1 minute read
Marina Tornatora, Mediterranea University of Reggio Calabria, ITALY; Blagoja Bajkovski, University in Skopje, NORTH MACEDONIA
Faculty of Architecture in Belgrade with Balkan Architectural Biennale - BAB 2021 International Conference: Global Village – Shelter for Resilient Living
H2O_SCAPES Fragile Territories
Author 1: Marina Tornatora, dArTe Department, Mediterranea University of Reggio Calabria, ITALY; Author 2: Blagoja Bajkovski, Faculty of Architecture at Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje, NORTH MACEDONIA;
This paper introduces H2O_SCAPES_Fragile Territories that is part of the ENABLE project from the ERASMUS+ program and is concentrated on the fragile territories characterized by risks induced by internal or external, natural or anthropic factors such as hydrogeological, seismic, etc.Historically, the “mutable and dynamic” nature of the water designed the morphology of the territories, exerting a strong influence on the natural and anthropic environment.Due to the processes of de-anthropization resolved as “artificialization”, often reduced to the collection of urban and industrial waste, during the time, the water in the urban environment have absorbed negative connotation, as a natural destructive force.The work of H2O_SCAPES_Fragile Territories concentrates on the topic of water in Prilep, as a significant presence starting from its dynamic characteristic assumed as a crucial moment for “resilient vision” that is changing the consolidated urban approaches. Territorial risks and vulnerabilities require innovative approaches and specific skills in a systemic vision where the architect plays the role of a link between different disciplines by translating them into interscalar strategies that relate the landscape, the city, the building.
In this direction, according to the research, the design projects addressed the shape of water identifying three different conditions in which the water is the common entity: Agro-Urbe-Natura. The work defined and tested solutions which, through the architectural project, produce positive effects on the mitigation of the identified risks.
Key words: Water, Agro, Urbe, Natura