Top 15 Fat Burning Exercises For Women

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Top 15 Fat Burning Exercises For Women at The Home

By: Mp45

List of fat burning exercises For women 1. Burpees 2. Jumping Lunges 3. Jackknife Crunches 4. Lunges with Reverse Leg Raise 5. Jumping Squats 6. Push Ups 7. Side Planks with Leg Raises

8. Lateral Jumps 9. Mountain Climbers 10. Jumping Jacks 11. Cardio 12. Running 13. Yoga 14. Swimming 15. Stair Climbing

Burpee The burpee is a full body exercise which boost up the strength of your body and improve functional fitness. With every rep, you'll work your arms, chest, quads, glutes, hamstrings, and abs.

Jumping Lunges This exercise helps to develop and improve lower body strength and power, as well as challenge dynamic stability and coordination. It targets the glutes, Quadriceps, hamstrings, core stability and calves.

Jackknife Crunches Jackknife Crunches exercise involves lifting your body up from an extended position and pulling your knees in toward your chest. It is beneficial to make a perfect pack of abs and lean body.

Lunges with Reverse Leg Raise Stand with your feet together ,then step back with your left foot and bend at both knees, lift your left leg back and up in the air until it is parallel to the floor and lower your left foot back to the ground and then squat back down.

Jumping Squats Jump squats help tone the calves, glutes, hamstrings, core, and quadriceps.

Push Ups Pushups helps to strengthen a woman's forearms, the biceps and those hard-to-tone triceps on the back of the arms.

Side Planks with Leg Raises

Side Planks with Leg Raises exercise provide strength and endurance to you abs, back and core. It also works on your glutes and hamstrings, supports proper posture and improves balance as well.

Lateral Jumps This exercise will help you build lateral leaping ability and strength. It also strengthens the ankles and calf muscles.

Mountain Climbers This exercise not only help strengthen your abs but help to burn belly fat as well. It improve stability, agility, proprioception and coordination.

Jumping Jacks

This exercise will help you to boost heart rate, burn more calories & burn body fat which leads to weight loss. It also improve the blood circulation and oxygenates your blood and muscles.

Cardio Cardio exercise or workouts raises your heart rate, good for lungs, circulatory system and burns calories and get you back in shape fast.

Running Running is helpful for Muscle strength, reduce joint problems, lower the blood pressure and improve all-round fitness and body health.


There are lots of health benefits of Doing Yoga: ● ● ● ●

It Increases flexibility It Increases muscle strength and tone Improve respiration, energy and vitality Maintain a balanced metabolism

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Reduce Weight Cardio and circulatory health Improve athletic performance Keep Protection from injury

Swimming Swimming is a full-body exercise that utilizes, strengthens and tones major muscle groups within a woman's body.

Stair Climbing Stair Climbing burns more calories per minute than jogging which can help you to better manage your weight. Reduces cardio risk by more than 30% Helps control weight and builds muscle tone.

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