Speak the Truth | Be Generous and Kind | Be YourSchoolBest Information Booklet 2022–2023
The information given in this document is for general guidance only. The full terms and conditions, are shown in the contract between the school and the parents as set out in the Acceptance Form. Copies of the full terms and conditions are available from the School Office. 4Contents School Ethos and Aims 5 CommunicationSchool 6 Timetable 7 Curriculum 8 School life 11 11+ Preparation 12 Games and Sport 13 Uniform 15 School Rules 16 InformationGeneral 18 andAdmissionsFees 19 Staff 21 andTrusteesGovernors
School Ethos and Aims
We are a learning community We celebrate confidence, progress and a love of learning to create an environment where good things happen. We are a healthy community We support our own and others’ emotional, mental and physical health so that every pupil can enjoy their childhood to the full. We are a caring community A sense of community comes naturally to us, as we care for others and strive to make a difference in the world. We are a spiritual community We use regular pauses to allow the mind to join the present moment, refresh and engage with the joy of learning.
We aim to be a vibrant learning community where everyone can flourish. We do this by balancing the academic, pastoral, sporting, creative and spiritual elements of our curriculum so they work in harmony to support growth and wellbeing.
Day-to-day Concerns As teachers do not have immediate access to their email or phone during the day, please contact the school office if you have any concerns. Absence from School If your child is ill, please let us know by telephoning the School Office before Planned9:00am. Absence If you wish to request permission for absence during the school term, please write to the Head. Absence from Games or Swimming If your child is well enough to come to school, we encourage them to participate in all activities. If for any reason they cannot, please inform the class teacher in writing, and they will be added to the ‘Off Sport’ Contactingregister.the Head Should you require an appointment with the Head please contact the Secretary in the School Office who will be happy to arrange an appointment. For all matters relating to fees and finance, please contact the Bursar. Contact Details Main School Reception Desk 020 7348 1777 School Office & Head’s office@stjamesprep.org.ukPA 020 7348 Admissions1794 admissions@stjamesprep.org.uk 020 7348 1793 Bursar 020 7348 1700 School Nurse prepschoolnurse@stjamesprep.org.uk
Parent-School Communication Every Friday you will receive a weekly roundup from your class teacher. Every other week you will be sent a school newsletter showcasing school news and achievement and dates for the diary. You can also follow the school on Instagram: @stjamespreplondon
School Communication 5
Upper Juniors (Year 3 – Year 6) time session 07.55 – 09.00 Registration + Assembly / Form time / Singing / Philosophy 09.00 – 09.40 Lesson 1 09.40 – 10.20 Lesson 2 10.20 – 10.40 Break 10.40 – 11.20 Lesson 3 11.20 – 12.00 Lesson 4 12.00 – 13.00 Lunch 13.00 – 13.40 Lesson 5 13.40 – 14.20 Lesson 6 14.20 – 14.25 Comfort Break 14.25 – 15.05 Lesson 7 15.05 – 15.45 Lesson 8 + Dismiss Lower Juniors (Reception – Year 2) time session 07.55 – 09.00 Registration + Assembly / Form time /Singing / Philosophy 09.00 – 09.30 Lesson 1 09.30 – 10.00 Lesson 2 10.00 – 10.20 Break 10.20 – 11.00 Lesson 3 11.00 – 11.30 Lesson 4 11.30 – 13.00 Lunch 13.00 – 13.30 Lesson 5 13.30 – 14.00 Lesson 6 14.00 – 14.20 Break 14.20 – 14.50 Lesson 7 14.50 – 15.15 Lesson 8 + Dismiss6Timetable
Nursery & Reception At St James Preparatory School we embrace the Early Years Foundation Stage and Early Learning Goals: Communication, Language and Literacy Physical development Personal, social and emotional development Mathematics Understanding of the World Expressive Art and Design Years 1 & 2 English Mathematics Science Geometry History ICT Geography Philosophy Religious Studies Sanskrit Music Art and Design Cookery Forest School P.E. Swimming Handball Gymnastics PSHEE Performing Arts Years 3 & 4 English Mathematics Science Geometry History ICT Geography Philosophy Religious Studies Sanskrit French Music Art and Design Cookery Athletics Handball Gymnastics Swimming Netball Rugby Cricket Football PSHEE Performing Arts Years 5 & 6 English Mathematics Science Geometry History Geography Philosophy ICT Media Studies Religious Studies Sanskrit French Music Art and Design Cookery Athletics Handball Gymnastics Swimming Netball Rugby Cricket Football PSHEE Performing Arts The Wider Curriculum Forest School St James has been running Forest School sessions since 2007 and they have proved to be very valuable experiences for the children. Nursery & Reception play and learn in the ‘wild’ woodland space in Marcus Garvey Park, by building camps, carrying sticks and clambering on trees. Throughout the year they learn about the inspiring nature that is all around them: trees, insects, animals and birds, which are introduced through fun and safe activities. Children from Year 1 go to Forest School at Gunnersbury Park Nature Reserve once every two weeks. The sessions are led by staff who have been trained as Forest School leaders. Residential Trips All pupils in Years 3 – 6 have the opportunity to go on a residential trip each year, usually in the Summer Term. Music Instrumental Tuition Children from Reception to Year 6 are encouraged to take up musical instruments; currently lessons are available in the following: Drums Guitar Cello Piano Clarinet Trumpet Flute Violin French horn Instrumental lessons take place during the school day. Application forms for individual instrumental tuition are available from the Prep School Office.
