Mount Pleasant CSD - From the Heart - Budget 2020-21

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FROM THE HEART • Budget Issue 2020

School Board Candidates Sara Beaty

The following candidates are running for two open seats on the Board of Education. The three-year terms begin July 1, 2020.

Thomas McCabe

Family: I am married to Jordan Smith and have two children, Tyler (8) and Gabriella (4). Our family has lived in Mt. Pleasant since 2011.

Family: I have lived in Hawthorne for 29 years with my wife Marykate and our five children: three WHS alums, one at WHS (Class of 2020) and one at WMS.

Occupation: Nearly my entire legal career has been dedicated to public service. I am presently employed as the Principal Law Clerk to the Hon. James T. Rooney. I was previously employed by the City of Yonkers Corporation Counsel’s Office as counsel to the Yonkers Board of Ed, and as an Assistant County Attorney for the County of Westchester, in the County’s Litigation Bureau.

Occupation: I am currently a Sales Executive, however, my career spans a broad set of experiences in all aspects of the business cycle, including operations, sales, product development, financial control and business management. I have held senior-level positions at leading companies such as PepsiCo, EMI Music, Reuters, Radianz, BT, Cisco, and Dell EMC.

Community Involvement: I have worked the last two years for both the MP Education Foundation and the Citizens Budget Advisory Committee. Additionally, I was appointed to fill a vacancy on the MPCSD BOE in February 2020. I am also a member of various local bar associations.

Community Involvement: MPCSD Board of Education 2012-2018, serving as both VP and President for a year each; board representative on Westchester School Board Association; cochaired the district’s strategic plan; committee involvement in Citizen Budget Advisory, Audit, and Facilities Advisory; produced the Kindergarten 1st day video for the Elementary PTA for 10 years. In 2020 I helped to build sets for the middle school play Shrek and our family, working with Discover Camp Cares, helped to make over 8000 shields for our first-line health workers.

What do you believe is the most important responsibility of a member of the Board of Education? A willingness to collaborate with the community, staff, administration, and the other board members in order to adopt and review policies that set the vision and goals of our district as a whole. Also the adoption and oversight of the district’s budget to ensure that it is fiscally responsible, and in line with the particular vision and goals of our district. What policy changes would you suggest to help the district face the challenges that lie ahead? The district needs to be prepared to have virtual learning policies and protocol in place in the event that distance learning continues. These policies must take into account the needs of the students, parents and teachers in order to maximize the benefits of learning in this new way. I also believe the district will need to revise or adopt a school safety plan in response to Covid19. What procedural changes would you recommend to face those challenges? With respect to potential continuation of virtual learning, I recommend a survey be distributed to troubleshoot issues that may have been experienced this spring. In terms of safety and health, I propose the establishment of a committee to address how the district can safely re-open our buildings. Finally, I think the district will need processes in place to assist students with IEP’s and 504 Plans in receiving services to curb any regression. This pandemic has affected every single child and we must be prepared to meet all of our students’ mental health and behavioral needs in the fall.

What do you believe is the most important responsibility of a member of the Board of Education? To work with the superintendent to establish a vision for our schools that reflects the needs of the students, the wishes of the voters, and the consensus of the community. What changes to the Board of Education policy would you suggest to help the district face the challenges that lie ahead both from a short and long term perspective? The district policies need to be adapted to address extended periods of school closings and distant learning services for students. What procedural changes would you recommend to help administration face those challenges? I would establish and participate in a committee of teachers, parents, administrators and students to work on an Educational Continuity Plan. In enterprises, we call these Business Continuity Plans. Because of the Covid19 pandemic, we have an idea of what worked and what didn’t work, mostly through trial and error. The district needs to take from these learnings to establish and ensure that the policies, programs, and procedures are in place to address any future issues.

