3 minute read

Okorie Chukwuemeka Charles, Alozie Daniel Ethelbert, NIGERIA

Faculty of Architecture in Belgrade with Balkan Architectural Biennale - BAB 2021 International Conference: Global Village – Shelter for Resilient Living



Author 1: Okorie Chukwuemeka Charles, Architecture, University of Lagos, NIGERIA; Author 2: Alozie Daniel Ethelbert, Estate Management, University of Lagos, NIGERIA;


The COVID-19 pandemic took the world by surprise making significant impacts on all sectors of the economy. With world economies gaining on recovery and the global village still in dire need of shelter, the Architecture, Engineering, Construction and Operations (AECO) industry holds much potential in stimulating this recovery. The global demands for shelter and infrastructure will not relent despite pauses, lockdowns and social distancing, beyond simple video conferencing, embracing (3D, 4D, 5D) collaborative digitalization and other design solutions is key. One of these interactive technologies is the augmented reality. Augmented reality (AR) is an interactive experience of a real-world environment. It means that objects in the real world are enhanced by an overlay of digital information, a combination of real and virtual worlds. With a focus on designers and architects, this paper uses qualitative research methodology tailored for trained practitioners to evaluate this new way of living, how it affects design and planning. It is hinged on analyzing the projected impact of augmented reality amidst other collaborative environments to bridge the new imposed social distancing rules affecting travels for design reconnaissance, person-toperson interaction and other limitations of the pandemic.

Keywords: Augmented Reality, Social distance, resilient living,

Faculty of Architecture in Belgrade with Balkan Architectural Biennale - BAB 2021 International Conference: Global Village – Shelter for Resilient Living


dr Aleksandra Đukić, Associate professor, University of Belgrade, Faculty of Architecture, SERBIA; dr Jelena Marić, Teaching assistant, University of Belgrade, Faculty of Architecture, SERBIA; dr Branislav Antonić, Teaching assistant, University of Belgrade, Faculty of Architecture, SERBIA.


Open public space is a main point for social interaction in a city. This used to be a true statement. The meaning and basic definition of open public space is changing rapidly in the era of pandemics. Concepts such as cyberspace and virtual space are something that has always been present in the modern world, in the era of social media and the world of gamers. Nowadays, due to COVID recommended and regulated isolation, it is threatening to become a major part of everyday life. The perception of open space is currently under the transformation that makes us wonder weather open public space of the future includes physical space or a simple mobile application.

In this paper we are analyzing the phenomenon of global village - is it bringing us closer together or is it tearing us further apart? In particular, in this paper we are listing positive and negative aspects of the virtual space in comparation to the physical open public space. Main method is a survey based on predefined criteria, conducted among the urban population in Belgrade.

This research showed that today, after less than a year of pandemics in Serbia, people are more isolated and spend less time in real open space and more time in the virtual ones. If these tendencies continue, the main question is how will our future cities look like if our open public space becomes virtual and, in that case, do we need urban planning and design?

Key words: openspace, global village, cyberspace, pandemics, urban design

Faculty of Architecture in Belgrade with Balkan Architectural Biennale - BAB 2021 International Conference: Global Village – Shelter for Resilient Living

CIP - Каталогизација у публикацији Народна библиотека Србије, Београд 711.4"20"(082) 71/72"20"(082) 502.131.1:711.4(082)

ONLINE international conference Global village - shelter for resilient living (2021 ; Srbija)

Conference proceedings / [Online international conference] Global village - shelter for resilient living, [9-10th of December 2021.] ; [Organizer University of Belgrade, Faculty of Architecture [and] Balkan Architectural Biennale – BAB] ; [editor Tatjana Mrđenović]. - Belgrade : Faculty of Architecture in Belgrade, 2021 ([Belgrade] : Donat graf). - [5], 165 str. : ilustr. ; 21 cm

Tiraž 50. - Str. [3]: A word from editor / Tatjana Mrđenović. - Napomene i bibliografske reference uz radove. - Bibliografija uz svaki rad. - Abstracts.

ISBN 978-86-7924-276-1

a) Просторно планирање - 21в - Зборници b) Урбанистичко планирање - Одрживи развој - 21в - Зборници COBISS.SR-ID 55695369

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