Astronaut Diary

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Dear Diary... An astronaut’s perspective By Year 5 HolLand

Photo taken from

03/10/11 Dear diary, Today I am in space and earth is so different from standing on earth. In space I took a picture of earth to take home and show to my family and friends.I saw Venus and it was so fogey that I could barely see the planet!!!! I saw Mars and some black spots moving, I bet they were mars rovers. I managed to get a glance of Mercury and it looked so dark from our side it looked pitch black like the midnight sky. I also got a glance of Jupiter. I saw the big red spot it looked so small and so did Jupiter. Maybe Jupiter was not as big as people thought it was and maybe the big red spot was not as big as they thought. We have received a message from earth that we need to repair all the telescopes and satellites in space that we can reach. We started to repair the telescopes and satellites in range. We are working on a satellite and the inside looks very different from training, much more technical. It took us two hours to repair the satellites. It was hard work as we had to be very careful about the wires and other parts of the satellites. If we did not do it.It would fall out of the sky and hit earth probably killing many innocent lives!!!!Being an astronaut is sure hard and risky because you could be risking your one life to discover things about space and the universe to help in education and learning!!!So being an astronaut is not a very safe a job so if you love your life never and I mean never become an astronaut if you love your life. I miss my family and friends I want to go back to my home on earth. It is time to repair satellite number two. This one looked more technical than the first satellite.I was right, boy was I right! It was the most difficult thing I have done in my life I thought I almost permanently broke it!!!!But my companions helped me get my courage back.I thought I all most lost it back there but they were there and helped me. It is getting late and we might have to repair more satellites tomorrow so I better get to sleep.

By Lionel

1/4/900000000000011 Yo Diary, Today I had a amazingly amazing fun day in space. As an astronaut I love to walk and run in space, also I really enjoy taking surveys of the air on different planets because they tell us on earth are we compatible living there. But sometimes I have to stay in space for over a month then I return back to earth. During those times its common the crew miss their families at home. Loads of times even I miss Mum, Dad, Roger and Carla. But my wife teaches our children on the space shuttle . I can’t go anywhere without my family as its part of my contract also I’m used to this so I really enjoy a little bit of fun where ever I go. Sometimes BooBoo my dog comes with us on short trips like to the moon but this time he can’t as NASA has built a rocket that can fly 3 billion kilometres a NANO second which is too fast for him and we are going to Gliese 581d. I really enjoy having company on the flight as people brighten up my days when BooBoo is not there on the space shuttle. I love my dog equally the same as my family. This is because when I was 25 my parents 2 dogs Roger and Carla. They both had little puppies identical to both parents just like mixed set twins. And guess what they were born on my lap and I asked Dad if I could have 2 puppies one of each colour he said yes. And I kept both until I was 27 my other dog died in a car crash, while I was walking her. When I broke the news to Mum she fainted as she loved her dearly. So Dad and I rushed to the hospital and when we returned home we got Mum some shopping vouchers worth a million dollars and we took her to the mall to shop we also hired a caddy to carry her shopping bags. Besides all the negative stuff and thoughts, we were on take off count down and in the background you could her the engine chugging away noisily. My wife complained it was such a nuisance and she her self couldn’t get some sleep during the afternoon earth time she was stressed and tired. I really love the features on our mini house. We have 2 laptops, schooling supply shop, a sauna, tanning room, some 100 star standard bathrooms and rooms, anti-gravity switches, Jacuzzi, hot tub, stove for my wife to cook on, a radio transmitter, a study room, Oxygen recycler, A dance floor, A bar with a bar tender, a pool with a mini bar, a little box of gadgets and weaponry. Unfortunately I could only stay for a day and had to return when I collected the air as in the lab they will test the air if it contains enough oxygen to survive. I really enjoyed the day with the kids. And I really appreciated a given chance from NASA to see Gliese 581d and also being able to take my family with me. I think this has been my best experience in space.

-Michelle Couper-

03/10/11 Dear dairy. I’m in the ship in out of space.It’s pretty boring in here.I’m also pretty hungry.That’s why I’m gonna eat soon. But it is super beautiful outside (WOW!!!).I can see Venus outside! I want to go outside and look for other planets but I can’t. I can go after 4 hours 2 minutes and 3 seconds and 56 mini seconds.This sucks! :( I’m all alone in a space ship and I miss my family and didn’t have permission to go outside in space. 4 hours later I’m finally outside! It’s super fun (L.O.L) :) I can see planet earth from here! This is so cool!! (FUN) And you can see almost all the planets from here maybe later I’m gonna go stand on planet Venus! :) Oh and I almost forgot to say I also have a picture of me in space.I don’t have it now. And now It was really fun but now I have to eat dinner.I’m hungry!!!! 1 hour later I’m just finished with dinner. I Have to sleep , I’m super tired! 10:00 in the night I just saw a U.F.O. I’m gonna call the space station and ask if I can follow it. I just took a picture of the U.F.O. and here you can see it! 1 hour later. (YES) I got permission to follow the U.F.O. Oh yeah! I don’t know what planet this is? How old is this planet? Is it ever discovered? Well now it is!Because of me but I know nothing about this planet.I’m gonna call the space station. 1 hour later I’m on the planet where the alien also is with the U.F.O! It’s so COOL!!! (WOW).O.M.G. I’m so lonely here on this planet. I don’t know what planet this is?How old is this planet? Is it ever discovered? Well now it is!Because of me but I know nothing about this planet.I’m gonna call the space station. 5 minutes later. Dammit! I don’t have Internet connection.But that’s a little odd that you don’t have any internet connection in space.Well then I’m on my own now! I’m just gonna go to the ship because it’s pretty boring out here. BYE!!!