Late ChildrenDismissalwhohave not been collected 15 minutes after dismissal time will wait with a member of staff outside the School Office until a parent/guardian arrives. If you arrive to collect your child after their scheduled dismissal time, please sign in at Reception before collecting them. If you know in advance that you will be delayed, please telephone the Prep School Office so that staff may be made aware and your child does not become anxious.
Any child arriving after 8.15am needs to sign in at Reception, they will then be added to the late register. If your child has not arrived by 8.30am then they will be marked as absent on the register. If you would like to attend Assembly or have an appointment in the school, please sign in at the Reception desk.
School life
The School Day Late Arrivals
If you need to take your child out of school for an appointment, please request permission from the Head via the School Office. On the day, sign the child out at the Reception desk when leaving. Year 6 Year 6 children may travel to and from school on their own. Please let the school office know if your child is coming to school on their own. If you would like them to bring a mobile with them for the journey, then this will need to be kept in the school office throughout the school day.
Delicious,Lunches fresh vegetarian meals are prepared on-site by our catering team. Menus are available on our website. Fresh fruit and water are available at Stbreak-times.Jameshas a nut-free policy at all times. If your child has a food allergy, please complete an allergy form available from the school office, accompanied by a doctor’s report/letter. If necessary we can arrange a meeting to discuss any concerns with the Catering Manager. Learning Support The School can provide some extra learning support. If the pupil’s needs cannot be met by the School alone, we will work with a number of outside agencies. In this instance you will be contacted by the Class Teacher or SENCO (Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator). Homework Homework will be set by the Class and Subject ReceptionTeachers.–Year4 are sent weekly homework books. Years 5 and 6 receive daily homework. Clubs There are a number of club-based activities available from Reception onwards. These take place after school and at lunch. Details of clubs are announced before the start of term with instructions for online enrolment. Children attending clubs after school may bring a small snack to eat before the club starts. The school policy of no fizzy drinks, sweets or nuts applies. Clubs include Choir Coding Dance Drama Guitar Gymnastics Junior Robotics Karate Multi Sport Needlework Netball Running Club
Science Club String Orchestra Squash Wind Group Yoga Young Engineers Parent Teacher Interviews and Reports Reception – Year 6 Autumn Parent Teacher Interviews: October/November Short Reports: December Spring Parent Teacher Interviews: February/March Summer Full Reports: July Pupil progress is tracked through half termly tests, termly writing assessments and an annual GL standardised assessment. The GL standardised tests in maths and English take place in the Summer Term. Years 3, 4, 5 and 6 take CAT4 tests in the Autumn Term.
