the magazine of the Marketing Research and Intelligence Association
Canadian Publications Mail Agreement #40033932
Bosco Changes its Label Based on Research Gamification in Market Research: Interest, Curiosity and Misconception
Cover photo: Mireille Fortier
THE FIVE PATHWAYS Continuous Learning in the new Standard. Stay current by Choosing the Path that is Right for YOU! Certification is a way to measure the competency of individuals within our industry, based on both a certification evaluation and the practical application of marketing research competencies. Our wellknown Certified Marketing Research Professional (CMRP) designation helps to ensure professional competence while enhancing the prestige of our profession by raising standards.
This certification pathway is designed to build a solid foundation of professional competence by raising the bar for new practitioners. In addition to two years of industry experience, we are providing Mentor support by leading CMRPs (in person and online) to enhance industry knowledge and deepen the candidates’ overall understanding of MR while preparing for the CMRE exam. Mentors are provided at no cost to the incumbents and represent some of our industry’s thought leaders. This is a unique and valuable opportunity opportunity to pursue your CMRP.
You’ve graduated from University and have developed a distinct taste for marketing research. You miss the thrill of learning and the challenge of proving your abilities. If your eye is on the future, then this path is for you, as the traditional, tried and true way to obtaining certification, and with a touch of flexibility. It requires completion of MRIA’s 12 Core Courses, combined with experience and the added help of a Mentor which we provide at no charge.
You’ve been around the block and have seen some dramatic changes to marketing research in your six years in the biz. You’re good at what you do; even your boss says so. You live on the edge and are not at all interested in reading volumes about research methodology. We get it. You can prove your mettle by telling us about your experience and writing the CMRE exam. Period.
You are the one that comes to mind when people talk about experts in marketing research. With more than ten exciting years in the market research field, you are the ‘go to’ person when questions arise on ethics or polling or margins of error. Task forces and boards of directors seek your participation and opinion. Even other CMRPs will vouch for your expertise and would applaud your continued success as a CMRP. We can get you there in a few short steps.
It’s called respect. Ask any client who one of the top thought leaders in MR is, and your name comes up. You are seen at high level meetings, in the media, and at MRIA policy meetings. Often called to speak at events, your international schedule is jam packed. Google your name and many pages appear….. Any time spent feeding your mind can only be spent with the very best industry thought leaders, innovators, movers and shakers. Learning about advances in leadership is always welcome. Hearing about innovations from your peers can be priceless.
You will be learning from the best and getting a better view!
We’ve got the courses so bring us your mind!
We know you’ve got what it takes!
Get the recognition you deserve!
CMRP – be known for what you know!
Continuous learning is the new standard – let us help you expand your knowledge base and reach outside of your comfort zone.
For more information, visit our website or write us as Next CMRE Prep Course is on October 6-7, followed by the CMRE Exam on October 27-28 in Toronto. Look for our 2014-15 Course Calendar being released next month!
Insti tute fo r Profess i o nal Deve lo p me nt
vue JULY/AUGUST 2014
Commentary 4 Editor’s Vue 5 Letter from the Chair 7
Letter from the CEO
SPECIAL FEATURE 10 L’importance de la recherche marketing dans un exercice de planification stratégique Mireille Fortier
Features 12 Bosco Changes its Label Based on Research . Aleksander Czyz 14 Gamification in Market Research Interest: Curiosity and Misconception David Wiszniowski
Industry News 21 Predator vs. Prey 18 Gold Seal Agencies 19 2014 Awards & Recognition 20 Your Vue 17 Qualitative Research Registry (QRR) 26 Research Registration System (RRS) 22 People and Companies in the News 24 Chapter Chat
Book Reviews 28 Data Crush 29 Ask, Measure, Learn
Columnists 30 It’s a Qual World 30 Ask Dr. Ruth 31 Off the Deep End
ADDRESS The Marketing Research and Intelligence Association L’association de la recherche et de l’intelligence marketing
94 Cumberland Street, Suite 601 Toronto, ON M5R 1A3 Tel: (416) 642-9793 Toll Free: 1-888-602-MRIA (6742) Fax: (416) 644-9793 Email: Website: PRODUCTION: LAYOUT/DESIGN LS Graphics Inc. Tel: (905) 743-0402, Toll Free: 1-800-400-8253 Fax: (905) 728-3931 Email: CONTACTS CHAIR OF PUBLICATIONS, EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Annie Pettit, PhD, Chief Research Officer, Peanut Labs (416) 273-9395 MANAGING EDITOR Anne Marie Gabriel, CAE, MRIA ASSOCIATE EDITOR Fiona Isaacson COPY EDITOR Diane Peters Interested in joining the Vue editorial team? Contact us at 2014 ADVERTISING RATES Frequent advertisers receive discounts. Details can be found by going to: Please email to book your ad. The deadline for notice of advertising is the first of the previous month. All advertising material must be at the MRIA office on the 5th of the month. Original articles and Letters to the Editor are welcome. Materials will be reviewed by the Vue Editorial Team. If accepted for publication, they may be edited for length or clarity and placed in the electronic archives on the MRIA website. The opinions and conclusions expressed in Vue are those of the authors and are not necessarily endorsed by the Marketing Research and Intelligence Association. Publishing Date: July/August © 2014. All rights reserved. Copyright rests with the Marketing Research and Intelligence Association or the author. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise without the prior written permission of the Marketing Research and Intelligence Association or the author. All requests for permission for reproduction must be submitted to MRIA at RETURN UNDELIVERABLE CANADIAN ADDRESSES TO The Marketing Research and Intelligence Association L’Association de la recherche et de l’intelligence marketing 94 Cumberland Street, Suite 601 Toronto, ON M5R 1A3 Canadian Publications Mail Agreement #40033932 ISSN 1488-7320
COMM E NTARY / CO MME NTAIR E Editor’s Vue Annie Pettit
Pre: As I write this letter, I am excited and nervous about what lies ahead of me in exactly 48 hours. For at that time I will be in Ottawa at the Parliament Buildings, speaking with our CEO Kara Mitchelmore at a senate committee on the Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act (PIPEDA), Canada’s privacy act. There are lots of things in my daily routine that are fun or interesting. I love promoting survey design and data quality at conferences in Venezuela, Turkey, Bulgaria, and other fascinating places around the world. I get a huge kick out of writing SQL and SPSS code to better understand random responding, straightlining, and other poor data quality indicators. But nothing makes me prouder than to contribute to something that affects all Canadians, and few things can compete with the importance of influencing national laws. And for marketing researchers, legislation related to data privacy, sugging, mugging, and the treatment of minors and at-risk people are of utmost importance. The MRIA continues to labour on our behalf to help ensure that Canadian laws work with researchers, not against researchers. Post: Success! Our meeting with senate members was well received! We shared the MRIA’s viewpoint on proposed updates/changes to PIPEDA and responded to a number of the committee’s questions. MRIA’s full viewpoint will be published on the MRIA website, so stay tuned to read what we had to say. about-mria/advocacy/bill-s-4
Avant : J’écris ces mots dans un état de fébrilité. En effet, Kara Mitchelmore, notre chef de la direction, et moi avons rendez-vous avec un comité du Sénat dans 48 heures, pour discuter de la Loi sur la protection des renseignements personnels et les documents électroniques (LPRPDE), la loi qui protège les renseignements personnels au Canada. Plusieurs facettes de ma vie quotidienne sont amusantes ou intéressantes. J’aime bien, par exemple, me faire la championne de la conception de sondages ou de l’importance de données de qualité, à l’occasion de conférences au Vénézuela, en Turquie, en Bulgarie ou ailleurs dans le monde. J’ai aussi un faible pour l’écriture de code SQL ou SPSS dans le but de déceler des indices révélant des données de piètre qualité. Mais rien ne fouette ma fierté comme l’occasion de participer à un débat d’intérêt national, tel celui sur la loi protégeant les renseignements personnels. Cette loi, qui touche entre autres aux pratiques de « mugging » et « sugging », soit le marketing et le démarchage sous le couvert de la recherche, revêt une importance capitale pour les chercheurs en marketing. L’ARIM continue d’ailleurs de défendre nos intérêts, afin que les lois pertinentes tiennent compte des chercheurs en marketing. Après : Succès ! Notre présentation aux membres du Sénat a été bien reçue. Nous leur avons présenté le point de vue de l’ARIM sur les amendements proposés à la LPRPDE et répondu à leurs questions. Gardez l’oeil ouvert pour le compte-rendu de cette rencontre, qui sera bientôt affiché à notre site web.
