Water Resilient Cities - Durk Krul

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The governance agenda of Climate and Water Resilient Cities

Durk KROL Executive Director

About Water Europe  WE are the recognized voice and promotor of water-related RTD and innovation in Europe.  Recognized by the EC as European Technology Platform for Water  Mission:  Improve coordination and collaboration in the water sector and water using sectors;  Enhance performance of the European water sector and water using sectors;  Contribute to solving societal challenges through RTD&I.  WE Strategy:  WE Water Vision: ‘The Value of Water: towards a future-proof Water-Smart Society’.

Membership College A: Multinational corporations College B: Research & Technology developers College C: Utilities College D: Suppliers & SMEs College E: Large water users

College F: Public Authorities College G: Civil Society Organisations

209 members

26 countries

Whole Water cycle

The Value of Water: Towards a Future-Proof Water-Smart Society Challenges: • Water efficiency • Pollution • Preparedness extreme events Uses: • Industrial • Domestic • Agricultural • Environmental Innovation concepts • Multiple Waters • Digital Water • Value in Water



MARKET (Innovation)










Living Labs concept Living labs are defined as “user-centred, open innovation ecosystems based on a systematic user co-creation approach in public-private-people partnerships, integrating research and innovation processes in real-life communities and settings” (ENOLL, 2013). Living Labs in Europe

Living Labs Principles

Cross-border cooperation across living labs have been strengthened by ENoLL/Nordic, NordForsk, Central European IberNoLL, and LL4WIDE. Between 20062011, many living labs related FP7-financed research projects documented living-lab set-up strategies by experimentation: CoreLabs, CLOCK, Collaboration@Rural, CoSpaces, Ecospace, Labornova, WearIT@Work, OpenFutures.

 Openness – cross-fertilization, different levels of openness, and collaboration  Distributed – distributed knowledge base, transparent distribution of values  Influence – involvement of competent partners and domain experts  Continuity – trust building and context-unique knowledge over projects and innovation cases  Realism – testing and evaluation in users’ real-world environments  Value –economic value of innovation outcomes and activities and ‘value in-use’ concept  Sustainability – viability of a living lab  Empowerment of users – motivation and creative ideation capabilities of user communities  Spontaneity – spontaneous interaction, reaction, and ideation

Main Characteristics of European Living Labs Not separate legal entities, but entities hosted by commercial or non-commercial bodies. Collaborates with users who are mostly located in urban areas, not with communities. Operates on a project basis, without involving prolonged engagement with communities. Technological readiness of living labs is low to high maturity; whereas, commercial maturity of innovation in development is lower.  Embedded in real and/or realistic environments, with ‘in-vivo’ monitoring of experimentation setting.  Lack of standardization in organizing user involvement.  Operational difficulties, i.e. network efficiency, sustainability, engagement with diversified community of users, fragmented service providers.    

Water-Oriented Living Labs Definition of European Wateroriented Living Labs (WoLLs) 1

Demo-type and platform-type research and innovation settings, with context specific needs and enabling conditions


Water-oriented interventions with a cross-sector nexus approach in real-world and/or realistic environments


Proactive learning and innovation ecosystem with R&D continuity and reproducibility


Open and local multi-stakeholder governance structure with democratic control systems

Thank You info@watereurope.eu www.watereurope.eu +32(0)27068291 H2OEU Water Europe

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