By Zildjian Boon

03/10/11 Dear Diary Today was my best day because I just passed my training to be an astronaut. Now I am one. This is a mission to be the first man and woman on Mars. I am going with professional Neil Armstrong!!!! (the first man on moon) And Soviet Cosmonaut Valentina Tereshkova !!!!(the first woman on space) I almost fainted. So I put on my t-shirt then go in my car. There was no traffic which is good good because my house is not near to go to NASA’s central headquarter. I never been in any headquarter. It was massive. I park in the parking lot and I got my own parking space, it said private to Axel Vontheo Avianto. Then I park in my private parking space, I went out my car and saw Neil Armstrong he looks very old but I think he is still looks good. Also I saw my new boss Mark, he said come in. I went in and saw the headquarter. They took my thumb print, eye scan and my signature just in-case I am a terrorist, but I am not, I’m a person with a talent and dream to be an astronaut and I love my talent.We went up the glass elevator it was big. We ran out of the elevator and saw my two crews. It was very cool, I bet my friends are jealous about me. Me, my crews and other important people were talking about the safety and who was going first. I was hoping it was me so I crossed my fingers, but it was not me it was Soviet Cosmonaut Valentina Tereshkova. I learn two things : never cross your fingers, because it’s useless and good things only happen once in a day to someone. So I felt really ungreatful inside, but look at the bright side, I am going to be the second person on Mars because Neil is not going to Mars. He will be just stay in the rocket. Then the discussion was over, we put on our suit and got ready. I was very nervous, but I said to myself that I can do it. We went into the rocket, we were ready. I was a bit scared. The driver was the girl, I set down I check every single thing, it was all there, I said ready . Boom it lunch us to space very fast and scary but I was very happy because I beat my fear .We saw the tiny Earth and stop near the moon then it was 7:00 that mean it is time to sleep so its just me and my diary and Neil he is sleeping next to me. My dream’s came true it was the best day ever. P.S Never sleep with Neil he snores. P.S At last something good happens.

By Axel

Monday 1st May, 3003 Dear Diary, Wow! Just looking out the window is like looking into a completely different world! You can just see Gliese 581 coming into view. Wow again! It looks amazing!!! We have been traveling on this space ship for about three days. We can travel pretty fast, so we had to do a lot of preparing and cleaning and keeping control of the ship. But today, we have arrived. Well, only partly, if that’s possible, because we are next to Gliese 581, though we can not land on it yet. This is because we have to wait for the right time before we can land. So today we are orbiting around Gliese 581, so we have a bit of free time. Because our only job is to wait. The good thing is, waiting isn’t too bad. Actually its kinda fun. Partly because we have a games room a TV room, a swimming pool, a bar, a couple of restuarants, and partly because I can write in you. So right now what I am doing is I am in my overlarge penthouse. I say its overlarge because partly I don’t think I deserve this much and partly because it has to be too big to be known as a penthouse. More like a mini Mansion, has a jacuzzi!!! So now I think I’ll take you with me and go sunbathe by the pool. Oh, yeah, I forgot to tell you, but at the pool, there is automatic artificial sunrays! Which means sunbathing!!!!! Oh yeah! Pinch me from this magical dream!!! Also, you have this switch in almost every room, which means you can float and walk whenever you choose!!! Someone said that in the old days, they had to suck all the air out if they wanted to eat and I always wondered why.... but for us, we can eat A.N.Y.T.H.I.N.G!!!!! Its so cool!!!! Okay, I am just getting into the glass elevator and sitting down on the ruby sofa, waiting for it to read my mind and figure out where I want to go, then ask me if it is correct, then it will take me there and give me the latest news. Uh, Oh! Somebody has turned on the anti-gravity machine. Well, I better think about the control room, so that the lift will take me there. 5 minutes later.... Okay, why isn’t this lift working?? It should be halfway to the controls room by now, but its barely budged. Its just wobbled a few inches sideways as I got in. I wonder whats going on??? First the gravity, now this! I need to go speak to the manager of this place. Get him to do something about this. Okay I’ll just sit down and figure out what I need to do. All right, first of all, I need to climb the stairs. Oh, no, wait, it will take two hours to do that unless you go in the lift, and it takes thirty seconds. Whereas, if I use Instant Message, I can call Mich and ask him to go up on turn the switch back on. I wonder who did it this time? The trickers, Picter, Purpter, Blupter, Grepter, Greepter or the team leader, Raister? I bet it was Raister. He is always up to no good. Okay. Lets go! Wait, the door won’t open! Nope! Its jammed in now!! I’ll just have to use the ejector seat. Its says in the manual, no belongings allowed! Goodbye! 3...2...1...eject!!!

