China-Belgium Technology Center - 中国 -比利时科技园 (CBTC)

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China-Belgium Technology Center 中国-比利时科技园(CBTC)


the Go-to Platform for Hi-tech China-EU Innovation & Cooperation



投资背景和投资环境 Background and investment environment


中比科技园项目概述 CBTC Project Introduction


园区及产品规划 Park planning


定位与产业服务 Positioning and industrial services

The Belt & Road Initiative 一带一路促进中欧区域合作

In 2013,“The Belt and Road Initiative strategy was initiated. It aims to build a trade and infrastructure network connecting Asia with Europe along ancient trade routs. It fosters a new pattern for opening up & regional cooperation with Europe. 中国于2013年提出的“一带一路”战略规划致力于建立 联系亚欧的贸易和基础设施网络,从而构建开放新格 局,促进和欧洲的多方位区域合作。

中国转型/大力实施走出去战略 China “Go Global "Strategy

China’s national strategy on encouraging company’s going global by simplifying approval process & expanding financing channels. EU becomes main destination for CN companies. 中国实施“走出去”战略,简化“企业走出去” 审批流程;拓宽融资渠道。欧洲成为中国企业 投资首选。

Belgium’s Involvement 比利时积极融入

As the first science park established by Chinese enterprises, CBTC is a project that implements national strategy of “the Belt & Road Initiative "and the “Going Global” for Chinese enterprises. 在国家发展战略层面,中比科技园作为中国 企业在欧洲建立的第一个高科技园区,是深 入践行国家“一带一路”的发展战略以及中 国企业“走出去”战略的项目。

As Heart of Europe, Belgium is actively involved in China’s One Belt One Road Initiative,providing good environment of Chinese enterprises. 作为欧盟中心,比利时积极融入中国“一带一 路”战略, 为中 国企业走进比利时提供良好 经营环境。

State Attention on CBTC 中比科技园聚焦两国关注



On March 31, 2014, President Xi Jinping and Prime Minister of Belgium Elio Di Rupo witnessed the signing of the Cooperation Framework Agreement on Building China-Belgium Hi-tech Incubation Park.

2014年3月31日,习近平主席访问比利时期间,与比利 时首相埃利奥•迪吕波共同见证《中国-比利时高科 技孵化园区建设合作框架协议》签署。

CBTC Launch Ceremony 中比科技园启动仪式

In June 2016, United Investment Group held the initiation ceremony and press conference for CBTC Science Park in Louvain-la-Neuve of Belgium. Wallonia government leaders, Chinese Ambassador in Belgium attended the ceremony. 2016年6月,联投集团在比利时新鲁汶项目现场举行 了CBTC科技园启动典礼和新闻发布会,瓦隆大区政 府,中国驻比利时曲星大使等出席。

CBTC Strategic Position 中比科技园战略定位 the Go-to Platform for Hi-tech China-EU Innovative Cooperation 中欧高科技企业创新合作的平台

Strategic Position 战略定位

The go-to platform and workstation for China-EU hi-tech company cooperation, including technology/patent transfer, strategic investment, industry cooperation, and market entry etc. CBTC科技园致力于搭建中国和欧洲企业合作的平台及工作基地,通过构建双 向绿色通道,为双方在技术转移,战略投资,行业合作及市场准入提供支持。

Key Sectors 目标产业

CBTC focuses on the following sectors: biotechnology, optical technology, clean energy, internet of things, smart manufacturing, and internet-based financing. 科技园重点支持以下领域中欧企业:生物技术,光电子及通信技术, 清洁环保 技术,物联网,智能制造,互联网金融领域。

Competitive Advantages 中比科技园竞争优势 Location/交通区位: CBTC is located in the city of Louvain-la-Neuve , Belgium, only 30 kilometers away from Brussels, “capital of Europe. Thanks to its comprehensive transportation network, all EU metropolitan cities can be accessed at ease.

