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The Charles Looney Engraving Collection Image Index (Annotations to this Index are largely from Denlow's 10,000 Famous Freemasons)

The Chancellor Robert R Livingston Masonic Library of Grand Lodge General Archives Collection Livingston Masonic Library 71 W 23rd Street New York, NY 10010-4171 (212) 337-6620

ADAMS, JOHN QUINCY (1767-1884): 6th President. Anti-Mason. (8 images) ADAMS, SAMUEL (1722-1803): Signer of the Declaration of Independence; no record of his Masonic affiliation. (2 images) Prince ALBERT: Duke of York, b.1895; provincial G.M. of Middlesex. (1 image) ALEXANDER I (1777-1825): Czar of Russia; Masonic affiliation is uncertain. (1 image) ALLEN, WILLIAM (1704?-1780): 1st Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvannia. (2 images) ALLISON, WILLIAM B. (1829-1908): U.S. senator from Iowa; charter member of Mosaic Lodge No. 125 of Dubuque, Iowa. (1 image) ARNOLD, MAJ. GEN. BENEDICT (1741-1801): notorious traitor, but unfortunately a Mason. (2 images) ARTHUR, CHESTER. A.(1830-1866): President 1881-1885, no evidence of Masonic membership. (1 image) ASTOR, JOHN JACOB (1763-1848): Early member of Holland Lodge No. 8, New York City, Grand Treasurer of the Grand Lodge of New York 1798-1800. (1 image) AUDUBON, JOHN JAMES (1785-1851): Referred to himself as a Mason but there is no proof of his membership. (2 images) AUSTIN, JAMES M.: Grand Secretary, Grand Lodge of New York 1853-1858; Grand High Priest, Grand Chapter of New York 1859-60. (1 image) AUSTIN, STEPHEN, F.(1793-1836): Sometimes called the " Father of Texas" Austin, Texas is named for him. (2 images) BACON, FRANCIS (1561-1662): 1st Baron Verulam; thought to have been a Rosecrucian. (1 image) BALDWIN, ABRAHAM (1754-1807): Original membership unknown; affiliated with American Union Lodge during the revolution. (1 image) BALL, WILLIAM (1729-1810): Provincial Grand Master of Pennsylvania "Ancients" 1761-1782. (4 images) BARLOW, JOEL (1754-1812): Poet and diplomat; member of St. John's Lodge No. 4, Hartford, Conn. (4 images) BARNEY, JOSHUA (1759-1818): Commodore, American Navy; variously said to have been raised at Lodge of the Nine Sisters, Paris or Lodge No. 3, Philadelphia. (2 images) BEAUHARNAIS, EUGENE DE (1781-1824): Duke of Leuchtenberg and Prince of Eichstaett; Grand Commander of the Supreme Council of Italy. (2 images)

BECK, THEODRIC ROMEYN (1791-1885): Member of Masters Lodge No. 5, Albany NY. (1 image) BENTON, THOMAS HART (1782-1858): U.S. Senator from Missouri, member of Missouri Lodge No. 1. (1 image) BIRNEY, MAJ. GEN. DAVID B. (1825-1864): Union Major General in Civil War; Initiated in Franklin Lodge No. 134, Philadelphia. (2 images) BLENNERHASSETT, HARMAN (1764-1831): Associate of Aaron Burr; member of Harmony Lodge No. 1, Natchez, Miss. (1 image) BOLIVAR, SIMON (1783-1830): Liberator of South America, made a Mason in Cadiz, Spain. (2 images) BOOTH, EDWIN T. (1833-1893): Famous Shakespearean actor of the American Stage; initiated in New York Lodge No. 330, NYC. (1 image) BOUDINOT, ELIAS C.