Laura Michalec Olszewski Family: I have been married for 26 years to my high school sweetheart, Ron Olszewski, whom I met on the Westlake stage. We have 3 children, Tommy (’17), Jane (’22) and Eddie (‘22). I am a Westlake graduate (’86) and resident of MP for over 40 years. Occupation: Chief Administrative Law Judge for the White Plains Hearing Office of an agency within the federal government; Former Trial Attorney with Immigration and Customs Enforcement. Community involvement: BOE member since 2017, VP of the BOE since 2018; Scout Master, Mount Pleasant Troop 125; Secretary of WMS PTA and volunteer; Cub Scout Leader and Cub Master for Hawthorne Cub Scouts; Westlake Athletic Club Member; Assistant Costume Designer and Photography Chair for Westlake Players; Lector at Holy Rosary Church; Holy Rosary Bell Choir member; Vice President of Holy Rosary Parish Council What do you believe is the most important responsibility of a member of the Board of Education? Advocating for the education of our children in a fiscally responsible and transparent manner. I have dedicated my personal and professional career to serving the public and have a passion for education. What policy changes would you suggest to help the district face the challenges that lie ahead both short term and long term? One of the challenges due to the pandemic is that we are no longer physically out and about in the community as we have been in the past. To better address our virtual environment, the Board of Ed needs to develop a social media presence as an additional avenue for communication. Too often issues and concerns are raised in social media platforms, but are not brought to the attention of the board. What procedural changes would you recommend to help administration face those challenges? I have been working with my fellow board members to develop Board Office Hours to make ourselves available to members of the community. For those not comfortable with social media or speaking publicly at a board meeting, the board would be available to answer questions or hear concerns. Two-way communication between the district and community members is paramount as we face the challenges that lie ahead for our schools.

Responses have been edited for space. For complete candidate responses and additional budget information, visit

Resumen del Presupuesto 2019-20 Presupuesto


2020-21 Presupuesto Adoptado

Aumento de presupuesto



Spanish translation of the budget information is provided in compliance with Section 203 of the Voting Rights Act.

Aumento de la Tasa de impuestasa de impues- to total estimato estimado* da por $1,000



El presupuesto propuesto refleja un aumento del impuesto que cumple con el límite de impuestos del 2.06% y el uso de $175,000 en fondos de reserva para ayudar a equilibrar el presupuesto. Las reducciones en el impuesto a las ventas del condado y los ingresos por intereses se deben al impacto económico de la pandemia de Covid-19. Las proyecciones de ayuda estatal se basan en la información más actualizada disponible en el momento de la adopción del presupuesto. Las reducciones sustanciales a mitad de año en los fondos estatales son posibles.

Fuentes de Ingresos 2019-20 2020-21 Presupuesto Presupuesto 57,236,600


Ayuda Estatal




Otras Fuentes de Ingresos




Saldo del Fondo Apropiado




625,000 65,459,575

38.89% 1.96%

P: ¿Cuáles son las implicaciones del impuesto a la propiedad para este presupuesto? R: Este presupuesto cumple con el límite de impuestos con un impuesto de 2.06% y un aumento estimado de la tasa de impuestos de 1.44% para Residentes de Mount Pleasant. P: ¿Cómo ha afectado la pandemia de Covid-19 al presupuesto? R: La pandemia de Covid-19 presentará desafíos económicos y operativos desconocidos sobre el distrito durante el año fiscal 20202021. Por lo tanto, el presupuesto debe permanecer flexible para satisfacer las necesidades académicas, de salud y seguridad de los estudiantes, al tiempo que debe ser consciente de las incertidumbres financieras para el próximo año. Económicamente, se han considerado reducciones en los ingresos del actual presupuesto. El impuesto sobre


($103,863) (0.16%)

















Aumento/Disminución Para el Año Escolar 2019-20

A. Impuesto Propuesto Para Respaldar El Monto Total Presupuestado B. Impuesto Para Respaldar La Deuda de la Biblioteca, Si Corresponde C. Recaudación de Impuestos Por Proposiciones No Excluibles, Si Corresponde **

D. Cantidad Total de La Reserva de Límite Fiscal Utilizada Para Reducir el Gravamen Del Año Corriente E. Propuesto Total de Impuesto Fiscal Para el Año Escolar (A + B + C D) F. Total de Exclusiones Permisibles


