Multidisciplinary Flipped Learning With ICT
Priorities ďƒŠ Developing basic and transversal skills using
innovative methods ďƒŠ Enhancing digital integration in learning
teaching, training and youth work at various levels ďƒŠ Addressing low achievement in basic skills
through more effective teaching methods
Participant Schools No Country
School Name
Girne Ortaokulu
Panevezio Rajono Velzio Gimnazija
Istıtuto Comprensıvo San Gıorgıo Dı Mantova
Publiczne Gimnazjum Nr 30 İm. Adama Mickiewicza
Lycee Maurıce Genevoıx
EPRALIMA_Escola Profissional Do Alto Lima
Daugavpils Saskaņas Pamatskola
IES Miguel De Cervantes
Description of the Project The rationale for this project is to use ICT based Flipped Learning which is an innovative and student-centred pedagogical approach to increase the quality of teaching and learning in our schools via; 1.
improving the quality of service of better learning outcomes,
flourishing the student’s self-paced learning,
fostering students’ own learning independently from time and place.
improving student and teacher digital literacy,
creating a uniform digital learning environment within schools.
Description of the Project ďƒŠ In this project, both students and teachers will work
actively. Firstly, teachers will prepare a video nearly seven minute and then send it to students using online networks. The students will watch the video before the class time. They will share or debate their ideas about the subject with their peers by online. Students will do more activities related with the subject in the class time. Implementing Flipped Learning with ICT will cause to improve students’ social learning via cooperation with peers and teacher, and promote working at their own pace.
Working Areas ďƒŠ To improve students’ these skills, we will realize
Flipped Learning with ICT in four subject areas during the four semesters. These subjects are respectively; Semester
Working Area
First Semester
Improving Digital Skills
Second Semester
Improving Intercultural Awareness
Third Semester
Improving Creativity and Entrepreneurship
Fourth Semester
Improving English Language Skills
Meetings of the Project In this project, we have planned; • a teachers training activity, • 7 Learning activities with students, • 2 Transnational Project Meetings.
The first mobility (C1) will be a training activity only for teachers. In all other Learning activities both students and teachers will take part. There will be a mobility to every partner school evenly distributed through out the project.
Transnational Project Meetings Two teachers (coordinator and one member) from each partner schools will take part in the meeting: • The first meeting will take place at the end of the first year (in Portugal). The aim of this meeting will be evaluating the first year’s results and the Intellectual Outputs. • The second meeting will take place (in Spain) at the end of the second year for evaluating the all outputs of the Project, and planning the future events of the project.
Project Meetings No
Activity Type Short-term joint staff training events Short-term exchanges of groups of pupils Short-term exchanges of groups of pupils Short-term exchanges of groups of pupils Transnational Project Meeting for teachers Short-term exchanges of groups of pupils Short-term exchanges of groups of pupils Short-term exchanges of groups of pupils Short-term exchanges of groups of pupils Transnational Project Meeting for teachers
Lycee Maurıce Genevoıx
2017 February
Panevezio Rajono Velzio Gimnazija
2017 April
Girne Ortaokulu
2017 June
IES Miguel De Cervantes
2015 September 2015 November
EPRALIMA_Escola Profissional Do Alto Lima Istıtuto Comprensıvo San Gıorgıo Dı Mantova
2016 February
IES Miguel De Cervantes
2016 April 2016 June 2016 September 2016 December
Daugavpils Saskaņas Pamatskola EPRALIMA_Escola Profissional Do Alto Lima Publiczne Gimnazjum Nr 30 İm. Adama Mickiewicza
The purpose of the meetings for the teachers and coordinators are: • To be aware of the what has been done to the date of meeting so that they can plan for the next tasks,
• To discuss the quality of activity outputs and evaluate each one, • To discuss the problems and find a suitable solution for them
• To plan next mobility.
The purpose of the meetings for the students are: • Share the outcome of the activities, • Provide feedback for each individual output, • To encourage students to use their second language ,
• To increase level of competencies in the use of ICT tools, • To encourage good communication between the participants.
Assessing of the Outputs 1. Each project meetings will be the mile stones of
the project. All the results made until that time will be discussed and analyzed at that project meeting. 2. Also, there will be a Transnational Project
Meeting at the end of the each years. At these meetings, teachers will do general evaluation of that year's results 3. Follow ups and assessment activities
Intellectual Outputs In this project we will have two intellectual outputs: 1. LET’S FLIPPED THE ENGLISH CLASSROOM” 2. Let’s Know More About Your Students: Portfolio
For Teachers
LET’S FLIPPED THE ENGLISH CLASSROOM” The main purpose of this Intellectual Output is to flip English Classroom to develop the English language skills (listening, speaking, reading, writing) of students who have a second language influence and/or those who wish to increase their career prospects in the future.