(1835-1890): Indian chief; it is believed that Albert Pike conferred the 32nd degree on him. (1 image) BRANT, JOSEPH (THAYENDANEGEA): In Revolutionary War, Indian chief who recognized captive American Colonel McKinstry as a Mason and spared his life. Some have questioned the story. (5 images, all filed under MCKINSTRY, CAPT. JOHN) BRECKINRIDGE, JOHN CABELL (1821-1875): 14th Vice President, Confederate Secretary of War; member, Des Moines Lodge No. 41. (1 image) BROOKS, DR. JOHN (1752-1825): Governor of Massachusetts; received his E.A. degree in American Union Lodge; later a member of Washington Lodge No. 10 (military) under the Grand Lodge of Massachusetts. (2 images) BROUGHAM, HENRY PETER (BARON BROUGHAM AND VAUX) (1778-1868): Lord High Chancellor of England; co-founder, Edinburgh Review; raised in Fortrose Lodge, Stornoway, Scotland. (2 images) BROWN, HUNTINGTON: Past Grand Com., Gd. Commandery of K. T. of Ohio. (1 image) BROWN, JACOB JENNINGS (1775-1828): U.S.Army; member of Watertown Lodge No. 49, NY. (2 images) BRUNN, OTTO ?? (perhaps BROWN?) c. 1935-45. (1 image) BUCHANAN, JAMES (1791-1868): 15th President of the U.S. Member, Lodge No 43, Lancaster, Pa. (3 images) BUCKINGHAM, DUKE OF. This image probably George Villiers, 2nd duke (1628-1687): per Dr. Anderson, Grand Master of England, 1674, but considered by many a "questionable character." The "b" in the "Cabal." (1 image) BUNYAN, JOHN (1628-1688): Religious writer. (1 image) BURKE, EDMUND (1729-1797): British statesman and orator; thought to have been a member of Jerusalem Lodge No. 44, Clerkenwell, London. (3 images) BURNS, ROBERT (1759-1796): Scottish national poet; made a Freemason in St. David's Lodge No. 174 at Tarbolton, Scotland. (2 images) CAMERON, SIMON (1799-1889): Secretary of War in Lincoln's cabinet; initiated in Perseverance Lodge No. 21, Harrisburg, Pa. (1 image) CARNEGIE, ANDREW (1835-1919): Steel magnate, writer, philanthropist. (3 images) CASANOVA, JEAN JACQUES or CASANOVA DE SEINGALT (1725-1798): Born Giovanni Jacopo in Venice, Italy; thought to have entered Freemasonry in Lyons in 1750; his diaries are littered with references to the Craft. (1 image) CASS, LEWIS (1782-1866): General, Governor of Michigan...; made a Mason in old American Union Lodge No.1, Marietta, Ohio. (8 images) CHALMERS, THOMAS: Scottish theologian and philosopher; initiated in Lodge St. Vigean No. 101, Scotland. (1 image) CHANDLER, JOSEPH R. (1792-1880): Journalist and member of U.S. Congress; raised in Columbia Lodge, Boston, Mass. Grand Master of Pennsylvania, 1841-2. (2 images)

CLANE, JOHN (1852-1911): Governor of New Hampshire...; member of Benevolent Lodge No. 7, Milford, N.H. (Image missing 12/94) CLARK, CHAMP (1850-1954): Full name James Beauchamp Clark. U.S. Congressman from Missouri; member of Perseverance Lodge No. 92, Louisiana, Mo. (1 image) CLAY, HENRY (1777-1852) U.S. Senator...; raised in Lexington Lodge No. 1, Ky. (5 images) CLEVELAND, FRANCES FOLSOM (1864-1947): First lady 1886-1889, 1893-1897; wife of Grover Cleveland. (2 images) CLEVELAND, (STEPHEN) GROVER (1837-1908): 22nd and 24th President of the U.S. Not a Mason, but favorably inclined. (1 image) CLINTON, DEWITT (1769-1828): Mayor & Governor of New York, Father of the Erie Canal. Raised in Holland Lodge No. 8; Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of New York 1806-19. (7 images) CLINTON, GEORGE (1739-1812): Member of Continental Congress, Governor of New York, Vice-President of the United States; appears to have been a member of Warren Lodge No. 17 NYC. (1 image) CORNWALLIS, LORD CHARLES (1738-1805): British General of American Revolution who surrendered to Washington at Yorktown. (1 image) COXE, DANIEL (1673-1739): First provincial grand master in America. (1 image) CRAIK, DR. JAMES (1731-1814): Physician of George Washington; member of Alexandria Lodge No. 22, Alexandria, Va. (1 image) CROSS, JEREMY L. (1783-1861): Masonic