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TThe Christmas season is upon us — a time of holiday decorations and cookie baking, the exchanging of gifts and singing of carols. Above all else, it’s a time of celebrating the greatest, most perfect gift ever: Jesus Christ. Nothing compares! God, in His infinite generosity, gave the very best and most valuable thing He had, His son (John 3:16). God has already done everything to give the gift of abundance on earth, salvation through the death and resurrection of His son, and eternal life with Him. All we have to do is accept this gift and make Him our own. With Him, Jesus brought hope, peace, forgiveness, healing, purpose, and a new joy. And, then, as He walked the earth, He modeled for us all the various forms of generosity: prayer for others, words of encouragement, sharing, friendship, empathy, attention, hospitality, volunteerism, and, of course, financial generosity. Jesus taught to give to everyone who asks (Luke 6:30), to give to those who can not even repay (Luke 14:13–14), and to freely give what we have freely received (Matthew 10:8). Jesus then commanded us to act towards each other in love.
Exactly who can be generous and how? Generosity is the quality of being kind and unselfish, something we are all capable of. It’s often about a sacrifice of resources, time, or effort. It’s about inconveniencing ourselves for the sake of others. Extending grace, mercy, and the benefit of the doubt are all ways we can show loving kindness to one another.
Knowing we cannot out give God, how can we show gratitude in our daily lives and emulate His example of generosity? He created in each of us a continual gratitude-generosity loop, such that when we are thankful for kindness shown to us, that thankfulness inspires our own compassion and generosity (Proverbs 11:24-25). Gratitude seems to prepare our hearts, minds, and hands for generosity. In other words, generosity is the outward expression and overflow of a grateful heart. As a bonus, research also shows gratitude makes us happier and healthier, reducing stress and improving immune function. The attitude behind our giving matters. Instead of giving or serving out of obligation, we can make the choice to thoughtfully and joyfully serve one another, for God loves a cheerful giver (Deuteronomy 15:10)! Giving of ourselves is a tangible way to demonstrate both gratitude for all God has given to us, as well as our faith that He will provide for our every need. When we give with no expectation of repayment, it affects us and those around us. Gratitude and generosity are contagious and for all followers of Jesus: young and old, rich and poor. We give because God gave first. He made us all rich in every way by giving us the most precious gift of His Son. Jesus left his kingdom in heaven to take on human flesh and then sacrifice Himself for our sins. He was truly the most generous person to ever walk the earth. And, best of all, He will return with the gift of eternal life for those who give their lives to Him (Romans 6:23). Until that day, let us show our abundant gratitude by our courageous sacrifice and service to others. This Christmas, when you look under the tree, also look up! Give thanks to God, and, then, all year long, bring glory to Him by living a generous life. W
Mission 1:27 Toy Drive