5 minute read

Ekaterina Polzunova


- We know that you are a professional model. How long have you been in this profession, and what area of modeling do you deal with (photos, shows)?

In fact, I am new to this field. I have been modeling a little over a year and a half. However, due to the fact that I entered the modeling business after 20, which is not quite a standard situation, I need to think and act in advance and go by leaps and bounds. For the most part, I am a fashion model, however, I also shoot in videos, which, by the way, is always very interesting to me. Since it seems to me that the videos are more lovely, I can show the real me through them. Also sometimes I take part in shows, but rarely, because my type is commercial.

- Has it always been like this? Have you been interested in this profession since childhood? Tell us how you became a model?

I wanted to engage in this profession since childhood, and everyone around said that I had all the chances to become a model. However, I was a very modest girl and for some reason was embarrassed by my thinness. At school I was teased about this, and thus, of course, various complexes in me developed. And only in adulthood, and even after more work on myself in terms of psychology, introspection, selfdevelopment, I was able to admit to myself that if I don’t try myself in this area, I will regret it later on.

- Was it such that you, changing your activity, felt sorry, afraid, wanted to go back? This often happens to people at the beginning. Or did you purposefully go to what you want, without looking back?

I did not look back. In my opinion, this is a foolish thing to do. My decision was made consciously, and, gritting my teeth, I began to carry out step by step in my new favorite business. It’s hard to start from scratch. Especially when you left a good position, in which you were already a professional and respected by your supervisor, where you have a full social package, high salary and prospects. But I never regretted starting from scratch! Because this zero quickly turns into positive results, if you approach it with a passion, and this is my case.

- What obstacles did you come across on the new path? Perhaps there was no support fromthe loved ones in the abrupt change of activity, or something else?

There were many obstacles. The main thing is a lot of competition. The model market is oversaturated. In Russia there are the most beautiful girls and everyone knows this. And you are faced with the fact that you have to be better than the rest. One must constantly be in good shape, and yes - just being beautiful is not enough. In the beginning, I worked without a mother agency, and it was very difficult to look for work. This is especially difficult when you are a beginner. I worked a lot for free. I can’t say that this led astray. I knew that I was doing everything right, and was gaining experience. Not all of my loved ones happily accepted my shift of activity. There was a misunderstanding on their part, fear for what might not work, and how I could give up stability and so on. However, with my determination and firm confidence in success, I was able to reassure them over time. Even now I think, when I look at all this, how much of enthusiasm there is in me! Many in my place, having encountered difficulties at the beginning of the journey (I still haven’t listed this because I don’t want to intimidate future colleagues) would have left this idea and that’s all, but not me! I always go ahead.

- How did you come to realize that you are not doing what you want? Perhaps some events preceded this?

I became interested in the topic of psychology and self-development, listened to lectures, read books, and have been following this path till this day. I was very inspired by the topic of destination, and I realized how cool it is when everyone is doing what they love, when everyone is in their place. That is, to do what you are destined for. For example, the purpose of salt is to be salty, to give a salty taste, and sugar to give a sweet taste. Salt cannot be sweet or bitter. Everything should be in place. Many people live “Groundhog Day”, work on an unloved job, or work just for the money, or without any sense - just because everyone works and needs to live on something. And from the realization of this, it became uneasy. You can live your whole life meaninglessly and unconsciously. But I want to be in my place and follow my destiny. It was hard to understand which way to go. This is also a huge job, work on yourself. But no one said it’s easy to get the cookies.

What character traits do you consider to be the best in yourself, which have helped and are helping you to succeed every time?

The inner core, determination, confidence, openness, responsibility and honesty.

- You said that while working in another job, you imagined your future, and it was not what you want. What do you imagine yourself in the future now? What goals do you set, for example, for 1 year, 10, 20?

“You want to make God laugh, tell him about your plans.” Of course, there are goals, but at any moment the goals can be transformed. At first it surprised and upset me, a little scared, but then I got used to it. I can say for sure one thing - my goal is to further develop and be implemented in my favorite business - modeling. And the most important thing is to be useful to people. And I’ve been working on this for the last months, developing the idea, and I think that I will soon be able to share it with you!

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