QINGZHI LI Works Volume 2009 - 2015
01 Get Lost The Data Made Me Do It (Mapping) 02 Work & Play The Data Made Me Do It (Headquarter Office Design) 03 An In_flexible Pavilion Bending and Folding Structure 04 Natural Architecture The Community Activity Center Design Competition 05 Time Cabin An Architect’s House Design for Light 06 The Clip Center Landscape Architecture Exploration for Medical Architecture --07 Other Works --09 Resume
01 Get Lost The Data Made Me Do It (Mapping) Advisor: Kyle Steinfeld, Luis Jaggy Fall 2014
As designers we trade not only in descriptions of the world as it is, but also in the extension of patterns we find there into worlds that might be. As we operate within a global culture invested in objectivity, still shaking the positivist impulse that characterized periods of the twentieth century, the representational material we trade in favors the quantative. Operating in this context, despite the speculative descriptions and processess, and easy to lose weight and authoritative tone that data carries. It may be helpful to talk about data differently. As a way of keeping in mind the agency we have chosen to invest in quantitative descriptions, I suggest that we think about data, about data-driven processes, and about the humman actors that lead to this data, in a way that grants each party equal agency. Adopting such a position, we may further infer: 路 Data is not neutral. Rather, it reflects the cultures and social processes that create and sustain it. 路 No data is raw data. Distinctions between raw and refined data do not correspond to the presence or absence of intention, as the characteristic structure of data itself, its ontology, is authored. 路 Big or small, all data carries the imprint of the processes that authored it. Sometimes the work of an individual but more often collective and anonymous, the social process that generate and maintain data stake a position on what to include, what to leave out, and which relationships matter. With this authored nature of data in mind, this mapping project offers an opportunity to immediately author urban data through subjective observation and crowdsourced survey techniques.
Work & Play Map (Left) Regional Map (San Francisco) Data Source: San Francisco Footprint Data (U.S. Census) / Red: San Francisco Cafe Shop Data (Yelp) / Green: San Francisco Open Space Data (U.S. Census) / Yellow: San Francisco Free Wifi Spot Data (Yelp / Data SF)
Geography Maps Regional Map (Bay Area) These maps speculate on the existence of overlapping urban zones of geography data(from U.S.Census and Data SF) and seek to qualify the spatial junction between them. These mapping exercise presence as a way of visualizing data. -4-
Job Density Map
Traffic Density Map
Regional Map (San Francisco)
Regional Map (San Francisco)
Data Source: California Zones Data (U.S. Census) / San Francisco Job Density Data (Data SF)
Data Source: California Street Data (U.S. Census) / San Francisco Street Busy Value Data (Data SF)
( 0-9: Job Opportunity Value Per Square Meter )
( 0-9: Traffic Density Value )
Residential & Commercial Map
Work & Play Overlapped Map
Regional Map (San Francisco)
Regional Map (San Francisco)
Data Source: San Francisco Footprint Data (Data SF) / San Francisco Landuse Data (Data SF) / Data Source: San Francisco Footprint Data (Data SF) / San Francisco Landuse Data (Data SF)
San Francisco Cafe Shop Data (Yelp) / San Francisco Free Wifi Data (Data SF/ Yelp) /
(0-9: RESIDENT = Residential, MIXRES = Mixed Uses (With Residential), MIXED = Mixed Uses (Without Residential), CIE = Cultural, Institutional, Educational, MED =
San Francisco Landuse Data / San Francisco Open Space Data (Data SF)
Medical, CIE = Cultural, Institutional, Educational, MIPS = Office (Management, Information, Professional Services), RETAIL/ENT = Retail, Entertainment )
( 0-9: The Most Possible Overlapped Place for Working and Playing )
Work & Play Mechanical Turk Map Local Map (San Francisco Downtown Area) Instrumentalizing the above study at a smaller scale, these maps show a further study of this pattern utilizing crowdsourcing techniques via Amazon Mechanical Turk. The Amazon Mechanical Turk (MTurk) is a crowdsourcing Internet marketplace that enables individuals and businesses (known as Requesters) to coordinate the use of human intelligence to perform tasks that computers are currently unable to do. By posting street view photos from Google map, and asking certain questions, we have got these human data. These Human Data from the turker shows a great difference from the Conventional Data from the data base, it gives a chance to see a different San Francisco which perhaps is more accurate and close to our daily life. (The numbers of the photos we took from the Google Street View is 400. Each photo attached with 4 Questions below, by answering these questionaires, the reviewers got $0.50 from their answers. We have got about 1000 response in one week and visualized the answers into these maps.)
