3 minute read
Note: Official ballots will be mailed or emailed on or before September 1, 2023. You will be asked on the ballot to vote for three (3) candidates out of the four (4) choices.
Melissa Boldan, DVM

West Central District
Melissa Boldan grew up south of Columbia in a rodeo family. She graduated from MU CVM in 2012. After a couple years of mixed animal practice, she returned to her hometown to pursue small animal practice. She works in Columbia at Trailside Animal Hospital where she delights in building lifelong friendships with clients. When she’s not at the clinic, she’s chasing her three boys around and playing chauffeur for their various sports and activities I got into veterinary medicine, not only because I love the medicine and pets, but because I love the people. I have a strong sense of community and strive to make those that I’m a part of, better. I would truly enjoy the opportunity to serve as a liaison to one of my favorite communities, my MVMA peers. There will always be challenges on the horizon that our organization is working to meet. I look forward to being a part of the effort.

Jamie Hall, DVM
East Central District
Dr. Hall graduated from the University of Missouri College of Veterinary Medicine in 2011. From there she began her career as a mixed animal practitioner in Central Missouri. She was able to practice in Missouri for two years then her husband and herself decided to move to Nebraska to continue our veterinary experience. They started their family in Nebraska and practiced there for 6 years before moving home, when she made a career change with the MO Dept of Ag.
I have developed a love for serving people so that they can be better and do better. Serving as an At-Large-Delegate is just a step in the process to better serve my fellow veterinarians. Some of my greatest joys are seeing veterinarians working together to promote the profession, the humananimal bond, and agriculture. I also want to encourage and support our young veterinarians as they start their exciting veterinary journey.

Erica Nowlin, DVM
greater Kansas City District
Dr. Erica Nowlin is a 2013 graduate of the MU-CVM. She practices small animal medicine at Excelsior Springs Animal Clinic and loves being a GP with an interest in dentistry. In the MVMA, she has attended state conventions, leadership conferences, and was a member of the Power of 10. She participates on committees and is an Academy member. She attended AVMA’s Leadership Conference and is currently serving as an At-Large Delegate for the KCVMA.
All through my life I have enjoyed volunteering for positions that help the community around me. The MVMA provides community education, outreach, support for veterinarians, and it monitors legislation. With this experience, I can grow as a leader myself while providing a positive, openminded perspective to our organization. Servant leadership is the best way I can support the industry that has given me so much. Please consider me for this honor.
Sarah Reinkemeyer,DVM
East Central District
Dr. Reinkemeyer grew up on a small diversified family farm in central Missouri. She graduated from the University of Missouri - College of Veterinary Medicine in 2016. She was a practicing veterinarian for two years at a mixed animal practice in rural Missouri before transitioning to a regulatory veterinarian in 2018. She is currently working as the State Epidemiologist and district Veterinarian for the Missouri Department of Agriculture.

I wish to fulfill my final term as At-Large Delegate to become more active within the MVMA as well as expand on leadership abilities and knowledge. I have previously participated in the Power of Ten. This was a wonderful opportunity and truly opened my eyes to what the organization has to offer. I would like to continue to serve the organization by serving as an At-Large Delegate.
NOTE: At-Large candidates are listed here alphabetically. Candidates’ names and bios will be reversed on the official ballot mailed by September 1, 2023. Have
As Missouri’s statewide veterinary organization, Missouri Veterinary Medical Association’s mission is to serve the members, promote the veterinary medical profession, promote animal welfare, and enhance veterinarians’ ability to advance animal and human health.

Upcoming CE & Events
10-20 Missouri State Fair, Sedalia, Mo. Volunteers are needed to man the booth. Come share your knowledge with fair goers in a four-hour shift. Bring the family! See article on page 16 with all the information.
25-26 Missouri Volunteer Veterinary Corps (MOVVC) Short Course. Sponsored by the MVMA, Boone County Fire Department and MU-CVM. Held at Middlebush Farm. More information to come.
25-27 Fetch DVM 360 Conference. Kansas City Convention Center. 120 CE sessions. Exhibit hall. MVMA members receive a 15% discount to the event. Watch for more information coming soon.

September 2023
17 MVMA Executive Board Meeting
29-Oct. 1 MVMA Equine Dentistry Seminar and Wet Lab. Union, Mo. Sign up online at www.movma.org or call the office at 573-636-8612.
October 2023
6-8 12th Annual Missouri Veterinary Trail Riders Association Trail Ride and Continuing Education. Panther Creek Campgrounds, Tuscumbia, Mo. Costs and other information to come. Check the movma.org website for updates. Go to www.movma.org for more information on these events.
Mark Your
August 10-20, 2023
Missouri State Fair
Volunteers are needed to man the booth. Come share your knowledge with fair goers in a four-hour shift. Bring the family! See article on page 16 with all the information.
Sept. 29-Oct. 1, 2023
MVMA Equine Dentistry Seminar and Wet Lab
Held at Humane Society of Missouri Ranch. Union, Mo. Go to www.movma.org or call the office at 573-636-8612.