This Week at Myers Park United Methodist Church | March 1-March 7

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THIS WEEK M A R C H 1 | 2020

THE TEMPTATION IN THE WILDERNESS by Briton Riviere 1501 Queens Road Charlotte, NC 28207


8:30 a.m. Sanctuary Worship 8:45 a.m. Church In The Round 9:45 a.m. Sanctuary Worship 11:00 a.m. Sanctuary Worship

WE LCO M E To O u r C h u rc h !

We are the body of Christ, growing in faith and serving others.

Our Deepest Sympathy Robert W. “Bob” Kimble, Jr., father of Ron Kimble, who died February 10.


Dr. Howell, our Senior Pastor, is away for a short anniversary celebration with Mrs. Howell. He will return to our pulpit next Sunday. Easter Lilies, now-April 1: Purchase an Easter lily in honor or memory of a loved one at or send a check for $15 per lily to the church along with the name of the person you are honoring/remembering. Dedications will be shared in the Easter Sunday worship bulletins. The Flowers on the Altar are given to the glory of God and in loving memory of Trudy Morgan by Margaret, James, and Gary. Forward, today, 4:00 p.m.-5:30 p.m., rooms 239-240: 4th and 5th graders are invited to Forward, a ministry designed to help them grow spiritually as they journey toward middle school. Forward meets the first Sunday of each month through April. Details: Email Amy Harriman at Youth Sunday Night and Confirmation, tonight, 5:45 p.m.-7:45 p.m., Jubilee Hall: Join us Sunday night for fellowship and fun. Dinner is Hubee D’s food truck for $8.

In Celebration James Clarke Haley, son of Jessica and Drew Haley, grandson of Jan Nomina, nephew of Justine and Reese Corbett, and cousin of Maurice James Corbett, who was born on February 24.

UPCOM ING Lenten Small Groups Begin Tuesday: Come and discover God’s love for you and for our community. There is still room for you to join a short-term group starting this week. View the schedule and register at Women’s Ministries Gathering, Wednesday, March 4, 10:30 a.m., room 152: All women of the church are invited to a gathering for fellowship, an invitation to mission, and to hear guest speaker Kelly McKinnon. Kelly is a Program Specialist for CMS and wife of Rev. Ray McKinnon at South Tryon UMC. She will speak on “RepresentED”: why representation matters in children’s literature. Information on our book drive will also be available. Light refreshments and coffee will be served. H.O.T. Wednesday, Wednesdays, 5:30 p.m.-6:30 p.m., Jubilee Hall: Join us for dinner at H.O.T. Wednesday. This week’s menu is grilled chicken breast, baked potato or sweet potato, mixed veggies, rolls, salad, desserts, and ice cream. Register by calling 704-376-5520 no later than Tuesday at noon or in Realm by Monday at 11:59 p.m.

GARDEN MINISTRY, March 7, church garden beds: Our Garden Ministry is getting ready for spring cleaning and summer harvesting. Volunteer to join a team of members and partners in faith to spread mulch in the church garden beds. Details: Elizabeth Field at

Support Good Soles at the Charlotte Hornets Game, March 5, 7:00 p.m., meet at the arena: Come out and support Good Soles for their 3rd Annual Charlotte Hornets outing as the Non-Profit of the Night! For every ticket purchased, a percentage will be donated to Good Soles, who will be at our Community Corner during the game. Details and tickets: Stephen Ministry Awareness, March 8, 9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m., Lobby: Learn about our congregation’s Stephen Ministry, meet our lay caregivers and learn how a Stephen Minister can be a helpful companion during times of grief and difficult life challenges. Stephen Ministers provide one-to-one care on a completely confidential basis. Details: Rev. Bill Roth at Baptism Class, March 8, 9:45 a.m., Francis Chapel: This class will deepen your understanding of this Holy Sacrament. It’s an essential first step for those preparing for Baptism for themselves or their children (including those expecting or planning for a child). To make child care reservations, email Discover Myers Park, March 8, 11:00 a.m., Francis Chapel: Come learn about our church and the beliefs and practices of our denomination. There is no obligation to join and child care is available. Details: Jeanne Poole at Walk the Labyrinth, March 9-15, Francis Chapel: Spend time on the labyrinth with God. Hours are posted online at and subject to change as needed during this week. Call 704-376-8584 to verify times. Mindful Mondays, March 9 and April 20, 10:30 a.m., room 106: Join Bill Roth and Lauren Smith for an opportunity to establish and deepen your mindfulness practice. Details: Carmen Rivera at In God’s Image, March 10, 6:30 p.m.-7:30 p.m., room 105: Join us for a discussion and discovery meeting as we continue to explore ways to welcome and support our LGBTQ + community within and beyond our church. Details: Bill Roth at

