3 minute read
Tweens & Teens
Share your love for books with others who have the same passion! This twice-a-month, hour-and-a-half program will take place on the first and last Monday of each month listed. At the first meeting, you will select the book you will read. At the last meeting you will discuss the book and enjoy provided snacks and drinks! Participants will not need to buy the book. Make predictions on the plot, characters, cast and more and maybe win a prize during the review party if you are correct! (Min 5/Max 10) *The SEP 5 session will meet SEP 5 and SEP 25. DAY TIME BEGINS DEADLINE GENRE PRICE M 4:30P SEP 5 AUG 25 Club’s Choice $25/29* M 5P OCT 3 SEP 25 Horror $25/29 M 5P NOV 7 OCT 25 Club’s Choice $25/29 M 5P DEC 5 NOV 25 Sci-Fi $25/29 M 5P JAN 2 DEC 25 Club’s Choice $25/29 M 5P FEB 6 JAN 25 Romance $25/29
Are you looking for a way to improve the community you live in? This once-a-month, one-hour volunteer program will take place on the third Wednesday of each month listed. Parents are responsible for transportation to and from the destination. Projects are subject to change to accommodate current volunteer needs. (Min 5/Max 15) DAY TIME BEGINS DEADLINE ACTIVITY PRICE W 4:30P AUG 17 AUG 10 ice Arena Cleanup FREE W 4:30P SEP 21 SEP 14 Fall Festival Cleanup FREE W 4:30P OCT 19 OCT 12 Monster Mash Event Prep FREE W 4:30P DEC 21 DEC 14 Salvation Army Bell Ringing FREE ADVANCED ART CLASS Progress Park Recreation Center Ages: 10-15
Activities in this monthly, two-hour class will explore the seven elements of art: line, color, shape, form, value, space and texture. Participants will apply these elements to a new project each class. Participants should dress to get messy. Most projects will be ready to take home at the end of class. However, some projects may need to remain at the facility to dry, seal or secure properly before pickup. (Min 5/Max 12) DAY TIME BEGINS DEADLINE LENGTH MEDIUM PRICE SA 1P OCT 8 OCT 2 1 DAY Mosaics $35/42 SA 1P NOV 12 NOV 6 1 DAY Paper Mache $35/42 SA 1P DEC 3 NOV 27 1 DAY Clay $35/42
THEATRE SKILL BUILDING: STAGE COMBAT FOR TEENS Progress Park Recreation Center Ages: 13-17
Learn to fight like a professional from actress/improve artist Maria Romine. Maria has choreographed combat scenes with Wentzville Connection Theatre company and in several other productions. She is excited to share her knowledge about stage combat. (Min 6/Max 12) DAY TIME BEGINS DEADLINE LENGTH PRICE TU 5P NOV 1 OCT 25 4 WKS $55/68
Wentzville Parks and Recreation wants to support our local Boy Scout and Girl Scout leaders by partnering with them to complete their Eagle Scout and Gold Award Projects. Participating Boy Scouts or Girl Scouts can work alongside the Wentzville Parks and Recreation Department to complete a project that makes a unique, positive impact on our community. To start a partnership, please email Caitlyne.McGarrity@wentzvillemo.gov with a detailed project proposal or call (636) 639-2088. If you do not have a project in mind, we can offer several suggestions. Based upon the details of your project, we will put you in contact with an individual who can support you and your project the most.