Alan Ibarra_ MCVP Application 13.14

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Alan Ibarra



MCVP Applicant for AIESEC in Hungary 13.14

Alan Ibarra – MCVP Application

1. Personal details

2. Studies

First Name & Last name National/ Local Committee Date and Place of Birth (city, country) Nationality, passport nr. Permanent Address Telephone E-mail Skype Mobile

Alan Ibarra

2004 - 2006

Maryvale High School in Phoenix, Arizona, United States o Honor’s World History

2006 - 2008

Copper Canyon High School in Phoenix, Arizona, United States o Advance Placement (AP) U.S. History o Advance Placement (AP) English o Advance Placement (AP) U.S. Government o Advance Placement (AP) Literature o French (1-2) 1st year o French (3-4) 2nd year

2008 - 2011

University TECMilenio in Culiacan, Sinaloa, Mexico Bachelor in Administration and Finance o Financial Mathematics o Math and Physics I, II, III, IV o Project Management o Mind Maps o International Finance o 6 Sigma

AIESEC in Estonia/AIESEC in Culiacán (Mexico) 05/10/90 – Los Angeles, U.S. American, 437926053 Vormi 18-69, Tallinn, Estonia +372 680 5642 (office) alan-ibarra (+372) 5684 1876

Highlight your extracurricular activities and achievements (not related to AIESEC) Oct 10’-Oct 11’

Student Body President, Student Society University TECMilenio. o Leaded my university in topics such as; Social, Entrepreneurial and Sports. Managing a team of 9, we began with $0 and ended with a budget of $600 (USD). Abilities gained: Planning, Facilitation, Team Management, Financial Thinking and Event Management.

Extra courses: o Psychology I Conferences: o 1st International Business Forum (hosted in Culiacán)

3. Working experience Jan 12’-May 12’

Mar 11’-Jul 11’

Oct 09’-Aug 10’

International Preparatory School in Culiacan, Mexico. English Teacher.

Having a small class of 7 with the objective to have the group take and pass the Cambridge Certification. Abilities gained: Planning, Facilitation, Coaching and Preemptive Analysis.

Eurocity: Volkswagen Agency in Culiacan, Accounting Trainee. [Part time]

Working with the Accountant, we developed a project in which we discovered faster ways of balancing and identifying concepts from the Sales and Buying Departments. Abilities gained: Accounting, Microsoft Office mastery and Formality of documents.

Glassier Company, Micro Enterprise in Culiacan, Mexico. [Full time]

Responsible for customer service and selling, cash audit at the end of the day, balancing the accounts. Abilities gained: Analytical Thinking, Selling, Stress Management and Financial Administration.

4. Conferences Name of the conference Annual Conference ENERGY Autumn Country Summit (ACS) International Congress (IC) National Planning Conference (NPC) CONAL Everest (ANP) CONAL LDS

Date Dec 2012 Oct 2012 Oct 2012

Place Estonia Lithuania Hungary

Your role Agenda Manager/FACI Track Manager/FACI Chair

Aug 2012



May 2012



Jan 2012 July 2011 Jan 2011 Oct 2010

Mexico Mexico Mexico Mexico

Delegate/FA Track FACI Delegate/FA Track FACI Delegate Delegate

5. Languages

Alan Ibarra – MCVP Application





English Spanish French

Native Native Basic

Native Native Basic

Native Native Basic


1. My Experience From To


Jun 12’currently

AIESEC in Estonia | MCVP Talent Management (also responsible for OD)

Jan 12’Jun 12’

AIESEC in Mexico | Mexican Talent Management Unit (NST), TLP Coordinator. AIESEC in Mexico | MTMU (NST), Leadership Development Manager.

Jul 11’Dec 11’

Main tasks&results My year as MCVP TM: Retention rate of the country is 86.7% o Mentorship Program o Organizational culture awareness o Motivation cycles developed (how to deal with each group; newbies and XP members) o Strong follow-up and Coaching Growth in Team experiences (TXPs): o TMP 153% & TLP 9% o Raise awareness TXP programs grow together with X programs, not one by itself o Strong follow-up and Coaching 2nd LEAD delivery completed, with external partner LC structure, area processes and HR capacity successfully aligned to our focus (oGCDP) o X-focus organization structure successfully implemented in LCs, in order to allow the growth in our main driver o Strong follow-up and Coaching 100% delivery of LC Coaching Visits and guidelines. o Creation of LC Coaching strategy this term o Working with 3 LC Coaches o Delivered 6 LC Visits o Strong follow-up and Coaching Packaged TMP and TLP XPs o Product development o Creation of the packages of Short and Medium Team experiences (TXPs) o Allowed the growth presented in TXPs Part of a team in-charge of coaching 4 LCs and mentoring 1 LC (in TM) in Mexico in Recruitment, TMP/TLP Packaging, TLP management, Exchange-Member efficiency and if needed, all TM Processes.

