THIS WEEK S E P TE M B E R 1 5 | 2019
Photo By ALBERT DULIN 1501 Queens Road Charlotte, NC 28207
8:30 a.m. Sanctuary Worship 8:45 a.m. Church In The Round 9:45 a.m. Sanctuary Worship 11:00 a.m. Sanctuary Worship
WE LCO M E To O u r C h u rc h !
We are the body of Christ, growing in faith and serving others.
Our Deepest Sympathy Durward Lorenzo Jewett, father of Audrey Chadwick, who died on September 10, 2019.
Helen Roberston Tisdale, mother of Carol and Stacy Nicholson, who died on September 8, 2019.
In Celebration
Caroline Ana Stamatovich, daughter of Caroline and Petar Stamatovich, who was born on June 10, 2019.
TODAY Fall Small Groups, registration continues: A great way to make this large church feel smaller and more personal is to get connected through one of our small groups. We offer groups for young adults, parents, and ones focused on Emotionally Healthy Spirituality and many others. To learn about all offerings and to register, visit our website at Youth Server Training, today, 2:00 p.m.-4:00 p.m., Sanctuary: 5th-12th graders are invited to train to serve as Bible carriers, acolytes and crucifers during Sanctuary worship. Children and youth should attend one of the training sessions with a parent. Adults are also welcome to train to serve as a Sunday morning coach. Details: Bruce Lawrence at Youth Group and Confirmation: tonight, 5:45 p.m.-7:45 p.m., Jubilee Hall: Youth 6th-12th grade are invited to join us tonight. Dinner is Moe’s Taco Bar for $8
UPCOM ING Centering Prayer, Mondays, 5:30 p.m.-6:30 p.m., room 024 or Wednesdays, 10:30 a.m.-11:00 a.m., Francis Chapel: A beautiful chance to come as you are to learn and practice a form of wordless prayer alongside others. Questions: Rev. Uiyeon Kim at Food Truck Friday, September 20, 6:00 p.m.: Join others in their 20s and 30s at Sycamore Brewing in South End for a fun night out. Contact Rev. Jessica Dayson at with questions.
GIVING: HURRICANE DORIAN Help our neighbors impacted by Hurrican Dorian. Visit our website for more details.
Parenting Through the Phases, Sunday, September 22, 10:00 a.m.–10:40 a.m., Jubilee Hall: Join us for the first in a monthly series of coffee and conversation that will focus on different developmental phases in a child’s life. A panel of experts will be on hand to answer questions and offer tips. This month’s session: Kindergarten/1st Grade. How Has God Wired You To Serve?, September 23, 9:30 a.m.-12:00 p.m., room 106: Register for a Wired 4 Ministry class to learn how to make a difference through your unique, God-given design. Registration and pre-class exercises are required. Contact Carol Tate at to sign up. Caregivers Support Group, September 24, 11:30 a.m., room 105: Share the challenges and rewards of the experience. Contact Parish Nurse Lauren Smith at for questions.
HOT WEDNESDAY September 18, 5:30 p.m.-6:30 p.m., Jubilee Hall: Join us for dinner at H.O.T. Wednesday. Our menu will be Pepperidge Farms chicken breast, rice pilaf, steamed broccoli, salad, rolls, desserts, and ice cream. You may now register and pay online through Realm by end of day Monday or make a reservation by phone at 704-376-5520, option 6.
Yoga and Prayer: Monday mornings, 9:15 a.m., Labyrinth in Francis Chapel: Start your week off with yoga and prayer. All ages and abilities welcome to join as we join movement and faith. Questions: Taylor Barefoot at A $5 donation is suggested; mats available. Register for Forward, now- October 6: Forward, a ministry designed to help 4th and 5th graders grow spiritually as they journey toward middle school, meets the first Sunday of each month October-April, from 4:00 p.m. to 5:30 p.m. in room 240. Details: Email Amy Harriman
UPCOM ING CONTINUE D September Collection: Books Build Houses, now-September 30, Lobby: Donate gently used books to support Habitat for Humanity and our build which starts this month. Questions? Reach Megan Jones at Jubilee Plus! Giving Fund, throughout the year: Funds help support partners such as Habitat for Humanity. Give to Jubilee Plus! year-round online by going to, or write a check to the church with Jubilee Plus! in the memo line. Operating Giving: Your generosity makes it possible for us to send 42 children on retreat right now, and to host over 90 young people in Confirmation class, and 86 youth in Youth Group – all new records for our church. So we encourage you to continue to financially support our children and youth. You can give online at or write a check to the church and drop it in the offering plate or mail it to the church at 1501 Queens Rd., Charlotte, NC 28207.
