Writers smell funny. I, mean…they really smell funny. And, not just their body and hair odor, but their personalities, too .You can ‘spot’ a Writer by the way they look. They always have their nose stuck in a book, wear thickrimmed glasses, and are always incessantly writing something in their journal or a laptop computer. I mean, that’s the profile, right? They frequent coffee bars sipping dark glassy- surfaced coffee and write with such urgent verve that one can’t help but wonder if Satan were communicating through them. They’re odd, disheveled creatures who observe the world around them in a peculiar way and have divergent paradigms from the standard ‘norm’. They’re usually quiet, laconic in speech, and don’t pay too much attention to their appearance. Being absorbed in their inner, literary worlds and transcribing their next sentence into something sanguine with a stone-like foundation, is always at the forefront of their cerebral cortex. Inspirations come to them in tsunami drifts and the more they write, the more Inspiration doles itself out to them. Writers who complain about something called a ‘creative block’ aren’t really writing…they’re on their smart-phones, checking and texting e-mails. –eugene chun “Great Literature is for masochists, not curious intellectuals.”-eugene chun