficient,” Rambow said, adding that with this knowledge comes higher self-esteem and confidence.
For the car maintenance class, students learned how to check fluid levels, fill low tires, change filters, and other basic maintenance tips. At the end of the training, participants were able to practice maintenance tips learned with their own car.
“We want to teach our residents that education is ongoing and not a one-and-done thing,” said Tonja Rambow, a social worker in Social Services at MDCH. “We teach them that training is built upon a philosophy of life-long learning. We’re always learning, and that helps us have better quality lives. We do it spiritually, and we do it physically. We do it in all aspects of our lives.”
Teen girls from Thompson House and members of the Social Services staff participated in the 12-week healthy lifestyles course earlier this year. Called the Whole Life Program, it was taught by healthcare professionals from AdventHealth, a faith-based hospital network based in Central Florida. This was the first time this type of program has been offered to any of our residents or employees.
Learning about food and nutrition played a prominent role in the Whole Life Program, ranging from how to read labels and select foods wisely to healthy cooking tips. This segment of the training included a trip to a nearby supermarket to discuss how to select healthy and cost-effective foods. Participants also received water bottles to encourage them to consume more water daily, resistance bands for strength training, sunglasses, hand sanitizer, and a Fitbit type watch as an encouragement to remain focused on their health goals and activity throughout the program.
“They [AdventHealth] approached wellness in a very holistic way,” Rambow said. “It’s not just physical health, but also spiritual health and emotional health.” Each member of the class received a biometric reading to help assess their current level of health and fitness. Health stats such as blood-sugar levels, blood pressure, and cholesterol were taken to provide a baseline. A healthcare professional met privately with each student to review her results and establish individual goals. Participants received program workbooks and were encouraged to journal daily about their health goals and progress. A life coach facilitated each participant in developing a personalized long-term plan for healthier living.
Properly maintaining one’s car and home can be especially stressful (and costly) for busy single parents.
Training for Life at MDCH
Car and Home Maintenance
When a teenager starts asking for healthier food, you know your training is paying off. That’s exactly what happened following a new and innovative 12-week course on healthy lifestyles for the teenage girls who live on campus in the Thompson House. Both single parents and children at Mount Dora Children’s Home have benefited in recent months from an expanded number of innovative training classes. Training is a priority at the Home. It is designed to help build self-confidence and independence and prepare residents for success in their future lives.
Teaching Healthy Lifestyles
That’s why MDCH recently taught two series of classes to the ladies in our Single-Parent Program, Basic Car Maintenance and Basic Home Maintenance.
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New House Parents
Single-Parent Parenting
The Social Services staff at Mount Dora Children’s Home is always looking for beneficial training opportunities for residents. One popular course offered periodically is a 12week Single & Parenting class. Rambow said the staff hopes to offer that class again in the year ahead.
Matt is a graduate of Sunset International Bible Institute and previously worked full-time as a minister. Adriana earned a degree in electrical technology from Kirkland Community College in Michigan and has worked as an electrician.
Matt and Adriana met at Grayling Church of Christ in Grayling, Michigan, where Matt was preaching, and Adriana was a member. They have been married for about a year and a half and are expecting their first child in late November.
“Everybody brought their cars that day, and we went through the nine checks on their vehicles,” Rambow said. Graduates of these classes received pink tool kits, one was filled with car safety tools, and one was filled with essential home maintenance tools for working around the house.
At the same time, we want to say thank you and offer God's best blessings to Troy and Rebecca ("Becky") Allen. They left Mount Dora this summer to pursue new opportunities at Clarksville Christian School in Tennessee, where they will be closer to family, including their grandchildren. They have served as house parents for Thompson House since May 2016.
“Money management is an ongoing issue we try to address and one of the biggest challenges the single parents face when they come into the program,” Rambow said. Participants in the Single-Parent Program receive instruction throughout the year to help improve their financial status, including one-onone sessions with a social worker.
Imagine · Fall 2022 | 6 SERVICESSOCIAL
The girls at the Thompson House have new house parents. Matthew and Adriana Dietrich joined us this summer. They came here from Longmont, Colorado, where they served as house parents at Mountain States Children's Home. "We want to make a difference and have an impact on children's lives," Matt said. "We love the mission at Mount Dora and are looking forward to doing this ministry together. We're all in."
Dealing with Money Budgeting and money management is another topic where we can all benefit from advice from time to time. Retired financial planner Dan Bogeagis recently taught a multi-week class in successful money management for participants in the Home’s Single-Parent Program. For a variety of reasons, sometimes out of their control, many single parents come into our program with low credit scores, high debt, little or no savings, and other financial difficulties.

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Tannia Crane, Preschool 2s Lead Teacher: Crane was born and raised in Ecuador and moved to the U.S. at the age of 15. She graduated from high school in Illinois and moved to Florida in 2002. Crane has nine years of experience teaching primary grades in public education. She started her career at Orange County Public Schools and then moved to Lake County Schools. She and her husband, Carlos, have two girls, Salome and Michaela, who have been attending MDCA since preschool.
Carson Barker, Secondary Bible Teacher: Barker is a 2013 graduate of MDCA. He started at MDCA when he was two years old. He has a Bachelor of Science in Biblical Studies and a Bachelor of Arts in Theatre Performance from FreedHardeman University. He married his wife, Briana, in 2019 and they now have two children, Kasey and Shiloh.
Tara Romano, Preschool Assistant: Romano grew up in upstate New York. She received her associate degree while pursuing a future in social work. Children, especially those with trauma, captured her heart. She went to Elim Bible College to learn about Jesus. Romano soon married Chris, and they now have five children. Two are now married, and Romano is a grandma of three. Romano and her family ministered at their home church for 23 years. There, they had the privilege of serving adults, youth, and children. During those years, she also received her degree in Biblical studies at Vision Christian Bible College and Seminary, where her husband is the president. This led them to move to Central Florida a year ago.