In-charge of coaching 4 Committees of Mexico in order to increase their ability to produce more and better quality experiences from the Team Leader Program.

Alan Ibarra – MCVP Application

Jan 11’Dec 11’

AIESEC in Culiacan | Vice-President Talent Management.

Oct 10’Dec 10’

AIESEC in Culiacan | Team Leader in the Finance Department. AIESEC in Culiacan | Team Member in the Organizing Committee for Recruitment. AIESEC in Culiacan | Team Member in the Finance Department.

Jul 10’ Sep 10

Feb 10’Sep 10’

My year as LCVP TM: Given the award of Positive Impact: Best Talent Management in Mexico 2011. 1700% of growth in Team Leader Experiences compared to Q1 (1 TLP) 2010 and Q1 (18 TLP) 2011. Overall growth from 2010 and 2011: 193% in TMP and 84% in TLP Overall Recruitment results: Over 150 applicants and Interviews, 74 Members and 32 EPs accepted. At our highest peak, reached 21 active Middle Managements and 99 members in Q4 2011. Successful Mentorship Program: 17 mentors and 42 mentees 100% of our LC had Job Descriptions. Generated 68 TLP and 325 TMP Experiences in my term. Responsible for coordinating fundraising activities in order to diversify the income away from solely exchanges. I was the 1 st Coordinator in my LCs history, so I was en-charge of creating a strong basis and drafts for plausible projects. In a team with only 4 people, we managed to visit 6 different universities and 5 faculties and promote recruitment. We had 45 members and 15 EPs enter that recruitment.

Trained in the concepts of Budgets, trainee’s payments, legal contracts and assertive investments.

2. My 5 main achievements Area

Main achievements My tasks was simple, find a concrete method to simplify the operations in LCs to enable the growth in X we need. AIESEC in Estonia was unfortunately lacking X culture and LCs did not work with a focus. After the research, I found the 3 main problems which prevented the country from reaching the goals:  LC structures,  area processes and;  HR capacity

Organizational Development

The solution was given after several attempts to create an empowerment model, which would facilitate the synergy of these 3 points and it was the recreation of the organizational structure. Together with the LC Coaches, we enabled the implementation of the X-focus organizational structure. The strong LC Coach preparation proved decisive, as we were able to rapidly engage the LCs in this model, which solved virtually all of our synergy problems. The development of the Coaching strategy has been a complete success as it is based on the customization system that takes into account LC needs, bottlenecks and focuses. When also taking OD decisions to influence the organization, one must also take into account the countries natural advantages (the country itself is small), which are the rapid implementation of the new projects. Country is already experiencing 200% relative growth in applications for our main driver (oGCDP) and 134% in our side driver (iGCDP). Now we currently have our eyes set, to open 2 SUs in the country and making sure the transition packages focus in the continuity of this terms biggest strengths.

Alan Ibarra – MCVP Application

Team Management

Conference/Agenda Management

Leadership Development & Culture building

National Support Team

Inheriting at the time (2011) the recently awarded best TM function in Mexico (AIESEC in Culiacan), I had to live up to the shoes of my predecessor. I lead a function with 15 members (including 6 coordinators and 3 OCPs) and here is where I found something I liked to developed in all my members – the personal connection (touch). This connection allowed the professional connection to flow much easier and the trust to appear. The personal development of my team leaders felt like a success not to mention that they also reached their goals. But it was never just tracking - but the personal drive in Coaching with all my team leaders. I our team managed to retain all 15 members in the function in my last semester (2011) as LCVPTM and 5 of those members became EB members. Thanks to my team, we were able to win the best TM in the country for the 2 nd year in a row. Adding to this, currently in Estonia I was able to not only retain my 2 NSTs for the first semester (as their JD was only for 6 months) they also agreed to continue working until the end of the term. One of them is currently applying for MC abroad. One of my new found passions, the agenda development from scratch to a specific plan to drive a behavior in a member. So in depth has the role of MCVPTM in Estonia pushed me, in order to improve the organization from its roots. Like the working style of AI, OD as the main driver (of the operations), which set the structure of working throughout the term – in which so, all the strategies developed by OD must be supported through the conference cycles (with TM). The biggest achievement was to create a link from OD to TM, and to support the new method of working in the organization. It is not anymore about doing just to do, but to connect and support the organizational development. The more conferences I participate in, the more opportunities I receive to improve my AM tracking tools. Little by little, one gets the experience necessary to understand how and what to look for in FACIs, session outlines, ppts and chair. Successful management in ENERGY of 6 FACIs and Annual Conference 7 FACIs. Each conference ending with the feedback has been essential to the homing of skills and to keep in mind the goal. In transition, I was told 1 thing, EBs need leadership development preparation. This began the adventure into finding the correct LEAD program implementation for our reality. Currently our 1 st pilot was average, but the 2nd proved a monumental success. We have reached the level of leadership program, which fitted right into the behaviors needed in LCs in order to improve their personal development and also their team’s. The LEAD program was based in the necessity of the country (LEAD survey). “Coaching culture” in LCs was the most weak – so the focus was chosen. LEAD partnership talks began and I had meetings with training companies (Meta Profit) in Estonia, which were very successful as they agreed to deliver the year cycle. Also another success is the fact that I discovered that LEAD has to be completely aligned with the Education Cycle in order to maximize results. The culture building is a combined effort of the OD strategy combined with the specific delivery of messages in conference cycle, LEAD and the member education cycle. This is my strategy, based on my own XP. Being TLP coordinator for AIESEC in Mexico gave me a surprising overview of TM in the country and how entities were actually perceiving and delivering their TM processes. The importance of understanding that each entity had different needs and levels of comprehension was the key piece to start building the progress. I was in charge of Coaching 4 LCs in TM and understanding where they stood and how much they knew was where I began the work and customized the trainings for them. I gave myself the task also to gather them and have chats with them all together, not only to depend on me as their TM Coach but in the case I was gone, they were independently communicating and supporting each other. Overall experience of Coaching 9 LCs in TM. Have 2 terms as NST. FACI. (2 National conferences) Development of National Campaigns. Creating of Middle Management Guides for all VPs TM. Packaging the AIESEC XP in TMP and TLP with X. Became a National Strategist not National Support. Worked in a team, which created our 1st Resource Center. Project Managing.