* Question 1
* Question 2
· Question 1: “How much of the photo is devoted to places of work, or places where work might occur?”
Answer (Dropdown): 0 1 2 3 4 · Question 2: “How much of the photo is devoted to places of leisure, or places where leisure activities might occur?”
Answer (Dropdown): 0 1 2 3 4 · Question 3: “Check any activities that you imagine may happen in the interior of the building(s)?”
* Question 1&2
* Question 3
Answer (Checkboxes):
□ listening to music
□ working on the computer
□ watching TV
□ playing on the computer
□ reading books
□ working on the cellphones
□ shopping
□ playing on the cellphones
□ eating or drinking
□ socializing and communicating
□ sleeping
□ relaxing and thinking
· Question 4: “What kind of activities do you imagine may happen in the interior of the building?”
Answer (Textbox): ____________ .
Work & Play Mechanical Turk Map Local Map (San Francisco Downtown Area) -10-
02 Work & Play The Data Made Me Do It (Headquarter Office Campus Design) Advisor: Kyle Steinfeld, Luis Jaggy Fall 2014
The theme of work and play will guide our investigations, both on methdological and programmatic levels. These will include the analysis and design of existing structures of gaming, the hybridization of these games with precedent works of architecture that present idealized models of work, and the production of a co-authored parametric design system that utilized crowd-sourcing technologies. Contemporary digital culture may be understood as the inheritor of what specialists call the “second industrial revolution� the emergence of an information-based society at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. Central to the application of scientific management to architectural design was the idea that information processes gave birth to patterns that could be observed both in nature and in human organizations, and that these patterns should be reflected in spaces that best support productive work. From this point of view, we expect to find resonance between the organization of interior space and the organizational structure that it supports. Corporate architecture was one of the domains in which the pattern-based approach was met with the greatest success, offering a convenient way to negotiate the relationship between spatial structures and social structures, which was seen to be at the heart of office and factory design where multitudes of discrete individuals, groups, and departments must be integrated into a singular corporate whole. Contemporary trends in the design of the space of work continue to adapt the dynamic and organic feather to recent innovations in information technology, producing a patchwork of approaches which all share the quality of blurring the line between spaces of work and spaces of recreation and rest.
( Blue: Shape Total Area / Red: Shape Minimum Angle )
Tiling Data Visualization Patterns ( Transformed Voronoi Tiling) As a contining exercise of the data visualization, these tiling exercise are focused on seeking and translating those with certain interest, usually unseen, caculatable data into line weight language or color languange. -12-
( Blue: Shape Total Area / Red: Shape Minimum Angle )
From Tiling to Architectural Plan ( Plan Generate & Optimizate System) When we look at the certain pattern we generated from the data base, everything here carries the data information. Like the area of the shape, the color of the shape, the length of the lines, the degree of the shape. By noticing that, we can try to connect these features with architecture plan. And in terms of that, we have to come back to the pattern and optimize them again in order to make into an organized architecture form. -14-
Seed 2
Seed 3 -15-
Seed 4
From Site Strategy to Tiling Pattern Plan Generate & Optimize System
( Microsoft Redmond Campus Re-analysis)
( Generate Process Diagram) The Microsoft Redmond Campus Re-analysis Tiling aims at translating useful site strategy data(Including Site axis, Topograghy, Generated Plan with structure system (Columns), Boundaries(Exterial Walls, Transparent seperate), three different ground
Contour lines, Continuing flat area) into shaping data, then into architectural language. It’s a visualization of the design process
features inside, and two different kind of ground outside(Passway, Green space), And furniture layout(desks, chairs).
