1 minute read
From the Board Chair
Hello to all of the members of the Missouri Veterinary Medical Association.

It has been my privilege to serve on the Executive Board of the Association for the past 3 ½ years, and I have another 6 months as Chairman of the Executive Board. I have been involved with the Association since I graduated, but it is only since becoming an officer that I have seen “behind the scenes”, so to speak. I have learned so much about the workings of the Association and the hard work that goes on behind the scenes to keep us all on the forefront of what is happening in all aspects of veterinary medicine.
Edward Migneco, DVM

Working with and learning from all of the active committees has been an eye-opening experience that I wish every member of the Association could experience.
For example, this legislative year has been one of the most interesting and busiest that we have ever experienced. Our executive director, Julie Braun, and the chairman of the legislative committee, Cliff Miller, have been extremely busy keeping abreast of any current legislation that could possibly impact veterinary medicine in our state. Cliff and other members of the Executive Board have volunteered several times to testify on behalf of the Association in support of bills that may affect our ability to practice veterinary medicine as we see fit. We really need, as an association, to say thanks to all of the committee leaders, and members, for the tireless work done without most of the members being aware.
One of the most important tasks I had to do in my role as Chairman of the Executive Board is to find candidates for the role of VicePresident of the Association. I am extremely proud of the two candidates who graciously accepted my invitation to run in the election