Annie Pettit PhD, Chief Research Officer / Directrice de la recherche, Peanut Labs Editor-in-Chief, Vue / Rédactrice en chef, Vue • Email: • (416) 273-9395 • t @LoveStats Please share your opinions about Vue articles and columns, or submit your cartoons and infographics to the Editor. La rédactrice vous invite à lui faire parvenir directement vos commentaires, opinions, caricatures ou infographies. 4
vue | JULY/AUGUST 2014
CO MME NTARY / CO MMENTAIRE Letter from the Chair Shane Skillen, CMRP
It was the best of times and it was the worst of times. The MRIA is facing challenges and is needed by Canadian research professionals now more than ever. MRIA member engagement is slipping and the need for a unified body to help our professionals build skills and networks to succeed in the rapidly changing world of marketing research is critical. As incoming chair, I plan to bring some new thinking to the role. Most of the work I do in marketing research is outside of Canada, which means I can bring an international perspective to the role. Also, I manage a medium-sized research company and so I will approach the MRIA also as a business. A business with customers (you!), revenue, expenses and strategies. So what does MRIA do? • Sets standards so those who would harm our reputation are met in the media with a unified front of professionalism and excellence. • Informs the public of the importance of sharing their opinions to help shape the new. • Recognizes the important of creating and participating in education. • Hosts events so you can share your expertise and grow personally and professionally. • Reminds research professionals that you are the glue that holds the industry together because, as one, we are stronger than many working alone. I’m excited to grow the membership. There are those in our midst who benefit from MRIA’s efforts, but they are not members, and perhaps don’t even realize that they are a perfect fit for membership. We can do a better job of showing them the value of membership. The more members we have, the more impact and fun we will all have. I’m excited that client-side researchers are going to be better represented in the year to come. I often hear that clients are facing significant challenges, including downsizing. The MRIA will deploy programs to help such members evaluate new
« Le meilleur et le pire des temps » écrirait Charles Dickens. En effet, l’ARIM est aujourd’hui confrontée à des défis considérables, notamment un certain désengagement du côté des membres. Pourtant, jamais les professionnels de la recherche marketing au Canada n’ont eu tant besoin de leur association, et jamais la solidarité n’a été aussi importante. Notre secteur, qui est en pleine évolution, exige de ses participants qu’ils soient toujours à la page et bien connectés. L’ARIM doit donc, elle aussi, évoluer. Je compte profiter de mon mandat comme président du conseil pour favoriser une nouvelle façon de penser à ce poste. Et comme ma recherche se fait surtout à l’étranger, j’apporterai une perspective davantage internationale au poste de président. Chef d’un cabinet de recherche de taille moyenne, je vois donc l’ARIM comme une entreprise, une entreprise avec des clients (vous!), des recettes, des dépenses et des stratégies. Quelles sont les grandes tâches de l’ARIM? • Établir des normes afin que ceux qui ternissent notre réputation soient confrontés dans la presse à un front solidaire, d’un professionnalisme exemplaire. • Laisser savoir au grand public que nous comptons sur ses opinions pour façonner l’avenir. • Affirmer l’importance de la formation; développer et proposer des cours pertinents. • Organiser des événements qui permettent aux membres d’apprendre, de partager leurs connaisances et de se perfectionner. • Rappeler aux professionnels de la recherche qu’ils sont le ciment qui unit le secteur. Une association de membres solidaires est bien plus forte qu’une collection éparse d’individus oeuvrant chacun de son côté. La croissance de l’adhésion me tient à coeur. Il y en a parmi nous qui, sciemment ou non, profitent des activités de l’ARIM sans en être membre. Pourtant, leur profil correspond bien à celui d’un membre typique de l’ARIM. Sans doute faudrait-il mieux leur démontrer les avantages de l’adhésion, car plus nous serons nombreux, plus nous serons efficaces et plus nous nous amuserons. Par ailleurs, je suis heureux de constater que les chercheurs côté client seront mieux représentés vue | JULY/AUGUST 2014
COMME N TARY / CO MME NTAIR E methodologies, continue to refine their skills, and be successful in bringing insights to the table. I’m excited that the education program is going to be significantly evolved. We are going to create new professionally produced courses that deeply educate and inspire our members. I’m excited that our advocacy program to various stakeholders across the country is going to improve. We will use new outreach strategies, including social media, to build awareness of the MRIA and the important role that our professionals contribute to industry and society. I’m excited that the evolution of the CMRP designation is going to be a key focus. We are a body of professionals and we deserve to be identified within our companies and to all Canadians. Marketing research professionals need clear ways to explain to people at cocktail parties how we create and shape the new. And most of all, I’m excited about the quality of the professionals in the MRIA. From coast to coast, you help internal and external clients make game-changing decisions. You instil confidence. You shape the new. You are all part of the solution to help the MRIA become a vibrant association in the coming years. So ask yourself: are you going to be part of the problems of the MRIA or part of the solution? Do you want a strong and vibrant association that helps advance your profession? Do you want to be part of something bigger than you? Do you want look back on how you volunteered time and energy to help the association become a globally recognized and admired association? Do you want to set the next generation up for success? I sure do. So what can you do? I ask that in the next month you do any of the following: • Come out to an event • Register for a course • Volunteer for a committee • Contribute to a social-media discussion • Write an article for Vue or a post for our blog • Take steps to get your CMRP, given the newly available pathways • Email me with something else you would like to do or with any questions you have at Oh, and I might call you to talk about the MRIA. If I do, please take my call. Be part of the solution. You are the MRIA.
d’ici la fin de l’année. Je sais que nombre de clients font face à des difficultés et sont obligés de réduire leur effectifs. L’ARIM aidera ces membres à évaluer de nouvelles méthodologies, a dégager de nouvelles perspectives sur le secteur et à profiter d’occasions de perfectionnement professionnel. La refonte de notre programme de formation est une autre bonne nouvelle. Nous allons ainsi proposer aux membres de nouveaux cours, conçus par des professionnels, des cours en profondeur qui sauront inspirer nos membres. Nous allons aussi améliorer notre programme de promotion des intérêts du secteur auprès des divers intervenants un peu partout au pays. Nous mettrons en oeuvre de nouvelles stratégies de rayonnement, notamment le recours aux média sociaux, pour mieux faire connaître l’ARIM et le rôle important de ses professionnels au sein du secteur et de la société dans son ensemble. Je suis de plus rassuré par l’accent que nous mettrons sur l’évolution de l’agrément PARM. Nous sommes des professionnels qui méritent d’être reconnus comme tel par leur employeur et par tous les Canadiens. Les professionnels de la recherche marketing doivent pouvoir expliquer clairement comment ils créent et façonnent l’avenir. Mais ce qui m’enthousiame le plus est la qualité des professionnels de l’ARIM comme vous, qui, d’un océan à l’autre, aident leurs clients, internes ou externes, à prendre des décisions lourdes de conséquences. Vous inspirez confiance et vous façonnez l’avenir. Vous êtes tous de la solution, la solution qui, au fil des prochaines années, aidera l’ARIM à devenir une association des plus dynamiques. Alors, allez-vous être de la solution ou du problème? Voulez-vous une association forte et dynamique, qui se fait la championne de votre profession? Souhaitez-vous élargir vos horizons? Ne voulezvous pas donner de votre temps et énergie et ainsi contribuer au succès de l’ARIM, afin qu’elle devienne une association reconnue et enviée à l’échelle du globe? Et ne voulez-vous pas ouvrir des portes pour la prochaine génération? Moi, oui ! Comment vous y prendre? Je ne vous demande de faire qu’une des choses qui suivent au cours du prochain mois. • Participez à un de nos événements. • Inscrivez-vous à un cours. • Faites du bénévolat pour un de nos comités. • Participez à un débat sur un médium social. • Rédigez un article pour Vue ou intervenez sur un de nos blogues. • Profitez des nouvelles façons d’obtenir l’agrément PARM. • Expédiez-moi un courriel expliquant tout autre chose que vous souhaiteriez faire, ou posez-moi une question : shane.skillen@ En passant, il se peut que je vous appelle pour discuter de l’ARIM. Soyez disponible, s’il-vous-plaît. Soyez de la solution, soyez un membre actif de l’ARIM.
Shane Skillen, CMRP, CEO / PARM, PDG, Hotspex Inc. Chair, Marketing Research and Intelligence Association / Président du conseil, L’Association de la recherche et de l’intelligence marketing Email: • 416-487-5439
vue | JULY/AUGUST 2014
CO MME NTARY / CO MMENTAIRE Letter from the CEO Kara Mitchelmore
The MRIA held seven online focus groups in November and December 2013; one for each regional chapter. The study was to help the MRIA see itself through the eyes of members whose voices are not always heard to: • identify and build on its strengths; • identify and address its weaknesses; and • focus its priorities to offer meaningful value to current and potential members. National office recruited participants from lists provided by each chapter, and had six to ten participants in each two-day online bulletinboard-style group. Respondents may not represent all members, but they speak for a key segment that may be reconsidering membership. MRIA in Context About half of the respondents belong only to MRIA, but the others belong to more than 20 other professional organizations. Some are bigger than MRIA (ESOMAR), some are more specialised (Qualitative Research Consultants Association), and online communities are also playing a role. The MRIA seeks to attract and retain members, so a clear value proposition relative to these alternatives will help people choose MRIA when deciding to join or renew. Why did they join? Why do they stay? A notable number of respondents became members because their employer paid, but other reasons included training and keeping current in the field, and networking and the social contact with the community. They stay as members for many of the same reasons: education and the conference; Vue magazine; and being involved in the community. Notably, nearly half of the respondents identified chapter and council events as a reason for renewing their memberships. MRIA’s system of local chapters and professional councils can offer strong member value across Canada.
En novembre et décembre 2013, l’ARIM a organisé sept groupes de discussion en ligne, un dans chacune des régions. L’ARIM souhaitait ainsi consulter ses membres et cerner leurs perceptions de l’association, le tout dans le but de : • déterminer quelles sont ses forces et comment les mettre à profit; • déterminer quelles sont ses faiblesses et comment les corriger; • cibler les priorités dont bénéficieraient le plus ses membres actuels et futurs. Le siège social a choisi les participants, de six à dix par groupe, parmi les membres qui figuraient à une liste fournie par chaque section régionale. La discussion se répartissait sur deux jours, sous la forme d’un babillard électronique. Les participants ne représentaient peutêtre pas tous les membres mais ils étaient représentatifs de cette faction de ceux-ci qui songent à ne pas renouveler leur adhésion. L’ARIM en contexte Près de la moitié des participants n’étaient membres que de l’ARIM. Les autres étaient membres d’un total de plus de 20 associations professionnelles, certaines plus importantes que l’ARIM (ESOMAR), d’autres davantage spécialisées (Qualitative Research Consultants Association), d’autres encore des collectivités en ligne. Comme l’ARIM cherche à recruter des membres et à les conserver, il est essentiel qu’elle offre une proposition de valeur qui soit concurrentielle et qui amène les gens du secteur à adhérer ou réadhérer à notre association. Pourquoi ont-ils adhéré? Pourquoi demeurent-ils des membres? Un nombre important de participants ont adhéré parce que leur employeur réglait leurs frais d’adhésion. Parmi les autres raisons d’adhérer, relevons la formation, l’avantage de demeurer à la page et l’occasion d’établir des contacts avec les gens du secteur. Les raisons de renouveler l’adhésion recoupent celles de l’adhésion : la formation et la conférence annuelle, le magazine Vue et la participation active au secteur. Près de la moitié des participants ont aussi mentionné la participation aux activités des sections régionales et des conseils professionnels, qui sont perçus comme des avantages substantiels. vue | JULY/AUGUST 2014
L’ARIM aujourd’hui
The MRIA has some notable advantages to other organizations, but respondents identified numerous opportunities to help MRIA remain their association of choice. They appreciate that MRIA offers practical education courses that have helped establish strong communities across Canada. But the industry is changing and education needs to evolve to equip members for the new world. The move toward online courses and different delivery mediums will allow MRIA be nimble while offering equal access to members across Canada. Similarly, respondents value chapter events and the sense of community that they foster. Topics resonate locally and speakers are approachable. These events are the face of MRIA in centres outside Toronto, but their quality and frequency can vary when local boards change, which erodes the MRIA brand. Chapters, the Research Agency Council, and the Client-Side Research Council serve the same members and will benefit in the future from collaborating on events. Respondents spoke fondly of the support, camaraderie and insight from interacting with colleagues at local and national events. More than networking, this sense of connection can be as important as other, more tangible benefits. Other associations are less able to compete on this front, so as more services move online, MRIA can use local events as a way to offer esprit du corps.
Toujours selon les participants, l’ARIM propose de précieux avantages par rapport aux autres associations mais elle pourrait faire encore plus et mieux si elle souhaite les retenir comme membres.
Social Media
Médias sociaux
Respondents use LinkedIn, but few use Twitter and they prefer to keep Facebook for personal contacts. Twitter and Facebook may have limited utility with current members, but are valuable tools for reaching potential members by positioning MRIA a curator of useful ideas on the evolution of marketing research and intelligence.
Les participants sont des adeptes de LinkedIn, sont peu portés sur Twitter et préfèrent limiter leur recours à Facebook à la gestion de leurs contacts personnels. Si Facebook et Twitter sont peu utilisés par nos membres dans leurs communications professionnelles, ils pourraient s’avérer utiles pour communiquer aux membres potentiels le rôle que joue l’ARIM dans la diffusion d’idées utiles liées à l’évolution de la recherche et de l’intelligence marketing.