Alan Ibarra – MCVP Application

3. What were your 3 most important learning points from your last team experience? Main goals and Integral planning (synergy)  One of my most important learning points of working in past team’s, was the inability to leverage each others work and to have a goal in which we solidly identified how we were contributing for it. We mainly completed our plans and then tried to find a common ground, when finding the ground should have been the first step. The key to a successful planning is working with a main plan that is built on many plans. All or most of the functions should be complementing each other as much as possible, making the functions spend less time and energy when all can contribute. Team stance, values, cohesion and rules  Creating a team stance was the best things I have ever done with a team. It is something, which defines us and brings us together. Getting to know each other is one thing, but to create trust is another. I believe a team must find in common their likes and dislikes, and learn to respect and tolerate. Creation of team rules is always needed and keeping in mind not to mix professional and personal feelings. Multi-cultural adaptability  As MC abroad, I had the opportunity to work with an international team (Turkish, Tunisian and 3 Estonians) that brought not only their cultures and way of thinking at home, but also to work. Different school system, family values, culture, history, even weather – everything, comes into play and here is the moment where you adapt and tolerate the different backgrounds. The key to adapt is understanding the why and not be so quick to judge.


1. What do you see as the 3 biggest trends facing the Hungarian economy and society? How will these trends affect AIESEC? Youth unemployment rate (15-24) o Since 2007, data shows the youth unemployment rate in Hungary has been gaining momentum (~28%) and its side effects can increase the number of citizens leaving the country for abroad opportunities. How can AIESEC capitalize this? It is very unfortunate that a trend like this is happening in the country but AIESEC can perfectly fit into the channel and exploit the Out-Going programs to our favor. This can affect AIESEC in the perspective that our EPs may not want to return to Hungary and continue their path to become the change agents and solve the issues here. Changes in higher education o The Hungarian government passed at the end of 2011, a new higher education law that slashes the number of state-funded courses. The law cuts the number of state-funded degrees by 40% (from 53,500 to 33,927). In 2012, student applications dropped by a third (109,000 against 132,000 in 2011). This is persuading the young to go study abroad where they can get their education cheaply, if not for free. How can these facts affect AIESEC? If the number of students in universities (and other colleges etc.) is decreasing, and so can our ELD program users. AIESEC can innovate in projects, which can involve the private sector to finance students to continue their studies. Also we may need to better capitalize our markets (since they are reducing).

Hungary in the EU o Difficult moments regarding European Union complaints (about the cut back in scholarships -–not following the EU standards-- and the difficult situation with the Hungarian central bank & judiciary), has put the relationship of Hungary and EU in a strain. EU fears the rising support of 2. What do you think are the top 3 drivers for AIESEC in Hungary 13-14? Anti-Europe political parties. How can these facts affect AIESEC? AIESEC needs to stay aware of all the decisions that may be happening, staying Why? strong and moving towards keeping the doors open in the country. Continuous membership development o Driving competency behavioral models, based on the needs of the organization and their career planning External relevance o Understanding and fully capitalizing our channels to support the competency o Solving actual specific issues in society (something we are recognized development (supported by LC coaching, Conferences, LEAD, TtTs, etc.) for) o LEAD cycles for different audiences (EBs and members) o All ELD programs becoming more and more specialized and keeping o An Education Cycle which complemented by the LEAD program their relevance for the market (this can be measured by the growth of o Higher hard skill development by the implementation of TtTs and TtaTs usage through the years) o Generating members who can fend for themselves, feel empowered, valued and o Continuous participation in youth events (in which we can also capable of understanding the organizational changes and directions capitalize to engage) o Staying connected to the external world and forming strong youth alliances o Entrepreneurial activities, which not only supports EwA but ELD growth.

