Mower County Shopper 062122

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T UESDAY , J UNE 21, 2022 V OL . 48, N O . 25 S OUTHERN M INNESOTA S HOPPERS , I NC . 3405 W. O AKLAND A VENUE • A USTIN , MN 507-437-7731

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When you donate to

THE HORMEL INSTITUTE every dollar goes directly to cancer research

801 16th Ave. NE, Austin, MN 55912 | 507-433-8804 |

Tuesday, June 21, 2022 • MOWER COUNTY SHOPPER • Page 3

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Tuesday, June 21, 2022 • MOWER COUNTY SHOPPER • Page 5

yes, we want




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Page 6 • Tuesday, June 21, 2022 • MOWER COUNTY SHOPPER

MEADOWS WEST TOWNHOMES NOW TAKING APPLICATIONS 2 & 3 Bedroom Townhomes. Rent based on income. Credit Check & Criminal Background Check Required.

300 27th Street SW, Austin, MN 55912



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Marketplace Marketplace MOWER COUNTY SHOPPER • Tuesday, June 21, 2022 • PAGE 5



3405 W Oakland Avenue 3405 W Oakland Avenue MOWER COUNTY Austin, MN 55912 Austin, MN 55912 MOWER COUNTY (507) 396-4617 AND SURROUNDING AREAS classifi (507) 396-4617 AND SURROUNDING AREAS 3405 W Oakland Avenue


Austin, MN 55912 (507) 396-4617

Auctions & Sales

Auctions & Sales

Auctions & Sales

Garage Sales Machinery & Tools Lost & Found GarageMachinery Sales & Tools Machinery & Tools Transportation Lost & FoundHealth Care

