When you’re looking for a location to host your next business meeting, training event, or conference, consider Evangel University—a campus of beauty and convenience. Evangel has completed construction of eight new buildings since 1997, yet the campus is small enough that your attendees won’t feel lost or have to walk long distances. Evangel’s Conference Services will help with your event from start to finish. Their commitment to customer service will help your event run smoothly and easily.
Visit evangel.edu/conferenceservices for pricing and details.
The veiw down central campus to the something building.
Auditorium Perfect for business presentations and trainings, the Auditorium features an elegantly curved stage area prepared for all of your technological needs. The front podium includes its own computer with internet, DVD player, and VHS player all connected to the room’s crisp projector. Simply bring your presentation on a CD, DVD, or USB memory drive and plug it in. If you prefer to bring your own computer, connections for a laptop are also available in the podium. The Auditorium also boasts tabletop plug-ins so attendees can bring laptop computers, as well as the option for catering in the adjoining foyer. S e ats 7 0 – 1 5 2 Wi-fi p ro j ecti o n dvd / vhs l apto p c o n n ecti o n s
A U D I TO R I U M • S E AT S 7 0 – 1 5 2
Dining Hall A 12-foot tall wall of windows, high ceilings, curved woodbacked chairs, and fanciful lighting make the Dining Hall an impressive location for appreciation banquets and large receptions. Portable projectors, screens, staging, and a built-in sound system allow for maximum flexibility in room set-up. S e ats 5 0 0 P ROJ E C T I ON B U I LT- I N A U D I O
D I N I N G H A L L • S E AT S 5 0 0
Conference Rooms A & B When you want to create a custom room set-up based on your specific needs choose Conference Rooms A & Round tables, rectangular tables, rows of curved wood-backed chairs, and countless more options are available. Adjacent to the Dining Hall, these rooms are effortless locations for catered lunches and dinners. Wireless internet, spacious rooms, and a wall of windows will make your guests feel relaxed and convenienced. Adding to the flexibility in set-up, these two conference rooms can be separate or adjoined to form one larger room. Either way, dual projection screens on both sides, along with a built-in sound system, will ensure everyone attending has a crystal-clear view of your presentation. I n d ivi d u a l r o o m s e ats 5 0 a d j o i n e d r o o m s s e ats 1 0 0
S E AT S 5 0 – 1 0 0
Recital Hall When you want to show attendees your non-traditional side...the Recital Hall is your room. Beautiful dark wood paneling creates acoustics that banish the need for microphones and increase the richness of anything played in the sound system.You can use the built-in lighting system and portable projector to enhance the creativity and impression of your message as your attendees sit in plush theatrestyle seats. An adjacent green room is also included in the use of the Recital Hall. S e ats 2 8 3
S E AT S 2 8 3
West Conference Room Located in the heart of the student union, the West Conference Room provides a casual atmosphere with all the amenities of a traditional meeting room—with quick access to a coffeehouse. Built-in projectors and screens, wireless internet, staging, and built-in lighting will increase and enhance your presentation. This room can be arranged in a variety of ways to meet your needs. S e ats 1 0 0
S E AT S 1 0 0
Chapel The Chapel, dedicated on April 2, 1982, seats 2,170. The platform is large enough to accommodate a full symphonic orchestra. The building is equipped with a threemanual Schantz pipe organ that was donated by the Evangel University Ladies Auxiliary in 1982. In 1994, Evangel’s Board of Direcotrs name the chapel for President Robert H. Spence. Upon his retirement, it will be called the Robert H. Spence Chapel. S e ats 2 , 1 7 0
S E AT S 2 , 1 7 0
CONTACT US! You’re invited to take a no-obligation tour of the facilities so you can see firsthand if we’re the right venue for you. Simply call Conference Services at 417.xxx.xxxx
E van g e l U n ive r sity 1111 N . G l e n sto n e Ave . S p r i n g f iel d, M O 6 5 8 0 2