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Foundation Update
Event Hig lig ts from Your Missouri Ve terinar Me dical Foundation
Foundation Drawing Tickets On Sale Now! Win $10,000!
The Missouri Veterinary Medical Foundation is once again inviting members, friends, and family an opportunity to walk away $10,000 richer after the MVMF Drawing to be held at the MVMA convention’s Foundation Reception on Friday, January 22, 2021 at the Holiday Inn Executive Center, Columbia, Mo. Thanks to your support, in the past 19 years, the MVMF event has netted over $190,000 for the Foundation and Museum, public relations activities and animal/public health and welfare. This year, your donation helps the Foundation provide assistance to Ag Education On-the-Move, Working Dog Enterprises and TreeHouse of Greater St. Louis Only 300 tickets will be sold for the event, which makes your chance of winning way better than the Powerball Lottery. (Your chance with Powerball is 1 to 146,000,000.) In addition to the $10,000 grand prize, four tickets each will be drawn for $1,000, $200, $150, and $100. All non-winning tickets will be eligible for door prizes and other surprises. The price of the tickets are $100 each, and can be purchased online at www.movma.org or by calling the office at 573-636- 8737 or with convention registration. During the same evening, the Foundation also holds a silent auction where you can bid on many fabulous items from artwork to bicycles and everything in between.
Please note: The Foundation is in urgent need of donated items for the silent auction. If you have a donation, please call the office at 573-636-8737.
What strange objects does a veterinarian find in a cow’s stomach? In 1929, what did a veterinarian use to give Fido his medicine? Discover the answers to these questions, and see other strange and unusual objects at the Veterinary Museum of Missouri. The Museum has over 3,500 artifacts dating from the 16th century to the present, including: • manuscripts instructing Missouri’s first settlers how to care for their horses; • a steamer trunk filled with instruments used by a late 19th century horse doctor; • an 1870s wooden operating table for small animals • 19th century instruments, such as a wooden balling gun, a hog catcher, a Swiss trocar and farrier tools • a variety of strange and curious objects (huge hairballs, kidney stones) Visitors touch and explore bones, animal skins, hairballs, veterinarian tools, etc., and view specimens showing the stages of a calf embryo and animal diseases. It’s a great place for children and adults of all ages to have fun. Visit us in Jefferson City, Mo. Take Highway 50 west to Highway 179. Exit and turn right. Take first right onto Country Club Drive. Go about one mile and look for us on the left.
The Veterinary Museum of Missouri 2500 Country Club Drive, Jefferson City, Mo. 65109 Phone: 573-636-8737 • Website: www.movma.org Hours Monday-Friday 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Creating New Horizons for Veterinary Staff
The CVA Program is a flexible, cost effective, and online training course designed for veterinary assistants to increase and improve their knowledge and skills. Based on a series of units, the program covers a wide range of topics, covering the basic knowledge and essential skills needed to be a successful member of the veterinary practice staff team. This program is offered online 24 hours a day and can be completed at each individual’s pace.

Benefits • Quality Training • Improved Skills • Online Classes • CredibleCertification • Good Client Perception • CVA Title • Access to webinars
More Information... For program information & sign-up (mention you are an MVMA member), call (800) 357-3182, or go to www.4act. com/mvma. Or, for general information, call the MVMA at (573) 636-8612, email: mvma@movma.org., or go to movma.org & click on “Practice Staff”.