If your child has a raised temperature or diarrhoea and/or vomiting please do not send them to school until they have been without symptoms for 48 hours. Headlice are an ever-present possibility. It would be appreciated if you could check your children’s hair regularly. If headlice are discovered at school, parents of the child or children concerned, and those of their classmates, will be contacted and sent appropriate guidance. Houses When the children enter Year 3 (or at entry to the school if after Year 3), they are placed into one of the three Houses. Children can contribute to their House’s success by getting House points – these can be awarded for academic effort and achievement or for exemplary behaviour and Thereconduct.isabox outside the Prep School Office filled with different coloured balls –green for Canterbury, blue for Salisbury and red for Winchester. These balls represent House points. The House with the most points at the end of term is the winner and the children in that House get a special treat. Canterbury Salisbury Winchester
Prep Parent Class Coordinator (PCC)
AtCommitteethebeginning of each school year, two parent volunteers are asked by each Class Teacher to be PCCs for the year. The PCCs’ key role is to act as goodwill ambassadors for the Friends organisation. The Prep PCC committee meets to discuss both social and fundraising initiatives. Charity Events We support various charities throughout the year. Children, parents and staff have come forward with many original and helpful suggestions.
Cake Sales
On Friday there is often a cake sale. Classes take it in turn to run the cake sales. Class PCCs encourage parents to bake or buy cakes and biscuits for the children to buy. The total raised over the year goes towards funding specific purchases for the Prep School and towards other charities
Annual Events
Parental Involvement
Prescribed medication can be administered. You must bring the medicine to the Prep School Office and sign the appropriate form. Should any child’s injuries require them to attend A&E, a member of staff would accompany them and you would be contacted immediately.
The Friends of St James There is an active Friends association which gives tremendous support across all three St James schools; it is made up of parents, past pupils, grandparents and long-term supporters of the St James educational vision. The Friends provide support to the teachers, the pupils and the parents, organising events that help strengthen the St James community, and by raising money for particular purchases for the school.
There are many events and activities in which the children will be involved, and you are warmly encouraged to attend. The list below represents the events that happen regularly. Autumn Term Beginning of year church service for the three St James Schools ‘The Year Ahead’ Parental Coffee Mornings Harvest Festival Service Parent-Teacher Interviews Remembrance Service Nativity Play Reception Christmas Assembly Christmas Market Christmas Lunch with Festive Hats Christmas Carol Service Spring Term Parental Class Holiday Meetings Epiphany Assembly Parent-Teacher Interviews Enrichment Week Grandparents Morning Easter Service Shakespeare Festival Summer Term Class holidays – Upper Juniors Sanskrit Speech Competitions Sports Day Swimming Gala – Upper Juniors Summer Concerts Leavers Assembly Speech Day Healthcare
The children’s medical needs during the school day are met by a Registered Nurse. Children who feel unwell or have accidents in the playground or elsewhere are taken to the Nurse. Where more serious injuries are concerned, parents are contacted and asked to collect the children early and may be given written advice as necessary. The school has a small range of over-thecounter medicines that may be used, providing parental consent has been given.
11+ Preparation
We offer all parents support in identifying schools that will best suit their child’s interests and abilities. For most parents one of these schools will be the St James Senior Girls’ or Boys’ Schools. However, our aim is to give our parents choice and we use a range of data to support parents in choosing the right school. Our pupils are prepared for 11+ entrance exams and interviews. We use the Atom Learning platform and mock interviews conducted with the Head to support our pupils to secure a place at a senior school where they will flourish. We follow a clear timeline to support parents and pupils. Years 4 & 5
Initial discussions between parents and the Head to talk about senior school options Use of Atom Learning platform to support preparation. Year 6 Further discussions between parents and the Head Increased preparation through the Atom Learning platform. Interview practice with the Head. References written. ISEB Pre-Tests (for 13+).
Choosing the right senior school
ISA Regional Swimming Championship ISA National Swimming Championship
CoachesTransportare hired for swimming and Games afternoons and the annual GamesTimingchampionships.afternoon takes place on a Tuesday and a Thursday afternoon, after Exactlunch.times and days vary depending on year groups. Your class teachers will be in touch at the start of term to confirm all YourSwimmingdetails.classteacher will inform you at the beginning of each academic year which day your child has been timetabled to go swimming. There is no swimming for Reception Class.
Regional and National Sporting Events
School Matches, Events, Championships, Displays Parents of children representing the school in matches will receive a fixture email containing all relevant details before the match. For away fixtures or those taking place at Kings House on a non-Games afternoon parental permission is required. Permission is obtained in an annual consent form which you will be given at the beginning of the academic year. A child will not be able to take part without written permission. You are welcome to attend matches. Contact off-site during Sporting Activities If you need to contact your child while they are at a sports event, please call the Prep School Office and they will relay all messages.