ritualist, raised in St. John's Lodge No. 1, Portsmouth, NH. (1 image) DARWIN, ERASMUS (1731-1802): English physiologist and poet, grandfather of Charles Darwin; made a Mason in Canongate Kilwinning Lodge No.2, Edinburgh, Scotland. (1 image) DAVIE, WILLIAM RICHARDSON (1756-1820): Governor of North Carolina...; initiated in New Bern, NC. in 1791; served as Grand Master of North Carolina from 1792-98. (1 image) DAY, BENJAMIN: Grand Master of Masons of Virginia, 1979-1800. (1 image) DAYTON, ELIAS (1737-1807): Brigadier General in American Revolution; member of Military Lodge No. 19. (1 image) DECATUR, JR., STEPHEN (1779-1820): American Naval Officer; thought to have been a member of Saint Johns Lodge either of Maryland or Rhode Island. (4 images) DESAGULIERS, JOHN THEOPHILUS (1683-1744): "Father of Modern Speculative Freemasonry." (1 image) DICK, DR. ELISHA CULLEN (1750?-1825): Attended George Washington in his last illness; made a Mason in Lodge No. 2, Philadelphia. (1 image) DICKINSON, JOHN (1732-1808): President of both Delaware and Pennsylvania and signer of the Constitution; raised in Lodge No. 18, Dover, Delaware. (1 image) DICKERSON, MAHLON (1770-1853): U.S. Secretary of the Navy under Jackson...; made a Mason in Cincinnati Lodge No. 17, NJ. (1 image) DOUGLAS, STEPHEN A.(1813-1861): U.S. Senator and Congressman from Illinois; member of Springfield Lodge No. 4, Ill. (4 images) EARL OF LOUDON - see LOUDON, 4th EARL OF (JOHN CAMPBELL) EDWARD VII (1841-1910): King of England, 1901-10; initiated into Freemasonry in <1868 at Stockholm, Sweden. (1 image) ELLSWORTH, OLIVER (1745-1807): Third Chief Justice of U.S. Supreme Court; became a charter member of St. John's Lodge at Princeton, N.J. (2 images) EUGENIE, EMPRESS OF THE FRENCH (1 image) EVERETT, EDWARD (1794-1865): Anti-Mason; Governor of Massachusetts, 1836-1840... (8 images) FILLMORE, ABIGAIL (1798-1853): nee Abigail Powers; First Lady 1850-1853. (1 image)

FILMORE, MILLARD (1800-1874): 13th President of the United States; anti-Mason. (5 images) FOX, CHRISTOPHER (1829-1912): Grand Master, Grand Lodge of New York, 1872-3. (1 image) FRANKLIN, BENJAMIN (1706-1790): Received his degrees in St. John's Lodge of Philadelphia; Grand Master of Pennsylvania; published first Masonic book in America, 1734. (14 images) FREDERICK II ("the Great")( 1754-1816): King of Prussia; initiated in 1738 in a special Lodge called at Brunswick; Protector of Masons in the National Grand Lodge of Germany. (2 images) FREDERICK AUGUSTUS (1740-1805): King of Saxony; Affiliated with the Rite of Strict Observance. (1 image) FREMONT, JOHN C. (1813-1890): American explorer and army officer; no proof of Masonic membership. (2 images) FRENCH, BENJAMIN B. (1800-1870): Grand Commander of the Grand Encampment, K.T. (1 image) FULTON, ROBERT (1765-1815): American engineer and inventor; no proof of his Masonic membership; associate of Robert R Livingston. (5 images) GARFIELD, MAJ. GEN. JAMES (1831-1881): 20th President; initiated in Magnolia Lodge No. 20, Columbus, Ohio. (23 images) GARFIELD, LUCRETIA RUDOLPH (1832-1918): First Lady 1881. (1 image) GARIBALDI, GIUSEPPE (1807-1882): Italian liberator; became a member of the Lodge Les Amis de Patrie of Montevideo, Uruguay; when he came to the U.S., affiliated with Tompkins Lodge No. 471, NY. (4 images) GIBBON, EDWARD (1716-1796): English historian; member of Friendship Lodge No. 6, London. (1 image) GIDDINGS, JOSHUA R. (1795-1864): U.S. Congressman from Ohio; raised in Jerusalem Lodge