Holly Hall, Kindergarten Teacher: Hall grew up in the Central Florida area, where her family still resides. She began her college education at St. Andrews Presbyterian College in Laurinburg, North Carolina, and finished her degree at Flagler College. Hall has served in the public school system for 18 years, mostly as a kindergarten teacher. She and her husband, Jason have two sons, Nolan and Liam.
Claire Bell, Third Grade Teacher: Bell graduated from Mount Dora High School, where she played quarterback as the only girl on the boys' football team. She went on to graduate from The University of Central Florida with her bachelor's degree in elementary education. Bell absolutely loves teaching 3rd grade. She got married last year to her husband, Mikey. Outside of school, Bell loves plants, astronomy, running in Spartan Races, and spending time with her family.
Shea-Leah Addenbrooke, Summer Camp and Extended Care Director: Addenbrooke grew up in Eustis, and moved to Colorado eight years ago where she was a director at a local charter school. She has a huge passion for planning summer camps and afterschool activities. In her free time, Shea-Leah loves to travel, explore new activities, and spend time with family.
Haley Lynn, Kindergarten teacher: Lynn is a first-year teacher from Searcy, Arkansas, where she received her education degree from Harding University. In her spare time, Lynn enjoys traveling, shopping, and spending time with friends. Haley was the children’s ministry intern at College Church of Christ in Searcy. During this time, she was able to organize events such as VBS and parents night out, and plan lessons for Sunday morning Bible classes.
Charles Marcussen, Chief Financial Officer: A native of South Bend, Indiana, Marcussen attended Harding University, earning degrees in Accounting and in Management and Marketing. For the past 20-plus years, Marcussen has served in various roles while progressing through the ranks in corporate and public accounting in both Little Rock, Arkansas, and Orlando, Florida. Marcussen's wife, Jennifer, is one of our VPK teachers. They have two daughters attending MDCA, Josie and Millie. Prior to being named Chief Financial Officer at MDCA, Marcussen was a Managing Partner at MSH CPAs in Orlando.
ACADEMICS BulldogsNewWelcome

Liz Tucker, Secondary English Teacher: Tucker has been teaching middle school in Lake County for the last ten years. She has a bachelor's in Elementary Education from St. Leo University and a master's in special education with an intervention specialist certification from the University of Central Florida. Tucker and her husband have four children. She has a passion for inclusion in education and enjoys participating with Special Olympics and Best Buddies of Central Florida.
Daniel Whaley, Secondary History Teacher: Whaley is originally from Fort Myers, Florida. He completed his undergraduate degree in secondary social studies education in Fort Myers at Florida Gulf Coast University. He started his teaching career at his alma mater in Lee County, Florida, and has taught there for the past 10 years.
Banks Sewell, Band Director: Sewell grew up in Montgomery, Alabama, and received his bachelor's degree in music from Faulkner University this past spring. While at Faulkner, he met his wife, Julie Anne. In his free time, he enjoys going to the beach, playing disc golf, and composing and arranging music.
Brandi Smith, Fifth Grade Teacher: Smith has an Associate of Arts degree from Faulkner University and a bachelor's degree in Elementary Education from the University of New Orleans. She has been married to her husband, Thomas, for 24 years. They have two children, Ella, a sophomore at Harding, and Evan, a junior at MDCA. Her family relocated to Central Florida seven years ago from Luling, Louisiana, where she taught fourth grade for 12 years. The Smith family attends Concord Street Church of Christ and volunteers with Lads to Leaders.
Julie Anne Sewell, Elementary Music Teacher: Sewell is from Wetumpka, Alabama, and is a recent graduate of Faulkner University, where she received her BA in music. In her free time, she enjoys playing the piano, reading, and photography. She recently married Banks Sewell on June 4.
Tom Wagenhauser, Secondary Math Teacher: Wagenhauser is a 25-year veteran of the information technology industry, as well as a successful business owner, published book author, and public speaker. Wagenhauser was born and raised in Ohio and later moved to Indiana in 1999, where he met his wife, Kristin, and they had their daughter, Alexis. In 2016, he sold his IT business and moved to Florida where he bought and sold a restaurant, got into real estate, and later found a passion for coaching volleyball. His coaching experience reinvigorated a long-lost passion for teaching. With a love for math, Wagenhauser has taught high school math the past three years. He is a graduate of Western Governors University with a Bachelor of Arts in Educational Studies.
Imagine · Fall 2022 | 8
Melanie Steill, First Grade Teacher: Steill was born and raised in Florida. She graduated from the University of Central Florida with a Bachelor's of Science in elementary education. She has taught in both public and private schools. Steill and her husband, Randy, have been married for 10 years, and they have three boys, Kyler, Camden, and Clayton, who all attend MDCA.
Dr. Verna-Kay Smith, Secondary English Teacher: Dr. Smith married her retired military husband, Ken Smith, 34 years ago after meeting him at Faulkner University. The military took them on a life of world travel, moving every four years. They have two sons (Travis & Todd), one daughter-in-law (Lizzy), and one granddaughter (Madelyn Grace).
Dr. Smith has a bachelor's, two master's, and a Ph.D. She was a government employee for 20 years and has taught students for three years. Dr. Smith is passionate about leadership, role modeling, confidence building, and empowering students.
Susan Tillery, Third Grade Teacher: A 1970 graduate of MDCA, Tillery attended Lipscomb University, where she received her B.S. in Elementary Education and early childhood. Later, she received her master's degree in early childhood from Nova University and then a specialist degree in educational leadership from Barry University. Tillery has 42 years of experience in education. She and her husband, Douglas, will be celebrating 20 years of marriage this December. They have two children, several grandchildren, and one great grandson.

