AGORIA Directory 2012 - Belgian Vehicle & E-Mobility Industry

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directory your gateway to Belgium's finest


Audi Brussels heet u vAn hArte welkom! Audi Brussels vous souhAite lA Bienvenue!


Bijna 5 jaar geleden installeerde Audi een nieuwe fabriek in Brussel voor de assemblage van de A1 in 3- en in 5-deurs uitvoering. Om en bij de 2400 werknemers werken er in twee ploegen.

Introduction by the Chairman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


The Belgian vehicle & e-mobility industry in a nutshell . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Your Gateway to Belgium’s finest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Keyplayers in e-mobility solutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Research and Knowledge institutes, initiatives and projects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Products and services charts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


List of advertisers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Dankzij investeringen ter waarde van meer dan een half miljard euro kreeg de fabriek een ultramoderne uitrusting en werd een aangename werkomgeving gecreëerd. Sinds juni 2011 opent de Audi A1-fabriek in Brussel haar poorten voor het publiek. Tijdens een twee uur durende rondleiding ziet u hoe de wagen met de 4 ringen zich ontwikkelt. Langs het traject doorheen twee productiehallen vindt u informatieborden die de gedetailleerde uitleg van uw

Voilà maintenant quasiment 5 ans

l’application de la couche de fond et

gids aanvullen. In de plaatslagerij

qu’Audi a installé une nouvelle usine à

du vernis. L’arc de toit de couleur

kunt u de soepele bewegingen van de

Bruxelles pour l’assemblage de l’A1 en

contrastée, si typique à l’Audi A1, n’aura

honderden robotten bewonderen. Deze

version trois et cinq portes. Près de 2400

plus de secret pour vous non plus.

robotten lassen en lijmen de stukken

personnes y travaillent en deux équipes.

Dans la chaîne de montage, les opérateurs

van het onderstel, de zijkanten van het

Un investissement de l’ordre de plus d’un

assemblent les quelques 4800 références

koetswerk en het dak tezamen. De gids

demi-milliard d’euros permet à l’usine de

qui peuvent composer une Audi A1.

zal u ook informeren over de talrijke

disposer d’un équipement ultramoderne

L’ergonomie est au centre des opérations

kwaliteitsingrepen doorheen het traject.

et de créer un environnement de travail

effectuées par l’homme.

De schilderij bezoekt u virtueel. Twee

agréable. Depuis le mois de juin 2011,

Audi Brussels propose des visites

films dompelen u onder in het fosfateren-

l’usine de l’Audi A1 à Bruxelles vous

quadrilingues individuelles et en groupe.

en kataforeseproces en het aanbrengen

ouvre ses portes. Pendant deux heures,

Les enfants en-dessous de 14 ans sont

van de grond- en deklaag. Daarna zal ook

vous verrez comment naît une voiture

les bienvenus et seront accompagnés par

de contrasterende dakboog, zo typisch

aux quatre anneaux.

des adultes. Les réservations se font via

voor de Audi A1, geen geheimen meer

Tout au long du parcours qui traverse

notre site ou pour

hebben voor u. Aan de montageband

deux halls de production, des illustrations

les groupes de plus de 15 personnes par

assembleren de operatoren de zowat

compléteront les explications détaillées

téléphone au 02/348.23.15.

4800 stuks die deel uitmaken van een

de votre guide.

Nous sommes également joignables par

Audi A1. Bij deze arbeidsintensieve

Dans l’atelier de tôlerie, vous admirerez


operaties staat ergonomie centraal.

la souplesse des mouvements des

Au plaisir de vous rencontrer chez

Audi Brussels biedt rondleidingen aan in

centaines de robots qui soudent et

Audi Brussels !

4 talen, zowel individueel als in groep.

collent les parties du plancher, les côtés

Kinderen jonger dan 14, vergezeld van

latéraux de la caisse et le toit. Le guide

ouders, zijn welkom. Reserveren kan men

ne manquera pas de vous informer sur les

via onze site of

nombreuses opérations de qualité suivies

voor groepen van meer dan 15 personen

tout au long des opérations.

telefonisch op het nummer 02/348.23.15.

Vous visiterez l’atelier de peinture

U kunt ons ook bereiken via mail :

de manière virtuelle, deux films vous

plongeront dans les processus de

Tot ziens bij Audi Brussels !

phosphatation, de cataphorèse, de

COLOFON Publisher

Editorial responsibility

Agoria Automotive Diamant Building Bd A. Reyerslaan, 80 1030 Brussels

Bert Mons

Design & Layout Director, Bert Mons Tel. +32 2 706 79 68 Fax +32 2 706 79 76

Elma Multimedia Bedrijvenlaan 1, 2800 Mechelen T: 015/55.88.88 - F: 015/55.88.40 -

Edition Edition August 2012

Agoria, the Federation for the technology Industry



NIEUW BMW SUBMERK: BMW I. REVOLUTIONAIRE VOERTUIGCONCEPTEN. BMW i is er. Dit nieuwe submerk van BMW Group biedt visionaire wagens en diensten aan. Ze worden ontwikkeld binnen een volkomen nieuw concept van luxueuze mobiliteit, waarin ruim aandacht wordt besteed aan een

Geert Bruyneel

inspirerend design en vooruitstrevende duurzaamheid. Met deze introductie verstevigt BMW Group zijn toppositie als meest vernieuwende en duurzame producent van luxewagens.

Geert Bruyneel - Chairman In een eerste fase, vanaf 2013, worden twee modellen onder het nieuwe submerk op de markt gebracht: de BMW i3 en de BMW i8. BMW Group zal de komende jaren ook haar reeks mobiliteitsdiensten aanzienlijk

klant. Er is een duidelijk toenemende

Onderscheidend design


vraag naar alternatieve aandrijvingen

De BMW i modellen stralen een heel

waaronder elektrische en hybride

eigen karakter uit dankzij uitgesproken

Nieuwe fabriek in Leipzig

aandrijfsystemen. In de grootstad merkt

stijlelementen. Door een nieuwe

Zowel de BMW i3 als de BMW i8

men de wens op om de voordelen van

interpretatie van de typische BMW

worden in de BMW fabriek in het

diverse mobiliteitsconcepten in één

designkenmerken sluit de vormentaal

Duitse Leipzig gebouwd. Het gaat

totaalpakket te combineren.

van BMW i naadloos aan op die van het moedermerk BMW. Toch onderscheiden

hier om een nieuwe fabriek waarin ongeveer 400 miljoen euro werd

De beide BMW i modellen zijn

de BMW i modellen zich duidelijk door

geïnvesteerd. Tegen 2013 zullen op

gebaseerd op een uniek bouwconcept:

hun eigen identiteit. Naast de troeven

deze site ongeveer 800 nieuwe jobs

de revolutionaire LifeDrive

van het BMW design, dat luxe, kwaliteit

gecreëerd zijn. Dankzij een verregaande

architectuur. De aandrijflijn wordt

en precisie uitstraalt, belichaamt het

samenwerking tussen de ontwikkelings-

gedragen door een aluminium chassis,

BMW i design ook lichtheid, zuiverheid,

en productieafdelingen wordt voor

terwijl de passagiersruimte bestaat uit

veiligheid en aerodynamische

beide modellen dezelfde reeks

stevig maar uiterst licht kunststof dat


componenten gebruikt. Denk hierbij

met koolstofvezel is versterkt (CFRP).

bijvoorbeeld aan de elektromotoren,

De beide wagens werden specifiek

de aandrijfelektronica en de lithium-

ontworpen voor hun respectievelijke

ionenaccu’s met hoge spanning.

alternatieve aandrijfsystemen.

Revolutionair bouwconcept

Dankzij de vernieuwende architectuur

In 2007 werd gestart met de

en het CFRP kan vrijwel al het extra

ontwikkeling van de wagens en diensten

gewicht van de accu’s gecompenseerd

van BMW i, als onderdeel van project i.

worden. Voor de klanten resulteert

Deze denktank van BMW Group zoekt

dit in een superieure rijdynamiek,

2880 Bornem

naar nieuwe vormen van duurzame

gecombineerd met een aanzienlijk

T: 03/890.97.11

mobiliteit. BMW beantwoordt hiermee

toegenomen rijbereik met elektrische

aan de veranderende wensen van de


Dear reader, The changing nature of transportation will have a significant impact on life and work. Already today and even more so in the coming years, we will see the emergence of new mobility concepts and greater diversity and efficiency in powertrains and materials. Moreover tomorrow’s vehicles will be multimedia-based and integrated. The vehicle industry and its suppliers are responding to these market developments by making substantial investments in research and development, concluding collaboration agreements and working closely with research institutes. In this directory Agoria, Belgium’s largest employers’ organization and trade association representing the Technology Industry, has brought together Belgium’s finest in the field of automotive and vehicle technology, including today’s key (e)-mobility industry actors. In a separate section it also lists Belgian research and competence centers, colleges and universities that excel in automotive and vehicle technology research and development. We hope you will find this directory a source of useful information.

BMW group Belgium Lodderstraat 16

F: 03/890.98.11 Agoria, the Federation for the technology Industry


THE BELGIAN VEHICLE & E-MOBILITY INDUSTRY IN A NUTSHELL Located at the heart of the European vehicle industry, gifted with profound knowledge and knowhow and a flexible and productive workforce: welcome to the Belgian Vehicle & e-Mobility Industry! Home to three passenger car assembly plants, one truck assembly plant, two large bus and coach manufacturers and many manufacturers of trailers and bodies, Belgium is indeed a key player in the European vehicle industry landscape. Moreover, there are other manufacturers located there with a wide range of activities: commercial, marketing, research and development, engineering activities, central European co-ordination, training, logistic and production activities. And we should not forget the abundance of suppliers focused on leading-edge technologies. The diversity of manufacturers and assembly plants has over the years produced a rich network of parts suppliers and service and technology providers in Belgium. Today approximately 300 companies create added value for the vehicle industry. These suppliers are engaged in a large range of activities: from research and design to production, testing and certification. Many of the suppliers are small and medium sized enterprises that frequently work together forming a strong network. On top of that, renowned research centers and universities drive the knowledge-intensive Belgian economy. Together with the industry, they continuously search for new technologies that can help shape the future. Colleges and universities here have been graduating highly qualified and specialized young people for decades. Several research institutes, each with their own focus, perform far-reaching research for the vehicle industry – from ride and control systems, via new materials and alternative powertrains and energy sources, to electronics and ICT for vehicles.

An industry with influence The vehicle industry is very important for Belgium. Every year almost 600,000 passenger cars and over 40,000 commercial vehicles, buses, coaches and bodies roll off the assembly lines. Belgium has one of the highest motor vehicle production figures per capita in the world. The export ratio for assembled vehicles exceeds 90%. Directly and indirectly nearly 10% of the Belgian workforce is employed by the vehicle industry. Agoria is Belgium’s largest employers’ organization and trade association representing the technology industry. For more information and contact details:

Up to date! For updated information about Agoria’s member companies, their products and services, look in the ‘Members’ section of the Agoria website.

For extra copies of this directory Nicole Wynendaele T: +32 2 706 79 68

Recently, cross-project platforms have been established and allow experts from companies, research institutes and other relevant stakeholders to exchange ideas on issues vital to the successful commercialization of e-mobility, i.e. the development of relevant infrastructure, vehicle usage scenarios, user acceptance, impact on the environment, safety, and traffic regulations. Last but not least, Belgium is the ideal bridgehead for companies wanting to make inroads in Europe. First of all there is its location: right in the middle of the most prosperous and industrialized region in Europe, with direct access to all the surrounding markets. And then there is its infrastructure with one of the most modern and densest networks of roads, railroads and waterways in the world. Home to the largest transshipment port for new cars on the continent, Belgium also has three other seaports, a national airport and several regional airports.

Bert Mons Bert Mons - Director T: +32 2 706 79 69


Agoria, the Federation for the technology Industry

Agoria, the Federation for the technology Industry


Prévention et gestion des déchets d’emballages

VOS EMBALLAGES, VOUS EN ÊTES RESPONSABLE Emballez-vous des produits? Importez-vous des produits emballés? Mettez-vous des emballages de service sur le marché? Dans ce cas, vous êtes probablement responsable d’emballages, avec des obligations légales à respecter pour les emballages que vous mettez sur le marché belge. Vous devez notamment recycler 80% de tous les emballages que vous avez mis sur le marché belge. Vous pouvez faire éventuellement appel à un organisme agréé à cet effet. Pour plus d’information, n’hésitez pas à contacter la Commission interrégionale de l’Emballage, qui est l’administration compétente à ce sujet. Av. des Arts 10-11 - 1210 Bruxelles • Tél.: +32 (0)2 209 03 60 • Fax: +32 (0)2 209 03 98 •


Agoria, the Federation for the technology Industry



Aciéries Somville, SA


BTW/TVA BE 0401575545

BTW/TVA BE 0894398396

Contact: Tumson Michel

Contact: Huygen Luc

Rue de la Gare, 43, BE 6250 Aiseau (Aiseau-Presles)

Louisalaan 149/24

T: +32 71 77 13 56 - F: +32 71 74 15 78

Avenue Louise 149/24, BE 1050 Brussel/Bruxelles

T: +32 495 56 59 99 - F: +32 2 535 75 75

Brake modules, complete chassis, pressed and stamped parts. Consultancy company specialised in Quality Management and Project Management


services mainly focused on automotive industry.

>> BTW/TVA BE 0461830163


Contact: Comeyne Tom


Muizelstraat 4, BE 8560 Moorsele

Contact : Torfs Dirk

T: +32 56 42 48 55 - F: +32 56 42 60 25

Hogewei 27- BE – 1930 Zaventem

T: +32 2 718 67 23- F: +32 2 718 66 64

Engineering, development, molds, prototypes for polyester parts ; production of

glasfibre reinforced polyester parts.

Power and automation technologies that enable utility and industry customers to improve performance while lowering environmental impact.

Acrosoma NV

Complete robotics and drive train solutions including engines, drives and mechanical


components such as gearboxes, couplings and bearings. All products have been

BTW/TVA BE 0413110231

designed to meet current state-of -the–art standards on low energy consumption.

Contact: Verhaeghe Jan Wolfsakker 2, BE 9160 Lokeren

ABC – Anglo Belgian Corporation

T: +32 9 340 43 30 - F: +32 9 340 43 31


BTW/TVA BE 0420246659

Development, design and engineering of structures entirely made out of structural

Contact: Props Jean-Pierre

loaded composites; composite vehicles (on demand) composite containers, shelters

Wiedauwkaai 43, BE 9000 Gent

and swap bodies. Trailer components (flooring, side walls and roofs).

T: +32 9 267 00 00 - F: +32 9 267 00 67

Advanced Circuit Boards NV

Design and manufacturing of medium speed, four stroke diesel engines for marine,


traction, power generation applications and turnkey power plants. ABC engines

BTW/TVA BE 0433983344

run with all kinds of fuels : MDO, HFO, Dual Fuel, Biofuel, Vegetable fuel, Animal

Contact: Lamote Kris

greases. All engine types (DZ, DX and VDZ) are IMO TIER-2, CCR-2 and EU3A

Vosmeer, 3, BE 9200 Dendermonde

compliant. ABC guarantees long life time, low fuel-and luboil consumption, easy

T: +32 52 20 20 30 - F: +32 52 25 99 40

maintenance and worldwide, 24/7–service. Manufacturing of high technology and/or high reliable quick turn around printed


circuit boards; prototypes & ramp-up serie in rigid, flex-rigid or flex construction.

BTW/TVA BE 0447864143 Contact: Mol Martin

AIB-Vinçotte International SA-NV

Rue des Ateliers 7C, BE 7850 Lettelingen (Edingen)


T: +32 67 56 02 11 - F: +32 67 56 02 17

BTW/TVA BE 0462513222

Contact: Vandenplas Wim

Conversion and repair of commercial vehicles.

Jan Olieslagerslaan 35, BE 1800 Vilvoorde T: +32 2 674 58 85 - F: +32 2 674 59 59 System certification; supplier auditing according customer specifications; testing of different components and WVTA for national or European homologation and R&D following client specifications.


Agoria, the Federation for the technology Industry

Agoria, the Federation for the technology Industry


Aisin Europe SA

Alcoa Wheel Products Europe



BTW/TVA BE 0401891982

BTW/TVA BE 0406907872

Contact: Damsten Christoffer

Contact: Timmermans Serge

Avenue de l’Industrie 21, BE 1420 Braine-L’alleud

Industrieweg 135, BE 3583 Paal

T: +32 2 387 01 10 - F: +32 2 387 17 66

T: +32 11 45 84 60 - F: +32 11 45 56 30

Production and sales of automotive parts and systems (die cast aluminum module,

Alcoa produces forged aluminium wheels for truck, trailers and buses. Alcoa wheels

water pump, oil pump, variable cam phaser, door latch, door frame, door handle,

are forged from one piece of aluminium, with an 8000 ton press. They offer many

door check, power side door, seat belt reminder, sunroof, rear wheel steering,

advantages compared to steel wheels: lighter, stronger and more durable, 5-year

surround camera system) and also automotive after market parts (clutches, clutch

warranty against manufacturing defaults, without kilometer limitations, more profitable:

parts, water pumps, oil pumps, belt tensioner, brake disc pad).

lower fuel consumption, longer lifetime of tyres, brakes and suspension, 100% recyclable, better looking, easier maintenance, especially the Dura-Bright® wheels.


Aleris Aluminum Duffel BVBA

BTW/TVA BE 0407050701


Contact: Theunissen Jos

BTW/TVA BE 0403045292

Kettingbrugweg 38, BE 3950 Kaulille (Bocholt)

Contact: Vermeiren Dirk

T: +32 11 44 04 00 - F: +32 11 62 17 84

A. Stocletlaan 87, BE 2570 Duffel

T: +32 15 30 27 75 - F: +32 15 30 29 05

Production of compactors, containers, container systems, trailers, tippers,

semi-trailers and tanks.

Production of aluminium coils, sheets, plates and extrusions in a wide variety of alloys (5-, 6-, 7-series) customised to OEM’s and Tier1’s needs for inner & outer

AKKA Benelux SA/NV

hang-on panels (i.e. motor hoods, doors, trunk lids, fenders, roofs, side panels, etc.),


structural parts for body-in-white and profiles (i.e. B-pillars, bumper beams, crash

BTW/TVA BE 0435968478

profiles, reinforcement beams, etc.) to build lighter and more energy-efficient cars,

Contact: Van Dycke Jean-Christophe

that lead to lower CO2 emissions.

Excelsiorlaan, 17, BE 1930 Zaventem T: + 32 2 712 60 00 - F: + 32 2 712 60 01

Alutrailer SA


Engineering & Consultancy at every stage of the lifecycle of a “vehicle” project : Product

BTW/TVA BE 0472439884

Engineering (body design, structural calculation, interior & exterior equipment study, …),

Contact: Lernout Bram

Process Engineering (industrialization, automation, testing, logistics, …), Documentation

Rue Terre à Briques 28, BE 7522 Blandain (Tournai)

Engineering (redaction of technical documentation), Industrial Computing & Embedded

T: +32 477 39 05 64 - F: +32 69 58 13 69

Systems (electronic study, embedded software, etc.) Building of automatic moving floor trailers.

Alchemich Farma BVBA



Amelior, VZW

BTW/TVA BE 0897592963


Contact: Gerits Jaak

BTW/TVA BE 0441094929

Anton Philipsweg 2, BE 3920 Lommel

Contact: Anckaert Pascal

T: +32 495 28 68 22

Beneluxpark 1, BE 8500 Kortrijk

T: +32 56 20 36 23 - F: +32 56 25 96 84

Consulting in ecological solutions, implementing the use and production of green energy

or the manufacturing of electrical vehicles, for own account or for third parties.

Training and consulting with regard to Quality, Safety, Environment, HR and Management.

Agoria, the Federation for the technology Industry

Agoria, the Federation for the technology Industry


Ampco Metal SA

Atcomex Company NV



BTW/TVA BE 0403905327

BTW/TVA BE 0425920763

Contact: Dekkers Erik

Contact: Hollevoet Fernand

Rue St Vincent, 12, BE 4020 Liege

Nijverheidslaan 6, BE 8560 Gullegem (Wevelgem)

T: +32 4 340 44 60 - F: +32 4 342 30 17

Zwaarveld 11, BE 9220 Hamme

T: +32 56 43 99 20 - F: +32 56 40 00 56

Bronze & copper alloys manufacturer and distributor; all production types, all executions. BU Road Transport (rigids, semi-trailers, trailers, containers, tipping silo’s, …)


BU Aircraftrefueling (rigids, semi-trailers, trailers, dispensers, containers, pitcleaners,


helicopterrefuelers, …)

BTW/TVA BE 0881685755

BU Semi-Finished (contract work: components, sheetmetal, profiles, partitions, …)

Contact: Verhoyen Alain

BU Trading (purchase and sale of used vehicles for road transport and

Granbonpré 1, BE 1348 Louvain-La-Neuve


T: +32 10 47 52 11 - F: +32 10 47 52 70

Ateliers Leonet SPRL

Notified body for e-marking for automotive sector - ARSON prevention - Security of


electronic devices.

