VUE Magazine, May 2012 Special Feature

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the magazine of the Marketing Research and Intelligence Association

MAY 2012

MRIA 2012 NATIONAL CONFERENCE St. John’s, Newfoundland

Welcome to the 2012 MRIA National Conference

Conference Co/Chair Carolyn O’Keefe

Conference Co/Chair Corinne MacGillivray King

Welcome Delegates to Newfoundland and Labrador and to Sample the Edge, the 2012 Marketing Research and Intelligence Association National Conference.

Chers délégués, bienvenus à Terre-Neuve-et-Labrador et à Sample the Edge, la Conférence nationale 2012 de l’Association de la recherche et de l’intelligence marketing.

We, the co-chairs of the 2012 MRIA Conference, are pleased and excited to welcome you to “The Rock” for our annual convention. Newfoundland and Labrador is a province rich in history, culture and heritage, and we are looking forward to sharing it with you.

En tant que coprésidentes de la Conférence 2012 de l’ARIM, nous sommes heureuses et enthousiasmées de vous accueillir sur « La Roche » pour notre rencontre annuelle. Terre-Neuve-et-Labrador est une province riche en histoire et en éléments patrimoniaux et nous avons hâte de les partager avec vous.

Over the two days, you will listen to, and learn from, some of the brightest minds in our industry, participate in discussions about emerging trends in the field, and network with fellow marketing researchers and buyers. This conference is a great opportunity for you to learn more about the world of marketing research, and we are pleased to be hosting it here in our home province of Newfoundland and Labrador, the first time the MRIA annual event has been held here.

Au cours des prochains jours, nous écouterons certains des esprits les plus brillants de notre industrie, nous apprendrons d’eux, nous participerons à des discussions sur les nouvelles tendances de notre industrie, et nous ferons du réseautage avec nos collègues praticiens et acheteurs de la recherche marketing. Cette conférence vous offre une superbe occasion d’en apprendre davantage sur la recherche marketing et nous sommes heureuses d’en être les hôtes dans notre province de Terre-Neuve-et-Labrador, le premier événement annuel de l’ARIM à se dérouler ici.

Throughout your time here, you will be treated to the finest cuisine Newfoundland has to offer, with an opening reception at the Johnson Geo Centre on Signal Hill – a venue renowned for its stunning location and distinctive structure. At MRIA’s premier event on Thursday night, the Gala Soirée, you will get to see what a traditional Newfoundland outport community looks like, as we transform the Delta ballroom. The events end on Friday night with a chance to be “Screeched In”, a Newfoundland tradition for visitors from away.

Pendant tout le temps que vous passerez avec nous, vous aurez droit à la plus fine cuisine que Terre-Neuve peut offrir, à une réception d’ouverture au Johnson Geo Centre sur Signal Hill – un lieu renommé pour la vue incroyable qu’elle offre et pour sa structure unique. Au cours du premier événement de l’ARIM le jeudi soir, la Soirée du gala, vous aurez la chance de voir à quoi ressemble une communauté portuaire dans la salle de bal du Delta que nous aurons transformée. Les événements se terminent vendredi soir avec la possibilité d’être « initié au screech », une tradition que Terre-Neuve réserve à tous ses visiteurs de l’extérieur.

All that and more await you at the 2012 MRIA National Conference in Newfoundland and Labrador – so take time to Sample the Edge.

Tout cela et plus encore vous attend à la Conférence nationale 2012 de l’ARIM à Terre-Neuve-et-Labrador – alors prenez le temps de Sample the Edge.

Message from the Executive Director Brendan Wycks

Sample the Edge at an Outstanding MRIA National Conference in St. John’s

Sample the Edge : une conférence exceptionnelle de l’ARIM à St. John’s

This year’s MRIA national conference in Newfoundland, at the Delta St. John’s Hotel, promises to be an outstanding learning, networking, socializing, and business development experience.

La conférence nationale de l’ARIM cette année, qui se tiendra à l’hôtel Delta à St.John’s, Terre-Neuve, se promet d’être une expérience exceptionnelle d’apprentissage, de réseautage, d’événements sociaux et de développement d’affaires.

Among meeting planners, St. John’s has long been regarded as a “destination” which, thanks to many appealing attributes, draws large numbers of national and international delegates. Annual medical conventions often draw among the highest registration levels for such events when held in this fair city.

