Page 019: CUSTOM ANIMATION TUTORIAL Custom Animation Wizard Box
TASK 1 // Slide #1: (Add an Effect) Instructions: Animate each element differently. Then preview this slide.
To animate, right click on the object that you want to animate then choose custom animation. In the Custom Animation Wizard Box, click on ADD EFFECT then choose ENTRANCE to animate the Entrance of the object. Choose an animation that you like. Look! As you animate an element, it shows up in the ANIMATION LIST in the ORDER that it will be animated in.
Preview the animation order by clicking on PREVIEW. TASK 2 // Slide #1: (Change the Order) Change the ORDER in which the animation will be played.
Complete Slides 2‐5 on your pre‐made power‐ point. Show them to Mr. Aguda and get a stamp
On the Animation List, click and drag the list to reorder the animation to play in this or‐ der: (1) Word Art #2, (2) Lilies Picture, (3) Word Art #1 Preview the animation order by clicking on PLAY. Worksheet STAMP
TASK 3 // Slide #1: (Speed & Direction Properties) You can change the way that these an‐ imations happen.
On the ANIMATION Wizard box, change the speed and di‐ rection of the animation. Don’t change the START properties yet!!
Task 4 // Slide #1: (Change the animation)
2. Click CHANGE.
Task 5 // Slide #1: (Make an Exit)
If you don’t like the animation, you can still change it!
You can add EXIT and EMPHASIS Anima‐ tions to your object
On the ANIMATION LIST, click on the object you want to change. Then click CHANGE to change the desired anima‐ tion. Don’t click on the object in the slide stage, you’ll add another animation to the same object.
On the SLIDE STAGE, right—click on the object you want to add an EXIT animation to. Then click ADD EFFECT then EXIT to add another animation. Don’t click on the object in the ANIMA‐ TION LIST, you’ll change the ENTRANCE animation.
1. Click the ani‐ mation you want to change
Part II: Animations WITH timings. So far we’ve been animating objects to appear when we click them. Look at the icon on the Animation List to the left of each object. This is known as the START prop‐ erty. There are 3 types of STARTS with 3 Different Symbols.
In the Animation Dialog Box, change the DELAY to 5 Seconds and press OK. This will tell POWERPOINT how long to WAIT before starting the next animation.
Press SHIFT+F5 to preview the slide you’re working on. TASK 3 // Slide #7: (Animate WITH PREVIOUS)
Insert a picture into the empty space to the right of BLUE BOX. Now Animate the text box without a BORDER to ON CLICK. Add an ANIMATION to your PICTURE and choose “WITH PRE‐ VIOUS” This will put NO picture next to the item.
Press SHIFT+F5 to preview the slide you’re working on. WITH PREVIOUS will animate the item at the same time as the previous animation. TASK 1 // Slide #7: (After Previous) When you set the START to occur after previous, the animation will happen automatically.
Animate the WHITE text box. (Try “FLIP” as your animation, it will animate the box AND THEN the TEXT.) Keep the START property as is (it will remain a MOUSE) Animate the BLUE text box next. After you’ve selected the animation, choose “AFTER PREVI‐ OUS” for the START prop‐ erty of the BLUE BOX ani‐ mation. Notice that this will change the picture from a MOUSE to a CLOCK.
Press SHIFT‐F5 to preview the slide you are working on. If you click once, this will cue the first animation. Then when this animation is done, the next one will occur after PREVIOUS.
TASK 2 // Slide #7: (After Previous with Timings) You can also set TIMINGS or a DELAY in between AFTER PRE‐ VIOUS animations.
Click on the down arrow of the animation BLUE TEXT ani‐ mation in the Wizard box and choose “TIMING”
On your own… Now you try it. Replace SLIDE #8 with a new slide. Slide #8: Make 1 Slide about a DREAM CAR you would like to have when you get older. In this slide you must include: 1 Background 1 Word Art (Title of your slide) 2 Pictures (of the car) 1 Text Box with 2‐3 sentences describing WHY you like this car. Animate all the ELEMENTS in this ORDER: ‐ 1. Word Art ‐ 2. Picture #1 ‐ 3. Text Box ‐ 4. Picture #2 Set YOUR ANIMATIONS and TIMINGS as like this ‐ 1. Word Art (ON CLICK) ‐ 2. Picture #1 (AFTER PREVIOUS: 2 Seconds) ‐ 3. Text Box (With Previous) ‐ 4. Picture #2 (After Previous: 4 Seconds) Show Mr. Aguda and get a stamp