Headquarter Office Campus Design ( Data Driven Design and Optimization) The traditional role of the office is challenged, architects must operate within an historical moment in which Architecture is faced with a crisis of the author, and one that cannot be reconciled isolated within the confines of our discipline, but rather must be examined within a larger social context. the definition of space has to face a tough challenge as the human activities has changed so much. As a designer it’s interesting to think about what office space would be like in the next century. -18-
Site Plan Strategy The input data for this plan generate system are the basic site information (like topography, axis, contours, traffic, and some relationship between the site and its surroundings). So the first thing I did was translate these invisible data into the modified pattern like we did before. Than trying to generate the architecture plan from the pattern. So far, this data-driven system is still not perfect, so there’s also lots of manually modification during the generate process. -20-
Floor Plan Strategy Basicly, the floor generate system is coming from the pattern-based plan design system exercise. It takes the data information from the tiling and optimized step by step into organized architecture plan. Including structure system, space organization and furniture layout. By connecting the data-driven pattern and the architecture plan, we modified this specified system for the office space, and idealy, we hope we could further more utilize this system into our world wide satellite offices also. -22-
The Position of Data ( Data Driven Design and Optimization) With a series exercise about data and data generate system, now we come to the real design practice, the headquarter office campus design. This project is mainly focused on data-driven method which means I am trying to automatically generate all the design by utilizing the data. To be more precise, the design process has 2 main parts, the site strategy which is mostly a rule-based system and the plan strategy which is more like a generate system. -24-
Cylinder Section Model
Board Game Version of the Design System
Just like the tiling exercise, the data-driven system can be utilized infinitely as the pattern expands, the architecture generate
This board game set in a particular relationship with the headquarter office campus design, and is designed as an instance of
system here also developed to be used more boundless. So i made this cylinder section model.
gameplay which is generative of an instance of the office design system. In this way, the design of the board game is serve clarify the design of the office space, and prepare to situate my previous design in the context of an optimization.
03 An In_flexible Pavilion Bending and Folding Structure (Parametric Design Compiler and Fabrication) Advisor: Simon Schleicher, Jonathan Bachrach, Kyle Steinfeld, Luis Jaggy Team: Kyle Johnson, Qingzhi Li Spring 2015
The goal of the project was to explore active bending and kerfing of wood surfaces. We conceptualized the project in two parts: the seat, which is a heavy, movable base, connected by a light, actively bent canopy. The seat and canopy have the ability to work together to create an enclosed meeting space or shelter, offering some degree of privacy. By form finding in Kangaroo, we developed a method of exploring different global spatial configurations in the seat an canopy. We were able to begin measuring the degree of privacy offered by a fixed configuation of the seat and canopy by manipulating kerf patterns for the canopy. The design space for the exploration of the kerf patterns consisted of kerf spacing, kerf angles, and kerf location. Because the form finding component of the project is computational heavy, we found it difficult to apply a secondary process of optimization. Methods The compiler for the In_Flexible Pavilion primarily involves three passes. Imbedded in the logic of the form finding component of the project is the geometric rationalization for the canopy. The bench, which is meant to undulate in plan, is reconfigured to make each seat developable. The joints and seams are simple, composed of a 3” lap joint between sheets of plywood. We used a mortise and tenon joint to inset the support rib for the seat. Currently the layout is not automated, but we were cognizant to design the flat pieces, joints and seams to eliminate as much waste as possible. Seat and canopies were designed in 16 or 24 inch increments. Materialization After testing number of different species, we ultimately decided to use birch plywood for its high modulus of elasticity, or bending capability. 1/4” birch plywood, composed of 5 layers of solid veneer (3 parallel and 2 perpendicular to the direction of bending), proved to be light and flexible enough to for the canopy but heavy solid enough to be manipulated for the composition of the seat. In addition to the 1/4” plywood, the material system is composed of glued lap joints and metal screws that act as mechanical fasteners for additional stability. Realization We relied primarily on the CNC router for the production of 2-dimensional cut pieces. Much of our investigation was governed by the limitations of the CNC router, directing us to make as many pieces the pavilion as two dimensional as possible. Because of the choice of material, however, we were able to use analog machinery to tweek, manipulate, and correct any errors that resulted when assembling and joining the two dimensional pieces.
