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Discover. Grow. L i v e.



PASTOR’S MESSAGE Dear members and friends of Holy Comforter Lutheran Church, On Sunday, April 15th, at a special Town Hall Meeting called by the Congregation Council, HCLC 2.5 was introduced. What is HCLC 2.5? As part of your leadership’s commitment to the mission and ministry of HCLC, HCLC 2.5 is a campaign to get folks to go deeper with Christ. Everyone is thus invited to be involved in at least 2.5 ministries of education and serving in, at, and through HCLC. For example: weekly small groups, classes, ministry gatherings count as 1. Monthly, less commitment required, would count at .5. Again, the intent of this endeavor is to get everyone involved in weekly Bible Study, Service, and Ministry at and through HCLC. (If you are already at or above 2.5 in your commitments, this is a great time for you to assess where God needs you most to serve, to learn, to grow. 2.5 is a minimum; more than 2.5 is, of course, encouraged and needed.) Over the summer Pastor Barb and the Congregation Council will host “2.5 Gatherings” to discuss the HCLC 2.5 endeavor. As part of these gatherings, everyone will receive a 2.5 Ministry Sheet expressing their, we hope at minimum, 2.5 engagement in ministry. We will end the summer/begin the Fall with “An All-Church Pool Party and BBQ” at Hans and Jennifer Kell’s home in Kingwood to celebrate our endeavor together. Over the months to come, more aspects of HCLC 2.5 will emerge. We are blessed to be part of such a unique gathering of folks at Holy Comforter. Our intent is to continue to grow deeper as disciples of Christ, to invite others in, and live faithfully this abundant life we have been given. As your leadership, we thank you for your support. In Christ, Pastor Barb Bartling Jesus said to his disciples, “…I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly.” (John 10:10 )


Faith Story: Greetings from Peru

[page 4] Music Ministry [page 5] May 6 Worship


Second Family Care Team


[page 4]

[page 5] Women of the ELCA [page 6] Cookies and Crafts [page 6] Early Childhood Education [page 8] Praise Walkers


Gathering Place

[page 7]

Associate Pastor’s Message

[page 10]

[page 10] Ole Spring Relief Trip [page 11] Water to Thrive

[page 12] Easter Worship [page 13] Color Run [page 14] Easter Egg Hunt

GO! GO! is a quarterly magazine produced and published by the members of HCLC. The content of this magazine is intended to be shared. It is designed by Michelle Palmer and printed by PostNet - Kingwood. Editor’s Note: For article and photo submission, please contact Pam MacNaughton at 281.358.6500 or pam@godeeperwithchrist.org.



Faith Story: Greetings from Peru “First of all, I want to apologize for not having written it in time. The reason why I did not write it fast was that I went to an ITEL workshop that took place in the city of Lima with the purpose of learning new things that will serve us in today’s life as the Lutherans we are. I did not have time to write because the course was intensive; only a few minutes we rested, but now I’m back at home with the desire to teach the little things I learned in the workshop. The last semester at the university was good for me. I learned basic things about my career with which I can work. As we know, the university is not easy, but I am doing it with great effort and dedication, and achieving goals that I never thought I would fulfill in my life. I hope that you and your family as well as all the brothers and sisters of Holy Comforter have spent a happy Christmas and a prosperous new year. Greetings to the brothers and sisters of your congregation.” -Rudy Java Mozombite submitted by Sue Godwin


The Second Family Care Team will NOT meet in June. Anyone interested in helping us is welcome to join us. We are in special need of drivers to help take care partners to a doctor appointment or other such errand. The SFCT is a ministry that provides practical, emotional and spiritual support to our care partners. We do such things as visits, household tasks, transportation, social outings, assistance with errands, and more depending on the needs of each individual. We are committed to serve with dignity, compassion and respect for each person. Currently we have 25 care partners that we are assisting. If this sounds like something you would enjoy doing, please contact Beth Moseman 281-358-5501. We can always use more volunteers!


Spark Bibles

By Beth Moseman

Going deeper in faith, service, & relationships Worship & Music Ministry in 2018 “Why do we SING?” Why do we sing? John L. Bell, born in 1949, Scottish hymn-writer and minister in the Church of Scotland, explores the “whys” of congregational singing and the renewal of congregational song in his book The Singing Thing: A case for congregational song, published by GIA Publications, Inc. Bell lays out ten reasons WHY we sing. His subsequent volume, The Singing Thing Too: Enabling congregations to sing, lays out the HOW. Bell’s ten reasons why we sing: 1) Because we can. 2) To create identity. 3) To express emotion. 4) To express words. 5) To revisit the past. 6) To tell stories. 7) To shape the future. 8) To enable work. 9) To exercise our creativity. 10) To give of ourselves. While there is not space here to elaborate on all ten reasons, here are a few related thoughts. We sing because we can, even though approximately 25% of people think they cannot. I believe that EVERYONE can learn to sing. For most people, singing is a natural thing. We sing to babies, sing in the shower, sing at ball games, hum absent-mindedly at times, etc. Yet singing as a group has largely become countercultural, as we listen to perfectly edited recorded music left to professionals. In other cultures, singing together in homes, schools, and other places continues to be a common activity. The church has an important role in encouraging singing as a group, worshiping our great God proclaiming what we believe in song. Singing sacred texts together, all at the same time in the same rhythm with the same tune, creates an identity: who we are, and Whose we are. Our faith is shaped by what we sing, as we learn and remember words set to melody. Singing together connects us and helps us to communicate. Worship in the Lutheran church is filled with music. The liturgy, psalms, hymns and songs of the church are treasures old and new, with opportunities for every worshiper to join their voices in song. Everyone can sing – some better than others! – and music is a gift from God that can be used for God’s glory

