Make Money Online With Free Website Traffic

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==== ==== For the best way to get good quality traffic to your website or blog, goto the site below for tips & secrets. ==== ====

The #1 Solution to the #1 problem of Online Businesses is getting Free Website Traffic. We will cover the pitfalls of the many time wasting "Get Free Traffic Methods", the difference between useful and wasteful free website traffic and how to tell the difference. I have been online for seven years, working full time from home, Internet Marketing via my computer. During this time I have been both an affiliate [promoting other peoples products] and a vendor [promoting my own products].I also build websites for the local businesses in my area. The Problem If you asked me what is the #1 problem facing, affiliates, vendors or any online business? My answer would be, getting visitors to their websites. No matter how flash a website or how good the product being promoted, it is useless if no one can find your site. Standing out in the crowd is a daunting task when you consider the billions of sites online. The Solution There are two options; you either pay for traffic or generate free traffic. Paid Traffic Paid Traffic comes in many forms. I am not going to cover this topic here, except to say this; Paid traffic that gets results, [real visitors, resulting in sales] is very expensive. Not only is it expensive, in most cases it takes a special skill set to use it successfully. Free Traffic You can generate free website traffic that is as good if not better than traffic generated by expensive alternatives. Understanding the principles of how traffic generation works online is imperative to any successful attempts to generate it. There are several ways that people browsing online will find your site. Organic Traffic - The Best Type Of Traffic

When people come to your site after doing a search in any search engine we use the term "Organic Traffic". For instance; Mary wants to know "how to start a home business online" and types this search term into the search bar on her browser. The search engine presents her with a page, listing around ten sites, surrounded by a lot of advertisements. Her eyes gravitate towards a bold heading of a site that contains the exact words she'd just typed into the search bar - How To Start A Home Business Online. Naturally she visits that site in preference to all the ads as it is exactly what she is looking for. Mary came to the site out of her own curiosity and is happy to have found a site that matched her query so quickly. Referred Traffic Whilst Mary is reading through the site she sees a text link "Scrapbook Ideas for Work at Home Mums". Mary bookmarks the text link, intending to visit the new site when she has finished reading. Email List -Solicited Traffic Whilst Mary was on the site she opted into a free newsletter subscription which placed her on the sites email list. Several days later she received an email, updating her on new content posted to the site. Within the newsletter there was a solo advertisement about baby care products. Mary has a baby, so she clicks on the solo advertisement which leads her to a baby care product site. Word Of Mouth Traffic Online. Mary is very impressed with some of the things she has discovered on "how to start a home business online" and tells her friends about the site on twitter, Facebook, and MySpace. Link Traffic A year later Mary has her own business online, creating baby scrapbooks. She places a link to "how to start a home business online" on her own website, telling her readers how she got started in her own home business. How To Get Organic Traffic. To get Organic Traffic your site must come up in the search engines for the specific search words people place in their browsers to find something online. The job of a good search engine is to deliver the most relevant information, requested by the search words. Links from relevant Authority Sites There are certain sites online that are recognised by the major search engines as well established Authority Sites. Links from these authority sites recommending your site to their readers will greatly help your own sites reputation in the search engines - pushing your site up in the search results.

The emphasis here is on quality not quantity. Avoid using link exchange programs - paid for links and link farms. These will do more harm than good. Avoid the Time Wasting Methods to Generate Free Traffic Surely the object to get traffic to our sites is to get real people to view our sites and offers. There are many programs that lead webmasters and affiliates to believe that if you get clicks on your site you are getting real visitors. Scam artists have recognised the potential in supplying the solution to the #1 problem facing online businesses "getting traffic to their websites" the other hot product is "Making Money Online". There are a multitude of shonky "Surfing Programs" also called "Paid to Click" or "Paid to read", passing themselves off as Free Traffic Generators. These programs promise the people who want to make money online that they will be paid a certain $ figure for each website view. Or a trade off - you view 1 website and your website will be viewed twice. The people who take part in these programs are motivated by income or traffic to their own sites. To get the maximum potential for their time they surf through the sites they are given to view as fast as possible. These programs are free to join and hoards of people join them daily. The scammers that promote these programs make their money by selling the members email addresses and/or selling guaranteed visitors to your sites. I have tried a few of these programs - Free and Paid - and found them to be a total waste of time. Posting or auto submitting to free advertising sites is also a total waste of time - who goes to a page full of links to other pages, of their own free will? Besides the ads you place only stay visible for a few minutes - another total time waster. Safe Lists - were you agree to read emails in exchange to have other people read your emails. Would you seriously read thousands of emails that came into your inbox? I sure wouldn't, so I don't expect my emails would get read by anyone with two cents worth of intelligence. Auto Submission Software - usually - not in all cases - they should be called SPAM BOTS enough said? Good Free Traffic Generating Programs There are some very Good Free Traffic Generating Programs for sale online. Ones that will really Make Money Online for you through the sales of products offered on your websites. All the good traffic generators work along the principles I outlined above and create "Organic Traffic" A lot of these genuine free traffic generating programs entail the learning of SEO [Search Engine

Optimization] techniques - keyword research - a lot of testing - experimentation and the necessity to purchase other relatively expensive programs to do all of the above. In Conclusion · It is really worthwhile to seriously research the best method of generating free website traffic. Getting prospective customers to your websites is the life blood of your online business. · Organic Free Traffic is equally important for Affiliates and Vendors/Merchants. Anyone promoting anything online needs real visitors to their sites. Visitors who are interested in what your site has to offer. · Avoid the time wasting methods of free traffic generation methods, promoted by the scammers. · Choose a Free Traffic Generation Program that matches your skill set. Find out what additional costs are involved in utilizing the program before purchasing. To see the results comparing useful Free Website Traffic as opposed to useless free traffic generation methods view the video at: MakeMoneyOnline | FreeWebsiteTraffic Cheers, ©Katarina Jellinek.

Katarina Jellinek [Kitty], invites you to view a video comparing useful Free Website Traffic as opposed to useless free traffic generation methods at: Find out how you can generate Free Website Traffic today. Ă‚ŠCopyright - Katarina Jellinek. All Rights Reserved Worldwide.

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==== ==== For the best way to get good quality traffic to your website or blog, goto the site below for tips & secrets. ==== ====

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