Sample_Dongbai Song

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Song, Dongbai Work Samples

Architecture to me is interpreted as a kind of interface, connecting nature to human being. It not only possesses some kinds of natural properties, but also bears the responsibility of reflecting the properties of nature. I try to create the architecture like water— a kind of soft, transparent interface. It determines the existence of the relationship between humans and nature, and in the same time, establishs their inextricable link...

PROGRAMMING MATTER & NATURE <phase 1> Work Selected for the 2014 Berkeley Circus Soiree Exhibited in <2014 Studio One Symposium>

Type: UCB Studio Work (independent)

Between the “site” and the “organism”, which

create our own. Approximately 71% of the Earth’s

Program: energy collection, mix-used, housing

are two parallel directions to develop the

surface is ocean, even more if climate change has

Location: Bay Area

project, I start my research from the “organism”.

its way, hence it is only natural progression that

Date: 2013.8-2014.11

I choose one of the most common animal

we will populate the seas someday. I picture a new

Instructor: Maria Paz Gutierrez

"fish" from the water, the most precious and

architecture, created from a collection of under-

most abundant resources in the Bay area, as

water scrapers, as a city that does not consume

Software: Rhinoceroes, Grasshopper, AutoCAD,

my subject. Through the research and study

nature but creates and produces nature.

Creative Suite (PS / AI), V-Ray, DIVA, Processing

both on the whole system and the monomer structure of the organism, I focus on applying

Responsibility: all

the “movement mechanism of fish fins” and the “energy sharing principle of school of fish” to create a new energy collecting system using water as motive power, and exploring the potential for application of this system in different locations. I envision a future where land as a resource will

The building itself is kept upright (balance) using a principle of the fish fins which allow them to position their body accurately in the three-dimensional fluid environment, and to generate and control fluid forces. The fin-like structure serves as balancing elements as they, in generating their power, are constantly moving with the rhythm of the tide.

be scarce; it is only natural progression that we


programming matter & nature

Dongbai Song

Cell Orthogonal View

programming matter & nature

Structural Study Models


Cluster_ Dynamic Changes


Form Study Model

programming matter & nature

Dongbai Song

Diversity green ecosystem


residential floors storage commerce transportation

residential floors storage commerce transportation

office floors business floors

office floors business floors

recreational parks

environmental control equiptment & balance

Energy System Section

programming matter & nature

Perspective Underwater


PROGRAMMING MATTER & NATURE <phase 2> Work Selected for the 2014 Berkeley Circus Soiree Exhibited in <2014 Studio One Symposium>

Type: UCB Studio Work (independent)

Between the “site” and the “organism”, which

create our own. Approximately 71% of the Earth’s

Program: energy collection, mix-used, housing

are two parallel directions to develop the

surface is ocean, even more if climate change has

Location: Bay Area

project, I start my research from the “organism”.

its way, hence it is only natural progression that

Date: 2013.2-2014.5

I choose one of the most common animal

we will populate the seas someday. I picture a new

Instructor: Maria Paz Gutierrez

"fish" from the water, the most precious and

architecture, created from a collection of under-

most abundant resources in the Bay area, as

water scrapers, as a city that does not consume

Software: Rhinoceroes, Grasshopper, AutoCAD,

my subject. Through the research and study

nature but creates and produces nature.

Creative Suite (PS / AI), V-Ray, DIVA, Processing

both on the whole system and the monomer structure of the organism, I focus on applying

Responsibility: all

the “movement mechanism of fish fins” and the “energy sharing principle of school of fish” to create a new energy collecting system using water as motive power, and exploring the potential for application of this system in different locations. I envision a future where land as a resource will

The building itself is kept upright (balance) using a principle of the fish fins which allow them to position their body accurately in the three-dimensional fluid environment, and to generate and control fluid forces. The fin-like structure serves as balancing elements as they, in generating their power, are constantly moving with the rhythm of the tide.

be scarce; it is only natural progression that we


programming matter & nature

Dongbai Song

Sea Level

Sea Level

Energy Saving System_Fin Structure

programming matter & nature


01 250mm concrete beam floor 02 reinforced-concrete composite column 03 3500/300/60mm lighting unit 04 4mm sheet-steel smoke flap 05 roller sunblind 06 double glazing facade 07 concrete column 08 bolt fixing of precast concrete column 09 fibre-cement sheeting 10 200/300mm steel 11 facade bracket, 2x100/80mm steel flats 12 air duct to facade 13 polythene air tube 14 0.2mm ETFE sheeting 15 travelling system 16 secondary construction 17 6mm sheet-steel gutter

ETFE Facade System


programming matter & nature

Dongbai Song

Section Detail Model

programming matter & nature


Saving Water for The Future eVolo 2012 Skyscraper Competition 1st Place Project

Type : competation work / collaboration work

We conceive the skyscraper located in

transport system is responsible for regulating

Site : Himalayan Area

Himalayas to store water for the future and to

the supply of water, it’s down to the ground

Program : skyscraper / store water / regulate

regulate future water supply. We know that

and can solve traffic problems of local people

water supply

solid ice is convenient to store and ice can be

as well. We conceive the skyscraper located in

Date : 2012

a part of load-bearing structures. Thus, the

Himalayas to store water for the future and to

Collaboratior : Zhi Zheng / Hongchuan Zhao

project’s proposal is to collect water in rainy

regulate future water supply. We know that

Tutor : Shiliang Lu

season, we purify it, freeze it into ice and store

solid ice is convenient to store and ice can be

it for the future.

a part of load-bearing structures. Thus, the

It mainly consists of four parts. The lower part

project’s proposal is to collect water in rainy

which has stem-like structures is for water

season, we purify it, freeze it into ice and store

collection during the rainy season. The upper

it for the future.

part above the snow line is the place to store

It mainly consists of four parts. The lower part

the ice cube. What’s between the two parts

which has stem-like structures is for water

is the cooling equipment, it freeze the water

collection during the rainy season.

into ice by natural and mechanical means. The


Himalaya Water Tower

Dongbai Song

Himalaya Water Tower


We conceive the skyscraper located in Himalayas to store water for the future and to regulate future water supply. We know that solid ice is convenient to store and ice can be a part of load-bearing structures. Thus, the project’s proposal is to collect water in rainy season, we purify it, freeze it into ice and store it for the future.