Explicación de Ingresos: El impuesto a la propiedad es la cantidad de fondos proporcionados por los contribuyentes locales para apoyar el programa educativo. La ayuda estatal refleja el apoyo financiero del estado de Nueva York. Otros ingresos incluyen varias fuentes de financiación, incluidos el impuesto a las ventas del condado, los ingresos por intereses, la matrícula y los gastos estudiantiles. El balance de fondos apropiado es el uso de los fondos existentes del distrito para ayudar a equilibrar el presupuesto y cumplir con los límites de impuestos. Gastos explicados: El apoyo general incluye administración central, operaciones comerciales, recursos humanos, asesoría legal, mantenimiento / operaciones de instalaciones y diversas funciones de apoyo. La instrucción incluye educación general y especial, apoyo y supervisión curricular, actividades de atletismo y extracurriculares para estudiantes. El transporte incluye transporte de la casa a la escuela, transporte para actividades deportivas y excursiones para estudiantes residentes. Los beneficios incluyen contribuciones del distrito para sistemas de jubilación, seguridad social, seguro médico y otros gastos de beneficios para empleados. Las transferencias y los servicios de deuda representan pagos de capital e intereses sobre préstamos de fondos, proyectos de construcción de capital y apoyo del distrito para programas de educación especial de verano requeridos.

Preguntas Frecuentes






Cambio en el Índice de Precios al Consumidor






Servicio de la deuda / transferencias

Presupuesto de Contingencia para el Año Escolar 2020-21 *

Porcentaje de Aumento/Disminución en el Presupuesto Propuesto

2019-20 % 2020-21 Presupuesto Presupuesto Cambio

Apoyo General

Presupuesto Propuesto para el Año Escolar 2020-21

$13.63 / $163.50

Resumen de Gastos


Impuesto a la Propiedad

Presupuesto Adoptado para el Año Escolar 2019-20

Monto Total del Presupuesto, Sin Incluir Proposiciones Separadas

El presupuesto educativo propuesto incluye aumentos como resultado del personal propuesto y los contratos de trabajo vigentes, compensados​​ por reducciones en la matrícula de educación especial. El aumento del presupuesto de transporte refleja los aumentos de tarifas contractuales y los gastos generados ​​por la inscripción de estudiantes. El aumento en los beneficios se debe a l a s contribuciones requeridas para la jubilación, el Seguro Social y el seguro médico para los empleados.

% Cambio

Propuesta de Presupuesto General

Aumento estimado de $ por mes / año**

*La tasa de impuesto real es establecida por la ciudad en Agosto de 2020. ** Basado en la evaluación promedio de $8,300.

Sobre el presupuesto

2020-21 Aviso de Presupuesto del Mount Pleasant Central School District

las ventas y las proyecciones de ganancias por intereses se han reducido para reflejar las condiciones económicas de la región. Las proyecciones estatales para la ayuda escolar se mantuvieron estables y el presupuesto estatal incluye una amenaza de mayores reducciones en la ayuda a las escuelas. El distrito está preparado para hacer las reducciones necesarias al presupuesto siempre y cuando las reducciones de ayuda estatal se vuelvan aparentes. P: Si los servicios se “mantienen”, ¿por qué habría que hacer reducciones para mantener el presupuesto fijo? R: Si bien el distrito ha reasignado fondos y personal para mantener los programas existentes, se requieren algunos aumentos. Los beneficios para los empleados, como los costos de jubilación y seguro médico, están aumentando. El distrito también tiene obligaciones contractuales

G. Límite del Impuesto a la Escuela, Excluyendo el Impuesto Por las Exclusiones Permitidas




0 0



0 $56,082,587











H. Propuesto Total de Impuesto Fiscal Para el Año Escolar, Excluyendo el Impuesto Para Pagar la Deuda de la Biblioteca y/o Exclusiones (E - B - F + D) I. Diferencia: G - H (El Valor Negativo Requiere 60.0% de Aprobación del Votante - Vea la Nota Debajo de Proposiciones Separadas) ** Componente Administrativo




Componente del Programa




Componente de Capital




* Si se derrota el presupuesto propuesto, la Junta de Educación puede adoptar un presupuesto de contingencia conforme a la Sección 2023 de la Ley de Educación. El presupuesto de contingencia eliminaría $1,154,013 del presupuesto propuesto en las áreas de apoyo general, educación regular, educación regular y administración de educación especial, equipo, servicios contractuales y BOCES, deportes y actividades extracurriculares. Bajo el Presupuesto Propuesto para el Año Escolar 2020-21 Ahorros de Exención STAR Estimados Basicos1