Garage Sales

Lost & Found Health Care



To Help! Products in Stock Rummage SaleWe Are Here STIHL LOST A P.T.O. SHAFT FROM RN’s over 50 years’ 20th Street SW NORTH OF Here COX GROVE LOST 1801 A P.T.O. SHAFT FROM STIHL Products in Stock We Are To Help!TO We’re your Stihl Dealer. experience with Mayo Clinic Estate Sales Automobiles Austin, MANCHESTER AREA. NORTH OF COX GROVE TO & more507-448-3302 We’re your Stihl Dealer. RN’s over 50 years’ Thursday 23rd 3pm-6pm CALL 507.402.5830. Austin, MANCHESTER AREA. Estate Sale 67 CAMARO CONVERTIBLE 507-448-3302 experience with Mayo Clinic TRADING POST 1718 Lakewood Ave 327 AUTOMATIC, POWER Friday & Saturday 9am-4pm POWER WASHERS in Thursday 23rd 3pm-6pm CALL 507.402.5830. Albert Lea STEERING, CRAGER MAGS, TRADING POST & more Gordonsville Stock 507-448-3302 June 24th 8am-5pm RESTORED. Toys, crib mattress, Friday & Saturday 9am-4pm TRADING POST June 25th 8am-2pm CALL 507.320.0293 Estate Sale 67 CA Gordonsville Care & Rehab-Ostrander toddler - +size clothing, house Gordonsville Toys, crib mattress, garage full of household, 1718 Lakewood Ave 327MO A 507-657-2231 EstatelotsSale 67 CAMARO CONVERTIBLE collectibles, antiques, of POWER WASHERS in GHFRU GRJ NHQQHO ¿VKLQJ toddler - +size clothing, house jewelry , mantel clocks, oil Boats & Watercraft Albert Lea STEER 1718 Lakewood 327 AUTOMATIC, POWER lams, glassware, tools, dinning Ave Want to Buy POWER Apartments too much to list WASHERS in GHFRU GRJ NHQQHO ¿VKLQJ Stock 507-448-3302 table with 5 chairs, kitchen June 24th 8am-5pm Albert Lea STEERING, CRAGER MAGS, table with 2 chairs, Heston belt too much Merchandise to list StockBROWNSDALE 507-448-3302 Junk Removal TRADING POST RENTALS BOAT FOR SALE June 25th 8am-2pm C June 24th 8am-5pm RESTORED. buckle, and much more! 1 bedroom, smoke free, Antiques & 1988 Lund 14’ ProAngler 2013 TRADING POST Gordonsville garage full of household, 30hp Euinrude Etec June 25th 8am-2pm CALL 507.320.0293 QG ÀRRU DSDUWPHQWV Junk Removal - Old KUEHL’S COINS Care & Rehab-Ostrander Collectibles SHU PRQWK HOHFWULF +HDW +XPPLQJELUG ¿VK ORFDWRU Gordonsville collectibles, antiques, lots of0LQQNRWD 3RZHU 'ULYH ZLWK appliances, furniture, garage Sales full of household, Fairmont, MN Garage ZDWHU WUDVK SDLG electronics, yard waste as Paying 19 times 507-657-2231 jewelry , mantel clocks, oil , SLORW DQG PXFK PRUH collectibles, antiques, lots of 507-273-1383 or well as any kind of Junk face silver coins. RU UHDVRQDEOH RIIHU NEED CASH 507-451-8524 from Anywhere! Basements, tools, dinning jewelry , mantel clocks, oil Huge Annual Garage Sale 507-438-0758 Buying & selling silverlams, glassware, I give free appraisals of attics, garages. 2810 4TH ST SE, Austin with 507-451-0704 5 chairs, kitchen lams, glassware, tools,your dinning bars, silver dollars, rare table TDD: coins 1964 and older.I Free Estimates. Past Woodson School EHO Heston belt Motorcycles & am also looking to buy older coins, gold coins, goldtable with 2 chairs, Wednesday-Sunday 22rd-26th Senior Discounts. table with 5 chairs, kitchen coins such as silver dollars, 8am-6pm jewelry, collector coins. BROWNSDALE RENTALS BOAT F BEST PRICES buckle, and much more! table with 2 chairs, Heston belt ATV’s BOAT FOR SALE Baby through adult clothing - all halves,quarters,dimes and Spacious 1 bedroom No collection too big! Call anytime: 507-219-0727 BROWNSDALE RENTALS 1 bedroom, smoke free, sizes, nice new mens pants 30- Indianhead cents. 10 miles north of Albert 1988 Lu buckle, andcomputer much more! 46 sewing machine, 507-235-3886 &DOO 5RQ IURP +D\¿HOG FOR SALE Lea (in Hartland). 1 bedroom, smoke free, 3405 W Oakland Avenue 2013 QG ÀRRU DSDUWPHQWV 30hp E equipment, some furniture, lots 507-477-2427 2007 750 Honda AERO 1988 Lund 14’ ProAngler Tree Service $395-$425/mo, all utilities of miscellaneous, things are still or 507-259-6460 Shadow motorcycle, newCOUNTY front QG ÀRRU DSDUWPHQWV Austin, MN 55912 MOWER included except electric. SHU PRQWK HOHFWULF +HDW +XPPL coming in so stop by and take 30hp Euinrude Etec Junk Removal - Old tire, new battery, 14,678 miles, Raise your hand if you Fairmont, Background checks a look! runs likes newAND SURROUNDING Stump Grinding (507) 396-4617 AREAS 0LQQNR SHU PRQWK HOHFWULF +HDW ZDWHU furniture, WUDVK SDLG +XPPLQJELUG ¿VK ORFDWRU want your business required. No smoking! appliances, WANTED: $3,500.00 Fairmont, MN Paying 19 times Residential Or No pets! to make LESS money , SLORW D 507.438.2975 Paying $13 for every $1 0LQQNRWD 3RZHU 'ULYH ZLWK GARAGE SALE! ZDWHU WUDVK SDLG 507-273-1383 or electronics, yard waste as Commercial. 