LET’S FLIPPED THE ENGLISH CLASSROOM” The intellectual output will be a website which will be used as an OER(Open Educational Resource) by teachers who want to flip their own English lessons. The website will include the videos about English lessons and the guide related with how to flip English classroom. And, It will be the main website for our project.
LET’S FLIPPED THE ENGLISH CLASSROOM” We will take as a base of Turkey’s English
curriculum while we are creating videos. The curriculum of English lesson for 8th
grade students is a framework of 10 Units. We will prepare 2 videos for per Unit.
LET’S FLIPPED THE ENGLISH CLASSROOM” Responsibilities of each country while preparing the intellectual output-1 (2 videos for per unit): 1. Turkey
: Unit1-Unit2-Unit3-Unit4
2. Lithuania: Unit5 – Unit 6 – Unit 7 3. Latvia
: Unit8 – Unit 9 – Unit 10
4. Portugal will upload all the videos to the website
and will also prepare a guide about how to flip English Classroom to help teachers who wants to flip their English lessons.
will complete this intellectual output at the end of the first year of the project.
Let’s Know More About Your Students:Portfolio For Teachers
main purpose of this Intellectual Output is to learn more about our students who will participate in the project.
Let’s Know More About Your Students:Portfolio For Teachers ďƒŠ This
is going to be a collection of questionnaires, evaluation forms, instructions to help teachers address the specific needs of the children.
Let’s Know More About Your Students: Portfolio For Teachers Responsible Schools for preparing this output: • Poland will be the main coordinator for
preparing of this output. • Spain, Italy and France will contribute by
adding up particular forms or scenarios designed for integrational activities within the classroom.
Let’s Know More About Your Students:Portfolio For Teachers Due to be used by all teachers of partner countries in the course of the implementation of the project, the due date for completing the portfolio will be the end of the first year of the project. • Number of working days: 18 days for Poland • Number of working days: 9 days → 3 days per
country (Spain, Italy, France)
MULTIPLIER SEMINAR How to Flip Your English Lesson & Portfolio for Teachers
Multiplier Seminar is intended to maximize the impact of the Intellectual Outputs achieved in the course of project implementation. • Let’s Flip the English Classroom-O1 • Let’s Know About Your Students More:
Portfolio For Teachers-O2)
MULTIPLIER SEMINAR How to Flip Your English Lesson & Portfolio for Teachers
The Multiplier Seminar will be organised by the Girne Secondary School in Turkey. Two teachers (one English teacher and one director) from each 21 schools in Izmir/Karşıyaka will be invited to the Multiplier Seminar.
MULTIPLIER SEMINAR How to Flip Your English Lesson & Portfolio for Teachers
• Eight
Izmir Provincial National Education Director will be also invited to the seminar to be informed about the Intellectual Outputs and the project.
• The Multiplier Seminar will be held at
Ahmet Piriştina Cultural Center in Izmir/Karşıyaka.
MULTIPLIER SEMINAR How to Flip Your English Lesson & Portfolio for Teachers
• The Multiplier Seminar will be held at
the same time with Learning/Teaching/Training activity which will be performed at the second year of the project in Turkey (April 2017). • Thus, the participation to the seminar
of all partner countries' teachers will be provided.
MULTIPLIER SEMINAR How to Flip Your English Lesson & Portfolio for Teachers
• First
Intellectual Output introduced by Turkey.
• The second Intellectual Output will be
introduced by Poland which is the main responsible country for Intellectual Output2.
MULTIPLIER SEMINAR How to Flip Your English Lesson & Portfolio for Teachers
• First
Intellectual Output introduced by Turkey.
• The second Intellectual Output will be
introduced by Poland which is the main responsible country for Intellectual Output2.
MULTIPLIER SEMINAR How to Flip Your English Lesson & Portfolio for Teachers Outcomes of the Multiplier Seminar: 1- The project will be introduced to teachers and directors, 2- The project's website will be opened to usage of all other teachers as an Open Educational Resource, 3- The impact of the Intellectual Outputs achieved in the course of project implementation will be maximized. And, it will be available to usage of all other teachers, 4- Teachers and directors will have information about the Flipped Learning, 5- Teachers and directors will have information about how to Flip English Classroom,
Thank you from Turkey