Candidature - IFMSA Capacity Building Regional Assistant for Asia Pacific 2017/2018

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MOTIVATION LETTER “Capacity building does not merely support what we do. It is what we do.” Dear IFMSA family, especially Asia Pacific family, My name is Muhammad Rizky Nur Karim from Indonesia. I'm very honored and delighted to present to you my Candidature for Capacity Building Regional Assistant for Asia Pacific. Simon Sinek in his book “Start with Why”, said: “Working hard for something we don't care about is called stress. Working hard for something we love is called passion.” Yes, capacity building is my passion. My journey in capacity building area started way back in 2012. At that time, I was a member of the local capacity building team. Not so long after that, I got my first trainer certification, which was issued by ISMKI. On 2014, I got my trainer certification from CIMSA. After that, I attended TNT Indonesia and became an IFMSA trainer. For me, the adventure just got more exciting from here. Being involved in the world of IFMSA gave me a lot of new perspectives and experiences. I used all of those and tried to implement it at the national level. As a result, I successfully created the ISMKI Trainer's Forum on 2015 and became the director. This led me to apply and facilitate several TNTs, such as TNT Pre-APRM 2016 in Bangkok, Thailand, and TNT Pre-MM 2017 in Budva, Montenegro. During these times, I realized the importance of capacity building. The world is constantly changing, and so does the health community. With the high demands and expectations for a doctor, becoming an ordinary doctor is not enough. We need to be a doctor AND a leader. To do that, skills and improvements to oneself is necessary. Another reason as for why I really love capacity building is because it saved me. Back in 2012, I suffered from depression. My psychiatrist told me to look for an activity where I can express myself, and have fun at the same time. As I told my senior about that, he recommended me to enter the world of capacity building. And I survived. Seeing the trainees that got motivated by my words, people that can share stories with me, fellow trainers that exchange their thoughts with me, it enlightened me. The world of the capacity building gave me a reason to continue with my life, to give something to other people, and I came back stronger than ever. I really love working with new and diverse people, and in return get new experiences. Looking back from my accomplishments in my NMO, I really wanted to step up the game. With the potential and the passion this region has, I believe that everyone in Asia Pacific could get lots of opportunities to attend CB events. Moreover, I really want to continue developing the systems and strategies made during last term. This is my third time in a row applying as the Capacity Building Regional Assistant, and as I am already in my final year of medical school, it's also going to be my last year applying. I believe that I have the experience and knowledge now, seeing the accomplishment that I made. I am also proud to say that I am ready to serve this federation, especially the Asia Pacific Region. I will try my best to maximize the potential of this region and make this region better than ever. I am truly honored if I could get this position for the 2017/2018 term. Thank you for taking the time to read my motivation letter. Should you have any questions, feel free to contact me anytime!

Warmest Regards,


PLAN OF ACTION “Improve a person, and you can change a country. Improve a group of people, and you can change the world” – M. Rizky N. Karim For this term, my main objective is to increase the growth of Capacity Building in Asia Pacific, as well as to sustain and improve the systems developed during the previous terms. To achieve that, I would like to carry out several plans of actions:





EMPOWER AND ESTABLISH Provide support to NMOs for establishing or developing Capacity Building Divisions NMOs will be able to ask for guidance from me to establish CB division and system if they have none. If they already have one, I could help them to develop and improve their system. I will also try to ensure that all forms of communication will be responded quickly. Empower and encourage NMOs to initiate region-wide CB opportunities, such as SRTs I will encourage NMOs to initiate CB events such as SRT, or empower them to participate in one. This will increase the number of trainers in Asia Pacific. To ensure things go smoothly, I will monitor closely and communicate any problems. This will help in ensuring the quality of the workshops. Initiate online trainings (OLT) or webinars in Asia Pacific Region The OLT or webinars could incorporate several topics, and collaborate with regional team. A need assessment should be conducted first to ensure that the OLT or webinar fulfill the needs of NMO. Improve and maximize the use of Trainer’s Resource Center and Trainer’s Database Trainer’s Resource Center and Trainer’s The Trainerῗs Trainerῗs Database are currently being improved. After the improvement is finished, I should use it as an important tool. By maximizing the usage of the resource center, the quality of materials in the workshop could be improved. Moreover, referencing the resource center will ensure the sustainability of the topics given. As for the database, its usage will ease me to assess the amount of trainer needed. Furthermore, a comprehensive database will ease a workshop coordinator to select the most suitable trainer for its workshop. Update the CB calendar and mailing list to ensure participation from and to Asia Pacific region Updating the CB calendar regularly will improve the spread of information throughout the region. After this, I will deliver the necessary information through the server and facebook group, and encourage the NMOs to participate in the workshops.

PLAN OF ACTION ASSESS During the start of term, I will conduct an assessment to identify the needs of NMO. At least 80% of the NMO should participate in the assessment. The result of the assessment should be incorporated into the annual working plan. Consult and discuss thoroughly with previous RA to ensure the growth of NMOs During the handover with my predecessor, I should discuss about the growth of the NMOs and what have they achieve. This could help in monitoring the progress and setting the goal for each NMO. Consult and discuss thoroughly with RD to ensure that the workshops in PreAPRM are fulfilling the needs of NMOs Prior to the APRM, discussion with RD about NMO needs should be done. This is to ensure the workshops are fulfilling the NMO needs. By creating needed workshops, the participation number are expected to be higher. Moreover, incorporating the needs of NMO in Pre-APRM workshops could also improve the quality of the workshops. Conduct a post-event assessment or online meeting after the end of a workshop to assess and evaluate the workshop By conducting a post-event assessment, the OC of the workshop will be able to give their opinions while organizing the workshop. The assessment will be conducted less than two weeks after the event. This will help me to give better inputs in the future. Moreover, after the assessment is documented, future OCs could use it as a guide on creating a better workshop.

SUSTAIN To make sure that the new trainers already gave their graduation training, there are several steps that could be taken. I should hold onto the certificate first. Then, CB Director from the involved NMO should monitor their graduation training. After they finished their graduation training, the new trainer and the respective CB Director should fill in a form to verify it. The certificates should be sent to the trainers shortly after. Prepare all documents and database to ensure a comprehensive handover for next term In the beginning of the term, I will make a list of things to handover for next term. During the term, I will keep track of all the documents, databases, or other tools that will be handed over. By keeping track of it regularly since the beginning of the term, it will ensure the quality of the handover. The handover should be done thoroughly to ensure that there is no missed information, and to continue the work of their predecessors.

TEAMWORK Attend the CB IT and Regional Team online meetings I will commit to attending the regular online meetings of CB IT and regional team. Members of the team should also help each other in times of need.

Attend the Regional Meeting and General Assembly So far, I can attend APRM 2018 and 1 GA. I will try to ensure that by managing my hospital shifts, so that I will have no duty during those meetings.

Capacity building is like a never-ending cycle. Other people will improve you, and you will improve other people. î ‰is cycle will always continue, because there is always something to improve.

-M. Rizky Nur Karim

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