Post Graduate Diploma in Radio Program Production Course Structure and Scheme of Examination Paper I Introduction to Radio Production
1.1 Radio Broadcasting: Types and technology 1.2 Organizational structure of a radio station – working and coordination 1.3 Radio psychology and Information analysis 1.4 Space/time selling and radio audience measurement system 1.5 Acoustics - working of an acoustician 1.6 Radio and acoustics 1.7 Ambience: Community, commercial and satellite 1.8 Broadcasting guidelines and code of ethics relating to commercial, national, international and
community/satellite radios 1.9 Genres of radio Programming Recommended books:
Michael H. Adams, and Kimberly K. Massey, Introduction to Radio: Production and Programming.
U.L Baruah, This is All India Radio, Publications Division, Government of India.
Annual reports of All India Radio.
Paper II Radio Production Techniques 1.1Fundamentals of radio production techniques Indoor and outdoor broadcasting: technology, techniques and patterns 1.3 Equipments used in radio programming including microphones, headphones and talk backs 1.4 Music management 1.5 Meaning and uses of idea, concept and script 1.6 Scriptwriting 1.7 Anchoring and radio jockeying 1.8 Voice modulation/diction, language and vocabulary (Hindi/English/Urdu)
Recommended books: 1. Richard Aspinall, Radio Programme Production: A Manual for Training. 2. Jim Beaman Programme Making for Radio. 3. Howard Gough, The Radio programme: planning, producing, presenting. 4. Bob Gilmurray, the Media Student's Guide to Radio Production. 5. K.M. Shrivastava, News Writing for Radio and T.V., Sterling Publication, New Delhi. Paper III Radio Program Production Process 1. Console: meaning and uses 2. Recording on different consoles - digital, analogue recording / multi-track 3. Editing software: types and uses (Neuando, Audicity and Sony Vegas) 4. Packaging: music and sound effects 5. Live programs including phone-ins and virtual chats. 6. Broadcast technology and convergence 7. Managing interactive broadcasts Recommended books:
P.C. Chatterjee, Broadcasting in India, Sage, New Delhi.
Howard Gough, The Radio Programme: Planning, Producing, Presenting.
Bob Gilmurray, The Media Student's Guide to Radio Production.
Paper IV Training Project Scheme of Examination: The diploma course will have 500 marks in the aggregate, covering four papers given in the syllabus. Papers I, II and III will carry100 marks each, split into theory and practicals as given below:
Theory Written examination
Internal assessment
Practical examination
Total marks
Introduction to Radio Production
Radio Production Technique
Radio Program Production Process
Nomenclature of paper
Total marks (all papers)
Paper I will have three sections. Section ‘A’ will have ten objective-type questions spread over the whole course and carry two marks each. Section ‘B’ will have 7 short answer type questions carrying 4 marks each, out of which 5 questions will be required to be attempted. Section ‘C’ will have three long answer type questions of 10 marks each out of which two are to be attempted. Paper II will be divided in theory and practical examinations. Theory part will consist of two sections. Section A will contain ten objective-type questions carrying two marks each, covering the whole course. Section B will contain 9 short answer type questions of five marks each out of which 6 questions will be required to be attempted. Paper III will be practical based. The evaluation will be done on basis of the production of programmes by the students at the studio or lab which will include scripting, anchoring, editing, mixing, packaging and mastering. Paper IV will include a comprehensive training project carrying 200 marks which will be evaluated by a panel of three experts comprising: a) Faculty guide and one co-guide from industry b) Head of the Department (FMeS) c) One media professional from the industry
Students will be required produce a written project report the guidelines of which will be provided by the Department of Media Studies. The evaluation of the work will be based on the practical understanding and the quality of work done as evidenced in the written project report. In order to pass a paper, a student will have to obtain at least 50% marks in each component of paper (including written examination and practicals). A student, who fails to qualify a paper, will have to re-appear in the same in a subsequent examination to be held on such dates as decided by the department. A student will be eligible for the award of the Diploma after he has attended at least 75% of the total lectures delivered and has successfully cleared all the papers within a maximum period of two years after admission. Course Fee: Rs. 1, 25,000 for the whole course. Seats: 40. Eligibility for admission: Graduate in any discipline from a recognized university with at least 50% marks in the aggregate.