Pour les planificateurs d’événements, St. John’s est perçue depuis longtemps comme une « destination » qui, grâce à ses nombreuses caractéristiques captivantes, attire un grand nombre de délégués nationaux et internationaux. Les conférences médicales annuelles attirent souvent leurs plus hauts niveaux d’inscriptions quand elles se tiennent dans cette belle ville.

The easternmost city in North America, perched on the Atlantic Ocean, St. John’s is renowned nowadays for being the business hub of Canada’s offshore oil industry, and for its unique architecture and urban vistas, its music and pub culture, its pride of history and heritage, and its whale, bird, and iceberg watching opportunities.

St. John’s, la ville la plus à l’est de toutes en Amérique du Nord, perchée sur les bords de l’océan Atlantique, est reconnue aujourd’hui comme le centre canadien de l’industrie pétrolière extracôtière et pour son architecture et ses horizons urbains uniques, sa musique et sa culture de pub, sa fierté à l’égard de son histoire et de son patrimoine, de même que pour ses baleines, ses oiseaux et les occasions de voir des icebergs.

Conference co-chairs Carolyn O’Keefe and Corinne MacGillivray King, both of MQO Research, and their organizing committee have put together a very attractive program that provides relevant learning, social, and business development opportunities for members from all sectors of the industry.

Les coprésidentes de la conférence, Carolyn O’Keefe et Corinne MacGillivray King, toutes deux de MQO Research, et leur comité organisateur ont élaboré un programme attrayant qui propose aux membres de tous les secteurs de l’industrie des possibilités d’apprentissage et de rencontres sociales et d’affaires.

While the entire program is impressive – including strong concurrent sessions on a broad range of leadingedge quantitative, qualitative, and social media and mobile research topics, which will make it very difficult to choose among them – here are some of my personal favourites from the lineup:

Tout le programme est impressionnant – avec les solides séances simultanées sur un grand éventail de sujets d’avant-garde dans les domaines de la recherche quantitative et qualitative, des médias sociaux et de la recherche par appareils mobiles, qui rendent les choix à faire difficiles – mais, voici quelques-uns de mes éléments préférés dans la liste :

• Opening keynote speaker, Lenny Murphy, editor-in-chief of GreenBook Blog and CEO of BrandScan 360, will speak on “Riding the Change Wave: Architecting Market Research for the Future.” Murphy is a leading blogger, commentator, thought leader, and futurist for our industry.

• Le discours d’ouverture de Lenny Murphy, rédacteur en chef de GreenBook Blog et chef de la direction de BrandScan 360, qui abordera comment « monter sur la vague du changement : en architecturant la recherche marketing de l’avenir ». Murphy fait figure de chef de file en tant que blogueur, commentateur, penseur et futuriste au sein de notre industrie.

• Keynote presenter Bruce MacDonald, president and CEO of Big Brothers Big Sisters of Canada (BBBSC), a major national charitable organization, will speak on “How

• Le présentateur principal Bruce MacDonald, PDG des Grands Frères Grandes Soeurs du Canada (GFGSC), un important organisme caritatif, parlera de « comment la

Marketing and Survey Research Is Making a Strategic Difference and Will Propel BBBSC to New Centennial Year Heights.” MacDonald’s presentation will be truly inspirational, as he describes how our industry’s work has delivered actionable insights and empowered his organization to make a meaningful difference in Canadian society.

recherche-sondage suscite une différence stratégique et propulsera les GFGSC vers de nouveaux sommets au cours de son centenaire ». L’exposé de MacDonald sera vraiment inspirant, puisqu’il décrira comment le travail de notre industrie a fourni des perspectives qui aident à prendre des décisions et a habilité son organisme à faire une différence significative au sein de la société canadienne.

• Concurrent session presenter Cam Davis’s address, “Never Judge a Book or Market Research Method by Its Sexy, Colourful Cover,” will use Gartner’s “hype cycle” to illustrate how many new technologybased methodologies move through a boom-and-burst hype cycle before they slowly climb a gradual slope to a productivity plateau. You’ll hear how social media monitoring, gamification, mobile research, netnography, behavioural economics, predictive markets, text analytics, neuroscience, and crowdsourcing line up against the Gartner model. These methodologies had better watch out, as Cam Davis will be hyped and have them in his “in-sights”!