No. 19. (3 images) GIRARD, STEPHEN (1750-1831): Merchant, banker, founded Girard College; initiated in Royal Arch Lodge No. 3, Philadelphia (but see Denslow). (3 images) GIST, MORDECAI, GEN. (1743-1792): Brigadier General of the American Revolution; member of Lodge No. 16, Baltimore, MD. (4 images) GOETHE, JOHANN WOLFGANG von (1749-1832): German poet and intellectual, initiated in Lodge "Amalie" in Weimar, 1780, raised 1782. (4 images) GOLDSMITH, OLIVER (1730-1774): Anglo-Irish author. (1 image) GREELY, HORACE (1811-1872): American journalist, political leader and anti-Mason. (2 images) GREENE, NATHANIEL, MAJ. GEN. (1742-1786): General of the American Revolution; connection with Masonry is unclear. (2 images) GRISWOLD, ALEXANDER V. (1766-1843): Protestant Episcopal Bishop; raised in Aurora Lodge No. 35 in Harwinton, Conn. (1 image) GRUNDY, FELIX (1777-1840): Attorney General of the U.S...; raised in Washington Lodge No. 6 Bardstown, KY. (1 image) HALLECK, FITZ-GREENE (1790-1867): American poet; made a Mason in Holland Lodge No. 8, New York City. (1 image) HAMILTON, ALEXANDER (1757?-1804): American statesman and first U.S. secretary of the Treasury (1789-95); Masonic membership has never been determined. (4 images) HAMILTON, HENRY DEWITT (1863-1942): General Grand High Priest of the General Grand Chapter, R.A.M.; raised in United States Lodge No. 207, NYC. (2 images) HARRISON, WILLIAM HENRY (1773-1841): 9th President of the U.S., anti-Mason. (4 images) HATTON, CLARENCE, R.: Grand Scribe, Grand Chapter of N.Y., 1900. (1 image) HAYES, GEORGE: Grand Treasurer, Grand Lodge of New York 1897. (1 image) HAYS, MOSES, M.: Grand Master of Masons in Massachusetts, 1788-1793. (2 images)

HERRING, JAMES (1794-1867): Artist; initiated in Solomon's Lodge, Somerville, N.J., Grand Secretary of the Grand Lodge of New York 1829-1845. (1 image) HOGG, JAMES (1770-1835): Scottish poet; made a Mason in Lodge Canongate Kilwinning, Edinburgh. (1 image) HOUSTON, SAM (1793-1863): Governor of Tennessee, president of the Republic of Texas...; received his degrees in Cumberland Lodge No. 8, Nashville, Tenn. (2 images) HOWARD, JOHN E. (1752-1827): Colonel in the Revolution...; it is thought he was a member of Army Lodge No. 27 of the Maryland line. (1 image) HUNT, CHARLES C. (1866-1948): Masonic writer; raised in Lafayette Lodge No.52, Montezuma, Iowa; Grand Secretary of the Grand Lodge of Iowa. (1 image) JACKSON, ANDREW (1767-1845): 7th President of the U.S.; certainly a Mason, but unclear when and where he received his first three degrees. Grand Master of Tennessee. (8 images) JACKSON, JAMES (1757-1806): Georgia politician and Brigadier General; Master of Solomon's Lodge No. 1, Savannah, Georgia and Grand Master of Goergia. (1 image) JACKSON, WILLIAM HENRY (1843-1942): Pioneer photographer; Mason. (1 image) JAY, JOHN MRS. (1757-1802): nee Sarah Van Brugh Livingston; New York society leader. (1 image) JAY, JOHN (1745-1829): First Chief Justice of U.S. Supreme Court; no proof that he was a Freemason. (2 images) JEFFERSON, THOMAS (1743-1826): Third President; doubtful that he was a Freemason. (5 images) JENNER, EDWARD (1749-1823): English physician who was the discoverer of vaccination; master of Royal Faith and Friendship Lodge No. 270, Berkeley, England. (1 image) JOHN THE BAPTIST, SAINT: Patron Saint of Freemasonry. (2 images) JOHNSON, ANDREW (1808-1875): 17th President of the U.S.; member of Greeneville Lodge No. 119, Greeneville, Tenn. (3 images) JOHNSON, SAMUEL (1709-1784): English lexicographer...; no definite proof he was Mason. (3 images) JONES, JOHN PAUL (1747-1792): Father of the American Navy; made a member of St. Bernards Lodge No. 122 of Kirkcudbright, Scotland. (1 image) JOSEPHINE (1763-1814): Empress of France; active in French adoptive masonry. (6 images) KANE, ELISHA KENT (1820-1857): Physician and early Arctic explorer; received degrees in Franklin Lodge No. 134, Philadelphia. (2 images) KENDRICK, GEORGE W.: Grand High Priest of Grand Chapter of Pennsylvania, 1885-6. (1 image) KENLY, JOHN R. (1822-?): Union Major General in Civil War; member of Maryland Commandery No. 1, Baltimore, Md. (1 image) KIMBALL, NATHAN (1822-1889): Union Major General in Civil War; member of Mt. Pleasant Lodge No. 168, Ind. (1 image) KING, RUFUS (1755-1827): Member of Continental Congress; one of the Drafters of the Constitution. Thought to have been a member of a lodge in Newburyport, Mass. (1 image) KING, THOMAS STARR (1824-1864): Unitarian clergyman; raised in Oriental Lodge No. 144, San Francisco. (1 image) KINGSLEY, CHARLES (1819-1864): English author and clergyman. (1 image) KNOX, HENRY (1750-1806): Major General in American Revolution...; thought to have been a member of St.John Regimental Lodge at Morristown. (2 images) KOSSUTH, LAJOS (LOUIS) (1802-1894): Hungarian patriot and statesman; raised on an emergency basis in Cincinnati Lodge No. 133; member of Cincinnati Chapter No. 2, R.A.M. (3 images) KOTZEBUE, AUGUST FRIEDRICH F. VON (1761-1819): German author and dramatist; member of the Royal

Lodge of Three Axes. (1 image) LEWIS, MORGAN (1754-1844): Major General; Chief Justice (1792) and Governor (1804-1807) of New York; Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of New York 1830-1844. [added 2/95] LEWIS, JOHN L., Jr.: Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of New York 1856-1859; Grand High Priest of the Grand Chapter 1852-1855. (1 image) LIVINGSTON, ROBERT R. (1746-1813): American statesman and aristocrat. First Chancellor of the State of New York, 1777-1801. First Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of New York, 1784-1801. (1 image) LOUDON, 4th EARL OF (JOHN CAMPBELL): Governor of Virginia and commander of all British forces in America in 1756; Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of England 1736. (1 image) MACDONOUGH, THOMAS (1783-1825): Commodore, U.S. Navy; hero of Battle of Lake Champlain; made a Mason in an English Lodge on Malta. (3 images) MACOMB, ALEXANDER (1782-1841): Major General in War of 1812...; member of Zion Lodge No. 1, Detroit, Mich. (1 image) MADISON, DOLLY P. (1768-1849): nee Dorothea Payne; wife of James Madison MADISON, JAMES (1751-1836): 4th President; Masonic tie much debated, but seems to have been associated with Hiram Lodge No. 59, Westmoreland Court House, Virginia. (8 images) MARION, FRANCIS, GEN. (1732-1795): Revolutionary War General, known as the Swamp Fox; no documents to prove his Masonic membership. (2 images) MARRYAT, FREDERICK (1792-1848): Known as Captain Marrayat, English naval commander and novelist; member of the Lodge of Antiquity No. 2, London. (1 image) MARSHALL, THOMAS R. (1854-1925): 28th Vice President ("what this country needs is a good five-cent cigar"); raised in Columbia City Lodge No.189, Columbia City, Ind. (1 image) MARVIN, E. M. (1823-1877): Methodist Episcopal Bishop; Grand Chaplain of the Grand Lodge of Missouri. (1 image) MASSENA, ANDRE (1758-1817): Duc de Rivoli and Prince d'Essling; first master