La votación del presupuesto anual para el año fiscal 2019-2020 por los votantes calificados del distrito escolar de Mount Pleasant Central, Condado de Westchester, Nueva York, se completarán por motivo de ausencia. Devuelva la boleta antes del 9 de junio, a más tardar a las 5 pm, usando el sobre con su dirección y sello. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 La exención de la desgravación fiscal básica para (STAR) está autorizada por el artículo 425 de la Ley del Impuesto sobre Bienes Inmuebles.

por varios años para compensación de empleados, transporte y otros servicios que requieren aumentos. P: ¿Cómo aborda este presupuesto las necesidades de las instalaciones escolares en el futuro? R: El distrito sigue comprometido a mantener y mejorar las instalaciones escolares. Este presupuesto mantiene el financiamiento para las operaciones de las instalaciones y las necesidades de mantenimiento para limpieza, inspección y reparaciones de edificios. El presupuesto de capital proporciona fondos para la Fase 2 de las renovaciones de Educación Física y Atletismo de Westlake y fondos de la Fase 1 para un edificio de Mantenimiento / Almacenamiento que ayudará a liberar espacio dentro de los edificios escolares para futuros propósitos de instrucción.

INFORMACIÓN PARA EL VOTANTE De acuerdo con la Orden Ejecutiva 202.26 del Estado de Nueva York, todas las votaciones se completarán por motivo de ausencia. Devuelva la boleta antes del 9 de junio, a más tardar a las 5 pm, usando el sobre con su dirección y sello. Para cualquier pregunta sobre la votación, llame al secretario del distrito al 769-5500 x 5105.

2019-20 Budget


2020-21 Adopted Budget Budget Increase



Est. Tax Rate Increase*

Est. Total Tax Rate per $1,000

Est. $ Increase per mo. / year**



$13.63 / $163.50

* Actual tax rate is set by the town in August 2020. ** Based on average assessment of $8,300.

About the Budget

The proposed budget reflects a tax cap compliant levy increase of 2.06% and the use of $175,000 in reserve funds to help balance the budget. Reductions in county sales tax and interest earnings are due to the economic impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic. State Aid estimates are based on the most current information available at the time of budget adoption. Substantial mid-year reductions in state funding are possible.



2019-20 Budget

2020-21 Budget




State Aid




Other Revenue Sources







Property Tax Levy

Appropriated Fund Balance TOTAL REVENUE


The proposed Instructional budget includes increases as a result of proposed staffing and current employment contracts, offset by reductions in special education tuition. The Transportation budget increase reflects contractual rate increases and expenses driven by student enrollment. The increase in Benefits is driven by required contributions for retirement, Social Security and health insurance for employees.


2019-20 Budget

% Change


General Support Instruction Transportation Benefits Debt Service/Transfers TOTAL BUDGET

2020-21 Budget

% Change



















Revenue Explained: Property Tax Levy is the amount of funds provided by local taxpayers to support the educational program. State Aid reflects financial support from New York State. Other Revenue includes various sources of funding including county sales tax, interest income, tuition and student fees. Appropriated Fund Balance is the use of existing district funds to help balance the budget and remain tax cap compliant. Expenditures Explained: General Support includes central administration, business operations, human resources, legal counsel, facilities maintenance/operations and various support functions. Instruction includes general and special education, curriculum support and supervision, athletics and extracurricular activities for students. Transportation includes home-to-school, athletic and field trip transportation for resident students. Benefits include district contributions for retirement systems, social security, health insurance and other employee benefits expenses. Debt Service/Transfers represents principal and interest payments on borrowed funds, capital construction projects and district support of required summer special education programs.