中比科技园位于比利时新鲁汶市,距离欧洲首都布鲁塞尔30公里,交通设施便利,能快速抵达欧洲各大中 心城市。 公路网密 度 km/km2

通过RER城际快车 30分钟抵达布鲁塞尔 30 min by RER intercity express to Brussels

距布鲁塞尔30公里 30 kilometers away from Brussels

铁路网密 度 km/km2 距布鲁塞尔国际机场 25分钟车程 25 min's drive to Brussel International Airport

通过便捷的公路 和铁路网络辐射全欧洲 Convenient highway and railway network to the whole Europe

Competitive Advantages 中比科技园竞争优势 Subsidies, Deduction and Incentives/补助,扣减及优惠 The government introduced a series of walloon region, where the project is located, attractive investment subsidies and tax preferential policies. 项目所在地瓦隆大区政府出台了一系列极具吸引力的投资补助与财税优惠政策。

01 楼宇建筑


Building construction

02 新设备

The new equipment

03 无形资产投资(专利、许可、专业技术) Intangible assets investment (patent, license, professional and technical)

Tax Incentives

R&D Subsidies

Investment Deduction

基础工业研究补贴为50% (中小企业可达70%) 50% research subsidies for basic industry research (small and medium-sized enterprises can amount to 70%)


应用研究项目支持融资贷款为50% (中小企业可达70%) Applied research projects to support the financing loans is 50% (small and medium-sized enterprises can amount to 70%)


专利收入扣减 Patent income deduction

02 03 04 05

研发中心内投资项目的投资扣减 Research and development center in investment



Research and development project of tax deduction


The researchers of personal income tax exempt part


Employees increase tax allowance











The innovation prize R&d project expats preferential tax system

Regional allowances free

Research and development of intangible assets accelerated depreciation

Other breaks

Competitive Advantages 中比科技园竞争优势 R&D Environment/ 研发环境 CBTC project is located within Louvain-la-Neuve Science park. Louvain-laNeuve Science Park is the first and the largest one in Belgium. Now more than 250 science and technology enterprises are established in Louvain-la-Neuve Science Park, 80% of which are innovative enterprises, and 35% of them are foreign companies. Currently over 6,200 professionals work here. UCL has over 5,000 researchers and experts and2.135 scientific research projects. Its annual research budgets reach over €220 million. CBTC是新鲁汶科技园的园中园。新鲁汶科技园是比利时第一座,也是规模 最大的科技园区。新鲁汶科技园现有250多家科技企业,其中80%为创新型 企业、35%为在比利时注册的外国企业,现有6,200多名工作者在此从业。 天主教鲁汶大学(法语区), 是欧洲顶尖高等学府,包含5000多名研究员和专家、 2135个科研项目、每年投入科研财政预算超过2亿2千万欧元。

Competitive Advantages 中比科技园竞争优势 Industrial Alliance/产业集群 The area of CBTC region has developed a successful clustering policy, supporting 6 competitiveness clusters to carry out investment, R&D or training projects in the following fields: life science , mechanical engineering and hightech material, environmental science & technology, aerospace, transport and logistics and agriculture produce & by products.

CBTC科技园所在区域环聚生命科学、机械工程 和高新材料、环境科技、航天航空、运输和物 流、农副食品六个优势产业联盟。

CBTC Planning 园区规划

中比科技园分为三大板块:BAROC高新孵化园区、SBIRD创新示范基地、 CBTC智慧谷。其中SBIRD和BAROC已投入使用;CBTC智慧谷为新建工程,


CBTC divided into three parts: BAROC Incubation Center, SBIRD Innovation

Base and CBTC Smart Valley. Among them SBIRD, BAROC have been put into operation, and some well-known enterprises already settled in. CBTC Smart Valley is striving to form the appearance in 2018.

BAROC Incubation Center 巴洛克高新孵化园区 BAROC Hi-tech Incubation Park is the working base of “Overseas Innovation and Entrepreneurship” European (Belgium) for China Association for Science and Technology –Now it covers the construction area of 2200 m2 , and more than 20 innovation enterprises from both China and Belgium joined. We welcome more companies to join us in near future. BAROC中欧示范园区建筑面积2200平方米,已驻有 中比创新创业企业20余家。中国科协“海外创新创 业”欧洲(比利时)工作基地也特设于此。欢迎中欧 企业入驻垂询。

SBIRD Innovation Base SBIRD 创新基地

SBIRD创新示范基地 -全球生物医药行业领军企业IBA整体进驻 SBIRD Innovation Base has been rented out to IBA SBIRD Innovation Base covers the construction area of 1800 m2, and it is now rented out to IBA. Founded in 1986, IBA is a high-tech company incubated from UCL’s Accelerator Laboratory. It aims at cancer diagnosis and treatment technology and enjoys a leading position in proton therapy.