Kettering University
College Selected schools of attendance in bold The Class of 2022 MDCA CLASS OF 2022 COLLEGE ACCEPTANCES
Freed-HardemanUniversityUniversity Geneva
Clemson University Concordia
University of Central Florida University of Colorado University of Florida University of Georgia University of Mississippi University of Mount Union University of Nebraska University of North Florida University of Northwestern University of South Carolina University of South Florida University of Tampa University of Tennessee VanderbiltCollegeUniversity Warner WashingtonUniversityandJefferson York
LaGrange College Erie College of Osteopathic Medicine Sumter State College University University (Ohio)
Liberty LouisianaLipscombUniversityUniversityStateUniversity Miami
Auburn College University University University Culver-Stockton University University Tennessee State University Atlantic University Gulf Coast University State College University Wesleyan University University
Sophia Kainz Salutatorian: Amelia Deleon High School Student of the Year: Rebekah Baker Mr. and Miss MDCA: Caleb Romano and Rebekah Baker Christian Leadership Award: Caleb Romano and Rebekah Baker Christian Athlete Award: Caleb Romano and Rebekah Baker President’s Award: Emily Allen and Reggie Virgil Scholarship Money: $2.4 million+ Hours of Community Service: 5,464 SCHOLARSHIPS & AWARDS
Muskingum University Ottawa University Palm Beach Atlantic University Seminole State College Southeastern University St. Thomas University Stetson University The Ohio State University University of North Carolina (Charlotte) University of North Carolina (Greensboro)
University Aurora University Baldwin Wallace University Bethany
Troy UniversityUniversityofAlabama
9 | Imagine · Fall 2022 ACADEMICS

Zackary Wilson Baseball Chowan University Emily Allen Softball Lander University Reggie Virgil Football Miami University of Ohio Ella Mast Cross Country Harding University Caleb Romano Football Aurora University Rebekah Baker Cheerleading York College Austin Gwin Football Maryville College Terris Wilson Football University of Mount Union ATHLETIC SIGNEES ATHLETICS Imagine · Fall 2022 | 10

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5th Grade picked up trash around all of our athletic facilities.
On April 28, MDCA's entire campus participated in Faith Works Day, an event that had not taken place since before the pandemic. At its core, Faith Works Day is a day of service across the community. Every grade level has the opportunity to participate in serving others. Students wrote cards, picked up trash, sang at the Russell Home, helped Lake Cares Food Pantry, visited the Mount Dora Police and Fire Department, volunteered at Central Florida Bible Camp, and much more. MDCA is thankful that all of our students have the opportunity to serve on campus and in the community.
VPK visited our security office with handmade cards and treats. Juniors led worship and visited with those at the Russell Home.Middle school helped prepare food for Lake Cares Food Pantry.
3rd Grade wrote cards for the Mount Dora Police Department. 1st Grade wrote positive affirmations all over campus.
"They were so appreciative of what we were doing. I saw God in our group. No matter how small...we are impacting the kingdom on a greater level, and had fun while doing it. We were cleaning out the gutters and laying sod to create an easier water flow, knowing we are doing work for a place where people will learn about Jesus.
2nd Grade planted flowers at the Mount Dora Fire Station.
Seniors went to Central Florida Bible Camp to lay sod, clean gutters, and prepare for summer.
Faith Works Returns
~Caleb Romano "I saw God in the joy of the people who were at the Russell Home. A lot of them came from bad situations, but you wouldn't be able to tell. During the worship service, they were all dancing and smiling, and it was really nice to see."
~Rachel Horsford

Imagine · Fall 2022 | 12 LIFESTUDENT
"I would go in first thing and do the morning tasks like checking temperatures, calibrating the machines, and dishwashing. Then, I would start the analysis. For the analysis, I would run pH and Chlorine, Total Suspended Solids, Nitrite, and Ecoli checks." Laboratory Manager, Donna Christopher, states, "Horsford was interested in everything and was not fazed by the tasks required of her. She was very quick on the uptake. As we are a state-certified laboratory, she had to master certain analytical methods and perform a demonstration of capability to prove competency before analyzing independently. She mastered three methods within a short space of time, which helped us tremendously. She also performed non-certified methods and all tasks requested of her no matter how menial. She was helpful, polite, and dependable."
Junior Rachel Horsford spent her summer break a little differently from the average student. Horsford is currently involved in MDCA's Biomedical Sciences Institute program, which allowed her the opportunity to intern in the Utilities Department of the City of Tavares.
The AuditoriumThe Secondary Office
Fresh Look on Campus
One of the preschool lobby bathrooms
Horsford says, "Being a part of the BSI program definitely helped me a lot during my internship at the lab. Being in the program for two years now has allowed me to understand how to work in groups, with a partner, and by myself in a lab. It has also allowed me to develop the skills and knowledge of how to do the tasks that I was asked to do during my time at the lab. I don't think that I would have been as successful at anything if it weren't for the BSI program and Mrs. Barker's help."
Several areas of campus got a facelift over the summer. Our grounds and maintenance teams worked extra hard this summer to prepare for the upcoming school year. The Marie Bolles Wright Elementary Building had its entire air conditioning replaced, causing some of our employees to relocate to other parts of campus to continue to work over the summer. The air conditioning had not been replaced in this building since its opening in 2000. The secondary office has been completely remodeled with fresh paint, new furniture, and a new countertop. The auditorium looks brighter with new paint and our new globe logo decorating the wall. The preschool lobby is also in the process of being remodeled with new carpet, paint, and decor. Right now, the Preschool Director Shannon Davis's office and the preschool lobby bathrooms are complete. These are just a few of the updates that welcomed our students and faculty to campus. We look forward to updating more of our original buildings in upcoming years.