BTW/TVA BE 0402558908 Contact: Léonet Maxime

Arcelor Tailored Blank Liège SA

Rue du Progrès 34, BE 5555 Graide (Bièvre)


T: +32 61 51 10 14 - F: +32 61 51 13 63

BTW/TVA BE 0414297391

Contact: Maertens David

Semi-trailer and trailer production, specialized in forestry logs transport. Forestry,

Rue de l’Avouerie 7, BE 4000 Sclessin (Liège)

scraps and cargo cranes mounting + hydraulic mountings on trucks and body

T: +32 4 254 50 50 - F: +32 4 254 50 60

buildings, including repair and service. Tailored blanks for the automotive business.

Atlas Copco Belgium nv >>

ArcelorMittal Tailored Blanks Genk BVBA

BTW/TVA BE 0400617324


Contact: Beyts Dirk

BTW/TVA BE 0451418994

Brusselsesteenweg 346, BE 3090 Overijse

Contact: Quintens Rudi

T: +32 2 689 05 11 - F: +32 2 689 05 14

Kanaaloever 2, BE 3600 Genk

T: +32 89 30 08 00 - F: +32 89 30 31 86

Compressors, construction and mining equipment, power tools and assembly

systems. The Group delivers sustainable solutions for increased customer

Manufacturer of laser welded blanks, manufacturer of laser cutted blanks.

productivity through innovative products and services. Certifications ISO 9001, ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001, VCA* and PED according 97/23/CE are acquired.

Aspel SA >>

Audi Brussels SA-NV

BTW/TVA BE 0402313339


Contact: Ummels Kirsten

BTW/TVA BE 0407687238

Industriestrasse 37, BE 4700 Eupen

Contact: Germain Christine

T: +32 87 59 50 50 - F: +32 87 59 50 60

Bd de la 2e Armée Britannique 201

Britse Tweedelegerlaan 201, BE 1190 Bruxelles/Brussel

Injection molding of all small thermoplastic technical parts and conception of

T: +32 2 348 22 91 - F: +32 2 348 28 63

injection molding tools. Painting and assembly of the Audi A1 and the Audi A1 Sportback


Agoria, the Federation for the technology Industry

Agoria, the Federation for the technology Industry


AutoVision NV-SA

Bekaert, NV-SA



BTW/TVA BE 0875201108

BTW/TVA BE 0405388536

Contact: Schneider André

President Kennedypark 18, BE 8500 Kortrijk

Bd de la 2e Armée Britannique 591

T: +32 56 23 05 11 - F: +32 56 23 05 41

Britse Tweedelegerlaan 201, BE 1190 Bruxelles/Brussel

T: +32 2 348 98 06 - F: +32 2 348 98 48

Bekaert is a technological leader in two core competences: advanced metal

transformation and advanced materials and coatings. Bekaert offers products that

Industrial services for the automotive industry.

guarantee safety and quality performance, with a longlifetime of the product as a result. In automotive, this includes: rubber & elastomer reinforcement, control

AW Europe SA

cables, electromagnetic shielding, filtration media, mechanical wires, wiper system


components, window elevator rope, technical textiles and spring wires.

BTW/TVA BE 0441938532 Contact: Collard Isabelle

Benteler Automotive Belgium, NV

Avenue de l’Industrie 19, BE 1420 Braine-L’alleud


T: +32 2 389 12 00 - F: +32 2 389 12 10

BTW/TVA BE 0478987087

Contact: De Smaele Patrick

Automatic transmission systems; including A/T with overdrive; with lock-up;

Mai Zetterlingstraat 70, BE 9042 Desteldonk (Gent)

electronically controlled and with 4WD transfer. In-car multimedia navigation

T: +32 9 218 05 00 - F: +32 9 218 05 01

systems; AVN integrated; full map types and turn by turn types. Assembly of chassis. Development and production of components, modules and

AW Technical Center Europe SA

systems for ride and handling, safety and emission.

>> BTW/TVA BE 0474474114

BEP Europe, NV

Contact: Collard Isabelle


Avenue de l’Industrie 19, BE 1420 Braine-L’alleud

BTW/TVA BE 0459136830

T: +32 2 389 25 13 - F: +32 2 389 12 10

Contact: Van Holm Daniël

Ten Briele 6, BE 8200 Sint-Michiels (Brugge)

R&D for automatic transmissions and navigation systems; only for the parent

T: +32 50 40 85 42 - F: +32 50 38 01 60

company (Aisin AW). Development, production and installation of advanced automotive test systems.

Beckhoff Automation bvba

These systems cover the gamut of automotive testing ranging from alignment over


head-lamp aiming and roll & brake machines to tire assembly production machines

BTW/TVA BE 0882912707

and dynamometers and a variety of specialty machines.

Contact: Gielis Patrick Kempische Steenweg 305 / 202, BE 3500 Hasselt

BMW Group Belgium, NV

T: +32 11 24 08 09 - F: +32 11 24 08 01


President Kennedypark 6 bus 14, BE 8500 Kortrijk

BTW/TVA BE 0413533863

T: +32 56 20 20 37 - F: +32 11 24 08 01

Contact: Maris Patricia

Lodderstraat 16, BE 2880 Bornem

Implementation of open automation systems based on PC Control technology.

T: +32 3 890 52 17 - F: +32 3 890 98 49

Industrial PCs, I/O and Fieldbus Components, Drive Technology and automation

software. Products that can be used as separate components or integrated into a

Logistics services.

complete and seamless control system are available for all industries. Universal and open control and automation solutions used in a wide variety of applications, ranging from CNC-controlled machine tools to intelligent building automation.


Agoria, the Federation for the technology Industry

Agoria, the Federation for the technology Industry


Bombardier Transportation

Brose Gent, BVBA



BTW/TVA BE 0405129408

BTW/TVA BE 0478504562

Contact: Van Vlierberghe Edwin

Contact: Van den Steene Krist’l

Vaartdijkstraat 5, BE 8200 Brugge

Skaldenstraat 121 A2, BE 9042 Sint-Kruis-Winkel (Gent)

T: +32 50 40 11 11

T: +32 9 218 08 61 - F: +32 9 218 08 89

Global leader in rail technology, offers the broadest portfolio in the rail industry and

delivers innovative products and services that set new standards in sustainable

Production and assembly of door systems.

mobility. With the introduction of the BOMBARDIER PrimoveCity solution for inductive power transfer, Bombardier Transportation also brings its expertise in

Bureau Veritas Certification Belgium, NV-SA

e-mobility to the automotive and bus industry.

>> BTW/TVA BE 0445907416

Bosal Benelux, NV

Mechelsesteenweg 128-136, BE 2018 Antwerpen 1


T: +32 3 247 95 30 - F: +32 3 247 95 60

BTW/TVA BE 0406471867

Contact: Wezenbeek Stef

Certification body.

Nijverheidsstraat 12, BE 2260 Oevel (Westerlo) T: +32 14 57 47 35 - F: +32 14 58 50 60

Buyse décolletage NV


Exhaust systems and catalytic convertors for passenger cars; towbars for passenger

BTW/TVA BE 0407705450

cars; exhaust systems for trucks, buses and industrial applications; steel precision tubes.

Contact: Buyse Coen Venecolaan 11-13, BE 9880 Aalter

Bosal Emission Control Systems, NV

T: +32 9 374 17 57 - F: +32 9 374 17 58


BTW/TVA BE 0431440855

Machined pieces (unique ones and series) of steel, aluminium, brass, stainless steel

Contact: Dessers Dirk

and plastic. CNC turning, CNC milling and CNC grinding (Ø3 to 160 mm). More than

Dellestraat 20, BE 3560 Lummen

45 CNC turning centers (5/8 axes).

T: +32 13 53 09 02 - F: +32 13 53 21 56

Camoplast Solideal European Technical Center, NV

Research and development of exhaust systems for the car industry.

>> BTW/TVA BE 0456514365

Breuer Technical Development

Contact: Impens Dirk


Eddastraat 40 bus 3, BE 9042 Gent (Zeehaven)

BTW/TVA BE 0430076224

T: +32 9 259 10 33 - F: +32 9 259 13 44

Contact: Breuer Ernst

Avenue de Norvège, 6, BE 4960 Malmedy

Engineering and R&D of tyres; wheels and rubbertracks for industrial and

T: +32 80 79 15 50 - F: +32 80 79 15 69

construction equipment. Development partner for single components, engine sub-assemblies and alternative


powertrains as well as complete, high-performance and series-production engines.


From initial design development and mechanical construction right through to testing

BTW/TVA BE 0474617733

and measurement for highest requirements – including motor racing & research

Contact : Gilot Corinne

projects. We also develop innovative turbocharger systems or adapt new turbochargers

Rue Winston Churchill 143 - BE – 4020 LIEGE

on existing engine systems (manufacturing, balancing, assembling and testing).

T: +32 4 349 55 55 - F: +32 4 349 84 29 Industry’s leading innovator in VIP and Head of State armor integration solutions. Dominance in elite armored coachbuilding including bespoke custom interiors and world-renowned craftsmanship.


Agoria, the Federation for the technology Industry

Agoria, the Federation for the technology Industry


Car Parts Industries Belgium SPRL

CMK Europe, NV



BTW/TVA BE 0454147664

BTW/TVA BE 0430387218

Contact: Cecchinato Fabrice

Contact: Mattheus Danny

Rue Tout-Y-Faut 91, BE 7110 Houdeng-Goegnies (La Louvière)

Lammerdries 18 A, BE 2440 Geel

T: +32 64 21 23 35 - F: +32 64 21 43 37

T: +32 14 25 94 20 - F: +32 14 25 94 39

Remanufacturing of calipers, racks & pinions; steering gearboxes.

Printed circuit boards.

Carrosserie Lemeire, BVBA

Co-Joint, SA



BTW/TVA BE 0882342385

BTW/TVA BE 0428322009

Contact: Lemeire Hans

Contact: Renard Noël

Sint-Annastraat 255, BE 9220 Hamme

Rue Côte d’Or 279, BE 4000 Sclessin (Liège)

T: +32 52 47 05 48 - F: +32 52 47 16 59

T: +32 4 254 56 44 - F: +32 4 254 56 54

Production of air suspended lowered chassis vehicles (N and O) and multipurpose

Cutting of rubber seals and fibre gaskets for the automotive industry.

container systems. Production of mobile shops, made to measure, and according to the customer’s wishes and needs. The lay-out of those vans and trailers is

ConTeyor International, NV

completely tuned to the products offered on the market.

>> BTW/TVA BE 0870741779

Carwall, SA

Contact: van Bree Jos


Burgemeester Maenhautstraat 44D, BE 9820 Merelbeke

BTW/TVA BE 0427914411

T: +32 9 272 69 69 - F: +32 9 272 69 60

Contact: Janssens David

Rue de la Spinette 44, BE 5140 Sombreffe

Expert in B2B supply chain efficiency. Focus on parts protection and lean

T: +32 71 82 24 00 - F: +32 71 81 69 04

manufacturing. Packaging solutions : textile-based and fully customized. They allow

to increase the efficiency and the profitability.

Refrigerating trucks; chassis and cabs for commercial vehicles; conversion and repair of commercial vehicles.

Continental Automotive Belgium, NV >>

Cegelec, SA-NV

BTW/TVA BE 0430659115


Contact: Roelandt Jenny

BTW/TVA BE 0402031346

Ikaroslaan 8, BE 1930 Zaventem

Contact: Lemaire Marc

T: +32 2 716 01 51 - F: +32 2 716 01 99

Boulevard de la Woluwe 60

Woluwedal 60, BE 1200 Bruxelles/Brussel

Actuators for air flow regulation in engine management systems.

T: + 32 2 775 90 65 - F: +32 2 772 25 96

Continental Automotive Benelux, BVBA

Engineering; robotica; installation; start-up; maintenance.

>> BTW/TVA BE 0811501604


C-MAC Electromag, BVBA

Contact: Vermolen Koen


Generaal de Wittelaan 5, BE 2800 Mechelen

BTW/TVA BE 0413643533

T: +32 15 28 97 00 - F: +32 15 28 96 29

Contact: Vincent Eddy

Industriepark Klein Frankrijk 28, BE 9600 Ronse

Production of ABS system components, completely finished ABS braking systems for

T: +32 55 21 53 51 - F: +32 55 21 35 57

passenger cars. Design and building of valves and sensors. Leading competence centre in

the area of production of valves, having its own R&D section for the further development of

Selling, design, development and production of thick film hybrid integrated circuits.

series valves and sensors.

Agoria, the Federation for the technology Industry

Agoria, the Federation for the technology Industry


Control & Rework Service, NV

De Clercq Solutions BVBA



BTW/TVA BE 0451654368

BTW/TVA BE 0458980046

Contact: Panen Marc

Contact: Van de Perre Luc

Nieuwe Kuilenweg 4, BE 3600 Genk

Paepestraat 84/0001, BE 9260 Wichelen

T: +32 89 32 21 65 - F: +32 89 32 21 68

T: +32 52 43 20 80 - F: +32 52 43 20 81

Inspections and rework for the automotive industry. Taking necessary steps to ensure

Standard software solutions for the real-time control, follow-up and optimization of

that your products are prepared for further optimal processing. The services are

production, logistics and workforce management. These solutions are based on the

provided at the location of your choise.

object oriented Objective Software Platform developed by De Clercq Solutions itself. These solutions are aimed specifically at medium-sized to large companies active

Coor Service Management, NV

in a variety of industrial sectors including automotive, metals, plastics, consumer


packaged goods, wholesale and distribution.

BTW/TVA BE 0480088929 Contact: Vanderwee Joeri

Dejond NV

Machelenstraat 179, BE 9800 Deinze


T: +32 9 223 19 99 - F: +32 9 223 86 20

BTW/TVA BE 0404943722

Contact: Henot Johan

Periodical / preventive technical and cleaning maintenance of process equipment

Terbekehofdreef 55-59, BE 2610 Wilrijk

and facilities production support - integrated services.

T: +32 3 820 34 32 - F: +32 3 820 35 70

Customs4trade bvba

Industrial supplier of high quality mechanical fasteners and fastening systems. Known


on its local market as technical solution provider, it offers a wide range of value-

BTW/TVA BE 0869621133

added fasteners produced by leading manufacturers. Dejond’s cold forming division

Contact: Haesaert Pieter

manufactures the Tubtara®, a blind rivet nut with international name. The Tubtara®

Bankstraat 30, BE 2811 Mechelen

programme includes standard and special products in steel, aluminium and stainless steel.

T: +32 15 40 09 50 - F: +32 15 40 09 55

Delta Services Industriels, SPRL

Independent customs and international trade advisory company. Customs experts


providing added value solutions, advising on all customs and excise-related matters.

BTW/TVA BE 0471661213

Customs & excise consultancy, training, outsourcing and interim management.

Contact: Delvigne Thierry Rue Mont d’Orcq 3, BE 7503 Froyennes (Tournai)

Daf Trucks Vlaanderen, NV

T: +32 69 64 06 04 - F: +32 69 78 00 79


BTW/TVA BE 0449372294

Innovative tools and services for engine and lubricant development and testing:

Van Doornelaan 1, BE 2260 Oevel (Westerlo)

online measurement of engine oil consumption, fuel dilution, lubricant aeration,

T: +32 14 56 85 00 - F: +32 14 56 85 01

engine wear with TLA/RNT (radio-nuclide technique), poisoning of post-treatment

Manufacturer of premium light, medium and heavy-duty commercial vehicles.

systems (catalysts and particle filters). The DSI test centre includes state-of-the-art engine testbeds for the development of engines and lubricants as wells as dedicated tools for the development of hybrid engines.


Agoria, the Federation for the technology Industry

Agoria, the Federation for the technology Industry


Devilca Belgium, SA

Dovre, NV



BTW/TVA BE 0450576579

BTW/TVA BE 0437960542

Contact: Wagner Robert

Contact: Van Loon Herman

Avenue Jean Mermoz 29, BE 6041 Gosselies (Charleroi)

Nijverheidsstraat 18, BE 2381 Weelde (Ravels)

T: +32 71 25 92 59 - F: +32 71 34 38 65

T: +32 14 65 49 91 - F: +32 14 65 90 09

Bumpers, spare wheel cradle, various metal parts.

Cast iron parts.

Dezeure, BVBA




BTW/TVA BE 0421282381

BTW/TVA BE 0424152888

Contact: Himpens Siel

Contact: Derriks Thibaut

Izenbergestraat 5, BE 8630 Veurne

Quellinstraat 42, BE 2018 Antwerpen 1

T: +32 58 28 00 80 - F: +32 58 28 00 88

T: +32 3 201 51 10 - F: +32 3 231 58 01

Manufacturer of trailers for agriculture and industry: tippers, manure spreaders, silage

Manufacturing and worldwide distribution of tyre changers for passenger vehicles,

trailers, high unloading trailer, hook systems, dollys, low loaders and semi-trailers.

vans and trucks.

Dhollandia Service, NV

Duroc, NV



BTW/TVA BE 0432124112

BTW/TVA BE 0403998664

Contact: Dhollander Nancy

Contact: Brewaeys Michel

Zoomstraat 9, BE 9160 Lokeren

Moerelei 149, BE 2610 Wilrijk (Antwerpen)

T: +32 9 349 06 92 - F: +32 9 349 09 77

T: +32 3 821 01 50 - F: +32 3 821 01 60

Support and services incorporating technical training, fitting assistance, spare parts

Specialist in surface treatment of metal parts. Zinc Plating (Cr6+ free), Zinc-Flake

dispatch and repair and maintenance.

coatings (Dörken MKS and Magni licensee) and PTFE coatings for fasteners, washers, springs etc. All surface treatments are according to the European

Dhollandia, NV

automotive standards, REACH compliant and ISO9001-2000 accredited.

>> BTW/TVA BE 0432147371

Egemin, NV

Contact: Dhollander Nancy


Gentstraat 49, BE 9111 Belsele (Sint-Niklaas)

BTW/TVA BE 0404636389

T: +32 9 349 06 92 - F: +32 9 348 44 95

Contact: Coryn Michaël

Baarbeek 1, BE 2070 Zwijndrecht

Tail lifts; cantilever lifts; slider lifts; tuck-away lifts; special tail lifts; column lifts;

T: +32 3 641 12 12 - F: +32 3 641 13 13

passenger lifts; loading ramps. Friction driven component carrier system - e’track(r); fully automatic guided vehicles

Donaldson Europe, BVBA

agv - e’gv(r); infloor towline system - e’tow(r); after service of our installations.



BTW/TVA BE 0407184719

Eos Coach Manufacturing Company NV

Contact: Rombouts Linda


Interleuvenlaan 1, BE 3001 Heverlee (Leuven)

BTW/TVA BE 0432801330

T: +32 16 38 37 74 - F: +32 16 40 00 77

Contact: Snauwaert Dirk

Industrieterrein Kanaal-Noord 1155, BE 3960 Bree

European headquarters for filtration systems for diesel engines (air cleaners;

T: +32 89 46 02 11 - F: +32 89 47 26 57

hydraulics filters; oil & fuel filters). Exhaust systems for trucks & buses, construction

& farm equipment.

Assembly and production of Van Hool Buses & coaches.

Agoria, the Federation for the technology Industry

Agoria, the Federation for the technology Industry


Eplan NV/SA

Exal, NV



BTW/TVA BE 0466323342

BTW/TVA BE 0478017384

Contact: De Baerdemaeker Nico

Contact: Vanderkerken Gust

Bosstraat, 54, BE 3560 Lummen

Industrieweg 13, BE 2320 Hoogstraten

T: +32 13 53 96 96 - F: +32 13 53 96 99

T: +32 3 340 44 81 - F: +32 3 309 90 15

Design software for engineering in automotive industry. Software distributor,

Production of rims for bicycle wheels.

partner in process consultancy. We standardise processes and bring efficiency in the methodologies with a mix of service & support, software solutions and a broad

Exide Technologies, SPRL/BVBA

training and learning offer.

>> BTW/TVA BE 0400358194


Contact: De Witte Renilda


Rue de Florival 93, BE 1390 Archennes (Grez-Doiceau)

BTW/TVA BE 0400630685

T: +32 10 84 92 11 - F: +32 10 84 59 45

Contact: Leijnen Philippe

Metrologielaan 10, b2

Car battery distribution.

Avenue de la MĂŠtrologie 10, b2, BE 1130 Brussel/Bruxelles T: +32 02 745 11 00 - F: +32 02 745 11 28

Fabricom, SA-NV


Welding and cutting equipment, welding automation, welding consumables,

BTW/TVA BE 0425702910

accessories personal protection equipment for all industrial segments. Partner for all

Contact: Fabeck Pierre

welding solutions.

Gatti de Gamondstraat 254 Rue Gatti de Gamond 254, BE 1180 Brussel/Bruxelles


T: +32 2 370 32 75 - F: +32 2 370 31 88


BTW/TVA BE 0818634666

Belgian reference in terms of innovative technical installations and services for the

Contact: Baeyens Kristof

industry, energy, tertiary and infrastructure markets. In industrial automation for the

Wafelstraat, 46, BE 8540 Deerlijk

automotive industry we specialise in integrated turnkey solutions, conveyor systems,

T: +32 56 77 86 00

revamping projects, multi-technical projects and maintenance engineering. ISO 17025 accredited labdealing with design, testing, optimization and certification

Fabriressort, SA

of solutions for vehicle constructions and safe transport packaging.