and the edification of each other. Music is praise, prayer, and proclamation in the service of the gospel. What we sing shapes who we are and become as we grow deeper as disciples. At times we may feel drawn beyond ourselves into the holy, transcending time and space. Research shows that the heartbeats of those singing in a choir synchronize when they sing together. The heart rate is stabilized, potentially reducing the risk of heart disease. In short, research shows that singing in a choir increases happiness. Whether or not in a choir, the phrases of hymns and songs automatically control our breathing as we inhale to begin each new phrase. Science shows that singing improves health of body, mind, and soul. Singing uses our whole bodies, especially when we breathe deeply and use aerobic energy. Singing can help our lungs breathe better, boost our immune system, reduce stress levels as evidenced by a reduction in cortisol, and help us cope with pain or depression by releasing endorphins. Music-making also releases serotonin, a neurotransmitter associated with feelings of euphoria and contentment, according to scientific studies. McGill University professor Daniel Levitin notes that group singing releases oxytocin, a chemical that manages anxiety and stress and enhances feelings of trust and bonding. Simply put, making music makes us feel better and frees us to receive God’s gifts with gratitude. Singing is used as music therapy in assisted living centers, hospitals, hospices, and other places. We see in the Gathering Place at Holy Comforter that people with dementia, some of whom barely speak, if at all, come to life when singing songs they knew in younger years. People who listen to music before surgery typically require less anesthesia and less pain medication post-operatively. While singing in a choir is particularly focused on rehearsed music, and certainly everyone is welcome in Holy Comforter’s choirs, the largest “choir” is the ASSEMBLY (the congregation gathered at a particular time and place to worship). Holy Comforter is blessed to be a “singing

church” as worshipers join their voices together. To those whose music-making is not done in a choir, please remember to sing heartily, even if you think that your voice is not as fine as you would like for it to be. Sing anyway! God gave it to you to be used for His glory! Here are a couple of simple tips: Stand (or sit) tall with shoulders up and back, take a nice big “belly breath,” open your mouth, and sing! __________________________________

THANK YOU to all of our musicians

– singers, ringers, and instrumentalists who work so diligently to contribute to the leadership and beauty of worship services at Holy Comforter. A special thank you to the Gloria Dei Choir, Bells of Praise, and Voices of Praise, who in addition to their regular musical offerings and leadership, beautifully led ALL THREE SERVICES on Easter Day! Such glorious sounds in celebration of our Risen Lord! Our Children/Youth Choir and children from our School have shared their talents with us in worship as they have given praise to God. Instrumentalists on flute, double bass, and cello have added immensely to our worship. Each of you truly enriches the worship life at Holy Comforter, while leading well and with confidence.

THANK YOU to the many, many people who serve in non-musical ways: all lectors, servers, acolytes, crucifers, altar guild, ushers, sound technicians, cantors, and other worship assistants who serve so well. We are blessed to have so many people involved, giving their time, talent and commitment week after week together. Every contribution matters. Well done! If you would like to serve as a worship assistant or musician in any area, please contact Marsha Seale. Please volunteer. We need YOU!

By Marsha Seale Minister of Worship & Music



Praise Walk is a group that meets every morning for an hour of exercise in the narthex area using mostly DVDs with a variety of types of exercise (walking, aerobics, weights, bands, etc.). As soon as pool water is a little warmer we will be doing water aerobics in private pools from 8:15 – 9:15a.m. on weekdays when we have an available pool. If no pool is available, we will be walking at church. We are now meeting from 8:15 – 9:15 am Monday – Friday. Anyone is welcome to join us. Call Beth Moseman 281-358-5501 for details. By Beth Moseman



QUILTS for Lutheran World Relief

Women of the ELCA

During the months of April and May WELCA collected items for The Door, a shelter for victims of abuse and their children, operated by FamilyTime Crisis and Counseling Center. During June and July, we will collect school supplies for H.A.A.M. Cash donations will also be accepted. Watch for the list of needed supplies. A general meeting was held Sunday, May 6, 2018, for election of officers. A short business meeting preceded the potluck lunch in Luther Hall which was followed by “Cookies and Crafts.� The crafts were for anyone preschool age to 105! The cookies were the dessert and the leftovers were exchanged to take home. There was also a special gift for all mothers in attendance.