Biomedical Opportunities
Horsford is one of five students who will receive her white coat at the BSI White Coat Ceremony in October. The BSI program is geared toward those interested in the medical field and is a great opportunity to earn a higher GPA, improve college applications, and learn critical thinking skills, collaboration, and communication, which will be necessary for success in the future.

World Changers Retire
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Secondary teacher Cindy Brown retired in May after teaching at MDCA for 15 years. She taught high school journalism, middle school creative writing, and middle school English. “To be part of such an incredible school community is one of my life’s greatest blessings,” she says. “I was strict, but I absolutely loved my students, and they knew it. It was so special when alumni would come back to visit me, even if they hadn’t had my class since middle school.”
Mrs. Brown is the only person in her immediate family who did not graduate from MDCA. Her husband, Dr. Rick Brown, graduated in 1977; their daughter, Lauren, in 2004; their son, Parker, in 2009; and their son, Davis, in 2013. “We each deeply cherish MDCA,” she says. “Our three kids had the best education and sense of community at MDCA, starting when our oldest entered preschool in 1988 until our youngest graduated in 2013.” Her three kids were MDCA multiple-sport athletes, homecoming court representatives, Seven Year Club Sports inductees, and Senior Superlatives. Each achieved a “first” at MDCA, too. Lauren was the first female inductee into the Seven Year Sports Club for two sports: golf and cheer. Parker was MDCA’s first quarterback in 2005 and is still the only one to start in that position for four years. Davis was one of the first four football players inducted into the Seven Year Club for football in 2013, and he was a founder of THE WAY in 2011, a student-led service club that still provides community outreach over a decade later. Mrs. Brown served as the club’s sponsor from 2013 until her retirement. “I LOVED watching students shine the light of Christ to others,” she says, “and it makes me so happy that two former members, Ashton (Davis) Ward and Kayley (Ross) White, will take over.” Even though she’s the only person in her family not to graduate from MDCA, Coach Brown has spent more hours on the campus than any of them. Her first “official” role at MDCA was as her daughter’s junior high cheer coach in 1997. Shortly afterwards she became nationally-certified and became the Varsity Coach. “I thought I would quit coaching when my daughter graduated in 2004,” she laughs, “but that obviously didn’t happen. I loved the girls.” This past January, Coach Brown was recognized for coaching at MDCA for 25 years. “Besides developing better athletes, coaching at MDCA has given me the opportunity to teach teen girls about the God who loves them and sent His Son to die for them.” She has two favorite cheer memories. The first was when she got approval from the MDCA Board to incorporate music routines into the cheer program. The first routine was (appropriately) to Space Jam’s “Are You Ready for This?” during halftime of a basketball game on February 4, 2003. “The gym erupted in applause when the squad finished, and the girls cried with joy.” Her second favorite memory was when MDCA began its football program in 2005 and being on the sidelines with cheerleaders virtually every game since. Her favorite thing about coaching, however, is the enduring relationships with many former cheerleaders. “Coaching has blessed me with lasting bonds that often develop between an athlete and a coach,” she says. “It is a special joy to attend bridal showers, weddings, and baby showers for my former girls, and to see the way God is working in their lives.”
In July, the Browns traveled to Zimbabwe, Africa, for Davis’s wedding to Thabile (Tabby) Tshatedi. Davis and Tabby met in the MBA program at Lipscomb University, where she had been a Division I tennis player for four years. In addition to Coach Brown’s husband and children, six other MDCA alumni also traveled to Africa for the wedding: Wes Means ('13), Chace Miller

Some of her favorite memories volunteering include selling puppy chow, watching one daughter cheer at all the sporting events and the other's tennis matches, all the fun at Fall Festivals, chaperoning field trips, watching the butterfly garden come to life, watching the kids have a blast at the Boosterthon Color Run, working Chicken Suppers, eating school pizza on Fridays, and being a part of the countless classroom parties. Her advice to parents on volunteering is that, "Volunteering is easy, and everyone can do it! You can be as involved as you want to be, and there are so many opportunities. My advice is to experience all things MDCA, not just things that your child is involved with. Go to sporting events, help in a concession stand, go see a theater production, or help in the Althoughclassroom."shedoesn't have any set plans, Deleon is looking forward to spending her free time loving on her sweet grand baby and taking trips to South Carolina. MDCA will miss her positive attitude and servant heart.
('13), Dylan Rocca ('13), Case South ('13), Chad Simmons ('15), and Emily Curley ('16). MDCA Administrative Secretary Diana Bay and her husband, Jeff, also attended the festivities.
“I’m thankful God chose MDCA to be part of my family’s journey,” Coach Brown says. She will still be on the MDCA sidelines during football season, but will also spend more time with her children and five grandchildren, who all live in her hometown of Nashville, Tennessee. She and Dr. Brown will eventually move there to be near them and her large extended family.
MDCA Alumni in Zimbabwe Imagine · Fall 2022 | 14 LIFESTUDENT
At our annual Volunteer Breakfast event, Jennifer Deleon was awarded with a globe to recognize her 18 years of service as a World Changer at Mount Dora Christian Academy. A familiar face to our campus, Deleon has had two daughters attend and graduate from MDCA. Her oldest, Kaylee (Seibert), married her MDCA high school sweetheart, Conner, in December of 2016. Kaylee is a RN in the ICU at AdventHealth Winter Park. They just welcomed their first son, Jackson McKay Seibert, in February of this year. Deleon's youngest daughter, Amelia, graduated from MDCA this past May. She is currently attending Clemson University to study biological sciences in the pursuit of becoming a physician.