YOGA + PRAYER, Sundays, 6:15 p.m.-7:15 p.m., and Mondays, 9:15 a.m.-10:15 a.m., Francis Chapel: All ages and abilities welcome. We ask for a $5 donation, and we have mats available for your use. Details: Rev. Taylor Pryde Barefoot at

The Way of Grace Small Group, Mondays, March 16-May 18, 1:00 p.m.-2:30 p.m., room 103: Encounter Jesus in a study of eight characters from the Bible and open yourself to deeper knowledge of grace. Details: Mary Katherine Vass at Parenting Through the Phases, March 22, 10:00 a.m., Jubilee Hall: Join us for a monthly series of coffee and conversation that will focus on different developmental phases in a child’s life. This month’s session: 2nd and 3rd graders. A panel of experts will be on hand to answer questions and offer tips. Details: Amy Harriman at


Family Worship Day, March 29: There will be no Sunday School for children. Nursery and worship care will be available for children 8-weeks-old through those not yet in kindergarten. Questions? Email Amy Harriman at Register Now for Dwelling in God, Saturday, April 4, 9:30 a.m.-11:30 a.m., Parish Life Building: Women of the church are invited to breakfast and a choice of one session designed to inspire and encourage you to dwell with God in prayer. Choices include: prayer with our bodies, with art, with music and with scripture. Sponsored by the UMW and the cost is $10. To resever child care, email Lisa Ross-Smit at by April 1. Details and registration by April 1: Book-a-palooza, today-March 13: Women’s Ministries is collecting new and gently used books for children at Marie G. Davis K-8 school. Place donations in the collection bin in the Lobby. You may also purchase books and send them directly to the church, using the Amazon Wish List entitled “MPUMC Bookapalooza.” ArtsCharlotte Gallery Exhibit, now-Easter, second floor Lobby: We are hosting an exhibit of fine art, entitled “Beauty from Brokenness” from March 1 through April 12. Be sure to visit, and bring a friend. Lenten Prayer Wall, now-Easter, Lobby and hallway behind the sanctuary: In this season of Lent we hope you will participate by offering your prayers to our church wide prayer wall. There are small sheets of paper where you can write a prayer or offering of your brokenness. May we see the beauty of brokenness come together this season.

+ MARCH COLLECTION, now-March 31, collection bin in Lobby: Our neighbors struggling to find and keep jobs find that transportation is one of their greatest obstacles. Help ease that burden by donating Uber gift cards or bus passes. Uber gift cards can be found at many retailers, including Walgreens and Walmart and bus passes can be found at the service desk at many Harris Teeter locations. Details: Britt Yett at

Young Adult News: Events and groups are updated regularly and posted to the website at Check it often or contact Rev. Jessica Dayson at to be added to the email distribution.


Border Pilgrimage, March 17-21: Join our mission team traveling to the US/Mexico border led by Rev. Nathan Arledge. Our border pilgrimages serve to draw awareness to the proximity of our sisters and brothers seeking asylum, migrant workers, and the journey of the immigrant. Details and registration: Missions Travel Opportunities, April, May, July, and September: View our world through a lens of fellowship, love, and service. Join us for our upcoming mission trips to Costa Rica, Mexico, Kenya, Armenia, and Malawi. For information about each trip, visit Details: Britt Yett at Youth Chicago Mission Trip, July 12-17: We have one spot open for our summer middle school mission trip to Chicago. We still need of one male chaperone for this trip. Cost is $800. Details: Vehicle Needed: South Tryon Community United Methodist Church, our partner church in Charlotte, needs reliable transportation for church-related business. If you have a vehicle you would consider donating, please contact Nathan at

JOIN CHURCH FRIENDS, visitation ministry with our homebound: If you would like to serve as a Church Friend or would like more details, contact Lauren Smith, Parish Nurse, at

Serving Our Neighbors, ongoing: Ready to join established MPUMC teams already engaging with local organizations? We have member teams regularly serving Loaves & Fishes, Men’s Shelter, Marie G. Davis, and Salvation Army Center of Hope. You can plug in wherever you feel called! Details and sign-ups at

LE NTE N COM M ITM E NTS Lenten Devotional, Our Stephen Ministers provide an annual Lenten devotional booklet for us, which is free of charge. They are available for pick up today and include essays from church members, clergy, and staff. Lenten Small Groups, Come and discover God’s love for you and for our community. There is still room for you to join a short-term group starting next week. View the schedule and register at Labyrinth, Spend time on the Labyrinth with God. Hours are posted online at Prayer Wall, In this season of Lent we hope you will participate by offering your prayers to our church-wide prayer wall, located in the lobby and outside the hallway near the Sanctuary. ArtsCharlotte Gallery Exhibit, Now through Easter in the second floor lobby, we are hosting an exhibit of fine art, entitled “Beauty from Brokenness” from March 1-April 12. Be sure to visit, and bring a friend!

