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2025 MVMA Officer Elections
2025 Officer Candidates
Note: Official ballots will be mailed or emailed on or before September 1, 2024.
Candidate for President Elect
Dr. Lynn Martin grew up in Minnesota spending time in her parent’s mixed animal practice before attending North Dakota State University. She graduated from the University of Missouri in 2014 achieving her Doctor of Veterinary Medicine and Master of Public Health. Dr. Martin then joined Retama Equine Hospital in San Antonio for an intensive private practice equine internship. In 2015, Dr. Martin returned to the University of Missouri to complete a Large Animal Internal Medicine residency program with an emphasis in equine medicine. She spent two years as a postdoctoral fellow, teaching veterinary students and conducting research for her PhD program in comparative ophthalmology.

She is currently an Assistant Teaching Professor of Equine Internal Medicine in the Department of Veterinary Medicine and Surgery at the University of Missouri.
Outside of academia, Dr. Martin is presently serving her second term as an At-Large Delegate for the Missouri Veterinary Medical Association (MVMA), is a member of the MVMA Equine, Legislative, and 2024 Convention Planning Committees, and is immediate past chair of the Missouri Horse Council. She is a member of the AVMA, AAEP, ACVIM, AQHA, NCHA, and Missouri Farm Bureau. She resides in central Missouri on a family farm where she and her husband have a row crop operation and raise western performance horses.
“I have always considered organized medicine to be important for preserving the duty and responsibility of our veterinary profession for the communities in which we serve. A leadership role in the MVMA, while working closely with other members and stakeholders, furthers the integrity, education, and rights of our vocation.”
Lynn M. Martin, DVM, MPH, DACVIM (LAIM)
Candidate for Secretary-Treasurer
Dr. Shelia Taylor received her degree from the University of Missouri-College of Veterinary Medicine in 1992. After practicing in private small animal practice for several years, she taught in Bioclinical Sciences at Ozarks Technical Community College in Springfield, MO for twenty-five years finally retiring from this position in 2022. Currently, she is enjoying retirement while also doing relief work in Ozark, MO.

“Being involved in organized veterinary medicine has given me an understanding of what our state and national veterinary organizations can do for their membership and the practice of veterinary medicine. Certainly a better understanding of the issues surrounding our profession today has given me an increased appreciation of what veterinarians face every day, whether one is in private practice or in other areas in which our degree is utilized. Today’s issues of corporate practices, veterinarian and veterinarian technician shortages, others wanting to infringe on the practice of veterinary medicine, as well as many other issues, must be addressed proactively and solutions must be found. Serving as your Secretary-Treasurer over the last several years has allowed me to help make sure that our organization is healthy financially in order to meet the needs of our members and our profession. Therefore, I am once again asking for your support as I run for your Secretary-Treasurer. The officer team, Executive Board and state office have worked hard to maintain the standards of the association and I wish to continue this honored tradition in this officer position. Thank you for your time and your support.”
Shelia Taylor, DVM
Candidate for Vice President
Dr. Philip Brown attended Southwest Mo State College and graduated from University of Missouri with a BS in agriculture and graduated from the College of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Missouri. He served as a First Lieutenant and Captain in the United States Army. He spent two years in a pathology residency program. He was an associate on weekends and evenings at North Metropolitan Hospital and Emergency Center in Denver, Colorado, where he had an opportunity to work with Dr. Piermattei. He relocated to Springfield, Missouri, and practiced as an associate of Dr. D.G. Carlson for several years.

Dr. Brown was a past board member and president of Southwest Missouri Humane Society. He was a charter member and chairman of OVA (Ozark Veterinary Associates), an organization devoted to veterinary continuing education in Southwest Missouri. He practiced emergency veterinary medicine at Anem Pet Emergency Clinic for several years while practicing small and large animal general medicine at Republic Veterinary Clinic. He has operated the Animal Care Center in Springfield, MO. since 1978. He has twice been president of the Southwest Missouri Veterinary Medical Association. He has co-chaired and chaired the Animal Welfare committee. He has been a member of the Missouri Academy of Veterinary Practitioners since 1991. Dr. Brown is a 2019 -2020 AVMA Ambassador and attended AVMA PAC Town Hall May 22, 2020 and is the 23-24 current AVMA Ambassador.
Dr. Brown has served two terms as a Southwest District Delegate to the MVMA and was on the practice management task force. He is on the Missouri Veterinary Medical Foundation Board presently as chairman and co-chairman with Dr. Scott Fray. He is an AVMA, MVMA and Southwest MO Vet Med Association member. He was nominated to the Veterinary Honor Roll by Dr. Burl Pfander.
Dr. Brown received the MVMF Distinguished Service Award in January 2024 at the MVMA Convention in Columbia, Mo.. He is married to Gloria Brown and has 3 children and 12 grandchildren. He is an Elder at Central Christian Church in Springfield, MO. and is an adult Sunday School teacher. He visits with shut ins and those who are convalescing as well as feeding the homeless once weekly. Dr. Brown is a military veteran. He raises cattle, chickens, ducks, geese and pea fowl.
Dr. Brown shares this, “I have had and continue to have many mentors from the University of MO College of Veterinary Medicine, MVMA, MVMf, and private practice that have helped me to see the value of organized veterinary medicine and of giving back as well as paying it forward to the MVMA. I am always willing to help in any way that I can to support the MVMA and the MVMf. I also am proud of the accomplishments of several of my employees who have become rNs, PAs, rTs, and Veterinarians as well as Veterinary Technicians. I appreciate all of the past and present officers and MVMA Staff for all the time and effort that they put in to helping our MVMA and MVMf organizations help all members and non-member veterinarians in our state.”
Philip Brown, DVM
Candidate for Vice President
Dr. Jason Nickell was raised in Stanberry, Missouri and attained a Bachelor of Science degree in Biochemistry and Doctor of Veterinary Medicine degree in 1999 and 2003, respectively, from the University of MissouriColumbia. After four years of mixed animal practice in Missouri, Dr. Nickell pursued a PhD in Epidemiology at Kansas State University subsequently attaining that degree in 2010.