St James Inter-schools Rugby Tournament (hosted by St James Preparatory School)
Games & Sport Games Games are compulsory and children may only be excused with a written request from you.
Physical Education Sports Venues Netball, rugby, cricket, football, athletics and cross-country running at: Kings House Sports Ground, Riverside Dr, Chiswick, London W4 2SH You may collect your child/children from Kings House after Games afternoon: written permission is required. Swimming takes place at: Virgin Active Fulham Pools, Lillie Road, Fulham SW6 7ST
ISA Regional Athletics Championship ISA National Athletics Championship ISA Regional Cross-country Championship ISA National Cross-country Championship ISA National Gymnastics Championship St James Inter-schools Netball Tournament (hosted by St James Preparatory School)
St James Inter-schools Gymnastics Competition
must be
Gum Shields Gum shields must
Sports Kit be worn by all children when playing rugby. These are available from the physical education department and moulded at (instructions Hats The school sun hat is available from the school outfitters, Stevensons. All children need one for the summer term.
Uniform Appearance The children are expected to be smart and tidy at all times and to be in the correct school uniform (exceptions include Charity Events). Hair, if longer than collar length, needs to be tied back with white or blue Jewellery,accessories.other than ear studs, is not allowed. TheOutfittersschool outfitters is Stevensons, who offer an on-line and telephone service. You can also visit their store. The uniform list is available on the website and via the School Office. 1–15StevensonsHeath TwickenhamRoad Middlesex TW1 4DB Tel: 020 8892 www.stevensons.co.uk2201
are supplied). Sun
Swimming Caps All children are required to wear swimming caps for the purposes of hygiene; these are available from the Prep School Office.
Speak the Truth Be Generous and Kind Be Your Best Our School motto is: 14
There are four guiding principles for the School Rules: Truthfulness Magnanimity Harmlessness Never Careless Pupils are expected to know and show that they understand the School Rules through the example of their actions – in particular they will:
> Take great care of others, themselves, their belongings and their work
> Help the children to know what is right and what is wrong
> Not harm others with their speech or action
The School Rules are simple rules of good conduct, which:
> Be open and generous to others
> Support the School in maintaining a respectful, working environment
School Rules
> Always speak the truth
Inspection Report
The following policies are available to download from the school website www.stjamesprep.org.uk or for viewing at the School Office.
Monitoring and Standardised Testing Teaching and learning are monitored and evaluated regularly. Pupil progress is recorded through the half termly tests and annual GL Standardised Assessments.
School Policies
The Complaints procedure has three stages: Stage 1 Raising a complaint to be considered initially on an informal basis. Stage 2 A formal complaint. Stage 3 A reference to the Complaints Panel.
> Admissions > Anti-Bullying > Behaviour and Discipline > CCTV > Complaints > Curriculum > EAL – English as an Additional Language > Educational Visits > Expulsion, Removal and Review > Fire Policy > First Aid > Health & Safety incl. written Risk Assessment > Information & Records Retention Policy > Learning Difficulties and Disabilities Policy > Missing Child Policy > Parent Privacy Notice > PSHEE and SMSC Policy > Safeguarding & Child Protection > Special Educational Needs and Disabilities > Younger Pupil Privacy Notice Travel / Transport The School actively encourages the use of public transport for its pupils. Information on bus, underground and rail links is available from the School Office or on the school website. We also run a school coach service for all children in Year 3 upwards, serving west and south west London. For more information and to book please contact transport@stjamesschools.co.uk for the attention of Mrs Eve McCann (Bursar) or Mrs Antonietta Capasso (Facilities Manager). Insurance
In October 2019, St James Prep was inspected by the Independent Schools Inspectorate (ISI). This was a focussed compliance inspection with an inspection of educational quality. We are delighted that the school was judged Excellent in all areas. The successful report together with our previous Compliance report (October 2016) are available to download from the School website or a hard copy can be obtained from the School Office.
Following an inspection a copy of the report is provided to the parents of each pupil. Complaints Procedure St James takes great pride in the quality of the teaching and pastoral care provided to its pupils. However, if parents have a complaint, they can expect to be treated sympathetically and at the appropriate level, with the complaint resolved as soon as possible. The complaints policy is available for parents of pupils to view at the School Office, or may be downloaded from the School’s website. The number of formal complaints made in the previous school year is available from the School Office.
