2009 Conference Center Rate Information Per Person Package Plan Number of Nights & Meals 2 Nights & 6 Meals 3 Nights & 9 Meals 4 Nights & 11 Meals
$244 $350 $455
$200 $285 $371
$155 $224 $289
Description of Accommodations
Deluxe: Mount Hermon’s finest accommodations • Hotel–Includes private bath, lanai, towels, and pre-made beds. • Cabins–These private retreats with furnished living rooms, kitchens and bedrooms include premade beds, towels and a coffee maker. Standard: A bit more seasoned with a few less amenities but no less comfortable than Deluxe. • Hotel–Includes private baths, towels, and pre-made beds. • Cabins–These private retreats with furnished living rooms, kitchens and bedrooms include premade beds and towels. Economy: Considered more basic and rustic in comparison with Deluxe and Standard. • Hotel–These cozy little retreats with furnished living rooms, kitchens and bedrooms include towels and linens. (Beds are not pre-made.) • Cabins–These cozy little retreats with furnished living rooms, kitchens and bedrooms include towels and linens. (Beds are not pre-made.)
A dditional R ate Information
Package Plans: All rates include lodging, meals, meeting room(s), audio/visual, recreation facilities, and waiter/waitress service. All rates are based on double occupancy except for (1) speaker room at no single occupancy charge. Children ages 0-3 may participate free of charge. Missed Meals: There are no refunds for missed meals. Because we base our pricing off of packages, if a conferee decides not to attend a meal during his/her conference stay, there will be no monetary deduction for doing so. Family Groups: If your church/organization would like to host an all-church retreat, a youth rate may apply. The youth rate only applies when children are a part of a family conference and are in room with adults. Youth 4-17 years: Deluxe Standard Economy 2 nights/6 meals $95 $80 $66 3 nights/9 meals $164 $134 $109 4 nights/11 meals $234 $154 $154 Children ages 3 and under are free of charge.
Value Season: A 10% discount from selected package plans per full-time registrant is available for selected dates. Please contact the Conference Services office for more detail. Single Occupancy: An additional $37 will be added, per night, for guests desiring single occupancy. Youth Dorms: $81 per person (2 nights & 6 meals) for junior & senior high school students staying in Aspen, Buckeye or Birch dorms when part of a family conference. Daily Registration: Conference guests not staying overnight will be charge $8 per adult, per day and $5 per youth, per day.
Individual M eal R ates Meal Continental Breakfast Breakfast Brunch Lunch Dinner
Adults $6 $8 $14 $9 $14
Family Groups & Youth Meal Charges: If your church/organization would like to host an allchurch retreat, a youth rate may apply. The youth rate only applies when children are a part of a family conference and are in room with adults. Youth 4-17 years: Meal Rates Breakfast $4 Brunch $7 Lunch $6 Dinner $8 Children ages 3 and under are free of charge. Fountain & Espresso Cart: Beyond our normal hours of operation, a $20 per hour charge will be added for these services (with a two hour minimum). Hours of operation are listed in the planning guide. Towel & Linen Options: Each room is prepared with linen and towels (1 set per person) for the duration of your stay. An additional set of towels or linens may be requested for $5 at the Front Desk. Linens will be refreshed for conference staying longer than 2 nights. Recreation Fees: Additional recreation options (Crafts, Swimming Pool, Adventure Facilities, etc.) may be found on the Activities Reservation form.
One Night & Three meals is the minimum package required for an overnight conference. Should a conference that is staying more than one night wish to make a reservation for less than three meals per night stayed, the deduction for adults and youth is as follows: Breakfast $1, Lunch $2, & Dinner $3. • Minimum number of guests per group when multiple groups are on grounds: 25 full-time registrants • Minimum number of guests, if no other conference is on grounds: 75 full-time registrants • Minimum number of guests for exclusive use: 550 full-time registrants; 340 full-time registrants for a couple’s conference
Part-time Guests
Throughout our many years of working with guest groups, we have come to realize that while allowing for part-time attendance may seem favorable initially, it actually ends up taking away from the overall community dynamic. Therefore, we do not encourage part-time attendance. However, should a retreat group need to accommodate a part-time guest, the minimum overnight charge will be the one night & three meal rate: Adult Youth when a youth rate applies Deluxe $147 $66 Standard $120 $54 Economy $93 $41
R eservation Information
Upon making a reservation, a contract will be sent with deposit information. Once the signed contract is received, a planning guide will be sent to aid in preparing for your conference. Conference business and registration is handled in one account through the conference coordinator for your event.