Alan Ibarra – MCVP Application


Sustainable organizational direction

o o


o o

Staying result oriented but keeping in mind the long-term sustainability of the growth by investing and focusing in the membership development (which is the main motor). Exploit the YC modification  Capitalizing all the knowledge thanks to the YC project and encourage (and assure) national pipeline from the LC EBs  Redesign of the all the planning flow, national and local conference cycles.  Canalizing the energy of elects for the 1st upcoming peak.  Transition packages Stimulate membership usage of  We begin the usage as MC ourselves and let people know about it  In order to avoid the leak in Knowledge Management, all knowledge is stored in and members have the most updated knowledge at hand Well developed Educational and Coaching plan from MC/NST to EBs, and EBs to Members Downscale of information and global updates as soon as possible to keep up with the global direction

3. How will AIESEC Hungary look like on the 30th June 2014? National Level  There is a national LEAD Program, which leverages on the members hard skills, leadership and competency development throughout the year. By the end of the term, we would have generated more independent EBs and thinking members.  Delivered a relevant cycle of (functional) education summits (especially to the X functions) to continue the specialization of our members.  Assuring that the education would not lose its value in the delivery, there would be a TtT implementation cycle delivered and a National Trainers Pool. This would also bring a higher value in being a TMP/TLP in the country.  A strong national pipeline from LCs, thanks to the YC project modifications.  Reached a level of growth which maintains our level as one of the top growing entities in the network  Our growth in X, is support by the backbone of members (which is growing in a balance with X)  EwA activities have grown matured in LCs and ELD programs would be experiencing the effects.  A successful Conference cycle implementation, which supports members throughout the term in their activities.  Giving the example of flexibility when needed in the structured processes. Local Level  Conscious EBs, which decrease their level of dependency from MC  Sustainable leadership pipeline (focus in retention)  Clear understanding of what is AIESEC  Achieved a considerable growth when compared to last term  Members that enjoy their participation (in all forms) in AIESEC, not just getting lost in the work  Members which are well educated and coached by their EBs and TLPs  VPsTM which are able to identify how TM contributes to X and that a great X growth needs to be accompanied by a growth of members - sustainable growth awareness  Matured TXP and EwA value propositions  Short Term TMP/TLP XPs

Alan Ibarra – MCVP Application

4. What do you think is Hungary’s current role in the international network? How do you see this role developing in the coming year? AIESEC in Hungary is known in the network for;  Current boom in relative growth (one of the highest in the network)  Great contributors in CEE in the GCDP program  Outstanding business development and financial sustainability  Strong knowledge management in all functional areas  IPM 2012  Continuity of Hungarians AI, international MCs and international EBs The development I foresee in the coming year would be that the country would still be recognized for all the things it is positioned for now, but in a branded way. Hungary would now find its way into the network with an easier manner as if so to say: when they speak of us in reference to the brand (such as “Czech Me Out” GCP) all the things said above would also come to their mind. This brand should not only represent our strengths as AIESEC but also support the natural beauties (resources) of the country and package it in a way for PR when also it can work to attract EPs. Another vision for the coming year would be that there should be at least one Hungarian in every international and regional conference – letting everyone know Hungary is always present.


1. Why would you like to be in the MC team 13-14 of AIESEC Hungary? Being in a current MCVP XP has allowed me to identify exactly what I would like to have if I would take another MC XP and I believe Hungary fulfills those requirements. I would like to say that my decision to apply for Hungary is quite different from many and I would like to think that my reason is much more meaningful than the typical “I love the culture and country and I always wanted to visit it” or “it is my next step to apply for MC”. I had the opportunity to visit the country as Chair of a conference and here is where the twist came... I had valid XP in chairing local events but never before in national level. So I really did not expect anything extraordinary. But to my surprise, I would have never expected to connect so fast and much, with the audience as I did there. The people, the conversations, the sharing, the friendships and the AIESEC culture – the type of experience I confronted there, was very familiar to me. This reminded of the warmth of my AIESEC career back home in Mexico. This feeling really gave me the power and energy I needed at the moment, and right now I ask myself, “why don’t I go work in a place where I treasure, and at the same time give me the challenge and development I seek?”. Applying to Hungary is much more than just motivation, it is my free will to put to work my XP and help achieve so much for the organization there. More to my professional development, in my plans has always been to experience being MC in a country with a good number of LCs, in order to continue developing my strategic thinking in larger scales. I would like to add that with the current growth that the country is experiencing, it is very exciting to me to become part of it in such a phase – where I can help continue and releasing the potential in such an entity. Realizing and understanding what it really means to apply for MC is not just falling for a country you really like or because you just feel like applying since it’s your next step. It’s when the opportunity really aligns itself with your professional and personal career plan, when you have anticipated the opportunity and prepared for it, when you accept your team, when you are willing to go to the next level, when you understand how big of a responsibility it is and when you really know that when you get there, you will just not sit and learn while being in the position, but to already have great ideas and strategies to start off with and optimize your time. Hungary is in the position where I know I can make the most of my strengths and further develop and improve the areas of opportunities of the country and mine’s as well. With the great MC team that I am sure will be built up, I firmly believe that I can create the synergy needed and that I can contribute not only to my work but to contribute to the whole team as a whole unit.

