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The Japanese auteur Kore-eda Hirokazu is lauded as a humanist adept in family dramas. In SHOPLIFTERS for which he won the Palme d’Or at the Cannes Film Festival, Kore-eda Hirokazu revisited the lives of the impoverished and those forgotten by society not unlike his 2004 film NOBODY KNOWS. While LIKE FATHER, LIKE SON contemplates what truly defines a family, SHOPLIFTERS features a group of downtrodden characters that form a makeshift family. They forge a stronger and more loving bond than those related by blood, subverting notions of traditional families. The film also featured the inimitable actress Kiki Kirin, a frequent collaborator of Kore-eda Hirokazu, in one of her final performances. The film’s lyrical quality is highlighted by Hosono Haruomi’ score which won Best Original Music at the Asian Film Awards.
《 韓流怪嚇 》、《 骨肉同謀 》導演奉俊昊巔峰之作,請來合作無間 的宋康昊,伙拍李善均、崔宇植、李姃垠及曹如晶等,演繹集黑
色幽默、驚悚懸疑及社會批判於一身的警世寓言。金氏一家長居 半地下室,全家因長期失業及無正職工作而令生活困頓,偶然機 會下他們找到上流機會,逆襲富人成為寄生族。電影反映當代社 會貧富兩極下基層處境,議題引發全球觀眾共鳴,不但為奉俊昊 贏得康城影展金棕櫚大獎,更讓本片成為首部獲得奧斯卡最佳電 影及最佳原創劇本獎項的非英語電影,在亞洲電影大獎中同時奪 得最佳編劇獎自是毫無懸念。
After THE HOST and MOTHER, director Bong Joon-ho reached even greater heights with PARASITE. In addition to Song Kang-ho, Bong’s frequent collaborator, the social satire also featured Lee Sun-kyun, Choi Woo-shik, Lee Jung-eun and Cho Yeo-jeong. In this dark and funny thriller that also functions as a biting social commentary, the destitute and unemployed Ki family has been living in a semi-basement apartment. Seeing an opportunity, they swindle their way into infiltrating an upper-class household. The film symoblises the yawning gulf between the rich and poor in contemporary society which resonates around the world. Also winning a well-earned Best Screenplay at the Asian Film Awards, PARASITE not only won the prestigious Palme d’Or at the Cannes Film Festival but also became the first non-Englishlanguage film to have won Best Picture and Best Original Screenplay at the Oscars.
Wife Of A Spy
憑《東京奏鳴曲》奪得亞洲電影大獎最佳電影的日本導演黑澤清, 在本屆亞洲電影大獎再憑本片獲得此項殊榮。原為電視電影的《間 諜之妻》,刻劃二戰時一對商人夫婦在得悉日軍在中國的惡行後, 甘願背負叛國罪名,決意將事實公諸於世。蒼井優飾演間諜之妻, 由開頭對丈夫的懷疑,到後來決定與丈夫站在同一陣線,心理轉 折拿捏得宜。電影以華美服飾及精細設計重現四十年代日本面貌, 贏得亞洲電影大獎最佳造型設計。
Japanese director Kurosawa Kiyoshi triumphed at the Asian Film Awards again with WIFE OF A SPY, repeating his success of winning Best Film after TOKYO SONATA. Originally a television film, WIFE OF A SPY is set during the WWII with a couple having the moral courage to confront the entire nation after witnessing war crimes committed by the Japanese army against Chinese people. Aoi Yu delivered an insightful and nuanced performance as the titular character who initially suspects his husband and eventually stands steadfastly by him. For the elegant costumes and gorgeous set designs recreating Japan in the 1940s, the film also won Best Costume Design at the Asian Film Awards.