>> BTW/TVA BE 0401914253

Europlasma, NV

Contact: Beckers Eric


Avenue Lavoisier 35, BE 1300 Wavre

BTW/TVA BE 0442377210

T: +32 10 22 98 00 - F: +32 10 22 98 98

Contact: Matthys Gretel

Industriepark De Bruwaan 5d, BE 9700 Oudenaarde

All types of springs for electronic parts used in the automotive industry such as

T: +32 55 30 32 05 - F: +32 55 31 87 53

dashboards. Low pressure plasma systems to clean, activate, etch or modify surfaces. Plasma

Faurecia Industrie, NV

treatment as economical alternative of primers prior to flocking or painting


automotive plastic parts. Pre-treatment of dashboards for softcoating application.

BTW/TVA BE 0457007085

Pre-treatment of bumpers and other automotive parts for painting.

Contact: Hemelsoet Eric Mai Zetterlingstraat 70, BE 9042 Gent (Zeehaven) T: +32 9 218 95 16 - F: +32 9 218 95 39 Assembly of door panels and tunnel console for automotive.


Agoria, the Federation for the technology Industry

Agoria, the Federation for the technology Industry


Faymonville AG

Ford Motor Company (Belgium), NV



BTW/TVA BE 0429214706

BTW/TVA BE 0404955204

Contact: Andres Daniela

Contact: Veireman Ronny

Schwarzenbach 12, BE 4760 Bullange

Hunderenveldlaan 10

T: +32 80 64 03 21 - F: +32 80 64 03 16

Avenue Hunderenveld 10, BE 1082 Brussel/Bruxelles

T: +32 2 482 23 10

Manufacturer of semitrailers and low-bed semitrailers as well as inloaders for glass

and concrete parts.

Import, sale and distribution of cars, components and accessories in Belgium and Luxembourg.

Federal-Mogul, SA >>

Ford Werke, GmbH, Fab. te Genk

BTW/TVA BE 0451868065


Contact: Glod Vinciane

BTW/TVA BE 0401298403

Avenue Champion, BE 6790 Aubange

Contact: Verbeeck Philippe

T: +32 63 38 23 32 - F: +32 63 38 22 79

Henri Fordlaan, 8, BE 3600 Genk

T: +32 89 61 91 00 - F: +32 89 61 90 70

Development, manufacturing and distribution of wiper products (wiper arms and

wiper blades) for cars, mini vans and trucks. Active in replacement market business

Assembly of passenger cars in the C/D segment (Mondeo, S-Max and Galaxy).

as well as original equipment.

Production of press parts and steel wheels.

Ferromatrix, NV

Formula Cycling



BTW/TVA BE 0432779356

BTW/TVA BE 0464134211

Contact: Vandendriessche Wim

Contact: Carpentier Filip

Michel Vandewielestraat 7, BE 8510 Marke (Kortrijk)

Middelstraat 38, BE 8647 Lo-Reninge

T: +32 56 24 32 94 - F: +32 56 24 35 08

T: +32 57 48 75 00 - F: +32 57 48 75 01

Axle parts for motor vehicle chassis.

Bicycle wholesale trade.

Fomeco, NV

Fremach Izegem, NV



BTW/TVA BE 0450254796

BTW/TVA BE 0431601203

Contact: Bayart Vincent and Withoeck Dimitri

Contact: Christiaens Krist

Blokellestraat 121, BE 8550 Zwevegem

Oude Iepersestraat 107, BE 8870 Izegem

T: +32 56 65 06 25 - F: +32 56 75 61 22

T: +32 51 33 16 11 - F: +32 51 30 50 40

Production of tube products (exhaust, coolant, chassis, hydraulic) and sheetmetal parts.

Injection, flocking and assembling for automotive.

Core processes : Lasercutting (tube and sheet), bending & welding.

Fuchs Lubricants Benelux NV >> BTW/TVA BE 0421493902 Contact: Robbyns Eddy Heideveld 54, BE 1654 Huizingen (Beersel) T: +32 2 363 19 91 - F: +32 2 363 19 19 Manufacturer of lubricants and grease.


Agoria, the Federation for the technology Industry

Agoria, the Federation for the technology Industry


Gebroeders Geens, NV

Green Propulsion, SA



BTW/TVA BE 0436755366

BTW/TVA BE 0476326121

Contact: Geens Frans

Contact: Toussaint Yves

Hinnenboomstraat 5, BE 2320 Hoogstraten

Avenue Pré-Aily 20, BE 4031 Angleur (Liège)

T: +32 3 314 79 30 - F: +32 3 314 84 56

T: +32 4 239 70 40 - F: +32 4 239 70 49

Trailers for agriculture, tipper wagons, transport hoppers for chaffed maize, grass or

Independent specialist in ever cleaner motorisations. Consultancy in the field of

other light material, Knikmops, Rollmops, industrial equipments such as containers,

alternative fuels, battery electrics, hybrids, fuel cells and overall “Well to Wheel”

tunnels, sieves and all kinds of transport machines.

concepts. Simulations and optimisation of virtual vehicles for cost effectiveness before development. Evaluation of state-of-the-art technologies on our test benches.

General Motors NV

Full development of prototype vehicles by a multidisciplinary team.

BTW/TVA BE 0404957875 Contact: Deneus Pierre

Grimonprez Transmission Gears, SA

Prins Boudewijnlaan 24B, BE 2550 Kontich


T: +32 3 450 63 11 - F: +32 3 450 64 82

BTW/TVA BE 0401241884

Contact: Dedecker Xavier

Import, distribution and sales & marketing of motor vehicles and parts and accessories.

Rue Theodor Klüber 7, BE 7711 Dottignies (Mouscron) T: +32 56 33 30 32 - F: +32 56 33 65 68

Ghyselinck Willy, NV

BTW/TVA BE 0408054650

Production of all kind of gears (gleason bevel gear sets, hypoïd,..), shafts, transmission

Contact: Ghyselinck Willy

elements and mechanical quality products in small to medium series. In-house

Torhoutsesteenweg 203, BE 8210 Zedelgem

hardening: Carburizing, Tempering, Tenifer, QPQ (high resistance to wear and corrosion).

T: +32 50 20 96 41 - F: +32 50 20 83 59

Helvoet Rubber & Plastic Technologies, NV

Connectors, wiring & pcb components and wiring modules

>> BTW/TVA BE 0867662822

Givatec BvBa

Contact: Verheyen Peter


Anton Philipsweg 4, BE 3920 LOMMEL

BTW/TVA BE 0418524910

T: +32 11 54 88 74 - F: +32 11 54 89 83

Contact: van Gerwen Jan

Industrieweg 5, BE 3011 Heverlee

Solutions in plastics for advanced applications for fuel pumps under the hood

T: +32 16 40 05 00 - F: +32 16 40 10 10

functions & systems. High precision in micron range. Various post moulding

processes. Processing of advanced plastics thermosets and PPS. Often substituting

Connectors, wiring & pcb components and wiring modules. Specialized parts in

metal. Also cleanroom production possibilities. Lommel site focusses on

the areas of connector technology, PCB components, wire and cable accessories,

development and production and has subsidiaries worldwide.

identification soluctions and heat-resistant wires and cables.

Henschel Engineering, NV-SA





BTW/TVA BE 0404002030

BTW/TVA BE 0409741163

Contact: Ceuppens Frank

Technologiestraat 21-25

Boomsesteenweg 604-606, BE 2610 Wilrijk (Antwerpen)

Rue de la Technologie 21-25, BE 1082 BRUSSEL/BRUXELLES

T: +32 3 830 87 31 - F: +32 3 830 86 01

T: +32 2 469 09 00 - F: +32 2 469 05 70

Design and production floats (platform assembly) for trucks and assembling or

Belgian federation for auto inspection and drivers licence exams.

producing telescopic beams.

Agoria, the Federation for the technology Industry

Agoria, the Federation for the technology Industry


Henschel Engineering Automotive, NV

Honda Belgium Factory, NV



BTW/TVA BE 0824454171

BTW/TVA BE 0428086041

Contact: Vandamme Tamara

Contact: De Jaeger Hans

Keteldijk 30, BE 9130 Kallo (Kieldrecht)

Wijngaardveld 1, BE 9300 Aalst

T: +32 3 830 88 53 - F: +32 3 830 86 01

T: +32 53 72 55 50 - F: +32 53 72 57 25

Bodies for light trucks.

Instrument Panel Honda Civic / MG Rover; drive shaft Honda Civic / CR-V; dual pump system Honda CR-V; injected and painted bumpers for spare parts Honda

Hessenatie Logistics, NV

Europe Ghent; painted accessories (spoilers, etc.) for Honda Access.

>> BTW/TVA BE 0414317088

Honda Europe, NV

Contact: Vansteenweghen Bob


SchaliĂŤnstraat 3, BE 2000 Antwerpen

BTW/TVA BE 0418250835

T: +32 3 216 59 10 - F: +32 3 216 59 92

Contact: Denecker NoĂŤ

Langerbruggestraat 104, BE 9000 Gent

Logistic services.

T: +32 9 250 12 42 - F: +32 9 250 12 30

Hexcel Composites, SPRL

Logistics services, vehicle freight forwarding services, vehicle storage services,


vehicle/component distribution services.

BTW/TVA BE 0402459235 Contact: Soccal Georges

Human Interface Group

Rue des Trois Bourdons 54, BE 4840 Welkenraedt


T: +32 87 30 74 11 - F: +32 87 88 28 95

BTW/TVA BE 0448991224

Contact: Vanstappen Kris

Manufacturer of composites materials (carbon fiber - fabrics - prepregs - adhesives -

De Regenboog 11, BE 2800 Mechelen

flat and machined honeycombs).

T: +32 15 40 01 38 - F: +32 15 42 27 09

Holvrieka, NV

Design of user interfaces, development of user documentation and training services


to companies from all sectors.

BTW/TVA BE 0401895051 Contact: Dirven A.

Hydro Aluminium Raeren, SA

Wervikstraat 350, BE 8930 Menen


T: +32 56 51 42 51 - F: +32 56 51 07 28

BTW/TVA BE 0414931158

Contact: Emonts Bernadette

Tanks (for powdery products, for liquids, for LPG) for lorries and trailers.

Waldstrasse 91, BE 4730 Raeren T: +32 87 85 92 61 - F: +32 87 85 92 59

Honda Access Europe, NV


Extrusion of aluminium sections, surface treatment (anodising and painting) and

BTW/TVA BE 0454807165

machining (fabricated components).

Contact: Van Weverberghe Florent Wijngaardveld 1, BE 9300 Aalst T: +32 53 76 70 02 - F: +32 53 76 70 80 Research & Development of accessories for cars and motorcycles. Distribution of accessories for Europe, Africa and Middle East.


Agoria, the Federation for the technology Industry

Agoria, the Federation for the technology Industry


Hydro Aluminium Seneffe, SA

Ijzer & Metaalgieterij De Sweemer, NV



BTW/TVA BE 0429418703

BTW/TVA BE 0420517863

Contact: Dronneau Jean-Guy

Contact: De Sweemer Ernest

Parc Industriel de Seneffe-Manage, BE 7180 Seneffe

Industrielaan 38, BE 9900 Eeklo

T: +32 64 52 04 20 - F: +32 64 54 91 77

T: +32 9 377 15 34 - F: +32 9 378 06 88

Aluminium rods and tubes for automotive applications such as air conditioning;

Foundry producing all pieces in grey cast, nodular or alloyed iron, weighing between

power steering; shock absorbers.

0,2 and 6500 kg, having high-pressure moulding line with box size 630 x 500 mm and a second moulding line with variable box size up to 1560 x 1220 mm. Manually

IBM Belgium, SA-NV

production of castings with different dimensions. Specialty: machine parts, gear


wheels, fly wheels, flanges, pump parts, cylinders, plates, bollards, etc.

BTW/TVA BE 0405912336 Contact: Guillaume Philippe

Inductotherm Coating Equipment SA

Bourgetlaan, 42

>> +

Avenue du Bourget, 42, BE 1130 Bruxelles/Brussel

BTW/TVA BE 0404411509

T: +32 475 33 82 63

Contact: Fagnart Gilles

Rue J.P. Antoine, 79, BE 4040 Herstal

Embedded systems, e-Diagnostic solution (artificial intelligence like solution

T: +32 4 248 94 11 - F: +32 4 264 35 49

allowing symptom based Diagnostic supported by decision tree and full recording

of session for warranty purpose), Complex Systems Simulation tool (integration of

Induction heating equipment, induction melting furnaces, induction hardening,

SW, electronics, mechanics and electricity), research on new nano-technology based

brazing, annealing machines for heat treatment.

battery generation (battery 500).

Inergy Automotive Systems Belgium, NV Ideatec SA



BTW/TVA BE 0461324575

BTW/TVA BE 0460041405

Contact: Wijnants Peter

Contact: Jacquemin Pauline

Grensstraat 12, BE 2200 Herentals

Rue du Trou Sart 5A, BE 5380 Fernelmont

T: +32 14 84 95 47 - F: +32 14 84 95 41

T: +32 81 42 00 10 - F: +32 81 57 91 70

Fully equiped fuel systems (tanks and filler pipes); fluorinated or not; with or without

Design and production of on-board consoles to control auxiliary equipements on

barrier. Sequencing to customer.

emergency vehicles. Innovative products that have been created specifically for the automatisation and the control of : light and sound signalling (lightbars, beacons,

International Automotive Components Group, BVBA

arrowbars, sirens, etc.), ventilation, auxiliary heating & air-conditioning systems;


energy management.

BTW/TVA BE 0879262834 Contact: Hendrikx Koen

IFM Electronic NV/SA

Mondeolaan 5, BE 3600 Genk


T: +32 89 32 81 51 - F: +32 89 32 82 22

BTW/TVA BE 0885135490

Contact : Everaert Marc

In sequence and JIT delivery of cockpit module to Ford Genk.

Zuiderlaan 91 – B6, BE 1731 Zellik T: +32 2 481 02 20 - F: +32 2 463 17 95 Sensors and systems for automation. Range of more than 8000 articles that guarantee flexibility and compatibility. Reliable solutions for automation projects, from the individual sensor with practical accessories to the complete system for mobile automation.


Agoria, the Federation for the technology Industry

Agoria, the Federation for the technology Industry


IPSAM Technology, NV

Jacques, NV



BTW/TVA BE 0880916089

BTW/TVA BE 0416765250

Contact: Delcroix Dominique

Contact: Bosmans Bert

Rijkmakerlaan 16, BE 2910 Essen

Kanaal Noord 1102, BE 3960 Bree

T: +32 3 670 17 77 - F: +32 3 670 17 80

T: +32 89 46 05 80 - F: +32 89 46 27 78

Vacuum and high pressure units for industrial and municipal cleaining combi’s ; dry-product

Body works, building of industrial vehicles, construction work and tarpaulins. Our

suction units ; high-pressure hotwater units ; sewage line cleaning vehicles ; gully-emptiers.

specialty focuses to the conversion and/or renovation of existing vehicles or trailers

Carbon steel or stainless steel tanks, also in ADR versions: standard or tailormade to

with various welding and painting works. Paintings of semitrailers, tank semitrailers,

customer requirements ; mounted on truck, trailer or semi-trailer, in container or on skid.

pump trucks or any industrial vehicle in our ateliers.

Isringhausen, BVBA

JD’C Innovation



BTW/TVA BE 0433712041

BTW/TVA BE 0882544503

Contact: Van Moeseke Ivan

Contact: George Cécile

Kaarderslaan 12, BE 9160 Lokeren

Rue de l’Expansion, 20, BE 4460 Grace-Hollogne

T: +32 9 348 50 12 - F: +32 9 348 65 87

T: +32 4 239 80 73 - F: +32 4 239 80 81

Truck seats.

Composite materials: “Hand lay-up” process with epoxy matrix materials. Multi-material adhesive bonding: ultrasonic, thermo-bonding, etc.

Itelligence Business Solutions, BVBA-SPRL

Processes Industrialization: Integration of electronics elements in products or


realization of autoclave cycling.

BTW/TVA BE 0465676412

Integration of these three competences in one single product.

Contact: Proost Jessy

Equipment: Autoclave-Oven-Clean-Gluing room-High precision ultrasonic welding-

Mommaertslaan 20 B, BE 1831 Diegem (Machelen)

CNC machine.

T: +32 2 290 12 12 - F: +32 2 290 12 14

Quality : EN9100 certified. Fully integrated SAP software solutions specially designed for small and medium

Johnson Controls Automotive, NV

sized automotive suppliers.

>> BTW/TVA BE 0437456835

Jabil Circuit Belgium, NV

Contact: Van Kerckvoorde Chantal


Stoepestraat 7, bus C, BE 9960 Assenede

BTW/TVA BE 0477940081

T: +32 9 255 84 71 - F: +32 9 255 83 60

Contact: Maes Carlo

Kempische steenweg 297, BE 3500 Hasselt

Headliner, pillar trim and tunnelconsole.

T: +32 11 30 24 22 - F: +32 11 30 25 94

JTEKT Torsen Europe, SA

Development of multimedia products. New product introduction centre for circuit


boards and electronic equipment.

BTW/TVA BE 0437416055 Contact: Sachettini Paolo Rue du Grand Peuplier 11, BE 7110 Strepy-Bracquegnies T: +32 64 67 22 55 - F: +32 64 67 71 42 Limited slip differentials and driveline components. Applications are mostly AWD vehicles, for which an optimized efficiency is being increasingly required. Products are developed to ensure best possible AWD functionality together with optimized synergy/interaction with vehicle control systems such as ABS and ESP.


Agoria, the Federation for the technology Industry

Agoria, the Federation for the technology Industry


Kanigen Works Benelux, NV

Lambrecht Constructie NV



BTW/TVA BE 0441202322

BTW/TVA BE 0408821256

Contact: Cleuren RenĂŠ

Contact: Lambrecht Luc

Wolfsbergstraat 57, BE 3600 Genk

Hoogledestraat, 122, BE 8610 Kortemark

T: +32 89 38 01 26 - F: +32 89 38 04 32

T: +32 51 57 05 77 - F: +32 51 57 05 85

Specialized in electroless nickel plating and electroless nickel-PTFE codeposition

Construction of bulk trucks for transport of animal feed, flour products, fertilisers,

layers (NIPTEF).

wood pellets, pulverulent or granulated filler materials.

Kautex Textron Benelux, BVBA

Lamifil, NV



BTW/TVA BE 0443356514

BTW/TVA BE 0422050265

Contact: De Wachter Dirk

Contact: Dejaeger John

Havenlaan 12, BE 3980 Tessenderlo

Frederic Sheidlaan, BE 2620 Hemiksem

T: +32 13 61 00 80 - F: +32 13 61 00 12

T: +32 3 870 06 11 - F: +32 3 870 06 74

Manufacture of plastic fuel tanks for the automotive sector.

Production of wire rod, wire and conductors in aluminium, aluminium alloys, copper and copper alloys.

Kiwa Belgium NV >>

Lear Corporation Belgium, CVA

BTW/TVA BE 0463580123


Contact: Peersman Janneck

BTW/TVA BE 0464850526

Uitbreidingstraat 10-16, BE 2600 Antwerpen

Contact: Ghislain Hardy

T: +32 3 259 06 60 - F: +32 3 259 06 63

Mondeolaan 1, BE 3600 Genk

T: +32 89 32 86 74 - F: +32 89 32 86 97

Independent audit and inspection organisation, customer-oriented certification institute in

Belgium, covering the market with a wide range of services and innovative and customised

Car seats.

solutions. Assistance to both national and international clients on quality issues.

LGTB, NV L. Saccol, NV



BTW/TVA BE 0428346159

BTW/TVA BE 0430746910

Contact: Everaert Erika

Contact: Saccol Philip

Albertkanaalstraat 139, BE 3511 Kuringen

Bremheidelaan 12, BE 2300 Turnhout

T: +32 11 85 04 00 - F: +32 11 85 04 09

T: +32 14 41 91 28 - F: +32 14 42 90 41

Electrolytic Surface Treatments of Metal Parts.

Exterior lighting ; front lights.

LMS International, NV


Labor Aiding Systems Europe, NV



BTW/TVA BE 0428295877

BTW/TVA BE 0473840149

Contact: Vandeborne Peter

Contact: Peetersem Gert

Interleuvenlaan 68, BE 3001 Heverlee (Leuven)

Industrieweg 1086, BE 3540 Herk-De-Stad

T: +32 16 38 42 00 - F: +32 16 38 43 50

T: +32 13 31 57 36 - F: +32 13 31 57 47

Complete suite of testing and analysis solutions for durability, acoustics and

Turnkey solutions in automation. industrial automation, machine construction,

NVH engineering. Combination of test and mechatronic simulation solutions,

prototype building, lasercutting, panelbuilding, tool & die work.

complemented by consulting services.

Agoria, the Federation for the technology Industry

Agoria, the Federation for the technology Industry


Malmar, NV

Meister Coordination Center, SA



BTW/TVA BE 0440443148

BTW/TVA BE 0422440245

Contact: Desimpelaere Koen

Contact: Truyen Patric

Eddastraat 41, BE 9042 Gent (Zeehaven)

Rue de la Légende 32d, BE 4141 Louveigné (Sprimont)

T: +32 9 255 51 11 - F: +32 9 255 51 12

T: +32 4 360 02 70 - F: +32 4 360 02 92

Manufacturing and delivering of total solutions regarding mounting of metal

High precision mechanical components including (bar) turning, heat treatment, finish

components such as cutting; lasercutting, pressing, bending, machining, welding,

machining and assembly. Target markets are automotive, hydraulics and aeronautics.

shotblasting and surface treatment, including the logistics services with respect of customer specifications.

