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Bonus 02

Bonus 02

Wallets are not the kind that you place in your pocket. On the surface, the wallet is

the mailbox that holds the coins that you receive in a message. When you send a


message out as part of a transaction, it will come from this mailbox – specifically called an address. If that address (we called it mailbox here for recognition of concept) has previously received coins, then it has the ability to spend those coins. If

it has no coins, that address will not be able to send out a transaction message.

A wallet is really an app installed on your device (computer or mobile device) that

looks across all the transactions and finds out which transactions in the entire

ledger relate to that address. All transactions are categorized as either incoming or

outgoing. It adds up all the incoming transactions, and then it separately adds up

all the outgoing transactions, and the difference results in your account balance – or

the maximum amount that you can transact out.

The only other thing that you need to know is the difference between hot and cold

wallets. Hot wallets are ones that are constantly connected to the Internet and

accessible at any time. Cold Wallets on the other hand are ones that are not online

and can‘t be accessed via the internet.

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