Report italy

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Multidisciplinary Flipped Learning with ICT

ERASMUS + PROGRAMME KA2 – Cooperation for Innovation and the Exchange of Good Practices Strategic Partnerships for Schools Only European Union Project N.º: 2015-1-TR01-KA219-021988

Web Page: Blog : Face Page: Face Group: FLwICT 2015-2017 (students) – Closed Group

Report 2nd Project Meeting – Short term exchange group of pupils San Giorgio di Mantova - Italy ISTITUTO COMPRENSIVO SAN GIORGIO DI MANTOVA

Date: 14th January 2016

The students and their host mates got school at 8:00 and after touring it shortly, the warm up activities started.Each student had a grid with questions concerning interests, likes and dislikes to be asked to their mates. A prize was awarded to the one who had collected the longest list of names. After that the students went to the host classrooms to meet the other schoolmates. The teachers arrived there at 9 ‘o clock. The headmistress Mrs Carla Barbi welcame them. Then they visited the school and at 10:00 the welcome speeches of the different headmistress, including the ones of the Councilor for Culture of the Municipality of San Giorgio Mrs Sara Yahia and the Italian coordinator Mrs Maria Rosaria Grasso introduced the event. Finally the main coordinator project Mrs. Ayla Savasci’s speech officially opened the meeting. Journalists from local newspapers were present at the ceremony. The students from each country showed a video about their own schools; in this way the pupils had the chance to learn more about the partners’ schools: Istituto Comprensivo San Giorgio di Mantova, Girne Ortaukulu, Panevezio rajono Velzio gimnazija, IES Miguel de Cervantes, Daugavpils Saskaņas pamatskola, Lycee Maurice Genevoix, EPRALIAM-Escola Profissional do Alto Lima C.I.P.R.L., Publiczne Gimnazjum nr 30 im. Adama Mickiewicza. After that the pupils explained the meaning of the Project Logos which were previously developed and selected in each partner school. At 13:00 the students left school with their hosts and the teachers had lunch together in a typical restaurant. The students spent the rest of the day with their host families. At 19:30 the teachers had dinner with the partners.


Multidisciplinary Flipped Learning with ICT

Date: 15th

January 2016

The day started at 8 ‘o clock with the students in the host classrooms socializing with other mates. At 9:00 they were divided into six transnational groups. They attended the workshop aiming at making a presentation about the Internet Ethic. Four groups made a presentation about the cyberbulling, one about using the common sense in internet and another one about the ethical use of internet working out some rules as well. After some time spent in supervising the groups activity, the teachers attended a workshop about how to use Twin Space actively. The Italian coordinator Mrs Maria Rosaria Grasso explained how to use eTwinning Platform and how to upload different kinds of materials on Twin Space. At noon teachers and students selected the official logo for the project. The results were: 1st classified Filippo Rebonati from Italy 2nd classified Agne Gedyminaite from Lithuania 3rd classified Selin Ugurlu from Turkey The award ceremony was therefore held, the students received a certificate and small presents. At 13:00 the students left school with their hosts and the teachers had lunch together. From 14:30 to 19:00 the teachers and the students went to Verona for a cultural tour of the town. They saw the medieval castle Castelvecchio, the beautiful Piazza delle Erbe, the romantic Romeo and Julet’s balcony, the stunning Duomo and the well preserved Arena, a Roman amphitheater built in the 1st century A.D., today housing the Verona’s summer opera festival.

Date: 16th

January 2016

From 8:00 to 13:00 the UNESCO guided cultural tour of Sabbioneta for teachers and students took place. Big thanks to the UNESCO Office of Mantova providing us with the guides as well as the transfer. The city of Sabbioneta is a typical example of fortified city entirely created by Vespasiano Gonzaga in the second half of the sixteenth century. Among the important buildings that teachers and students visited, such as the Palazzo Ducale and Palazzo Giardino, the most outstanding one is the beautiful Teatro Olimpico projected by Vincenzo Scamozzi, follower of Palladio, in 1588. At 13:00 the students went home with their hosts and the teachers had lunch together. From 15:00 to 17:00 the teachers and the students met again in Piazza Sordello, in Mantova, and had a UNESCO guided cultural tour of the city. Once again a big thanks to the UNESCO Office of Mantova that provided us with the guides.

Mantova was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site, together with Sabbioneta, in 2008.


Multidisciplinary Flipped Learning with ICT

Mantova is deeply intertwined with the history of the noble Gonzaga Family who, governing here from 1328 to 1707, made the city into a Court of grand splendor. In the evening the teachers had dinner with partners in a typical restaurant.

Date: 17th

January 2016

The pupils spent the day with their host families visiting different cultural sites: Bardolino or Sirmione on the Lake of Garda or Venezia. The teachers had a cultural tour in Venice. Thanks to the sunny weather they could enjoy the beauty of the city: walk down the Grand Canal, view the beautiful back streets and canals, San Mark’s Square, the Doge’s Palace and the Bridge of Sighs.

Date: 18th

January 2016

The day started at 8 o’ clock with some workshops for students dealing with arts and crafts: helped by some Italian pupils they realized some candies boxes. After that the students exchanged some presents. At 9:30 the transnational groups of pupils showed their presentations about Internet Ethics to teachers and mates. The evaluation of the meeting followed. At 11:00 we had to say goodbye to our Portuguese friends and gave them the Certificates of attendance, their flight was in the afternoon therefore they couldn’t attend the farewell party. From 11.15 to 13.00 the students worked on preparing the project anthem. Then they returned home with their hosts. The afternoon was free for the teachers and the students. In the evening, at 19:00, there was the farewell party for teachers, students and host families .On this occasion the headmistress and the Italian coordinator thanked all the school staff involved in the project, as well as the partners and even the host families for their great availability and warmness. They also thanked the representatives of the UNESCO office of Mantova, Mrs Alessandra Moreschi and Mrs Mariangela Busi. The Attendance Certificates were given to all partners attending the meeting.

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