1 minute read

Practicing French in Québec Allenare

il francese in Québec

Discover everything about “francophonie” in the only Canadian province where French is the official language


Scopriretuttosulla“francophonie”nell’unicaprovinciacanadese incuiilfranceseèlalinguaufficiale.

Follow one of the many itineraries to discover the historical, cultural and natural aspects of Québec, famous for the enchanted landscapes that encircle high-rises and metropolis, while your kids practice French.

Seguite uno dei tanti itinerari per conoscere il contesto storico, culturale e naturale del Québec, famoso per i suoi paesaggi incantevoli che circondano grattacieli e metropoli, facendo esercitare i vostri figli in francese.


Inspired By

Languages: modern foreign language

For 2 nights in Montreal, 2 nights in Mont-Tremblant, 2 nights in Québec and 2 nights in Charlevoix, for 2 adults and 2 kids: stay in charming 4-5-star hotels starting from Euro 6,580. It includes:

• Breakfast

Personalized itinerary with a 9 days car rental  24/7 assistance

Join marine biologists in the search for endangered species, learn the secrets of nature as true volcanologists, learn all about the origins of rock formations in the company of an expert geologist and much more.

Unitevi ai biologi marini nella ricerca di specie in via d’estinzione, conoscete i segreti della natura come veri vulcanologi, scoprite tutto sulle origini delle formazioni rocciose in compagnia di un esperto geologo e molto altro.

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