Xxxx english 2 content for regularization book

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VOCABULARIO adjectives adjectives of personality numbers clothes colors leisure & free time activity seasons months days sports go & -ing dates prepositions of place at in on & next to and under parts of a house the time prices languages & nationalities countries and nationalities family names vocabulary of the classroom vocabulary of the school VERBOS basic verbs go do & have regular verbs basic of american headway irregular verbs basic of american headway do vs. make can have & has REGLAS (gramaticales) prepositions of time plurals adjectives rules there is there are adverbs and prepositions opposites affirmative sentences definite article & indefinite article 46 demonstrative adjective PREGUNTAS yes no questions & wh questions questions with to be questions with do & does how to make good questions wh words questions with was and were vs to be TIEMPOS table of present simple table of past simple table of present continuous table of future table of to be present & past simple present affirmative negative & interrogative

adverbs of frequency (Position) expressions for past expressions of present 5expressions of present continuous expressions of future CONSTRUCCIテ誰 DEL LENGUAGE chunks pronouns & possessive adjectives common exclamations communicative functions basic verb phrases social expressions POSESIVOS possessive CASE INSTRUCCIONES directions

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