2. Describe your 3 main strengths and weaknesses, and give 1-1 example from your past! How will these help you/challenge you in your MC term?

Alan Ibarra – MCVP Application

Past example

How will it help you as MC Hungary?

I have always admired the ability to think big picture and this year I had the opportunity as MC. Working as MC and very close with the MCP (in OD) has given me the chance to understand that overview, that I highly value. I have this really peculiar talent of really getting into a person/positions shoes, and understanding them. Past example was when I needed to deliver Coaching for my VPsTM (when NST) on what they needed to know to avoid some errors I did in my XP and other useful information based on the time of year (some solutions when entering storming) I have had the chance to work with many different people with different background. I tend to focus in our common ground to come to an agreement and swift solution.

I believe as MC, this way of thinking is critical if you are to be constantly analyzing the organization and where it will be led. I believe that the level of discussions that we can have would be very beneficial for the organization in the end, without ever forgetting about the local level (where the actual magic happens).


Past example

How will it challenge you as MC Hungary?


When I was VPTM, NST and even right now as MC, I am now aware that I truly have a weakness in knowing how many things to handle at the same time.

Easily distracted

When working in an environment of much noise and loud conversations, can make me lose my focus.


In my past XPs, I have been leaving the office quite late, almost everyday.

Currently with the new method of planning in my team I clearly have an overview of what needs to be done every week. I started becoming more discipline in prioritizing and things are looking healthier. I believe that in MC it can challenge when I have to get many things done. But keeping this in mind and following planning with discipline I should foresee when I have to put more work and focus, and finish it, to avoid an overloading of many unfinished things. This weakness I discovered not long ago which made me realize why I was overloading with work, I allowed myself to get distracted and lose time. Currently I am using some methods, which I put to use and make me concentrate, quite well (classical music) and I actually can close out the distractions. Perhaps in the MC office, which many people visit, I may get distracted if they are many (too loud) noises. As long as I am with headphones, everything should be ok. Right now I have been solving this little by little. I have begun to allocate more time for myself (I am very disciplined with this), which has been working until now. In Hungary, I should be aware when to take a break, so I can continue to be fully productive.

Strength Strategic thinking

Empathic thinking

Negotiation skills

When thinking to Coach and/or Train, it takes special thinking to customize the training based on the people to which you will deliver it, understanding their XP truly can facilitate this. I also believe this can help the understanding of information, which is being downscaled by MC to LC, and there would be a decrease in miscommunication (if we understand how LCs are thinking we can manage to be steps ahead to support them). Since I have XP managing LCVPs, this should complement my management of the VPs.

Like a salesman, I like to present products in which I also believe in. When working with my MC team, VPs and NSTs – I believe they would also see the relevance and value immediately. I believe things should not be done for the sake of doing, but rather doing things that count. Making everyone’s time worth while.

Alan Ibarra – MCVP Application

3. What are your top 3 personal values? How will they influence your MC term? Honesty o I expect people to be honest with me and if they have anything they feel they need to say (positive or negative), rest assured I will listen. I believe this value will be very powerful especially when we will practically be family. I also believe that we should not carry any mixed (bad) feelings and above all, we should not let them grow but solve them at the moment. Patience – Emotional Intelligence o I really value when a person is strong in managing emotions, stays unbiased and logical and self-aware. In a team I believe everyone should be able to separate personal from professional and keep a healthy environment. In the MC, I see this influencing me in the way that I will be a good example and I will be helping my team to become better if there is ever a need. Optimism o I am a firm believer in boldness and progress. No matter what we do in the end we will learn, win or lose; it will be a learning experience. As MC, if I see an opportunity, which is relevant and can have success, I will present it and push for entrepreneurial mindset.