…...It turned out that I forgot to let go of you, so you are still with me. I managed to get to the elevator ejection room quite easily, almost out of breath, but I got there. At least that’s one thing done. The Boss said that I was needed to check the new ejector seat. Well, I did. Sort of. Maybe a bit early, but I did it all

the same. So here I am right now in emerald and black skull printed swimming shorts, lounging on the deck chairs. The sun is so hot, intense and direct, I think that any moment now I will sizzle and burn into mush, as I would do in front of the real sun. But its so comfortable sitting here I might not get up ever. Okay. Now I am getting up and going for a dive in the cool pool. Yeah, I know, I am so bad at predicting things. Okay. See Ya!!! Gotta Go!!! Bye!!! Alex Astrostarplanet

Okay, I know I am not supposed to, but I am writing another diary entry on the same day. Come on, don’t look at me like that, Diary! Look, I know you have very strict rules saying that I am strictly NOT allowed to do two diary entries …....Blah de blah de blah, something along the lines of that, but still! Some people are so bad, they even believe rules are made to be broken, Okay? So get over it. Anyway, as I was saying, the landing point opened a bit earlier than we thought it would, so we got to land on Gleise 581 a little bit early. It was REALLY COOL!!!!! We got to see these people who where growing there, and they where the exact same people as us, except three billion years in the future. It was so cool! It was like seeing myself, as others see me! See? It was VERY important that I decided to write this piece of classified information! My great, great, great, a hundred greats later, gran children, may find it someday! Okay, I am so foreseeing the future right now! Can’t you see? Well, you obviously don’t recognise talent!!!!!

Whatever Dude,

Alex Astrostarplanet

Author: Lexie Habiby.

July,31st,2002 Dear Diary: Today it is my last day of being an astronaut and I am so sad but at the same time I am crying about it. Well let’s start. I am preparing for my big day. I called it like this because it is my last day and I am going on a field trip in space. First I have to get changed to my special astronaut uniform and what I can tell is that with this astronaut uniform I feel strange and it is too fat and it is too tight at the same time...but I have to wear it every single day and every single night and of course every single afternoon. At my field trip I have to wear it too. Second I have to eat very quickly because the hour is passing too fast like a hare and this makes me more sad.Third I have to go to brush my teeth for a physical photo and for being healthy. Forth go to the G.Y.M and do exercise for being strong enough for the space trip but for that I take my angry astronaut uniform and put on my physical uniform. Fifth I have to go to the astronaut exercise place called G.Y.M (only for astronauts) to remember how to do it but I need my astronaut uniform there. They told me that I have to be very,very careful with the red spicy dots that are in the sun because the red dots can kill me. After that curious comment, they told me that I have to bring a lunatic alien and a lunatic rock from space. I understand every thing, I get prepared and agent TAXI0721 give me a code and with this fantastic code I can go to the sun. Then agent Cookies and Cream gave me her rocket and I asked her: How do you feel when you are out in space? and she told me it is so cool but I don’t know how did the sunny sun went into a cold shower BRR ,now it is called the shower star instead of the sun! I took a deep breath and relaxed a while. Then I open the door like opening a window from down to up, get inside, sit down put my seat belt and count from 20 to 0...20, 19, 18, 17, 16, 15, 14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0 and press the red button and shouted aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh I got sad because I was already here and then 5 seconds later I get into the shower star (the sun). Agent Cookie was right!, I shouted to my self. Well time to go out and look for all the items that agent TAXI0721 told me to look for. I get off the space rocket and started to look for the lunatic alien. I went to the cold part of the shower star(the sun) and found an alien and he was speaking to 20 aliens more! and I thought for a while He is very confident. I will take him. After that the alien was so sad like me because he was going to leave all his whole family. I told him it´s OK. Well now can you alien help me found a lunatic rock because that is important mission...OK he said. We were more or less looking all afternoon for the stupid rock. I found! it said the alien and he gave it to me and I said Thank you for your cooperation! I shouted. (Now this rock is not stupid any more). Well time to go to planet Earth again. YES said the alien so we started chatting. When we came back the other astronauts told me You are a good astronaut other said I am proud of you then I thought how many good comments and I said Thanks a lot...well I could not do it without this little alien and the alien said HEY I am not little alien and everyone laughed. The director of the astronauts gave me a and then they whispered we needed that because doctor ZOO told me about the lunatic rock and I was surprised so I told you to brought it and you brought it well I will leave this to doctor ZOO... the lunatic alien is for helping us in some problems of humans.I am very proud of you and you big alien said the director. The alien said I am not big I am median

and everyone started to cry (because it was so funny)Everyone shouted at me HIP HIP HURRAY, HIP HIP HURRAY and put their astronauts hats in the air.

By Ines

Day 1 16th April 1969 Dear Diary, This is the most exciting day of my daily life I get to go to Uranus with the professional Mr.Buzz Aldren! In the picture the middle guy is me. I’m now on a rocket and the rocket team is counting down to take off. We’re 5000 ft. high from the ground when I looked down I like O-M-G that is so high and my heart was beating so fast like, 10000 mph per a second. We saw the stars and we found the Planet Mars and there was a big great storm at the great red planet then after we got out the ship and we floated safely towards the big planet we took lots of pictures of it and it was time to go. Our ship was floated with excitement and we ignored the big planet Saturn because we cant go there cause of the big storm that was pointing to us. We moved on to Jupiter and we surprisingly jumped out and took funny pictures and some pictures of stars. We moved to our true target that’s Uranus. We went to the blue planet and we have brought our jackets cause we thought it was gonna be cold. It took 1 hr to reach the planet Uranus. We took lots of photos and then an asteroid came really fast as a torpedo and hit the blue planet and the planet began to tilt sideways and a purple ring was around it so we rushed back to earth to tell the spaceologist.