JUBILEE PLUS! GIVING FUND throughout the year: Funds help support partners such as Habitat for Humanity. Give to Jubilee Plus! online at year-round, or write a check to the church with Jubilee Plus! in the memo line.
E NGAG E M E NT OPPORTUN ITI E S Red Cross Blood Drive Sign Up: Stop by the lobby this Sunday to schedule your blood donation appointment for our Red Cross blood drive on September 29. The drive will run from 7:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. in the gym and walk-ins are limited. Contact Carmen Rivera at with questions. Serve Dinner at The Relatives, 1st and 3rd Tuesdays, 5:30 p.m.-7:00 p.m., The Relatives on East Boulevard: This Young Adult service group provides dinner and hangs out with children/youth at this transitional shelter for ages 7-17. Contact Megan Salvia at For the Love of Reading, Tuesday and Thursday mornings starting September 24, Marie G. Davis School: Encourage 2nd graders to develop a love of books and reading. You will be paired with a child to read together once a week from 9:00 a.m. to 10:00 a.m. For more information, contact Amie Rucker at
HABITAT FOR HUMANITY BUILD now-November 9, Grier Heights: Spend a day or several building a home for a family in need. No special skills necessary; training provided on site. To learn more, visit
Lily Pad Haven Information Session, September 29, 1:00 p.m.-5:00 p.m., room 107: Register now to learn about human trafficking in the Charlotte area and about volunteer opportunities. Sign up at We want to fill our hallways with your art: We are looking for art that engages with the worship life here at Myers Park for each series we journey through as a church. All skill levels and mediums are welcome. Contact Rev.Taylor Pryde Barefoot at for more information and submission details. Prayer Requests: If you have a concern you want our Prayer Ministry Team to pray for, email Carmen Rivera at You may also fill out a prayer request card located in the pew clip and drop it in the offering plate. Ushering Opportunity: Ushers are needed to greet and seat guests for memorial services. If you want to serve in this ministry of hospitality, contact Carmen Rivera at
PACK FOOD BAGS FOR MARIE G. DAVIS ELEMENTARY October 20, 9:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m., Basement: For years we’ve gathered on a Sunday in October for Stop Hunger Now, but this year we’re making an impact closer to home. We’ll pack 10,000 bags of food. Visit to learn more.
CO N N E C T WITH US ! F o l l ow u s o n s o c ia l m e d ia @ my e r sp a r k u m c
V i s i t o u r we b s i te w w w. mye r s p a rku m c .o r g to find small groups, ways to serve & engage, how to give, and plug in with other members of our church!
OUR CLE RGY Dr. James C. Howell Senior Pastor Rev. Nathan Arledge Pastor of Missions & Community Engagement Rev. Taylor Barefoot Pastor for Emerging Ministries Rev. Jessica Dayson Pastor for Young Adults & Lay Involvement Rev. Uiyeon Kim Pastor of Discipleship Rev. Bill Roth Pastor of Congregational Care Rev. Nancy Watson Executive Pastor
TALK WITH A PASTOR A pastor on staff stands ready to respond to your question or concern. Those needing immediate pastoral help should call 704-376-8584 and follow the prompts to the pastor on call.
FINDING COMMUNITY We live in busy world and we go to a busy church. It can feel overwhelming to find connection in our lives and even in church. Small Groups and Sunday School have continuously been named as the place that people have created community that has sustained them through life’s greatest joys and most challenging sorrows. There are groups of friends who found each other in small groups and continue to seek a small group together every season to maintain fellowship and friendship. There are long standing Sunday Schools where members have celebrated and grieved together through all of life’s highs and lows. We encourage you to take that step- to show up, be a gift to others, and allow them to be a gift to you. Find a Sunday School or small group that’s right for you. Over the upcoming months, we will feature a few classes here to help you become acquainted with these Sunday morning groups. Here are a couple: One of our church’s longest running groups, the Snyder-FisherFellowship class spans generations, uniting learners of all ages. Using the Adult Bible Studies program, each lesson focuses on learning more from key scripture readings. Teachers include retired clergy, current clergy, seminary professors and talented laypeople, giving class members insights on Sunday morning that last throughout the week. Meets in room 035. A newly formed class, Living It, is designed for parents in their 40s-50s with school aged kids. We will engage in conversation as we learn together about topics that teach us to navigate parenting, work life balance and spiritual growth. The environment will be casual and encourage questions more than answers. We understand busy schedules and are excited to put aside this time to build fellowship and grow in our faith. Meet in room 107. To learn more about these or other classes and find one that is right for you, please contact Rev. Taylor Barefoot at 704-295-4803 or at