Himalaya Water Tower

Dongbai Song

Himalaya Water Tower


Inside & Outside 2012 “TeamZero” Competition Project

I intend to explore the relationship between

is the refinement upon Chinese traditional

nature and architecture and speculate about

space. In order to adapt to the social system of

association between human and environment.

hierarchy and the requirement of combination

The major focus of the design is the peaceful

in urban development, “Si he yuan” was

settlement to complex surrounding natural

created under the urban environment. Finally,

Type: Competition Work (collaboration)

environment and the dwelling room.Inheriting

it separates space into two parts,external

Area: 72 m² / 775 sf

its prototype of traditional courtyard house,the

world and internal courtyard. The relationship

Program: residential, cultural

new space pattern is transformed,trying to

between inside and outside inverted in

Location: Hangzhou, China

reverse internal and external in the traditional

the natural environment. The courtyard

Date: 2012.5-2012.6

courtyard.Thus a 360 degrees courtyard is

which used to be the inside space flip to the

Collaborator: Wenyun Qian

created.In addition,the broad external space's

outside,thereby forming a new inside space—

enclosure that compress vast sphere to a fine

an ambiguous sphere in between architecture

Software: Rhinoceroes, AutoCAD, Creative

complex volume is the surrounding wall while

and environment. On the other hand, the

Suite (PS / AI), V-Ray

maintaining the external openness.

outside space is compressed into the interior,

The Formula of “Si he yuan”, as abstract

forming an unprecedented out space—a space

of terrain, is the outcome of De Hoop

facing the whole world.

transformation of the central plains area. It


Inside & Outside

Dongbai Song

Urban Prototype: "Siheyuan"

Nature Prototype: 3600 View Garden

Inside & Outside


“ Lang ” Space In Chinese traditional courtyard, there is an Ambiguous area between functional space and garden, which we call it “lang”. In the flexible plane composition of Chinese traditional architecture, “long” space has played a key role. This space, In the present case, are threedimensional, forming an end-to-end cycle. I try to convey the feeling of endless continuation through the minimum of space.

“ Ink Wash Drawing ” Different from the techniques of Western painting, traditional Chinese ink wash drawing is cavalier perspective. With the parallel movement of sight, panoramic view of scene gradually comes into eyes. In this process, time and space achieves unity. Interface between architecture and environment is designed to become an end-to-end free-flowing space. With the viewer's step moving, the scenery expand slowly.


Inside & Outside

Dongbai Song

Section Model


Inside & Outside


City Forest Open Research-oriented Architectural Parametric Design

Type: HIT Studio Work (collaboration)

Phase 1: Protect The Paths for People

Area: 10,575 m² / 113,830 sf

Based on extraction and analysis of existing paths, with the statistical datas, we determine usage frequency of each path. Further concluded weight ratio helps us determine the integration and modification of the paths.

Program: media center, library, education Location: Harbin, China Date: 2012.3-2012.4 Collaborator: Wenyun Qian, Ming Liu Instructor: Cheng Sun, Yu-Tung Liu

Phase 2: Change The Landscape In order to better analyse the original

Software: Rhinoceroes, Grasshopper, AutoCAD, Creative Suite (PS / AI), V-Ray, Excel

topography, we have established orthogonal grids parallel to the streets. Lanscape change is achieved through the change of height of grid intersection points.

Responsibility: conceptual design, issue analysis, diagram, visualizations of rendering,

Phase 3: Add Functional Units

3D modeling, physical model

Generate unit evenly in established orthogonal structure system. Then determine the value ranges of units through functional requirements. Control the rotation range of the unit to achieve theconnection relationship between unit .


city forest

Dongbai Song

Physical Model 1:200

city forest


Ground Level + 9m Plan

Ground Level - 3m Plan


city forest

Dongbai Song

Structure System

city forest


Colourful Game A Light Perceivable Device for Tibet Blind Children “Light of Tomorrow” International VELUX Award 2012 Competition

Type : competation work / solo work

Everyone has the right to enjoy with light.

that let them know what is light, eliminate

Site : Lhasa, Tibet

Unfortunately, this right of some people has

their strangeness of light, and provide them

Program : Light Installation

been deprived. We call these people blind.

a chance to know that they never lose light

Date : 2012.04-2012.05

Normal people can get light so easily that they

because it has been accompany in their side.

Tutor : Xiaopeng Bai

ignore its importance. However, when one

I want to create a space for the blind children

day the light no longer come back to, we will

of the Tibet Blind School in which the children

find that is so important that we can not find,

can establish closer contact with the light. It

create any more, without it. “Sabriye” churchs

is a interactive device that achieved through

us that the blind can also learn to live as well

the interaction between light and people. In

as a normal person. I think that whether the

this process, the children plays the role of a

blind children can see the light in their eyes

discoverer. They will pursue the path of light,

is not important. What really important is

feel the color of light and learn "habits" of light.


colourful game

Dongbai Song

Process of Principle

colourful game



colourful game

Dongbai Song

Section Detail

colourful game


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