By Joe Cook

22/02/10222 hi diary, Today I went to space and landed back on Earth . As being an astronaut its a tough job, you see there are many kids around the earth that want to be an astronaut, probably I have seen them. I have seen many planets all around me and this isn’t my 2nd, 3rd or 4th time that I went to space it’s my 1st. One thing is that you will hate being an astronaut is you will miss your family and friends, its sad to be an astronaut but sometimes fun. Sometimes who I really miss is my dog Jupiter he’s a jumpy dog who loves biscuits he died 2 weeks ago , when I am at space I just want to go higher and go to heaven to see him. My trip was long too, terribly long I missed my family and friends my kids and my wife its a tough job to be an astronaut but super fun. A quick tip for you diary if you love your parents then being an astronaut don’t be an astronaut stay with your family and always love them. The first shuttle that I went into was new it was so shiny I was blind. My children sent a message to the company and they said on the letter please oh please can you please put a new shuttle for our dad we just want to give him a present. Those kids are like a dream. Ok now to talk about my friends, my wife doesn’t like my friends too much because they don’t have a wife and they get drunk a lot. Now to talk about my love of my life my wife, she is kind helpful and a good person to be working with. I met her in the 90s, she was the same thing as before she is kind helpful and a good person to be working with. She was my heart for a long time, now I married her and its good to see her again from my trip to space. My mother was worried because she thought I was going to die, my father in the other hand he was fine, he thought that I was going to be ok so he made mum stay in the house but he let her watch some of the news. My family wanted to give me a card before I went and it rhymed it said “hello daddy and husband good luck on your trip to space,and hope you pack your case,don’t go floating with you tripping on your shoe lace, and good luck in the outer space.”

By Aimee Holden

October,18,2001 Dear Diary, Today is my first day going to outer-space. I am so nervous and so scared,I looked at the time. Oh my gosh it’s 10:00am I am so late I won’t be in time to take off.I got into a taxi and told him where to go. “Um..can I go to the Crains Hill station please”.The taxi said yes ma’am.I was finally sitting down then I looked at my phone. It was 10:30am. I said to the taxi I’m in a hurry can you go full speed please,thank you.After I finally was at the station I went to the front door feeling nervous,I took a deep breath.Then I knocked on the door. A girl’s voice was coming. She said “Hello who’s this?” “This is Mrs.Georgie coming for take off”. “Whats your rocket number?” “Let me see” I said. I put my hand into my pocket and got out a piece of paper. I said “My rocket number is 534”. Ok said the lady “you may come in”. I said thank you. When I got in it was huge.Inside there were people typing and preparing for take off.Then a lady told me”Right this way agent G534”.I walked with her along.Then she said “Agent G534 your rocket is getting prepared,while you are waiting you may get prepared too”.”Your suit will be in your closet”.She took me to the room and the I looked around then I looked at the lady. She said “This is your room,this is your desk this is your TV and this is your bathroom and this is your closet”. She said this is the remote to open each draw in your closet and the remote to control your room .You will be taking off in about 5 more minutes is every thing clear”.”I said yes.”Oh my name is Gloria she said,well nice to meet you”.I got into my suit put my helmet on and pumped it up and went to the rocket ship. I got into it and then the screen was flashing. I pressed a button and and then Gloria showed on the screen. She told me that I will be going to planet mars.Then I switched it off and counted,to take off,10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 blast off. I shot up right into the sky.Then I saw planet mars and tried to land.After I landed I opened the door.Then I realized that the planet mars was so jumpy.I was jumping and jumping. I remembered that I was here to do my job not play around.I kept searching and searching for creatures you know what I mean right.Aliens...I kept on searching then I suddenly just bumped into a field force.I went through the force field,then I saw a whole world of little blue creatures.Then they invited me for tea after I said “What are you”.”Oh that’s easy we are the smurfs”.Then the little one said “Who smurfed”?After a while I said “Well bye”.Then the little one called Clumsy said “Can I come too”.Then I said “Sure wait until you meet Gloria she is really nice”.Then we got into rocket 534 and counted down again,10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 blast off. We shot right up into the sky and landed on planet earth at Crain’s Hill Station.Gloria came out and said “What is that cute blue thing”. I said “It’s a smurf his name is Clumsy”.”WOW” she said”.”How did you find him “she said .I said I don’t know let Clumsy explain.”Well smirst we land on planet smars then you walk and walk then you walk into a smurf force and then you’ll find our smorld”.”Papa smurf is the one that takes care of me”.And the others as well.After I said that “How old are you Clumsy?”Do you mean how smurf I am”...”ehhh yes”...Well papa told me I was smurf 3.”Oh my smurfy I got to be getting home”. Well nice meeting you Bye” Bye’. By Georgie James

