2 minute read
From the Executive Director
later this year. I truly took to heart the task of finding members who would be able to continue the legacy that has been established with leadership the MVMA has seen over the years. It will be a difficult choice for the membership to decide between, but rest assured, the Association is in good hands for the future.
I have truly enjoyed my time on the Executive Board and am a little sad to see it come to an end. But, I will continue to be an active part of the Association and I hope others will be inspired to get more involved also. Thanks again and I look forward to seeing all of you next year in Columbia.
Ed Migneco, DVM Diplomate ABVP(Canine/Feline)
Julie R. Braun

The driest spring I can remember in a very long time has come and went and the pages of summer are just beginning. Much planning and replanning has occurred around the bed of a truck. Decisions to change what crops will be planted or if grasses for additional hay will be sown to help offset the reduced hay crops due to drought. Taking care of livestock takes constant planning and effort. I am blessed to have the unique opportunity of knowing from a producer’s perspective as well as hearing from many veterinarians’ perspectives. Each work hard to do what we know is best for our livestock, but the key is working together to take care of and produce the best animal we know how.
My original message included highlights from the legislative session but then I was told it was too long for the space and it had to be cut back. That should tell you how busy this session has been!
The 2023 legislative session has been riddled with attacks jeopardizing the veterinarian’s ability to care for animals in the way each one of you pledged an oath to do. Battles have been the worst we fought in the last two decades.
We successfully defeated a change in the definition of veterinary medicine; overhauled an absurd “animal chiropractic practitioner” bill that was quickly moving through the legislature; fought against several animal rights groups trying to change the scope of practice for veterinarians; advocated for an increase in the number of recipients and dollar amount for Missouri’s Large Animal Veterinary Student Loan Program; and headed the efforts to fund Phase 2 of the Veterinary Medical Diagnostic Laboratory. We kept watch on over 50 bills this session. More details on these bills and others can be found in this issue of the MVMA Quarterly and on our legislative webpage https://www. movma.org/page/LegislativeSession2023.
It is membership dues renewal time! The above information is just a taste of the hard work and effort the MVMA puts in on your behalf. The MVMA functions because each one of you pay your dues, talk about these issues with your staff and colleagues, bring topics of concern and interest to your district leadership, and then we get to work!
Electronic dues renewals were sent on May 1 and paper renewals were mailed on May 31. We are making an effort to increase online renewals to be a “greener” association. In addition, it saves you and us both time and money. If you would like to pay for multiple veterinarians with one transaction, just call the office and we will gladly do this for you in one full sweep. Thank you for your membership!
There is one more, very important, session highlight I would like to end on. This should come as no surprise, because I know for myself and the rest of your MVMA staff, that we believe we work with the greatest profession on the face of the earth . . . We are truly humbled by the number of volunteers who dropped what they were doing, rescheduled appointments, had late night zoom calls, and drove the hours to testify at multiple hearings this session. Thank you ALL for your very valuable time, dedication, and knowing how very important these few minutes of testimony can mean to not only your livelihood but every veterinarian in the state of Missouri.
Gratefully yours,