2 minute read
Highlights & Actions of the MVMA Board
Missouri Veterinary Medical association executiVe Virtual Board Meeting sePteMBer 18, 2022 JeFFerson city, Mo
Highlights and Actions of the MVMA Executive Board Meeting September 18, 2022 at the Courtyard by Marriott Jefferson City, Mo.
The Missouri Veterinary Medical Association met on September 18, 2022 The following are highlights. All formal actions were moved and seconded by board members, and all motions carried, unless noted otherwise: • The MVMA Executive Board reviewed and approved the minutes and financial reports of the association. • MVMA welcomed new student board member, Clayton Powell, class of 2026. It was also mentioned that the 2026 MVMA Class Liaison is Caitie Cook. • MVMA Alternate Delegate to the AVMA, Carol Ryan, DVM reported on AVMA HOD in Philadelphia as well as announcing Dr. Lori Teller as AVMA President, and three President-elect candidates running for office. • Dr. Ed Migneco mentioned the upcoming Heartland meeting Missouri is planning for the AVMA Veterinary Leadership Conference. • Appointed Drs. George Fischer, Ed Migneco, Chad McNeal to Foundation Board and Dr. Greg Popp as a per annum member. • Appointments for representatives by the Association for the MVMA, LLC were Drs. Roger Dozier, Dr. Ed Migneco, Matt Silvius, and Kacie Ulhorn. • Conducted an anonymous ballot for Veterinarian of the Year and the Ortu Stella Award. Results are revealed on Saturday of the MVMA Convention, January 28. Other awards were discussed and voted on. • Dr. Silvius gave an update on the 2023 MVMA Convention including the keynote speaker retired MU football coach, Gary Pinkel, and the theme. “Stay in the Game – Advance your knowledge, network, and skills”. • An update on Dr. Silvius’ committee appointments was given. A committee application will be available for the ease of members to join committees. • Future convention dates and site location proposals were reviewed and discussed. Pending the negotiations in progress the board elected to sign a two-year contract with the Holiday Inn Executive Center in Columbia. • The 2023 convention planning committee is being formed by Dr. Kacie Ulhorn and will be held January 25-28, 2024, at Holiday Inn Executive Center Columbia, MO. • Dr. Cliff Miller reported on multiple Legislative bills of interest for the upcoming Legislative session. The MVMA Policy Forum is dated for Sunday, October 23. • Reviewed the slate of candidates including MVMA officers and atlarge delegates being voted on by the membership. • A discussion of the Mo. Large Animal Veterinary Student Loan Program and promoting the program to students their first year. • MVMA completed a survey conducted by the Mo. Department of Elementary and Secondary Education in cooperation with the Mo. Department of Agriculture to help guide all aspects of agricultural education in Missouri. • Heard a report of the MU College of Veterinary medicine given by Dean Carolyn
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