3rd of October,2011,Monday Dear Diary, We’re going to Space. Actually we arrived to the very large place with lots of shinning stars. I’m on the way to Sun buy the galaxy train.The Blue Marble (the Earth) shone by sun light. It was really another cool world that you can not imagine. The Sun is the biggest star in Space, (it was giant.) which is burning very hot. It was about 50 billion old.Anything will burn if it land on the sun-I’m sure about it. We just looked at the Sun through the window. Not so far from the Sun, We could see the first planet in the Solar System, Mercury. There were lots of ice, but not water. So I skated on Mercury. On the opposite side, it was very hot.I could swim in the lake, but because of the hot weather, it was not much fun. You know why I can skate and swim on the same planet? The side of Mercury which is staring the sun is hot, by sun rays(light), but because other side doesn’t get light, so the opposite side of the sun was freezing. But please remember its color is grey,all grey. It was so beautiful that I can’t express with words. Lots of stars. Galaxies. Rocks. Ice...... Anyway let’s get back to Mercury. Did you know that Mercury has lots of holes called crackers so we can play hide-& - seek.Mercury is the first planet in our Solar System, and it takes 88days to orbit around the sun for Mercury. The distance from the sun is 579,100 km. We‘re going to Venus. Hope you noticed that all the Solar System’s name named after Roman Gods. Eunji was really excited because her most favorite planet was Venus. Venus was quite a milky color. Ya Hoo- - - …...when we called like that and it echoed back. Then I remembered I saw this one early morning. It was shinning right at us, me and my cousin Yoon Seo. So sad that she couldn’t come with us. But Venus was gas planet so we couldn’t land. There was nothing to see.But its volume is same as the earth, which means they’re known as twins.It’s 2nd planet from the sun.Its diameter is 12,104km and it’s so bright so that it can be seen in the days.It takes 225 days to orbit the sun, and the distance from the earth is 382,000km. Drinking juice, I planned the activities of this trip with my friends: Hee Ju ,Seo Jin and Eunji. Most of us wanted to see Saturn, but I explained them that we need to see all over the space,so we got off when the galaxy passed Mars. After Earth, Mars is 4th planet in our Solar System,It looked as if it was burning.But it wasn’t really.It was red.It had lots of Volcanoes.I wondered how can the small planet has the biggest volcano in the Solar System. But one good thing is, we could play, I mean,Slide from the Volcanoes.It was quite dusty, cold plant.Did you know that the Mars is about 46million years old?Its distance from the sun is 2,279,200km.It takes 687 days to orbit the sun.Some scientist thinks that we can live in Mars, too. I wanted to play and search there more, but my friends didn’t let me to.They were so curious about Jupiter’s red colored storm which is three times bigger then Earth.So with galaxy again, we went to the biggest planet in the Solar System,and nearly midday, found the storm, But Seo Jin wasn’t being behave, so we all fall into the storm.Everything was spinning. But suddenly, all was quite.We were lying on the moon.Actually we were in the air.It was so fun to play in the air, but we needed to see Saturn, and eat lunch on its rock & ice ring. But let me teach you about the moon and Saturn.

The moon is quite same as Mars,it is about 46 million years old,too. The distance from the Earth is about 384,467km. It has lots of crackers, but we were so hungry that we didn’t had any energy to play.The Jupiter, 5th planet from the sun and the biggest planet had 12 moon. It’s bigger than the size which added all the Solar System (except sun.)It takes 12 years to orbit sun.It’s colder than earth is,and the distance from the sun is 77,857,000km.Its name named after Roman God Jupiter, who was king of them. Soon, we found some stars, and jumping to each stars and stone being careful, and finally reached there.Did you know that Saturn is most beautiful planet in our Solar System???Anyway, we were very hot and hungry. So as we reached to the Saturn’s rings, we sat on each spinning rock or ice, and started to eat lunch.Suddenly, I remembered my English teacher told me one funny sentence which helps us to remember the order of Solar System:My Very Enormous Monkey Just Showed Us Nine Planet. But I’m so sad that Pluto isn’t the Planet from 2006.I’ll tell you later about that.Saturn is 2nd largest planet and 6th plane from the sun.Has 62 known moons. Along with Jupiter,Uranus and Neptune, they’re gas giant. It has seven rings and as I told you before, its rings are made of ice and rocks.It takes about 29years to orbit the sun and Diameter is 120,660km. And the distance from the Saturn to Sun is 14,335,300km.But we weren’t curious about the Saturn that much, all caused we already learnt those from the school. On galaxy train 999, the radio said,“Next station is Uranus, Uranus.Please stand in right.” May be about one and half hours later,we were on Uranus. “Hey, I wonder why that planet is dad of Saturn.It’s sooooo small.Why don’t we call it <tiny blue thingamajig(thingy)with no fun>?”Hee Ju said. I replied, “Whenever you call it, it’s Uranus.Sorry, but that’s your own idea and we don’t agree with that.” Anyway the Uranus was really quiet place.No pants.No creatures.But just then, some shadow shown by star lights.When we turn around, there were quite cute, but strange creatures.Looked like kangaroo or gerbil. Or squirrel.No, it looked like puppy and cat or rabbit.No,no,no,no.Some parts of it looked like them, but it wasn’t.It was an Alien! Oh my gosh, it could talk English.They were called “Kgspcr.”It told us about the Uranus.It was 7th planet from the sun and can be seen in earth without telescope.And actually they were on the blue colored clouds.It doesn’t know well,but it may be inside is water.It takes about 84 years to orbit around the sun,and the distance from the sun was 28,724,600km.It was a walking dictionary! We took two photos with it. One for it and one for us.On the train,we waved bye-bye until it was gone in our sight. But soon, something was strange.We tried to get out from it ,but it was in vain.We did not noticed it at first, but soon we noticed we’ve stuck in black hole, kind of Galaxy.Usually most galaxies are beautiful and is not dangerous, but some are.Black hole is that kind of thingy.We can’t get out from black hole if we stuck.But it stopped moving.Yes! What a relife.We came back to where we were.Neptune, the last planet As Uranus, it had small , thin ring too.It’s 44,950,600km far from the sun and it takes 165 years to orbit around the sun.It has about 13 moons. All of sudden, except Seo Jin, somebody pushed us into a hole, and through the hole, we crowl to live.At last! We came to a planet, but it wasn’t Neptune.It was Pluto.Wait.What happened to Seo Jin? We were so worried.But under my feet, I found a piece of paper which says to wait for our friend.Then she will come to us.So we waited looking stars and galaxies through the telescope.Ooops! I forgot to tell you about Pluto.Before 2006,Pluto was a planet too, but since 2006, the world decided that Pluto is not planet any more because it was too tiny.So from now on, we doesn’t need to count on Pluto. Poor Pluto! Suddenly,a purple galaxy shown on my eyes and a storm blew.I knew it was time to go home, but , ”What