Vue Magazine
Le magazine Vue
Vue may be the only tangible benefit that some members get. Respondents value the magazine, like the digital subscription option, and enjoy its design and mix of light articles with thought pieces; yet most read it less often than they’d like. Digital subscribers are least likely to read it, or even skim it, and wish they could read it while in transit. Respondents suggest that the content is more relevant to suppliers than client-side researchers. The responses suggest that better context could foster more reading. How? By using social media to start – or add to – conversations related to Vue topics, posting links to author profiles, adding links to interesting contextual information in routine emails, and always adding a link to the digital issue. With the move in the spring to make Vue accessible to the public, MRIA has already taken steps towards the issue of increasing access to this valuable resource.
Vue est parfois le seul avantage concret dont bénéficient certains membres. Les participants ont dit apprécier le magazine, son design, le choix d’articles – certains légers d’autres plus substantiels – et le fait qu’il est disponible en version numérique. Plusieurs participants, tout particulièrement ceux qui reçoivent Vue sous forme numérique (ils sont d’ailleurs les lecteurs les moins assidus de Vue), ont toutefois affirmé qu’ils lisent Vue moins souvent qu’ils ne le souhaiteraient. Certains répondants ont aussi fait remarquer que son contenu s’adresse davantage aux fournisseurs qu’aux chercheurs côté client. Comment faire augmenter ou fidéliser le lectorat? En ayant recours aux médias sociaux pour lancer ou poursuivre en ligne des conversations portant sur les sujets abordés par Vue, par exemple, ou en ajoutant des liens menant à un profil des auteurs, à de l’information contextuelle pertinente (surtout dans les courriels) et, toujours, à la version numérique de Vue. Nous comptons aussi diffuser Vue auprès du grand public dans un avenir rapproché, une mesure qui élargira considérablement la base de lecteurs de cette précieuse ressource.
vue | JULY/AUGUST 2014
Ils apprécient ainsi les cours que propose l’ARIM, qui ont aidé à former de fortes collectivités régionales un peu partout au Canada, mais réclament des cours actualisés en fonction des nouvelles réalités du secteur. Or, le passage à des cours en ligne ou offerts via d’autres médias devrait apporter beaucoup de souplesse à l’offre de l’ARIM et assurer un accès égal aux cours pour tous les membres, où qu’ils vivent. Les participants apprécient également les activités régionales et le sentiment d’appartenance qu’elles favorisent. Les sujets sont souvent d’intérêt local et les conférenciers d’une approche facile. Cependant, la qualité et la fréquence de ces activités, qui sont le visage de l’ARIM en région, laissent parfois à désirer, ce qui ternit l’image de marque de l’ARIM. Les sections régionales, le Conseil des sociétés de recherche et le Conseil de recherche côté client servent les mêmes membres et ont donc tout à gagner d’une proche collaboration dans la préparation, l’organisation et la présentation de ces activités. Les participants ont affirmé beaucoup apprécier la camaraderie et les interactions avec collègues qui animent les activités nationales et régionales. Au-delà du simple réseautage, ce sentiment d’appartenance, tout intangible qu’il soit, est un avantage considérable. En effet, les associations concurrentes ne sont pas à notre hauteur à cet égard. À l’heure du passage à internet de plusieurs services de l’ARIM, les activités régionales sont appelées à jouer un rôle capital dans la création et le maintien de l’esprit de corps «arimien».
CO MME NTARY / CO MMENTAIRE The Website and Portal
Le site web et le portail
Respondents like the redesigned website; however, would not define themselves as frequent users, visiting the site three-tofour times per year, and don’t distinguish it from the portal (where membership and registration are processed). MRIA is moving toward the web as a repository for knowledge – Vue articles, conference presentations and webinars – and the go-to place for members and the public to find legislation and best practices in marketing research and intelligence (e.g., “what does it mean for you” details on anti-spam legislation).
Le site web refondu plaît aux participants, qui ont toutefois précisé qu’ils ne le visitaient pas souvent, peut-être trois ou quatre fois pas année, et qu’ils ne faisaient pas de distinction entre le site web et le portail, qui ne sert qu’à l’adhésion et à l’inscription. L’ARIM compte faire du site internet le dépositaire du savoir qu’elle génère – articles tirés de Vue, webinaires, présentations faites dans le cadre de nos conférences – et, tant pour les membres que le grand public, le guichet unique où trouver de l’information sur les lois et règlements qui régissent le secteur, de même que les meilleures pratiques dans les domaines de la recherche et de l’intelligence marketing.
Email Communication
Communications par courriel
Generally, MRIA’s email communication is well received and considered the best option for maintaining contact. But some feel that the messages are devolving into sales pitches, and that recent Net Gain messages had a desperate tone. When respondents anticipate a message is irrelevant, they delete it without reading it, and the value of the MRIA erodes a little bit. Introducing a listserv to customize email blasts by interest or region could be an important change. Including short contextual messages for upcoming events (speaker profiles, links to content for industry issues) could be used to generate interest with less danger of being seen as sales pitches.
Si, dans l’ensemble, les participants ont affirmé bien recevoir les courriels de l’ARIM, qu’ils estiment le meilleur moyen de rester en contact avec eux, certains ont déploré le contenu par trop publicitaire de certains messages, notamment une récent message de Net Gain dont ils déplorent le ton désespéré. Quand un message leur semble d’aucun intérêt, ils ne le lisent même pas avant de l’effacer — rien de bon pour la portée des messages l’ARIM. Le recours à un logiciel listserv pour cibler des messages par région ou domaine d’intérêt pourrait aider à corriger cette situation. L’ARIM pourrait aussi diffuser par courriel des messages contextuels (profils de conférenciers, liens vers des sujets pertinents ou d’actualité) au sujet d’événements qui approchent. La conférence nationale
The National Conference Travel and conference budgets are shrinking, especially in small offices and on the client side. About one-third of respondents had never been to a conference. Respondents who have attended the annual conference feel it is well organized and attracts strong keynote speakers. But less than 20 per cent attend conferences. Hosting every second conference outside Toronto and offering streaming content will help the conference be more accessible. Continually refreshing the format with an unwavering focus on members’ ROI will ensure that conferences offer value into the future.
Les budgets affectés aux déplacements et aux conférences sont à la baisse, tout particulièrement chez les petits cabinets et du côté client. Près de 33 % des répondants ont déclaré n’avoir jamais participé à une conférence. Ceux qui ont participé à une conférence annuelle de l’ARIM ont affirmé que celle-ci était bien organisée et que les conférenciers invités étaient très intéressants — mais ils ne comptent que pour 20 % des répondants. Nous croyons que la décision de tenir chaque seconde conférence en région plutôt qu’à Toronto, de même que la diffusion de contenu en direct, facilitera l’accès de tous à cet événement. Nous comptons de plus actualiser le format de la conférence de façon permanente, et nous assurer que les membres en ont toujours pour leur argent quand ils participent à cette conférence.
Kara Mitchelmore, MBA, FCMA, Chief Executive Officer/Présidente-directrice générale Marketing Research and Intelligence Association / L’Association de la recherche et de l’intelligence marketing Email: • (416) 642-9793 ext./poste 8724
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L’importance de la recherche marketing dans un exercice de planification stratégique Avant de savoir où l’on va, il faut savoir où l’on est!
Mireille Fortier
Les organisations d’aujourd’hui font face à la complexification des marchés, à la mondialisation de la concurrence et l’accélération du développement des technologies. En effet, dans un environnement en constante mutation, l’intuition et l’improvisation ne fonctionnent plus. Ainsi, la compréhension par les gestionnaires de l’environnement interne et externe de l’entreprise devient un outil indispensable pour assurer la pérennité et la croissance des organisations. Le philosophe et scientifique Francis Bacon l’avait déjà compris au 16e siècle : ‘’Knowledge is power’’ ou le pouvoir de l’information.
Pour piloter malgré toute cette turbulence, l’équipe de gestion doit se munir d’une vision claire, d’un tableau de bord fonctionnel et d’un plan d’action précis. C’est pourquoi de plus en plus d’entreprises, grandes et petites, entreprennent une démarche de planification stratégique. Le principal objectif de cette démarche consiste à définir la vision de l’entreprise pour les trois à cinq prochaines années. Selon le type d’industrie dans lequel œuvre l’entreprise, une planification au-delà de trois ans n’est parfois pas recommandée. Par exemple, dans l’industrie des télécommunications, la technologie et la compétition évoluent tellement rapidement, qu’il est préférable d’opter pour une vision à plus court terme. Il n’est certes pas rare de voir le fournisseur d’hier devenir le concurrent d’aujourd’hui. Il n’y a qu’à penser aux téléphones intelligents chinois. Si Apple et Samsung se divisent en grande partie le marché mondial, le paysage concurrentiel est appelé à changer avec l’arrivée des téléphones intelligents chinois rivalisant avec les grandes marques,
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en plus d’être vendus à des prix défiants toute concurrence. L’exercice de planification stratégique se compose entre autres d’un audit interne qui permet l’examen de toutes les activités de l’entreprise (organisation, finance, production, ventes, marketing-mix, etc.). Mais l’audit interne ne constitue qu’une partie de l’exercice d’analyse de la situation. Puisque l’entreprise n’évolue pas en vase clos, l’analyse de l’environnement externe (c’est-à-dire le macro-environnement, le marché, les clients et la concurrence) demeure une étape obligatoire dans le diagnostic de l’entreprise. Par exemple, Polaroid, un leader mondial dans son industrie, n’a pas su bien étudier l’impact de l’arrivée du numérique dans son environnement externe. Voici l’exemple d’un cas vécu : une entreprise a entamé, il y a quelques mois, un exercice de planification stratégique afin d’établir les priorités des trois prochaines années. Au départ, un audit à l’interne a été réalisé par la firme de planification stratégique retenue pour faire
le mandat. L’exercice d’audit s’est bien déroulé et chacun des directeurs de l’organisation a été interviewé. Une fois les entrevues complétées, la firme a remis à la direction un rapport présentant un résumé des entrevues effectuées. C’est alors que la directrice générale, que nous appellerons Madame X, a constaté que le rapport d’audit présentait un portrait seulement partiel de la situation. En effet, elle n’avait aucune information sur les besoins et attentes des membres et sur le l’environnement externe, à l’exception des perceptions parfois contradictoires des directeurs rencontrés. Madame X s’apprêtait à prendre les commandes d’un avion qui n’avait pas de fenêtres ! C’est là que la recherche marketing vient jouer un rôle important. Les études permettent de tracer le portrait de l’environnement externe dans lequel l’entreprise évolue ainsi que de compléter l’analyse de l’environnement interne. Si d’une part l’audit permet de sonder la direction, la recherche marketing vient d’autre part compléter le portrait en sondant les employés qui demeurent une partie intégrante de toute entreprise. L’étude marketing auprès des employés atteint deux objectifs importants. Dans un premier temps, elle permet de connaître les éléments de satisfaction, les points d’améliorations souhaitées ainsi que les besoins et les attentes des employés. Dans un deuxième temps, l’étude auprès des employés permet de les inclure dès le départ, et de façon concrète, dans l’exercice de planification. Cela facilitera ainsi les étapes de la communication et de la gestion du changement qu’entraînera sans aucun doute l’implantation du nouveau plan d’action. Ensuite vient l’analyse de l’environnement externe. Celle-ci se compose de trois principaux éléments : le macroenvironnement (politique, économique, social, technologique, etc.), les concurrents et les clients. Encore ici, la recherche marketing devient un outil indispensable pour sonder les clients et obtenir des données à jour sur leurs attentes, besoins, perception et satisfaction en ce qui concerne les produits et les services de l’entreprise. La méthodologie utilisée lors de l’étude auprès des clients dépend du nombre et de l’importance des clients. Par exemple, si l’entreprise possède de nombreux petits clients (c’est souvent le cas des entreprises B2C), le sondage constitue probablement la meilleure méthode pour maximiser