Etablissements A. Menart, SPRL >>

Mann+Hummel Hydromation, NV

BTW/TVA BE 0401250101


Contact: Verschelden Xavier

BTW/TVA BE 0434859512

Rue Benoît, 31, BE 7370 Dour

Contact: Verdren Marc

T: +32 65 61 07 43 - F: +32 65 61 07 47

Luikersteenweg, 220, BE 3700 Tongeren

T: +32 12 39 93 10 - F: +32 12 25 90 06

Development and manufacturing of equipment for the environment and waste treatment. Engineering of plastic parts and components for air intake and filtration systems.

Metafor, NV >>

Marcel Verfaillie-Leroy BVBA

BTW/TVA BE 0400097680


Contact: De Schepper Eddy

BTW/TVA BE 0426668059

Metafor, NV, BE 9820 Merelbeke

Contact: Verfaillie Marcel

T: +32 9 210 56 60 - F: +32 9 210 56 69

Werviksestraat 94, BE 8902 Zillebeke (Ieper)

T: +32 57 20 23 49 - F: +32 57 21 97 56

Powertrain : engine parts. Surface treatment.

Metagra Industry, NV >>


Mazda Motor Logistics Europe, NV

BTW/TVA BE 0834856036


Contact: Tombeur Jean-Marie

BTW/TVA BE 0406024281

Metagra, NV, BE 9031 Drongen (Gent)

Contact: Segers Eric

T: +32 9 280 93 20 - F: +32 9 282 27 95

Blaasveldstraat 162, BE 2830 Willebroek

T: +32 3 860 12 70 - F: +32 3 860 12 05

Metallic and plastic front panels and housings, anodised printed plates, membrane

keyboards, body plates, plates with increasing numbers, and printed glass for

European distribution vehicles and parts. National sales company Belgium and Luxemburg.

capacitive sensors or RFID.

Mécamold, SA

Métaux Emboutis, SA



BTW/TVA BE 0424022929

BTW/TVA BE 0404429919

Contact: Géron Yves

Contact: Rosemboom Christine

Rue de Hermée 195, BE 4040 Herstal

Rue Haute Marexhe 176-182, BE 4040 Herstal

T: +32 4 248 58 51 - F: +32 4 248 20 30

T: +32 4 248 08 28 - F: +32 4 248 00 41

Molds for tyres.

Full integration of sheet rolling techniques from your drawings and files; specialised in truck.

Agoria, the Federation for the technology Industry

Agoria, the Federation for the technology Industry


Moeyersons Carrosserie, NV

Norta, NV



BTW/TVA BE 0413830605

BTW/TVA BE 0404206522

Contact: Van Severen Frans

Contact: Van Hemelen Eddy

Achterheide 26, BE 1840 Londerzeel

Stadsestraat 39, BE 2250 Olen

T: +32 52 30 08 21 - F: +32 52 30 17 92

T: +32 14 26 32 41 - F: +32 14 26 32 40

Industrial coach builder and service supplier. Standard boxes on trailers and trucks

Bicycle manufacturer.

for transport companies, boxes with sliding doors, medical vehicles, broadcasting trailers. Complex constructions with hydraulic and electrical systems for specific use,

NXP Semiconductors Belgium NV

such as mobile stages, promotional vehicles, etc.

>> BTW/TVA BE 0882479076

Motorhomes Konings, BVBA

Contact: Pype Patrick


Interleuvenlaan, 80, BE 3001 Heverlee (Leuven)

BTW/TVA BE 0432925351

T: +32 16 39 06 12 - F: +32 16 39 06 08

Contact: Konings RenĂŠ

Sander De Vosstraat 141, BE 2500 Koningshooikt (Lier)

In-vehicle networking, car access & immobilizers, car entertainment, solid state

T: +32 3 482 38 67 - F: +32 3 482 47 01

lighting, battery management, telematics (eCall, enhanced mobility, road-pricing,

etc.). NXP is active in several governmental projects, more in particular with Flanders

Manufacturer of motorhomes, mobile offices, etc.

Drive, IWT and the European Commission.

Nexans Harnesses, NV-SA

Oerlikon Balzers Coating Benelux nv



BTW/TVA BE 0432100455

BTW/TVA BE 0419720285

Contact: Leurquin Eric

Contact: Boghe Willy

Heideveld 1, BE 1654 Huizingen (Beersel)

Schurhovenveld 4050, BE 3800 St.-Truiden

T: +32 2 363 17 11 - F: +32 2 363 17 87

T: +32 11 69 30 40 - F: +32 11 69 29 45

Electrical wiring harnesses for trucks, coaches, buses and trailers.

PVD based coatings. Development of coatings and coating systems.

NiniX Technologies NV

Omron Electronics, NV-SA



BTW/TVA BE 0474306442

BTW/TVA BE 0403121805

Contact: Haspeslagh Harold

Contact: Wyns Marie-Berthe

Kleine Monnikenwerve 9, BE 8000 Brugge

Stationsstraat 24, BE 1702 Groot-Bijgaarden (Dilbeek)

T: +32 50 32 89 69 - F: +32 50 32 89 63

T: +32 2 466 24 80 - F: +32 2 467 41 55

Engineering and process automation and speciality equipment. Solutions for

Components and systems for industrial automation and turn key solutions; relays

reliable adhesion of light- weight materials: solvent free pre-treatments with plasma,

sensors and vision systems. Low voltage switching gear safety components;

controlled glue metering and mixing. Development and production of electronics

controllers, plc hmi inverters, Servo systems, ID components and system card readers.

components: space saving high power thick film resistors for electric drive, lightweight automotive sensors, LED lighting and sealing of outdoor electronics.

ON Semiconductor Belgium, BVBA

ISO TS 16949 certified.

>> BTW/TVA BE 0477511994 Contact: Dierickx Marc Westerring 15, BE 9700 Oudenaarde T: +32 55 33 28 99 - F: +32 55 33 24 67 Production of customer specific (ASIC) and application specific (ASSP) integrated circuits.


Agoria, the Federation for the technology Industry

Agoria, the Federation for the technology Industry



Philips Innovative Applications, NV-SA



BTW/TVA BE 0424800117

BTW/TVA BE 0422108465

Contact: Vansteelant Kristof

Tweestationsstraat 80

Roeselaarsestraat, 4, BE 8850 Ardooie

Rue des Deux Gares 80, BE 1070 Brussel/Bruxelles

T: +32 51 74 47 74 - F: +32 51 74 61 02

T: +32 2 525 76 11 - F: +32 2 525 76 90

Leading fuel pump and fuel systems customers with high precision parts for the

Development, construction and service of industrial vehicles: tippers and bulksilos

inlet- and outlet side of the fuel pump. Typical materials are phenolics and PPS.

on trailer or mounted upon truck for the transportation of sand, gravel, agricultural

The tight tolerances often from as low as 5 microns are achieved in a multi stage

products, waste, animal tissue and the bulk distribution of bakery flour, animal feed,

process. Extensive capabilities cover the full product life cycle from development/

powders and granulates.

engineering to volume production.

Parts & Components, NV

Phoenix Contact



BTW/TVA BE 0476057192

BTW/TVA BE 0407736629

Contact: Vandecasteele Lindsey

Contact: Kerkhofs Stefan

Dammestraat 80, BE 8800 Roeselare

Minervastraat 10-12, BE 1930 Zaventem

T: +32 51 26 72 72 - F: +32 51 22 63 44

T: +32 2 723 98 11 - F: +32 2 725 36 14

Production of sheet metal components & assembly.

Development of automation concepts and solution (hard and software) for the automotive industry (Body in white - Final assembly - Paintshop - Facility&Energy

Paulstra Silentbloc, SA


BTW/TVA BE 0402971058 Contact: Klock William

Pilz Belgium

Rue du Fond Cattelain 20 Bte 1.2 , BE 1435 Mont-Saint-Guibert


T: +32 67 89 37 00 - F: +32 67 89 37 09

BTW/TVA BE 0889608180

Contact: Vandelanotte Renaat

Suspension parts, springs and systems.

Bijenstraat 4, BE 9051 Sint-Denijs-Westrem T: +32 9 321 75 70 - F: +32 9 321 75 71

Pedeo, NV


Automation technology. Customer-oriented solutions for all industries, including

BTW/TVA BE 0443950093

innovative products and comprehensive services from the areas of sensor, control

Contact: D’Haeyer Piet

and drive technology.

Westerring 25, BE 9700 Oudenaarde T: +32 55 33 58 80 - F: +32 55 33 58 90

Plakoni Engineering, NV


Finished and assembled zinc and aluminium die castings up to 2 dm² and 500 g;

BTW/TVA BE 0452608532

in medium-sized and large series.

Contact: Kennis Geert Eikelaarstraat 21A, BE 3600 Genk

Penne, NV

T: +32 89 32 35 17 - F: +32 89 35 50 03


BTW/TVA BE 0412652648

Design and engineering voor automotive and non-automotive

Contact: Penne Frans Wijngaardveld 32, BE 9300 Aalst T: +32 53 21 44 19 - F: +32 53 77 35 52 Progressive tools for metalparts, injection moulds, metal presswork up to 600 tons, plastic injection up to 3200 tons.


Agoria, the Federation for the technology Industry

Agoria, the Federation for the technology Industry


Plastal, NV

PSS Belgium, NV



BTW/TVA BE 0430951303

BTW/TVA BE 0884161532

Contact: Van Leuven Hugo

Contact: Heremans Roel

Skaldenstraat 72, BE 9042 Gent (Zeehaven)

Hoogveld 50, BE 9200 Dendermonde

T: +32 9 255 57 37 - F: +32 9 255 57 36

T: +32 52 26 14 97 - F: +32 52 26 16 85

Surface treated, injection moulded plastics. Manufacture and surface treat interior

Business-to-business development, manufacturing and sales of loudspeakers and

and exterior system- and function related plastic components.

sound solutions, for automotive and for home.

Plastic Omnium Automotive, NV

Punch Powertrain, NV



BTW/TVA BE 0459922827

BTW/TVA BE 0463278829

Contact: Tordoor Carine

Contact: Bald Simone

Grensstraat 10, BE 2200 Herentals

Schurhovenveld 4125, BE 3800 Sint-Truiden

T: +32 14 25 76 00 - F: +32 14 25 76 10

T: +32 11 67 92 93 - F: +32 11 67 48 08

Manufacturing and JIT supply of painted exterior and automotive components.

Development, manufacturing and sales of automatic transmissions for the vehicle industry.The main focus is on A,B and C vehicle’s. Main product range is based on

Prakto, Theo Laureys, NV

CVT principle for fuel efficiency. Development of automatic gearboxes based on the


dual clutch for the EU market.

BTW/TVA BE 0416763765 Contact: Laureys Hans

Race Productions, NV

Langestraat 104, BE 9280 Lebbeke


T: +32 52 41 05 17 - F: +32 52 41 39 17

BTW/TVA BE 0441535783

Contact: Hufkens Marc

Production of LPG-tanks (liquid and vapour take off) for vehicles, forklifts etc. LPG

Beverlosesteenweg 85, BE 3583 Paal (Beringen)

tanks are according regulation UNO67R01 and following European directives (T)PED.

T: +32 13 67 36 00 - F: +32 13 67 36 01

Production of all kinds of tanks under pressure. Accessories and valves for LPG tanks. Bicycle manufacturing company. Ridley is the brand name for the bicycles used in

Procoplast, SA

competition and by bicycle enthusiastics.



BTW/TVA BE 0437651429

Rauwers Controle SA/NV

Contact: Boonen Geoffroy


Schnellewindgasse 17, BE 4700 Eupen

BTW/TVA BE 0400438863

T: +32 87 59 50 90 - F: +32 87 59 50 99

Contact: Verdeyen Dirk

Rue François Joseph Navez 78-86

Plastic injection company and its core business is articulated around tools

François Joseph Navezstraat 78-86, BE 1000 Bruxelles/Brussel

development and manufacturing, automated production lines of long series. The

T: +32 2 240 09 00 - F: +32 2 216 05 25

company focuses upon complex parts (2 components, contacts and metals over-

moulding) with tiny tolerances and produces different types of sensor housing.

Solutions in geolocation, transfer, management, processing and archiving of data

Procoplast is present in automotive, electric and electronic industry as supplier of

from digital tachographs on the internet, Web solutions, accidents’ recorders, follow-

major OEMs.

up of consumption, etc.

Agoria, the Federation for the technology Industry

Agoria, the Federation for the technology Industry


Rijwielenfabriek l’Avenir, NV

Rogers, BVBA



BTW/TVA BE 0403871970

BTW/TVA BE 0406657553

Contact: Mariën Hugo

Contact: Vercruysse Jo

Posthoornstraat 1, BE 2500 Lier

Afrikalaan 188, BE 9000 Gent

T: +32 3 480 06 49 - F: +32 3 489 08 41

T: +32 9 235 36 11 - F: +32 9 235 36 58

Bicycle manufacturer.

Power distribution system solutions. Development and manufacturing of RO-LINX® laminated busbars for electric propulsion drives. Many applications in an HEV car


require power distribution solutions for their power electronics: motor drive, DCDC


converter, battery packs and fast chargers. The newest RO-LINX® PowerCircuit™

BTW/TVA BE 0433551990

busbar solution responds to the needs and requirements for HEV market applications.

Contact : Forré Danny Stokkelaar 9 - BE – 9160 Lokeren


T: +32 9 353 91 11 - F: +32 9 355 68 62

BTW/TVA BE 0444910987

Contact: Lazzerini Fabio

System suppliers for housing and enclosure technologies, power distribution

Zone Ind. d’Héppignies II, BE 6220 Heppignies

systems, system climate control and IT infrastructure with customers from all sectors

T: +32 71 37 77 07 - F: +32 71 37 77 08

of industry. Engineering office

Robert Bosch Produktie, NV

Design, development, manufacturing and service of shock absorber for all kind of


application, Automotive, light truck, truck, military, police and armed vehicles.

BTW/TVA BE 0407251926

Engine and Gearbox testing facilities, Eddy current Schenk test bed cells and rolling

Contact: Vanden Eynde Miguel


Hamelendreef 80, BE 3300 Tienen T: +32 16 80 08 86 - F: +32 16 80 01 82

Saey NV


Research, development and production of wiper systems for the original equipment,

BTW/TVA BE 0448146433

market and aftermarket.

Contact: De Baets Robrecht Industrielaan,4, BE 8501 Kortrijk

Robert Bosch, SA

T: +32 56 35 42 00 - F: +32 56 36 15 16


BTW/TVA BE 0420377016

Cut-to-length decoiling of sheet, shear cutting and bending. Laserform stretch

Contact: Boelens Filip

quality laser sheets, stretched at decoiling to reduce risks of residual tension. Sawing

Rue Henri Genesse 1

of bars and tubes, including 2D/3D lasercutting. Supplier of high-yield steel, ideally

Henri Genessestraat 1, BE 1070 Bruxelles/Brussel

suited for weight-reduction programs in automotive applications.

T: +32 2 525 53 60 - F: +32 2 528 93 60

Saint-Gobain Performance Plastics Kontich, NV

Distribution of DC motor sensors; gasoline systems; diesel systems; chassis;


brakes: ABS, ESP, pumps, park pilot callipers; fuel supply system modules, starters,

BTW/TVA BE 0424020355

alternators, alarms, immobilisers, actuators, climate control, ECU display units; fuel

Contact: Dubois Herman

injection, navigation, radio antenna, relay connectors, airbags, rain sensors, seats,

Heiveldekens 22, BE 2550 Kontich

window adjustments, transmissions, speed sensors, steering, cooling, manifold and

T: +32 3 450 76 10 - F: +32 3 458 26 69

lambda probe. Spring energised seals - lipseals - and machined components out of high performance plastics (ptfe, peek, pi, pe ...).


Agoria, the Federation for the technology Industry

Agoria, the Federation for the technology Industry


SAIT Zenitel NV

Schneider Electric SA



BTW/TVA BE 0447379341

BTW/TVA BE 0451362180

Contact: Vannuffelen Jolijn

Contact: Roy Yves

Z.1. Researchpark 110, BE 1731 Zellik

Dieweg, 3, BE 1180 Bruxelles/Brussel

T: +32 2 370 53 11 - F: +32 2 370 51 19

T: +32 2 373 75 01 - F:

Radio communication solutions, complete command & control room solutions and a

Specialist in Energy Management : integrated solutions to make energy safe, reliable,

geolocalisation/track & trace software, including functionalities that enable defining

efficient, productive, and green for its customers.

the vehicle location, geofencing, freel consumption, profiling and driving behaviour, operating hours/static hours, theft alarm, vehicle immobilisation, etc.

Service Magazijn Limburg, NV >>

Sapa RC Profiles, NV-SA

BTW/TVA BE 0433891490


Contact: Schreurs Bob

BTW/TVA BE 0460274304

Mondeolaan 2, BE 3600 Genk

Contact: Reybrouck Sandra

T: +32 89 51 87 60 - F: +32 89 51 87 44

Kortemarkstraat 52, BE 8810 Lichtervelde

T: +32 496 579 752 - F: +32 51 72 54 41

Providing logistic services to the automotive industry, both pre-assembly and pure

logistic services.

Roof rails and roof rail components; fuel rails and engine products; high finished trim parts; hydro forming; safety products; seat rails and seat products. Extensive R&D

Sick, NV

possibilities at Sapa Technology. Friction stir welding (fsw) possibilities.

>> BTW/TVA BE 0431448872

SAS Automotive Belgium, NV

Contact: Van Hoof Jan


Doornveld 10, BE 1731 Relegem (Asse)

BTW/TVA BE 0480015980

T: +32 2 481 87 51 - F: +32 2 463 31 04

Contact: De Smet Nele

Mai Zetterlingstraat 70, BE 9042 Gent (Zeehaven)

Supplier of automation sensors, machine safety and automatic identification systems.

T: +32 9 255 84 73 - F: +32 9 251 42 51

Siemens, NV-SA

Assembly of cockpits for automotive.

>> BTW/TVA BE 0404284716

Savimétal A.G., SA

Contact: Gheldof Francis


Guido Gezellestraat 121, BE 1654 Huizingen

BTW/TVA BE 0405850374

T: +32 2 536 23 26 - F: +32 2 536 22 90

Contact: Knauf Marc

Prümer Strasse 44, BE 4780 Sankt-Vith

Products and systems for automotive manufacturing automation and optimization.

T: +32 80 28 01 60 - F: +32 80 22 87 60

The unique optimally coordinated portfolio helps to meet today’s challenges like

shorter time-to-market, more vehicle models and variants, higher productivity,

Steel foundry specialised in coaches and buses.

reduced total cost of ownership, highest plant availability and production quality, increasing energy costs and finally a global business.


Agoria, the Federation for the technology Industry

Agoria, the Federation for the technology Industry


Simonis Plastic, SA

SORL Europe sprl



BTW/TVA BE 0406810278

BTW/TVA BE 0836488507

Contact: Fuentes Fernando

Contact: Sonck Steven

Rue Bonne Fortune 102, BE 4430 Ans

Bd de la Woluwelaan, 46, BE 1200 Bruxelles/Brussel

T: +32 4 239 88 33 - F: +32 4 239 88 49

T: +32 2 770 09 28

Technically specialized plastic molding company serving the Automotive,

Development, manufacturing and distribution of automotive brake systems and other

Aeronautics, Rail, Food & Beverage, Industrial Vehicles, Defence, and Medical

key safety related parts for commercial vehicles and passenger cars, dedicated to

industries with Total Project Management to assist customers with their (new) parts

the original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) and the aftermarket.

development and production needs. Simonis Plastic offers its customers European level service, engineering and quality with very attractive pricing to fit all of its

Spicer Off-Highway Belgium, NV

customer’s requirements, budgets, deliveries schedules and complexity.

>> BTW/TVA BE 0406198683

Slabinck Werkhuizen & Car. Bouw, NV

Contact: Aelter Hans


Ten Briele 3, BE 8200 Sint-Michiels (Brugge)

BTW/TVA BE 0406271533

T: +32 50 40 24 11 - F: +32 50 40 24 09

Contact: Slabinck Luc

Ten Briele 2, BE 8200 Sint-Michiels (Brugge)

Development, sales and production of powershift transmissions for off-road vehicles.

T: +32 50 40 88 44 - F: +32 50 40 88 41

Stewal, NV-SA

Construction of vehicle body parts.

>> BTW/TVA BE 0432837259

Socabelec SA

Contact: Steenhoudt Sofie


Industriepark Klein Frankrijk 37, BE 9600 Ronse

BTW/TVA BE 0435985801

T: +32 55 21 52 95 - F: +32 55 21 00 73

Contact: Badts Stephane

Rue Emile Vandervelde 56, BE 5190 Jemeppe Sur Sambre

Plastic injection moulds, prototypes, precision special tools, dies, fixtures and control

T: +32 71 75 02 10 - F: +32 71 75 02 11

gauges for automotive suppliers. Tailor-made equipments, upgrade of installations: Engineering, mechanics, electricity,

Stokota, NV-SA

instrumentation, automation & robotic, SCADA, installation, start-up, maintenance


and services. Europe and abroad.