about Seo Jin?”I cried.But everything was spinning.So I couldn’t remember anythig.Then all was quiet and still.We were in front of my favorite big tree house’s ladder.At the treetop, a voice called, “Hey guys! What are you doing there?”It was Seo Jin! Horray!! That night, we all slept happily in my house.

By Ju Hee Hong

12 of September 1971 Dear Diary This is my first time going to the moon , I had never been in space and I just had gotten past the test so I hope I can be famous like Neil Armstrong when he went to the moon on 1969 . The time when I was about to go on the space shuttle but something reminded me that I need to go to the toilet (this was my last time going in the toilet on earth). After I went to the toilet I was hearing the launching sequence then the space shuttle started to rumble like Ihad not been eating for 3 weeks … Then I went through the atmosphere and I was shaking because I had never been in space but I was also excited because I was waiting years for this to happen! This was like my dream, stars are shining like a torch and the Earth which has the blue glow and a rime green. I never thought that it would be amazing but the sun is too bright to see so I got sun glasses from the beach I went last month (Sentosa beach). It took us 5 minutes to get to the moon! Woot ! We reached the moon, it was better than I expected so it was awesome! I got my astronaut clothes and started to fly around the moon! But my crew told me not to go on the dark side of the Moon because if I get in there even once .. I wont be able to see anything . I saw Neil Armstrong’s footstep clean as new and if I compared it to my leg it was a lot bigger ! (we my feet is small ..) and here’s my picture on the moon. 1 minute after I compared if my feet is bigger than Neil Armstrong’s I went back on the space shuttle and started to go back to earth .. Then I had fun going in my bath and first of all .. Getting to play on my computer again !

By Koyo Mori

03/10/11 Dear Diary Today was my amazing day! In the morning I ate breakfast and got in the car. I arrived at 9pm on the airport. I rode a fastest airplane. I arrived at U.S.A at 10pm. I rode a taxi. It took 5minute to arrive at NASA. I got in the space ship. The ship looks like UFO. The people counted down 10 seconds. 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1. I feel the ship was on the air. The ship was really fast. 55 minutes later I arrived at space. The earth looks like a blue marble . The earth was really beautiful. 1 hour later I arrived at Mercury. The left side of Mercury was hot. But the right side was very cold. Second I arrived at Jupiter. It was full of gas and storms. I almost floated away because it was too windy. We went back to our space ship but the ship was floating away. I said jump into the ship and I got in the ship. Bye bye Jupiter I said. Next we arrived at Mars. It was gas. It was very smelly and then we passed the Kuiper belt. It was made out of rocks. It was really dangerous. Next we visited Saturn. It was made out of ice and dust. It was really cold and freezing. I said it is so cold everybody said. But, let’s take some ice I said. Why they asked me because it is burning inside I said They said .Next is Neptune I said .It is really cold I said .Yes it is they said .let’s take more ice .Why they said .Because..............the ice melted already. Fine then they said.Hew I said I am too tired .And then I arrived at Venus. It was really hot so we need a ice .But, there was only one of ice so we did scissors paper stone. I won. So I got the ice from the Saturn .It was still hot if you still have ice. It was really hot on the Venus.I said let’s go back I said . We got in the ship and go back in the earth. It was really fun on space. I want go to space again(except Venus).

By Seung Woo Lee

31st January 2005 Dear Dairy Today it was the day when I went to space. I was going with Mac Stone and Neil Armstrong. The Space shuttle was about to launch 10 ,9 ,8....... blast off, my heart was beating fast as a engine. It took about 6 min to space. I never felt space before. It was all black after that I went out from the space shuttle I floated than I sought the big wide Earth at my back. I was floating with Neil Armstrong and after 16min We went back to the Space shuttle. It was lunchtime. Neil Armstrong,Mac Stone and I ate pasta. after eating lunch we went to see the moon. As we went away from Earth got smaller and smaller. So we sang ♪ I have the whole world in my hands ♪. Next we floated again in a different place. Than we had a problem,the asteroids hit the engine so I went to fix the engine. It’s going to be very hot said Neil Armstrong so I went in the engine and went to fix the engine after 1 hour. Later the engine was fixed. So we went all around the Earth. First we sought India, China,Japan and many more countries around the globe. It was almost time so we went back to Earth we landed safely. P.S What a good day!