le nombre de répondants, assurer la validité des réponses et limiter les coûts. Par contre, si l’entreprise a seulement quelques gros clients (comme c’est le cas de plusieurs entreprises B2B), les entrevues individuelles seront probablement plus appropriées. Une démarche de planification stratégique se divise donc en cinq principales étapes : le diagnostic de l’entreprise, la définition des principaux enjeux, l’identification des grandes priorités de l’organisation, le choix des projets à prioriser et la rédaction du plan d’action stratégique. Une recherche marketing de qualité offre à l’équipe de direction des données primaires pour identifier les points forts, les points faibles, les opportunités et les menaces lors du diagnostic de l’entreprise. L’analyse des résultats des études et sondages contribue aussi à faire ressortir des enjeux importants à considérer. C’est à partir de cette analyse complète que l’équipe de direction sera en mesure de rédiger le plan d’action
stratégique solide. Dans le cas de Madame X, c’est par l’introduction une démarche structurée qu’elle a réussi à effectuer son exercice de planification. Entre autres, la démarche a identifié l’importance d’effectuer un sondage auprès des membres de l’organisation. Les résultats de l’étude ont permis, en plus de mesurer la satisfaction des membres à plusieurs niveaux, de mettre en lumière deux éléments capitaux pour l’élaboration du plan d’action des trois prochaines années : les attentes des membres en termes de services et leurs attentes quant aux projets et activités à prioriser au cours des prochaines années. L’analyse des résultats du sondage a aussi permis de réaliser que plusieurs membres ne connaissaient pas clairement la mission de l’organisation, ce qui créait par conséquent un groupe d’insatisfaits ayant des attentes non conformes avec la mission de leur ordre professionnel. Une bonne démarche de planification stratégique permet donc à l’équipe de direction de choisir la destination et de tracer le plan de vol de l’entreprise pour les prochaines années alors que la recherche marketing offre les informations nécessaires pour affronter les turbulences au départ et en cours de route. Mireille Fortier, MBA est Conseillère en recherche marketing à On peut la rejoindre à vue | JULY/AUGUST 2014
Bosco Changes its Label Based on Research
Aleksander Czyz
A study conducted by Procter & Gamble 25 years ago indicated that consumers pushing a shopping cart down the aisle of a supermarket glance at packaging for onesixth of a second before they decide to stop and look. Considering the extreme rise of marketing communications clutter over the years, we can assume that shoppers’ average attention spans are even shorter nowadays. But what makes consumers buy a product once it’s noticed on the shelf? According to research by Goldman Sachs in the 1990s, for people with a shopping list, more than 60 per cent of the products selected and put in a shopping cart were impulse purchases. Also, a study conducted by the Food Marketing Institute indicates that if a customer picks up a package, even if not familiar with the product, there is a 71 per cent chance he/ she will put it in the cart. What all of these means for a consumer packaged goods marketer is that when designing a product’s package, the initial battle is the one over a shopper’s attention. Give a shopper a reason to stop and look at your product. Remember that you don’t have much time to do that and that you’re not the only one trying to achieve it. Bosco Chocolate Syrup Bosco is one of the best-known chocolate syrup brands in the U.S. Established in 1928, it is known for having a role in American pop culture, from early TV advertising on children’s shows to playing a role on Seinfeld as George Costanza’s ATM code. Recently, the company decided to research the attention-grabbing appeal of Bosco’s upcoming
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new labels. They wanted to see if the redesigned versions could perform better than the original, and planned to use research results to pick the most effective new design. The tool used for measurement was Attensee, which simulates the human foveal and peripheral vision during an online study. Basically, it uses the fact that when in peripheral vision, our brain decides where to make a saccade (quick eye movement) based on limited information about the colours and shapes of particular objects. When the image is blurred, the respondent is obliged to explore it with his/her mouse in order to access the desired information. A situation of distorted perception (thanks to the blurred image) activates the attention processes the tool can monitor. This way we can capture and show the path that a particular person is choosing in order to gain desired information from a presented visual stimuli, enabling us to indicate which elements of the stimuli are being selected by the viewer’s attention filter. Such information is useful when designing any visual communication meant to capture somebody’s attention and persuade them to take a specific action later on. Attensee is inspired by research from Michael Schulte-Mecklenbeck, Ryan O. Murphy and Florian Hutzler.
FEAT URE Based on the results from Attensee, Bosco was able to see which design performed best in grabbing shoppers’ attention, which is the first step to making a purchase decision. Here’s how they did it. Goal #1: Grab Shoppers’ Attention The study began by testing respondents’ attention distribution with a picture of a retail shelf containing different chocolate syrups. The respondents were then asked to name the products they remembered and pick the one that caught most of their attention. The same test was conducted on three groups with
a clear, distinctive and hard-hitting way. In the second test, Bosco checked the way people perceived the labels as well as how much they remembered. This allowed them to assess each label’s ability to communicate the value of Bosco chocolate syrup. While the old label featured both ice cream and chocolate milk, Bosco decided to simplify the message and go just with the drink (ver. A) or ice cream (ver. B). The change did not influence the introspective, overall feeling people had about the labels as respondents rated them pretty much the same. The ice cream generated more interest, which could be easily seen
“...a study conducted by the Food Marketing Institute indicates that if a customer picks up a package, even if not familiar with the product, there is a 71 per cent chance he/she will put it in the cart.” 50 respondents for each Bosco label version. Being put in a competitive environment, both versions of the new label performed well, reaching the second (ver. B) and the third place (ver. A) on a path of engagement graph that showed the areas where most of the people spent most of their picture exploration time. In contrast, the old version wasn’t even recognized as an area of increased viewer engagement. This order was also visible in the answers given by the respondents after the test. With its new layouts, Bosco brand was remembered by 95 per cent (ver. B) and 63 per cent (ver. A) – both performed better than the old label. Despite its visual attractiveness on the shelf (big, yellow bottle), a control item, Fox’s u-bet syrup, had a very low recognition rate in all three tests. This was probably due to the small size of its logo. So, unless picked and bought by the shopper instantly, most likely the u-bet package will not make an impact in a consumer’s memory. The opposite situation occurred with the Nesquik and Hershey’s labels. Despite the low engagement rate (number of people and their time looking at the bottles), these brands were easily remembered by the respondents. It seems that the structure of attention distributed over a market shelf is highly influenced by the brand’s previous recognition level. The more recognized it is, the less visual interest it generates – humans are more likely to notice objects they are unfamiliar with. The tests, followed by a quick survey, tell us that the new versions of Bosco’s labels are performing better than the original one, with a slight advantage on behalf of version B.
when we compared the two heat maps. Yet the difference was very small; in real life it translates into a better allocation of a shopper’s limited attention. The survey revealed a better resonance with the ice cream version of the label. With this version, more people remembered that the syrup has been made since 1928, it’s made from natural ingredients and that it contains B vitamins. Also, all of the respondents recognized the Bosco brand with 98 per cent of them being able to tell the correct flavour of the syrup. What’s interesting, after filtering the path of engagement by the incorrect answers about syrup’s flavour, there was a direct connection between the flavour familiarity and previous encounter with the blue ribbon on the label that says the syrup is chocolate flavoured. The Conclusion The study indicates that Bosco’s decision to improve the syrup’s labeling was definitely a right move. Both version A and B performed better than the original, with a clear advantage of version B over A. Here’s what Scott Sanders, Bosco co-owner had to say after seeing the results: “Having these results from Attensee’s testing validated our investment in a label redesign. It also provided assurance that our creative direction resulted in consumers seeing the key messages we wanted them to see. This test process has removed some of the uncertainty in moving forward with our rebranding work.”
Goal #2: Communicate Value As soon as your product grabs a shopper’s attention, meaning he/she stops and (in the best case scenario) picks it off the shelf, the label has to communicate the product’s value in
Aleksander Czyz is the CEO of Attensee. He can be contacted at and tweets at @CzyzAleksander. vue | JULY/AUGUST 2014
Gamification in Market Research Interest, Curiosity and Misconception
David Wiszniowski
Gamification in the marketing research industry is in a state of exploration and experimentation. As a methodology, gamification is fairly young, with no set of established best practices. Marketing research has always been an innovative field – industry professionals have taken it from the time of door-to-door surveys to high-tech platforms such as eye tracking and facial recognition – but the induction of gamified research has raised the bar where capturing respondent engagement is concerned.
During the shift from computer-assisted telephone interviewing and mail-out surveys to the online space, many researchers simply transferred a phone survey onto a web page. Has this method (taking a piece of research that was designed to be read over the phone and posting it online) been executed well enough to prevent dropouts and straightlining? No. With the advent of online surveys, many researchers know they have lost a crucial aspect of respondent engagement criteria. As the online space evolves rapidly, it is possible that online marketing research platforms have become stagnant. This is not to say that the industry is failing. There have been many recent advances in how researchers conduct their work. Social media platforms such as Twitter and Facebook have given rise to a more ethnographic listening post. Decorative and graphically designed surveys have been introduced in efforts to capture engagement and drive responses. Games however, are becoming more prominent than ever in modern society. Be it teenagers playing Call of Duty, or their mothers playing Farmville, games have become entrenched in the cultural aspects of online and offline communities. Gamification has a variety of advantages when compared to other commonly 14
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used survey methodologies; however, the most resonating aspect of using games to conduct research is that people (not incentivized panel members) actively seek out games to play for their own enjoyment. There are some people who don’t enjoy games, yes, but in the major target demographics arising within various segmentations of the market, these individuals can be seen as outliers. Proponents for gamification throughout the industry have used this fact to tell a story about why gamification is a method that needs to be implemented. That story is about “declining participant engagement and what the market research industry needs to do to tackle this problem” (Van Laere). To discuss the state of gamification in the marketing research industry, two distinct areas must be addressed. The first of these areas (which will be discussed in this story) is what gamification means to the industry. As Van Laere mentioned above, gamification addresses what the industry needs to do to counter the current issues surrounding participant engagement. Is gamified marketing research the answer to industry-wide problems with engagement, or merely a passing fad?