PASTORS’ BIBLE STUDY, Wednesdays, 11:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m., room 108: Join us weekly for a time of Bible Study led by our pastors. To reserve child care, email Lisa Ross-Smit at

CO N N E C T WITH US ! F o l l ow u s o n s o c ia l m e d ia @ my e r sp a r k u m c

V i s i t o u r we b s i te w w w. mye r s p a rk u m c .o r g to find small groups, ways to serve and engage, how to give, and plug in with other members of our church!

OUR CLE RGY Dr. James C. Howell Senior Pastor Rev. Nathan Arledge Pastor of Missions & Community Engagement Rev. Taylor Barefoot Pastor for Emerging Ministries Rev. Jessica Dayson Pastor for Young Adults & Lay Involvement Rev. Uiyeon Kim Pastor of Discipleship Rev. Bill Roth Pastor of Congregational Care Rev. Nancy Watson Executive Pastor

TO TOM, LARRY, AND RICK: WE THANK GOD FOR YOU This month, three of our Aldersgate van drivers will turn in their driving gloves after 15 years of faithful service. We give thanks for Tom Tate, who helped to begin this ministry, and for Larry Harwell and Rick Elkins who have driven faithfully since the beginning. Tom shared this with us about the impact of this ministry:

provide more meaning and inspiration to your existence, driving the van on Sundays may be the solution. Once you experience the feeling of how much this ministry means to our members at Aldersgate, it provides clarity in this ever complex world of ours as to what is really important in life as we reflect and age.

“Approximately 15 years ago, my wife Carol mentioned that Bill Roth was looking for someone to head up a team of volunteer drivers to use one of the church vans to pick up our elderly members at Aldersgate. These were members who could no longer drive or did not have the means to come to our church services on Sunday. Fortunately, I was very lucky in the fact that practically everyone I approached to join this team was receptive to the idea and the project grew from there.

I have truly been blessed to have such a devoted and loyal group of drivers during my 15 years of coordinating this group. Larry Harwell and Rick Elkins, who are retiring from this service after 15 years, have been with me the entire time. It’s a terrific group and I look forward to continuing the work on their behalf for the benefit of our beloved Aldersgate members.”

Without a doubt, and I think I can speak on behalf of all the drivers, the best gift we receive from this service is the love and appreciation we have received from our members/passengers. It was obvious from the beginning the love and devotion they all hold for MPUMC and so to be able to continue to attend and worship on Sunday mornings was an integral, if not the most important aspect of their life, and they made a point of letting us know. It’s been a reciprocal relationship of love and respect. If you feel there is a void in your life and you’re looking for something that will

Larry Harwell shares this about his experience: “Our drivers not only bless the ones they serve, but are blessed with the experiences, stories, and relationships through our service. The Aldersgate family has ebbed and flowed through the years and it’s been a privilege to be part of it.” We give thanks for the continuation of this team and the way they have worked together for the last 15 years. If are interested in becoming part of this team, please reach out to Bill Roth at And if you see Tom, Larry, or Rick around, be sure to thank them!


Greetings friends. Thank you for sharing in this journey toward God we call Lent. Small groups are core ingredients in growth, as we share, learn, stretch and hold each other accountable. We had publicized our plan to use Jean Vanier’s book, We Need Each Other, for our Lent small group series. Then the other day, news surfaced that Vanier (who died last year) has been accused of sexual abuse by 6 women, and was involved in covering up the sins of a priest. We grieve these broken realities in our world, and pray for merciful healing and transformative repentance. Vanier’s life, his marvelous ministry with adults facing disabilities, and writings have inspired many around the world. And yet, after much prayer and discussion, our clergy leadership believes it is best for us to change our curriculum. The news is fresh and mortifying, and ours is to work toward a beloved community where power is never misused to take advantage of any who are vulnerable.

TALK WITH A PASTOR A pastor on staff stands ready to respond to your question or concern. Those needing immediate pastoral help should call 704-376-8584 and follow the prompts to the pastor on call.

We’ve chosen a wonderful replacement book for our groups and congregation to read this season: Life of the Beloved, by Henri Nouwen. His words are a beautiful witness to the Gospel, taking us deeply into our theme of The Beauty of You and Me. Due to time constraints, you’ll need to purchase the book online; or Rev. Uiyeon Kim (, 704 295 4840) can provide you one for $10. You may return the Vanier book to Goodness Gracious for a full refund. And you can still sign up to join a Lent small group by visiting May God provide us with courage and grace to have conversations about hard topics that we continue to wrestle with such as sexual abuse. May we always be the light that shines in the midst of darkness, and truly be God’s beloved community – together. We need each other more than ever. - James

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