of the Parfaite Amitie Lodge in the Royal Italian Infantry. (1 image) MAXIMILIAN I (1832-1867): Ferdinand Maximilian Joseph, Archduke of Austria and Emperor of Mexico (186467); member of Paris Lodge No. 27 and Paris Commandery No. 9 K.T. (Texas) (1 image) MAZZINI, GIUSEPPE (1805-1872): Italian patriot and liberator. (2 images) MCCLELLAN, GEORGE B. (1826-1885): Union General-in-chief; received degrees in Willamette Lodge No. 2, Portland, Ore. (2 images) MCCOOK, ALEXANDER MCDOWELL (1831-1903): Union Civil War General; member, Lancaster Lodge No. 106, Timber Post Office, Peoria co., Ill. (1 image) MCDOWELL, IRVIN (image captioned "IRWIN") (1818-1885): Union Brigadier General, first commander, Army of the Potomac; lost both battles of Bull Run. Masonic ties unknown. (1 image) MCKEAN, THOMAS (1734-1817): Signer of Declaration of Independence; recorded as a visitor to Perseverance Lodge No. 21. (1 image) MCKINLEY, IDA SAXTON (1847-1907): First Lady 1897-1901. (1 image) MCKINLEY, WILLIAM (1843-1901): 25th President; raised in Hiram Lodge No. 21 in Winchester, Virginia during Civil War service. (3 images) MCKINSTRY, JOHN: American Colonel in Revolutionary War; after being captured, was about to be executed; the Indian Chief Joseph Brant (Thayendanegea) recognized him as a Mason and had his life spared. (Some have questioned the story.) McKinstry was a charter member of Hudson Lodge No. 7., Hudson, NY. (5 images) MCLANE, LOUIS (1786-1857): U.S. Senator and Secretary of the Treasury. Member, Lafayette Lodge No. 14, Wilmington, Delaware. (1 image) MCLEAN, JOHN (1785-1861): American politician and Associate Justice, U.S. Supreme Court. Masonic ties

unknown. (1 image) MITCHILL, SAMUEL L. (1764-1831): Scientist, physician and U.S. Senator from New York...; first master of Clinton Lodge No. 453, Brooklyn. (1 image) MOIR, DAVID MACBETH (1798-1851): Scottish physician and author; member of Canongate Kilwinning Lodge, Edinburgh. (1 image) MONROE, JAMES (1758-1831): Fifth president; received the Entered Apprentice degree in Williamsburgh Lodge No. 6, Williamsburgh, Va.; site of 2nd & 3rd degrees unknown. (5 images) MOSES (2 images) MOULTRIE, JAMES (1766-1836): One of founders of Mother Supreme Council, 33 Scottish Rite. (1 image) MURAT, JOACHIM (1767?-1815): French General and Prince, King of Naples; Senior Grand Warden of Grand Orient of France; subsequently assumed supreme command of both Grand Orient and Supreme Council of Naples. (1 image) MYERS, MORDECAI (???-1871): Captain, 13th NY Infantry, War of 1812; Grand Master of Phillips Grand Lodge, 1855. (1 image) NAPOLEON I (1769-1821): Emperor of France...; seems evident that he was a Mason before becoming Emperor, but time and place are not certain. (19 images) NAPOLEON III (1808-1873): Emperor of France, nephew of Napoleon I; member of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of France. (2 images) NELSON, HORATIO, VISCOUNT (1758-1805): British naval hero; some supporting evidence that he was a Mason. (5 images) NEWTON, SIR ISAAC (1642-1727) English natural philospher and mathematician; no evidence that he was a Mason. (1 image) NEY, MICHEL (1769-1815): Marshal of France; said to have been made a Mason in the Lodge of the Nine Sisters, Paris (1 image) NORTH, CHRISTOPHER - pseudonym of WILSON, JOHN, q.v. O'CONNELL, DANIEL (1775-1847): Irish national leader known as "The Liberator"; raised in Lodge No.189, Dublin, Ireland. (1 image) OGDEN, AARON (1756-1839): Revolutionary War Officer...; member of