BTW/TVA BE 0405062102 Contact: Vercauteren Paul

Somati, NV

Dijkstraat 23, BE 9160 Lokeren


T: +32 9 310 45 95 - F: +32 9 349 17 25

BTW/TVA BE 0473449674

Contact: Piers Eric

Construction of specialised commercial vehicles (tank vehicles and semitrailers,

Industrielaan 19 (Zuid III), BE 9320 Erembodegem (Aalst)

environmental vehicles, bulk semitrailers, special trailers etc.). Construction of

T: +32 53 83 32 32 - F: +32 53 83 32 10

storage tanks. Emergency, fire rescue and industrial vehicles.


Agoria, the Federation for the technology Industry

Agoria, the Federation for the technology Industry


Syncreon Genk, NV

The European Van Company, NV



BTW/TVA BE 0466861196

BTW/TVA BE 0456366192

Contact: Berger Danny

Contact: Vanlander Philippe

Mondeolaan 7, BE 3600 Genk

Laconiastraat 1, BE 8000 Brugge

T: +32 89 62 46 00 - F: +32 89 62 46 25

T: +32 50 31 25 13 - F: +32 50 31 12 47

Transport & logistics.

Truck body solutions. 3 famous brands : Aluvan : closed bodies for light commercial vehicles for dry freight transport (aluminium, plywood and curtain-

TE Connectivity, BVBA

sider execution) - supplied as kit or box. PolyVan : truck bodies for refrigerated &


deepfreeze transport - supplied as kit or box. PolyPan : complete range of insulation

BTW/TVA BE 0465547738

& composite panels for the construction of dry freight & insulated truck bodies.

Contact: Verhelst Eric

Polyester parts for commercial vehicles : aerodynamic roof spoilers & lutons.

Siemenslaan 14, BE 8020 Oostkamp T: +32 50 83 27 20 - F: +32 50 83 27 90

TI Group Automotive Systems (Belgium) SA-NV


Broad product offering including terminals and connectors, custom cable

BTW/TVA BE 0475127378

assemblies, sensors, relays and switching modules, inductive systems, high power

Contact: Kox Nestor

components for hybrid vehicle systems, high-speed data networking, wire and cable,

Schoebroekstraat, 20 , BE 3583 Paal (Beringen)

heat shrink tubing, sealing gels, application tooling and protection products.

T: +32 11 45 82 00 - F: +32 11 45 82 01

We are the connection for all your car electronics! Fluid carrying systems – lines for : brake and fuel, tank top, ABS/ESP bundles,

Tenneco Automotive Europe, NV

heated SCR, vacuum booster, brake and fuel bundles, exhaust treatment, power


steering, oil cooling, waste gates, power train. Double and single wall steel tube,

BTW/TVA BE 0403684997

multi-layer Nylon tube, quick connectors, heated Nylon, stainless steel tube.

Contact: Van Praet Adinda Schurhovenveld 1037, BE 3800 Sint-Truiden

TI Group Automotive Systems (Belgium) SA-NV

T: +32 (0)11 70 35 08 - F: +32 (0)11 70 37 13


BTW/TVA BE 0475127378

Shock absorbers; suspension systems for passenger cars, trucks, buses and trailers.

Contact: Doucet Alain

European headquarters for suspension systems.

Brandstraat, 17, BE 9150 Lokeren T: +32 9 340 46 46 - F: +32 9 340 46 40

Tenneco Automotive Gent, BV


Plastic fuel tanks for gasoline, diesel and flex-fuel vehicles, low emission vehicles

BTW/TVA BE 0466700058

(LEV), partial zero emission vehicles (PZEV), hybrid applications, fuel filler tubes,

Contact: Leenknegt Jelle

delivery and return components.

Mai Zetterlingstraat 70, BE 9042 Gent (Zeehaven) T: +32 9 255 16 14 - F: +32 9 255 16 12

TI Group Automotive Systems (Belgium) SA-NV


Exhaust systems for the automotive industry and in sequence deliveries to the customer.

BTW/TVA BE 0475127378 Contact: Léonard Jean-Philippe

Terberg Specials Belgium, NV

Rue Wérihet 63, BE 4020 Wandre (Liège)


T: +32 4 345 95 55 - F: +32 4 362 98 57

BTW/TVA BE 0452891317

Contact: Stronkhorst Gerrit

Steel Strip plant : Low carbon cold rolled steel strip from 0,05 mm up to 1,3 mm

Oosterring 23, BE 3600 Genk

thick with galvanised coating of nickel and/or copper. Material is suitable for high

T: +32 89 62 38 00 - F: +32 89 62 38 29

deformation and offer good properties for corrosion, welding, conductivity, shielding,

substract to further metallic coating substitute for stainless steel.

Conversion and installation of passenger and commercial vehicles


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Agoria, the Federation for the technology Industry


Tower Automotive Belgium, BVBA

Tremec, BV



BTW/TVA BE 0475356517

BTW/TVA BE 0840995839

Contact: Nollet Charlotte

Contact: De Geeter Eddy

Belgicastraat 5, BE 9042 Desteldonk (Gent)

Autobaan, 20, BE 8210 Loppem (Zedelgem)

T: +32 9 250 50 91

T: +32 50 28 20 59 - F: +32 50 28 80 69

Engineered structural metal components and assemblies. The company supplies

High performance and fuel efficient drivelines. Their systems and software are the

the automotive industry with body-structure stampings, frames and other chassis

heart and soul of the Ferrari California and Ferrari 458 Italia Dual Clutch Transmissions.

structures, as well as complex welded assemblies for small and large cars, crossovers, pickups and SUVs.

TriPhase, NV >>

Toyoda Gosei Europe NV

BTW/TVA BE 0884066710


Contact: Loeckx Frederik

BTW/TVA BE 0473343865

Romeinse Straat 18, BE 3001 Heverlee (Leuven)

Contact: Ausloos Etienne

T: +32 2 669 06 00 - F: +32 2 669 06 09

Leuvensesteenweg 542, BE 1930 Zaventem

T: +32 2 513 68 60 - F: +32 2 513 24 53

Rapid prototyping and hardware integration for power electronic applications. Research, development, manufacture and sales of Parts for automobiles, conveyors,

Trucktechnic, SA

ships and various other transportation.

>> BTW/TVA BE 0422300782

Toyota Belgium, SA-NV

Contact: Westphalen Didier


Rue Haute Claire 1, BE 4041 Milmort (Herstal)

BTW/TVA BE 0403425770

T: +32 4 278 79 79 - F: +32 4 278 10 78

Contact: Deprins Eric

Avenue du Japon 51, BE 1420 Braine-L’alleud

Remanufacturer and distributor of commercial vehicle disc and foundation brakes

T: +32 2 386 74 77 - F: +32 2 386 75 02

and components. Sales & Marketing Toyota and Lexus.

Twin Arc, NV >>

Toyota Boshoku Europe, NV

BTW/TVA BE 0480377949


Contact: Ciçek Fikret

BTW/TVA BE 0874788956

Europark 27-29, BE 3620 Lanaken

Contact: Douet Philippe

T: +32 89 71 40 93 - F: +32 89 71 75 18

Ikaroslaan 49, BE 1930 Zaventem

T: +32 2 709 09 80 - F: +32 2 721 57 01

Assembly of trailers.

Seats, door trims, air induction systems, plastic intake manifolds, air filters and oil filters

Tyrolit Toyota Motor Europe, NV-SA



BTW/TVA BE 0402150023

BTW/TVA BE 0441571714

Contact: Piette Thierry

Contact: Dejonckheere Tommy

Rue de la bienvenue, 17

Bourgetlaan 60

Verwelkomingstraat, 17, BE 1070 Bruxelles/Brussel

Avenue du Bourget 60, BE 1140 Brussel/Bruxelles

T: +32 2 556 08 00 - F: +32 2 521 62 04

T: +32 13 35 28 02 - F: +32 2 745 20 93

Manufacturing of abrasives for metal working: grinding wheels, dressing wheels,

Wholesale marketing of Toyota and Lexus vehicles, parts and accessoires and

cutting tools to be used in manufacturing of components for automotive industry.

management of Toyota’s European manufacturing and engineering operations.


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Agoria, the Federation for the technology Industry


Valeo Vision Belgique, SA

Van Hoecke Automation, NV



BTW/TVA BE 0407003090

BTW/TVA BE 0440145319

Contact: Bachelet Bérengère

Contact: Van Hoecke Karel

Rue du Parc Industriel 31, BE 7822 Meslin-L’evêque (Ath)

Legen Heirweg 29, BE 9890 Gavere

T: +32 68 26 52 11 - F: +32 68 26 54 99

T: +32 9 389 70 70 - F: +32 9 389 70 71

Manufacturing of fog lamps for passenger cars and trucks OEM and OES.12 million

Industrial automation. Automatic assembly machines (high capability, zero defect

parts per year. Head lamp production for niche vehicles and trucks. In-house

output). Testing applications, for various types of products (shock absorbers,

production of elliptic modules. In sister plants production of cigar lighters; power

transmissions, components, compressors, helium leakage testing...). Vision systems

sockets; headlamp cleaning systems; levelling devices; small lamps and interior lamps.

(product recognition, 3D geometry check, bin picking...); Robotics for handling and picking, assembly, bonding, etc.


FFE, nv


Van Hool, NV

BTW/TVA BE 0415345684


Contact: Vanassche Jan

BTW/TVA BE 0404060032

Brugsesteenweg 2, BE 8531 Hulste (Harelbeke)

Contact: Snauwaert Dirk

T: +32 56 71 01 30 - F: +32 56 70 21 71

Bernard Van Hoolstraat 58, BE 2500 Koningshooikt (Lier)

T: +32 3 420 20 20 - F: +32 3 482 33 60

Fire engines (trucks) to customer specifications and retailer of fire fighting and rescue


Manufacturer of integral buses and coaches. Manufacturer of comprehensive range of semi-trailers, road tankers, tank containers and bulk carriers.

Vandaele Konstructie NV >>

Vanhulen High Precision Springs SA

BTW/TVA BE 0436233051


Contact: Vandaele Jo

BTW/TVA BE 0404447933

Stationstraat, 119, BE 8780 Oostrozebeke

Contact: Schaaps Pierre

T: +32 56 66 45 01 - F: +32 56 67 24 90

Rue Haute Claire, 3, BE 4040 Herstal

T: +32 4 289 99 99 - F: +32 4 289 00 09

Production of special vehicles: wood chipper, branch chipper, chopper shredder,

mower arm, mower brush, flail mower spreader, forest mower, rear mower, front

Compression Springs.Traction Springs. Form Springs.Torsion Springs. Double

mower, Jumbo stump grinder, stump cutter, mowing suction.

Torsion Springs. Induction Coils. Locking Rings. Stamping of items in single or combined toolings, by electro erosion, laser and chemical components for prototype

Vangeel Electrical & Microniser SA

building and small series. Assembling of mechanical, plastic or electronic parts in


using conventional or specific processes (tig and ion-beam welding,...). Certified by

BTW/TVA BE 0436233051

standards such as ISO 9001:2008, QUALIFAS, EN 9100 P2 and ISO/TS16949:2009.

Contact: de Caritat Renier


Rte de Philippeville 187-189, BE 6001 Marcinelle

VBG Group Truck Equipment NV

T: +32 71 36 03 55 - F: +32 71 36 51 58


BTW/TVA BE 0430420474

Humidification in air handling units HVAC - Direct humidification in the air (& free

Contact: Verstockt Niko

cooling) and humidification in the painting process - Dry Cooler Efficiency…

Lochtemanweg 50, BE 3580 Beringen

Manufacturer of the microniser system. Ean eco-friendly and economic rotary

T: +32 11 60 90 90 - F: +32 11 60 20 18

atomizer (which comprises a high-speed rotary cylindrical cage) dispersing the

water in very fine droplets measuring roughly 20 microns in diameter by means of

Supplier of equipment and systems to customers in the truck and trailer industry :

centrifugal force. Rewinding, repair and maintenance workshop for electric engines.

sliding roofs, onspot automatic tyre chains, Armaton dropside pillars.

Agoria, the Federation for the technology Industry

Agoria, the Federation for the technology Industry


VCST Industrial Products, BVBA

Visio Ing Consult SPRL



BTW/TVA BE 0436171188

BTW/TVA BE 0866884248

Contact: Willekens Eric

Contact : Gerard Frédéric

Industriezone Schurhovenveld 3 025, BE 3800 Sint-Truiden

Rue de Wavre 17 - BE – 4280 Hannut

T: +32 11 67 02 11 - F: +32 11 68 65 21

T: +32 19 63 64 48

Full service manufacturing of high-technology and quality precision products for

Integrator of quality control and compliance checks on production lines by means

global automotive and non-automotive customers. Development, production,

of optical and sensors systems. The product Vic-control® ensures the most reliable

assembly and heat & surface treatments of Engine Gears, Transmission Gears,

made to measure quality and conformity control system.

Shafts, Brake Components, Intermediate Gear Assemblies and derivative products.

Development of SGW – Stock Get Way®, ready-made solutions for stock management, order handling, shipping of parcels and pallets and the logistic.

VDL Belgium, NV >>

VMI Engineering & Contracting NV

BTW/TVA BE 0429433450


Contact: Van Tongeren Marco

BTW/TVA BE 0460695659

Industrielaan 15, BE 9320 EREMBODEGEM (AALST)

Contact: Clijsters Hans

T: +32 53 83 70 90 - F: +32 53 83 61 80

Bleyveldstraat 9, BE 3220 Hoegaarden

T: +32 16 76 80 40 - F: +32 16 76 80 41

Body work and chassis for commercial vehicles. Engineering, project management & turnkey contracting of electrical infrastructures

VDL Holding Belgium, NV

(power & cooling) for automotive and other industries.

>> BTW/TVA BE 0465057293

Voith Industrial Services, NV

Contact: Van de Voorde Leen


Antwerpsesteenweg 13/4, BE 2630 Aartselaar

BTW/TVA BE 0461951513

T: +32 3 870 55 40 - F: +32 3 870 55 45

Contact: Naenen Dave

Starrenhoflaan 13, BE 2950 Kapellen (Antw.)

Support to accounting and staff to all VDL group companies in Belgium and France.

T: +32 3 605 63 04 - F: +32 3 605 63 07

VDL Bus Roeselare NV

Laser cutting; plasma cutting; construction works; piping works; welding and bending


of metal : steel, aluminium, titanium and pvc parts for the truck and trailer industry.

BTW/TVA BE 0445877920 Contact: Wouters Peter

Volvo Cars, NV

Schoolstraat 50, BE 8800 Roeselare


T: +32 51 23 27 90 - F: +32 51 23 27 47

BTW/TVA BE 0420383548

Contact: De Mey Mark

Development and production of city buses and coaches for public and private sector.

Postbus 273, BE 9000 Gent T: +32 9 250 21 11 - F: +32 9 251 62 64 Assembly of the Volvo C30, V40, S60, and XC60 in Ghent (Volvo Cars Gent) and Sales in Belgium/Luxemburg in Brussels (Volvo Cars Belgium).


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Agoria, the Federation for the technology Industry


Volvo Group Belgium, NV

Weweler-Colaert, NV



BTW/TVA BE 0420383647

BTW/TVA BE 0405469797

Contact: Bostijn Vera

Contact: Colaert Jacques

Smalleheerweg 31, BE 9041 Oostakker (Gent)

Beneluxlaan 1-3, BE 8970 Poperinge

T: +32 9 250 44 93 - F: +32 9 259 04 68

T: +32 57 34 62 05 - F: +32 57 34 62 08

Manufacturer of Volvo Trucks including the FL, FM and FH models.

Production & distribution of leaf and parabolic springs for truck and trailer industry, suspension parts and related products.

Vulkoprin NV >>

Zweko BVBA

BTW/TVA BE 405233534


Contact: Vindevogel Philippe

BTW/TVA BE 0436704985

Herderstraat 4, BE 8700 Tielt

Contact: Hegge Rik

T: +32 51 40 38 06 - F: +32 51 40 15 67

Goolderheideweg 11, BE 3950 Bocholt

T: +32 89 46 93 30 - F: +32 89 46 93 35

Development, design and production of wheels and castors used in automotive

assembly lines, lift trucks, AGV’s, trolleys, overhead conveyors, lift systems, etc.

Production of visors for motorcycle and safety helmets.

Development, design and production of dunnage, tool protection, positioning parts, wear parts, BIW protection, grippers for robots, a.o. in polyurethane.

Wabco Belgium, BVBA >> BTW/TVA BE 0405837310 Contact: Cuyx Mark Petrus Bayensstraat 70, BE 1702 Groot-Bijgaarden (Dilbeek) T: +32 2 481 09 16 - F: +32 2 463 36 53 Vehicle control systems for cars, buses, trucks and trailers.

Warny & Cie, SPRL >> BTW/TVA BE 0402476754 Contact: Dhur-Kohnen Yvonne Talstrasse 16-18, BP 61, BE 4780 Saint-Vith T: +32 80 22 14 80 - F: +32 80 22 14 82 All kind of metal treatment, steel and high-grade steel: deep-drawing, punchpressing, folding, cutting, welding (by welding robot: Romat-Cloos A310).

Werkhuizen Fr. Stevens N.V. Slachthuislaan 21 A 2060 Antwerpen T. 03/271 14 00 F. 03/271 14 41 Sinds 1973 gespecialiseerd in herstelling en nieuwbouw van cardanassen.

Development and manufacture of tools, of welding-and controlling gauges. Punchpressing, deep-drawing and stamping tools. Construction of prototypes. Production of half-shells for silencers, catalysts and head shields.


Agoria, the Federation for the technology Industry

Agoria, the Federation for the technology Industry




Ovenstraat 29 8800 Roeselare

- invoerder Benelux: *auto magic : reinigingsproducten *body magic : polijstproducten *autoday : industrïele shampoos - nationaal verdeler: *demi-water: auto zemen of nadrogen hoeft niet meer… *duobond: glasreparatieproducten - regionaal verdeler: *du pont: autolakken *carrosserieproducten

alles voor garage, carrosserie, polijstcentra en carwashes….. tel. :051/25.25.30 fax :051/25.25.35


Agoria, the Federation for the technology Industry

KEYPLAYERS IN E-MOBILITY SOLUTIONS Agoria, the Federation for the technology Industry



Alchemich Farma BVBA




BTW/TVA BE 0897592963

Contact: Torfs Dirk

Contact: Gerits Jaak

Hogewei 27, BE 1930 Zaventem

Anton Philipsweg 2, BE 3920 Lommel

T: +32 2 718 67 23- F: +32 2 718 66 64

T: +32 495 28 68 22

Power and automation technologies that enable utility and industry customers to

Consulting in ecological solutions, implementing the use and production of green energy

improve performance while lowering environmental impact. E-mobility is a key

or the manufacturing of electrical vehicles, for own account or for third parties.

development area for ABB. ABB will enable the introduction of the electric cars by its fast charging technology, e.g. a single outlet charger Terra 51 and a dual outlet

Alcoa Wheel Products Europe

charger Terra100.2. A control center and related software facilitate infrastructure


management and exploitation. This high quality, reliable fast charging equipment solve

BTW/TVA BE 0406907872

the range anxiety problem car drivers and facing when travelling larger distances.

Contact : Serge Timmermans Industrieweg 135 - BE - 3583 Paal-Beringen

ABC – Anglo Belgian Corporation

T: +32 11 45 84 60 - F: +32 11 45 56 30


BTW/TVA BE 0420246659

Alcoa produces forged aluminium wheels for truck, trailers and buses. Alcoa wheels

Contact: Jean-Pierre Props

are forged from one piece of aluminium, with an 8000 ton press. They offer many

Wiedauwkaai 43, BE 9000 Gent

advantages compared to steel wheels: lighter, stronger and more durable, 5-year

T: +32 9 267 00 00- F: +32 9 267 00 67

warranty against manufacturing defaults, without kilometer limitations ; more profitable:

lower fuel consumption, longer lifetime of tyres, brakes and suspension ; 100%

ABC DUAL FUEL engines operate on LNG (Liquified Natural Gas) as well as on

recyclable ; better looking ; easy maintenance, especially the Dura-Bright® wheels.

pure diesel. The main advantage is the simplicity and flexibility of switching over from fuel to LNG and vice-versa without any loss of power and speed. The LNG is

Aleris Aluminum Duffel BVBA

environmental-friendly due to low exhaust emission values and the LNG is more


competitive in price than crude oil, two issues in the propulsion market. ABC

BTW/TVA BE 0403045292

arranges the gas propulsion in inland vessels, tankers, tugboats, etc.

Contact: Vermeiren Dirk A. Stocletlaan 87, BE 2570 Duffel


T: +32 10 47 52 11 - F: +32 10 47 52 70


BTW/TVA BE 0433983344

Aleris Duffel produces aluminium coils, sheets, plates and extrusions in a wide variety

Contact: Lamote Kris

of alloys (5-, 6-, 7-series) customised to OEM’s and Tier1’s needs for inner & outer

Vossemeer, 3, BE 9200 Dendermonde

hang-on panels (for example: motor hoods, doors, trunk lids, fenders, roofs, side

T: +32 52 20 20 30 - F: +32 52 25 99 40

panels, etc.), structural parts for body-in-white and profiles (for example B-pillars,

bumper beams, crash profiles, reinforcement beams, etc.) to build lighter and more

Manufacturing of high technology and/or high reliable quick turn around printed

energy-efficient cars, that lead to lower CO2 emissions.

circuit boards; prototypes & ramp-up serie in rigid, flex-rigid or flex construction.