507-456-9514 1621 OLSEN DRIVE Paying 19 times silver coin also want sterling next year. face silver coins. R 507-273-1383Free or Estimates, SLORW DQG PXFK PRUH SATURDAY, JUNE 25TH 507-451-8524 We didn’t think you would. Do well as any kind of Junk silver, gold rings, dental 8AM-3PM Austin Huge Annual face silverGarage coins.Sale 507-43 you need to successfully market RU UHDVRQDEOH RIIHU Newly Remodeled Buying & selling silver bracelets, necklaces, I give free appraisals of 507-451-8524 CHIPPER/SHREDDER, from Anywhere! Basements, 507-438-9141 on a tight budget? Mower County Second Floor 2810 4TH STApartmentSE, Austin Huge Annual Garagecurrency, Sale wheat Garage Sales Machinery & Tools Lost & Found pennies, SNOW BLOWER, TOOLS, 507-438-0758 Buying & selling silver classifieds of has customizable I give free appraisals 2 large bedrooms. bars, silver dollars, rare your coins 1964 and older.I TDD: 507-451-0704 FISHING, RECORDS, Indian pennies, & all attics, garages. Past Woodson programs available to fit any budget. 2810 4TH ST SE, Austin Tree Service Has Storage Shed. School ANTIQUES, COCA-COLA collectibles. your coins 1964 and older.I bars, silver dollars, rare EHO am TDD: also looking to Linder buyTrimming, older 507-451-0704 Tree cutting, coins,Sale gold coins, gold Rummage LOST A P.T.O. SHAFT FROM $800 per month, plus22rd-26th gas. STIHL Products Free in Stock ITEMS,Past DUCKS UNLIMITED School Estimates. DON’T WAIT! Wednesday-Sunday Woodson Call Ed: 651-788-6532 and removal! 1801 20th Street SW Service NORTH OF COX GROVE TO Rent includes Appliance PICTURES, MUCH We’re your Stihl Dealer. Call TODAY EHO am also looking to buy older coins such as silver dollars, coins, gold coins, Boom truck and insured. 8am-6pmor jewelry, collector coins. Wednesday-Sunday 22rd-26th MISCELLANEOUS. Senior Discounts. Austin, MANCHESTER AREA. Call 507-440-8132 507-396-4617 507-448-3302 Call or Text Josh Linder Estate Sales A Thursday 23rd 3pm-6pm CALL 507.402.5830. Looking for a home? 507-259-2574 coins such as silver dollars, halves,quarters,dimes and Friday Baby through adult clothing - all ON THE SPOT TRADING 8am-6pm Look jewelry, collector coins. 507-995-7081 PRICES Spacious 1 bedroom No collection too big! POSTBEST in our classifieds section and & Saturday 9am-4pm Multi-Family Sale APPLIANCE SERVICE Gordonsville halves,quarters,dimes and learn of great deals for you sizes, nice newformens pants 30Indianhead cents. Toys, crib mattress, Baby through adult clothing - all 809 19th St. SW, Austin Will Repair most Household 1BR Upstairs one person. Spacious 1 bedroom No collection too big! Call anytime: 507-219-0727 10 miles north of Albert Estate Sale 67 C and your family. toddler - +size clothing, house Friday June 24th 4-8pm Appliances & Commercial No smoking,no pets. Garbage, 46 sewing machine, computer 1718 Lakewood Ave Tree Trimming 327 sizes, nice25th new mens pants 30Indianhead cents. &DOO 5RQ IURP +D\¿HOG FOR SA and Sat. June 8am-4pm POWER WASHERS 10 miles north of Albert Cooking Products. 30+ Years utilities included. Northeast Leain(in Hartland). Albert Lea STEE Call JimGHFRU GRJ NHQQHO ¿VKLQJ Amarosa Clothes-girls baby-7, boys 3T-7, computer too much to list equipment, some furniture, lots Experience, Reasonable Rates. area. Deposit required. 46 sewing machine, Stock 507-448-3302 &DOO 5RQ IURP +D\¿HOG 507-477-2427 2007 75 June 24th 8am-5pm FOR SALE kids shoes, fishing items, depth (507)391-2560 Lea (in Hartland). $395-$425/mo, all utilities Reasonable Rent! Lawn & Garden Call Orrin Mortensen at TRADING POST June 25th 8am-2pm C of miscellaneous, things are still equipment, some furniture, lots 507-477-2427 finder, electric anchor, toolbox, Call:(507)437-7542. Shadow 2007 750 Honda AERO 507-214-8099 ANYTIME or 507-259-6460 Gordonsville garage full of household, file cabinet, crib, furniture, lawnall utilities included except electric. Leave phone number. coming inname so &stop by and take $395-$425/mo, of miscellaneous, things are still or 507-259-6460 mower, puzzles, home décor, collectibles, antiques, lots of your hand Business Opportunities tire, new Shadow new Raise your hand if front you Background checks Raise if youmotorcycle, COMPOST FOR SALE: included except electric. misc. jewelry , mantel clocks, oil a look! coming in so stop by and take Boa Apartments runs lik Services tire, want new battery, miles, want your business By the pail or truckload. Raise your hand lams, glassware, tools, dinning Want to required. Buy your 14,678 business Office & if you Handyman Background No smoking! aRaise look!your hand if you WANTED: For loading large loads, For Sale: to make LESS money table with 5checks chairs, kitchen $3,500. runs likes new Stump Grinding Merchandise table with 2 chairs, Heston belt want your business call 507-438-3228. BOAT Cemetery fl ower & want your business to Commercial Rental E.L.K. CONSTRUCTION required. No smoking! next year. No pets! BROWNSDALE RENTALS507.438 WANTED: to make LESS money Residential $3,500.00 Paying $13and formuch every $1 GARAGE SALE! buckle, more! HANDYMAN SERVICES: make LESS money next watering business. We didn’t think you would. Do HILLIER COMPOSTING 1Or bedroom, smoke free, Update or replace Antiques & year. No pets!