• L’allocution du présentateur de séances simultanées Cam Davis enjoignant de « ne jamais juger un livre ou une méthode de recherche marketing d’après sa couverture aguichante et colorée », se base sur le « cycle de battage », ou hype cycle, de Gartner pour illustrer comment un grand nombre de nouvelles technologies passe par un cycle d’expansion et d’éclatement avant de grimper lentement une pente douce vers un plateau de productivité. Vous entendrez comment la surveillance des médias sociaux, la gamification, la recherche par appareils mobiles, la « netnography », l’économie des comportements, les marchés prédictifs, l’analyse des messages textes, la neuroscience et l’externalisation ouverte s’alignent contre le modèle de Gartner. Ces méthodologies devraient prendre garde, parce que Cam Davis deviendra surexcité et les aura tous dans son « viseur »!

• Concurrent session presenters Barry Watson and John Crockett of Environics Research Group will speak on “Solving Real Client Problems: Closing the Gap with Social Media Data.” Watson and Crockett will draw upon real case studies of some client problems to address “Social Media Listening as an Augment for Traditional Focus Group Research” and “Verbatim Coding as a Precedent to Social Media Research Content Analysis.” • Concurrent session presenter Steve Levy will talk about “Mobile Acumen: What It Means for Marketers, Advertisers and Loyalty Champions.” Tapping into the “I” in MRIA, Levy will provide intelligence about the mobile research category and unveil important implications for all these stakeholders.

• Les présentateurs de séances simultanées Barry Watson et John Crockett d’Environics Research Group traiteront de la façon de « résoudre les véritables problèmes des clients : en fermant l’écart avec les données des médias sociaux. » Watson et Crockett puiseront dans de véritables études de cas de certains problèmes de clients pour aborder « l’écoute des médias sociaux comme enchérissement de la recherche de groupes de discussion traditionnelle » et « le codage verbatim comme prélude à l’analyse du contenu de la recherche par médias sociaux. » • Le présentateur de séances simultanées Steve Levy parlera de « l’acuité des appareils mobiles : sa signification pour les praticiens du marketing, les annonceurs et les champions de la loyauté. » Misant sur le « I » dans ARIM, Levy offrira de « l’intelligence » sur la catégorie de recherche par appareils mobiles et dévoilera d’importantes conséquences pour tous ces intervenants.

• Concurrent session presenter Amy Knowles of TNS Canada, in a talk entitled “Oh Canada: The True North, Strong and … Unique,” will explore Canadian teens’ unique identity. Knowles’ interesting work will demonstrate why Canadian teens deserve to be considered a potent and profitable target market.

• La présentatrice de séances simultanées Amy Knowles de TNS Canada, dans une allocution sur le thème « Oh Canada : The True North, Strong and … Unique », explorera l’identité particulière des adolescents canadiens. Le travail fort intéressant de Knowles démontrera pourquoi les adolescents canadiens méritent d’être pris en considération comme marché cible puissant et profitable.

• Concurrent session presenter Fiona Isaacson’s address on “Media Interpretation of Polls and How to Promote Accurate Reporting” will offer recommendations on how marketing researchers can help journalists judge the validity of a poll. She will also explore the reality of media outlets that use polls to promote their own political agendas.

• L’allocution de la présentatrice de séances simultanées Fiona Isaacson sur « l’interprétation que les médias font des sondages et sur comment faire la promotion de reportages fidèles » présentera des recommandations sur la façon dont les praticiens de la recherche marketing peuvent aider les journalistes à juger la validité d’un sondage. Elle analysera aussi la réalité des entreprises médiatiques qui utilisent les sondages pour promouvoir leurs propres agendas politiques.

• Organized by the Client-Side Researcher Council, the Closing Plenary Panel, on “Making the Most of the Research Supplier and Client Relationship,” is sure

