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Highlights and Actions of the MVMA Executive Board
April 16, 2023
Columbia, Mo.
The Missouri Veterinary Medical Association met April 16, 2023 at the Holiday Inn Executive Center, Columbia, Mo. The following are highlights. All formal actions were moved and seconded by board members, and all motions carried, unless noted otherwise:
• The MVMA Executive Board reviewed and approved the Board Agenda.
• Reviewed and approved the budget for 2023-2024.
• Heard and approved the candidate slate for vice president and reviewed the At Large Delegate terms and positions.
• Discussed a successful convention due to quick strategic planning after the notice of increased meal and supply costs associated with the event.
• Dr. Cliff Miller, Legislative Committee Chair and Ex-Officio on the MVMA Executive Board reported on active legislation of concern for this session including, the practice of veterinary medicine, animal chiropractic practitioners, large animal student loan program, breed specific bans; and many more. All of which were discussed with legislators during the Veterinary Day at the Capital with 18 participants.
• Dr. David Gourley has agreed to serve as MVMAPAC Chair. Many thanks to longstanding PAC chair, Dr. Mel Falk.
• AVMA Alternate Delegate, Dr. Carol Ryan, reported that leaders from every state would be advocating at the nation’s Capital on the Illicit Xylazine Act, Federal Loan Repayment Program, and Dog Importation Act. Other updates include AVMA’s Positive Care Guide, Council on Education, Shelter medicine specialty, Journey for Teams, #Paws4MentalHealth, and 2023 AVMA Convention & HOD Meetings July 14-18, 2023.
• MU CVM Dean’s Report included CE outreach, recruiter position, Associate Dean of Academic Affairs applicants, a successful updated admissions process accepting twothirds in-state applicants, open house, human and animal rabies testing now available at CVM VMDL, and the KC Emergency Clinic.
• Committee updates included appointment of long standing MVMA Animal Welfare committee member, Dr. John Bates, as Committee Chair.
• MVMA’s Policy Manual was presented for approval.
• MVMA’s annual financial review by a contracted CPA firm was reviewed.
• MVMA Legislative Policy Forum date is planned for October 29, 2023.
• MVMA Leadership is invited to address the incoming class during V.E.T.
• A record number of fourth years signed up during the in-person accreditation day after presentations from Dr. Matt Silvius, Dr. Melissa Boldan, and Mrs. Julie Braun. Emphasis was placed on organized veterinary medicine and what MVMA does for the profession.
• Update on the skills list being developed by the RVT Utilization Task Force and collaboration with the Veterinary Medical Board.
• MVMA continues to appeal for a fully up-to-date Missouri Veterinary Medical (Licensing) Board.

• Website and social media analytics continue to rise due to increased presence and the membership app is seeing increased downloads.
• MVMA Executive Board welcomed Mr. Brody Brown, Class of 2026, as the new MVMA Student Board Member.
• Consent agenda items reviewed included the financial reports for the MVMA, LLC and PAC; MVMA Minutes from the January Board meeting; Committee Minutes.