& windows, 1988 L 507-456-9514 you need to successfully market make LESSDRIVE money year. 507.438.2975 Includes Paying $13 for every $1 planting, to Available 1621 OLSEN GARAGE SALE! Drop off your Now, Former Bus also want sterling leaves, next egresssilver windowscoin doors. QG ÀRRU DSDUWPHQWV 30hp E We didn’t think you would. Do you need on a tight budget? Mower County KUEHL’S COINS Commercial. placing, & watering 1000 SATURDAY, &RPSDQ\ )DFLOLW\ DQG 2I¿FHV Home507-456-9514 repair, remodeling & Collectibles to successfully market on a tight budget? grass, branches. JUNE 25TH SHU PRQWK HOHFWULF +HDW +XPP 1621 OLSEN DRIVE classifieds has customizable silver coin also want sterling We didn’t think you would. Fairmont, Do next year. MN 9600 sq. ft. block building, and pots in three Albert Lea silver, gold rings, dental construction, decks, garages, Mower County classifieds has customizable Garage Sales Reasonable rates. 0LQQNR programs available to fit any budget. ZDWHU WUDVK SDLG VT IW RI¿FH VSDFH $OVR siding, roof repair, drywall & SATURDAY, JUNE 25TH programs available to fit any budget. Paying 19Free times Estimates cemeteries. Consistent, We you need to successfully market didn’t 8AM-3PM think you would. , SLORW Newly Remodeled 507-273-1383 or silver, gold rings, dental available RV indoor storageDo texturing, concrete. bracelets, necklaces, DON’T WAIT! reliable income. face silverAustin coins. CHIPPER/SHREDDER, DON’T WAIT! 8AM-3PM John Deere 1023E with space with easy Call Ernie at 438-4307. NEED 507-451-8524 Call TODAY CASH on a tight budget? Mower County you need to successfully Newly Remodeled Second Floor ApartmentHuge Annual Garage Sale Call Michelle: 507-43 Call TODAY Contact Jim 507-438-9974 necklaces, Buying & selling silver 24 years experience, wheat bonded. pennies, 507-396-4617 105 hours, withbracelets, 4’ tiller. I give free appraisals of currency, SNOW BLOWER, TOOLS, CHIPPER/SHREDDER, 2810 4TH ST SE, Austin more info 507-396-4617 507-320-2818 507-438-9141 #BC 710064 (507)402-0048 classifieds has customizable on for a tight budget? Mower County License Second Floor Apartmentbars, silver dollars, rare your coins 1964 and older.I 2 large bedrooms. TDD: 507-451-0704 Past Woodson School currency, wheat pennies, FISHING, RECORDS, SNOW BLOWER, TOOLS, Indian pennies, & all looking toavailable buy older coins, gold coins, to fit any budget. classifieds has customizable Wednesday-Sunday 22rd-26th am also programs M 2 large bedrooms. Hasgold Storage Shed.EHO ANTIQUES, COCA-COLA coins such as silver dollars, FISHING, RECORDS, 8am-6pm jewelry, collector coins. Indian pennies, & all collectibles. programs available to fit any budget. andWAIT! Tree Service Has Storage Shed. Baby through adult clothing - all halves,quarters,dimes $800 per month, plus gas. Spacious 1 bedroom No collectionLinder too big! ITEMS, DUCKS UNLIMITED ANTIQUES, COCA-COLA DON’T collectibles. nice new mens pants 30- Indianhead cents. Callsizes, Ed: 651-788-6532 10 miles north of Albert Tree cutting, $800 month, plus gas. &DOO 5RQ IURP +D\¿HOG Rent Trimming, includes garbage. PICTURES, MUCH ITEMS, DUCKS UNLIMITED 46 per sewing machine, computer Call TODAY DON’T WAIT! 507-235-3886 FOR S Lea (in Hartland). Call Ed: 651-788-6532 some furniture, lots 507-477-2427 and removal! 2007 7 MISCELLANEOUS. Rentequipment, includes garbage. PICTURES, MUCH Call 507-440-8132 or $395-$425/mo, all utilities 507-396-4617 Call TODAY of miscellaneous, things are still or 507-259-6460 Shado Boom truck andexcept insured. included electric. MISCELLANEOUS. coming in so for stop by and take Looking a home? Call 507-440-8132 or 507-259-2574 tire,TH ne 507-396-4617 Raise your hand if you ON Background checks a look! Call or Text Josh Linder runs lik Look in our classifi eds section and Looking for a home? want your business 507-259-2574 required. No smoking! Multi-Family Sale WANTED: $3,500 ON THE SPOT APPLI 507-995-7081 No pets! to make LESS money learn GARAGE of great deals 507.43 Look in our classifieds section and SALE!for you Paying $13 for every $1 809 19th St. SW, Austin Multi-Family Sale Will Re 1BR Upstairs for one person. SERVICE next year. 507-456-9514 1621 DRIVE silver APPLIANCE coin also want sterling andOLSEN yourJUNE family. learn of great deals for you Friday June 24th 4-8pm 809 19th St. SW, Austin SATURDAY, 25TH Applian smoking,no pets. Garbage, Will Repair most Household 1BR Upstairs for one person. We didn’t think youNo would. Do silver, gold rings, dental 8AM-3PM and your family. and Sat. June 25th 8am-4pm No smoking,no you need to successfully market included. Remodeled Friday June 24th 4-8pm Cookin necklaces, utilities Northeast Appliances & Commercial pets. Garbage,bracelets, Tree Newly Trimming CHIPPER/SHREDDER, on a tight budget? Mower County Second Floor ApartmentClothes-girls baby-7, boys 3T-7, utilitiesSNOW and Sat. June 25th 8am-4pm currency, wheat pennies, BLOWER, TOOLS, Experie area. Deposit required. Cooking Products. 