Say Good Bye To Asthama, Bronchitis and Allergies With Tykhe Health Care
The good news: Yes you can now breath easy! 3 steps to step into an Asthma free World! 1.
The Basics
The Asthma
Switch to Max Breath
1.Knowing the basics A better understanding of symptoms, causes and Triggers would help you in the prevention of Asthma as far as possible. Asthma warning signs: Severe Cough, Flu, Chronic Cold. wheezing, tightness in the chest, shortness in breath, trouble in sleeping, tiredness, hyperventilation, Irritation in the airways, excess mucus, fatigue, Breathy speech. Frequent respiratory infections. Cause of Asthma: Pollution, Smoking, dust mites, pet dander, obesity, mold, stress, alcohol, and inadequate nutrition, Family history of Allergies and Asthma, inherited tendency to over reaction of bronchial tubes. 2. Managing the Asthma Understanding of what to do and what not to do when one has Asthma. Things to Do.
Go for morning / evening walk for at least 30 minutes a day Practice yoga (most importantly breathing exercises of Pranayama). Keep all the rooms Of your house and Office well ventilated. Drink plenty of Boiled water every day. Apply Luke warm Sesame Oil (Till Oil) on the chest and the back before going to bed. Cover your nose (wear a nose mask) you have to walk on the dusty roads. Keep a journal and make alist Of the items that are acting as the triggers for your Asthma Try to stay away from thosethings.
Take a half spoon of Triphala churna with 50ml of Luke warm water before going to bed. Add 1/2 table spoon of turmeric to 2 table spoon of honey and consume it in the early mornings. Things Not to Do.
Avoid going to cold and damp places. Avoid over eating, only take light dinner, and eat at least 2 hours before going to bed. Avoid Chewing Tobacco, Smoking and Consuming alcohol. Try to avoid Air conditioners, Air coolers and avoid directair from Fan. Avoid strong perfumes, incense sticks and mosquito repellents. Avoid anything with a strong / pungent smell. Avoid over exercise and over indulgence is Sex. Avoid fried an processed foods. Avoid excessive eating of foods such as Fish, Ice-Cream, Cold drinks, Banana, Cucumber, Papaya, Guava, Coconut, Groundnuts, Heavy Milk Products line Cheese, and Paneer (Cottage cheese). Indications:
Asthma Bronchitis Bronchonile Allergy Sinusities Eosinophilia Sneezing Wheezing
3. Switch to Max Breath What? Max Breath is an Herbal medicine prepared by Extraction Technology With 22 invaluable herbs most Of the herbs are Imported from Korea prescribed by the most ancient life science of India called Ayurveda, These herbs from a very efficient mixture of Natural Broncho-dilators and Anti-allergants, Max Breath has a successful history Of 12 years in treating Asthma, Bronchitis, Allergies, Sinusitis, Sneezing, Severe Cold and Coughs. Why? Breathing disorders occur when bronchioles in the lungs shrink (Broncho-spasm) and there by make breathing difficult Max Breath works on the shrunken bronchioles, expanding them (Broncho-dialation), clearing phlegm (expectoration) and promoting uniform air passage in the lungs. It's unique and time tested traditional yet Ayurvedic formula harnesses Phyto nutrients and antioxidants like Xanthones which helps building immunity, thereby improving the ability to breathe well. usually there are 2 types of medicines for Asthma Controllers and Relievers, Controllers are to be used on a long term basis and they just keep the symptoms in control but do not act on the room cause of the illness. Unlike other forms Of medicine Ayurveda treats the Cause, Of the illness and not just the symptoms, Ingredients of Max Breath act as Relievers and alleviate the symptoms Asthma from within the body.