• Organisé par le Conseil des chercheurs côté client, le panel de la plénière de clôture sur « comment profiter au maximum de la relation entre fournisseur de recherche et

to be dynamic, even contentious. This discussion will be moderated by Scott Megginson, CEO of Millward Brown Canada and formerly a director at PepsiCo, and it will be informed by recent surveys of our association’s client-side and research agency members regarding their likes and dislikes about this key industry relationship as they’ve experienced it. On the social side, as well, the 2012 conference promises an experience to rival all previous industry festivities: • Preceding the Opening Night Reception on Wednesday, May 30, we’ve brought back the ever-popular Speed Networking, from 4:00 to 5:00 p.m. This event presents the opportunity to meet new business prospects and industry colleagues who share interests with you, in brief one-on-one, get-acquainted chats that begin and end at timed intervals. Sign up quickly for Speed Networking, as space is limited and the event is usually over-subscribed. Based on your registration profile, you’ll be prematched with several compatible “dates” for the session. • A wowing Opening Reception and Dinner will be held on May 30 at the nearby GEO Centre, a subterranean venue built into a cliff perched high above the ocean. • The evening of Thursday, May 31, features the Gala Soiree and Awards Dinner, which promises a unique Newfoundland-themed evening of fun, entertainment, and celebration of excellence in our industry.

client » sera définitivement dynamique, même controversé. Le modérateur de cette discussion sera Scott Megginson, chef de la direction de Millward Brown Canada et autrefois un directeur chez PepsiCo. La discussion sera éclairée par des sondages récents auprès de membres côté client et de sociétés de recherche de notre association concernant ce qu’ils aiment et n’aiment pas dans cette relation clé de notre industrie, selon leurs propres expériences. Quant au côté social, la conférence 2012 promet aussi d’être une expérience rivalisant avec toutes les fêtes précédentes de l’industrie : • Avant la réception de la soirée d’ouverture le mercredi 30 mai, nous avons réinvité le toujours populaire Speed Networking, de 16 h à 17 h. Cet événement vous offre une occasion de rencontrer des clients éventuels et des collègues de l’industrie qui partagent vos intérêts et de faire connaissance au cours de brèves conversations personnelles qui commencent et finissent à intervalles chronométrés. Inscrivez-vous rapidement au Speed Networking, puisque l’espace est limité et l’événement est généralement sursouscrit. Selon votre profil d’inscription, vous serez agencés d’avance à plusieurs « partenaires » compatibles pendant cette séance. • Une réception et un diner d’ouverture sensationnels auront lieu le 30 mai, au GEO Centre tout près, un lieu souterrain construit dans une falaise perchée au-dessus de l’océan. • “Le soir du jeudi 31 mai a lieu la soirée du gala et diner de remise des prix qui se promet d’être une soirée de plaisir, de divertissement et de célébration de l’excellence dans notre industrie sur des thèmes propres à Terre-Neuve.

• The spectacular, off-site, but just-down-the-street, Rally in the Alley closing party will end the conference on Friday, June 1. Be prepared to be “screeched in” and experience some of Newfoundland’s finest hospitality, culinary skills, artistry and entertainment – making a Friday night stayover a must.

• La fête de clôture spectaculaire Rally in the Alley, hors site, mais juste au coin de la rue, marquera la fin de la conférence le vendredi 1er juin. Préparez-vous à subir le « screech » et à vivre un accueil, des compétences culinaires, des talents artistiques et des divertissements parmi les plus exquis de Terre-Neuve – ce qui vous incitera sûrement à rester un soir de plus.

Check out our website and click on the “Sample the Edge” icon for full details about the conference program and registration options, as well as the tradeshow exhibitor and sponsorship opportunities that remain available.

Consultez notre site Web et cliquez sur l’icône « Sample the Edge » pour obtenir tous les détails sur le programme de la conférence et sur les options d’inscription, de même que sur les exposants au salon professionnel et sur les possibilités de commandites encore disponibles.

With all of this in store for us, the 2012 conference is the not-to-be-missed event for MRIA members who want to achieve objectives in learning, profile-raising, marketing, and business development this year. The conference represents great value as a one-stop opportunity to accomplish multiple objectives while making efficient use of time.

Avec tout ce qui nous attend, la conférence de 2012 est un événement à ne pas manquer pour les membres de l’ARIM qui veulent atteindre leurs objectifs en apprentissage, en amélioration du profil, en marketing et en développement d’affaires cette année. La conférence représente une grande valeur en tant qu’occasion à guichet unique d’atteindre de multiples objectifs en utilisant votre temps de manière efficiente.

See you in St. John’s from May 30 to June 1.

Au plaisir de vous voir à St. John’s du 30 mai au 1er juin.

