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BBeing a commUNITY united in Christ is at the core of our spiritual walk and faith development at Mount Paran Christian School. The MPCS family is a microcosm of what we imagine life together in God’s Kingdom to be. As such, we strive to create an atmosphere of belonging and openness to all within our halls as we seek to exist as one body in Christ. Just as we love, embrace, and honor the diversity of God inHis triune existence, we seek to do the same for each of the families in our community.
At MPCS, CultureFest is a celebration of God’s diverse creation, providing an interactive cultural experience. The event is but one way we embrace our distinct backgrounds in a unified manner that uplifts the spirit of who we are as the body of Christ. During CultureFest, MPCS host families share information about a country’s culture and tradi- tions. The festive atmosphere includes foods from around the world, special musical and dance performances, crafts, and traditional attire. Attendees are presented with a “passport” upon entry and are encouraged to visit all the booths to have their passport “stamped.”
CultureFest is an opportunity for the MPCS community to experience unity while celebrating the unique ways in which God made us, each in His image. God is so much bigger and so much more than we can understand. The variety with which He has created this world and the people in it offer beautiful glimpses into the fullness of God. By learning from one another, we are able to better understand the various dimensions of our Lord.
As an extension of the body of Christ, CultureFest is a gathering of believers reminding that Jesus isn’t a stranger to any culture. While the school is unified in Christ, each individual brings beautifully different experiences and perspectives to the overall community, edifying the school as a whole.
CommUNITY and belonging has been a part of God’s plan for humanity since the beginning; we have been created in the image of God to glorify Him. As Christians, we have been adopted into one family – the family of God. God’s plan for community enables us to better recognize and worship Him. It is our collective prayer and intention that events like CultureFest continue to foster a commUNITY of belonging, faith, and fellowship for our Mount Paran Christian School family. Truly, we exist together for the unified goal to honor God, love others, and walk in Truth.