Part I: What Gamification Means to the Industry The most practical way to assess what gamification means to the marketing research industry is to explore how gamification addresses its primary goal: increasing respondent and participant engagement. Debate exists as to what is the best, most practical method for measuring respondent engagement within marketing research. Some researchers infer that to measure engagement one should look at the number of dropouts occurring throughout a survey. Others determine the engagement of their respondents through straight-lining rates, whereas some use timers as a determining factor. While little research has been done on the subject of gamified methodologies and whether or not they lead to increased engagement, there is a discussion happening within the industry that details the advantages and disadvantages of gamified survey techniques. While most researchers strive to create surveys that are designed to increase engagement, gamified surveys take more complex approach. In their article “Myths and realities of respondent engagement in online surveys,” Theo Downes-Le Guin, Reg Baker, Joanne Mechling and Erica Ruylea state that: “Poor survey design demonstrably increases undesirable respondent behaviours that include speeding, random responding and premature termination.” While Downes-Le Guin et al. are primarily commenting on online surveys, the idea they present here has been widely accepted throughout the industry. While not all traditional surveys are designed poorly, many of them are bound to principles that respondents interpret as boring and dull. The authors mention a “new survey design taxonomy” throughout their article, one of which being the gamified survey. The first way in which the authors differentiate between the different types of surveys is in “the striking proportion of
respondents in the Gamified cell who failed to complete the entire survey.” Continuing on to point out that “a significant number of those respondents abandoned the survey either while the game was loading – a process that could take up to two minutes on low-bandwidth connections – or during the introduction to the game.” Thus, right away the idea of more engaged respondents through gamified methods becomes highly criticized. However, it should be noted that, in the gamified survey used for their report, Downes-Le Guin included seven pages of text explaining the instructions and goals of the game. When respondents were asked to rate their level of satisfaction with the different types of surveys, respondents in the gamified cells were “more satisfied with their experience.” Respondents also stated that “satisfaction with the survey experience does not necessarily translate to engagement.” The results of the findings made by Downes-Le Guin et al. infer that gamified surveys took longer to complete and had no statistical differences in terms of respondent engagement. Alternatively, arguments have been made that the gamified survey designed for Downes-Le Guin and his colleagues was not, in essence, a game, but merely a more entertaining type of survey. Deborah Sleep, director of Engage Research, notes that the design of a gamified survey is something that must be handled delicately. “The downside is that a failure to construct the survey properly risks not engaging with the respondent, which can have major implications for data quality with a knock-on effect on the quality of the insights received. But by rethinking the design of surveys and leveraging the interactive and visual potential of the online environment, we have found in our own research that the more respondents enjoy the experience, the better the quantity and quality of feedback. It was this enjoyment factor that led us to look to games for further inspiration,” she indicates. The survey designed and tested by Downes-Le Guin was missing some key elements found in most games. The questions within the survey had nothing to do with the game and led to confusion amongst respondents. Thus, it is no surprise that the results of their study found no increased engagement when comparing a gamified survey to other, more traditional models. Gamified research truly involves designing a game for research. When done properly, we can see instances of increased respondent engagement. In relation to this, another study comparing different survey methodologies and their influence on respondent engagement was completed by Bernie Malinoff and Jon Puleston. Their study “How Far Is Too Far?” details how researchers are witnessing a growing “digital divide” and how the industry should remain on point with the utilization of new survey methods and tools. When compared to standard and flashbased online surveys, Malinoff and Puleston noted that games were reported to be more fun, had longer answer times, and were the least likely of the three methodologies to include straight-lining. “We consistently found that the higher the respondents fun rating the longer they gave to answer time; it was also seen that the level of straight-lining was lower,” the authors concluded. The pair suggests that the entertainment vue | JULY/AUGUST 2014
FEATUR E factor, and therefore the immersive nature of using games for research, is a cause for increased engagement among respondents. This is evident by the respondents desire to think more about their responses, creating higher quality data. “Most people do surveys in their free time purely as ‘a bit of fun’ (this can be seen on websites such as Buzzfeed, etc.). As with any form of entertainment, the more entertaining the survey is, the more time you are prepared to invest in consuming it. This perhaps is at the heart of how we can evolve as an industry from basic, to Flash, to game-based forms of survey interaction,” they write. To reinforce this theory of better engagement through immersion, Sleep mentions the following statistics that are in favour of gamified survey methodologies. “A question such as ‘describe yourself’ yielded on average 2.4 descriptors and effectively 85 per cent of respondents answered. When that question was adjusted to deliver the challenge of, ‘describe yourself in exactly seven words,’ the descriptors increased to 4.5 and the response rate rose to 98 per cent.” She goes on to state that a “typical question like, ‘What emotions do you think people associate with this?’ produced an average response time of eight seconds and a 50 per cent enjoyment rate. When we told respondents that they would win a point for each one they guessed right, time spent rose to 12 seconds and 90 per cent said they enjoyed the experience.” These differences all lead to the idea that gamified surveys do accomplish what they say they can when designed with a specific form and functionality. While Sleep seems to be on the right track here, altering the wording of survey questions does not make a game. In order to become a game, a survey must use game mechanics and dynamics, and also include a strong and relevant narrative. In a lecture, Betty Adamou, CEO of Research Through Gaming Ltd., states that “while toying with question language does increase respondent engagement, it alone doesn’t turn a survey into a research game.” She goes on to describe a game using the same principles as Gabe Zichermann, CEO of Gamification Co., and Jane McGonigal, alternate reality game designer. In her book Reality Is Broken: Why Games Make Us Better and How They Can Change the World, McGonigal delineates the four defining traits of a game, stating that: “When you strip away the genre differences and the technological complexities, all games share four defining traits: a goal, rules, a feedback system, and voluntary participation.” McGonigal further describes these traits inferring that, “The goal provides players with a sense of purpose. Rules unleash creativity and foster strategic thinking. Feedback systems serve as a promise to players that the goal is definitely achievable, and it provides motivation to keep playing. And voluntary participation ensures that intentionally stressful and challenging work is experienced as safe and pleasurable activity.” So, while Sleep’s methods do increase respondent engagement, it is incorrect to call her method of rephrasing questions gamification. Adamou presents some statistics dealing with respondent engagement for ResearchGames that have been produced via her company. In a presentation to the University of Winchester as part of the Association of Survey Computing conference, Adamou notes several indicators of respondent engagement 16
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when using gamified research methodologies. First, she focuses on recall rate. As her project included the need for two gamified surveys to be completed by the same respondent, Adamou’s as well as her panel company’s expectations were exceeded with a recall rate of 81 per cent. An associate for the project, professor Liesbet van Zoonen, stated that, “Our reflections on the methodological challenges of ResearchGames did not produce compelling reasons to doubt the quality of the data; in fact, over 90 per cent of the respondents said they had enjoyed this new form of data collection and expressed willingness to play more of such games. It seems our respondents liked to do a survey in this form. Ninety-one per cent of them answered the question ‘Would you be interested in playing a game like this again?’ with yes.” To further support her belief of gamified surveys resulting in more respondent engagement, Adamou points out that in a completely optional portion of the survey where respondents could leave an anonymous comment 27 per cent left feedback. “Our client felt that this was unusually high,” she says. She also notes that in the second research game designed for the same project, 8.4 per cent left voluntary feedback, and 19 per cent took part in another optional bonus activity. Using information collected from the survey’s voluntary comment section, Adamou discovered that respondents remembered the survey, expressed a desire for similar surveys, and, most importantly, the survey left them feeling as if they’d had an experience. By using game mechanics and dynamics properly, and creating a strong narrative with relevance for her respondents, Adamou has accepted the validity of gamification as a research methodology. The debate as to whether gamified surveys are a logical next step for the industry continues on day-to-day basis. Some aspects of gamification’s role as a practical survey methodology are rooted in more financial and political issues. In a GreenBook blog, Jason Anderson points out two major barriers for gamified marketing research: “From the client side, a lack of knowledge and insufficient proof that it works; and from the supplier side, a lack of knowledge and insufficient proof that it works.” While Anderson mentions that there is no definitive evidence concerned with whether or not gamification is a better survey methodology, it is clear that there are researchers who are designing innovative games for research in order to, as Van Laere mentioned, tackle the problem of declining respondent engagement. While the debate rages on, evidence is stacking up to support gamification as a marketing research methodology – if executed properly. With the threshold of industry acceptance fast approaching, this is an exciting time for all gamified survey developers and out-of-the-box researchers alike. In next month’s issue I will be discussing who these researchers are and the kind of results they’re achieving using such innovative methods. David Wiszniowski has won several awards including Ipsos Reid John H. Fryer award; the Georgian College Outstanding Internship award, and the Research Through Gaming MRX Vine award. David is looking for new opportunities and he can be reached at and tweets at @dWiszard.
QUALITATIVE RESEARCH REGISTRY In accordance with federal privacy laws,
MRIA’s Qualitative Research Registry (QRR), or Registre de la recherche qualitative (RRQ) in French, was created to provide an ongoing, userfriendly vehicle for tracking those who do not want to be contacted or should not be contacted for qualitative research studies.
QRR is a comprehensive do not call list of those who have recently participated in qualitative research studies, those who have asked not to be contacted further, and those felt by recruiters and moderators to be best served by not being contacted. These respondents are marked as “do not call” in accordance with established MRIA Standards.
However, the ability of the system to function effectively is directly related to the co-operation received from firms who provide recruitment services. If you are a full service research firm or field supplier that is currently participating in the Qualitative Research Registry program – thank you very much and keep up the good work!
All field and full-service companies are encouraged to submit a list of their qualitative respondents for entry into the QRR system each month, including those who do not wish to be contacted.
If you are not currently participating, please get involved! If you are interested in submitting to QRR, please visit the MRIA website at for further explanation and guidance on how to submit qualitative research participants’ names, along with the required electronic forms.
Participating firms will receive monthly updates of respondents to be screened from qualitative recruitment samples. QRR works effectively to increase the quality and integrity of the qualitative research process, by serving as a control to ensure respondents are not contacted more frequently than is necessary.
Up to July 08, 2014 ONTARIO
Barbara C. Campbell Recruiting Consumer Vision Dawn Smith Field Management Services Inc. Head Count I & S Recruiting Opinion Search Research House Inc.
Opinion Search SmartPoint Research Inc. Trend Research
Ipsos Reid MBA Recherche Opinion Search
ATLANTIC Opinion Search
If you have any questions about or wish to submit to the QRR please send an e-mail to: Information regarding the QRR can be found at
Rules of Conduct and Good Practice for Members of the Marketing Research and Intelligence Association (2007), Section C Rules Specific to the Conduct of Qualitative Research:
20. R ecruiters should provide accurate data to the Qualitative Research Registry, where such exists, on a consistent basis and check all respondents against the Registry. 21. M oderators buying recruiting services should give primary consideration to recruiting agencies which submit to the Qualitative Research Registry, where such a service exists, on a regular and ongoing basis.
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GOLD SEAL–CERTIFIED CORPORATE RESEARCH AGENCIES The Research Agencies listed below have earned the right to display MRIA’s Gold Seal–Certified logomark. MRIA congratulates and salutes them.
Gold Seal Certification is a world class mark of distinction. It is earned by Research Agencies through a comprehensive self-assessment, follow-up interview, and sample evidence examination process — conducted by an independent, third party Reviewer from a major Canadian CA firm – which attests to their being consistently in compliance with MRIA’s rigorous professional standards. For clients, Gold Seal-Certified status means a trusted choice – that they can choose a research supplier with confidence, one that has earned MRIA’s seal of approval and must continually re-earn that distinction by passing a Certification Review once every three years.
