The Roaring 20's

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By: Hannah, Suha, Kelsey, Sarah, Branden, and Orion

Dating going crazy? By: Hannah It’s All Berries in the Way of Transportation! By: Hannah Buy Whatever, Now! By: Hannah Jazz, and rebellion! By: Suha Women get their rights, finally! By: Suha Protectors of our rights! By: Suha Things to do in your Pastime! By: Orion Boosting Sales! By: Orion Advertisement Page Advertising Takes Off, Just Look Around! By: Orion Better Ways to Keep in Touch! By: Sarah New Law, Will it Be a Success? By: Sarah Easier life with New Products! By: Sarah Advertisement Page The Scopes Trail! By: Kelsey New Source of Entertainment! By: Kelsey A New Way of Life! By: Kelsey The Post War & Unemployment Rates & Statistics! By: Branden The Union and Strikes! By: Branden Urban versus Rural! By: Branden

Prior to the 1920’s dating consisted of the boy coming to the girls house to meet the family. They would sit down together and have a dinner with the entire family. They would be lucky to hug each other when saying goodbye. It was a very limited relationship till marriage. Things have defiantly changed since then. Now, the average date is the boy picking the girl up to go out to dinner or to a movie. It is now required for the boy to have money to treat a girl to a good time, and the girl to have money to buy the cosmetics to impress the gentlemen. This is all due to the invention of automobiles, giving young adults more freedom. The automobile recently became a common thing in all neighborhoods. Ever since they have become mass produced, everyone has been able to get an automobile. This allows young people to have more freedom, and currently with women branching out from what is normal, sexual activities before marriage have been occurring more frequently. Our time is leading to a premarital sexual revolution of the 1960’s and 70’s.

Our times are erupting with new ways to get around, letting people have freedom and more ways to travel around our globe. Previously to our time, we had inefficient ways to get around. Now we have more advanced ways that will make traveling much more convenient. Airplanes and automobiles are making a huge impact on our lifestyles. Airplanes were previously just used for war procedures and carrying mail. Planes have now modernized to have a new use, carrying people to destinations all over the world. Large and small airports are being built for planes to land and passengers to transfer flights. This is developing a new way to get around and giving people a new line of business to involve themselves in. Automobiles were at first luxury vehicles only for the upper class citizens. The first cars you could purchase were priced around $825 a pop. That was until Henry Ford started mass producing automobiles with the assembly line, and the cost decreased greatly, making them so everyone could afford one. Automobiles are now common in every household. These new ways of traveling are modernizing the way we live our lives. 29.html

When you go into a store and want to get an item, lets say a piano, there is three ways you can purchase it. You can buy the piano, you can use credit to purchase it, or you can pay with installments. Before, you could just save up and save up to buy the piano. Now with the booming economy, you can pay for the piano in many different ways. Credit is a great luxury we have. When we would like to get the piano but we don’t currently have the money for it, we have the ability to get it anyways. All we do is have our credit company pay the store, and now we owe our credit company but we don’t need to pay for it for a while. This is leading some people into debt because it’s easy spending. Many people are not thinking about the future, like how they are going to pay these companies back for all of their expensive purchases. Installment buying is being advertised all over now. This is when you make a down payment on the piano and then slowly through months/years you pay it back with installments. This is a great new way to get things you cannot quite afford yet, such as in this example, the piano we want. These new ways to buy things are enabling people to live in luxury lifestyles. dNewDeal.html /faculty/tbacig/studproj/is3 099/jazzcult/20sjazz/

Jazz music was born in New Orleans. The Harlem Renaissance began in 1910, made as a neighborhood for African Americans. In the 1920s Jazz was a form of entertainment, but it was also seen as an act of rebellious. Older Americans weren’t all that happy about jazz because of it’s fast rhythm, since they were so used to the slow. rhythm. Jazz also was a way people felt free to express themselves. It was also one of the reasons racial tension exacerbated. Jazz also led to the break of tradition that was set-up in America. All this rebellious soon led to Flappers. They were women that partied, danced, and smoked. They did everything that was against the tradition of how ladies were supposed to act. m/2013/08/26/gop-repeal-the19th-amendment-becausewe-live-in-a-post-gendersociety/

The 19th amendment was passed on the 4th of June of 1919, and was later ratified on the 18th of August 1920. This amendment gives women the right to vote. It says that every citizens right to vote “shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of sex.� Even though this was mentioned in the Amendment 14th, many states refused to enforce it. Of course this wasn’t easily archived as we all know, and have seen women struggled for more than 70 years to finally achieve equal rights as men. This is yet another important step we are taking toward advancing democratic rights in the U.S. Women suffrage movement began in 1848. Susan B. Anthony, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, and other women, lead the Women Suffrage movement.