By Linda Johnston

WELCA members hosted a cookies and crafts events for kids on Sunday, May 6th after the annual color run. The kids were able to color, paint, create bookmarks and eat cookies baked by WELCA members! Photos by Beth Moseman



The Gathering Place at HCLC meets on the first Friday of each month to offer respite care to families with a loved one who has dementia, Parkinson’s, stroke, etc. During the hours that care partners are at HCLC our volunteers engage with them in activities, crafts, exercise, music, and more. We offer entertainment and lunch along with fellowship and support. During our last Gathering Place on May 4, our theme was “Cinco de Mayo” and our entertainment was Fiesta

BINGO. June 1st is “Ice Cream Social Month.” July 6th will be “Nautical Month.” So come join the fun. If you are interested in volunteering (once a month) or know someone who would benefit from attending The Gathering Place as a care partner, please contact Pam MacNaughton 281-460-9252 or Beth Moseman 281-3585501.

By Beth Moseman



Early Childhood Education@HCLC SPRING 2018

Mrs. Snyder’s class enjoying the outdoors and a good book read by Linda Utecht.

Counting 100 days of school

Dr. Butler discusses taking care of teeth.



Annual color run on May 6







ASSOCIATE PASTOR’S MESSAGE It’s almost summer! I am writing to invite you to read books with me this summer! There are so many fabulous spiritual and faith related books for children, youth, and adults. Some of the books even have movies that relate to them. Wow! To help us all with this Summer Reading adventure, I will read children’s books during the children’s message on Sunday mornings at 11 a.m. worship. For the adults, I will read An Altar in the World by Barbara Brown Taylor and I invite you to read it with me. I will offer both an online Facebook and in-person discussion group about the book in August. More details soon. How many books might we read? How about “2.5” in honor of Pastor Barb’s upcoming 25th ordination anniversary in 2019? For youth and adults, let’s read two longer books, plus a children’s book for the remaining .5. For kids, let’s read two children’s books and we’ll learn a new way to pray for the other .5. Whoever reads the most books during the summer (faith and other great reads) will get to take a Forever book home! So, keep a list from June 1-August 26, name of the book, author, and date you read it. I can’t wait to see all the awesome books we will be reading together. Don’t forget to check out The Bible, too - it’s God’s great love story for all God’s people! Peace, Pastor Amy

Water to Thrive

THANK YOU! You have done it again. Water to Thrive has completed our fifth and six wells in the Oromia Region of Ethiopia. These wells will provide clean water for at least 1,000 residents within one kilometer of the village. Many other villages will also have access to the wells. Dick Moeller writes: “Thanks to your generosity, these communities no longer have to face the fear of illness and death from dirty water. Women will be able to spend hundreds of additional hours a year looking after their families instead of collecting water. Children will not have to miss class to help gather water. Thanks to you and your efforts, these wells will be lasting sources of Health, productivity, and prosperity.” The great news is that we have fully funded a SEVENTH well and are now collecting for our eighth. It is your continual support that has provided clean water to thousands of people. You are a great blessing. If you would like to enjoy a cup of coffee and talk WATER, call Cathie Tanner, 281-358-0622. By Cathie Tanner

Chafe Spring Protection

Sago Spring


Holy Comforter hosted 40 of the 120 students from St. Olaf College in Northfield, MN who came to Houston to do Hurricane Harvey Relief over their Spring Break. They spent the nights of March 26-28 on the floor and pews of the sanctuary and were most grateful for our hospitality, including breakfasts and WoW dinner.


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Photos by Steve Hansen & Peter Kaleda

www.godeeperwithchrist.org 13


The 3rd Annual Color Run was organized as a way to highlight physical fitness in the school and in the church. The school is an ELEA Center of Wellness and focuses curriculum and activities on health and wellness.

Photos by Steve Hansen

www.godeeperwithchrist.org 15

Discover. Grow. L i v e.


Holy Comforter Lutheran CHurch Staff

The Reverend Barbara Bartling Senior Pastor pastorbarb@godeeperwithchrist.org Pastor Amy Oehlschlaeger Associate Pastor pastoramy@godeeperwithchrist.org Marsha Seale Minister of Worship and Music marsha@godeeperwithchrist.org Bill Goebel Financial Secretary bill@godeeperwithchrist.org Pam MacNaughton Director of Administration pam@godeeperwithchrist.org Colleen Engel Education Director colleen@godeeperwithchrist.org Duane Utecht Operations Coordinator operations@godeeperwithchrist.org

Church Council Members

Steve Bost - President Peter Kaleda - Vice President Duane Utecht - Treasurer Ken Holder - Secretary June Portz Sancy Rhodes Past President - Steve Hansen

Holy Comforter Lutheran Church is the sum of its members blessed and empowered by the Holy Spirit to do ministry together. We are a traditional church & congregation that thinks and works “outside the box” to bring progressive ministries, services, programs and outreach to our local community and beyond! Holy Comforter Lutheran Church & School was the first church and preschool program in Kingwood, Texas. We are a congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. Visit www.godeeperwithchrist.org for more info on our Mission & Vision, History, Pastor, Staff & Council, Ministries, Communion Policy, Testimonials & Worship Services. Cover Photo by Steve Hansen

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