Lodge No. 19, a military lodge of the Penn. Artillery. (1 image) PATTON, THOMAS R.: Grand Treasurer of the Grand Lodge of Pennslyvania. (2 images) PEDRO, DOM II; Emperor of Brazil. (1 image) PETER THE GREAT (1672-1725): Emperor of Russia, may have established the first Masonic lodge in St. Petersburg. (1 image) POLK, JAMES K. (1795-1849): 11th president; raised in Columbia Lodge No. 31, Columbia, Tenn. (3 images) POLK, SARAH CHILDRESS (1803-1891): First Lady, 1845-1849. (1 image) PORTER, DAVID (1780-1843): American Naval Officer, Tripolitan War and War of 1812. Masonic ties unknown. (1 image) RANDALL, SAMUEL J. (1828-1890): Speaker of U.S. House of Representatives, 44th - 46th Congresses; raised in Montgomery Lodge No. 19, Philadelphia. (1 image) RANDOLPH, JOHN (1773-1833): John Randolph of Roanoke, U.S. Senator, Congressman... (1 image) RED JACKET (SAGOYEWATHA) (1751-1830): Seneca Indian Chief; membership never established. (1 image) REVERE, PAUL (1735-1818): Metalsmith and Revolutionary patriot; raised in St. Andrews Lodge, Boston. (3 images) RODNEY, CAESAR A. (1772-1824): Attorney General of U.S., Senator and Congressman...; raised in Lodge No. 14, Wilmington, Del. (1 image)

ROGERS, WILLIAM BARTON (1804-1882): Founder and first President of Massachusetts Institute of Technology. (1 image) ROOSEVELT, THEODORE (1858-1919): 26th President; a member of Matinecock Lodge No. 806 of Oyster Bay, NY. (6 images) RUSH, BENJAMIN (1745-1813): Signer of the Declaration of Independence and Physician; no documentary proof of his membership. (2 images) RUSK, JEREMIAH M. (1830-1893): Governor of Wisconsin, Congressman...; initiated in Frontier Lodge No. 45 at La Crosse, Wis. (1 image) SARTAIN, JOHN (1808-1897): American artist and engraver; member of Franklin Lodge No. 134, Philadelphia. (1 image) SAGOYEWATHA - see RED JACKET SAYRE, ANTHONY (1672-1742): First Grand Master of the United Grand Lodge of England (2 images) SCHILLER, JOHANN CHRISTIAN FRIEDRICH von (1759-1805): German poet and playwright; membership not definitely established. (4 images) SCOTT, SIR WALTER (1771-1832): Scottish poet, novelist; initiated, passed and raised in Lodge St. David No. 36, of Edinburgh. (4 images) SCOTT, WINFIELD (1786-1886) Lieutenant General, U.S. Army and commander-in-chief of American forces in Mexican War; made a Mason in 1805 (sic-per Denslow, at age 19) in Dinwiddie Union Lodge No. 23, Virginia. (7 images) SEWARD, WILLIAM HENRY (1801-1872): Anti-mason, U.S. Secretary of State... (3 images) SHERER, WILLIAM : Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of New York 1891; Grand High Priest of the Grand Chapter 1887-88. (1 image) SHERMAN, ROGER (1721-1793): Signer of Declaration of Independence, Articles of Association, Articles of Confederation and Federal Constitution; Membership based on tradition. (1 image) SICKELS, DANIEL (1825-1914): Masonic author and publisher; first person acquitted of murder on the grounds of temporary insanity. (1 image) SIMMS, WILLIAM GILMORE (1806-1870): American poet and novelist; member of Orange Lodge No. 14, Charleston, SC. (1 image) SMITH, HYRUM (?-1844) & SMITH, JOSEPH (1805-1844): Joseph Smith was the founder of the Mormon Church; associated with Nauvoo Lodge of Freemasons. (1 image) SMITH, JOHN CORSON (1832-1910): Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of Illinois, 1887-88; member of Miners' Lodge No. 273 of Galena, Ill. (1 image) SMITH, SYDNEY, REV. (1771-1845): English clergyman, wit and essayist. Masonic ties unknown. (1 image) SMITH, WILLIAM, REV.