C’ a’ A’
D’ E’
1.5 Inches Solid Wood
3/4 Inch Plywood 0.25” min
C’ a’ A’
D’ E’
0.25” min
0.25” min
3” max
3” max
1.5 Inches Solid Wood
a 3” max
2 Inches Glued Plywood
CNC 3 Axis Machine Limitations a
a a>90°
a>90° 0.25” min
0.25” min
3” max
1/32 Inch White Board
1/2 Inch White Foam Test a
ZipShape Test Cut 3” max
Kerfing Test Cut
( Thick Material Bending - Reduce Material Thickness)
( Thick Material Bending - Reduce Material Area)
a a>90°
Digital Simulation Models
1/32 Inches Plywood
Paper Models with Kerfing Patterns
Raster Test Cut
Digital Model Simulations and Test Cuts
( Thin Material Bending - Reduce Material Thickness)
( Form Design and Simulation )
1/4 Scale Models with 1/16 3 Ply Plywood
Scale Models Test Cut
1/4 Inch 5 Ply Plywood Kefing and Raster Bending Performance Test
First Board(From Left to Right): Kefing Density, Kerfing Thickness, Kerfing Zone Area. Second Board(From Left to Right): Raster Z Distance, Soft Zone, Double Side Raster.
Full Scale Material Test
Full Scale Model Assemble
( Material Performance Test )
( Fabrication Part)
Final Exhibition -36-
Final Exhibition -37-
04 Nature Architecture The Community Activity Center Design Competition
“I think that the most inspirational point from which we might try to understand architecture is to regard the house, the simple house, as the beginning of architecture.”
(Honorable Mention) Fall 2012
“What is architecture?”
* < Lan Tingxu > Wang Xizhi
<Lan Tingxu> Wang Xizhi (303–361) was a Chinese calligrapher traditionally referred to as the Sage of Calligraphy who lived during the Jin Dynasty (265–420). He is considered by many to be one of the most esteemed Chinese calligraphers of all time, especially during and after the Tang Dynasty, and a master of all forms of Chinese calligraphy, especially the running script. And this famous calligraphy < Lanting Xu > is one of his most famous work which is honored as “the best calligraphy in the world”.
Character : Zhi Inspiration
The preface consists of 324 Chinese characters in 28 lines. The character “Zhi” appears 19 times, but no two look the same, which is considered one of the features of this work that constitute its calligraphic excellence. This celebrated work of literature
As an architecture student, I have always trying to find out the answer that what is architecture?
also both flows rhythmically and gives rise to several Chinese idioms. That it is a piece of improvisation can be seen from the
I still remember that when I was a child, I always drew the house with the “house” shape, even though I have never lived in a
revisions in the text.
house looks like that. which appears to be my first impression of architecture. The slight changes here does not affect our recognition of it. but indeed made this calligraphy famous for thousand years. So I am thinking about what does this mean to architecture. How could we play this spacing script with this simple house shape? -40-
Stratedy The 21 charactors of “ zhi ” with different shapes did not utilize the exaggeration change fonts to get the identification, with this kind of “minimum difference basis”, it retain the identification and diversity at the same time.
When it comes to architecture, we get the same effect. Like the two kinds of prototypes above, the first one is the kind of house by standard meaning. The second generate one seems to have little difference in morphology, but indeed have essential distinctions which does not only liberate the verticality of a building, but also blur the existence of its walls, facades and roofs, giving more freedom to the existence of itself.
“Form is something mobile, something becoming, something passing. The doctrine of formation is the doctrine of transformation.—— Louis Kahn”
Identification By utilizing this theory, we organized these houses together with a dynamic, diversified relationship. Also due to this, we created
Site Information
a series of interesting interior and exterior space.
Floor Plan -44-
Models -48-
Architecture is not only the art of space, but also the art of time.