Deleon was blessed to be a stay-at-home mom and wanted to be a part of her children's day-to-day life. "Don't get me wrong, I loved seeing them go off to school; however, I wanted to be involved." This led her to become involved in the P-T-A and volunteer. Her favorite part of volunteering at MDCA was being a room mom. "The endless planning of class parties and watching the kids have a moment away from academics is priceless. Being a room mom is a great way to be involved, and you get to meet so many of your child's friends' parents. I have friends for life that I met and shared the room mom experience with."

Class of Deborah1974(Eure)
Class of 2014 Ashley (Taylor) Blanchard graduated with her associate's degree at Seminole State. She will be starting her Bachelor's of science in sociology at UCF in the fall.
Conner Seibert and Kaylee (Deleon) Seibert ('13) welcomed their first child on February 28, 2022; Jackson McKay Seibert. Class of 2013 Carson Barker and his wife, Briana, now have two children: Kasey, who was born on September 26, 2020, and Shiloh, who was born on April 20, 2022.
Class of 2015 Victoria Aitken is now a pastry chef at Crème de la cocoa in Saint Augustine, Florida, primarily focusing on wedding cakes.
Megan Ketchum (Elliott) graduated with her master's in Nursing Leadership in May 2022. She is currently working for Orlando Health as an Interim Nursing Operations Manager. Megan married Matt Ketchum in 2019, and they have a Shorthaired Pointer named Dallas.
Alumni Updates
Class of 2017 Chase Brock graduated from Lee University’s School of Nursing on May 7, 2022, and married Derek Flatford on May 14, 2022. They reside in Cleveland, Tennessee.
Brook Migdalski-Nettles graduated tech school as a dental assistant, got married in 2018, and now has five children. Last year, she and her husband opened their own fence company. Her two oldest children attend preschool at MDCA.
Cassie McWhirt is starting her Doctorate in Occupational Therapy at Faulkner University after working for a year at Jackson Hospital in Montgomery, Alabama.
Class of 2016 Jenna Cazin graduated from nursing school and started a new job as a registered nurse on the mom/baby unit.
Heather Ward recently moved to New Hampshire. She also joined Merideth Nagel, P.A., located in Clermont, Florida, where she works remotely as an associate attorney with a focus on estate planning and elder law.
Will Hadley married Payton Jackson on May 15, 2022 in Muskogee, Oklahoma.
Class of 2012 Brady DeCouto finished his Ph.D. in Kinesiology at the University of Utah. He recently accepted a position at the Florida Institute for Human and Machine Cognition as a Senior Research Associate.
Class of 1998 Ryan Vander Weide resides in Winter Garden, Florida and has been married to his wife, Jenna, for 17 years. They have five daughters: Emma (11), Savannah (8), Arianna (8), Emily (7), and Norah (6). Jenna is a nurse at Advent Health Winter Garden. Ryan is an itinerant teacher for the Deaf/Hard of Hearing for Orange County Public Schools.
Dull is currently living in North Carolina as a missionary to Cuba, Samoa, and Fiji. She also works at small congregations in the Appalachian mountains to help host visiting preachers.
15 | Imagine · Fall 2022 ALUMNI
Natalie Farinas graduated from her didactic year of physical assistant school at Nova Southeastern University. She had the honor of having her dad, Dr. Alfredo Farinas, place her white coat on her. Natalie is now starting her clinical rotations with internal medicine.
Class of 2018 Sydney Horton graduated cum laude from Freed-Hardeman University with a degree in Graphic Design and Photography and has accepted a position at DG Promotions as the Art & Sales Assistant.
Zackary Ward obtained his master's degree in Healthcare Administration Strategy and Innovation from AdventHealth University.
Christina McKinney-Muzzarelli and her husband, Jacob, welcomed a little girl to their family, Dorothea (Dora).

Bolded names represent Alumni *Five to nine years of service ** Ten to nineteen years of service ***Twenty years of service or more
Caleb Baker married Katelynn DuSablon on June 18. He will be graduating from Harding University in December with a degree in mathematics. Class of 2019 Avery Davis and Trey Clifton ('17) got married on April 2, 2022, in Mims, Florida. She also graduated in August 2022 with her Master of Accountancy specializing in taxation from the University of West Florida.
Emily Fleming graduated with her Bachelor of Science degree in zoology from Liberty University. Class of 2020 Alissa Crane moved back to Florida after spending two years in Texas completing her pilot’s licensing, as well as working on her BS of Aeronautics from Embry Riddle Worldwide. She has a commercial multi and single engine license with special permission to fly complex or high performance aircraft. She is also instrument rated. She plans to return to Florida to teach future pilots.