Q&AYou asked …

Q: What are the property tax implications for this budget? A: This budget is tax cap compliant with a tax levy of 2.06% and an estimated tax rate increase of 1.44% for Mount Pleasant residents. Q: How has the Covid-19 pandemic affected the budget? A: The Covid-19 pandemic will place unknown economic and operational challenges upon the district during the 2020-2021 fiscal year. Therefore, the budget must remain flexible to meet students’ academic, health and safety needs while also being mindful of the financial uncertainties for the coming year. Financially, reductions in revenue have been assumed in this budget. Sales tax and interest earnings projections have been reduced to reflect the economic conditions of the region. The state’s projections for school aid were held flat and the state budget includes a threat of further reductions in aid to schools. The district is prepared to make the necessary reductions to the budget if/when state aid reductions become apparent.

VOTING INFORMATION According to NYS Executive Order 202.26, all voting will be completed by absentee voting. Return the ballot by June 9th, no later than 5 pm, using the selfaddressed, stamped envelope. For any questions on voting, please call the District Clerk at 769-5500 x 5105.

Mount Pleasant Central School District Board of Education Colleen Scaglione Neglia, President Laura Michalec Olszewski, Vice President Sara Beaty Vincent Graci Michael Griffin Michael Horan Christopher Pinchiaroli

Q: How does this budget address school facilities needs going forward? A: The district remains committed to maintaining and improving school facilities. This budget maintains funding for facilities operations and maintenance needs for cleaning, inspection and building repairs. The capital budget provides for Phase 2 funding of the Westlake Physical Education and Athletics renovations and Phase 1 funding for a Maintenance/Storage building that will help free up space within the school buildings for future instructional purposes.


Superintendent Dr. Kurtis Kotes Correspondence Phone: 769-5500 • Fax 769-3733 Web: Editor/email contributions

2020-21 Mount Pleasant Central School District Budget Notice Overall Budget Proposal

Budget Adopted for the 2019-20 School Year

Total Budgeted Amount, Not Including Separate Propositions

Contingency Budget for the 2020-21 School Year *

Budget Proposed for the 2020-21 School Year $65,459,575





Percentage Increase/Decrease in Proposed Budget



Change in the Consumer Price Index


Increase/Decrease from the 2019-20 School Year

A. Proposed Levy to Support the Total Budgeted Amount, Net of Reserve



B. Levy to Support Library Debt, if Applicable



C. Levy for Non-Excludable Propositions, if Applicable **



D. Total Tax Cap Reserve Amount Used to Reduce Current Year Levy







G. School Tax Levy Limit, Excluding Levy for Permissible Exclusions



H. Total Proposed School Year Tax Levy, Excluding Levy to support Library Debt and/or Permissible Exclusions (E - B - F + D)





E. Total Proposed School Year Tax Levy (A + B + C - D) F. Total Permissible Exclusions

I. Difference: G – H (Negative Value Requires 60.0% Voter Approval — See Note Below Regarding Separate Propositions)**

Q: If services are being “maintained” why would there need to be reductions to keep the budget flat? A: While the district has reallocated funds and staffing to maintain existing programs, some increases are required. Employee benefits such as retirement and health insurance costs are rising. The district also has multi-year contractual obligations for employee compensation, transportation, and various other services that require increases.

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Administrative Component


Mount Pleasant — The Heart of Westchester County


June 9 BY ABSENTEE BALLOT ONLY School Board Elections

Sara Beaty Thomas McCabe Laura Michalec Olszewski 2020-21 Budget




Program Component




Capital Component




* Should the proposed budget be defeated, the Board of Education may adopt a contingency budget pursuant to Section 2023 of the Education Law. The contingency budget would eliminate $1,154,013 from the proposed budget in the areas of general support, regular education, regular education and special education administration, equipment, contractual and BOCES services, athletics, and co-curricular activities. Under the Budget Proposed for the 2020-21 School Year Estimated Basic STAR Exemption Savings

Budget Issue

Three candidates are running for two open seats on the school board.



FROM THE HEART • Budget Issue 2020

Budget Overview


The annual budget vote for the fiscal year 2020-2021 by the qualified voters of the Mount Pleasant Central school district, Westchester County, New York, will be held by absentee voting only as per New York State Executive order 202.26. All ballots must be returned by June 9th, no later than 5 pm, using the self-addressed, stamped envelope which was mailed to all eligible voters in the district. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------1 The basic school tax relief (STAR) exemption is authorized by section 425 of the Real Property Tax Law.