SIBIRD 建筑面积1800平方米。租户IBA集团成立于 1986年,是新鲁汶大学加速器物理实验室孵化的高科 技公司,致力于癌症诊断和治疗技术,在质子治疗领 域具有世界领先地位。

CBTC Smart Valley 中比科技园智慧谷 CBTC Smart Valley- the biggest science park project invested by China in Belgium. CBTC智慧谷 -中国在比利时投资的最大科技园项目.

7万方办公研发楼 70,000 m2 research and development office building

容纳200多家中欧创新企业 Accommodate more than 200 China-EU companies

欢迎3000多名专业人才 Welcome more than 3,000 professionals

酒店会议及共享办公配置满足多重需求 Hotel , Conference & Co-sharing Space for multiple needs

300套公寓满足企业需求(45-150m2) 300 developed apartments to meet company needs

舒适环境营造创新氛围 Comfortable working environment with innovative atmosphere

Offices & Coferences

Coworking Space Labs


One Stop Service 一站式服务 CBTC will provide one-stop service for China and EU enterprises, helping them to expand the market more easily: CBTC将为中欧企业提供一站式服务,帮助入驻企业快速便捷拓展中欧市场: 1. Office Development & Construction: tailor made office buildings and interiors, small and co-sharing working space for start-ups. 开发建设:楼宇定制,办公空间装修定制,小型及共享办公空间。 2. Science Park Operation: IT, meeting & event management, catering, fitness, car rental, networking, childcare center. 园区运营:IT通讯,会务管理,物业管理,餐饮,健身休闲,汽车租赁,企业社交平台,托幼所。 3. Financial Service: Bank loans, financing guarantees, venture capital, insurance, funds and government allowance application 金融服务:银行贷款,融资担保,风险投资,保险,基金及政府补贴申请 4. Incubation Service: a. Landing service ( business plan, company set-up, work permit, transportation & housing) b. Consultancy service( preliminary market research, key industry focus, China-EU company database , technology transfer/M&A/ integration, R&D project match & management, hi-tech achievement commercialization, product production, transaction negotiation, tax, law) c. Training service( EU laws & regulations, business and social etiquette, EU culture, languages) d. HR service ( talent introduction, human resource management) 企业孵化: a.落地服务(商业计划,公司设立,工作许可,交通住房) b.咨询服务(市场前期调研,重点行业监测,中欧企业资源库,技术转让/并购及整合,企业研发项目对接及管理,技术成果商 业转化,产品推广,交易谈判,税收,法律) c.培训服务(欧洲法律法规,商务及社交礼节,欧洲文化,语言) d.人力资源服务(人才引进,人力资源管理)

About UIE 关于联投欧洲 United Investment Europe(UI Europe) is established jointly by Hubei United Investment &Development Co.Ltd (UI Group)and Juxing International Technology Investment Co. Ltd (Juxing International). UI Europe’s main role is to construct and operate CBTC project in Belgium. As one of the largest companies in Hubei province in terms of overal assets, UI Group is an important national platform and it has rich experiences in hi-tech investment, infrastructure construction, real estate development and oversea investment. Juxing International is set up by WuHan EastLake Hi-Tech Innovation Center( or WHIBI) , which is the first hi-tech incubator in China. So far it has incubated a number of hi-tech SMEs thanks to its management and operational expertise in incubator and science park management. 联投欧洲科技投资有限公司由湖北省联合发展投资集团有限公司(简称联发投)公司及聚星国际 科技投资有限公司共同成立,其主要职责为开发及运营中比科技园项目。 湖北联发投集团是湖北省资产规模最大的公司之一,也是湖北省最重要的国资平台,涉足高新技 术投资、基础设施建设、房地产开发等多个领域,具有丰富的对外投资和开发经验。





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