Formal Complaints 2021–2022: 0
The Independent Educational Association Ltd. is insured for public liability. This insurance only covers any possible occurrence where it could be proved that the school had been negligent. The School provides, at no additional cost, Personal Accident insurance for all pupils and staff in respect of an accident resulting in death, permanent bodily injury and dental injury. Parents need to note that, where applicable, a claim must be made to the insurance company within one month of the accident on the appropriate form. Parents are responsible for insuring the pupil’s personal property whilst at school or on the way to and from school or on any school-sponsored activity away from school premises. Musical instruments should not be left on the school premises overnight.
General Information
Data Protection We may use personal data about parents and their child in order to provide further information about life at St James (for example so that we can register your attendance at a school event). Further information about how St James uses your personal data can be found in our privacy notice which is on the School Policies page of the school website. prepschool/school-life/school-policies/.https://www.stjamesschools.co.uk/ If you would like a printed copy of our privacy notice please call the Bursar’s PA on 020 7348 1700. 17
Terms and Conditions Fees are payable in full by the first day of each term. All fees are to be paid by direct debit unless otherwise arranged with the Bursar. A charge of 1.5% interest per month will be made on overdue fees.
Admissions & Fees
ARegistration£65feeof£125 per child is payable on registration. The fee is non-refundable.
The School reserves the right to exclude pupils where fees remain unpaid without the agreement of the Bursar. The fees are fully inclusive and there are no extra charges for anything within the School curriculum, with the following
Children can join our nursery the term they turn 3 or the Prep School at the age of 4, with no formal testing. However, we do require a satisfactory report from the child’s nursery and all children attend a taster morning.
1.exceptions:Excursions: You will be advised of the cost of all class trips and outings, other than those covered by the Annual Trip Charge 2. Tuition for musical instruments, if arranged through the School 3. External specialist learning support, if arranged through the School
Acceptance Deposit Half a term’s fees is payable as a deposit on acceptance of a place (a whole term’s fees for non-UK residents). The deposit will not be offset against the first term’s fee but will be repaid on the final invoice after the pupil has left the school.
Admissions Procedures
The School administers a Bursary Fund which is designed to assist children who otherwise would be unable to attend the School. Bursaries are awarded to both existing and new pupils provided financial need can be demonstrated. Applications for bursaries should be made to the Bursar by the last Friday of November prior to the academic year of entry. Applications for new pupils, accompanied by relevant financial details as required, will only be accepted for those who are registered for admission and have been accepted after the entrance assessment.
All text books, exercise books and other equipment needed for lessons are issued to pupils free of charge, but remain the property of the School. Charges may be made for any books or other equipment which are lost or damaged.
A number of children join St James Prep in Year 3 and Year 4 so that they can benefit from our 11+ provision while also having the option to continue to our Senior Schools should they wish. We like to think this is the best of both worlds. Entry to Years 1 – 6 is dependent on places becoming available during the course of the academic year. You are most welcome to register your child for an occasional place in one of these year groups. Any child entering the Prep School in Year 2 upwards will need to spend a day at school and take a cognitive abilities assessment before a place is offered. The admission of a pupil is conditional on acceptance of the terms and conditions published by the School. Fees Fees for the School Year 2022/2023 Nursery – Morning £3,020* per term Nursery – Whole Day £4,910* per term Nursery – Afternoon £370 per session per term *all figures are prior to the deduction of the Nursery Education Grant. Minimum number of sessions is 5 mornings. Full day sessions include lunch Reception – Year 6 £6,440 per term Lunches (vegetarian) are provided free within the basic fee. Annual Trip Charge for UK-based day trips
One term’s notice in writing is required prior to the withdrawal of a pupil, failing which a term’s fee will be charged in lieu. Cancelling acceptance of a place less than one term before entry will incur payment of a term’s fee.