By Sota Ito

20th January 1698

Dear diary...... It was the most exciting day of my life. Me and Neil Armstrong went to space and when we were at the space we saw Earth. It was massive and then when we past Earth. We saw the moon and we landed on the moon. Neil Armstrong opened our space ship door and walked around the moon’s surface, but we only had 50 minutes before our oxygen ran out. We had to walk around quickly as our air was only 20 minutes left. Then we saw this black thing I used my flash light but it did not work and It was part of the moon. Neil Armstrong shouted don’t go there. I asked why he said the Professor told me before when I got here. When our air was 10 minutes left we went back to our space ship and returned back to Earth. When I got back to the lab the Professor said did you find out anything and I said 21st January 1698 Dear Diary, In the morning I ate my breakfast and my bus arrived to pick me up. Mum and Dad said goodbye sadly to me as I went out the door. The bus driver drove off and we went to NASA and here we are! We went inside and met the Professor and I asked him why couldn’t we go to the black thing on the Moon Professor! The Professor said because maybe it was very dangerous. The Professor showed me a new invention in his lab! I said what is it and the Professor said it’s a flash light but its more stronger than a original flash light its light is a laser light and the original one is like fire and a laser is more stronger so it might work and I build a new suit too and the suit last longer as many as you want. I looked at the clock and I said it is time to go and the professor gave me all the things I needed and I saw Neil Armstrong inside the space ship and I told him everything that Professor told me. After that the rocket is starting to go and the people outside is counting down and I said to them bye and the space ship went up and I just remember something that it will take two day to reach the space and after two day later we are in space. Then Neil Armstrong told me something it will take 1 year to go to the Moon you know and I said ooooohhhhhh and 1 year later we are near the moon and I actually saw the moon and when we land we put on our space ship suit’s. Then we open the door and walk around when we reach the black thingy in the moon we used the laser flash light and we saw a cool place it wasn’t dangerous at all it was pretty and now we know whats in the black thingy we can go back to our space ship now. after we went back to our space ship we countdown 10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1,0 and then Neil Armstrong told me the same it will take 1 year to go back to Earth. 1 year later I saw earth and the space ship was rumbling and it was on fire but it did not explode because Neil Armstrong was holding the handle and that’s why it did not explode. Then I said to the Professor everything we know and then I said I am going home Professor and they said bye and then when I got home I saw my family and there were waiting and I told them everything I know and then we had our dinner and go to sleep. By Stephen Lucenara

Monday 3rd October 2011 Dear Diary, I am almost on the Moon. So I mean I am really near. I am excited!!! You know why? Because it is the first time I landed on the Moon. It was 8:00am. I could see earth from here! It is such a wonderful sight! I started to walk and watch the Moon, so that I can remember. I could see lots of wonderful sights from the Moon! Maybe the air is clearer than the earth. It was 12:00am. I ate lunch but the earth’s food was more yummy than the space food. It was really not yummy, so I didn’t ate lunch at all. We started to walk, well it is flying The space clothes were heavy, it was not bad, food was not yummy, that was horrible, my friend, family, they are all not here, well that is really bad too!!!!So I thought I didn’t have to come. But the good thing was the sight was really nice and I could fly. In the earth, you can’t fly and you can’t see the such beautiful sight as the Moon! I want to stay but I don’t so I don’t know which one is it. When I was a child, every time I thought the Moon is really small but now, I think the earth is small. Well, I think every child thinks so.I started to walk again,but I was so tired. It was already 6:00 It is the time for dinner.I started to walk. I know why. I loved the Moon. I wanted to stay. When we finished, we went back to earth, our home. I even wanted to do sleepover because it was a really good trip. I want to go again and again......................

Signed by Yukiko the traveler

By Yukiko Takahashi

24/09/23 Dear diary Now I am in space near Saturn. It was fun floating here in space but then after a while I started lowering onto Saturn in my space suit so I put on my gravity belt or I would sink. I am now on Saturn whoohoo! I can jump so high into the no sky oooooooo I can see the rings of Saturn, I took a peek at them. Wow! It’s a magnificent site but what’s that dot in space coming towards me. It looks like an UFO, it has a light under it AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA! It is a UFO everyone RUN hey I am alone! I would call the police but there is no police in space, I am dead meat. I fainted and woke up in a cave, good I brought my ships auto control I said. Then I brought my ship into the cave and freed myself from it onto my lunar car setting off to see that UFO again but this time I will not faint when I see it with weapons now. Here I am again on the rings but that UFO isn’t in the same, it’s on the other side of the planet (interesting is there any life here or are these UFOs invaders). I just saw a red alien with the UFO following it, maybe I should save him and at least understand what’s happening on this planet. When the alien went near me I shot the UFO with a ray gun and saved the alien, the alien told me that the UFOs are invaders and he lives under ground in the core of the planet. After that I went to his house and took some proof for alien existing then I set off to blow up some more UFOs I meet and capture one UFO controller. When I caught a UFO controller I questioned him about his base and where is his base, he told me that his base was on a meteor near by. Then we set off to the base and tried to capture their king in the middle of the meteor but there were guards all around the meteor so I shot them with a shock gun and appeared to be near the king with electric lasers all around him protecting him from others. I put the lasers off and took the king away to the core of Saturn,then I told him to stop the attack but he refused to stop the attack on Saturn so I threatened his life but he still refused, then I got angry and kicked him out. Finally I started a war with them because I was crazily angry on the attackers, firstly I destroyed all their UFOs, secondly I exploded their weapons, thirdly I started to explode the meteor, lastly I took an army of these red aliens and started to fight with the green UFO controllers with their brains sticking out of their head (maybe they didn’t fit them or they got some extra). the war was terrible but still we won and I got back to my space ship setting off home (to Earth). the journey back was also rough because another UFO following me back home so tried to shoot it but it was to fast but it burned up in our atmosphere. .P.S. I did it, hooray!