GOLD SEAL CORPORATE RESEARCH AGENCIES – CERTIFICATION PENDING The following Corporate Research Agency members are in the process of completing their first Gold Seal Certification Review:
Heads Up Inspiration from Information Inc. Illumina Research Partners Insights West
Academica Group* ACCE Inc.* Advanis Inc Advitek Inc.* Asking Canadians BBM Analytics* BBM Canada* Bond Brand Loyalty (Formerly Maritz Research Canada)* BrandSpark International Campaign Research Canadian Viewpoint Inc. Cido Research* Consumer Vision Ltd. Corbin Partners Inc. Corporate Research Associates* CRC Research CROP Inc.* EKOS Research Associates Inc.* Elemental Data Collection Inc. Environics Research Group Limited* Focal Research Consultants Ltd.* Forum Research Inc. Fresh Squeezed Ideas GfK Research Dynamics Greenwich Associates* Hay Research International Head Count Head Research Inc. Hotspex Inc.* Insightrix Research Inc. Insignia Marketing Research Inc. Ipsos Reid* Lang Research Inc.* Leger, The Research Intelligence Group* Market Probe Canada
Market Pulse Inc. MBA Recheche McWhirter & Associates MD Analytics Inc.* Millward Brown* MQO Research Mustel Research Group Ltd.* Nanos Research Nielsen Consumer Insights* NRG Research Group* Opinion Search Inc.* Phoenix Strategic Perspectives Inc. POLLARA* PRA Inc. Quorus Consulting Group Inc. R.A. Malatest & Associates Ltd. Radix Market Research Rand Market Research Corporation Research & Incite* Research Dimensions Research House Inc.* Research Management Group Research Now Research Strategy Group Inc. Resinnova Research Inc. Service Metrics Inc. SmartPoint Research Inc. Tele-Surveys Plus / Télé-Sondages Plus* The Logit Group The Verde Group Thinkwell Research TNS Canadian Facts* Toluna Trend Research Inc.* Vision Critical
* MRIA proudly acknowledges the Gold Seal Agencies who have remained Gold Seal since their inaugural year – 2006. The Gold Seal Certification process is open to all MRIA Corporate Research Agency Members that have been in continuous operation in Canada at least two years, regardless 18 forvue | JULY/AUGUST 2014 of firm size, structure or number of employees. For more information on MRIA Corporate Memberships or our Certified Marketing Research Professional (CMRP) designation for individual practitioners, visit
& Recognition
Awards and Recognition serve critical functions within a professional association. They provide motivation for the many volunteers upon whose efforts the association depends. They provide an opportunity for the self-promotion within the association that puts a positive face on our activities and makes people feel good about belonging to the Marketing Research and Intelligence Association (MRIA). They also serve to highlight leadership and examples of excellence, in all areas, which are powerful ways of communicating the ideals and direction of the association.
This year’s award winners were announced and celebrated at the 2014 Excellence Awards Gala Soiree Dinner held at the Sheraton in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, as part of MRIA’s national conference, on the evening of Tuesday, June 10, 2014.
Previous winners are also posted online at
Best in Class Award Yahoo Canada, Fresh Intelligence, True Impact Marketing The Zero Moment of Memory Best Integration Award RBC Royal Bank, Ipsos ICE’ing on the Cake Best Multinational Award Metz Communications, Pfizer, The Forbes Consulting Group Excellence Behind the Scenes Rogers Connect Market Research Today’s Parent Approved Murray Philp Altruistic Award CorbinPartners, Legal Aid Ontario The Elusive ‘Client of Modest Means Best Master of Ceremonies Award Jordan Levitin
Public Policy Impact Award City of Calgary, Ipsos Food and Yard Waste Pilot Project CorbinPartners, Legal Aid Ontario The Elusive ‘Client of Modest Mean Client-Side Researcher Impact and Effectiveness Award Jared Prins Award of Outstanding Merit Annie Pettit, PhD Joanne O’Connell, CMRP Award of Distinction Raj Manocha Vue Magazine – Best Paper: 2013 (Inaugural, Presented 2014) Perspectives on Polling Brian Singh, CMRP Chapter Merit Award Alberta Chapter
The eminent members of the 2013-14 Judging Panel for the Excellence in Research Awards represent research practitioners from many different areas: Chair: Anastasia Arabia – MRIA President, Trend Research vue | JULY/AUGUST 2014 19 Judges: Ed Gibson, CMRP – CRC Research • Gail Tibbo, CMRP – Incisive Marketing • Kimberlee Niziol Jonas – Instar Research
THIS MONTH’S ISSUE: HOW DID YOU BECOME A MARKET RESEARCHER? Jeff Morton, PRC When residential architectural engineering became less viable in the early ‘80s, I looked toward business school. When I learned there was a profession that sought to quantify and qualify consumer behavior (and allowed me to utilize my curious, analytical mind) I was full speed ahead. Marketing research continues to spark my curiosities to provide timely, accurate and actionable insights – especially with new technological and methodological advancements. Richard Shaw, DigiVisionary at BrainJuicer I did my final year dissertation at college on how mood influences analogical problem solving. When I handed in my research my supervisor we talked about what I was going to do after I graduate and the one thing he said to me that has always stuck in my mind was, “you could spend your entire career just looking at analogical problem solving”. An entire lifetime of just studying one aspect of the human condition terrified me so I started a research company instead. Anastasia Arabia, Partner/Owner As a child I had never heard of marketing research as a career path. Fortunately, during my first summer at Ottawa University I landed a summer job at Opinion Search. I absolutely LOVED it. Learning about all kinds of products and services before they are released to the public was really cool. Seeing how research helped organizations make strategic decisions, and learning about this process was fascinating. I worked part-time for them in school and eventually full time. It was such a great experience that first summer I’ve made my career in marketing research. I still feel the same passion for the
industry I did that first summer - and love going to work everyday!
my decision and still love the practice of marketing research.
Chris Ruby I was always good with numbers in school K-12, so I decided to major in Business when I enrolled in college. After taking some of my basic core business classes like Accounting, Economics, Finance & Computer Science, I stumbled upon my first Marketing class. During the class I created a 5 year Marketing Plan for a local business that implemented my recommendations. I was hooked and decided to concentrate in Marketing. This is where I was introduced to Marketing Research & Data Analysis, as both subjects were part of the concentration coursework. During that time, I was able to land Marketing Research Internships with both Kenwood USA and General Motors. At that point I knew I had found my calling in life and never looked back.
Kristian Gravelle, Director, Insights at AstraZeneca I didn’t study to become a market researcher. Actually I started as a chemist and worked in a lab at a pharmaceutical company doing drug discovery. That was not my cup of tea... for a number of reasons. I went back to school and did my MBA. At the time I thought I would make it big as a trader during the .com boom. I was going to retire by the time I was 40... well, needless to say that didn’t pan out either. I got a great job in marketing and was exposed to MR through a great researcher, Ken Kitay. He took the time to explain why consumers make choices they make and how to extract that information from them. I got hooked right away. I learned the ropes through him and through my curiosity. I am naturally curious and always wanting to find out more. Market Research is a great platform to do this. I continue to learn something new every day.
Fergus Gamble When I was about 14, I was attending a school which was relatively close to my father’s office at Proctor and Gamble (no relation I’m sorry to say). He was the first Manager of Marketing Research at P&G in Canada. So after school, I used to go to his office to get a ride home. I started leafing through P&G research reports. Can you imagine the administrative horrors if someone did that now? Well, I was almost immediately hooked and wanted to become a researcher right then! Despite my father telling me it was an awful business to get into, I persisted. It was not easy being the son of one of the first dozen or so members of the then PMRS. I was once hired and dehired within 24 hours when a major MR firm realised who I was. Probably not a legal move these days. I have never regretted
Bethan Turner, Senior Research Executive at Mustard I’ve come from a very analytical background, with a degree in Mathematics and a Masters in Statistics and Operational Research. My dissertation during my Masters looked at Social Network Analysis, and “The Tipping Point” by Malcolm Gladwell sparked my interest in the different ways you can analyse people and their behaviour towards products. A few arguments with my dissertation tutor ended up in “but you’re spending too much time focussing on the consumer, and how they feel and how they’re behaving” - which is when I decided that was exactly what I wanted to do!
Your Vue is a collection of opinions gathered from selected MRIA LinkedIn discussions. Share your opinions and you could be featured here in our next issue! Comments are edited for length and clarity. 20
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Predator vs. Prey: The differences in the lives of client and supply side researchers “I’ve looked at life from both sides now” (Joni Mitchell) Gail Cowling Having spent a couple of decades in the Marketing Research Biz, some as a client and 12 plus on the supplier side, I recently returned to the client side. I re-noticed something when I attend industry events and conferences. Now that I’m back on the client side, I need to get my running shoes back on and practice sprints. Why? Because I’ve become Prey again. I recall attending PMRS meetings as a client side researcher….young, impressionable, all the attention was flattering at the first meeting I attended. At the second meeting, it was annoying, and by my third meeting (a conference) it was positively scary as many of the supplier types seemed to be stalking me from session to session and it continued once I returned to my office. Thereafter, I attended fewer and fewer meetings and for a number of years, dropped my membership. Only when I went over to the supply side did I rejoin. For a few years on the supply side, I worked on learning a lot and collaborated on achieving sales targets with a team. I enjoyed nurturing client relationships. As I moved up, it was made clear to me that rather than nurturing clients and I was expected to “hunt them down”. The pressure to abandon being a researcher and become a salesperson became incredible. Is the increasing concentration of research suppliers and shrinking client budgets turning normally pleasant people into preternatural predators? At the risk of blaming the victim/prey, do we as clients, reinforce the success of the predators at the expense of the
nurturers? I hear from fellow clients that they don’t like dealing with companies that over charge, under service, and offer pre-packaged, far-from-customized solutions. Yet we, as clients continue to deal with them…admittedly sometimes because our internal clients are reluctant to risk change and sometimes because we ourselves are too cautious. Our industry is currently trapped in a vicious cycle: Suppliers prey upon Clients at events. Supplier presenters “sell” rather than inform. Clients avoid events because they don’t like being treated like “meat” and because the events offer no more value and information than a website or print collateral. Suppliers get frustrated with lack of clients at events and stop attending. Events lose money; associations lose relevance, and eventually ….. Supplier and Client alike see that the market research industry is hanging over a precipice of sea-change. I posit (and am certainly not the first to say) that the predator/prey relationship might better be abandoned in light of the need to get a firm grip on the changes that are well advanced upon our industry right now. A virtuous cycle towards accomplishing this would look more like suppliers and clients sharing expertise at events, both sides finding events worthwhile, clients continuing to attend events because they learn and aren’t treated like meat and suppliers, and by playing it softly actually ending up with better networking.
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IND U STRY NEWS n To read more news online, or to submit your “People and Companies in the News,” s imply fill out our online form at n The Vue editorial team reserves the right to select and edit your submission for appearance in Vue. n MRIA is neither responsible for the accuracy of this information nor liable for any false information.