30+ Years included. Northeast classifieds has customizable 2 large bedrooms. Call Jim Amarosa FISHING, RECORDS, Indian pennies, & all kids shoes, fi shing items, depth Clothes-girls baby-7, boys 3T-7, programs available to fit any budget. Has Storage Shed. Reasonable Rent! Experience, Reasonable Rates. area. Deposit required. Call O ANTIQUES, COCA-COLA collectibles. $800 per month, plus gas. finder, electric anchor, toolbox, Reasonable kids shoes, fishing items, depth ITEMS, DUCKS (507)391-2560 DON’T WAIT! Call:(507)437-7542. Rent!UNLIMITED Call Ed: Call Orrin Mortensen at 507-21 651-788-6532 App Rent includes garbage. PICTURES, MUCH Call TODAY file cabinet, crib, furniture, lawn- Call:(507)437-7542. finder, electric anchor, toolbox, Leave name & 507-440-8132 phone number. MISCELLANEOUS. Call or 507-214-8099 ANYTIME 507-396-4617 mower, puzzles, home décor, Leave name & phone number. Looking file cabinet, crib, furniture, lawnfor a home? 507-259-2574 ON TH COMPOST FOR Look in our classifieds section and Multi-Family Sale SALE: misc. mower, puzzles, home décor, APPL learn of great deals for you Raise your handforifone you 809 19th St. SW, Austin Will Re COMPOST FOR SALE: 1BR Upstairs person. the pail or truckload. 1 By bdrm garden view apt for misc. and your family. Friday June 24th 4-8pm Applia No smoking,no pets. Garbage, and Sat. June 25th 8am-4pm want your By the pail or truckload. Cookin utilitiesbusiness included. Northeast For large loads, For Sale: rent. Allloading utilities included, Raise your hand if you Clothes-girls baby-7, boys 3T-7, Experi area. Deposit required. shoes, fishing items, depth For loading large loads, Raise your hand if you Rent! Lawn Cemetery & Garden flower & to makeReasonable LESS money Call O call 507-438-3228. want For yourSale: business to $200kids deposit $400/month E.L.K. C finder, electric anchor, toolbox, Call:(507)437-7542. 507-2 file cabinet, crib, furniture, lawncall 507-438-3228. Cemetery flowernext & want your business to E.L.K. CONSTRUCTION make LESS money Leaveyear. name & phone number. HANDY available immediately watering business. next HILLIER COMPOSTING mower, puzzles, home décor, Business Opportunities Update HANDYMAN SERVICES: COMPOST FOR SALE: make LESS money next wateringyear. business. misc. We didn’t think you would. Do 507-481-8915 Includes planting, HILLIER COMPOSTING Han Available Now, Former Bus pail orortruckload. Drop off your leaves, By the egress Update replace windows, WeIncludes didn’t think youplanting, would. Do you need Office & you need to successfully market year. placing, & watering 1000 For loading large loads, For Sale: Raise yourFormer hand if you &RPSDQ\ )DFLOLW\ DQG 2I¿FHV Available Now, Bus Drop off your leaves, Home r egress windows & doors.Cemetery flower to successfully market on a tight budget? grass, branches. We didn’t think you would. Do you need on a tight budget? Mower County call 507-438-3228. & want your business to Commercial Rental E.L.K. placing, & watering 1000 9600 sq. ft. block building, and &RPSDQ\ )DFLOLW\ DQG 2I¿FHV potsrepair, in three Albert constru Mower County classifieds has customizable Home remodeling &Lea business. to successfully market on a tight budget? grass, branches. HAND make LESS moneyrates. next watering classifieds has customizable HILLIER COMPOSTING VT IW RI¿FH VSDFH $OVR Update sq. ft. block pots in three Lea 9600 Reasonable siding, construction, decks, garages, programs available Albert to fit any budget. year.building, and Mower County classifieds has customizable Includes planting, cemeteries. Consistent, Available Now, Former Bus Drop off your leaves, Reasonable rates. programs available to fit any budget. egress We didn’t think you would. Do you need available indoor storage VT IW RI¿FH VSDFH $OVR placing, 1000 RV texturin &RPSDQ\ )DFLOLW\ DQG 2I¿FHV siding,branches. roof repair, drywall & & watering programs available to fit any budget. Home cemeteries. to successfully market on a tight budget? grass, reliable income. 9600 sq. ft. block building, and DON’T Consistent, WAIT! pots in three Albert Lea space with easy access. constr Mower County has storage customizable available RV classifieds indoor Call Ern John Deere 1023E with texturing, concrete. Reasonable rates. DON’T WAIT! VT IW RI¿FH VSDFH $OVR siding, reliable income. programs available to fit any budget. cemeteries. Consistent, Call Michelle: Call TODAY DON’T WAIT! Contact Jim 507-438-9974 space with easy 24texturi year 105 hours, with access. 4’ tiller. available RV indoor storage Call Ernie at 438-4307. reliable income. John Deere 1023E with Call TODAY DON’T WAIT! space with easy access. Call Michelle: John Deere 1023E with Call Er for more info 507-396-4617 Call TODAY Contact Jim 507-438-9974 License (507)402-0048 24 years507-320-2818 experience, bonded. 105 hours, with 4’ tiller. Call Michelle: 507-396-4617 Call TODAY Contact Jim 507-438-9974 105 hours, with 4’ tiller. 24 yea for more info 507-396-4617 for more info 507-396-4617 507-320-2818 507-320-2818 License #BC 710064 (507)402-0048 (507)402-0048 Licens STIHL Products in Stock We’re your Stihl Dealer. Rummage Sale 507-448-3302 TRADING POST 1801 20th Street SW Gordonsville