Brendan Wycks, BA, MBA, CAE, Executive Director / Directeur général, Marketing Research and Intelligence Association / L’Association de la recherche et de l’intelligence marketing Email: • (905) 602-6854 ext./poste 8724




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Awards and Recognition serve critical functions within a professional association. They provide motivation for the many volunteers upon whose efforts the association depends. They provide an opportunity for the self-promotion within the association that puts a positive face on our activities and makes people feel good about belonging to the Marketing Research and Intelligence Association (MRIA). They also serve to highlight leadership and examples of excellence, in all areas, which are powerful ways of communicating the ideals and direction of the association.

We recognise and congratulate our prestigious winners from 2011 and will proudly announce this year’s winners at the 2012 Excellence in Research Awards Gala Dinner and Awards Soiree to be held in St. John’s, Newfoundland, on Thursday May 31, 2012. For more information and to register for the national conference go to Winners will also be printed on this page in the Summer 2012 issue of Vue.

This year’s Excellence Awards are generously sponsored by




Awarded for a research project that serves as a shining example to research practitioners and users.

The MRIA Public Policy Impact Award will be awarded for a research project in the broader public sector that has had a demonstrable public policy impact.

The MRIA Award of Distinction recognizes younger members of the Association who have brought distinction to themselves and to the marketing, survey and public opinion research and market intelligence industry/profession through leadership and achievement in their professional and personal lives.

EXCELLENCE BEHIND THE SCENES Awarded to recognize research practitioners whose efforts, such as data collection, recruiting, data processing and analysis or related areas, while enabling the completion of marketing research projects, are “behind the scenes” and do not have direct client contact. BEST MULTINATIONAL Awarded to research practitioners who have initiated and taken the lead in designing and implementing a marketing research project, which collects data from respondents in more than one country. BEST INTEGRATION Awarded in recognition of a research project that demonstrates successful integration of marketing research with other information sources. THE MURRAY PHILP ALTRUISTIC AWARD Awarded for a marketing research project done on a pro-bono or reduced profit basis, for a not-forprofit organization that has contributed positively to the individuals, groups or communities that form part of our Canadian network, that it was meant to help.

CLIENT-SIDE RESEARCHER IMPACT AND EFFECTIVENESS AWARD MRIA’s Client-Side Researcher Impact and Effectiveness Award recognizes a member, employed as a Client-Side Researcher Corporate member of the Association, for outstanding achievements over the past year which have served to elevate the stature of marketing, survey and public opinion research and market intelligence at senior decision-making levels of his or her own organization. MRIA AWARD OF OUTSTANDING MERIT The MRIA Award of Outstanding Merit recognizes conspicuous and sustained service to or on behalf of MRIA or the marketing, survey and public opinion research industry/profession. Such sustained service may have been rendered to MRIA (or one of its predecessor Associations; or some combination thereof); to related industry/ professional groups; or to the community and society generally.

As the Award is intended to honour younger members of the Association, the age of 40 years has been established as the cutoff for eligibility. GRASSROOTS VOLUNTEER LEADERSHIP AWARD MRIA’s Grassroots Volunteer Leadership Award recognizes sustained service to the Association – or, through the Association, to the industry/profession more broadly – which has not been rendered in an MRIA national volunteer leadership capacity. Such service must have been delivered over a period of at least two consecutive years. CHAPTER MERIT AWARD MRIA’s Chapter Merit Award recognizes the MRIA Chapter that has demonstrated the strongest support for one or more elements of MRIA’s current Strategic Plan or its immediately previous Strategic Plan during the past year. This support may have been demonstrated through a new initiative or a special program launched during the year; a single event or Chapter activity; or refinements to an existing program.

The eminent members of the 2012 Judging Panel for the Excellence in Research Awards represent research practitioners from many different areas: Chair: Kimberlee Niziol Jonas – MRIA Immediate Past-President, GlaxoSmithKline Judges: Ed Gibson, CMRP – CRC Research • Gail Tibbo, CMRP – Incisive Marketing • Donald Williams – NADbank Inc. • John G. Ball, CMRP – Opus Enterprises

Conference Speakers KEYNOTES Bruce MacDonald Lenny Murphy Seamus O’Regan Jim Barnes

Big Brothers Big Sisters of Canada GreenBook and BrandScan 360 CTV National News Barnes Marketing Associates, Inc.