We would love to know what is going on in your life! Let us know about graduations, awards, a wedding, a birth, job changes, promotions, etc. Please email your news to alum@MDCAcademy.org
Mount Dora Christian Academyand Children's Home Staff Imagine · Fall 2022 | 16 Cheryl MicheleDenverShea-LeahBrookeAbbateAdams*AddenbrookeAnguishBaker*** Carson Barker Laura Barker*** Diana Bay** Claire Bell Jenifer JonathanBellBell Maegan Benton Siera Bretz Laurie Brooks* Josh Cain* Lisa SharonMelanieCampbellChampionCoe** Amanda Colwell* Tannia Crane Christina Cruz Shannon Davis* Cindy AdrianaDelahoz*Dietrich Matt LynnetteDietrichDuSablon Anne Elenz** Erica Everett Crystal Fleming Seven Francois Jennifer Garland* Brianna SpringAmandaGilbert**GoffGuyton*** Cary Hadley Dr. Lori Hadley*** Holly Hall Jackie Hanegan*** Darnell Harrison Steven Hayes*** Kelly Hill* Mike Hill*** Dr. Sara Hill* Dave Hogan Cleta Horton Doug Horton** Jeff StaceyAllisonHubbard*Jenks*Johnson Dr. Tony Kinkel Katie Kintz Mike Kintz Elizabeth Knight** Robin Leto Haley Lynn Emily Mabry** Charlie Marcussen Jennifer Marcussen Dr. Brian Mast Lorri ClaytonMastMcDaniel Matt McGonigal* Dave McGranaghan Sue McGranaghan Phil SissyMcWhirt***McWhirt** Kellyn Means* Stefani Monn* Kelly AubreyMoralesMuench Billy Murfin Amanda Nunez** Sue SharonOpegenorthParsons Perry Petruccelli Nicole Pettit Kathy Pruitt*** Chris Rader* Jamie Rader Tonja Rambow Marissa Rapp* Tara KevinDianeDanaRomanoRoss**RossRoss Jason Sanders Banks Sewell Julie Ann Sewell Laura Sexton** Chuck Shepherd*** Diane Singer* April Dr.BrandiSmithSmithVerna-Kay Smith Denita Snider*** Ken PatrickDarleneMelanieMonicaSnider***SpognardiSteillStoeckel*Symonds Susan Tillery Corinne Toomer* Liz Tucker Gina Turnage Kathy Van Dingstee Keith Vidler Mike Wacaster*** Tom TabathaWagenhauserWarburton Ashton Ward Karen West Daniel Whaley Kayley White Katie MeganNatalieWilliamsonYawn**Ziegelhofer* ALUMNI
Emily Leto graduated from Florida State University as a Garnet and Gold Scholar with a bachelor's in Media Communication Studies. Upon graduation, she received a full-time position as a Content Writer and Editor with Fiore Communications in Tallahassee.

17 | Imagine · Fall 2022
Dave McGranaghan, Maintenance Personnel
-Mike Hill, Director of Facilities
Bob West Passing
Former Vice President of Finance, Robert (Bob) West, was born in Parsons, Kansas, where his family farmed until their move to Boonville, Missouri. While living there, his family was instrumental in beginning the Boonville Church of Christ. Bob grew up in the church and was baptized into Christ while his family worked to grow the congregation in Boonville. While growing up, Bob loved spending time outdoors working on trucks and tractors. After graduation from high school, he attended the University of Central Missouri, where he received a degree in Art Education and Commercial Art. Upon graduation, he taught junior high history and art at Renick schools. He later returned to Columbia College, graduating summa cum laude with a degree in Business Administration with an emphasis in Whileaccounting.studying for his undergraduate degree, he met his wife, Karen. They moved to Boonville, where Bob worked in business while Karen taught school. During this time, their son, Curtis, was born. A few years later, Bob moved his family to St. Louis, where he was given the opportunity to work as a CFO. While living in St. Louis, Bob served as a deacon at the Ellisville Church of Christ. Bob’s love for Christian education motivated him to serve on the board at Christian Academy of Greater St. Louis, where his son attended school. While Curtis attended college in Florida, he met his wife, Meagan. Bob and Karen moved to Florida to be near them and any future grandchildren. This led Bob to accept a position as Vice President of Finance at Mount Dora Christian Academy while Karen took a position teaching kindergarten. Bob had served MDCA for four years before his passing in January. They have a grandson, Chase Allan, who is four, and a granddaughter, Arden Grace, who was born in July. Because of Bob’s love for old trucks and tractors, he wrote articles for several national magazines. He loved meeting people at truck and tractor shows who held the same passion for restoring and preserving pieces of history. A generous donor has donated a tractor to our grounds and maintenance team in his honor. A tree has also been planted on campus in his memory. Memorial donations to honor the life of Bob West may be made to Mount Dora Christian Academy.
“I tremendously respected and admired Bob for his financial prowess. He always had a Christ-like spirit.”- Rod Dollins, President, Christian Academy of Greater St. Louis
"Bob West was one of the kindest, most caring, and gentle souls I’ve ever met. He was a pleasure to be around with his natural calming affect. His intellect was second to none. No matter how busy Bob was, he always made time for everyone who stopped by his office door. He always had a great story that never pertained to work. Most stories revolved around his family, especially his grandson Chase. Bob had many talents, most of which not many people knew about. I truly wish I had more years to spend enjoying his genuine friendship."
"Bob West was a man of dedication and service to the mission of Mount Dora Christian Academy and Children's Home, and I, for one, am very glad that I was given the opportunity of working with him and calling him my friend." -Dr. Brian Mast, President
“What I remember most about Bob was his patience and kindness. He treated everyone like a good friend and was a great listener. I can honestly say I am a better person for having known Bob West.”