4. What would you like to see yourself doing five years from now, and why? How do you see your term in MC AIESEC Hungary will contribute to achieving this goal? I would like to think I am working in an international company in which I have to travel quite often to branches in different parts of the globe, coaching. I really enjoy coaching and supporting entities to have the ability to get to where they want to be. I am very passionate to be that external eye that creates the wake-up call and brings the organization back to reality and on their two feet on the ground. I will not touch my heart when it comes to excuses, I believe in actions. I also consider that creating thinking employees, challenging them and empowering them to do something about it – should the legacy I should leave them. I believe that this MC term will enable to me to open my mind into a larger scale of operations, which can give me the XP needed to reach this vision. Also as my 2nd MC term, I believe it will continue strengthening my independence and ability to be living on my own – which I believe is very valued if they decide to take a profile as me.


1. How do you see TMP/TLP developing in the next 3 years in terms of market relevance in Hungary, connection to operation, programme growth on national and local level? o


In order to maintain the market relevance and not become obsolete during the next 3 years, I see ocurring product developing of these XPs (just as the X programs). The TMP/TLP products should be reaching a deeper and higher value for the students through the incorporation of LEAD (continous leadership development) which is delivered by externals (companies which are relevant and interesting for the youth) and Train the trainers (TtT) concept into which can be used as well to attract students and can see the value of joining AIESEC. I also see the TMP/TLP product development reaching out towards the X programs, especially oGCDP. A product which can package the integrated experiences (TXP to EP – EP to TXP). Connected to the operations, I see the work of TMP/TLP still mainly focusing in the X areas and becoming more project based. I also strongly believe that these programs will become more and more exclusive and will become more valuable, as the level of XP will become more intense and more developing.

Alan Ibarra – MCVP Application


Connected to instinct, I see the the TXP programs growing in balance to the growth of Xs, meaning we will only growth in comparison of Xs, as we would like to keep the membership efficiency high. Now based on facts, and taking into account the last 4 years of AIESEC in Hungary, an estimation of growth in the team experience (TXP) programs in the next 3 years would be in a range of TMP 39% and TLP 51%.

2. How do you see the evolution of Engagement with AIESEC in the next 3 years? How should it be developed to contribute to ELD result growth? o


In 3 years I see EwA activities very well defined and matured with a clear connection (MoS) to the ELD programs. I also see the creation of programs with in the EwA for High School students (and others which are not in the higher education system) in which they would be working with activities not directed to X but to the support of it: event organization like Y2B, Global Villages and conferences (National and International), trainee buddy system, hosting families and PR events. As I personally see it, it will be only a matter of time where High School students would be formally involved and would be the pipeline for the more professionalized ELD programs. I believe if we continue with the current EwA activities and be able to reach matureness in the level of the product, we can begin a track in one of our National Conferences about integration into AIESEC.

3. How would you ensure to allign the resource management(HR) and experience management (TMP, TLP, EwA) function of a VP TMs on local level? What management frame would you propose? o


One of the most important TM processes is the alignment of HR capacity and the XPs needed in the LC, which is defined as Talent Planning (HR Planning). VPsTM should understand and comprehend the importance of planning (and how it works) to fill the gaps of HR ahead of time and keep the operations running to fulfill the goals. If they case in MCVPTM transition, we would define if the current tool for T. Plannign would be improved or re-created to fit to a better degress the needs of the LCs. Based on this decision, the tool will be sent and it should be followed by a small how to use, to make sure everyone is on the same page and truly make sure each person dominates the process.  The frame would take into account all current participants in EwA, TMP, TLP and our oGCDP EPs.  The needs of members, looking at the goals and what the entity wants to reach (# of EwA participants, # of TMP, # of TLP and # of oGCDP EPs from the last Quarter and the current)  Why oGCDP EPs? We must not only plan our TXPs and EwA XPs – but begin focusing in the delivery of IXPs. TM needs to know when they were recruited, when they will leave, and when will they come back to either integrate or re-integrate.  After identifying the needs of membership and EPs (potential for IXPs), there is the profile requirement of each position and where to find it (which university?)  VPsTM should have the number of required (needs) EwA, TMP, TLP and EPs and the total number of the goals for each. Should also have the profile set (together with the EB) of which type of member that is required for that exact position (to know where to look for it).

Alan Ibarra – MCVP Application


The second tool to complement the T. Planning would be the Pipeline Management process. A process in which we would utilize the outcomes from Performance Appraisal and manage the flows of people between different positions in the LC. The goal of the Pipeline Management is to make sure we have the right people in the right roles (efficient allocation) at the right time (effective flow). The Pipeline Management would be the Human Resource Tracking and follow-up for VPsTM to have an exact overview of all the XPs which are delivered and will be delivered to re-launch the MM packages ahead of time.

4. How would you develop strategies for members to take part in several parts of the ELD programs? •Creating a portfolio in which the TXP programs become much more effective and flexible. •We can capitalize this to create X teams that can work in a shorter period of time but still bring the results needed. Examples: Short Term Non Product Exchanger (STNX) and/or Medium Term (MT). (These products are for both the TMPs and TLPs) Packaging •How do we ensure the quality of the programs? Thorugh specific TM processes; T. Planning, Pipeline Management, Education, Mentorship, R&R and the TMP and Carerr Planning.