Agoria, the Federation for the technology Industry

Agoria, the Federation for the technology Industry



Bekaert NV-SA



BTW/TVA BE 0881685755

BTW/TVA BE 0405388536

Contact: Verhoyen Alain

President Kennedypark 18, BE 8500 Kortrijk

Parc Scientifique Fleming - Granbonpré 1, BE 1348 Louvain-La-Neuve

T: +32 56 23 05 11 - F: +32 56 23 05 41

T: +32 15 30 27 75 - F: +32 15 30 29 05

Ultra strength steelcord for tire reinforcement reducing the amount of steel in tires,

Notified body for e-marking for automotive sector - ARSON prevention - Security of

resulting in weight reduction, lower rolling resistance and fuel economy ; Solar

electronic devices.

Gard® window film lowers extreme peaks in electrical usage for a more efficient cooling system, while reducing CO ; Metal fiber filter medium and heating cord, two

Atlas Copco Belgium NV

alternative approaches for reducing exhaust emissions from truck diesel engines ;


Gas filtration elements for product and catalyst recovery, cleansing of process

BTW/TVA BE 0400617324

gasses, purification of process gas streams and emission control.

Contact: Beyts Dirk Brusselsesteenweg, 346 , BE 3090 Overijse

Bombardier Transportation

T: +32 2 689 05 11 - F: +32 2 689 05 14


BTW/TVA BE 0405129408

Compressors, construction and mining equipment, power tools and assembly

Contact: Van Vlierberghe Edwin

systems. The Group delivers sustainable solutions for increased customer

Vaartdijkstraat 5, BE 8200 Brugge

productivity through innovative products and services. The quality and consistency,

T: +32 50 40 11 11

ergonomics, safety of use and our environmental friendliness of its products are the

Bombardier PrimoveCity is a groundbreaking, zero-emission e-mobility solution that

solid base of their success. Certifications ISO 9001, ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001, VCA*

supplies power to all types of electric vehicles including trams, buses, trucks and

and PED according 97/23/CE are acquired.

cars. PrimoveCity eliminates range and recharging hassles, and requires no aboveground clutter. Instead of needing to stop and wait long periods while the batteries


recharge, electric vehicles can draw power and recharge as they go. PrimoveCity


works by inductive power transfer from infrastructure in the road.

BTW/TVA BE 0825279859 Contact: Saelens Joachim

Boonen Design Studio BVBA

Kortedagsteeg 14d, BE 9000 Gent


T: +32 496 75 39 01 - F: +32 9 270 33 28

BTW/TVA BE 0864548528

Contact: Boonen Frederic

BeCharged is active in the market for electric mobility. BeCharged, as manufacturer

Gorsem-dorp 167, BE 3803 Sint-Truiden

of charging stations for electric vehicles, introduced several charging stations on

T: +32 11 74 34 72

the market. BeCharged also acts as a service operator. By hosting the charging

stations, the owners can continuously monitor their infrastructure online. But more

Design for start-ups and established companies. Contemporary design agency

importantly, BeCharged also offers a lot of services to the electric vehicle drivers.

delivering creativity and offering its clients wide spectrum of design services. Focus on product design, automotive design and service design, providing a wide approach of the design process. Coaching of the client in every step of the product development. Design of an overall probability of a product success. Design of products from a sustainable, profitable and user-centered insight.


Agoria, the Federation for the technology Industry

Agoria, the Federation for the technology Industry


Borit NV

Duroc, NV



BTW/TVA BE 0823517924

BTW/TVA BE 0403998664

Contact: Claeys Dirk

Contact: Brewaeys Michel

Lammerdries 18 d , BE 2440 Geel

Moerelei 149, BE 2610 Wilrijk (Antwerpen)

T: +32 14 25 09 02 or +32 485 08 72 01 72 - F: +32 14 25 09 09

T: +32 3 821 01 50 - F: +32 3 821 01 60

Hydro forming of complex geometries in sheet metal plates (0,05 to 1,5mm). Formed

Specialist in surface treatment of metal parts. Zinc Plating (Cr6+ free), Zinc-Flake

plates are used in compact heat exchangers, evaporators, cold & cooling plates for

coatings (Dörken MKS and Magni licensee) and PTFE coatings for fasteners,

advanced multiple cell Li-ion battery packs, fuel cells, and cooling plates for high

washers, springs etc. All surface treatments are according to the European

power electronics. Cold and cooling plates provide uniform temperature for better

automotive standards, REACH compliant and ISO9001-2000 accredited.

thermal management. Higher degree of design flexibility, higher forming quality, forming tool for prototyping or series production, shorter development time for


prototype and series production.

BTW/TVA BE 0830909918 Contact: Van Laer Peter

Breuer Technical Development

Wetenschapspark I, BE 8400 Oostende


T: +32 499 98 01 32

BTW/TVA BE 0430076224

Contact: Breuer Ernst

Start-up company focussed on Engineering & prototyping of brake-energy Recuperation

Avenue de Norvège, 6, BE 4960 Malmedy

Systems and Energy Storage Systems for a wide range of applications - based on high

T: +32 80 79 15 50 - F: +32 80 79 15 69

speed Flywheel technology. Including complete Integration in the application Development partner for single components, engine sub-assemblies and alternative

Emrol BVBA

powertrains as well as complete, high-performance and series-production engines.


We address the challenges to develop innovative technologies. Efficient energy

BTW/TVA BE 0421711656

conversion through the optimisation of the powertrain is the focus of our research

Contact: Louis Stefan

projects (gas engines, hybrid drive systems, alternative lubricants and fuels). One of

Industrieweg 15 , BE 2390 Malle

our key areas of expertise is the development of innovative turbocharger systems –

T: +32 3 309 24 24 - F: +32 3 311 79 50

an important tool for reducing CO2 emissions or for downsizing internal combustion


One business unit develops and produces high tech energy storage solutions for industrial and automotive applications. This includes lithium-ion battery modules

Dejond NV

and battery packs, battery management systems and on-board chargers. Another


business unit sells and services these and other solutions.

BTW/TVA BE 0404943722 Contact: Henot Johan

eNovates Ecological Innovation

Terbekehofdreef 55-59, BE 2610 Wilrijk


T: +32 3 820 34 32 - F: +32 3 820 35 70

Rijnkaai 37, BE 2000 Antwerpen

T: +32 3 337 07 71 - F: +32 3 337 07 72

Industrial supplier of high quality mechanical fasteners and fastening systems.

Known on its local market as technical solution provider, it offers a wide range of

Intelligent charging infrastructure solutions, including the underlying software to

value-added fasteners produced by leading manufacturers. Dejond’s own Cold

manage systems from the single point to the highly complex. Active in international

Forming Division manufactures the Tubtara®, a blind rivet nut with international name.

roaming and clearing systems for e-vehicles.

The Tubtara® programme includes standard and special products in steel, aluminium and stainless steel.


Agoria, the Federation for the technology Industry

Agoria, the Federation for the technology Industry


E-Trucks Europe >>

IBM Belgium, SA-NV

BTW/TVA BE 0830754421


Contact: Bamelis Flip

BTW/TVA BE 0405912336

Balendijk, 221, BE 3920 Lommel

Contact: Guillaume Philippe

T: +32 11 55 55 20 - F: +32 11 55 55 90

Bourgetlaan, 42

Avenue du Bourget, 42, BE 1130 Bruxelles/Brussel

Construction of full electric drive trains for heavy duty automotive applications.

T: +32 475 33 82 63

The E-Trucks Europe drive train is optimized for powering trucks up to 22tons

and delivers all power required for propulsion, auxiliaries and eventually mounted

My Move Project developed under D’Ieteren responsibility for smarter mobility : Car sharing

installations. Vehicles equipped with our drive train are particularly suitable for city

program targeting large fleets, residential, Public Institutions, & business parks; Edison reference

applications, since no noise or emissions are produced. Typical applications are

for Intelligent Grid Management by inclusion of e-cars in electricity production network.

garbage collection, inner cities logistics, container transport, etc.

Kenwood Electronics Belgium nv GeoDynamics



BTW/TVA BE 0405955589

BTW/TVA BE 0421226656

Contact: Dellaert Frank

Contact: Stragier Stijn

Leuvense Steenweg 248/J, BE 1800 Vilvoorde

Dumolinlaan 9, BE 8500 Kortrijk

T: +32 2 757 90 60 - F: +32 2 757 90 40

T: +32 56 35 16 36 - F: +32 56 35 96 46

Kenwood Electronics produces double din navigation/multimedia systems for cars.

Specialised in the development of professional vehicle tracking software; meaning

These systems are equipped with Garmin navigation and offer “Eco route” which give the

track & trace and time registration. GeoDynamics provides innovative, qualitative and

Driver the possibility to calculate his itinerary with the lowest fuel consumption possible.

user-friendly solutions for company’s having mobile workers.

LMS International NV


Green Propulsion, SA



BTW/TVA BE 0428295877

BTW/TVA BE 0476326121

Contact: Vandeborne Peter

Contact: Toussaint Yves

Interleuvenlaan 68, BE 3001 Heverlee (Leuven)

Avenue Pré-Aily 20, BE 4031 Angleur (Liège)

T: +32 16 38 42 00 - F: +32 16 38 43 50

T: +32 4 239 70 47 - F: +32 4 239 70 49

Integrated approach to NVH Eco Engineering. Eco pressure in the industry is setting

Independent specialist in ever cleaner motorisations consultancy in the field of

the stage for a renewed focus on addressing particular challenges arising on all NVH

alternative fuels, battery electrics, hybrids, fuel cells and an overall “Well to Wheel”

fronts from component and subsystem to the full-vehicle level. This eco pressure

concepts. Simulations and optimisation of virtual vehicles for cost effectiveness

affects vehicle manufacturers and suppliers alike. LMS offers proven solutions that

before development - Evaluation of state-of-the-art technologies on our test benches

integrate green engineering into the current development process while continuing

- Full development of prototype vehicles by a multidisciplinary team.

to improve the car’s drivability and performance.





Molenstraat 41c , BE 3930 Hamont-Achel

BTW/TVA BE 0456810810

T: +32 11 44 80 21 - F: +32 11 44 59 73

Contact: Pauwels Gert

Bourgetlaan, 3

Experienced in complex mobility projects, Hegge ID participated in the development

Avenue du Bourget, 3, BE 1140 Brussel/Bruxelles

of the interior and cockpit area of the Futura coach. To save weight and optimise the

T: +32 2 745 71 11

design for assembly, a lightweight dashboard structure was created and engineered.

It was validated using hegge ID’s in-house 3D scanning technology. As part of our

Major international telecom operator with significant expertise in Machine-to-

user-centred design approach, many of the ergonomic and functional elements were

Machine (M2M) interactions. Mobistar offers connectivity for the Machine-to-

first developed into life-size mock-ups for user evaluation.

Machine applications and is leader in this segment in Belgium.

Agoria, the Federation for the technology Industry

Agoria, the Federation for the technology Industry


P & V Elektrotechniek

Punch Powertrain, NV



BTW/TVA BE 0429065543

BTW/TVA BE 0463278829

Industrieweg 10, BE 3550 Heusden-Zolder

Contact: Bald Simone

T: +32 13 61 11 00 - F: +32 13 61 11 01

Schurhovenveld 4125, BE 3800 Sint-Truiden

T: +32 11 67 92 93 - F: +32 11 67 92 30

Manufacturing of modular charging infrastructure for e-cars, -bikes, -scooters and

-rollers. Its E-dock is fully equipped to support networked e-mobility functions.

Punch Powertrain has developed a very efficient full hybrid plug-in powertrain that is now being applied to the first customers. Depending on the size of the battery,

Phoenix Contact

the pure electric range is between 16 and 50 km. As a spin-off, we also developed


a complete EV driveline, using SR (Switched Reluctance) electromotor technology.

BTW/TVA BE 0407736629

Applied in a C class car, it gives a top speed of 130 km/h, a range of 150 km and

Contact: Kerkhofs Stefan

0 ->100 km/h in 10 sec.

Minervastraat 10-12, BE 1930 Zaventem

Punch Powertrain developed its own controller hard-and software.

T: +32 2 723 98 11 - F: +32 2 725 36 14

Race Productions, NV

Electric mobility – Communication: Solutions for the charging infrastructure The sustainable


electrification of individual transport requires standards in charging infrastructure and

BTW/TVA BE 0441535783

vehicles. In addition to standard components, charging stations also have operator-specific

Contact: Hufkens Marc

characteristics, which can depend on the operator’s location or business model. Phoenix

Beverlosesteenweg 85, BE 3583 Paal (Beringen)

Contact has a product and technology range with which different charging infrastructure

T: +32 13 67 36 00 - F: +32 13 67 36 01

concepts can be implemented in a flexible, modular and efficient way. Manufacturing of high-end competition bikes. For the design of a new e-bike, it is


interested in sourcing the next generation of technology in batteries, electromotors,


charging technology, power management and drive train systems.

BTW/TVA BE 0837665868 Contact: Van Winckel Jo

Rogers, BVBA

Vrijwilligerslaan/Av. Des Volontaires 19, BE 1160 Bruxelles/Brussel


Prins Boudewijnlaan 30b, BE 2550 Kontich

BTW/TVA BE 0406657553

T: +32 492 310 402

Contact: Vercruysse Jo

Afrikalaan 188, BE 9000 Gent

Plugin2Connect : White label Backoffice for Mobile Payments to facilitate EV-

T: +32 9 235 36 11 - F: +32 9 235 36 58

charging. Using their Mobile phone, people can reserve a charging point and pay

for charging through their mobile phone. Plugin2Pay : Virtual Mobility Wallet on your

Power distribution system solutions. Development and manufacturing of RO-LINX®

Smartphone. A virtual wallet on a Smartphone can act as your payment system for

laminated busbars for electric propulsion drives. Many applications in an HEV car

your mobility needs. Plugin2Charge : Network of Fast EV-Charging infrastructure.

require power distribution solutions for their power electronics: motor drive, DCDC

Develop an easy to use infrastructure for the EV market.

converter, battery packs and fast chargers. The newest RO-LINX® PowerCircuit™ busbar solution responds to the needs and requirements for HEV market applications.


Agoria, the Federation for the technology Industry

Agoria, the Federation for the technology Industry


Schneider Electric SA

Tower Automotive Belgium BVBA



BTW/TVA BE 0451362180

BTW/TVA BE 0475356517

Contact: Laurent Christian

Contact: Nollet Charlotte

Dieweg, 3, BE 1180 Bruxelles/Brussel

Belgicastraat 5, BE 9042 Desteldonck (Gent)

T: +32 2 373 75 01

T: +32 9 250 50 00

Schneider Electric offers charging infrastructures for electric vehicle to satisfy users’

Manufacturing of engineered structural metal components and assemblies. The


company supplies the automotive industry with body-structure stampings, frames

— Time of charge: standard or quick

and other chassis structures, as well as complex welded assemblies for small and

— Access to charging stations: at home, in offices, in car parks, in shopping

large cars, crossovers, pickups and SUVs.

centers, in public places — Connection to the station : give the possibility to the user to connect anywhere and at all time with a unique standardized and safe plug.

Tremec, BV >> BTW/TVA BE 0840995839

Siemens, NV-SA

Autobaan, 20, BE 8210 Loppem (Zedelgem)


T: +32 50 28 80 60 - F: +32 50 28 80 69

BTW/TVA BE 0404284716

Contact: Gheldof Francis

Clutches, powerpacks and complete hybrid transmissions. Dual clutch transmissions

Guido Gezellestraat 121, BE 1654 Huizingen

for high performance vehicles.

T: +32 2 536 23 26 - F: +32 2 536 22 90

TriPhase, NV

Siemens has the ambition to offer their customers by 2012 a total e-mobility solution


that has proved itself both operationally and financially. In order to achieve this, a

BTW/TVA BE 0884066710

pilot plant has been installed at the Huizingen premises, covering a mini smart grid

Contact: Loeckx Frederik

installation coupled with a series of electrical cars used by Siemens employees for

Romeinse Straat 18, BE 3001 Heverlee (Leuven)

business journeys. An additional joint project together with SNCB Holding has been

T: +32 2 669 06 00 - F: +32 2 669 06 09

set up to examine the impact of electrical cars on individual mobility. Prototyping of batteries and mechatronics design for electric utility vehicles.

Spica NV




BTW/TVA BE 0899326788


Contact: Grunow Ullrich

Broekstraat 31, BE 1000 Brussel

Ringlaan 17, BE 8501 Heule-Kortrijk

Rue du Marais 31, BE 1000 Brussel

T: +32 0 56 36 19 77 - F: +32 0 56 37 36 60

T: +32 2 227 71 11 - F: +32 2 227 79 00

Design, development and manufacturing services for the most suitable inductive components,

Global materials technology group with strong expertise in components for Li-ion

used for power electronics in drives and power storage infrastructures. Production of single

batteries and fuel cells, and in catalysts for hybrid power trains. Also specializes in

inductive components, as well as the assembly of specific electronic design.

battery recycling technology.

Agoria, the Federation for the technology Industry

Agoria, the Federation for the technology Industry


Vangeel Electrical & Microniser SA >> BTW/TVA BE 0436233051 Contact: de Caritat Renier Rte de Philippeville 187-189, BE 6001 Marcinelle T: +32 71 36 03 55 - F: +32 71 36 51 58 Humidification in air handling units HVAC - Direct humidification in the air (& free cooling) and humidification in the painting process - Dry Cooler Efficiency‌ Eco-friendly and Economic, this rotary atomizer (which comprises a high-speed rotary cylindrical cage) disperses the water in very fine droplets measuring roughly 20 microns in diameter by means of centrifugal force. Rewinding, repair and maintenance workshop for electric motors, manufacturer of the microniser system. Worldwide implementations.


Agoria, the Federation for the technology Industry

RESEARCH & KNOWLEDGE INSTITUTES, INITIATIVES ANDAgoria, PROJECTS the Federation for the technology Industry 79

ASBE / Electric Drive

Flanders’ DRIVE




BTW/TVA BE 0458449318


Contact: Craps Renilde

Contact : Joeri de Ridder

Oude Diestersebaan 133, BE 3920 Lommel

Vijfhoekstraat 24 – BE - 2600 Berchem

T: +32 11 79 05 90 - F: +32 11 79 05 91

T: +32 477 63 39 23

Flanders’ DRIVE is a research institute for the automotive industry situated near

ASBE is the Belgian section of the European AVERE network for manufacturers, suppliers,

the Lommel Proving Ground, which, together with leading Flemish companies and

importers and distributors of Electrically propelled vehicles (battery, hybrid, fuel cell,...) and

research institutions, works on high-tech, application-oriented research into the

accessories. The purpose of the association is to promote the use of battery-electric, hybrid

green and smart vehicle of the future. Flanders’ DRIVE supports the automotive

and fuel cell electric vehicles and supporting scientific and technological developments.

industry through a wide range of activities, focusing on Clean Powertrains, Lightweight Materials, Active Safety and Manufacturing.

Campus Automobile Spa-Francorchamps

Vehicle electrification solutions:


— Drivetrain architecture & design

Contact: Biar Georges

— Drivetrain control systems

Route du Circuit 60, BE 4970 Francorchamps

— Functional safety case development

T: +32 87 47 90 60 - F: +32 87 47 90 61

— Lightweight system engineering

— Electrical, thermal & mechanical modeling

Skill Center, Campus Automobile organizes 100,000 hours of technology training per

— Battery cell & pack characterization

year, target groups being technicians and engineers. Training programs are available for

— Lifecycle testing

companies and their workers, teachers, students and job seekers. Campus is a modern

— Vehicle evaluation & testing

technologic platform. It is also a resource center supporting the region and its partners on

Flanders’ DRIVE is supported by the Flemish Government and offers Flemish

industrial, technological and educational subjects. Through training, Campus works for the

expertise to European projects.

development of the automotive sector in Wallonia. The incubator project close to Campus facilities and next to an industrial area will contribute to the economic development of the

Flanders’ Mechatronics Engineering Centre – KHBO

site. Three technical poles are developed: Sport Technologies, Industrial Technologies and


Eco Technologies. Campus prepares for the future ECO technologies: hybrid engines,

BTW/TVA BE 0455 932 266

electric motors, fuel cells, alternative fuels, hydrogen, etc.

Contact: Pissoort Davy Zeedijk 101, BE 8400 Oostende

Flamac, a division of SIM vzw

T: +32 59 56 90 39 - F: +32 59 56 90 01


BTW/TVA BE 0872622292

FMEC is one of the research labs of the department IW&T of the university college

Contact: Johan Paul

KHBO and is part of the K.U. Leuven Association. The lab was originally founded

Technologiepark 903, BE 9052 Zwijnaarde

by Johan Catrysse in 1984 as a knowledge centre on ElectroMagnetic Compatibility

T: +32 9 264 58 13 - F: +32 9 264 58 12

(EMC) resulting in 1991 into a complete EMC laboratory providing support and test

facilities. As feedback from industry had shown that there was an increasing need

Flamac is a top research centre in accelerated or high-throughput materials

towards the design of highly reliable electronic systems, a close cooperation with

research. Our mission is to continually develop top competences in high-throughput

Agoria was established in 2004 resulting in the foundation of FMEC which focuses its

experimentation and combinatorial methodologies, give technological advice and

research and services on:

perform collective as well as contract research for the materials and chemical

— EMC and signal integrity

industries. This way, innovative research for new materials, their properties and

— Mechanical and thermal reliability of electronic systems

applications can be accelerated and broadened for our customers.