Mr. and Mrs. Andrew H. Limbrecht Robert Terry, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew H. Limbrecht Robert Tillery Mr. Paul Labriola Mr. and Mrs. Julian F. Olive Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Tillery Ed Varnadore Mrs. Pearl Hogan Jan Vining Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Arnold Mr. and Mrs. Robert N. Sell Joe Watson Stuart Church of Christ Linda Weathers Mr. and Mrs. Ted E. Brown, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Steve Cargle Mary Sue Collins Mr. and Mrs. Charles Killian Mr. and Mrs. Billie J. Queen Mr. and Mrs. Everett C. Smith Mr. Jack D. White Bob West Mr. Rick J. Bazinet Mr. and Mrs. Fuller Bennett, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Hayes Burleson Daniel Carpenter Mr. and Mrs. James W. Carr Mr. and Mrs. Michael L. Carter Mr. and Mrs. Timothy J. Deem Mr. and Mrs. Rodney M. Dollins Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Eads Glickstein Laval Carris, P.A. Mr. Tom Haire Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Hanegan Dr. and Mrs. Dorsey Hightower Mrs. Cathy Hylton Dr. and Mrs. Brian A. Mast Mr. and Mrs. Jack McDonald Mr. and Mrs. Phil McWhirt MDCA Elementary Faculty & Staff Mr. and Mrs. Robert Pellosie Mr. and Mrs. Robin Pruitt Ms. Tonja Rambow Mr. and Mrs. Chuck Shepherd Estle White Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Kreimer Ms. Anne Peugh Mr. and Mrs. Ken Joyner Robert Williams Mr. and Mrs. Jack McDonald Wayne Wilson Joan, Larry, and Alan Wilson Emelle Woodham Mrs. Patricia Kramer Mr. and Mrs. Robert N. Sell Neal Wright Mr. John Mark Hays Mr. Lewis Mallory Mr. and Mrs. Maury Phillips Mr. and Mrs. Luke Yeatman Robert "Bob" Yoder Mrs. Sheila Bonanno Ms. Ada M. Vines Mr. Glenn Yoder Le Young Mr. and Mrs. Garry D. Allison, Jr. Myrtle Zorn Mrs. Wanda Z. Cannon
Jerry Adair Mr. and Mrs. James M. Adair Mildred Allaway Mr. and Mrs. Ted E. Brown, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Steve Cargle Mary Sue Collins Ms. Martha Hall Ms. Dorothy C. Harbin Patricia Jo Karr Mr. and Mrs. Charles Killian Mr. and Mrs. Billie J. Queen Mr. David Samples Mr. and Mrs. Everett C. Smith Mr. Jack D. White Noa Allison Mr. and Mrs. Garry D. Allison, Jr. Bob Baker Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Acker Ed Baker Mr. and Mrs. Jack McDonald Helen Barton Mr. and Mrs. Jack McDonald Elsa G. Beal Mr. Craig G. Beal Catalina H. Martinez Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert J. Martinez Mr. and Mrs. Leonard G. Meyer, Jr. Mr. Daniel Schlueter Brenda Born Mr. and Mrs. Ted E. Brown, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Steve Cargle Mary Sue Collins Ms. Martha Hall Ms. Dorothy C. Harbin Patricia Jo Karr Mr. and Mrs. Charles Killian Mr. and Mrs. Billie J. Queen Mr. David Samples Mr. and Mrs. Everett C. Smith Mr. Jack D. White Mildred Boyd Mr. and Mrs. Garry D. Allison, Jr. Orvel & Mildred Boyd Mr. and Mrs. Jack McDonald Monty Boyd Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Tillery Merriam Brooker Mr. and Mrs. Frank Aloi Mrs. Jacqueline Carlton Mr. Peter FernandinaDenboerBeachChurch of Christ Ms. Pennie Holmes Mr. Paul Jordan Mr. and Mrs. Michael Rowand Mr. and Mrs. Don Rowland Mr. and Mrs. John T. Sykes Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Uebelein West Broward Church of Christ Mike Brown Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Ruggie Mark Byers Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Comer Sharon Caine Mrs. Peggy Kimmons Geraldine Campbell Mrs. Betty Ruttledge Bruce Roland Carl Mr. Gary Bressler John Carpenter Mrs. Joanne C. Peck Lib Carpenter Mrs. Joanne C. Peck Eugene Carter Mr. and Mrs. Jack McDonald Charles Clack Mr. and Mrs. Kasey Oakley Bob Clayton Mrs. Vickie Henson Peltier Doris Jean Cline Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Arnold Eunice Conn Mr. and Mrs. Andy Biggers Mr. and Mrs. John Caron Rebecca Cross Blaine Cook Mr. and Mrs. Jack McDonald James L. Cribbs Mr. and Mrs. James T. Cribbs Stephen Cribbs Mr. and Mrs. James T. Cribbs Betty Lou Cronin Dr. and Mrs. Alan Campbell, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Steve Ising John Cronin Dr. and Mrs. Alan Campbell, Jr. Effie Crosby Mr. and Mrs. Jack McDonald Joe Daniels Mr. and Mrs. Robert N. Sell Jessalyn Eaton Mrs. Linda Boatright Martha France Mr. and Mrs. Jack McDonald Chris Gainey Mr. and Mrs. Robert N. Sell Mark Gainey Mr. and Mrs. Robert N. Sell Bill Gonzalez Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Acker Bobby Groves Mr. and Mrs. Jack McDonald Patricia Edgar Mr. J. Stewart Edgar Darlene Hindsley Mr. and Mrs. James L. Cline, Jr. Holly Hill Church of Christ Debbie Infinger Mr. William Holladay Edith Jackson Ms. Donna Bailey Corrine Creel Jacobsen Mrs. Thelma Justiss Myra Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Tillery Juanita Jordan Ms. Amy E. Jordan Qwen Langjan Mr. and Mrs. Michael Balkcom Brandon Lassiter Mr. and Mrs. Kasey Oakley Mary LeCureux Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Itson Madison Church of Christ Gladys Lefler Mr. Bernard E. Jackson Mrs. Michelle Townley George Limbrecht Mr. and Mrs. Andrew H. Limbrecht Marguerite Limbrecht Mr. and