This report provides one way to help monitor the health of the Alaska Native population and how far we have come on the path to becoming “the healthiest people in the world.”
This health status report utilizes data from multiple tribal, state, and federal programs. We would like to thank these partners for providing data and reviewing our publications. Without their collaboration, this report would not be possible. Specifically, we would like to thank the following: Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium, State of Alaska, and Alaska Area Indian Health Service.
Recommended Citation:
Alaska Native Epidemiology Center. (2021). Alaska Native Health Status Report: Third Edition.
Anchorage, AK: Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium.
This report was funded by a cooperative agreement with the Indian Health Service (Grant Number U1B1IHS0008) and a grant with the Tribal Epidemiology Centers’ Public Health Infrastructure Program (Grant Number NU58DP006379).