— Environmental testing with special focus on Highly Accelerated Lifetime Testing

High-throughput and combinatorial methods offer an efficient tool to vary chemical

— Risk analysis and safety in industrial applications

composition and material processing. Consequently, there is a great deal of interest

Key equipment: a fully equipped EMC laboratory, full anechoic room, damped

within the industry in using high-throughput technologies in materials R&D. Possible

reverberation rooms, set-ups to estimate shielding effectiveness, climate chamber,

applications for the automotive industry include the accelerated development of novel

HALT chamber, IR camera.

sensors, battery materials, fuel cells, coatings, light weight materials and many more.


Agoria, the Federation for the technology Industry

Agoria, the Federation for the technology Industry


Flanders’ Mechatronics Technology Centre – FMTC vzw

Higher Education Institution – Province of Liege – Technical Department



BTW/TVA BE 0869286268

Contact: Collee Philippe

Contact: Engels Marc

Parc des Marêts – Rue Peetermans, 80, BE 4100 Seraing

Celestijnenlaan 300 D, BE 3001 Heverlee

T: +32 4 330 75 01 ou 06 - F: +32 4 330 75 99

T: +32 16 32 80 50 - F: +32 16 32 80 64

Activities: Training (Master industrial Engineer – Bachelor) – Research and Development

FMTC is an application oriented research centre that initiates, manages and executes

Main fields: Civil Engineering – Surveyor – Chemistry – Biochemistry – Biotechnology

projects for the mechatronic industry, investigates the integration of electronics and

­­Computer Graphics – Computing – Electronics – Electromechanics – Mechanics –

software in mechanical systems to realize high performance mechatronic solutions


meeting the standards of the future. FMTC develops top competences in “energy

EcoMOTION project : A group of students currently doing either a Bachelor or a

efficient electro-mechanical drive lines”, “wireless control systems” and “smart self

Master Degree in Electromechanics and supported by their teachers and Director are

diagnostics” and supports companies in implementing leading edge technology

taking part in a both technical and pedagogical but also ecological project: designing

into their products allowing them to strengthen their business in a global market

and building together a prototype vehicle which is able to go the farthest distance

environment. Specifically for the vehicle industry, FMTC believes that there is still a

using the least amount of energy. The ultimate competitors’ goal is to drive their

lot of potential to integrate mechatronic technologies in vehicles.

energy efficient vehicle at the Eco-marathon event that has taken place in Belgium and Europe since 2011. For further information:

Group T – Sustainable Engineering, Transport and Mobility >>

BTW/TVA BE 0419169365


Contact: Dewulf Wim

BTW/TVA BE 0863769558

Waeyenbergh Geert

Contact : Peter Van der Perre

Campus Intelligent Mobility - p.a. Andreas Vesaliusstraat 13, BE 3000 Leuven

Bd. A. Reyerslaan, 80 – BE – 1030 BRUSSEL

T: +32 16 30 10 73 - F: +32 16 30 10 40

T: +32 2 706 81 40 – F: +32 2 706 81 42,

The research group on Sustainable Engineering, Transport and Mobility of Group T –

ITS (Intelligent Transport Systems) is a member organisation that stimulates ICT- and

Leuven Engineering College is active in analyzing and enhancing the sustainability of

Internet-based innovation and collaboration in the transport and mobility domain,

products, processes and systems from a life cycle perspective. A special research

focusing on:

focus is on sustainable transport and mobility: developing the sustainable vehicles

- Mobile Solutions: the consumer market (location-based services and navigation),

of tomorrow (e.g. electric vehicles, solar powered vehicles, biobased composite

the transport sector (freight and fleet management, track-and trace systems), the

vehicle structures,…) in their interaction with technology (infrastructure), people

automotive sector (OEM, insurance, rental, leasing, breakdown assistance), industry

(man-machine interface) and environment (ecodesign and sustainability assessment).

(remote asset and workforce management, telepresence) as well as the public sector

Group T moreover hosts the CQS GROUP T Racing Team and the GROUP T

(road charging, eCall)

Umicore Solar Team, which have gained international recognition in developing,

- Traffic Technology: traffic and mobility management solutions (monitoring, mobility

constructing and driving sustainability inspired vehicles.

management and control, information) for local authorities, police zones, public transport operators, regional and federal authorities as well as for parking operators.

HELHa - Haute Ecole Louvain en Hainaut

This is done with a view to help create new markets, to facilitate the adoption of ICT-


and Internet-based solutions within the public domain and to foster public-private

Contact: Gérard Martine


Rue de l’Hôpital, 18A, BE 7000 Mons

Apart from industry, the Brussels, Flemish and Walloon regions as well as the federal

T: +32 65 31 73 67 - F: +32 65 35 28 16

authorities are active members of ITS. High school - Bachelor’s degree in Automotive technology. Options:” Mechatronics” (automotive electronics) or “Automotive Expert”.


Agoria, the Federation for the technology Industry

Agoria, the Federation for the technology Industry


IWT - Agency for innovation by science and Technology

KATHO - Katholieke Hogeschool Zuid-West-Vlaanderen



Contact: Ghijselen Jozef

BTW/TVA BE 0455 922 071

Ellipsgebouw - Koning Albert II-laan, 35 - bus 16, BE 1000 Brussel

Contact : Roderik Valcke – Frans Devolder

T: +32 2 432 42 00 - F: +32 2 432 43 99

Doorniksesteenweg, 145 – BE 8500 KORTRIJK

T: +32 56 26 41 20 - F: +32 56 21 98 67

IWT is the government agency for Innovation by Science and Technology, helping,

Flemish companies and research centres in realizing their research and development

Cars, trucks, buses, off-road vehicles, agricultural machinery etc. are nowadays equipped

projects, and offering them financial funding, advice and a network of potential

with numerous electronic modules with the most varied functions. To enable data

partners in Flanders and abroad. IWT also supports the Flemish Government in its

exchange between all these controllers, several network protocols have been developed,

innovation policy.

including CAN, LIN, MOST, Flexray. CAN (Controller Area Network) is currently the most important network and is extensively used in numerous types of vehicles.

Karel de Grote-Hogeschool, Centre of Expertise: sustainable fuels

The Bachelor study area in Automotive Technology at KATHO’s Technology and

>> ;

Computer Science - VHTI department, Kortrijk, has gained a great deal of knowledge

BTW/TVA BE 0458 402 105

and expertise on CAN over the last years. This center of competence ‘In Vehicle

Contact: Luc Segers, +32 475 93 17 03 - Mark Pecqueur, +32 476 40 87 44

Networks’ focuses on the different high layer CAN protocols for mobile applications

Salesianenlaan 30 - BE – 2660 Hoboken

such as trucks, buses, off-road vehicles, agricultural and forestry machinery: ­­

T: +32 3 613 17 00 - F: +32 3 613 17 01

SAE J1939,­­­ISO11783 (ISOBUS), CANopen.;

The center puts this knowledge and expertise at the disposal of companies,

Young automotive talent is trained at the Karel de Grote-Hogeschool’s Car Technology

universities and research centers: training, assistance, advice, measurements,

Centre: professional BAs in car technology with specialisations in cars, commercial

problem analysis and solving, embedded programming, etc.

and service vehicles, motorcycle technology and car technology. The training cell is supported by a “Sustainable fuels” expertise centre and the researchers primarily

K.U.Leuven ESAT/Electa

focus on the use of alternative fuels in vehicles; hydrogen and methanol feature


prominently. A number of successful conversions of existing engines for the use of

BTW/TVA BE 0419052173

hydrogen and methanol confirm the existing knowledge within the research team.

Contact: Driesen Johan

Apart from the classic garage infrastructure, the research group has four power cells, an

Kasteelpark Arenberg 10 PB 2445, BE 3001 Heverlee

AVL 8- channel combustion analyser and a Kelma exhaust gas analyser at its disposal.

T: +32 16 32 10 24

Thanks to the college’s well-oiled Facility & Research department, companies can

+32 16 32 10 20 - F: +32 16 32 19 85

quickly and easily call upon the research group’s services. The department of Electrical engineering of K.U.Leuven, called ESAT, establishes education and research in the broad fields of electrical technology. The research is divided among different research groups, of which Electa is active in the fields of electrical energy and computer architectures. Electa established a Dutch MSc programme in electrical engineering in the field of energy technology, and will start in 2011 with an English MSc in smart cities. Electa is a core member of the KULeuven Energy Institute and the European Energy Institute, who both conduct research on global and multidisciplinary energy issues and problems. The size of the group is 64 people of which 48 full-time researchers at PhDlevel and 7 professor/postdoc staff (largest academic group in the Benelux in electrical energy research). The group has a large laboratory infrastructure for large and small motor drives, electro heat, power electronics, small-scale electrical energy storage systems and electric vehicle charging.


Agoria, the Federation for the technology Industry

Agoria, the Federation for the technology Industry






BTW/TVA BE 0419052173

BTW/TVA BE 0419052173

Contact: Pluymers Bert

Contact: Van den Bulck Eric

Celestijnenlaan 300B – box 2420, BE 3001 Heverlee

Celestijnenlaan 300A, BE 3001 Heverlee

T: +32 16 32 25 29 - F: +32 16 32 29 87

T: +32 16 32 25 11 - F: +32 16 32 29 87

The Noise and Vibration Research Group of the Department of Mechanical

The Thermotech Research Group of the Department of Mechanical Engineering

Engineering of the K.U.Leuven counts 5 full-time professors, 7 senior post-doc and

of the K.U.Leuven is headed by one professor and counts 2 senior post-doc en

46 PhD researchers and is active in various fields of noise and vibration engineering.

4 PhD researchers and is active in various fields of thermal and fluid academic &

The group has a longstanding history and internationally highly recognized expertise

technology studies. Active research fields related to automotive engineering are:

in the fields of engineering dynamics, automotive engineering, vibro-acoustic

(1) fluid mechanics of jets with relation to smart low-energy in-vehicle ventilation;

analysis, identification and control of (non-)linear systems, active control, numerical

(2) thermo-mechanics of flows and jets with relation to ignition of fluid/air-mixtures

modelling and lightweight structure design and analysis and is also recognized for its

at surfaces; (3) vehicle propulsion systems and optimal control in order to arrive at

yearly Acoustics and Modal Analysis courses and for organizing the biennial ISMA

intelligent driver assistance models. Our group has an excellent academic publication

Noise and Vibration Engineering Conference.

record and has key experimental equipment such as thermal image cameras and

Key equipment: fully equipped noise and vibration laboratory, semi-anechoic chamber, high-

particle-image-velocimetry systems, and also a dynamic engine test stand with full

dynamic 6-dof CUBE shaker table, dedicated test-rigs for dynamic tyre analysis and aero-acoustic

d-Space controls.

system identification, microphone array using inverse beam forming, 314 node HPC cluster. Professor Wim Desmet of the KU Leuven Department of Mechanical Engineering


holds the LMS Chair on Vehicle Mechatronics. The goal of the chair is to stimulate top


research and education activities in the field of vehicle mechatronics, with particular


attention to the challenges for the vehicle of the future. Special focus is put on novel

BTW/TVA BE 0419052173

modeling and simulation techniques for mechatronic system design optimization

Contact: Van Acker Karel

of modern vehicles. Those techniques should allow to assess the vehicle dynamics

Kasteelpark Arenberg 44 – bus 2450, BE 3001 Heverlee

impact of the novel evolutions in the field of on-board active safety systems as well as

T: +32 16 32 12 71

of intelligent interactions with the infrastructure and with other vehicles. Leuven-MRC is a collaborative centre, with >450 researchers, initiating novel


interdisciplinary research between K.U.Leuven material research groups and making


the bridge with industry and society. The research at MRC with specific valorisation

BTW/TVA BE 0419052173

in the automotive industry is a.o.:

Contact: Tampère Chris

— Development and implementation of novel lightweight materials (Fibre reinforced

Celestijnenlaan 300A, BE 3001 Heverlee

polymer matrix composite materials (carbon fibre, textiles,…) ; Polymer nano-

T: +32 16 32 16 73 - F: +32 16 32 29 86

composites; sandwich and honeycomb-core structures; structural (reinforced)

foams ; Light metals)

The ‘Centre for Industrial Management, Traffic & Infrastructure’ of the K.U. Leuven

— Intelligent material structures (passive and active intelligence)

does among others research in logistics and traffic problems. One main focus

— Characterization of materials (In situ monitoring of damage development (ao.

lies on applying metaheuristics to deal with complex real-life logistic problems. Research problems such as facility location, scheduling problems and vehicle routing problems have been successfully tackled. The centre also applies linear and integer programming models to deal with real-life scheduling problems. Production planning, using Mixed Integer programming and metaheuristics. The research unit specializes in (dynamic) traffic modelling tools supporting research

Structural health monitoring) ; Numerical modeling and advanced experimental characterization ; Life Cycle Analysis, exergy) — Recycling of composites and use of renewable resources (bio-based polymers, natural fibres — Novel forming processes for metal sheets, composites and sandwich materials; rapid manufacturing

on development and application of uni- and multimodal transportation network design and optimization models, Intelligent Transportation Systems including network traffic flow control and external effects of transportation. The transportation models are of various aggregation levels, commercial or developed in-house, especially the dynamic traffic assignment model LTM. The group has a long-standing cooperation with the Flemish Traffic Centre in Antwerp.


Agoria, the Federation for the technology Industry

Agoria, the Federation for the technology Industry


Lessius Mechelen

SIM vzw



BTW/TVA BE 0455411733

BTW/TVA BE 0872622292

Contact: Hermans Jan - Moens David

Contact: Verhoeven Guido

J. De Nayerlaan 5, BE 2860 Sint-Katelijne-Waver

Technologiepark 935, BE 9052 Zwijnaarde

T: +32 15 31 69 44 - F: +32 15 31 74 53

T: +32 498 91 94 37 - F: +32 9 264 58 12 -

At Campus De Nayer, the Technology department is focusing on the use (total cost,

The Strategic Initiative Materials ‘SIM’ is a virtual research centre which finances

safety, practicality, feasibility) of alternative drive trains in different vehicles as well as

and manages strategic materials research at knowledge centres and in industrial

expertise activities. (technical consultancy, unusual damage)

companies in Flanders. SIM’s mission is to strengthen the scientific base and build

Within the department of Applied Engineering, the Design and Manufacturing

technology platforms in relevant areas with sufficient critical mass. SIM is focusing on

Research group is focusing on:

demand driven strategic precompetitive world class materials research for validation

— advanced additive production techniques and welding technology

by the Flemish industry. Actual focus is on energy and durable structural materials for

— design and production of fiber reinforced polymers

application in different markets with nanotechnology as an important enabler.

— CAE modeling techniques for reliable design of mechanical structures

Research at universities and knowledge institutes is financed directly by SIM.

The ‘Auto Technologisch Centrum’ (ATC) offers several automotive testing facilities:

Industrial companies participating in SIM research are financially supported via the

— automotive services: diagnostic tools and equipment (including all the tools

IWT O&O route. The actual research is subject to very close collaboration between

needed in a state-of-the-art car repair shop) , car painting facility, chassis repair-

knowledge institutes and industry.

straightening bench… — automotive testing: shock absorber test bench, engine dynamometers and Eddy


Current brake dynamometer (with the possibility to drive ECE-cycles on the


bench), emission testing equipment etc.

BTW/TVA BE 0406606380 Boulevard A. Reyerslaan 80, BE 1030 Bruxelles

Living Lab Electric Vehicles

T: +32 2 706 79 44


Contact: Carlo Mol

Maintaining and improving the competitiveness of the Belgian industry is the

Boeretang 200 – BE – 2400 Mol

main mission of Sirris, the collective centre of the technology industry. As an

T: +32 14 33 58 85 - +32 492 58 61 24

innovation partner, Sirris helps companies to implement technological innovations

from the initial concept to the operational solution by providing experience and

The Flemish government launched the Living Lab Electric Vehicles program to

access to breakthrough technologies with help of project funding when possible.

facilitate and accelerate the innovation and adoption of electric vehicles in the

Sirris develops knowledge in-house but at the same time keeps up to date with

Flemish region. The Living Lab will set up an open and real-life infrastructure in

developments in other parts of the world. This gives the members and clients quick

which EV-related innovations can be tested by representative end users in their own

access to in-depth expertise in more than 20 fields like product design in light weight

living and working environment.

materials (Composites, Nano, Magnesium), Smart products (Mechatronics, Smart

Five different platforms have been approved in 2011 with a total funding of

coating, Microfabrication, ICT), Rapid manufacturing (Additive technologies, Digital

16,25 m€. The platforms will be active for a period of 3 years. In total, more than

manufacturing, ..) and technology coaching (sustainability, strategic planning…).

70 companies, organizations and research partners are working together. The Programme Office is foreseeing the daily support of the 5 platforms and is also the first point-of-contact for all external stakeholders with an interest in the Flemish Living Lab Electric Vehicles.


Agoria, the Federation for the technology Industry

Agoria, the Federation for the technology Industry


Technifutur ASBL




BTW/TVA BE 0458220674

BTW/TVA BE 0877707963

Contact: Semer Maurice

Contact: Vanderniepen Sandra

Liège Science Park, Rue Bois St Jean 15-17, 4102 Seraing

Wetenschapspark 13, BE 3590 Diepenbeek

T: +32 4 382 45 00 - F: +32 4 382 45 46

T: +32 11 24 60 05 - F: +32 11 24 60 09

Technifutur is a competence centre that proposes training actions for companies,

VIM is a competence center instructed by the Flemish government to anchor

work seekers, teachers and students.

sustainable mobility in Flanders. VIM realizes mobility solutions that make a valuable

Technifutur is active in 14 fields including : Assembly, Automation, Aviation, Cad

contribution in reducing congestion and the growth of the Flemish economy.

Cam, Electricity & Electronics, Energy & Environment, ICT, Image & Multimedia,

Innovation and efficiency are the keywords.

Maintenance, Mechanic & Machining, Micro-technologies, Management, Surfaces &

— Platform for innovation in mobility : VIM’s membership network builds a bridge

Materials, Measurements & Testing.

between the expertise of companies, knowledge centers, umbrella organizations

The “core business” of Technifutur is not only training but also other services like

and governments. By interacting with peers in a wide range of sectors, new

sensitizing, advices, help to research and development, E-Learning, technology

project ideas are created in terms of passenger transport, freight transport and

watch, help to the pre-pre-industrialization. Applications in automotive : Embedded systems, refrigeration systems, sensors, hydraulics, pneumatics, welding, mechanics, composite materials, CAD CAM …

infrastructure. Currently VIM has 170 members. — Realization of demand-driven ideas : Input from companies, particularly SMEs, ensures demand-driven solutions. Innovative ideas become concrete projects with specific, measurable and realistic objectives.

Université Libre de Bruxelles (ULB), Brussels School of Engineering, BEAMS department (Bio, Electro and Mechanical Systems), Energy group

— Guidance and knowledge : The dissemination of knowledge, results and contacts forms the basis of our approach.

>> Contact: Prof. Gyselinck Johan


Avenue Franklin Roosevelt, 75A, 1050 Bruxelles


T: +32 2 650 26 69 - F: +32 2 650 26 53

BTW/TVA BE 0244195916

Contact: Ponnette Raf

Modelling and design of electrical machines (induction machines, synchronous machines,

Boeretang 200, BE 2400 Mol

permanent-magnet synchronous machines, switched reluctance machines). Simulation, control

T: +32 14 33 55 11 - F: +32 14 33 55 99

and experimental testing of electrical drives for various applications, including automotive. VITO (Flemish institute for technological research) is an independent European

VIL - Flanders Institute for Logistics

research & consulting centre. Within the area of energy, one of the research topics


is the integration of (PH)EV in the concept of smart cities. VITO is investigating

BTW/TVA BE 0480185038

charging behaviour/infrastructure, batteries, driver behaviour, interaction with the

Contact: Geysels Liesbeth

grid, ... VITO is able to support industry and governments with objective research,

Jordaenskaai 25, BE 2000 Antwerpen

studies and advice related to sustainable mobility.

T: +32 3 229 05 00 - F: +32 3 229 05 10

Some examples of activities :

— Integration of plug-in hybrid and electric vehicles in a smart grid environment e.g.

The Flanders Institute for Logistics (VIL) is a ‘competence pool’, a centre of expertise

smart charging algorithms, new business and service models, ...

to support Flemish companies in implementing innovative logistics projects and to

— Electrical storage: batteries and ultracapacitors

increase their competitiveness. VIL encourages the Flemish companies to invest in

— Monitoring of vehicles: energy consumption, emissions, travel behaviour, ...

innovative logistics concepts and technological developments. Hereto, VIL delivers

— Impact assessment/cost benefit of infrastructural and policy measures like road

financial support, advice and networking.

charging, low emission zoning, ...

The VIL mission is: To leverage Flanders as a sustainable and innovative logistics top

— Developing holistic visions on sustainable transport

region in Europe. In order to do so, the VIL is supported by the Flemish government.