After the war most of us Americans lived in fear that the Communist Revolution, that had taken place in Russia, might spread here in the United States. The Constitution and The Bill of Rights, helped ensure those in fear of that communism spreading in the U.S.A relief. The Bill of Rights, guaranteed us the First Amendment. The first Amendment guaranteed us: freedom of speech, association and assembly. freedom of the press, and freedom of religion. The U.S Constitution and the Bill of Rights helps us become the society that we want to be. But for what most of our history can tell, our nation had failed many times to fulfill the promises of liberty to the majority of us. The American civil liberties union, is what ensures our liberties. It defends and preserve our individual rights and liberties that the Constitution and the U.S law guarantees us. clu/

Since world war one, us Americans have been looking to entertain ourselves in new ways. We have developed new technologies, and new forms of entertainment, such as the radio, but more importantly, sports have been one of the main and more popular forms of entertainment. Many sports have been publicized through radio, and newspapers, and it has become a national event, bringing people together through baseball teams, and winning racehorses. Even sports that already existed publicly are amplified, through the need for entertainment. Sports are making many people stars; people who might have just been ordinary people before this sports frenzy are becoming stars in the eyes of America. People such as: Jim Thorpe, Jack Dempsey, and most famously Babe Ruth. Sports also give women a chance to show, that they are just as willing, and deserve the chance just as much as men do. With the newfound free time, coming from the five day workweek, and the eight hour workday people are flocking to the stadiums more than the experts ever would have expected.

One of the many, and great inventions of the century: not the radio, not the airplane, it is the wonderful assembly line! The assembly line has greatly increased the production of cars for the car company Ford. The assembly line works, by each person tightening one screw, or setting a piece on, for the next person to attach. So the car is eventually put together, piece by piece, person by person. Once enough people have attached enough parts the car is complete, and ready to go.


This new idea has made cars much more affordable to normal people, instead of being selectively for the rich. Before this technology came along, it would take upwards of fourteen hours to make a car, now with this concept ford can make one in under three hours: because of this car prices have dramatically dropped from the previous thousands of dollars, to now under four hundred dollars. This concept can be applied to anything that was previously built by hand. The idea of mass production can change the way we look at items. The possibilities are endless! m

"1920s Advertisement." Pinterest. N.p., n.d. Web. 30 Oct. 2013. Coburn Dukehart, Abbey Oldham, Susan Stamberg, and Sarah Handel. NPR. NPR, n.d. Web. 30 Oct. 2013.

"Vintage Ad Browser." Vintage Ad Browser. N.p., n.d. Web. 31 Oct. 2013.

1926 Golden State Cheese Advertisement." Flickr. Yahoo!, n.d. Web. 30 Oct. 2013.

You may have been noticing that throughout newspapers and magazines, on the radio, and even on large billboards advertising is really taking off, and more, and more people are viewing them every day. From car companies to mouthwash, every company is taking advantage of this new idea, to boost their sales. Starting with Listerine, and working its way through separate industries advertising might just be the powerful tool that companies need to boost their sales. Coca-Cola™ is a good example of the way advertising can affect a company’s growth. Coca-Cola™ began as a small with a couple of soda fountains to its name, but with new techniques such as advertising CocaCola™ is now a big industry, and can now be found at all but six soda fountains in the United States of America. Small companies just like Coca-Cola™ are in the process of using advertising right now, and will soon become industry leaders just like CocaCola™ is.

Till today, three people out of one reads a newspaper at breakfast. It is now easy to know what is going on, on the other side of the country with a few pages of writing. As more people are starting to read the same newspaper, everyone’s fashion style, thoughts, and even tips for living are becoming similar all over the country. This effect is helping to fade away regional differences that are dividing our country. However, not long ago, a new device for communication started to emerge in people’s life. More people are starting to “listen” than to “read”. While a radio was a device only upper class families had, factories are now manufacturing large amounts of radios which is making radios to be affordable even to the middle class families. Radios are also now starting to be made good looking enough to be one of the basic furniture's in a living room. People are hearing news, advertise, and even have dramas broadcasting on it. It is becoming not only a device for information, but also for entertainment which is making a new community bonding between those who listen to the radio. Words on paper are becoming a voice that you hear without being close to it. Nobody knows how much more technology will promote. Maybe there might even be a day "Antique Radio Forums • when you can see and hear! Index Page." Antique Radio Forums • Index Page. N.p., n.d.

On January 17th, 1920 the 18th Amendment became law with a vote of 47 to 8. Before, most people agreed however today, groups of people from all over the country are wanting the 18th Amendment to be removed. The 18th Amendment was passed to prohibit manufactures, sales, or transports alcoholic beverages. A group of people called “dry� supported the Amendment by arguing alcohols were behind some of the serious problems in America like crime, child abuse, and more. They also thought alcohols gave results of unemployment because men were often drunk and were no help to factories. However right after the 18th Amendment was passed, the Volstead Act added that a drink containing more than 1% alcohol was intoxicating. This meant that even wine and beer were also illegal. Since many workers enjoyed beer and wine as just ordinary beverages, they thought the law would only apply to hard liquor so they were surprised by the Act. As wine and beer are outlawed today, many people are changing their minds and wanting to undo the 18th Amendment. Even President Woodrow Wilson denied the Act. Not long after, majority of the people would want freedom for alcohols and will dream to remove the 18th Amendment which will come true soon.