Rummage Sale 1801 20th Street SW Austin, Thursday 23rd 3pm-6pm Friday & Saturday 9am-4pm Toys, crib mattress, toddler - +size clothing, house GHFRU GRJ NHQQHO ¿VKLQJ too much to list

Estate Sales


Estate Sales Rentals



Garage Sales

Antiques & Collectibles

Want to Buy Merchandise

KUEHL’S Garage COINS Sales



Rentals Classifieds Merchandise Want to Buy Boats & Watercraft Apartments



Antiques & Collectibles




Junk Removal

NEED CASH Services


Auctions & Sales



Motorcycles & ATV’s







Tree Service


Appliance Service

Lawn & Garden


Lawn & Garden


Business Opportunities

Business Opportunities

Office & Commercial Rental


Handyman Services Notices Office & Commercial Rental


Page 8 • Tuesday, June 21, 2022 • MOWER COUNTY SHOPPER




0 Down , 0% Financing for 60/mo on all compact utility tractors


X350 Select Series Lawn Tractor With 42" Deck






1.9% for 48 Months 21.5 hp Kawasaki

Z545R Zero Turn Lawn Mower With 48" Deck



6699 $145/mo

4.9% for 60 Months 25 hp EFI Engine

Z730M Zero Turn Lawn Mower With 54" Deck



8829 $167/mo

Savings good through August 2, 2022. Financing options available with approved credit through John Deere Financial. Some restrictions apply; see your local Midwest Machinery for details. Prices and monthly payments include installation and setup, but do not include sales tax. Financing offers may require a financing fee.

GRAND MEADOW 505 4th Ave NE • 507-754-1100

4.9% for 60 Months 24 hp Kawasaki

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