Product •The product packages of the TMP and TLP not only consist in Short Term or Medium Term XPs with no X, they also bring about a new era for multiprogram usage. Packaging the TMP and •Examples: Short Term After Exchange (STAX) and Short Term While X (STWX). (These products are for both the TMPs and TLPs) TLP (with X) The idea would be that we could create a competition based on a point system in which for example: having a Short Term While Exchange (STWX) can be worth 20 points while a Short Term Non Exchange (STNX) can only give you 5 points (due to the level of difficulty) to encourage the virtual leadership XP. Of course the more your XPs you deliver that are working towards X can be valued even more.



5. What could be the role of leadership development? How would you build up a yearly leadership development flow and what are it’s key success factors?

During the past years, AIESEC had realize one huge gap that was not being fulfilled by the endless trainings and coachings. Going into more detail there was an absence of leadership which gave member the opportunities to learn. Many others could not engage their members and teams so well, and it was very uncertain which countries had a fruitful natural leader who’d help build it. Little by little it was noticeable that great leadership was not the one who had a great year and successful numbers, but the ones who left prepared pipeline and were able to activate the unlocked potential in others. Then in 2010 in IPM, AI presented a leadership development program which enabled MCPs to have a personal reflection about themselves and create self awareness in their environment. This program was (and is) called LEAD. The role leadership development is not just professional skill but a personal drive which creates the feeling of constant improvement of one thy self. The combination of theory, practice and sharing form a complementing method which also allows you to experience what it is to LEAD and deliver. In order to create the LEAD program it is essential to:  We integrate LEAD to the conference cycle (evaluate how many opportunities we have to deliver LEAD)  Never forget the great importance to understand that the cycle of LEAD finishes every 6 months, then after this people need to re-do the survey and evualuate results. Then we would launch a 2nd survey in the middle of the year to cover the next 6 months.  The LEAD survey is launched (based on AI materials) and when answered, we interpret the results and select the most critical skills which are absent in the membership. These skills will be divided among the national conferences.  After developing the skills needed to deliver for LEAD, we search for companies which are able to deliver those topics in the specific time required.  When a partner is found, we work very closely and follow-up in the preparation to make sure the details that appeal the best to AIESEC audiences are there.

Alan Ibarra – MCVP Application


 

Personal effectivenness

Driving growth

 Passion

So to say this is an example of what a LEAD flow can be when taking into account 4 national conference in the year cycle and that we choose the most critical needs: Somethings like Coaching and driving growth can be immediately measured by numbers but sometime LEAD is a bit more than skills but what we stand for such a the topics of Passion and Personal effectiveness. MoS for Coaching and driving growth can be noticed in the % of Coachings delivered in the LCs and growth by the rate thrown in the graphs. We make sure that the LEAD partner is aware that the topics will be connected on after the other and that the delivery has to include theory, practical (VERY IMPORTANT) and sharing. After every LEAD delivery we perform a feedback survey immediately to give fresh feedback for the company to improve delivery.

6. What could be the TM’s role in supporting people after their ELD experience? How would you ensure that? o o

o o


Launching a LLC track for out-going EBs, ability to translate your AIESEC experience to the external world and how to get started quickly  Ensuring to add this track in our last conference Career Planninng development throughout their AIESEC career  If it already exist, we would work with the career planning tool (if not then we create a new one with the NSTs and external consultancy)  NST tracking and a cycle implementation for the CP Connecting to opportunities in companies  Working together with MCVP Business Development and search for possibilities to keep doors open for AIESECer (like it is currently done) Alumni conferences, success stories and networking  For members in the LLC, especially those which have been outside of the organization quite long may find it very interesting to meet in an Alumni conference only for them. It can be guaranteed if we manage to contact a few very active and connected alumni, which are willing to push this initiatives forward. I can work together with the responsible of Alumni development and see this pressed also by our side. Business idea project competition, every year the best idea gets a free of charge business plan by an incubator and funded (by an AIESEC partner) to kick off the start of your own business  Working together with MCVP Business Development and searching for possibilities to encourage LLC program users

7. Which position do you see yourself capable to fulfill besides TM? (In the selection panel you can be possibly selected to this area based on which profile you fit more. Please take this information into consideration during your selection process.) Based on my experience, I sincerely believe OD can be another good position in which I could be taken into consideration. Getting to know the reality of the country would not be so hard for me and it is very achieveable – but having the XP and organizational overview takes time and experience. My experience also with the year cycle project (in Mexico we had this change when I was an EB member, my generation was the 1st to live through the new cycle) can be quite useful, especially in the LC Coaching, conference cycle and transition. If OD is completely out of reach for me, I have been looking for more options and if I had to decide, MCVP OGX would be my choice. My XP in OGX is not that great but it is the one of the functions I have had the most opportunity to work with. Taking advantage of the simularities with TM, we can capitalize my profile.