For the last 14 years, Dr. Nickell has worked within the animal health industry focusing on research, development, and technical service support of both biopharma and animal monitoring technologies. Dr. Nickell serves as Director of Insights and Outcomes for Merck Animal Health. In that role, Dr. Nickell works with internal colleagues and oversees a team that leverages data analytics to bring added value to those engaged in livestock production.
Dr. Nickell is a Diplomate of the American College of Veterinary Preventive Medicine and is a member of the American Veterinary Medical Association, the Missouri Veterinary Medical Association, the Academy of Veterinary Consultants, and the American Association of Bovine Practitioners. Dr. Nickell is past chair of the MVMA Missouri Stocker-Feeder Quality Assurance Program and has recently completed his second term as an At-large Delegate to the Missouri Veterinary Medical Association Executive Board.
Dr. Nickell, his wife Stacey (who is also a veterinarian), and three children (Brooke [17], Will [14], and Paige [10]) live in Parkville, Mo. When not at work, Dr. Nickell stays busy by shuffling his kids to various activities and involvement in church events. “Veterinary medicine has been an integral part of my life from the beginning. As a second-generation veterinarian, I feel responsible to assist the ongoing growth, evolution, and safeguarding of our profession. In my humble opinion, our profession is currently witnessing a critical point in its progression. Numerous opportunities exist in both companion and food animal medicine to sustain traditional care while elevating value to our patients, customers, and colleagues. Whether employed in practice, academia, government, or industry we must be nimble (yet calculating) to expand the value we bring to our patient and customer base, be bold (yet shrewd) in assessing new technologies and ways of working, and cognizant (yet discerning) of potential threats to our profession and respective livelihoods. I appreciate the potential opportunity to serve you as members of the Missouri Veterinary Medical Association.”
Jason Nickell, DVM, PhD, DACVPM
2025 At-Large Delegate Candidates
Note: Official ballots will be mailed or emailed on or before September 1, 2024. You will be asked on the ballot to vote for three (3) candidates out of the four (4) choices.
The top three candidates based on votes will win the positions. The At-Large Delegate one-year terms will begin with the January 2025 convention.
Kathryn Bell, DVM
Southeast District
Dr. Kathryn Bell is an owner of a multi DVM mixed animal AAHA accredited practice in Poplar Bluff, MO.

She enjoys practicing exclusively small animal medicine with specific interests in orthopedic surgery, acupuncture, and palliative care. Outside of office hours Dr. Bell enjoys spending time with her two toddlers, husband, five dogs, many chickens and attempted gardening.
“ I am interested in becoming more involved in organized veterinary medicine to help shape the future of our profession and ensure that the concerns of specifically rural veterinary practices are being heard and addressed.“
Melissa Boldan, DVM
West Central District
Melissa grew up in central Missouri in a rodeo family, but found her passion in small animal medicine after graduation. She graduated from Mizzou CVM in 2012 and works for Trailside Animal Hospital in Columbia. She is the proud mom of 3 wild little boys and spends most of the time that she’s not at the clinic chasing them around and exploring all the Missouri State Parks. She was fortunate to serve as an At-Large Delegate this past year.

“I would love the opportunity to serve my colleagues and the veterinary community. There is so much that happens behind the scenes with organized veterinary medicine to keep our practices operating smoothly and to advance the profession. Having the ability to be a voice for our peers to navigate issues in a team fashion is very rewarding. I believe we shape the future for our profession and I would be honored to aid these efforts however I can.”
Jamie Hall, DVM
East Central District
Dr. Hall graduated from the University of Missouri College of Veterinary Medicine in 2011. From there she began her career as a mixed animal practitioner in Central Missouri. She was able to practice in Missouri for two years then her husband and herself decided to move to Nebraska to continue their veterinary experience. They started their family in Nebraska and practiced there for 6 years before moving home, when she made a career change with the MO Dept of Ag.

“I am running for the At-Large Delegate position within MVMA because organized veterinary medicine is invaluable. It is so important for us veterinarians in the field to have a voice in the world. We are the only ones who can advocate for ourselves and our profession. A single voice may not be loud enough, but as a group, we will be heard. I would be honored and humbled to be a part of that voice. Please consider me for the At-Large Delegate.”
Erica Nowlin, DVM
Greater Kansas City District
Dr. Erica Nowlin is a 2013 graduate of the MU-CVM. She practices small animal medicine in the greater Kansas City area and moved there to be closer to family. Dr. Nowlin is active in the MVMA with participation in multiple committees and task forces and was a member of the Power of 10. Dr. Nowlin currently serves on the KCVMA board as Secretary/Treasurer. She is also a coach for a veterinary medical/leadership group and loves to read and travel.

“Organized veterinary medicine has been a cornerstone of our profession: from monitoring legislation to providing community education and outreach and supporting our veterinarians state-wide. We have a duty to continue the upstanding tradition that is the MVMA. Servant leadership is the best way I can help further our profession and it would be a tremendous honor to serve as a board member.”
NOTE: At-Large candidates are listed here alphabetically. Candidates’ names and bios will be reversed on the official ballot mailed by September 1, 2024.