BRANDWATCH Analysis Service Launched
Canadian Buy for SurveyMonkey
Social media analytics firm Brandwatch has announced a new service called Brandwatch Twitter Hindsight, giving access to tweets from the microblogging site’s arrival in 2006 right up to the present. Offered as part of it Brandwatch Analytics suite, a Twitter Certified Product since May 2013, Hindsight allows users to compare campaign performance year-on-year, project trends and analysis of recurring or specific events as seen on the network. Website: www.
DIY online research firm SurveyMonkey has acquired Fluidware, an Ottawa, Canada-based provider of online survey and application review tools. Financial terms of the transaction were not disclosed. Fluidware was established in February 2008 by co-founders and co-CEOs Eli Fathi and Aydin Mirzaee and provides a DIY research and analysis product, FluidSurveys, and a centralised information sharing and review system, FluidReview. SurveyMonkey CEO Dave Goldberg says the buy will extend his company’s global reach, ‘particularly into the attractive Canadian market where Fluidware is an industry leader’. worldwide.’ SurveyMonkey was founded in 1999, is headquartered in Palo Alto, CA and has more than 300 staff. Website:
Sports and Loyalty Launches for Ipsos Two announcements from Ipsos: the Loyalty division has a new syndicated study providing benchmark data on consumers’ views across 23 sectors in 30 countries; while Canada’s Ipsos Reid will work with the country’s Sporting Goods Association (CSGA) to track trends in equipment, clothing and participation. Ipsos Loyalty Global Benchmarks will use data going back ten years to track customer ratings on more than 50 measures of customer engagement, in sectors including mobile networks, retail banking, automotive, supermarkets, general insurance and energy. Ipsos Reid and the CSGA will ‘work closely to explore new and evolving trends in the sporting goods industry’, using proprietary consumer surveys to update standard category reports each quarter Websites are at , and
Schlesinger Adds EEG Neuromarketing to Qual Offer US-based fieldwork group Schlesinger Associates has teamed up with Interactive Video Productions LLC to offer EEG-based neuromarketing data collection during in-depth Interviews. The firm already has solutions for facial coding and biometrics labs.With subsidiary firms / focus group facilities in the UK, France and Germany and facilities in fourteen US cities, the group is online at .
People and Companies in the News generously sponsored in 2014 by:
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IND U STRY NEWS Quantcast Adds Behavior Data for App Publishers San Francisco-based online ratings firm Quantcast has added a new feature, Audience Interests, to its Quantcast Measure product, making it ‘the first free measurement tool to provide mobile app publishers with detailed insight into their audience’s Web browsing behavior’. The upgrade promises publishers much deeper insights into their global audiences, going beyond demographics to online behavior including sites visited and purchases made. Website: www. WPP Sells Off ‘Center Partners’ Call Center Business WPP’s data investment management (DIM) arm has sold off its US call center business, Center Partners, to Mexico-based business process outsourcing (BPO) and call centre service provider Qualfon. Terms of the deal were not disclosed. Based in Fort Collins, Colorado, Center Partners was co-founded in 1997 by David Geiger and Richard Keith, who sold the business to WPP in 1999. The firm provides contact center and web solutions for sales, customer service, technical support, outbound campaigns, and order entry / fulfilment, for clients in a variety of sectors. Websites: www. , and Wizeline Product Development Platform Launches In the US, product intelligence firm Wizeline has launched out of beta, with a self-serve platform enabling companies to collect and process disparate sources of data to understand the market potential of proposed new products. Founder and CEO Bismarck Lepe (pictured), who previously founded online video management and analytics firm Ooyalal, comments: ‘Wizeline was created to help companies build winning products that customers love. Most companies have valuable data, but we believe it’s not effectively or efficiently applied when making critical product and market decisions. All of this changes with Wizeline.’ Website: IMS Health Debuts Data-Driven Mobile Sales App In the US, pharma research giant IMS Health has unveiled a cloud-based sales performance solution called Nexxus Mobile Sales. The product combines continuously updated industry and customer data with expert decision support tools for sales reps. The company reported second quarter revenue up 6.1% to $662m, is in the process of acquiring a half billion dollars’ worth of CRM and information solutions assets from Cegedim. Of late, much of its activity has centred around the development and expansion of its IMS One intelligent cloud platform, which integrates its own life sciences data with client and third-party information sources. Website:
MRIA and Partner Events Sept. 7-9, 2014
ESOMAR National Congress Nice, France
Sept. 23, 2014 MRIA Toronto Chapter Annual Golf Tournament – Royal Ontario Golf Club MILTON, ON Sept. 24–26, 2014
TTRA “Research on the Edge” Conference Yellowknife, NWT
Sept. 24–26, 2014 IIR USA The North American Consumer Insights Event Toronto, ON Sept. 26, 2014 MRIA Dialogue Series – Webinar Canadian Anti-Spam Legislation (CASL) and how it affects your Business – with Kara Mitchelmore, CEO Online Sept. 29 - Oct. 2, 2014
CASRO Annual Conference Denver, CO
Oct. 15-17, 2014
QRCA Annual Conference New Orleans, LA
Oct. 20-22, 2014
IIR USA The Market Research Event 2014 Boca Raton, FL
Nov. 19, 2014
Net Gain 9.0 Vancouver, BC
Nov. 20, 2014
CSRC Social Connect and Holiday Party Toronto, ON
Jan. 2015
Net Gain 2015 Toronto, ON
Mar. 2015
QRD Day - event information TBD Toronto, ON
May 24-27, 2015
MRIA National Conference 2015 Marriott Eaton Centre Toronto, ON
MRIA members enjoy discounts to partner events - Call us or visit our website
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MRIA members The annual MRIA President’s Tour was held in April and May. This year’s tour, hosted by (then) MRIA President Anastasia Arabia, was also an opportunity to introduce MRIA’s new CEO Kara Mitchelmore. Anastasia and Kara met with MRIA members at chapter events held across the country. Their visits were well received by members. Discussions included the future of MRIA, and how the association can be made more relevant to members. Exciting future events are being planned, including Net Gain, QRD Day, the National Conference and a free webinar for members on the new CASL Legislation.
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Soirée hommage à Michel Saulnier
The BC Chapter held a “Happy Hour Social” on May 20, for local members to get to know their professional community a little better.
C’est le 24 avril que le chapitre québécois de l’ARIM invitait ses membres et amis à une soirée hommage en l’honneur de Michel Saulnier. En effet, Michel, qui a récemment quitté ses fonctions de président du chapitre, un poste qu’il a occupé pendant 10 années, quitte aussi la vie active pour une retraite bien méritée. Cette soirée était donc l’occasion rêvée pour plusieurs de ses collègues et ami(e)s de venir le saluer une dernière fois. Michel demeurera néanmoins actif, puisqu’il prévoit enseigner encore pour quelques années. Evening paying tribute to Michel Saulnier The Quebec Chapter invited its members and friends to honour Michel Saulnier at a special event held April 24.
Melika Irannezhad and Stephen Bath
Stefen Langford (left), Geoff Bird (right)
OTTAWA CHAPTER Adam Froman, CEO of Delvinia, joined the Ottawa Chapter for its “lunch and learn” speaker series on May 29. He shared his knowledge on how technology can transform politics and improve the interaction between municipalities and residents. Adam discussed his experience developing and implementing Delvinia’s e-Democracy model for the City of Guelph and the City of Markham. He provided some great real life examples about how Delvinia’s “Voice of e-Democracy” was used to create digital participation experiences that helped city municipalities engage in resident opinions, inform citizens and involve them in politics to a greater degree.
Michel, who recently stepped down from his role as Chapter president after 10 years, is also stepping away from active life for a well-deserved retirement. The evening was a great opportunity for many of his colleagues and friends to wish him a final farewell. Michel, however, will still be active because he plans to teach for a few more years.
Have any news or photos you want to share? Contact associate editor Fiona Isaacson ( Members and guests are welcome at all MRIA events: Check our online calendar at for more information on all events and how to register. Members receive emails directly with event updates, so please check your inboxes for instructions on how to register for all upcoming events! MRIA Portal: Non members can sign up for free email, enewsletters and eVue at
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INDUSTRY N EW S RESEARCH REGISTRATION SYSTEM Since 1994, the RRS has allowed respondents to verify the legitimacy of a research project; helped legislators and regulators differentiate between legitimate survey researchers and unscrupulous telemarketers, phishers and scammers; and protected the industry from unnecessary and unwanted regulation. MRIA’s Research Registration System (RRS) has long been a cornerstone self-regulatory mechanism for the marketing, survey and public opinion research and market intelligence industry in Canada.
Combined with other self-regulatory initiatives such as our Code of Conduct and Good Practice and our Charter of Respondent Rights, the RRS has paid huge dividends in protecting the industry’s positive reputation and good name with Canadians. All Gold Seal and Basic Corporate Research Agency members of the Association are obligated to register all of their research projects with the RRS, and Client-Side Corporate members are encouraged to require their agency suppliers to do so.
MRIA’s Research Agency Council provides strategic, policy-level oversight of the Research Registration System, and receives aggregate data-only on the System’s performance. Questions about the Research Registration System should be addressed to Erica Klie, Manager, Member Support Services, at 1-888-602-6742 or (416) 642-9793, ext. 8727 or
The following companies have registered research projects with the Research Registration System Up to July 08, 2014 Gold Seal Corporate Research Agencies Academica Group Advanis Inc. Advitek Inc. BBM Analytics BBM Canada Campaign Research Canadian Viewpoint Inc. Cido Research Consumer Vision Ltd. Corporate Research Associates EKOS Research Associates Inc. Elemental Data Collection Inc. Environics Research Group Limited Forum Research Inc.
GfK Canada Greenwich Associates Head Count Ipsos Reid Maritz Research Canada Market Probe Canada Market Pulse Inc. MBA Recherche MD Analytics Inc. MQO Research Nanos Research Nielsen Consumer Insights NRG Research Group Opinion Search Inc.
Basic Corporate Research Agencies Bureau des Intervieweurs Professionnels Inc. Dialogue Research Inc. Goss Gilroy Inc. Nexus Market Research Inc. Qualitative Coordination Inc. Quality Response Inc. Trampoline Marketing
Quorus Consulting Group Inc. R.A. Malatest & Associates Ltd. Research House Inc. Research Now SmartPoint Research Inc. Tele-Surveys Plus / Télé-Sondages Plus The Logit Group Inc. TNS Canada (Canadian Facts) Trend Research Inc. Vision Critical Gold Seal Corporate Research Agencies PENDING Illumina Research Partners
INDIVIDUAL MEMBER ORGANIZATION Burak Jacobson Research Partners Inc.
Rules of Conduct and Good Practice For Members of the Marketing Research and Intelligence Association (2007): Section A (5) Members must uphold the MRIA Charter of Respondent Rights. Charter of Respondent Rights, Article 2 You can verify that the research you have been invited to participate in is legitimate in one of two ways. You can either obtain a registration number and the MRIA’s toll-free telephone number for any research registered in the MRIA’s Research Registration System or you can obtain the contact information of the research director who is conducting the study.
vue | JULY/AUGUST 2014
IPD MRIA INSTITUTE FOR PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT Marketing Research and Intelligence Association l’Association de la recherche et de l’intelligence marketing
Ready to grow your career?