Mrs. Andrew H. Limbrecht William Thomas Martin, Sr. Jesse Anderson Ms. Cheryl C. Ashton Mr. and Mrs. Robert H. Carpenter Ms. Pat Hamilton Ms. Ellen Smith Mr. and Mrs. Michael E. Turner Martha McAlister Mrs. Thelma Justiss Charles McDonald Mr. and Mrs. William L. Evers Mr. and Mrs. Jack McDonald Jerry McEldowney Ms. Joan Stirlen Lawrence McEldonwey Mr. and Mrs. Douglas L. McEldowney Jetta Marie Mcllree Mrs. Patricia S. McRee Kathleen Meeks Mr. and Mrs. Homer Thompson Gordon & Eva Methvin Mr. and Mrs. George Welty Harry Middleton Mr. and Mrs. Jack McDonald Mrs. Althea Starling Harold and Madge Neiswander Sellers Investment & Rental Account Carolyn Nelson Mrs. Sheryl Picciolo Dr. and Mrs. Joseph C. Clements M.D. Brenda Nichols Industry Church of Christ Jim & Doris Noblitt John Burkett & Phil Lukas Julie Ann Norman Mr. and Mrs. Knox Norman Howard Reed Oliver, Jr. Ms. Geneva Overturf Don O'Rourke Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Tillery Lauri Osborne Mr. and Mrs. Jack McDonald Mary Owen Mrs. Barbara Bass Nick Pace Mr. and Mrs. Kasey Oakley Audrey S. Paight Mr. and Mrs. Jack McDonald Donald Pennington Mr. and Mrs. Ernest A. McArthur Tim Phillips Mr. and Mrs. Jack McDonald Martha Polk Mr. and Mrs. John M. Jezierski Mr. and Mrs. Jack McDonald Joel Prather Mrs. Anne McLeskey RTT Business Solutions LLC TJS Deemer Dana, LLP Glenn Presser Mrs. Patricia M. Bass Mr. and Mrs. Byron L. Boyer Mrs. Eleanor A. Briggs Damage Recovery, LLC Ms. Katherine Davis Ms. Susan Davis Ms. Stephanie Depue Ms. Constance Eckstine Mr. Jaron Ferrell Mr. and Mrs. Peter Franco Ms. Joan E. Gallagher
Memorials January 1, 2022 - July 31, 2022
Memorials January 1, 2022 - July 31, 2022
Imagine · Fall 2022 | 18
Mrs. Emily Griffin Ms. Patricia L. Hemingway Mr. and Mrs. David L. Nicholson Raymond Nicholson North Tampa Church of Christ Mr. and Mrs. Neal Pharr Mr. and Mrs. James Shackowsky Ms. Barbara Timpson Mr. Prashant Vadhulas Ms. Ginnie D. Walker Ms. Sandra West Herb & Mary Pruitt Mr. and Mrs. Jack McDonald Steven D. Roberts Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D. Thurman Jeff Robison Mr. and Mrs. Jack McDonald Gale Root Mr. and Mrs. Gerald W. Ledgerwood Ruby Mr. and Mrs. Kasey Oakley Dorothy Russell Fifth Street Church of Christ Wade Russell Sister and Mrs. Verne Ragle Homer and Helen Samuels Mr. and Mrs. Jack McDonald Kim Sechler Mrs. Amanda Casey Ms. Karen Hart Mrs. Donna Melchert Richardson Engineering J.K. and Anna Sellers Sellers Investment & Rental Account Nell Sims Danni Sims'asplin Mr. and Mrs. James W. Smith Beverly Smith Mr. and Mrs. James W. Smith Billy W. Smith Mr. and Mrs. James W. Smith Willis E. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Everett C. Smith Eileen Snider Mr. William Holladay Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth M. Jackson Liberty Church of Christ Susie Cowart Snow Mr. and Mrs. Jack McDonald Mark Spangler Mr. and Mrs. Garry D. Allison, Jr. Barbara Eileen Helms Brasington Speigner Mr. William Holladay Earl Starling Mrs. Althea Starling Dennis & Virginia Stults Mrs. Joanne C. Peck Gentry & Jeanette Stults Mrs. Joanne C. Peck Cletus Stutzman John Burkett & Phil Lukas Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Tillery Susan Sutherlin Mrs. Patricia S. McRee Evelyn Sutton Mr. and Mrs. William J. Williamson Jr. Jennifer Terrell Mr. and Mrs. Jack McDonald Mary Terry
Betty Badley Mr. and Mrs. Jack McDonald Jim Carr Mr. and Mrs. Jack McDonald Buddy & Jo Childers Mr. and Mrs. Jack McDonald Tim Deem Mr. and Mrs. Robin B. Leonard Mr. and Mrs. Jack McDonald Mike Fanning Mr. and Mrs. Thomas D. Thurman Tony Kinkel Mr. and Mrs. James W. Carr Caroline Massie Mr. and Mrs. Edward M. Davis Brian Mast Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Eads Mr. and Mrs. Jack McDonald Ralph & Betty McQuiddy Ms. Mariam Slaughter Vernon Means Mr. and Mrs. Jack McDonald James E. Moore Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Itson Darlene, Tres, and Stacy Oliver Ms. Geneva Overturf Stacy Oliver Ms. Geneva Overturf Kathy Pruitt Mr. and Mrs. Richard P. Eads Howard Reed III Ms. Geneva Overturf Lynn Stephens Ms. Nancy Ochoa Daniel Symonds Mr. and Mrs. John Symonds
Educate. Equip. Empower. 301 W. 13th Ave., Mount Dora, FL 32757 Phone (352) 383-2155 Fax (352) 383-3112 mdchome.orgmdcacademy.org Save the Dates: If this copy of Imagine Magazine is addressed to your MDCA Alumni, please update their contact information by emailing alum@mdcacademy.org. DECEMBER 22-30132 Chicken Supper (Light Up MDCA) Elementary Christmas Program Winter Break MARCH 13-17 24 Spring ChickenBreakSupper Homecoming SEPTEMBER 2323 Chicken Supper JANUARY 142-3 271716 No School - Teacher Workday Sarasota Benefit Dinner Faith Works Day Chicken Supper MLK Day - Offices Closed FEBRUARY 9 2420 25 President’s Day - No School Chicken Supper Boyd Scholarship Dinner Montgomery Benefit Dinner Grandparents Day OCTOBER 6 10-11 2815 31 Fall Break Palm Beaches Benefit Dinner Chicken Supper (Chick-or-Treat) No School - Teacher Workday NOVEMBER 111 21-25 Veterans Day Program Thanksgiving Break No School - Teacher Workday Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Mid-Florida, FL Permit #57120