Alan Ibarra – MCVP Application

Motivation Letter 22.01.2013 Tallinn, Estonia

Dear AIESEC in Hungary, My name is Alan Ibarra and I am delighted to have the opportunity to apply for AIESEC in Hungary in the term 13.14. I would like to say that my decision to apply for Hungary is quite different from many and I would like to think that my reason is much more meaningful than the typical “I love the culture and country and I always wanted to visit it” or “it is my next step to apply for MC”. I had the opportunity to visit the country as Chair of a conference and here is where the twist came... I had valid XP in chairing local events but never before in national level. So I really did not expect anything extraordinary. But to my surprise, I would have never expected to connect so fast and much, with the audience as I did there. The people, the conversations, the sharing, the friendships and the AIESEC culture – the type of experience I confronted there, was very familiar to me. This reminded of the warmth of my AIESEC career back home in Mexico. This feeling really gave me the power and energy I needed at the moment, and right now I ask myself, “why don’t I go work in a place where I treasure, and at the same time give me the challenge and development I seek?”. Applying to Hungary is much more than just motivation, it is my free will to put to work my XP and help achieve so much for the organization there. Being in the MC of AIESEC in Estonia has contributed a lot to my personal development, but now I want to continue with my AIESEC experience in a big AIESEC country, which would give a lot to my professional development. This is what I seek, when thinking ahead to my future, because I want to work in an international company and deliver coaching as a consultant. I know I have much to give and my experience and knowledge would benefit the needs and the vision of AIESEC in Hungary. I hope that I have the opportunity to be part of your country which has huge potential for sustainable growth. In conclusion I would like to say that I hope that you consider my application as the Member Committee Vice-President of AIESEC in Hungary and find me suitable. I am fully committed and have the passion to drive the organization towards the growth which is needed. The members of AIESEC Hungary showed that they were willing to give it their all and it made me want to give my all for Hungary and to continue with AIESEC after my current MC term.

Sincerely yours,

Alan Ibarra – MCVP Application




Alan Ibarra

Continuous membership development

National Level  There is a national LEAD Program, which leverages on the members hard skills, leadership and competency development throughout the year. By the end of the term, we would have generated more independent EBs and thinking members.  Delivered a relevant cycle of (functional) education summits (especially to the X functions) to continue the specialization of our members.  Assuring that the education would not lose its value in the delivery, there would be a TtT implementation cycle delivered and a National Trainers Pool. This would also bring a higher value in being a TMP/TLP in the country.

External relevance

Executive Summary

Sustainable organizational direction

Local Level  Conscious EBs, which decrease their level of dependency from MC  Sustainable leadership pipeline (focus in retention)  Clear understanding of what is AIESEC  Achieved a considerable growth when compared to last term  Members that enjoy their participation (in all forms) in AIESEC, not just getting lost in the work  Members which are well educated and coached by their EBs and TLPs  VPsTM which are able to identify how TM contributes to X and that a great X growth needs to be accompanied by a growth of members - sustainable growth awareness  Matured TXP and EwA value propositions  Short Term TMP/TLP XPs

Alan Ibarra – MCVP Application

National oGCDP product package for companies (CSR):  

For every euro that a company invests in this product, AIESEC invests an additional euro (starting with 50,000 euros – amount of money can increase with the years). Connection with iGCDP projects. If the level of English is low among students and they need to practice English, an university PBOX could be developed that engages students in speaking in the needed foreign language. These students would also have a competition (for example business idea competition) and the winners could go on a GCDP project (issue: Entrepreneurship) abroad to further practice their English skills. For example, if companies are interested in relations with China, they need locals who understand Chinese culture (sending EPs to China can increase the number of locals, future employees who are interested in continuing learning on Chinese culture and taking up the language). By deciding on the chosen region or countries, AIESEC can work together with the companies to cover the gap in the knowledge of needed languages or understanding in cultures in the job market. In addition, those future employees would have had worked in an international environment to develop their soft skills and increase understanding of various cultures. Students have to compete on social media to have the benefit of travelling to their destined GCDP project (for free; additional benefits can be added, perhaps in cooperation with major media companies who would like to cover this topic and phenomenona [creating a documentary on the volunteers in the destination region]) in a specific region (every student has to send a video saying why being a volunteer and why developing leadership skills through travelling and learning about diverse cultures, is beneficial for the youth of Hungary today in developing their professional skills; every LC selectes a certain number of finalists who will be competing for the best prize). Students do not have to cancel oGCDP opportunities due to lack of funding - AIESEC can cover a specific number of fees and support the cost of flight tickets (some applicants can go for free)

Alan Ibarra – MCVP Application

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