Catering Manager
Staff Teaching Staff Head of Prep School Mrs Hilary Wyatt NPQH MA PGCE Deputy Head Mrs Nicola Scott-Phillips BA (Hons) MEd Academic Mentoring Ms Jackie Heywood Mrs Kathryn Wilson Class Teachers Reception Miss Elsa Rieffel BA Miss Kathryn Baillieux BA Hons (maternity leave) Year 1 Miss Bonnie Laird BEd Mr John Cook BA Hons Year 2 Miss Sophie Bienkowski BA Year 3 & Head of Lower School Mr Owen Jones BA Year 4 & Head of Upper School Mr Erik Edwards BA Year 5 Miss Louise Inglott BA Hons Miss Lavinia Johnson BSc Hons Year 6 Mr Sam Norris BA Hons PGCE MEd Mrs Lucy Story BA Hons PGCE Subject Teachers Art Mrs Jacqueline Fischel-Bock MA Fine Art Mrs Katie Holmes BEd Drama/Dance Mrs Jessica Cook BA English Mrs Katherine Cselko BA Librarian Mrs Anita Kourtis BA Hons Maths/ICT Miss Emma Foster MA LLB PGCE Music Miss Veronica Barnes BA(Hons), PGCE, LGSM Sanskrit Mrs Elena Jessup BSc MA Mr Warwick Jessup BA Oxon MA MPhil Sport Miss Romy Robertson BA Assistant Teachers Miss Zoe Scott Miss Deborah-Jane Sinclair NVQ Level 2 Mrs Catherine Toole Montessori Dip Miss Natasha Sumerfield BA – Trainee Teacher Cookery Miss Suzie Brown BA Sanskrit Miss Sejal Gir
Chief Operating Officer
Nursery School Head of Nursery, EYFS Lead, Designated Safeguarding Lead for Nursery Miss Hannah Atkinson BA Nursery Teacher Miss Leila Gard BA Non-Teaching Staff Registrar Miss Ashleigh Bagnall Events Manager Ms Alice Klapwyk Bursar’s Department Bursar Mrs Eve McCann LNBA Staff School Nurse Mrs Kathy Main RGN HolroydCateringHowe Mr Brian Turner Miss Eleanor Mello Mr William Wyatt
Development Manager
The Independent Association of Prep Schools (IAPS) St James is a member of The Independent Association of Prep Schools (IAPS), a membership association that represents 700 of the world’s leading prep schools. Its membership is a prestigious kitemark of quality within the independent school sector and an assurance that the school adheres to and meets strict standards.
St James Schools Worldwide The inspiration of St James Schools in London has led to the foundation of a number of children’s schools across the world from Auckland, New Zealand to San Fernando, Trinidad.
The Independent Schools Association (ISA) This is one of a group of school associations which form the Independent Schools Council (ISC). The ISA gives accreditation to member schools (inc. St James) and all ISC schools have to be inspected by the Independent Schools Inspectorate (ISI).
Board of Governors, Olympia
Trustees & Governors
Olympia Mrs Annabel Lubikowski BA (Hons) MPhil PGCE
The Boards of Governors operates under the Board of Trustees which meets as the Independent Educational Association Limited, a registered charity established in 1975. The Board of Trustees has an overarching role looking after all three St James Schools: the Senior Girls’ and Prep Schools in Olympia and Senior Boys’ School in Ashford. This includes setting the strategic direction for the schools and taking corporate decisions in relation to its statutory functions. Chair of Trustees Mr Jeremy Sinclair CBE MrTrusteesAatifHassan BSc CA Mrs Annabel Lubikowski BA Hons MPhil PGCE Mr Hugh Venables BSc MBA Mr Jerome Webb MA ClerkMRICStothe Trustees Mr William Wyatt
If you would like to contact Mrs Lubikowski, please address your letter to her at: St James Schools, Earsby Street, London W14 Governors8SH
The St James Senior Girls’ and Prep Schools share a single governing body which meets as the Board of Governors, Olympia. The Board’s role is to ensure that the schools provide its pupils with the very best education and opportunities, oversee developments at the school and generally support the Heads and the school. The Board of Governors sets the school’s plans and Chairpolicies.ofGovernors,
In order to provide the greatest support to each of our schools and sites, the Board of Trustees have formed two governing boards, a combined board for St James Senior Girls’ and St James Prep in Olympia and a separate one for St James Senior Boys’ in Ashford.
Mrs Angela Bowman BA (Hons) MPhil PGCE Mr Raghu Nandakumara MA (Cantab) MSc Board of Trustees
St James Preparatory School Earsby LondonStreetW14 8SH 020 7348 office@stjamesprep.org.uk1777 stjamesprep.org.uk Registered Charity No: 270156