PANELLISTS AND SESSION PRESENTERS Margot Acton, CMRP Jenna Alexandre Tricia Benn Daniel Berkal Inez Blackburn Derek Blair Dominick Bovalino Sean Campbell Simon Chen Laura Craig, CMRP John Crockett, CMRP Cam Davis, PhD, CMRP, FMRIA Richard Einarson Adam Froman Donya Germain, CMRP Behzad Ghotb Susan Ince, CMRP Fiona Isaacson Janine Keogh Matthew Kerby, PhD Amy Knowles Steve Levy, CMRP Bernie Malinoff, CMRP Alex Marland, PhD Lang McGilp Sharon McIntyre Scott Megginson Todd Nowensky Annie Pettit Lindsay Porter Corrine Sandler Brian Singh, CMRP Shane Skillen, CMRP Scott Swigart Stephen Thompson Barry Watson, PhD, CMRP Craig Wight, CMRP

TNS Fresh Intelligence Research Corp. Rogers Connect Market Research The Palmerston Group University of Toronto ATB Financial Harley Davidson® Canada Cascade Insights Ramius Corporation Ipsos Environics Social Data Research Chaordix Inc. Delvinia ACCE International Hotspex Epic Consulting CorbinPartners Inc. Kraft Memorial University of Newfoundland TNS Canada Ipsos element54 Memorial University of Newfoundland Insightrix Research Inc. Chaordix Inc. Millward Brown Minavox Conversition Strategies Ipsos Fresh Intelligence Research Corp. ZINC Research Hotspex Cascade Insights Ramius Corporation Environics VP, New Brunswick Region, MQO

Conference Keynote Speakers KEYNOTES

SPEAKER Bruce MacDonaldKEYNOTE Big Brothers, Big Sisters Lenny Murphy Greenbook Blog Bruce MacDonald Seamus O’ReganBig BrothersCTV Big National Sisters News of Canada

KEYNOTE SPEAKER Lenny Murphy GreenBook Blog & CEO BrandScan 360

How Marketing and Survey Research Is Making a Strategic Difference and Will Propel Big Brothers Big Sisters of Canada to New Centennial Year Heights

Future Trends - Riding the Change Wave: Architecting Market Research for the Future

“Bruce MacDonald is an incredibly dynamic speaker and storyteller, so passionate about Big Brothers Big Sisters of Canada and the difference it’s making in society. He’s also passionate about marketing research, the actionable insights it has generated for BBBSC decisionmaking, and the role it will play in the organization’s centennial initiatives in 2013.” Brendan Wycks, Executive Director, MRIA

“While watching Lenny present earlier this year, I was struck with a strong feeling of optimism for the future of Market Research. He believes we can be much more than what we are now and sees the changes being forced on us as license to become what our clients really need us to be: not statisticians and dispassionate businessmen, but sociologists, sages and great storytellers.” Carol Wilson, Director, Market Research, SPIELO International™

Who would have thought that operating carnival games and rides would lead to a career in the voluntary sector? Certainly, not Bruce. After an upbringing in Hamilton, Ontario, that consisted of bumper cars, the round up and the bomber game, Bruce decided to embark on a career in sport management. Bruce headed to Northern Ontario’s Laurentian University to earn a Bachelor of Commerce in Sports Administration. He even took time off for five weeks to work at the 1980 Olympic Winter Games in Lake Placid. After leaving the friendly confines of Sudbury, he took his first full-time job, working at the HamiltonBurlington YMCA. At Kinsmen and Kinette Clubs of Canada Bruce was the association’s first-ever Marketing Manager in 1989. For the next five years he worked with a dedicated team of volunteers (there it is again) and staff to try and modernize one of Canada’s oldest service clubs. The journey to the voluntary sector was complete when, in 1995, Bruce joined the staff of Big Brothers and Sisters of Canada as Director of Marketing and Special Events. Three job titles and two organization names later, Bruce eventually moved into the senior staff position, becoming President and CEO of Big Brothers Big Sisters of Canada in March 2004.

Lenny is a seasoned and respected market research industry leader with an entrepreneurial drive. He has been called a visionary and is renowned as an innovator. He has successfully established and led several companies in the MR space including Rockhopper Research, a leading full service global research firm and MDM Associates, a MR consulting firm, before founding current companies: BrandScan 360 and his consulting practice LMC group (www. Lenny serves on the Board of The Market Research Global Alliance, the premier social network for the global MR profession. He is the Founder and Executive Director of the Research Industry Trends Monitoring Group & Publisher of the GreenBook Research Industry Trends Study, the oldest study in the industry devoted to tracking changing trends in MR. He serves on the Advisory Boards of the Festival of NewMR and The Merlien Institute, and he is also the Chairman of the IIR Technology Driven Market Research Conference. Rounding out his busy professional life, Lenny is the Editor in Chief of the GreenBook Blog.