(1727-?1803): Dedicated first Masonic building in America, Aberdeen, Scotland; member of Lodge No. 2, Philadelphia, Grand Secretary of that Grand Lodge in 1783. (1 image) SOLOMON (2 images) SOULT, NICHOLAS JEAN DE DIEU: (1769-1851): Duke of Dalmatia, Marshal of France; was a 33d degree AASR and second Grand Surveillant of the Grand Chapter General of France. (1 image) SPRAGUE, WILLIAM (1830-1915): Governor of R.I. 1860-1863; member St. John's Lodge No. 2, Providence, R.I. (2 images) STANFORD, LELAND (1824-1893): Railroad magnate, founder of Stanford University; raised in Prometheus Lodge No.17, Port Washington, Wis. (1 image). STEELE, SIR RICHARD (1672-1729): British essayist and dramatist; believed to have been a Mason. (1 image) STEVENS, THADDEUS (1792-1868): Anti-Mason, U.S. Congressman... (3 images) STORY, JOSEPH (1779-1845): Justice, U.S. Supreme Court; member of Philanthropic Lodge, Marblehead,

Mass. (2 images) SUE, EUGENE (1804-1857): French novelist; member of the Grand Orient of France. (1 image) SUMNER, CHARLES (1811-1874): Anti-Mason, U.S. Senator from Massachusetts, caned on the floor of the U.S. Senate (for a different reason). (3 images) TAFT, WILLIAM HOWARD (1857-1930): 27th president; made a Mason at sight within the body of Kilwinning Lodge No. 365, Cincinnati, Ohio, with which he soon affiliated. (2 images) TAYLOR, ZACHARY (1784-1850): 12th president; not a Mason. (5 images) THAYENDANGEA - see BRANT, JOSEPH THORNTON, MATTHEW (1714-1803): Signer of the Declaration of Independence (New Hampshire); not thought to have been a Mason. (1 image) TOMPKINS, DANIEL D. (1774-1825): 6th vice-president of the United States; Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of New York 1820-1821. (1 image) VAN RENSSELAER, STEPHEN (1764-1839): Patroon, Major General, Congressman, founder of Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute; Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of New York from 1825-29. (1 image) VAUX, MICHAEL: Grand Master of Maryland 1867-'68-'69. (1 image) VROOMAN, JOHN W.: Grand Master of the Grand Lodge of New York 1889-1890. (1 image, inscribed) WASHINGTON, GEORGE (1732-1799): First President of the United States; initiated in 1752 in the lodge at Fredericksburg, Va. (110 images, in four folders, filed in BOX 3) WASHINGTON, MARTHA (1732-1802): nee Dandridge, First Lady 1789-1797. (2 images, filed with George Washington in BOX 3) WASHINGTON, WILLIAM, COL. (???-1810): Revolutionary War Officer, decorated after Cowpens. (1 image) WATSON, ELKANAH (1758-1842): Reputed to have presented to Washington a Masonic apron made by nuns at Nantes, France. (1 image) WAYNE, ANTHONY (1745-1796): General in American revolution, nicknamed "Mad Anthony" for his bravery; said to have been a Freemason. (1 image) WEBER, CARL MARIA FRIEDRICH ERNST von (1786-1826): German pianist and composer. (1 image) WEBSTER, DANIEL (1782-1852): American statesman; said to have been anti-Masonic, but took part in the Masonic cornerstone laying of the Bunker Hill Monument (1825). (11 images) WEED, THURLOW (1797-1882): American journalist and politician, virulent anti-Mason. (1 image) WELLES, GIDEON (1802-1878): Journalist; Secretary of the Navy; member of St. John's Lodge No. 4, Hartford, Conn. (2 images) WELLINGTON, ARTHUR, DUKE OF (1769-1852): British general and st Š2004, The Chancellor Robert R Livingston Masonic Library of Grand Lodge.

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