— Product development

That support is used to finance innovative projects with companies.

VITO has an extensive testing infrastructure at its disposal.

VIL will always try to reconcile economy and ecology through encouraging and promoting sustainable logistics. That means that all VIL projects have the objective of striking a balance between effectiveness, efficiency and ecology.


Agoria, the Federation for the technology Industry

Agoria, the Federation for the technology Industry


Vrije Universiteit Brussel/MOBI research group >> BTW/TVA BE 0449012406 Contact: Prof. Van Mierlo Joeri Pleinlaan, 2, BE 1050 Brussel T: +32 2 629 28 03 - F: +32 2 629 36 20 The MOBI research group at the VUB is the prime research centre on electric- and hybrid mobility in Belgium. MOBI has internationally recognized expertise in the fields of electric, hybrid and fuel cell vehicle technology, environmental assessments of vehicle technologies, renewable energy and bio-fuels, sustainable mobility, transport and logistics, and intermodal transport. It offers services for following matters: — Testing an modelling of rechargeable electric storage systems (batteries- and supercaps based systems) — Assessment and optimisation of hybrid and electric propulsions systems — Development of power electronics for the automotive industry — Life cycle assessments for transport- and mobility technologies — Sustainable and intermodal logistics and transport — Purchase behaviour of environmental friendly cars — Travel behaviour — Development of socio-economic evaluation tools for the support of decision makers in the domains of transport and mobility


Agoria, the Federation for the technology Industry


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● ● ● ● ●

● ●

Co-Joint Continental Automotive Benelux De Sweemer

Aisin Europe Alcoa Finance & Services Belgium Aleris Aluminum Duffel ArcelorMittal Tailored Blanks Liège ArcelorMittal Tailored Blanks Bekaert Car Parts Industries Belgium Carwall

8 7 6 5 4 3

Fomeco Helvoet Rubber & Plastic Technologies




Donaldson Europe

2 1



1 axle parts 2 axles 3 ball joints 4 body parts 5 brake calipers 6 brake components 7 brake discs/drums 8 brake lines 9 brake master cylinders/boosters 10 brake modules 11 brake pads 12 brake systems 13 chassis bushings 14 chassis modules 15 chassis parts 16 complete chassis 17 control cables 18 corner modules 19 cradle/subframe 20 crossmembers 21 fasteners/fixings 22 fuel filter/filler 23 fuel pumps 24 fuel supply system 25 fuel tank 26 heat shielding 27 hoses/pipes 28 metal parts 29 nvh control components 30 pressed/stamped parts 31 pulleys 32 pumps 33 seals 34 shock absorbers 35 sound deadener/insulator 36 stabiliser/anti roll bars 37 steering hoses 38 steering mechanism 39 steering pumps 40 subframe and parts 41 suspension control arms 42 suspension modules 43 suspension parts 44 suspension springs 45 suspension systems 46 tyre valves 47 tyres 48 unclassified 49 wheel bearings 50 wheels/wheel trim


Volvo Group Belgium (Volvo Europa Truck)

Volvo Cars

VDL Bus Roeselare

Vandaele Konstruktie

Vanassche FFE

Van Hool

Toyota Motor Europe


Ateliers Léonet

Motorhomes Konings

Ford Werke

Faymonville AG


Carrosserie Lemeire

Audi Brussels

● ●

Atcomex Company

Alchemich Farma

4 3 2 1 Acrosoma

Agoria, the Federation for the technology Industry

9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50


● ●

● ●

6 94



Passenger cars Vans Trucks Minibuses Coaches/buses Trailers / semi-trailers Special motor vehicles


1 2 3 4 5 6 7



Agoria, the Federation for the technology Industry



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Agoria, the Federation for the technology Industry

● ●



Warny & Cie

Wabco Belgium

Simonis Plastic Slabinck Werkhuizen & Car. Bouw SORL Europe Tenneco Automotive Europe The European Van Company TI Group Automotive Systems Belgium Trucktechnic VCST Industrial Products Voith Industrial Services

1 2 Saint-Gobain Performance Plastics Kontich ● ● Savimétal A.G.




Punch Powertrain



Paulstra Silentbloc

Parts & Components







● ●

Robert Bosch

Renault Industrie Belgique

● ●

Honda Access Europe Hydro Aluminium Raeren Inergy Automotive Systems Belgium Kautex Textron Benelux

● ●

● ● ● ●

● ● ● ●

● ●

● ●

● ● ● ● ●

● ●


● ●


● ●

Métaux Emboutis

● ● ● ●

● ● ●

● ●

● ● ● ● ●

Malmar Meister Coordination Center Metafor

● ● ● ● ● ● ●

9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50

● ● ●

● ● ●

7 6 5 4

3 Henschel Engineering



1 axle parts 2 axles 3 ball joints 4 body parts 5 brake calipers 6 brake components 7 brake discs/drums 8 brake lines 9 brake master cylinders/boosters 10 brake modules 11 brake pads 12 brake systems 13 chassis bushings 14 chassis modules 15 chassis parts 16 complete chassis 17 control cables 18 corner modules 19 cradle/subframe 20 crossmembers 21 fasteners/fixings 22 fuel filter/filler 23 fuel pumps 24 fuel supply system 25 fuel tank 26 heat shielding 27 hoses/pipes 28 metal parts 29 nvh control components 30 pressed/stamped parts 31 pulleys 32 pumps 33 seals 34 shock absorbers 35 sound deadener/insulator 36 stabiliser/anti roll bars 37 steering hoses 38 steering mechanism 39 steering pumps 40 subframe and parts 41 suspension control arms 42 suspension modules 43 suspension parts 44 suspension springs 45 suspension systems 46 tyre valves 47 tyres 48 unclassified 49 wheel bearings 50 wheels/wheel trim



9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50


Agoria, the Federation for the technology Industry



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Wabco Belgium

Valeo Vision Belgique

TE Connectivity


Tenneco Automotive Europe

Simonis Plastic

SAS Automotive Belgium


● ●

Robert Bosch Produktie

PSS Belgium

Robert Bosch


4 Procoplast



Pioneer Belgium


ON Semiconductor Belgium

Nexans Harnesses

Jabil Circuit Belgium

Hydro Aluminium Seneffe


Honda Access Europe

De Sweemer

Continental Automotive Belgium

CMK Europe

C-MAC Electromag





Agoria, the Federation for the technology Industry


● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

Meister Coordination Center

● ●

● ●

● ●

● ●

● ●

Kanigen Works Benelux

Exide Technologies

● ● ● ●

● ● ● ● ●


● ●

● ● ●

● ●

AW Technical Center Europe

9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41

● ●

● ● ● ●

AW Europe

7 6 5 4 3 2 1

Aisin Europe


● ● ●

● ●

● ● ● ●

● ●


actuators alarm/immobiliser alternators antennae and parts antilock braking system abs batteries and components climate control connectors control units crash sensor/fuel cutoff switch cruise control displays distance control electric motors electrical systems electronic stability program ESP engine management fasteners/fixings fuel injection system fuse/relay/junction box horns ignition in-car entertainment - radio, cd, amplifier information units instrument panel/instrumentation loudspeakers/microphones navigation systems plugs/terminals relays safety systems seals sensors spark plugs/glow plugs switches telematics telephone and parts terminals tyre pressure monitoring system unclassified wiring driving style evaluation system


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41


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100 Agoria, the Federation for the technology Industry 6






Tower Automotive Belgium

Warny & Cie

VCST Industrial Products ●

The European Van Company Valeo Vision Belgique

Slabinck Werkhuizen & Car. Bouw

Simonis Plastic



Robert Bosch

Robert Bosch Produktie


Plastic Omnium Automotive



Parts & Components

9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38


Métaux Emboutis






Meister Coordination Center

Marcel Verfaillie-Leroy BVBA





Kanigen Works Benelux ●

Honda Access Europe Hydro Aluminium Raeren

Fremach Izegem


Faurecia Industrie



9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38


Devilca Belgium ●



De Sweemer


Brose Gent

Bekaert / Groepsdirectie


ArcelorMittal Tailored Blanks Genk Aspel

Aleris Aluminum Duffel

2 ●


Aisin Europe


1 accessories 2 body panels 3 body side mouldings 4 bonding/adhesives 5 bumpers and components 6 control cables 7 convertible tops 8 door structures 9 exterior lighting 10 exterior mirrors 11 exterior trim 12 fasteners/fixings 13 fog lights 14 front end module 15 front lights 16 glass and parts 17 grilles 18 handles/latches 19 high mounted stop light 20 hinges 21 indicator/repeater lights 22 lock systems 23 luggage/roof racks 24 metal parts 25 pressed/stamped parts 26 rear end module 27 rear lights 28 rocker panels and parts 29 seals 30 side impact protection 31 sound deadener/insulator 32 sunroof 33 surface treatments (paint, zinc) 34 switches 35 tailgate/door 36 unclassified 37 washer/wiper systems 38 window lift mechanism





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102 Agoria, the Federation for the technology Industry 1


Robert Bosch




Wabco Belgium

VCST Industrial Products

Valeo Vision Belgique

Toyota Boshoku Europe

Simonis Plastic

SAS Automotive Belgium

Sapa RC Profiles

Saint-Gobain Performance Plastics Kontich






● ● ●

9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36

9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36






Parts & Components


Meister Coordination Center

Lear Corporation Belgium

Kanigen Works Benelux

Johnson Controls Automotive ●

International Automotive Components Group Isringhausen


● ●



Honda Access Europe ●


Fremach Izegem

Faurecia Industrie

De Sweemer


Brose Gent

Bekaert / Groepsdirectie

Aleris Aluminum Duffel



Aisin Europe


1 a/c compressor/condensor 2 air conditioning and parts 3 airbags/safety belts 4 arm/head rests 5 carpets 6 centre console/dashboard 7 cockpits 8 control cables 9 control units 10 door panels 11 door trim 12 door/overhead console modules 13 fasteners/fixings 14 gear shifters/levers 15 handles/latches 16 roof lining 17 heater/ventilation/auxiliary heater 18 interior lighting 19 interior mirrors 20 interior trim 21 lock systems 22 parcel shelf/rear luggage cover 23 parking brake 24 pedal assembly 25 pillars 26 seals 27 seat components 28 seat frame/adjust mechanism 29 seat heating 30 car or truck seats 31 sound deadener/insulator 32 steering column and parts 33 steering wheel 34 textiles 35 trunk trim 36 unclassified





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104 Agoria, the Federation for the technology Industry ●





Warny & Cie

Wabco Belgium

VCST Industrial Products


Toyota Boshoku Europe

Tower Automotive Belgium

TI Group Automotive Systems Belgium

Tenneco Automotive Gent

Spicer Off-Highway Belgium

Simonis Plastic

9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46

● ●


Robert Bosch Saint-Gobain Performance Plastics Kontich Sapa RC Profiles

3 ●

9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46

Renault Industrie Belgique

Punch Powertrain





Meister Coordination Center









Kanigen Works Benelux


4 ●

JTEKT Torsen Europe

Johnson Matthey

Hydro Aluminium Seneffe

Hydro Aluminium Raeren

Grimonprez Transmission Gears


DPS Power

Donaldson Europe

De Sweemer

Continental Automotive Belgium


Bekaert / Groepsdirectie

AW Technical Center Europe Bosal Benelux

AW Europe


AW Europe

Aleris Aluminum Duffel



Aisin Europe


1 air intake 2 air/oil filters 3 automatic transmission 4 belts/tensioners 5 catalysts 6 clutch system components 7 complete powertrain 8 connecting rods 9 control cables 10 coolant/water hoses 11 cooling modules 12 differential parts 13 drive shafts 14 engine cooling 15 engine covers 16 engine oil system 17 engine parts 18 engine shafts 19 engine/powertrain mounts 20 engine/transmission bearings bushes 21 engines 22 exhaust manifolds 23 exhaust systems and parts 24 fans/fan shrouds 25 fasteners/fixings 26 fuel injection system 27 fuel injectors 28 gaskets 29 gearbox parts 30 heat shielding 31 hoses/pipes 32 intake manifolds 33 manual transmission 34 NVH control components 35 piston pins/rings 36 pistons 37 pulleys 38 pumps 39 radiator 40 seals 41 sound deadener/insulator 42 spark plugs/glow plugs 43 starter motors 44 turbo/superchargers 45 unclassified 46 valvetrain GROUP B - SUPPLIERS


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106 Agoria, the Federation for the technology Industry 4





● ●


VCST Industrial Products

Valeo Vision Belgique

● ●

TI Group Automotive Systems Belgium

The European Van Company

● ●

Tenneco Automotive Europe


Simonis Plastic

SAS Automotive Belgium Savimétal A.G.


Robert Bosch Produktie

Renault Industrie Belgique




9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28

Métaux Emboutis


Plastic Omnium Automotive

Meister Coordination Center




Mann+Hummel Hydromation



3 ●

● ●


Kanigen Works Benelux

Hydro Aluminium Seneffe



Honda Access Europe Hydro Aluminium Raeren

Henschel Engineering Hexcel Composites

Grimonprez Transmission Gears

Fuchs Lubricants Benelux

Faurecia Industrie


ESAB Europlasma

De Sweemer


Bosal Benelux

Bekaert / Groepsdirectie

9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28





ArcelorMittal Tailored Blanks Liège

ArcelorMittal Tailored Blanks Genk

Ampco Metal

Aleris Aluminum Duffel


1 adhesive tapes 2 adhesives 3 aluminium 4 ceramics 5 chemicals 6 coatings 7 composite materials 8 elastomers 9 fibres 10 foamed materials/foam 11 fuel additives 12 galvanized steel 13 glass 14 leather 15 lubricants 16 non-ferrous metals 17 oils 18 other 19 paints 20 phenolic resins 21 plastics 22 precious metals 23 sealants 24 special materials 25 stainless steel 26 steel 27 textiles 28 wood 1






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9 8

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Honda Europe


SAS Automotive Belgium

Renault Industrie Belgique

● ●

Fabricom / Vestiging Hoboken

● ● ● ● ● ●

● ● ●

Omron Electronics


Mazda Motor Logistics Europe

LMS International

Plakoni Engineering

● ● ●

Labor Aiding Systems Europe

Kiwa Belgium

Jabil Circuit Belgium

Itelligence Business Solutions

Inergy Automotive Systems Belgium

IBM Belgium

Hessenatie Logistics

Henschel Engineering


Ghyselinck Willy

Ford Motor Company

Fabricom / Vestiging Zwijndrecht

Green Propulsion



● ●





● ● ● ● ● ● ●

● ●

Control & Rework Service


3 1



CKZ-W.Vl. Consult & Service

Cegelec / Cegelec BU Industry/Infra

Bureau Veritas Certification Belgium

Bosal Emission Control Systems

BMW Belgium Luxemburg

BEP Europe

AW Technical Center Europe

APM Terminals Zeebrugge

Aisin Europe

AIB-Vinçotte Belgium





Delta Services Industriels

4 3

4 3 2

● ●

Camoplast Solideal European Technical Center




● ● ●

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● ● ● ●

● ●

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Honda Belgium Factory

1 5










● ●

EDMAC Europe



● ●



3 2 4 3

4 3 2 2

3 1


2 1


8. Preparing, repairing and adapting of vehicles 9. Consultancy


1 boring machines 2 drilling/tapping machines 3 EDM machines 4 factory equipment 5 forming/forging machines 6 gear production machines 7 grinding machines 8 inspection/measurement equipment 9 lathes 10 machine tool equipment/accessories 11 machine tools 12 marking 13 milling machines 14 painting equipment 15 presses 16 punching/profiling/nibbling machines 17 sawing machines 18 shearing/steelworking machines 19 special purpose machines 20 special purpose production machinery 21 surface finishing 22 test equipment

1 3 2

1 software

7. Factory/production equipment

1 4






1 logistics services 2 shipping/forwarding agents 3 vehicle freight forwarding services 4 vehicle storage services 5 vehicle/component distribution services

6. Digital manufacturing


5. Transport & logistics

8 5



1 management system certification 2 plant design services 3 plant maintenance



1 homologation/certification services

4. Business operations services



3. Homologation/certification services


1 balancing, alignment, calibration 2 dimensional measurement 3 materials testing 4 product testing



2. Testing

1 product styling & modeling 2 rapid prototyping 3 research, development & design analysis

9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22

8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22

1. Design Engineering



Agoria, the Federation for the technology Industry



Agoria, the Federation for the technology Industry

● ●

Hydro Aluminium Seneffe

4 3


Race Productions

Rijwielenfabriek l’Avenir

3 2


● ●


● ●


● ●

● ● ● ●

Simonis Plastic


● ●


● ●

VDL Holding Belgium

Van Hoecke Automation

● ● ●

Simonis Plastic

Formula Cycling

BMW Belgium Luxemburg



Warny & Cie

Valeo Vision Belgique


Toyota Belgium

Terberg Specials Belgium

Service Magazijn Limburg

Syncreon Genk


3 2 1

4 3

4 3 2 2

3 1


2 1


8. Preparing, repairing and adapting of vehicles 9. Consultancy


1 boring machines 2 drilling/tapping machines 3 EDM machines 4 factory equipment 5 forming/forging machines 6 gear production machines 7 grinding machines 8 inspection/measurement equipment 9 lathes 10 machine tool equipment/accessories 11 machine tools 12 marking 13 milling machines 14 painting equipment 15 presses 16 punching/profiling/nibbling machines 17 sawing machines 18 shearing/steelworking machines 19 special purpose machines 20 special purpose production machinery 21 surface finishing 22 test equipment



1 software

7. Factory/production equipment

1 4 3

6. Digital manufacturing

1 5





1 logistics services 2 shipping/forwarding agents 3 vehicle freight forwarding services 4 vehicle storage services 5 vehicle/component distribution services



5. Transport & logistics

8 5



1 management system certification 2 plant design services 3 plant maintenance


Honda Access Europe

1 homologation/certification services

4. Business operations services


3. Homologation/certification services

1 Cycles 2 Motorcycles 3 Bicycle parts and accessories 1 rims 2 spokes and nipples 3 Other parts 4 Motorcycle parts and accessories

1 balancing, alignment, calibration 2 dimensional measurement 3 materials testing 4 product testing

1 product styling & modeling 2 rapid prototyping 3 research, development & design analysis

2. Testing

8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22

1. Design Engineering




Agoria, the Federation for the technology Industry



Agoria, the Federation for the technology Industry

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Volvo Group Belgium (Volvo europa Truck)

VDL Bus Roeselare

● ●

Van Hool

● ●

● ● ●



VDL Belgium

VBG Group Truck Equipment

Vanassche FFE

Terberg Specials Belgium


Slabinck Werkhuizen & Car. Bouw

Motorhomes Konings

Léonet Ateliers

IPSAM Technology



Van Hoecke Automation

8 7 6 5 4 3 1

2 2 1


Henschel Engineering

Gebroeders Geens

The European Van Company

2 1


● ● ● ●

Faymonville AG

Daf Trucks Vlaanderen

4 3

● ●

● ● ● ●


Carrosserie Moeyersons

● ●

6 5

● ●

● ● ●

● ● ● ● ●

Carrosserie Lemeire

● ●

Atcomex Company

● ● ●

2 7

● ●




2 3




Dhollandia Service

● ● ● ● ●

● ● ●

● ● ● ● ●

● ● ●








● ● ● ● ●

2 1


8 7 6 5 4 3 2

5 1


1 lifts 2 coupling systems and parts 3 tipping systems


6 Sprinklertanks

1 lifts 2 coupling systems and parts 3 tipping systems



5 Specific Accessories


1 for powdery products 2 for liquids 3 for LPG



1 body work 2 front/rear axles and parts 3 chassis 4 cabs 5 box bodies 6 tippers 7 conversion and repair 8 other parts

4 Tanks For Motor Vehicles And Trailers

5 4 3

1 tank vehicles 2 refrigerating vehicles 3 market vans 4 fire engines 5 municipal vehicles 6 concrete mixer trucks and parts 7 exceptional transport trailers 8 other special vehicles

3 Commercial Vehicles

1 6




1 general vehicles 2 ADR-vehicles 3 TIR vehicles 4 ATP vehicles 5 for agriculture

2 Special vehicles

1 2

1 Trailers & semi-trailers

1 3






Agoria, the Federation for the technology Industry



Attentia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

cover 3

AUDI Brussels SA/NV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


BMW Group Belgium . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Coor Service Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

IVCIE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


cover 2

Terberg Specials Belgium N.V.

Oosterring 23 - Zone 8, B 3600 Genk, Belgium Tel :089/62.38.00 - Fax: 089/62.38.29 -

IVCIE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

LMS International . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Coor levert u geïntegreerde diensten in ➣ Periodiek/preventief technisch- en reinigingsonderhoud van uw procesinstallaties in pershal, moulding, draaierij, lasserij, lakstraat, montage, shutdown werken … ➣ Facilities vloermarkering, afvallogistiek, filtermanagement, productie-ondersteuning


cover 4

Metovan benelux . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Stevens Fr Werkhuizen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Terberg Specials Belgium . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Tyco Electronics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


VCST Industrial Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


➣ Kantoorreiniging

Machelenstraat 179, 9800 Deinze T 09/223.19.99 F : 09/223.86.20 - –

Agoria, the Federation for the technology Industry


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