The *new* CMRP Pathways will get you started! Pathway requirements and application forms available at: Need answers fast? Contact So, what’s coming up in Courses? 201–Marketing Research Design: An Applied Course
September 30, 2014
CMRE Prep Workshop
October 7-8, 2014
Semiotics, Introduction: How Symbols, Packaging & Advertising Communicate
October 7, 2014
Semiotics, Introduction: How Symbols, Packaging & Advertising Communicate
October 17, 2014
101–Introduction to Marketing Research
November 4, 2014
October 27-28, 2014
Registration closes approximately 1 week prior to course start Deadlines may be extended up to 3 days before course starts Please contact the MRIA office ( to inquire!
11 of 12 core courses are available anytime online
MRIA offers customised corporate training for large and small groups, in class and online – contact
vue | JULY/AUGUST 2014
A Review of
Data Crush: How the Information Tidal Wave is Driving New Business Opportunities Written by Christopher Surdak, Published by AMACOM, 2014 Reviewed by Prasanna Bidkar Part I of the book, What’s Driving the Data Crush, covers the basics as the author explains the various behavioral and technological developments that make data availability possible. Part 2, The Impact on Business, covers how businesses can use these developments to capture crucial data and the infrastructure that they need. Finally in Part 3, How Successful Businesses Will Respond, the author explains how businesses can gain from data abundance. The author takes a very logical approach to make his point by first introducing the background knowledge and then providing statistics to prove his assertions about the trends that are contributing to data crush. In the initial chapters focusing on data sources, the author provides information on how the trend developed and why it is here to stay and grow. This growth makes data a musthave part of every business’ toolkit, if it isn’t already. For example, in chapter 1, Mobility, the author points out that almost everyone now has a mobile device and is connected to the Internet at all times. This ubiquity of mobile devices and its ability to make things easier with apps helps create tons of data when people search, tweet, or check-in via networks like Foursquare. Similarly, the author outlines other trends such as digital commerce and cloud computing in part 1. Well, you have tons of data and it is important, but how can you use these data and is this what people call Big Data? Chapter 6, Big Data: Learning From the Flood, helps you clear these basic doubts as the author unravels the terminology in simple language using common metaphors. He shows how data analysis helps by using everyday examples when he discusses consumption from vending machines in
a certain area or during a certain time to manage inventory, or a very creepy example of how Target can know things about you before you share it with your closest friend or family. Chapter 7-9 talk about how mobile devices have provided advertisers with a context. Your mobile devices are constantly beeping your location. Combining this information with your shopping habits derived from other data sources and behavior on the social networking sites gives retailers the perfect scenario to push the right information at the right time. Part 3 of the book highlights the difference between successful businesses and those that will be left behind. The author outlines how businesses should define their strategy and focus their use of data. He puts a lot of thrust on reducing the business process cycle time, as speed will be the deciding factor in the next decade. He also discusses different strategies to achieve these objectives. In chapter 15, Data Enable, the author points out that the data created by business operations will increase manifold in the next decade and will be increasingly difficult to manage. In conclusion, Data Crush is an excellent resource to understand Big Data and know how it is impacting businesses. The projections made by the author, although astonishing, are not unrealistic. Knowing these trends and the movement in business environment is essential for every business. Apart from business owners and managers, the book provides enough ideas and information for entrepreneurs to use data to create new solutions and applications for the information hungry market. Prasanna Bidkar is co-founder and partner at RightMix Technologies, and regularly blogs on social media and technology for small business owners. He can be reached at prasanna.bidkar@ vue | JULY/AUGUST 2014
A Review of
Ask, Measure, Learn: Using Social Media Analytics to Understand and Influence Customer Behavior Written by Lutz Finge, Soumitra Dutta, Published by O’Reilly Media Reviewed by Ray Poynter, NewMR I’ve just finished reading this book by Lutz Finger and Soumitra Dutta and I would strongly recommend it to anybody seeking to understand the methods and challenges of measuring phenomena in social media. The book is probably stronger on talking about things that don’t work, as opposed to things that do work, but in this time of hype that is probably no bad thing. For example, the book shows why the ROI of many types of activities can’t be measured without making some large assumptions about how things work, and point out that in many cases it is the ‘R’ in ROI that is the problem. Key themes addressed by the book include metrics for different sorts of social media activities, the problems of assessing causality, the tension between influencer models and homophily, and the difference between reach and intent. The book provides an excellent list of links to further sources (especially if reading the ebook), and provides a great overview of measurement in areas such as social media marketing, CRM, sales, and PR. This is the best primer on the subject I have read so far and it is, at the moment, sparklingly up to date. The print copy of the book is not currently available in the UK (and probably lots of other places too as it was only published in the US in January 2014) but it is available on Kindle, and if you buy it directly from O’Reilly Media there is some sort of update/extension deal available. See more at: G0SBULJH.dpuf
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It’s a Qual World Susan Abbott, CMRP Abbott Research & Consulting Five ways to improve your qualitative projects 1. Think small Qualitative is not projectable. It is about human truths. Think Shakespearean soliloquy: one memorable voice expressing lived experience. A small project is better than no project. A few in-depth interviews are better than many short ones. You can do iterative or extended communities with smaller numbers. Collaborate with your qualitative specialist and you can figure out clever ways to get things done on a tight budget.
2. Do less The more you jam into any given qualitative research event (QRE), the faster the whole thing has to move in the
believer in spending time in immediate team debriefs. But if there is more time available for analysis before reporting, that extra cooking time can really add flavor. You don’t always have the time. But when you do, seize the chance to slow down and think more.
3. Focus more
5. Get out there
If you are spending your time tweaking the discussion guide, having surfed over the objectives, you are focusing on the wrong end of this particular horse. Your researcher can contribute more when they have maximum clarity on what you need to know, why, and what you will do with the insights.
4. Slow down You know how your mom always said, “Stew is always better the next day”? The same is true for analysis. I’m a big
You will learn more about people by getting into their world than you will in the office. There are lots of ways to do that, some complicated, some easy. Video self-ethnography is one of the easy ways, a great tool to take you on a journey. You don’t need to sacrifice the chance to get people into a traditional setting – you can do both. Good advice for summer insight hunting: think small, do less, slow down, stay focused and get out there.
Ask Dr. Ruth Ruth Corbin, CMRP CorbinPartners Inc. Dear Dr. Ruth I am the project manager for a survey we have just launched for a credit card company, to a target group of Quebec university students. The survey asks about the various stresses of College life. The survey was sent online, to student members of our online panel. One of the responding students mentioned that he had failed two exams and also lost his girlfriend, and was going to kill himself over the next long Weekend. Am I obligated to match his user i.d. on the questionnaire to the name and address details we have on our panel data base, and report this to someone? Quandary in Quebec Cher Quandary: Thank you for this important question. My top-line advice is not to use this column as your first line of inquiry for such a time-sensitive and crucial matter. Your letter touches on privacy law, and I consulted with Christine Carron of Norton Rose Fulbright, an experienced and expert advisor on privacy law. She observes that in many provinces the answer depends on whether the
actual moment. One more concept to test, one more topic, can we just quickly look at this video? Can your researcher do it? Yes. Why, then, are they objecting? They are objecting because the magic happens when no-one is rushing. Do less and you will get more.
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individual has a “special relationship” with the student in crisis. Arguably, some universities have a loco parentis relationship with students and would thus owe students a duty of care that would require notification of appropriate professionals or authorities who are equipped to intervene if the school or university becomes aware of suicidal thoughts or tendencies. Christine Carron acknowledges, though, that a research firm conducting a survey on behalf of a credit card company is unlikely to have such a duty to a student responding to the survey. Most schools and universities have protocols and help lines where you can call to report the incident so that appropriate professionals are alerted to the student’s need for help. These help lines are set up precisely for this purpose. Christine advises that most privacy legislation in Canadian provinces does not prohibit your voluntary disclosure of the student’s name or IP address in cases where such disclosure is deemed necessary to prevent harm. In your own Quebec province, Quandary, s. 2 of your Charter of
Human Rights and Freedoms says the following: « Toute personne doit porter secours à celui dont la vie est en péril, personnellement ou en obtenant du secours, en lui apportant l’aide physique nécessaire et immédiate, à moins d’un risque pour elle ou pour les tiers ou d’un autre motif raisonnable. » Some would interpret this section as actually creating a responsibility for you to contact the university help line, or the police if necessary. Quite apart from the law, I urge your research firm to have a policy discussion about moral obligation in such scenarios. Let me acknowledge with thanks, once again, the expert input of Christine Carron on the relevant laws for this human side of Internet research. Do you have a question for Vue’s Ask Dr. Ruth? Please send your question on any industry matter including standards and expert evidence to rcorbin@ or anonymously via the MRIA blog https://mriablog.wordpress. com/ask-dr-ruth/. You may specify whether you want your identity used in the published letter or not.
Brian Singh, CMRP zinc tank YYCHelps: Knowledge in action We are in the advice business. Organizations seek our counsel to explore, mitigate, calibrate and resolve risk. We bank on our toolkit of knowledge to solve such problems. But what if that problem is a natural disaster? Late in the evening on June 20 last year I was faced with this exact situation. Calgary was going to flood. And there was nothing I could do. Or could I? I learned in times of crisis in my years of marketing research there were two things that mattered: (1) how to deal with the crisis; and (2) that people need information. Know that there were hundreds of thousands of people trapped at home likely feeling the same as me, I started an event page on Facebook: Calgary Clean Up. The thrust of the page was to get everyone in the city prepared for when the flood waters receded to help families, friends and neighbours clean up the damage left from the disaster. By the morning, we had 10,000 people signed on to the event! This morphed in a full Facebook
page to share information, but more importantly a team of us building a software platform that signed up over 15,000 volunteers. The platform helped victims identify their need, which we turned into a project, got a team of volunteers and resources together and sent them out to address the victims need. After the flood, we coordinated hundreds of projects, and helped numerous organizations with their needs for specialized volunteers. One year on, YYCHelps is a model that not-for-profit organizations in the city are considering in optimizing and increasing the efficiency and engagement with volunteers. What made us effective? I’d like the think that marketing research gave us the proverbial leg up. The design of our platform was based on the concept of rapid prototyping. Volunteer intake was based on a survey methodology that made it easy for potential volunteers while we collected the information required to help victims and authorities. The platform was designed and managed like an online panel. Even our social media response was based on research - my social media segmentation informed us
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that with a primarily female audience, they were happy to share information and motivate their friends and family members to help and make donations to the relief effort. While we making much up on the fly, we used online analytics to obtain feedback, and Basecamp to post our failures to collectively learn so that we can resolve and correct matters to focus on our tasks at hand. Overall, we became one of the go to places for flood information and earned the trust and support of civic authorities and notfor-profit/charitable organizations. This was an incredibly humbling and rewarding experience. And it has carried on. Now, I sit on a Federal committee on social media in emergency management and participate in international forums on citizen-driven actions in crises and natural disasters. I would like to think that my willingness to apply the business principles of marketing research helped us deliver on YYCHelps. And I urge all, even though you may not think it, our skills are incredibly useful in time of need.
Off the Deep End
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