By Ivan Chernashov

3/10/11 Dear diary. I am on my way to Jupiter it is so cool in a spaceship and it is amazing looking at earth from space there is only one downside to the journey two words space food it is disgusting because it is just food in a tube. The beds are so uncomfortable because the cousins are so hard and and the beds are standing up so that makes it so hard to sleep. I checked the GPS and we are only a few hundred kilometers away from Jupiter (L.O.L):) I thought I was in space for years but it has only been a few hours. I checked the GPS again now we are only 132km away from Jupiter before we were 233 that was fast i can’t to go on Jupiter. Finally were are landing on Jupiter now I can hear a shhhhhhhhh sound it is probably the engine L.O.L now it is making a smooth shhhh sound it is probably because we are close to Jupiter. Now I am taking my first jog on Jupiter WOW this so cool now I am taking my first jump on Jupiter. Now we have to collect some rocks and data like pictures and we have to put androids in surtan places so encase we leave and something comes out when we leave then our android can get a picture of it or a video of it and think what it is. Now I am taking my first roll on Jupiter now we have collected all the data we need now we have to go back to Earth what a killjoy i was having so much fun oh I just remembered I have a photo of me in space well see you soon here’s the photo in joy

bye. By Jackson Downie

29/09/11 Dear Diary Today I had a horrible day. I fell off the wall by standing on it and I lost my balance and fell off the wall that I made out of bricks and broke my both arm.So I don’t have anything to do but to write my diary with my legs or mouth.After I fell, the king’s night took me to the hospital.At the hospital the king said this was the first warning.The second he won’t help me even if I fall down the brick wall.And the third he will bake or Fri and EAT ME!!!!!!!!! P.S-I want to go on the wall because it’s relaxing(sigh).When I fell off the wall my bone fell out and my yolk came out(ouch!!!) 30/09/11 dear diary Oh no! I got my second warning witch he won’t help me if I fell down so I call the ambulance and went to the hospital but broke my legs! I was making sure that nobody was looking?!(maybe because I’m fat?!) P.S-AGHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! I WANT TO GO ON THE BRICK WALL!!!!!!!!!!! ) :

1/10/11 dear diary Guess where am I am! I’m inside the frying pan It’s burning hot I’m getting into shapes my yolk is hot! I got my last warning And I’m now a giant fried egg and a giant scrambled egg no ! I’m getting into the king’s mouth aaaaa! ouch he’s breaking all my bones with his strong big teeth ouch I’m getting into his stomach I’m drowning into his stomach aghhhh! no ahhh! plop I came out from the king’s butt and than flash ahhh!

P.S-good bye diary! bye!

By Kazma Yasui

23rd August 2006 Dear Diary, What an amazing day. I took my first spacewalk today outside of the lunar capsule. It was nothing like I have ever experienced before. To be floating above earth, looking down on the blue oceans, the green forests and seeing the clouds cover parts of the earth is a feeling I will never forget. I wonder if my wife and child were looking to the heavens, trying to see me while I saw looking down on them. I’m thousands of kilometres away from Earth, but it felt as if I could almost reach out and touch it. The colours of the Earth are much more vivid up here than anywhere I have been on Earth. The greens are more powerful to my eyes, the blue, oh the blue is indescribable! I must be the luckiest man on Earth, floating here, privy to the most beautiful view in the universe. I’m finding it really hard to move at any sort of pace here in space. I’m a turtle, struggling to race against the hare. It has been tiring putting on my spacesuit, and it takes me a couple of hours to get it completely on, but the excitement of getting outside this tiny cave of a spacecraft makes it all worth it. It has taken a long time to get used to the suit and I find myself dropping things easily, which made me worry about my spacewalk, hoping that i was not going to drop some expensive equipment and have it float off into deep space. Luckily, I kept hold of everything while outside the spacecraft, and completed my mission. I wish my daughter could be here with me. She would love the colours and without gravity, she would be able to move throughout the spacecraft with ease. I miss her and her smile and giggle. It is still another 15 days until I return to Terra Nova, so I will continue to miss her. I have taken a large number of photographs that I will print off on my return and plaster her walls of the visions that I have seen! Maybe this will push her towards becoming an astronaut as well! Who knows, if she decides to go down that path, I’m sure she will be flying to more distant places than I will ever go. I’m sick of the food! Eating food that has had all of the air sucked out of it doesn’t excite me at all. I long for fresh bread roll or some home made pasta!! Tomorrow, we will continue our spacewalks! Love and peace to all on Earth......

By Mr. Holland

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