Time Cabin The Architectâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s House Designed for Light Advisor: Chong Bu Fall 2013
Photograph by Oli McAvoy
â&#x20AC;&#x153;White Light, Black Shadow The changing of light and shadow is always very charming, it is like an invisible wall, mark out the black and white two abstract spaces. As time goes by, the light changes, what comes together is the changing of the space.
Site Plan ( Left ) -52-
Time Schedules
* Due to the change of seasons, the time will be slightly different
Time, Light, and Human. With the change of the time, the direction of the light changes, and at the same time, our behavior is changing, I hope that we can find some potential orders between the light and peopleâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s behaviour. We divided the space into two groups, light and shadow, which means the situation when they are being used. Then we organized the space according to it, letting different space lightened at a different time.
Sunlight Diagrams In that case we changed the situation that human placed a dominant position in space, we made the space, time and people more closely linked together.
As the direction of the light changes with the time, we made the rooms lightened one by one, then turn out one by one. Different rooms lit at a different special time according to the time schedule, causing a feeling of freedom to move, an atmosphere of promenade environment, an interact with people.
Section Details Plans & Section 1. Storage 2. Entrance 3. Courtyard 4. Toilet 5. Garage 6. Bedroom 7. Livingroom 8. Diningroom 9. Kitchen 10. Studyroom 11. Passage 12. Office 13. Balcony
Function Diagrams
Structure Diagrams
06 Clip Center The Landscape Architecture Exploration for Medical Architecture (First Prize) Advisor: Shanshan Zhang, Minghui Xue Spring 2014
Site Plan
Technical-Economical Index 1. Total Area of Used Land : 55695 m2 2. Plot Ratio: 0.37 3. Landscape Ratio: 0.45 4. Site Coverage: 0.22 5. Outdoor Parking Number: 150 1. Total Area of Building: 20900 m2 2. Total Area of Medical Area: 6350 m2 3. Total Area of Rehabilitation Area: 4650 m2 4. Total Area of Sanatorium Area: 9700 m2 -62-
1st Floor Plan -64-
2nd Floor Plan -66-
3rd Floor Plan -68-
4th, 5th, 6th Floor Plan -69-
Sections -70-
07 Other Works ( Fabrications & Drawings & Photograph )
* Parthenon Temple
Net Zero (Parametric Design)
Self-adapt Skyscraper -72-
* Berkeley Pipe -73-
Qingzhi Li
Internship (Full Time) ECADI ( East China Architecture Design & Research Institute Co.Ltd ), Shanghai, China. Internship (Full Time) Heilongjiang Province Research Institute of Building Design, Harbin, China.
2301 Durant Avenue, 503D Berkeley, CA, 94704 510-501-9351 qingzhili@foxmail.com / liqingzhi@berkeley.edu
EDUCATION The University of California, Berkeley ( USA ) Master of Architecture
2014-2015 GPA: 3.838/4.0
Han Yang University ( Korea ) Exchange Program
2012-2013 GPA: 90.10/100
Harbin Institute of Technology ( China ) Bachelor of Architecture
2009-2014 GPA: 84.59/100
Computation Skill: 3D Models: Rhinoceros, Grasshopper, Sketchup 2D Graphics: Adobe Series(Photoshop, Illustrator, Indesign), AutoCAD Rendering: Maxwell, Vray, Keyshot Fabrication Skill: Shopbot, CNC, Metabeam, Zund, Waterjet Language Skill: English, Chinese
HONORS & AWARDS First Prize Design and Education in China from a Global Perspective Competition Honorable Prize BADI 2013 International Green Building Design Competition Honorable Prize UIA HYP Cup International Student Competition in Architecture Design Second Prize IDEA-KING China International Landscape Design Competition Second Prize HIT Overseaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Scholarship Program Second Prize TianZuo Architecture Design Competition Third Prize Hongtao Cup Sketching Competition Honorable Prize UA Internatinal Concept Design Competition
2014 2013 2013 2012 2012 2012 2011 2011
WORK EXPERIENCE Internship (Full Time) Heilongjiang Province Research Institute of Building Design, Harbin, China.