2019-20 Budget

$64,201,310 Budget-to-Budget Change

$1,258,265 Tax Levy Increase

2.06% Est. Tax Rate Increase

1.44% *

* Tax rate will be set by the town in August 2020.

The Mount Pleasant Central School District Newsletter Volume 19, Issue 4

Planning During Challenging Times Please know that my most sincere thoughts remain with all of our Mount Pleasant families for health and wellness as we navigate through the current crisis. Admittedly, there is no chapter in the “How to be a Superintendent” manual that addresses leading educational systems through health pandemics. My focus for the district remains on providing core educational support and instruction for students in the community and individualizing that experience in the remote setting to encourage engagement in the process. Our teachers and administrators remain committed to being responsive and sensitive to the needs of our students and their families. We must now look to the future. The budget planning process around NY State and around the country has been massively disrupted. For purposes of planning and projecting in Mount Pleasant, I have worked with the district administration to refocus our mission on the district’s strategic plan. Many of the essential elements of the strategic plan helped guide our direction for the 2020 -2021 school year. The 2020-2021 budget proposal continues to support the phase-in of a new science program in our elementary schools entitled STEMScopes. This program was researched and vetted by teachers and administrators in the district and is in line with the new learning standards. This budget also continues to support the implementation of the Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT)

program. This initiative allows teachers, counselors, psychologists, social workers and other support staff to use specific techniques for our most at risk populations to be successful in the classroom setting. This type of social-emotional support is intended to help all students be active and engaged learners. We will also use this year to set the groundwork for implementation of the Advanced Placement Capstone Project at WHS. Our high school will offer over twenty AP courses next year and this option will help enhance students’ academic profile for college and life beyond high school. Given the impact of the current health crisis and the uncertainty of any looming mandates that lie ahead, I also want to stress the versatility of this budget. We, as a district, must be prepared for any changes that we must implement either in the educational process or from a health and safety perspective. This would require us to reorganize and reschedule some of our initiatives, but we could adapt our resources to meet any immediate needs that we may face. We will continue to stay focused on the needs of our students and our district. Please be certain to visit our district website for more detailed information on the 2020-2021 budget proposal. Ballots will be arriving at homes in time for citizens to be able to cast their votes in the self-addressed, stamped envelope provided. Please study all of the available information so that you can cast an informed vote. We all look forward to the future, for brighter times ahead and to enjoying an active and meaningful educational experience in the Mount Pleasant Central School District! Respectfully,

We’re All In This Together The Board hopes everyone is staying safe and healthy during these unprecedented times. As the pandemic continues to unfold, our thoughts are with those who have been affected by the crisis. We would like to thank Superintendent Kotes for his extraordinary efforts leading our district through the evolving educational landscape. We would also like to recognize the tremendous efforts of our faculty and administrators who have diligently developed remote continuity of learning plans to allow our children to learn while complying with the stay-at-home measures. After more than two months assisting our children with their school work we undoubtedly have a greater appreciation for the effort involved in educating them. Our maintenance staff also deserves special recognition. They have meticulously sanitized our buildings and developed enhanced procedures to ensure everyone’s safety when schools reopen. Their responsibilities were appreciated prior to this pandemic and will carry even greater importance when we return.

Superintendent of Schools

The financial and operational aspects of our district did not ease during quarantine. Dr. Kotes and Mr. Andrew Lennon have diligently prepared our school budget for 2020-21 while complying with the Governor’s guidance. The pandemic caused state aid to be cut and it forced us to look very closely at producing a budget that wouldn’t eliminate teachers or programs. We have been called upon to do more with less. Through attrition we have been able to make an already lean budget even more so. Thank you to the community members who participated in the Citizens Budget Advisory Committee for their time and insight to help the district put forward the most appropriate budget for Mount Pleasant. Our Westlake community has a history of rallying behind one another in good times as well as in times of crisis. While we miss each other and are unsure how long this situation will last, find comfort that we will all be together again shortly. We will come out of this with a greater appreciation for one another and not take the simple things for granted. Stay healthy and stay positive until we are together again. Sincerely, Board of Education President

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