Seamus O’Regan

Jim Barnes

CTV National News

Barnes Marketing Associates, Inc.

Newfoundlanders’ Self-Esteem and Culture vs. the Future of Newfoundland’s Economy

Where to from Here? Thinking and Behaving Differently

“Seamus’ innate sense of curiosity, combined with a natural instinct for finding a story in any circumstance, make him a tremendous addition to our reporting team.” Wendy Freeman, CTV News president

“Jim is one of those people who captivate you as soon as he starts to speak. His teaching skills help you understand, his knowledge and experience add depth to the insights he brings and his national and international experience bring an added dimension of context. You won’t want to miss his wrap-up talk at the conference.” Corinne MacGillivray King, VP Research, MQO Research

Seamus O’Regan is a correspondent with CTV National News and the former co-host of CTV Canada AM. At Canada AM, Seamus interviewed such newsmakers as former U.S. president Bill Clinton, Prime Minister Paul Martin, Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, Bishop Desmond Tutu, Shania Twain, William Shatner, Conrad Black and Prince, to name just a few. Whether reporting from Kandahar Air Field or hosting The Giller Prize, Seamus brings insight, professionalism and charm to every role he takes on. He is one of the few journalists to have interviewed former Prime Ministers – Brian Mulroney, Kim Campbell, John Turner and Joe Clark – together. Born in St. John’s, Newfoundland, and raised in Goose Bay, Labrador, Seamus studied politics at St. Francis Xavier University and University College, Dublin; marketing strategies at INSEAD, the international business school near Paris; and received his Master’s of Philosophy degree from the University of Cambridge. Seamus became the first journalist to be named to Canada’s “Top 40 Under 40,” and he was named to Maclean’s magazine’s 100 “Young Canadians to Watch” in the new century.

Jim Barnes is an internationally-recognized researcher, author, speaker, and consultant on marketing and customer strategy. He was professor of marketing at Memorial University for more than 40 years, cofounded a major marketing services company, authored or coauthored eight books (including Canada’s first indigenous marketing research textbook), and has served as consultant to many national and international companies. In 1999, Jim was named a Fellow of PMRS and, in 2011, he was inducted into the Canadian Marketing Hall of Legends. Through his company, Barnes Marketing Associates, Inc. (BMAI), he advises clients on building profitable customer strategy.

vue May 2012


Tradeshow Booths & Exhibitors 22



18 17 16



Salon C

20 19










Salon B 15






7 8 9 10

Salon D 14






3Q Global ...................................................10

Network Research Field Services...............2

ACCE International ................................. 29/30

Research House Inc. ............................. 26

Reliable, Actionable Consumer Insights by Design.TM

Acrobat Research / Cido .................................3

Research Now ................................. 34/35

Opinions Ltd. ....................................... 17 ASDE Survey Sampler ..................................24 SM Research ..........................................9 CLS Lexi-tech..............................................27 SSI ..................................................... 12 Canadian Viewpoint Inc. ...............................28 Telepoll ............................................... 18 Confirmit ....................................................25 Tobii Technology Inc................................1 Destination St. John’s.................................TBD

MRIA Institute for Professional Development

Toluna................................................. 16

LMS Prolink Litd. .........................................32

Uthink Online OA Student Awards Inc. ..... 23

MRIA - Institute For Professional Development ..7

Voxco ................................................. 13

Marketing Research Institute International ....TBD

Waterloo Insurance ............................... 33

MRIA 2012 National Conference Organizing Committee Conference Co-Chairs Carolyn O’Keefe

Social Program Tracy Rideout

Corinne MacGillivray King

Program Chair Carol Wilson

Conference Communications Anne Marie Gabriel Tradeshow Anastasia Arabia

MRIA Registrations Erica Klie Web Design and Graphics Michael Maske and Louise Maske LS Graphics

Sponsorship Chair Bruce Jones

Thanks for joining us in St. John’s! Visit us at

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