"The Greatest Gatsby." : May 2010. N.p., n.d. Web. 30 Oct. 2013.

Have you ever thought of something doing your laundry or even cooking for you? Now, it is a stage where almost everything is done automatically by machines. Many factories are inventing different things to make your lives easier. For example, a laundry machine will automatically wash your clothes just by putting water and soap into a machine. Now you wouldn’t have to wash it yourself and have sore arms the next day. You also won’t be able to miss new products in stores by hearing and seeing advertisements on radios and newspapers. There’s no worry about not being able to afford a product. You can use credit and loan money to buy the product or do an installment payment by paying a little part of the product’s price every month till you pay the whole price. However, usually the price would not be that high because many factories are started mass manufacture. A new world with new products, your life will be relaxing and happy.

"File." Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, 30 Oct. 2013. Web. 30 Oct. 2013.

Flickr. Yahoo!, n.d. Web. 31 Oct. 2013.

"Vintage Ad Browser." Vintage Ad Browser. N.p., n.d. Web. 31 Oct. 2013.

"" Site Info. N.p., n.d. Web. 31 Oct. 2013.

"Etsy." Etsy. N.p., n.d. Web. 31 Oct. 2013.

"The Pop History Dig - a Collection of Short Stories about Popular Culture - Its History, Its People, and Its Power." The Pop History Dig - a Collection of Short Stories about Popular Culture - Its History, Its People, and Its Power. N.p., n.d. Web. 31 Oct. 2013.

Charles Darwin’s theory of evolution has been a main problem for twenty- four year old, Tennessee teacher, John Scopes’ class room. He is teaching evolution. He believes that people formed from monkeys. Lots of parents are concerned about their children learning about evolution because they don’t want them to go to hell. Their parents are called fundamentalists. A fundamentalist is anyone who is against evolution. Fundamentalists, not just parents want a change to this ongoing conflict. George Rappelyea is challenging the Tennessee law. He challenges the law that makes it illegal to teach any theory that denies the story of the Divine Creation of man as taught in the bible. He is asking the American Civil Liberties Union to defend the young Tennessee science teacher. He wants them to defend him before going to the police about this conflict. Scopes is now to go to court. The attorney is William Jennings Bryan, a Christian, pacifist, and former candidate for the U.S. presidency. He has agreed to take the case because he believes that evolution theory leads to dangerous social movements. He also believes that the Bible should be interpreted literally. The jury has found Scopes guilty of violating the law and has fined him $100. The anti-evolutionists have claimed victory. But, the American Civil Liberties Union succeeds in publicizing scientific evidence for evolution. The press reported earlier that though Bryan had won the case but it is just the opposite.

Now days more and more people have free time on the weekend. A popular new trend is films! They are a new way to have fun! They are accessible to just about anyone! There are two types of films. There are silent films that are often accompanied by music from a piano or an organ. In some of the best films there is an orchestra! The other type of movie is a “talkie.� It has actual sound! You can hear the dialog between characters. It is also an easy way to understand what is going on in a film. Films are producing lots of exciting things for everyone! Now people have a quick and fun way to see what the new trends are around the world! Also people have a way of seeing the trending movie stars. Kids and even adults can now have someone to look up too! Films are an exciting and new way for people to have fun in their free time!

This economic boom is way of showing that life is changing drastically. The economic boom has been caused by all sorts of things. There are new inventions, new jobs, and new things for people to do! This is a new way of life for us all. New ways of retail are a huge part of the boom! Henry Ford’s idea of mass production is just one of the many new ways of retail. Mass production has created many more jobs! This also creates more business because mostly anyone can afford things now! New ways to buy things without having the money right away is a great thing for the economic boom as well as us! One of the great things for us is called installment buying. It’s when you pay overtime for your items but just in small amounts. Another thing similar to installment buying is credit. For credit you borrow money and then pay it back later. There are lots of great new ways to buy and sell things and still having it available to mostly everybody!

Many blacks and women got fired when the war was over with. because the men needed their jobs back to put food on the table. That meant when the men where gone there was opening’s for jobs for not only the women but also the blacks. When they found out that they couldn’t work no more they weren’t happy with this With all of this going on this caused the great depression. This meant the loosing of great amount of money. This money loss was from the war and the amount of jobs being gone for the war. None of this was announced to the public through the 1920-1921.

With the union and the strikes this caused the prosperity and all this was worldwide for 1919-1921. This was the “labor vs. the capital�. This battle was pitted on industrial workers for what they demand. They demanded wages in the post war inflation economy. Most of the strikes were for the workers with the high payments and the long hours. They demanded that they have short hours and a bibber payment. Many workers thought that they can get away with the not having to have long hours and wanting the bigger money budgets.

Because of all of the problems that the Urban and the Rural has caused “opening up” this meant new counties. Urban and Rural states where divided. Over the support for the whole places on regulations an example the “8 hour a day thing”. Some others were the child labor force and others on unemployment. There were other divisions over the social conformity proposals; with prohibition more popular sections of the state. Then in Matimah country for their non-popular of prohibition. Rural voters would continue to support social and traditional culture for their values.

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